M THE DAILT NEW f FOOD DISTRIBUTION K"Tn.c is iiencar oiven ttxt ipp'jca HOSOSEHERVOUS im win u rnd to um luiu aa-ubiy IN GREAT BRITAIN of Briiiih Columbia at 111 Mil tHiin far an id to loeorporiia an ai otutioa knoan n "Tba Knriorertnr And Trrboiril Imiiiuu of BrIIUh Columbli,-lih HEADACHES London, I VI). z. Addressing powrr to promot And locrra Ibr llio foerutlvc officer of the local knowlrdre. ikill and proficltnty of Ui Food lx)inmitle at the Mansion mam tier s in all tbinyi rtlatmr Triad FRurr.A.Tivcs-, House l.duy. Lord llhomldn. ti. u the Architectural Earinearlnf. Sur-rinr Sine- .W and Uebalral and Fruit Mliclno. Food Controller, said that profculoni. to nV fmoM ihit rrwl to tiubliih and conduct tumlna nt lioino engaged in llio task of Uom and prtirriba lurb triti of com. finding a solution for llio present patwy ind moral cbaracur ai nuy b food diniculties tnoctit atptdient And lo rnot certmuui eniraireil weie in of luambtribip to tbot ipprovcd of And tTJjrfJwifc 9bjb9 it talk hardly weeond to that of to purriia r nthenrtie tcwilrt And bold the troop at the front. The rril and peraonal proprty for tbe parpoa scheme of rntioninK it mam of tba iDitltule. and to diipoaa thereof and ratnvril tba prooatdi In sucb manner u posed to adopt, ho added, would ntay retn at and to Hi entranc fees and aired about one-fourth of the iBftwal f or aubicrtptlina to ba paid by population of the country. tn nwmberi, and to vary tba an from un t time, and to provide for tbe man-cement I Un i euruary 26 he wanted them of lu iBiln by council to b to commence rationing, not only coMUtutod in ion tntnatr ai miy b pro-ttdad wan ouiier and margarine, hut for by By-law, And to ban iti beid with meat. In the next few months nxw and bold Its Annual meattari witnia BrlttAb OotumblA, And to birr, enjoy, and there would he a great scarcity of eterejac all powtra. rlabu and prlrlletn meal, but after that there would eeaatanr, uiual or Incidental to all or any MISS ANNIE WARD be nn easing up. af tba afforeiald purpoae. j Haicn St., 8t. John, N.J1. Kxplaliiing his scheme of rationing BRAD9HAW SoUcltort STACPOOLE.for tba Applicant . . m thatlirriio 1I in meat, which will apply bAttO at VictarlA. B. C, tbii I lib diy Early Morning Sunlight (, , &e great benefit I reeeiTed 'Lord tu London and the home counties, f berrmbrr 1117. llhundda aaiil it una nrn. ,.,; ma of your medicine, LAND LEASE NOTICES 7,,.,; ,-.'!v.'. I m a great HTlmr 'posed to start with a ration of fr man years from A'trvout Head. meal for adults and half a ration fttE.IA UL1D blSTRICT DIITWCT Of iif u-i Citiatin. I tried for children below six years. In COAST. nVC will find jour washing finished earlier and better and t rv t .-. consulted doctors; but Ilirmingliam the acheme of ra TAKE nolle thai Walter E. Walker, of YOU work will become far easier by using Sunlight Soap, tioning had been Vajicoater, B. C. occvpatlon Manarer, Miel to until in belp mo operation ,.i i v i. sinee latrtxlt to attly far permiiilon to teaio for it cleanses and purifies clothes more quickly and j i F;'..!