The ily News vol, W 51 PRINCE lit PJ'.IIT, 1J, C, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 0, 1018. PRICE FIVE CENT - fc 80 C7 ST?HAN IMS CAPTURE RU D VISIONS BRITISH SUBMARINE SUNK IN DARDANELLES-HALIFAX PORT OFFICER ARRESTED ROUMANIANS HUN STRIKERS BOMB iUAf ICAV pnRT HON. BOB ROGERS DIDN7 FOOD STARVATION EXPERTS SAY IF WAR FOOD SCARCITY THE IMPERIAL PALACE iV:. "J PERMIT PATRONAGE LASTS TWO YEARS DISARM FORCES SH-cltl n Tbt Dill ef.t i lUMMANlM IS 4 Toronto 'Tut, tut!" observed Norfolk, Va Feb. 5, European IN GERMANY IS OF BOLSHEVIKS London,is still Feb. supreme 0.- -Oerman through-mill-taryism NOW ARRESTED broadly,Ijfon. Hobert when asked Hogers,concerning smiling'entire food experts world will are be agreed brought that to the tbe VERY SERIOUS oul Hie Central Empires. Us iron , verge of starvation if the war con-I ' heel Unlay has crushed out jthe Winnipeg despatches pro-Charged prac- tlnues two years more, Or. Mau . . . . I i n 1 1 v !! I n I I ail i rrm nt. I.I the fact that hi w. or-lmo wo Russian Dlvl.lons ourrouno- .., With Killing Pilot of the e')n rice Francis Egan, United Stales Uncompromising Decision of the ln Pro. a new "" '" '""" With of Supreme War Council Result and Neglect DLarmed Crimean ' d and gressfve party. "Borne of those Minister to Denmark, said in an Object to Rule (.Ullliuuil -jrt4 a aar Duties In not Knowing of Knowledge of True Tartar a : i a Western politicians must have an address here. The northern European of Bolsheviks. jmrrat 01 urinn quau, aim i ear Ship Movements. Facts of Case. ful for Uie fate of their women attack of nerves. The yarn is neutral countries. Dr. ."-. ami children, through the reduc- (JpfUl to Ttw full; quite amusing, though, and it's Kgan declared, are in dire straits. (Specu: lo Tlx DUy newi.. n Tw tuny i February flOIHclali110" of th',r already meagre food . Halifax, Feb. 6, Commander too bad to spoil such originality Food is so scarce in Denmark that London, Feb. 6. Secret knowledge denial." by a the famous Danish wolf hounds m ... t t. a..... in the possession of the - Frederick chief examination U g ft Um JlPf WO tent practically all returned to their Wyatl, Tbe former Minister of Public urn hoinir lnncht pr fnr fnml t llaiimsnU al factories. officer of the port of Halifax Works for Canada was in Toronto f "Only those who live within the Urlll9h government regarding the that Hi greater part of the llou- There are still, however, num. al the time of the Mont Hlanc-Imo recently, storm-bound, en route shadow of German oppression," conditions In Oermany is likely to hers of bands who are uncontrollable, A4tllli,in has Lpn nrrtli1 nn for Montreal. When interviewed. continued Dr. Egan, "can realize have influenced the uncompro- 33 u; niy is u ib ih and who have evaded the i I Ie stated that his trip was solely the priceless boon of liberty." He mising attitude adopted by the Iii3. Itusitan the charge of "unlaw fully killing w ill the troops, police. Among their latest acts a bu,lne one and had nolh,ng added that the people of Denmark interallied Supreme War Council Iwb;; huv -vcrrun lue provinces is the bombing of the Imperial, Pilot William Hayes of the Imo.'t,, , wm, politics. "Why, I'm out now are living in practical slavery recently held at Versailles, where .f M da' a and Bessarabia. Other Palace in Berlin. Twenty-five of The Drysdale commitlee, which Jof politics just now, he added, land that the same is true of other it was decided that the only thing lit aiic.... troops are concen- these strikers have been arrested. investigated the disaster, censured oianaiy. small European neutrals. left for the allies to do was to "So long as the Union Govern proceed with the vigorous prosecution Commander Wyatl for neglecting uu-owina. Ititt me g k NEW SENATORS MADE his duties and not keeping himself ment proceeds properly, vigorously NO FOOD GIFTS TO of the war. A'v wnty-four hours flghl- FROM ALBERTA fully acquainted with the movements and efficiently with the prosecution SOLDIERS IN