The Da ily News aa . 1 hoi iv no. to. I'iungk hupkrt. . a, Monday, fkbruary. 4, ms. jmtmr CENT si Ft- x iru irv fr si y n 7 O ssirillKKV KM ARRIVE I OTTAWA 1ERMAN STRIKE DYING-PALESTINE OFFENSIVE RESUMED FIGHTING IN ITALY ;hanges forecasted in ISOLDIERS' BALLOTS CONCENTRATION OF ALL CABINET DISCUSS ! A MATHER HI IN NOW IN OTTAWA EFFORTS UPON SPRUCE FOOD SITUATION! THE CABINET AT OTTAWA MOVEMENT IN (gpttltl 10 Tbo DUy .1-. Imperial Munitions Board and Ottawa, Feb. 2, The War Cabinet Ottawa, F'eb. 4 The bags coru Provincial Government get all was in session day yester IUMORED THAT HON. O. C. 8ALLANTYNE MINISTER OP MARINE talning the voles cast by all the After Speculators' ITALY FAILS day considering the food situation AND FISHERIES, WILL BE TRANSFERRED TO POST-OFFICE Holdings. overseas soldiers in the recent DEFT. AND THAT PREMIER BREW. as disclosed in information Dominion elections have reached 8TER WILL SUCCEED HIM recently received from Great Ottawa and are now being checked The great demand and the extreme Attacks Fade In Vain to Redeem and sorted. The bags are quite necessity for. the greatest Britain. Mr. Thomson, the new Situation on the Italian",twa, Feb. I. Some Import- rumored Ibat it is very probable food controller, and Sir Charles Mountain Front Loss numerous and bulky the . . ... t.t r..,ii..u.i it..i it, it n i ii-ii i as overseas supplies of spruce lumber pos r TIS lges arc uciiig imtmicu m np nun. u. v.. jiaiiduinc, ui ! Chairman of the Inflicted Heavy. vote Gordon, British was a particularly heavy sible to be i Ottawa At the present time, present Minister of Marine and got are responsible for lh: : en aeancics in me rost- i-isnenes, win tie transferred to one. the action of the provincial government, Mission at Washington, were pC. and in the Department oft the I'oslofTlco Department, and co-operating with the present at the deliberations. . I (Sptcitl to The Dtiir news.) . . . .. Italian Headquarters in the - -I - it.... ill.., TUMI- II - fi.iii.L THE GERMAN STRIKE Munitions in It is evident from advices re-' Imperial Board, get. . thai the sol-)Columbia be taken into the Field, (via Home; F'ebuary 4. aia s expectation may ceived here that the food situation I after extensive stand of MOVEMENT IS WANING ting (he v (e will elect Mestra. Ho- cabinet as minister of Marine and is ..The enemy made another power- . t. t I iij.t t spruce timber, which is known to becoming increasingly critical) . . ig ::i and uionuin. u nas ueen risnenes. iui aiiaci. on inursaay in anoiner (Sptcitl to TM Daiir .ivs. exist in this part of the privince. in Great Britain, France and Italy, effort to redeem the situation London, F'eb. 4. Germany's From this time on, there will be and that Canada and the United west of the Brenla river, where SURVEY OF MANPOWER workers are still in a restless no other timber licences issued States must not only greatly increase for the logging of other kind the Italians recently won a notable mood, although the strike move any production, but in certain TO BE TAKEN IN CANADA THE NEW SPEAKER success. The stroke delivered by ment appears to be waning. This of logs, and the attention of all important lines eliminate all lias been brought about largely loggers, and lumber mills is to the Austro-German forces was gptcUl 14 Tbt DUIJ Jtwsl. Victoria, Feb. 4 John through the drastic measures.he turned In the greatest measure waste and possibly control con made in great strength, but was awa Feb. I. It Is consider- Keen, member for Kaslo taken by the authorities in Berlin jPossible towards spruce, sumption, in order to help meet beaten back by the combined action and deputy speaker at the and throughout Germany. Not-J The co-operation of everyone the situation. of the infantry and artillery, jbable here that before ! i p: last session of the pro. withstanding this, however, thereto n any manner It is known that Hon. T. A. without reaching its objective, ki t ' liter action is taaeu to- vincial legislature, was are still threats of further demon- Possible is requested by the Im-strallons Crerar, Minister of Agriculture ,which is Monte