THK DAI1.T M.W TIMBER SALE X 1170. G. H. Arnold -f ikJ tender will be rceled by the total News Nolcs j Relieve Your Liver Minister of Land not Uicr (ban noon cm Mm Hit day or January, nil, for tba purchase NOTARY PUBLIO of Licence X 1101. to cut I.0IT.00 Mr. W. P. Lynch is back in town "When your liver Is out of order, your head, reet or Cedar, Spruce, Hemlock and Balsam from the Queen Charlotte Islands. bile and bowels sulfcr with it That is why S on an are altnated In Quat-tooa Inlet. serious. Ward it Ranr Coin District. a Prince Rupert Assessent District attack is often off with a lew dSoj We Sell neal Estate. One () year will be allowed for re-moral The train from the east which or timber. is due tonight is reported to be REVISION V write Fire and Marine rurtber partlcnlart of l be Chief Forester, on time. , COURT OF BEECHAM'S PILLS Insurance. Victoria, B. a, or Diitrlct roreiter, rrtnee Rupert. B. C V..U..- iiorrhv siven that a We have Apartments, Stores, The steamer Amur belonging to Houses, and for the Granby Co., arrived In the Court of Itevislon and Appeal, un-d'f which gently arouse a iluLh Urrr, and renew the scthrttkt a Rent, and Want More. TIMBER SALE X1095. harbor yesterday with the oil scow the provisions of the "Taxation necessary to Rood health. Tliey rterer produce any dSactall, for refilling. Act" and the "Public Schools after-effects. Tbeir proopt use U beneficial to the syttea, taj Loans. We Deal in Mortgage Bealed tenders will bo r celled by too; a.i" .niiini the assessment u We Sell Timber Limits. Minuter or Land not later than noon on Assessment Bilious Iluperl the loth day or January, till, for the We are agnts for the MLa rolls of the Prince Prevent Attacks We do Conveyancing. KMMha.A f I Imhm y Ia t AAA . Cnmllle" corsets, and we are sell- District for the year 1918. SOS feet or Spruce, Hemlock and Cedar on ing ihem at a discount for this will be held at the Provincial As- Worth a Guinea a Box " u. wl awtr W Tra BmK.. St. II.U,tMtv.r.i.-i SLrT naDulrlfr l 1 """l 31 sessor's Oflic. Prince Iluperl, wwTlwlatiM4iUU.3.AaaarWa. la ..JsT H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD. Thursday. February 28lh. Two it) year will be allowed for re C, on mutal of Umber. Mrs. ft, Montador will give a 1018, at 2 o'clock In the afternoon. rurtber particular of I be Chief roreiter, whist drive and rattle at her home Victoria. B.C. or District roreiter. Prince on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock Dat-d at Prince Itupert. II. C Rupert, B. C It. in aid of the Seal Cove Ited Cross. February 4th, 1918. III!IIII1IIIIIIIIIIII1IIII!IIIIII!III!IIIIIII!I "Tk Daily News ALFllKIJ UAIISS. beat the K. Scandinavians WATER NOTICE The Judge of the Court of llevlsion (Diversion and Use.) IVs last evening at the first round CLASSlFe ADS. of the Society white league. The and Appeal, Gasoline Engines For Sale TAKE NOTICE that The BrtUsb Canadian Oddfellows and the Sons of Eng. Our sale is extended till Saturday I is tot Yorkshire Bulldinr. Vancouver, will next. Jabour llros. 