CANADA Food conditions in Germany are Its u umanian. disarmed tne and tbe intended movements of the war," Hon. Mr. Rogers known to be increasingly serious. IS i it si n Division, whlcli aU (Sr4ii l Tb hull (.) of vessels in port. declared, "it will receive tha Ottawa. Feb. 5. After con The Russian storehouse upon u acd a aU. taking over fifty support of patriotic Canadians, which the Central Empires were Ottawa, Feb. 0, Two new Alberta ferring with Major-General S. C. K ...s Tbe Eighth Itussian Dlvl- senators have been oppoinl-ed miaMiRimr MiinnirRS for that is the one supreme Issue Mewburn. the Minister of Militia, counting to relieve their own hun- n. u attacked the centre of by the government. One is Edward NOW NUMBER 14,120,01 me pretenu Food Controller Thomson has ger, is still locked, because Trot- ltu.' M .uj an front, was also Michener. leader of the Con-servitlve RHiliigi to rimnagt. issued a sUtement poinling out sky, the Bolsheviki Foreign Min-that -l'J and disarmed. opposition in the Alberta (SpU to Tlx DtUr .it.) ,ked as to his attitude upon it la entirely unnecessary for iler, outmanoeuvred the Central In the Crimea. legislature, and member for lied other planks of the Administra-' additional food to be supplied by Empires and the Ukrainians. Ger-' i s atf Feb. 0. The Tartar lwor. Th other is W. J. Harmer. U-boals, ' according to a reply."v P1"0""- ex-M,nIs!" "T relatives and friends to Canadian many's plight is indicated in a re-soldiers I If i ue Crimean Peninsula deoutr minister of railways and'given by the Chancellor of the p ed with the sharp query: hat while in this country, in cent order forbidding relatives di' j - j aga.nM the control telephones for Alberta. ..,I,.,. Mr Anrim- tinnP outer issues are mere j (view of the liberal and varied food sending parcels of food lo officers : ;a I licwki. Tliey have oc- r -tt. i ii.. Tirm.h f! "Abolition of party patronage ration issued lo the troops by the held prisoner in Britain and a i n or vaiia, aou are and the spoils system," suggested and that Ir VON RINTELEN IS FOUND Commons yesterday, have done to Militia Department. France, directing money - t kon Hebaslopol. They GUILTY OF CONSPIRACY death 11.120 non-combatant British the newspaper man. I The statement adds that the be sent instead. lira c ;j mercilessly with the "Bob" laughed heartily. thus! -'privately men, women and children. MUIon. . .aggregate quantity of food ilUJ tuard sailors and soldiers. "to BOLSHEVIKI DECREE is ifpui u lb tui rw. sent the soldiers Submarine Sunk. alteration from the old order?" 'vi-v I MONOPOLY OF GOLD New York, Feb. 0. Frani von RED CROSS NOTES any ' tare n,1 Ihnt mnnh nf II. L j Ji b 0. -The Admiralty Ilintelen. German naval officer and having been conveyed a long dis-1 u T.rti con arms llie slate. "Then cynical regarding Feb. 5. Tbe Peo-mail reputed member of the German The sale of home-cooking this you are tance in hfated express cars or Petrograd, .. s. a2y made that the sub- the Government's Commissaries have decreed war staff, together wilh ten others. week will be held in the Red Cross professions cars, is more or less spoiled pie's yw - i 1 1 which wai sent to that score?" 1 state monopoly of gold. Gold on and consequently injurious to the a has been found guilty of con. hut as usual and will be under the. lib I-i .3 jcs on the night of piracy with intent lo destroy the charge of Mrs. Smilhers and Mrs.1 "Oh, not at all, not at all: but health of the men. The public, articles weighing more than six-therefore. Jidui; nder orders to com allies' food and munition ships by Muse. j I've had a bit of experience, you is asked to discontinue teen zolotnik, ninety-six of which plete V- instruction of the for. know. The one thing I never per- the practice of sending foodstuffs go to make up the Russian pound, i ruiser Ooeben, was I i...i. ii , ,.,,,.,i i l.J ti.