di val Bella, where ! i tie railing out of the sec- today selected by the cabinet and continuations of perial Munitions Board In order since his arrival in Ottawa, has the Italians are maintaining their linJ jass under the provisions of an speaker In the com. sporadic disorders. Berlin re-' expedite deliveries of aero-mains been working on plans for a far- positions. The fighting was par- M., ary Service Act, a survey Ing session. the centre of the disturb-1 Plne spruce. To this end the reaching and important campaign tlcularly severe. The allied ar- A i : . avaaable manpower of the a ance. The City Is under military,Imperial Munitions Board under-control. for Increasing production this tillery kept up a barrage Are for k-:: .: be taken, ana ei- The rations of the strik-J takes to purchase the total OUt-prau-ere year. It waa In connection with tony nours, decimating tne aus- ;:.auo t... ascertain the needs SUBS CAUSE BIQ LOSSES further reduced in order Put from permitted loggers for this plan that Mr. Crerar recently tro - German forces. Terrible f K. t -alu-n in Canada. IN CHEESE AND BACON to break their resislence. the next twelve months, delivered consulted the representatives of losses were indicted upon the en- either in Vancouver, Victoria His trenches practi-menta, or Provincial Agricultural Depart- emy. were That, such a survey be taken HOLLAND THREATENED 1 Prince llupert, on the government in order to secure their jcally Uttered with dead, g ii oy ooiii me agricultu who Newport, Eng., Feb. 2. Ad WITH MAILED FIST,ca,e ana grade at the rate of f 30 support and co-operation. The. In Palestine. ral .d abor t representatives, dressing the farmers of Mon ifor No. 1 logs, and 120 for No. 2 Minister has since consulted with! London, F'eb, 4, A further of-other fcr : nferring in the capital .he last fortnight. mouthshire yesterday. Lord Amsterdam, Feb. 2. The Co- Should any loggers be un- leaders of agriculture In fensive has been assumed in g Ithondda, the food controller, said logne Oaiette shakes the mailoJ able to deliver the logs themselves connection with this matter. Palestine by the British forces '' department will arrange for It is understood that thefood under General AHenby. IRTHUR HENDERSON WARNS that inone week In December sub. fist over what is called Holland's AQAINST ANY REVOLUTION million breach of neutrality In consenting jthe lowing at the cheapest price, controller is giving special alien-1 Sentenced to Ten Years. ,t marines destroyed three to charter to America eiKhly The government, by its recent lion to the question of limiting ' Amsterdam, February 4. Two V s;:am, Kugland, Feb, t. pounds of bacon and four million Dutch ships in American ports.,ordcr-in-councll have the power,(he use of certain, essential ar captured British airmen, according Iba I! sh Labor has pounds of cheese. Under the provisions of the Dec-1 to commandeer tne standing tides of consumption. to the Tages Zeitung, have Hosed V t party The enemy might put the allies laration of London, and according j spruce anywhere in the province. The manufacture of standard been sentenced to ten years im- in important con. ktDL its history. The out- to a great deal of trouble, incon to Anglo-American marine law, i w hether held under licence.or not. flour has been commenced by prisonment by a German Court M AS At. ih- lh. notttnanop. hin in Jf tne licence noider is not pre-,Canadian millintr comnanies. The Martial. lor dropping nostue Ual. Ol tile lUree Oajrs . "-7" . . - .- -r --r . , l . nm.mlnn In nmlnv the stand could furtner pun in tneir ueita .uie coastwise service oi u enemy - ..6" i-'- : " ", a is SiiVh and laugh at the Germans. He country become enemy ships even logs, the government will see to of the wheat for human consump- Bo,htl" ,on Ifp' be Br war. l.auur ... . ... I.. . .. .. .. - , il lh. nra trnl mil hr ll.. ..J II.. .l.rh. .r II,. I Thlnn!lir v reasierled that "the Cla med to Have reduced tne price tnougn tuey ny a neutral nag anu ' "u "c o ,V, T .7 n l , " 7 ' .. 