--tiTe January I. There other in fotlolflc deierlbed landi: r. r 1 !,iJ taken sereral boxes, I loenl schemes alio were being enforced. CMnnmclnr at a pott planted at inter- thoroughly than ordinary soap. ,u r. ; , !tly relieved of tbeM twa af llirb Water Mirk Toarana Pit- tniu' Axd Lara been unusually The Ministry was tnrinir la in. ti and an Eaji And Weal Line paiiini Sunlight is die most efficient Laundry Soap sold on the Canadian it-.. . . r since." augurale similar schemes in South Po4ol,l&roarb Wilea Ooocrete liland,Monument B. C; tbene at BarUett eait market today It is pure beyond compare. Mus AKXIE WAKD. Wales and Scotland, and before M cbAlos; tbenca soatb SO cbaini, more Tr :.t a-tiTes' Is fresh fruit Juice, Jong the whole country would be or lea, to Hlh Water Mark Tonraia P-iari You try Sunlight Soap according to directions, and you'll see eour . nicd and Increased In covered. tbenea northerly and weiierly fol-olnt the early morning sunlight shining, on a line of the whitest tba Un of Said llirb Water Mark it" t'K.combined with finest tonic, The compulsory rationing of to tba paint or commencement, and con-UMtaf clothes that ever spoke of housewife's pride. ' and v ; ''iire reliable remedy tis leit. the whole country in fats and aerei. mora or iur HfA.' lie and Constipation. WALTER E, WALKER. meats has to come.' he said, "and Wf i,flforJ2.60,trU!ltn75c. Sale- tit day of October. 1117. the sooner it comes the better." iu lienor FruiA-UTcaUmilod, He believed that he was within iktt-V WD DISTRICT DISTRICT OF Ot'JIWA. measurable diitanee of achieving CASSIAM. Iltti IA-XD DISTWCT DISTRICT Of equal distribution. TAKE noUca that Walur E. Walker, of Soap ..AST. RANOE . Vanoaorer, B. C occopAtioa MAnrcr. Sunlight tund to Apply for permusion lo Icam UUI tb WeltCrO SalfDOa TUr ti llrr Um ratkwter deierlbed Uodi: rift nr ' l td., of Vancouver, B. C oe Commeactor At a poal planted at tba rupti' n saimoa CAiuwrt, lnltxli t apply oho Weal Corner of Lot All. Caaaiar f.f p. rt, ... .1 U ICAM lb foUOWtBf described Dlllrltli Ihenco nortberty and weiurly tana foiloa tor tba Una or Hian Water Mark Alb- n in At A post pUalrd At fcllb forttand Canal to point wbert an Eail If kind to tho haJuU. A tS,000 guarantee mj there Mi&rk, lifunrr Pa. oo a small and Weil Line drawn tbroorb a point II t Follow dlreetUma. la Bot particle of.adulterant tirt.i i. "e said par aboel m mil TIMBER SALE X10S2. rbalna Do .lortb of tb Point of com- 514 at ail or taapnrily la Sumllftkt Soap. m - .uuh Bay) ten (II) chains 111 tr : furarenwnl munecu with said tin of . ' Ibeoc (11 Srakd teivUr UI U mrlrrd by Ua i : Wl bifkl. twenty llllb witer Mark; tnenc weal to cbaini; Xmhim ar tAixii not Uler Uao akmhi eo rU: it - i--rtn. throe twenty (101 tteoca WMtUierty and cajtarly. parallel lo . . ,m throe twenty (!) It Hit ay f Jtaairy. Ills far Um Um aaid tin of llirb Water Mark rorUand of tWftbaM af UrcoM Xlllt to rat !..-aaa com- rhtios - inrixa bark M retail Canal to a point 10 cbain Due Weil of mi ar ?pre. ixlr. nmlek Ami BJfp r rfUUtDr forty 110) Um Poaat of Commencement; tbroc eail BaHAta m a are Mtt4 pa .laautt u, Iff., I r cbaln to laid point of commencement. 