- i. r hnm..rnnVin,r h,ui niltted In my department was the to the soldiers in Canada. (belonging to private persons or 7 K , Kale, and that only and patronage system. i jahops, must be handed over to maximum nenaltr of eighteen last week realized the sum of L1:0" tc n eti cre saved. The Westerner said it without a'AND PATRONAGE IS the state at fixed prices. They will and a 108.00. months In the penitentiary I smile. SAID TO BE ABOLISHEDI be confiscated unless delivered dollars each. fine of two thousand THt UCOTIATIONS Pressed for a statement as to within a month. Informers will The following are the articles AT BREST-LITOVSK 1.I w ABh ah a I ntnna r.-tn I ha fl 1 T 1 1 Fa 'receive one-third the value of arson, "-----" " 1 Ottawa, Feb. 5. -Frank Grier- HUNS CONTINUE THE presented and drawn for. and the . nrr an nmM ... nP...nil and as to whether he was likely Secretary of the Civil Service tides discovered. Ar. da Feb. 5,A des-ti and public Churches, museums and other fU .Inllnr iriiM nitn uhieh was in re-enter politics Federation of Canada, in a state-! Pi! b Iiresl-Lllovsk says H": Mr. Rogers shook his ment dealing with promised Civil public institutions are requested Washington, Feb. S Bobbing won by Mr. W.J. Smithers; Rupert 'lfe,l ' rin. the Auitro-llun. of Belaium and destruction of Table Supply Co, box of fruit, .ea(1; 4 o one can forecast what Service reform, expresses his "uL to place their gold articles at the i H: s: t .20 Minliter: Dr. von of the future may bring forth " he Iter disappointment over the an- disposal of the state, 1 K;:i: . Belgian mdimtries by the Ger. won by D. Thomson; box fruit, a the German Foreign continue relentlessly, no- won by Mrs. J. 11. Meagher: Mrs. observed, sagely. "At present I nouncement of delay" by the Gov- mans SPOTTED LILY" I!' ,,r f'.ounlvon Podewlls i-nnilnir to denalchcs today lo the Bulger, silver frame, won by W. am enjoving a political rest, and eminent. ' 'i mcf Bavarian. Pre-b it is pleasant. My energies Mr. here. Linen D. Vance; Fritz Schultz, tobacco, very j "The outside service," Legation Talaat Pasha, the Turk. Belgian are turned in the direc that Tonight at the Weatholme Mrs. Just now Grierson slates, "considered in...i ii.nitf-iia are being taken won by J. II. Thompson; 1 d Vizier, accompanied by and Vance, hand-worked collar, won tion of all good Canadians, In patrouage was abolished from the Theatre, the play. "The Spotted - '(tie peace delegations, covUts. the Belgian, are b, forestry department staff. rying to do our bit towards help- moment the sweeping terms of the Lily," some brings of home the troubles to the audience and al nmnibers of the Bui-d( second manifesto were announced. gai j. not allowed to have wool in their miseries which the invasion of irgtttu.n. and Leon Trot-Bnisheviki Tli.v nra i.lTirii p. One of the duties which the Hed It was not considered that an or al y ft.-.. tmnn Foreign Mln-haj weed a'substltute for wool at :ross have taken upon themselves WEW MINERAL PLANS der In Council was necessary to lue and V ute- as ot lranc Belgium, arrived in Ureal- FOR THIS COUNTRY the to abstain Pop,e cause Ministry . as Lrt. n i. nn..n.i rh lii it elec- is regard ng men reported in-made At the request of llie "L'Escaut," 1 "milng. hen they hear of. from an evil which the Premier This play contains but one nlant known Rus irin as h . 'hi sftllnirs nf the no. sahi to have been stripped and IU this, the Red Cross branch in Lon- Ottawa. Feb. 5,-Plons for the hideous by the force of his ' w"nf wh,h.wholesale I iiiiission of the Peace l German don immediately starts an en- -development of the "inal definitions, and that new appoint- been perpetrated in the C placed f mf. enr, which bail ll.n Hi...I machinery known as llombacher Hutte. qulry. not waiting for letters from sources of Canada after the con-piaiu menu were not of Immediate ur- nin? ,uuhtJSfT peop,ef ? sdar- was a nntlnnn.!,, .. tin relatives. The "searchers" are elusion of the war are likely to be gent necessity has been avowed these women JRfsday. ninrtlines able to get definite In- considered ai an eany aaie oy me br the Premier himself, who has had perforce