4 r be comtiletelv and of thirteen of the twenty-one ar-iine owners are neutral suujecis. - --.uiauuu ui iaicufc uuui iu mau j of prime necessity. Ilonrn IIiooa .iffhiv liin icrnine portunuy lor niijuuc who 19 pre- a COnslderaDie saving or wneat uui rrsisiauce cujuiTS tug f aKsressive militar. f, "- " . . . , - .,. .. I'm, ! enemy ships, it arguen. and a na- pared to go logging, anu aoie 10 ror export to the allied nations auiuoriiy of a Bolsheviki Rada lion sanctioning such a deal is prouuee me goous. throughout the Ukraina Detach, Ffet n 3 r l clement in the cqn-liough ANOTHER SOURCE OF FOOD SUPPLY lmiIIIv nf a breach of neutrality.! n many places, there are scat- u WAR SECRETARY menl of the Petrograd and Moscow a: demonstrative. "We shall remind Holland of ted quantities of spruce that WILL VISIT THE FRONT Red Guard formed the attacking Iai ttm decisively on eery . ww i as aannnl rAAiillv ha tncF-fPif hilt If party of the Bolsheviki. . . . iiiift. nun inn 1 lazeiie. hup i v.. t - I": j s proposals reached Boston rTi "SS2 inevitable happen, and dema- the best trees are felled and rived. (SptclU to Tbc Pillj ewi. a siage. 1 or tnree years rS.":.!.!'".. Rogues raise the cry of German.the department will undertake to Washington, F'eb. 4 Secretary SAYS NO FREIGHT RATE n fit tfiA nf llm in llta lismrn -nnlnil purcnase an tnat can De prouueeu Baker will soon go to France on RAISE WILL HAPPEN a been the principal today. Dealers said the average at?lty' pre- The Dusseldorf Nachrichton or tne next year at me price 01 a tour of inspection of the United : .,,.a of this annual confer- price paid for shark recently had Pk of Holland as in the war ,l0 per tnousand r.o.n scow, car Slates forces now there. Montreal, F'eb. 2. Le Canada a' 11 raeh time Labor has dc- been only eight cents a boat, at any point where fifteen puLlishes the following despatch g -n. but it before of the sudden in- has never explanation Ing that the chartered vessels, (tnousand teet can De accumuiat UKRAINA NOW CLAIMS from Ottawa: foien in so emphatic and,crease was offered. ,n if ihrv tin not ioueh Iluro- ed. FULL INDEPENDENCE "There are two sensations at r a manner as this year, pean waters, set free American Under these conditions, there the Capital, one of which interests h such unanimity. 'MORE PORTUGUESE ships for war transport service. is a good opportunity for hand Petrograd. F'eb. 2--Br a Vote the whole country, and the other Jff the course of the con-:i TROOPS IN FRANCE loggers, of whom there are many of 308 to 4, the Ukrainian Central the Province of Quebec. The first heal there were occasional RHINE FLOODS THE in this district, and who.will Rada has decided to proclaim the la that the government, acceding jIj au of revolutionary sentl. Paris. FVh. 2.-nA new oontm. CITY OF 6QLOQMC doubtless not nass their chance complete Independence of the Uk- to the demands of Manitoba and f line:1 om irresponsible delegates KPnl f Portuguese troops has up. ralne Republic. The proclama-(Saskatchewan, will soon repeal ih' . flnlw hur.I Henderson,. a as At. head in of Just hn intca jn France. Washington. Beb. 2. A flood Hon reproaches the Petrograd the Railway's Commission's order 'Posca oi mem wiiu, Hefore einbarkng the troops nor.Pl, ,n lh- linneP i,nin. Val RUSSIAN NAVAL OFFICERS Commissioners for delaying peace Unceasing the tariff on passen-and iU ,i..i.M7' . . . ...!wero wvlewed by the Portuguese ,ey ,0!1 inundated the city of Co- ARE TO BE ELECTED for invoking the so-called new,gers and freight fifteen per cent. i-ae. Holy War. ami adds that the Uk- The other sensational announce. I::"."..".." . "V."" Premier, ur. biuoiuo ""ti0irne. destroying quantities of .. . . ... ,.,.i . : r .. . i i- .I t,i aiu r. Henderson, and r..mrmed the intention of Porlu- FvUn- i,,rA.f in cellars, de-' I'etrograu, reo. z. rrovisiou raine wishes to live on terms oi,ineni is io me rucci inn vauip- I'-mp 113 rernonsiblo person cau con- Knj continue in the war to the I.iciie, received here today said.'for the election by universal suf- concord and friendship with Rou- gram has Just arrived from Lon- ate such a possibility w lh- In some localities the rise of the, fog 01 11,8 enure cummuuuiutt mania, turkey anu tne omer.uu" "' uat harrnr to the British people; The first Portuguese llxpedl- rivP wn, . ...wj ii.