'lil ttl -ifjl SALMU.1 PACtl.lO COM ct. Sums Uttod. Mar I. Cotil DU-UicL and ft leai. cantainlnc acres more or Salvation Army. mm , imitek. r. c Robertson, Ait. WALTER E. WALKER. Horn ttl tr AUotra4 for rt-Mtal jMr rirc robr ItsL 117. Dato ftth dAy of OtloUr. 1117. af umbr. Public meetings, Tuesdays, rrtbr tarueaUr af Um Chut rorour. SKEEXA U.1D DISTRICT DISTRICT Of Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 p. CIRCUIT NO. 1. Vtrtaru. C w lHutt mur. rnota CASSIAR. Harry A. Harvey Kapatt. B. C I IT. 1 Sundays al7:30 p. m. Boa 12 Ith SL and 3rd Ave. TAKE nauc that Walur E. Walker, of Boa IS Ath SL and 3rd Ave, Imam. ((. OMsaM.lelr TIMBER SALE X S94. Vaaeauur. B. C ocr(iUoa Manarer, Baa 14 Stb SL and 3rd Ave f Maw!) The Daily News delivered by TIMBER SALE X 925. Baa IB Junction or lit. nd and Sal4 water IH ba rtrtlttd by iba taleitda ta apply far permUiion to kai Pveu. Of LA l DOWNS OOTTIIL Mhxiirr of LaimU not tour UtAS tvooa oo tba foMawifit deierlbed landi: arrier. 50 cents per month. 3rd Ave. ; -, j tatra for Uaa Itm day af rebrsAry, till, far Um Gummeoctac at a pott planted at Um Sealed tender win b recelred by tb Boe IS 11 Are- between Stb and r i i4. viou.nc(ixo ao4 ixirtlut af Uttatm XIII. lo cat II,.71.-ass !Krib Wet Comer of Lot All. Caaiiar SKEEU LA.tD DISTRICT DISTRICT OF Minuter of Land not later than noon oa ith St. (Enoi Hotel). Sits :tr rrl af Sprat. Odr. BaIaajo And Dutrlct; tbrnc nortb II cbaini; tbenc CASSIAR. ' tb Slta day or January, ttts. ror tb pur Baa 1711 Av. and 7th SL (Central llrrakxk on aa trra illsiiad oc .loolum wen 41 cbaini. more or leia. to llirb cbaa or Ucenc X tts. to cut 1.0(0.00 Hotel). UAMIMATJOMS nr. Smla Cuum1, Kiara I, cdaii Du-uict. Water Mark rortland Canal; tnenc loolb- reel or HcmJiKk, Cedar, Balaam and Spruce iA1 Frtaara fae Kiailaallaaa erty ami eaiterly failowlnv llirb Water TAKE notlc tbAt Tb ADtlo-BrlUtb Co on an area altuated on Loot Lak. Fraaer CIRCUIT NO. X. Amc1iA Scara. ViaaaMtar, Caatar Tbrro ill ytAit td I Uof4 far ra Mark rorUand Canal lo point of commence lumbia parkin Company Limited, of Van- Reach, runs 4, Co! Dlitriet. Boa 22 3rd Ave and 3rd SL (Pol Sttl (Mltf af Alwaia, LaaAaa, L. I m iMabar. ment and cootaioiar HI acres mora or coufer. B. C oceupaUoa salmoa Canoe r. Two l) year will b allowed for re- Omca). rartbar prUUri of Um Lbiaf rrlr IMA. intend lo apply for permluloo to kiM moral or umber. oa 2S 3rd Arc. ant McBrld SL URBS PHONE BLUE 27 VKlarlA. B. C. ar DUUlrl rorriur. rrto WALTER E. WALKER, tb fallomtof deierlbed land: further parucular of Um Chief roreter, oa 2411 Ave. and McBrld SL 'Rspcn, b.c rti. ala tlta day of October. HIT. Commenctnr at a pott planted at Hlrn Victoria, B. C, or DUtrtct Foretrr. rrincc oa 2S nd Ave. and nd SL IS cnaiaa Due ater Mark rorUand Canal, nnpen, b.c mi Baa 24 tnd Ate, and Alb SL .I or lb tad 10 cbaini, or more. Du Weal m 27 O. T. P. or tba ."Cortb Weil Corner of Lot ttl. MINERAL ACT cawlar DUtrtct; tncoc northerly and CERTIFICATE OF ISROVEJBENTS CIRCUIT NO. S. a-ctlerly follovtnr tb LIm of llirb Water Baa S1 llh Ave. and rultoo SL Mark. Portland Canal, to a point wber an NOTtCC i Baa 32 Borden and Taylor Si. East and Weal Un drawn tnroutH point "Molybdenum" and "Succea" Mineral Bn 34 Ttb Ava. and Fulton