to be Ruptured Committee of the declared that hind at the time of the invasion Again. PLACES formation, which is paused on lo Reconstruction in forcible language WARMEST this ARE chief sufferers, as I the -no. n Feb. 0. The Amster-aam ihe Canadian Record Office, and Cabinet, of which Hon. A. K. Mao- the service was greatly over-1 were , in small ..,-rrspondent of the Ex- at to the men's lean Is the chairman. It is as-falllng manned. play shows, even some also written onco 0. With snow the Is Feb. play N'ew York However, Telegraph Co. says the harbor families, thus relieving the dread, serted that the Government aU j "Continued appointments have measure. the aide intermittent without its bright too, siJdcii relurn of Dr. Kuehlmann y. ful feeling of uncertainty, which ready has received expert advice;aroused the member, of the ser- not tramovir- and humor n,l ' tsnl Czernln to the effect that Canada. If her III Ilia nnnninlmAnt nf n and the touches of Berlin is fually .tandltlll coal receipt, is often mora difficult to bear than to UIIIM UiV -fti'aa-"v-- 1 S ft the ' f'l.i ns 1' as rd the ui German imlltleal r'fhahev nave been for the saddest news. List, of miss, nto PP ii...patronage Collector iniM.i of Customs nn.u h-m to (uepTlme"1,thetlc. "'"i?Hall, the star. makes pa- forerunner of the!' : iiiiT ar also circuiaieu ueteiopeu, vuum uit- " of men ' "T. ruPure of the negotiations eral day., and the business life .. Mmnil , her own needs, but also permit the dumbfounded with astonishment." ?' her oppontUnl!ie; a nnk n m. ill iiiiuii i 1 1 i iiu a'a a ' v '- - - a the cuy .upen ieu, Eu addition there to exportation of a surplus lhe little of the holiday sp Jrit In Nt Oermany. thus giving pppfcr. SWAN LAKE RANCHER Universal Weekly Gazette, show- Laorimlth Wellington York on the second Mon J, PROFITS ON HOGS very latest war views, Coal re-cues, It one of the a ,which are of the greatest Interest. day. Altogether wa. J than she ,our fuel bill and glvea will. iami y ed mineral product, re. w nto communicate Is good comedy too, while titlif.ctlon. Phono 15. .P. R. gloomiest days of a gloomy ttom mlM9, Vernon, Febuary 4,-What There a ter. Theatres wnere comeuu. for the orchestra will play the famous the CRADLE The desirability of having as undoubtedly the record pric held lhe boards were packed at, , , ir9, George Y. large a proportion of the minerals hog. In the Okanagan wa ob- overture "Mornlni. noon and afternoon and evening P'- k;jn refined and made inlo ill ....v h n.,rL.u An.iAi. night." The orchestra is an at- WESTHOLME nw- n..nri nnri ilos. manufactured products in Canada!on. a Swan Lake rancher, who traction in itself. The regulation oi me ' ; on the "r"5th of February, a also will be considered by tue shipped a car to Vancouver which J' TONiGHT ONLY Administration were generally ol-;pltal Committee. The production of netted mm is.tou lor oi neau.; nerved The exceptions were r- daughter. certain mineral product, in Can. price was 18 cents per pound Bluebird Feature ported lo United UU. nuirlel - . , AmocU. nda ha. been stimulated by the !f.oi). here. The hogs averaged' sws ELLA HALL Attorney and ll was imi , . war and new Industries created 200 pounds each, which brings 'THE in - prosecuUon. would follow pronu Ijon will oPmMJ. j. Steps will be taken to safeguard the price to 110.80 per head, inoref SPOTTED LILY" P and provide for lhe further ex. than used to be obtained for a l ive parts, A"! BUt. Furt Ad-.the Blork Block Bond &ter. 11. Willi... at tension of these Industries. three-year-old FOR QUALITY ........irninr. anhl tonight Inconi- enlng UNIVERSAL WEEKLY EllVICK and SATISFACTION COMEDY plete report, fro... different parts,Mr. Vttd Stork W For New Wellington Coal and Ladies' morning and bathing s AND A 'e'tUre 'Momlnir Nnnn of the .late Indicated that coal- dreM on t lis wWjJ- lr Lumbsr of all dimensions, omviu ni-A Stllin for 13.00. IX DAY WEEK FOR HELP. and Night,"- i w v ja SirSir "ttJ ""'..luMnvlted'lo'ar."' 31 hona 11. jabour Bros, 3t