31 WANTED. apply for a licence to Uke and use one ruble foot per second of water oat of The Prince Albert left Vancouver V A.I TED A fw flrtt-clae miUwrlu. an unnamed creek, which Bow southerly last week on a special trip to Tour or fir mooUif' work. 0c per bour. and drains Into Masset Inlet, about 109 Queen Charlotte Islands with a DENTISTRY I s One 3-Cyllnder 4 cycle 30 M. P. Fairbanks-Morse - mil be nUadrd to em-deal yards northeasterly rrom lb southwest rirt .ten ij m Cn-,n- $750 and full number of loggers large a 1 men. bo tay octll Jot U com corner of Lot 1411. leted. Culled Graio Crcwers. Hutton The water will be diverted from the cargo of logging outfit, to go after CROWN AMO Bll94il WON Mill. B.C. stream at point about quarter of a aeroplane spruce. a BPBC1ALTY One 2-Cyllnder 4 cycle 10 H.P. Palmtr Engine $350 i mile from Us mouth and will be used for a a DR. J. 8. BROWN FOR SALE as(team Lot purpose IDS, Graham upon Island.the land described Word has been received in town OCNTIST H One 1-Cillnder 4 cycle 10 H.P. Hicks Engine 351 This notice wu posted on the (round from Dilljr McLeod in Vancouver. FOR SALE Household ruraltorv ia nret-rliii OSJaei Salt) Sleet TkirS condition. .to reasonable ttrer refused. on the tnd day or January, If IS. A eopy He has left there already for over! One 1-Cyllmier 4 cycle 3 Vt H.P. Regal Engine Apply If McMordie Apt. S of this notice and an application pursuant seas last Friday. He Joined up" thereto and to the "Water Act. It II," will with the artillery. Svenly-flva One 2-Cyllndsr 2 cycle 14 H.P. Callle Perfection rOR SALE nee-roomed two-storey bouse. be aied In the office of the Water Recorder 200 Furnished or unrurnisbed. Hat water at Prince Rupert. B. C have been drafted out of a com H Engine furnace, bath, rarden and chicken bouse, Objections to the application may be pany of 300 to go overseas for FOR YOUR NEW SUITS One 2-Cyllndsr 2 cycle 9 H.P. Fairbanks-Morse 5 tits Sixth Avenue, East. Cash or terms. Bled with the (aid Water Recorder or with training at once. See H Engine 200 Phone. Black til. tt the Comptroller or Water Rl(hts, Parliament Bulldinrt, Victoria. B. C, within Steve King g One 1-Cyllnder 2 cycle 2 H. P. Waterman Engine I BtlLDIXJ TOR SALE AT SACRIFICE PRICE thirty day arter the nrst appearance of NOTES FROM THE 35 Practically new, lbs. weight and suitable for Owner want possession of the lot we this no Ure in a local newspaper. COUNCIL CHAMBER A Pressing Prompt Cleaning occupy. Enquire at American Tailor, M. The date of the Cm publics Uoa of this jst row boat trolling $5 H Weinsteln. Third Avenue. tf ootiee U January Sth, If IS. Phone Green 418. THE BRITISH CA-IADlA.t LUMBER Continued From Page One. One 1-Cyllnder LOST CORPORATION, LTD, 2 cycle 4 H.P. Auto Marino Engine 75 J. T. T. Paiton, Receiver and Manarer, of the meeting with the officials LOST Reindeer Pearl store Spray on Third Brooch,Avenue.and Finder lady By E. A. Cleveland. A rent. of the O. T. P. without the representatives j One 1-Cy Under 2 cycle 6 H. P. Callle Perfection $125 I please return to Dally JVtw omcr. tf of the people being notified that such a me'ting was m H THESE ENGINES ARE SECOHD-H AN D. BUT HAVE 8C LOST Between Fulton Street and the Government THOROUGHLY Wharf, pocketboek containlnr e i going to take place.' OVERHAULED SOME REBUILT 2 sun of money. Owner's nam Inside. His worship said that the meet ALSO Finder please return to the Dally News V.L PRIVATE DETECTIVE AOENOT ing had been quite an informal TIMBER SALE X 926. OIES GEARS NEW AND REBUILT i omce. tf 209 MetrepotlUii Bids-. Vancouver. one, in which Mr. ilinton. general LOST Gold Stickpin, between Iroquois manager and vice-president of the Sealed tender will b receded Day Phone, Symor IM 1. by the Peel Rooms and Fifth Avenue, E. Reward. .tlrht Phone, Fairmont 101 . O. T. P., merely wished to pay bis Minuter or Land not later Uua aooo oa Thomson