SL AO chain Du .torUi of tb point or com- Jalmt, illuate la tb Skeena Mlnlnr Dirt- Baa 35 0th Ave, and Comoi Ave. This is Btencenjeot Intenect wltb aald Lin of loo o Caaslar DUtrtct. Baa 37 tth Ave. and Door PUcc llirb Water Mark; tbenc Weal 3 chain; Keep National WDere locatea: aooui amuea eiierij Baa 33 Stb Ave and Thompson SL tbenc aoulberly and caderty paraUed wltb from tbe bead of Alice Arm. and about lb aald Um ol llirb Water Mark. Portland Service mil from tb Beach. CIRCUIT NO. 4. 3S cbaln Du Will Canal, to a point TAKE JiOTICE that UwU W. Patmor, uT tb point ot commencementi Utencc Baa 41 lib Ave, and .Emmron rre Miner' certlOrat Ko. HtJt-C a cbaln lo taut or commcne-went rue. eaat point araol ot Um Molybdenum Mlnlnr and Ra. Cat 42 3th Ave and McBrld St. and coatainlnr II acre mora or durtlon Company, Limited. (Moo personal Chickens ir or lb Bed and rorcibor of Portland Uabllityi rre Miner's Certificate No. Baa 43 Alb Ave. and Oreen SL canaL Bo 44 tb Ave and BaU SL lOItt-C utend titty days rrom tb dale Bo 45 Tth Ave and Ebcrta. TUr &XCL0-BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKIXQ hereof, to apply to tb Minlnf Recorder Baa 11 Tth Ave And Younr SL They COMP.OIT UMITCD. Walter E. Walker, Ait for a CerUflcat of bnproTcmenu. for th Date tttb day of October, MIT. purpoM of obtalnlnr a Crown Grant or The cost of meat is the heavy will help SlELMA LAD DISTRICT DISTRICT OF earb A3D of ri'HTHER the above TAKE cUlma.NOTICE that action . item CASSIAR. under Sec U on it mutt be commenced be-! in the food bill. for tbe tsiu ot aucb Ceruncat of lm-1 Keep you TAKE do lire that Tb Antlo-Brltub Columbia provament.DATED UU Ittb day of November A. D. ' Poultry and Eggs will help Partial Company Limited, of Van I0IT. ru Anyone Can Have couver. B. C occupation Salmon Canner. take the place of meat. intend to apply tor pennlMlon to leaa WATER NOTICE lb rollomlnr deierlbed land. Cream Whipped How to go Conuueoclor at a pott planted at lilfb Tho food that goes to the garbage Water Mark, Portland CanaL SO cbalna Du TAKE MOT1CE that Dolly Vardea Mum about it .north and 10 cbalna or more Do Weal of Company bos addraat I Alice Arm. B. pall from the average table will provide Iba .forth Wel Corner of Lot 9tl. Catiiar C.; will apply ror a Il.tnM to lak and few h'iTS' PACIFIC MILK is so tt far btckla ar dr-aU tbenc u tea cubic feet or water per second . Dlitrlct; tbenc nortb AO cbainas It tr BUT rich in that it one-third tho feed for a flock of 8 to barraw or buy a broad? aril t cbaln, mora or le, to llicb out or Trout Creek, a tributary or Kit-aull cream 10 hens. bM.1.111 ar aMa.aa M aftlAcUl wtU toaoJar.hawa lb.A Water Mark Portland Canal; tbenc aoutb River nowinr Into Alice Arm. Cai-lar whips as easily as bM aad cbkkh. FmJ lha cbkk, erly and eatterly folloalBf tb Um ot DUtricL Tbe water will b diverted braad craaiM Mkd la milk. aaA llirb Water Mark Portland Canal to the tt tb bead of lb FalU oa tba SUvr most of the fresh qaaMaa dry. raM . lima of ceaunencMuent and coolalntnf 40 Horde Mineral claim. Lot 3304, and will Poultry will thrive where vegetables point day. aliarnallad H praara arret nior or lea. be used for power purpoae on tb Wolf cream sold around will not grow. The outlay is small. chick will Ml ImI.up claan.aaly a.R.m.mMr Much at ther that THE A.N0LO BKITISH COLUMBIA PACkl.MO nd Dolly Vardea Group of Mineral the Province. 