TIMBER SALE X1170. j1 "BORROWED PLUMAGE" G. H. Arnold Sealed tender! will be received by tbe Local News Notes i ! The photoplay to be screened at Relieve Your Liver Mioltter or tatida not later tban noon on Veslhnlm Theatre tonight is the II M day or January, IS IS, for tbe pur .wwww...;th NOTARY PUBLIC rtitx or Licence X tit, to cut 1,017,000 Mr Tom Deasy. Indian agent at one which has received high praise When your liver la out of qnlcrvyouT head, feet in or Cedar, Spruce, Hemlock and Balaam ti...In . i from the critics. It Is said to be bile and bowels suffer with it That is why aXr ' on area situated la Quai-tocn inlet. inuBicii as ir w iii i-- more . Coast District. an -excellent costume comedy, attack is often serious. Ward it off with a few duel U We Sell Real Estate. One l) rear will be allowed for re Tle train from the east arrived with Just enough thrills." while We write Fire and Marine moral further or Umber.particulars of tbe Chief roretter, on time I ail evening. another says that 'distinctive, BEEOHAM'S Insurance. " Victerla, B. C, or District forester, fnnce 'classy production was never PILLS B. C it raises the We have Apartments, Stores, Rupert, Mr. Mark lifghell was anion!more pronounced; Houses, and Offices for me passengers on.....today s train standard of entertainment 100 per which gently arouse a tlugglta liver, and Irene tbe acthitlet TIMBER SALE X109S. eht." It is the story of a slavey so ftent, and Want More. for up river. and cccemry to good health. They never produce any dlis ,-j . We Deal in Mortgage Loans. who becomes a lady for a day, after-effects. Their prompt use Is beneficial to the system, Sealed tenders IU be received by tbe The steamer Gray arrived In the the vivacious personality of Uessle t, We Sell Timber Limits. Minuter or Lands not later than noon on harbor at loaded and Iiarrlseale in this captivating Bilious Prevent tbe totb dar of January, IS II. for tbe noon today Attacks We do Conveyancing. ' excellent makes purchase or Licence X tost, to rot T.OOO,- with a scow In tow. - madcap role an 000 reel or Spruce, Hemlock and Cedar on niimriinri. Ilessie Iiarnscaie in Worth a Guinea a Box area sllusard on Dan Inlet Qoeen Mrs. Alex ClaDnerton came out 'this Diay mak6 fcer first appear- r umHy T ii.Um,uhu cmuu. H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD. Charlotte Islands District. SwU reywaetLMJJL'.a.Amm. U Uih,l7mj!u Two (t) rears will be allowed for re of the hospital yesterday, after lance to a Prince Itupert audience. mutal or timber. another 'spell of illness. In other places where she has ap Further particulars or tbe Chief forester. peared she on every occasion has Victoria, B. C, or District Forester, Prince and in tbe play The first mail from the south made a big hit, B. C It. Rupert, to arrive here since last Wednesday tonight, she proves herself to be llili! il Hii Is due this afternoon. a comedienne of the first declension. IHIIilllli; "The Daily News" WATER .NOTICE The public will praise this (Diversion and Use.) Mr. O. A. McMchol and Mr. Mc play as well as the critics, when CLASSIFIED ADS. TAKE .10TICS that Tbe Brills!) Canadian Call, of the G. T. P.. left this they see IL It is one which will Gasoline E For Sale 1 Lumber Corporation. Ltd., whose address morning by the train for the east. please even the kiddies. There i ngmes is too Yorkshire Bulldinr, Vancouver, will