Finder pic lie return to Dally Akerberg, & Ltd. Hews Omce. tf. respects to the mayor of this city. the t!U day or reornary, Itit, for the 1 Co., Head Office, 312 Hlbaaa-Boa Blf. The purtnai or Licence X St f. to rat f.t.f meeting was only arranged Victoria, B. C-, Fhene S412. eel or Hemlock, Spruce, Balaam and Cedar AliKNTS KOfl that evening between 5 and C on an are sltutted on Loar Lake, fraser r o'clock to take place at 9:30. It Reach, fuor 4, Coast District Palmer, Fisherman, Anderson, Yale, and Union Englnn 5 STEEN & LONG WILL was not a secret meeting and Three (1) year UI be allowed for re there was nothing of a hole and motel of timber. IiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiHi!iiii:ii.'iiiiiii:iiini itiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaii-iixiiEil Tarther particular of the Chief rores ur SANITARY AND HEATING corner nature about it, neither Ictorta B. C, or DUtrlct Cornier, I'rta-- was it a conference on pre-ar nupert. B. C rt4 E. H. SHOCKLEY ENGINEERS ranged subjects. "I trust this ex (Successor to J. L. Hlrkey). Iplanation meets the situation,' WATBfl NOTICE Agent for 'concluded his worship. DIVCltSIOM A.1D LSt CONTRACTOR A BJcCLARY FURNACES BUILDER "It does and it don't," returned TAKE .lOTICC that Jame S. Emerson. f Aid. Casey. He thought that the hoae address 1 tit rine Bolldlnr. Van Fishermen Notice! PLUMBING Store and Office Fixtures, Cow Hay matter should have been router. B. C, will apply for licence to and Sash, Door, and Mouldings, gone into fully, so that it might uke and use ISO C-ST of water out of Oak and Hardwoods of all I'nlon Creek, also known as I'nlon Bay. be known what was to be got for SHEET METAL WORKS which flow wetterly and drain Into The Cold Storage Fertllirer aiKl Oil I'Um i at kinds. it. He was scathingly contempt I'nlon Bay about at the brad of said bay. Phone 5, 834 Second Avenue. now in operation and will operate) all the y , We Specialize In Hardwood uous of the manner in which Aid The water will be diterfd from the Night phones 578 Boat Ribs, Sash, Mcllae had managed to attend that stream at s point about where token Creek company will buy all marketable ftsh and wi leare I'nlon Lake and will be used and lilue 270 Doors, ete. meeting to make a presentable power (and Incidentally tnaoufactannt for) Fish at fifteen dollars per ton (txjmralenl U The right work, at the right Plate and Sheet Glass and body of officials. "Hut wh'ther purpos upon the lands described as Dls per fish). Hail will be provided frcej and a time, and at the right price. we look presentable or not, we are Irtcl Lot Iff. Casalar District ! purcjiased at the Compilf stpr at Glazing. representative," h e continued, This ceUct wis posted on Mw around Corner Fraser and 6th 8 la. "whether good looking or clothed of on thl the ttln notice day and or an January,application ISIS pursuant A copy special facilities are provided f&r gas ixats a ADVERTISE IN in fine lin'n, and I think on mat thereto and to the -Water Act. It 1 4," will men brlngiiin their gas Ixsats wf b n.u..j l. PHCNE GREEN 269 lers of this kind we all should be Bled In the offlco or the Water Re pensea of trip lo Pacofi. The plant Is locals) ' i-t P. O. BOX 158 have been consulted." rordrr at Prince Rupert. B. C. The Daily News Objectloo to the application may be of the fishing grounds an I dg mm be aur t - The motion for adjournment filed with the said Water Recorder tr with numbers all 1 the .f 1 year round. Cenie to lon was then made. the Comptroller of Water Rifhts, rsrlla menl Bulldlnrs, Victoria, B. C, within make money every day fishing. NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS thirty daya after the Oral appearance of this nonce in a local newspaper. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE Toe date of the Brat publication of thl Dog licences due for International Lli are now notice I January tttb, till. rtt Chemical Co., 1018, and same can be obtained JAMES 8. EMEasox, Applicant, FOR CANNERYMEN at Police Station. All owners of by Robert U. Walker, arenL Pacofi, Qusen Cha lotto Islands. We have added to our stock of valves and pipes a complete dogs that have not taken out the line of Rubber Belting at right prices. necessary licence by the 1st day FOR FISHERMEN of March, 1918, will be prosecuted. Harry Atkins A complete stock of the best goods that money can buy for WILLIAM ADAMS, trolling Spring Drass, Silver and Dron.ze. Police Constable, Authorized yam II r SluUhef, Prle Hupr. FOR THE WATERFRONT Pound Keeper. NOTKD FOR The celebrated Msple Leaf Paints and Varnishes Special boat PRIME 8AU3AQE paint "FLOGLAZE" A complete line of Ship Chandlery. BANK OF FOR EVERYONE Tomato Sausage a Specialty. IMPrice's A fine stock of Hardware, Gurney's Oxford Stoves. British North America W Sell Nothing But The BesL Phone S74 P. O. Box REAM Statement to the Dominion Government (Condensed) :SAKIHG POWDER FRED STORK'S HARDWARE 30th November, 1917. LIABILITIES TO THI PCBLIO Saves Eggs Note Deposits In Circulation....!ITS MU,T1!,? Prince Rupert Feed Co. Due to oilier Banks 411,011 In recipes for cake, muffins, corn bread, etc., BUI Payable (Acceptance PHONE 58 fewer .eggs mny bo used nnd excellent results A HOT BATH THE by London omce)... t, Acceptance under Lei lers nnd healthful, appetizing food obtained by using MINUTE YOU WANT IT Of Credit I,tlf,ltl FOIl an additional quuntity of Dr. Price's Cream l,7tO,SU Baking Powder, about a teaspoon, in place You are accustomed to of each BULBS egg omitted. getting cold water instantly. ASSSTS Think of the satisfaction Cain on Hand and lo I ..P. 8.., EGOLESS MU1T1N8 of getting Hot Bank flt.IS4.t7l Tulips, Hyacinths, Daffodils, I tup milk DIRKCTIONSi-MIi 'l Deposit with Ooverameoi tM.peras Dr r.l4..C.m leffedlert. Ad J mils,ailrrto J Water in the same way in on not Circulation J1MII Easter ! IVwtf.. ell lamp are vat I 4t - Lilies, Narcissus. I lablaMMHi a(M .hartMlaf. Heat wall .a k.k. abundance, regardless of Deposit In Central Oold s JISTST"1 ". (r..M4 anaffle lias la ImX " how much has been used Hesenre 1,410,000 before. Government, Municipal Mall Of .re Premplli Attend le. Tha old method called for 2 ei(ft. and otber Securities. . 11,011,701 Make IS MulUn HOT WATER LIKE MAOI0 Call and abort Loan .. . 7,4lt,ttl W '! wlUli MMMsIn U tt Current Loan and Discount 7l'.."e laefMllMt mail! If.a. Harry Hanson A oUter Atael 11,11,40! p. o. Be sea. sos Thirs At. Aaa. St. kswimue Unlnml, MmiimI. Llabilitlee of Customer Dr. I'nce'a Cream Ddkin Powder ia mad Hot Water Service brings Bank under Premise Letter of Credit t,174,l7 l.ttt.lft from Cream of Tartar derived from grais, you this convenience. full SALE To-eliii(ler 4 cycle 10 bp. and makes wholesome food. uwnufl ru.iiM. atw iiivviiauici rurce PHONE 48 P. O. BOX 395 !T,4II,004 fi-rj oiler, clutch, stufl and prcipellur, Made in Canada Alum luuip tark lanlllun. In first class or No der. I'rlie ft.U casb. Aply p. o. Ixji I7, rlty. t