3T0T tncluslv. Lot 3T04 to lalm belnr chick li a hMlihy chick. COMPACT UMITED. WAller E. Walker, A(L a huaftry A few minutes a day is all the time CAUTION! Oilck awl luie tlth day of October, HIT. tnd LoU Catatar 3lt DUtricL to 3I0T Incluilv tnd Lot Mrs. McCarv of New Westminster required. fad aatll at Im.i 41 kaur aU, aad 11(4,Application will b mad aiao for lb wrote in to say that she whips th.a aaty iprllr. OF LAMD DISTRICT DISTRICT SkEEMA rlfbt lo lor 330 acr feet In Ftnt Trout PACIFIC MILK regularly (or a 1( you can, start now with COAST. RAM0E TIVE. ta Second. Third reel A small flock will Arrange Lak and t.tOC acr treat for the youngsters for In your back yard rftftaorchlckai If not. and Fourth Trout Lakea, Tb water will go far to with at one with th local poultry TAkE nolle thai Walter E. Walker, ol be stored la Flrtt Trout Lak by tb coo-miction breakfast. keep you supplied eggs, aaaociatlon (or pulleta In tit Vancouver. B. C occupation Manarer. of a dam tt It outlet and In All she does is to set aside the broilers and roasters. fall. ntend la apply for permitaloa la lea Second. Third and Fourth Trout Lake by amount she wants, in a cool place, eoutlrutilon of a dam al lb outlet ilia rollimln deacrtbed Undt: th for a time and then beats II wun Coiumenclnr At a pot planted At tb of Second Troul Lata. Tb cattmated mtrrteetlon of an Eat and Wtt Lin are of laud to be nooded at Fttl Trout a solve egg-beater. She puts this Write for Poultry Bulletins to throurb Concret Monument at Bartlctl lak I IT acre and at Second. Third and on toast and gives it to the child. (-.int. Walea Uland. B. C with HKh WtUr Fourth Troul Lakes l twenty acr. ren for breaVfutt. tltttlPAII u.rk Timri.a Pxumi tbenea aoutherlr Tula uotie wa posted on lb r round i.kmii ITI VJ You'll Ihu! it U good on caVes and ami easterly fvllowlnr ald lilfb Water on th llta day or October. I0IT. Mark to a point wber a north and South A copy of tbia nolle and ta application Jk DOMINION Lin draan throurn point 10 chain Due pursuant thereto and to tb Water AcL PACIFIC MILK CO., .LTD. THE Eait ot tb point of cuBUtiencemcnl Inter-ihu if II, will be Bled lu lb ode of tb C. aald Hiih Water Mark of Tootm W(lr Recoider At Prtnc Rupert, B, C Factory at Lad nor, tB. P A HFPARTMFNT nF AGRICULTURE. Pauar; Ihcuc aoutb 10 chain; tbeor rue d! of th Brsl appearance ot this If have a good recipe send it oortbwetterly la itraicbi Un to t point none lo th IotaI newspaper wa tb you 14 chain Du Wl of th point of com-oienrriueali Urd day of October, HIT, tnd objection in. You may get a nice surprise OITAWA tbene 10 cbaln Du Eat ol may be Died with tb comptroller or Ui return. Address Bo 888, Van MiMUtt. tlw point of commence tucnt and contaUilnr Water Recorder within thirty day after couver. B, C MARTIN BURRELL, IIONOURADLB 1 10 fr. Pr or iea. tba said dale WALTkR E. WALEER. DOLLY VARDE.X MIKES COMPANY. tut tltb day ot October, HIT R. B, MeCluals, Aieol, pee R. Cleveland.