is to be also a Triangle comedy, apply for a licence to uke and use one Today, the Hh of February which will be an attraction in itself. WANTED. cubic fool per second of wster out of an unnamed creek, which flows southerly marks the beginning of the second Special request has beer, WA.1TID A few Orti-cUt mfflwrirhis. and drains Into Msssel Inlet, shout 400 half of the fourth year of the war made for the orchestra to play One 3-Cyllndor 4 cycle 30 H. P. Falrbanh.Niorso rvur or Or months' work, toe per boor, rards northeasterly from the southwest Rossini's "Semiramadie" overture. Enalne $750 rare ttcb wax will be rttuadta to em-eieal corner or Lot HIS. Another shipment of aeroplane men, who stay utll Job U com-pieted. Tbe water will be diverted from the l'Ditd Oram Oromn, irntton stream at point about a quarter of spruce has arrived In town from One 2-Cllndor 4 cycle 10 H. P. Palmer Engine $350 MUis, B. C t mile from lis mouth and win be used for Port Clements, en route for the steam purposes upon the land described east. FOR SALE as Lot HIS, Graham Island. DENTISTRY One 1-Cyflndor 4 cycle 10 H. P. Hick, Engine 35 This notice was posted on tbe (round on the tnd day of January, ISIS. A copy Mr. P. A. Jenns, of Telfcwa, was rOR SALE Two-cylinder I cycle 10 ta.p. CStOMTS) AMD SSIDel woew One 1-Cyllnder 4 cycle 3V H. P. Regal Engine. manne enrine, with mechanical force or this notice and an application pursuant among the passengers arriving in a srscsLTv Tee4 oiler clutch, (ban and propellor. thereto and to tbe "Water Act. IS 1 4," wUl town from up river by last night One 2-Cyllnder 2 cycle 14 M. P. Callle PorfocUon Jump spark ltniuon. la Drat data order. be filed In the office or the Water Recorder on. j. c. cnown Price tte caih. Apply P. O. box at Prince Rupert. B. C train. Engine $200 SIT. cut. OtNTIST Objections to tbe application may be One 2-Cyllndor 2 cycle 9 M. P. Falrbanks-More FOB. SALE rite-roomed two-storey bouse. filed with tbe said Water Recorder or with Miss D. Edenshaw, of Massett ftaeei SatHb Bleel. T!re Aseeee Engine $Z00 Famished or unfurnished. Hot water tbe Comptroller or Water Rirbta Parliament is paying a visit to Prince Rupert, rv 404 furnace, bath, rarden and chicken house. Buildiflrs. Victoria, B. C within having arrived by the One 1-Cyllnder 2 cycle 2 H. P. Waterman Engine I lit Sitth Avenue, East. Cub or terms, thirty dar after the first appearance or yesterday rnone Black SIS. - U ibis notice la local newspaper. Prince John. Practically new, 36 lbs. weight and suitable for 3c: Tbe date or tbe first publication or this FOR YOUR NEW SUITS row boat trolling S5 notice Is January Sth. ISIS. Mrs, Nadeau, accompanied by See LOST THE BRITISH CORPORATJO.X,CAJVADfAX LTD.LUMBER Miss K. Nadeau, of Port Clement One 1-Cyllnder 2 cycle 4 M.P. Auto Marine Engine $75 LOST Pearl Spray Brooch, and lady's J. T. T. Pa t too. Receiver and Manarcr. were among the arrivals in town Steve King Reindeer rlove on Third Avenue. Finder By E. A. Cleveland. AtenL from the Islands yesterday. Prompt Cleaning A Pressing One 1-Cyllndr 2 cycle S M. P. Callle Perfection $125 please return to Dally .tews Omce. tf Phone Green 418. Dr. S. II. Gould, THESE ENGINES ARE SECOND-HAND, who LOST Between Fnltoo Street and tbe Oor- preached BUT HAVE BE til ermaaent Wharf pocketbook eontalnlnr in the Anglican Church last even THOROUGHLY OVERHAULED SOME