-i tie t(ile personnel of the Russian navy Is neighboring powers. ,had elected Hon. Messrs. Blondin I..,ip- ally... are such prospects nnrv iwca lamfod in France i. i ... i... .i ,v it. iniiim? contained in the decree issued by, A wireless despatch from Brest and Sevigny in Laurier-Outremont t. JU ouy wanoul appeal. Don't ' . , .... 1 Honnril of Soldiers' and Litnvxk nunlps declaration nf and St. Henrl.Westmount. respec- or early last year, it noius a wociur ... iltl . Troons were sent to aid "o a nr,; . .l,on,orcou,,uelnU''of the front in Belgium the inhabitants. iWorkmen's Deputies last Friday'the representative of the-Work, lively. It would also appear that, i . . . m a a.I ."for the deinocratliatlon of the'men's and Peasants' Government thanks to the volunteers vote in I The triuutaries oi tne -" t o to a new order work-"K iiiiiiiim uni naaina ACTIVE ..vrilnuMnu. inlorruntinir navy. of Ukraine as saying: the St. Johns (Quebec; camp. Mr. along constitutional lines." ii .. nm. whiu nmnv com- All sailors are to bear titles 'The General Secretariat of the Rainville may also be elected in of the corresponding with their post. Central Ukrainian Rada can in no the same manner. This rumor Is VV man wants situation ns cook Honolulu, F'eb. 2. Kllauea, the munltles. In completely the valley cut off.'such as commander engineer and case be recognized as representa- given for what it Is-worth. Tho. in hiitt;! nr .ri..lnii.,,i. v....... ..r mn.i nriiv vnlrann in the world, Moselle are All be-jtlve of the whole Ukrainian Press says that tho gunner. may peo-Associated ' ..Mv....ii,, lump ui ia ...nimiinir aniirtM of lava sixty Railroad tracKs are said to be un-'commander 'lonce Apply Box H7 Dally ' . . . i ..I..O. long to a professional association, pie." pines are sun nrm oim ru- aim feet in tho air, and only niieeii uer wnier m and that the nice. n g a political party, or a religious The declaration adds that the London and Paris, . . . .. . . ... . . . before the honing 1 ' a I a a ftv-. AM .feet remain .uura sunk soc ely. and may openly proresa iirest-L tovsk renre.vntatives rui- couiiumr nas uoi r unu tuin. streams over the cone. In-tense However, the mass tneir views, aii appointiiieuts are iy agree witn tne uouncu oi reo.. inenced. rumor, as gas pressure has developed given, circulates with persistence. WESTHOLME isnrrli la 1b Pttll .Tt- iio ue cuiinriiitu uy i.oiiuni;inn Ajiiiiiuarif s, uuu in iuu. within the dentil of the volcano, r...i.. i Th iirillsh Committee. Committees of tho.juncllon with the Russians will OPEHA HOUSE and feara are expressed. l I,that.Vwnta if il nrmed boartllng steamer I.ouvain commanding personnel are to negotiate with the Quadruple TONiQHT ONLY is re easeu hctp rii lorpedoed and sunk . Y a ...h have the right to demand the re. Alliance. will result. Mauna Loa, westward ,was moval of elected commanders, bull rr.sf.inarlm lh KI4I fiirsii niMiMw k'Unimn wasresi)on-- - marine ill mo .eastern Mrmw..-.' the latter may appeal to the Cen-J On account of the scarcity of sws BESSIE BARRI3CALE sihle for some remarkable erup- ranean Van. . ...... i- -i..v ..nieers and 217 men were lost. irul Committee. jhleamera leaving here for "BORROWED HODS U Willie uuu, i- J..7 ......... .....nnl... was Dismissal from tho service will j coiner, passengers left on this PLUMAQE" onii itti uiMiuuiiv. signs of activity. mad I ins last night. be ratified by a two.thlrds major-1 morning's train for Vancouver. FOR QUALITY TRIANQLE Ity of the Central Committee andjThey will change at Rainbow, on COMEDY F.RVICK und SATISFACTION Ladysmlth Wellington Coal re-ducea Wellington Coal and the committee of commanding the O. T. P. and Join the a N. It. AND A Uoiiinni-t by SfiniriUli, your fuel bill and gives For Lumber Nsw of all dimensions, personnel. Dismissed sailors will train there. They will arrive in s IX DAY WF.F.K FOR IIF.LP. Ir trquttt. aatlafactlon. Phone 15. .P. R. he retired or passed to the reserve,I Vancouver on Wednesday evening. hona 118. Coal Oo.