REBUILT saaa of money. Owner's name Inside. ing, left today for Hazelton. He ALSO Finder please return to the Dally News once. tf V. I. PRIVATS DETECTIVE AGENCY will later proceed from thence to GIES GEARS NEW AND REBUILT 200 M.trepollu Bids-, Vancouver. Edmonton. LOST Gold Stickpin, between Irocruoti feel Rooms and Fifth Avenue. E. Re Day Phone. Seymour 4 tit. ward. Finder please return to Daily .Debt Phone, Fairmont 10 10. Mrs. Barber, of Terrace, who news Omce. tf, has been visiting her mother. Mrs. 1 Akerberg, Thomson & Co., Ltd. Heed Office, S12 Hlbb-S)oe BU. P. Black, of tbe Central Hotel, for TIMBER SALE X Victoria, BL C-, Phene S412. 926. I NTH yoh the pastvweek or so, returned tp I Terrace on this morning s train Sealed lenders U1 be received fey tbe Palmer, Fisherman, Anderson, Yale, and Union Engines 5 STEEN & L0NGW1LL Minister or Lands not later than nooa em Tbe Prince John arrived yester the tlth day or rtbrnary. I(IS. for the Illlllll;llllllllllllll!lllllll!imi!HI!HII!il IIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIlllEliniilBBi day from Port Clements and Mas purchase or Licence X OSS. to cut I.l4t,0 SANITARY AND HEATING eel of Hemlock, Some. tUUaxn and Cedar sett on the north end of Graham a an area situated oa Lonr Lake, fraser ENGINEERS E. H. SHOCKLEY Island. She leaves again tomor aeecn. nance 4, coasl DUtrtct (Successor to i. L. Hlckey). row night for ports at tbe south Three (S) rears UI be si loved for re boot si or Umber. Agonta for end. CONTRACTOR A BUILDER rurtber particulars of the Chief rorester, cCLARY FURNACES letorta. B. C. or DUtrlct rerester. Insr. For Prince Rupert and district Rupert. B. C ft Fishermen Notice! PLUMBING Store and Office Fixtures, we have secured tbe services of WATER NOTICE and Sash, Door, and Mouldings, Mr. Martin Kroeger, F.R.H.S tIVtKSI05 A.1D USE. Oak and Hardwoods of all Prince Rupert, II. O, phone Red SHEET METAL WORKS kinds. 399. Consult bim about The Cold Storage FertUtMr awJ OH Usui ..: i your TASK .10TICE that Jemee S. Cmertoo. Phone 5, 834 Second Avenue. Ws Specialize In Hardwood garden problems British Colum a hose address Is 11 PsrtOe Bntldioc Vaa- now in opc-ratlofi ad will prsU all tlw yar r Night phones 578 ia eoerrr. B. C UI appty tar a Itrenca to Boat Ribs, Sash, Nurseries. Ltd, Vancouver, company will buy at markeHitble fWH a ad will uke and use tee CSy. f ster Ml of and Olue B. C 270 Doors, etc. tf Union Creek, also known as L'nloa Bsy, Fish at flfteeo dollars per ton (qal8t to m The right work, at the right hlrh noma and drains westerly Into Plata per flsh). IUil wfll L prwvieM tttm ail ail , and a Sheet Glass and and Advertise Tbe LnloQ about at the lima, at the right pries. in Daily Nows. Bay head of said bay. Glazing. Tbe water ui be alter ted from the be purchased at the Comnaars tlafoat s)im: 'v3 stresa at a point about where. Union Creek Corner Fraser and Sth St. iravee Union Bay and will be used for Special faetllties are rovlJei for ga- ut ' i -men ADVERTISE IN BANK OF power (and Incidentally menu facta rtot) bringing their gas taU vUI b . i :: f c, PHONE GREEN 269 purpose upon the lands described aa Dls British North America trtci Lot too, Cassiar District. peases of trip to I'oeofl. lb Bfaul ti iucatexi u in- u i P. O. BOX 158 The Daily News This noUee wss posted on Ibu around of the fishing grounds and dog fttfi 4MR k eaunh: S i mi the I sin day or January. ISIS. A copy Statement to the Dominion t this notice and an appUraUen pursuant numbers all the year ixHiad. Come ( IHseoA if v v thereto and to the -Water Act. IS!4." will male Government money evey day fishing. (Condensed) be Hied in the offlce or the Water fie 30th November, 1917. rorder at Prince hupert. B. C. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE unjecisuns to the application mar be LIABILITIES TO THE PCBUO Died with the said Water Recorder or with International Chemical Co., Ltd. Notes In Circulation I 1,011,74 tbe Comptroller of Water Rirbia, ParlU FOR CANNERYMEN Deposits 17 f 40.070 nwni Bulidlofs, Vlctorls. B. C. within We Due to other Banks 4I4.0SS thirty dsys sfter the Brt appearance of Pacofl, Queen Cha lotte Islands. have added to stock our of valves and pipes a complete Bills Psjable (Acceptance tnia Douce sn local newspaper. line of Rubber Belting at right prices. by London omce)... I.ll,ss Tbe date or the first publication of this 00 A FOR FISHERMEN Acceptance under Letters notice is anuary I Sib. mi. fit A complete stock of tbe best goods that money can buy for or Credit . . t.llt.txt AMES by S.Kobert-M.EMtflSO.1.Walker,AtUcaoL arent. trolling Spring Brass, Silver and Drome. 144,710,441 FOR THE WATERFRONT Tbe celebrated Maple Leaf Paints and Varnishes Special boat Cash on Hand ASSETS and In paint "FLOGLAZE" A complete line of Ship Chandlery. Ht.IS4.l7S Harry Atkins FOR EVERYONE Deposit with Ootrernment on s Note Circulation family Inlaw, Prince Heecl rices A fine stock of Hardware, Gurney's Oxford Stoves. Deposit in Central Oold tlt.ttt Wo Sell Nothing But The Best, liescrrr t,4IO,000 PRIME NOTKD FOft r "o w a Government, Municipal SAUSAGE and other Securities. . 11.041,701 Call and Short Loans... 7,414,11 BASING POWDER FRED STORK'S HARDWARE Current Loans and Dls- Tornato Sausage a Specialty. counts k other Assets It 110,401 Liabilities or Customers Phone 574 Saves p. O, Boi under Letters or Credit l.tlt.l IS Eggs Bank Premises S,I74,I7 170,411,004 In rccipos for cake, muffins, corn bread, etc., A HOT BATH THE lewer oggs may bo used and excellent results and healthful, appetizing food obtained by using MINUTE YOU WANT IT Prince Rupert Feed Co. an additional quantity of Dr. Price's Cream B You accustomed Baking Powder, about a teaspoon, in place getting are cold water in.to Icou D WATCH FREE. PHONE 68 of each egg omitted. stantly. Think of tbe sat-isfaction t eM fta, EGOLESS MUmNfl of getting Hot 1011 DlKKCTlONSi-Atla e4 siS rr Water In the same way in MSBaM ABP tlaiMi mum to Ml ISmm4s m Vm Inie4lta.11 Ihm are Ati nll Milk,eSC I"U m u abundance, regardless of BULBS shwteala. Beat well Vk iihm4 auiHta ilaa la kst HM Ire bow much baa been used I WbUafveca shwtale( pmmi before, Too old method celled for 2 ecca. Tulips, Hyacinths, DafTodlls, Rilr HOT WATER LIKE MAOIO 1 mm MwttUsj fZfjf ' ""t) eeewmln I. Easter Lilies, Narcissus. Harry Hanson hpswihs HMUNI, pr. Pncc s Cream Uakint Powder la made Hot Hall OrOere Water Service brings Promplli AtlMOsd U. from Cream of Tartar derived from tali ST grapes, this Wa e. We WMrt ne to you convenience, U M tm4 tUm Um Urn Umu J.ZZZ. and makes wholesome food. I'm I lurk ua a tm Ml to t i ZTi PHONE 4Sf S to-Sv 4 tmtm r au7 tZZ I P. O. BOX 3tC Made yi r-r-r-T-r-r? ImM la i.i--,llJi Um.U.t,m.ten.u lUlllkmimimZl P. O. ei SS. SOI Tklrd At. in Canada No Alum ewee