Saturday T11E DAILY ICCW8 Insomnia Cured glr ll.-l rl II.T.I. H II " " Dont Grit Your Teeth The Daily News .try of tne urgent ami imiix -! !Pui al ur I rrtformenl THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Without Drugs i,.r . . . 'frtstll Willi W intcsauu. Published Dally and Weekly tM.. on ifititlalkHi, voluntary Guaranteed Largest Circulation ! Internal Bathing RelJeve.' as was lo be WRIGLEYS lmtnJiaiiy i' the Cause HEAD OFFICE: l.rr Smtee AcL iHtrwlMeed to Dally News Building. Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C Tel. 03. lake the pi r voluntary r ir yww do not steep there If always 1.. r.r ahIv hMfOWTfH. between them and bite raw reeve. Deal curt doaio wttb " ""'.r. " on jy TRANSIENr DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 60 cents inch. i it. in y0Ur per drur. Nerve rtn'i mimim . fill In raism twrnruiinw "" Contract Rates on application. RHve ib mi and rood, Mend steep. 000 men. Now, it swum tlial even determination will be Just as strong-stronger HI be the matL innoA InalMiJ flf blHJT , t wa aa-aiMa sw ia tkA lhee in fact, for DAILY EDITION Saturday. Feb. 0, 1018. CaTor ur ,7 ooYYi rlee. to lh f"nl- ""VI! you gain Pluck, tod frre ttrm all waste matter. Btth were supposed to D SO iiHiriJurait. t perseverance, renewed vigour, tatrnMiir ir o want perfect bretta, i. ,,1. are to be stu bat I from PROGRESS, OR NO PROGRESS ths independent gas boat owner I .r r. e Ymin. apM. aty. Mt.. ' a...iir iai, ma ,ow .i-v- foeo!.!t this great pick-me-up. The telegraphic commuuica- ' goes fishing on the Skeena, befra I nvureitio. Nm. Debibtr. i.. stuffs. It was Napotoofl who atd liona which have passed between will be enabled to lake tiislsoatMi and CMutlpatkML Had no appetite, nver a hundred years ago that the Dominion Government catch wherever he likes. If the pt iit moves only upon Ms belly, Do as the soldiers In the trenches Fisheries Department and price offered by the one can- 'T' ."fV.T T c.'"'. yet Sir Robert Itorden owriook! are this city within the last day or nery does not suit him. his gas u, a f, ehumf n-mtrkttir rrMrita. this dictum of a greater ma Iban' doing -chew WRIGLEYS to get a two, which we published yes-' boat has the power to take himli v and mj twttrr tie himself. It is safe to say that fresh grip on yourself. terday, on Jhe question of: to another cannery where pos- rtnrQ ' " before Sir ftobert vacates the poU ' i i i.-.. i L. cascad ii i (Mmm to a. . ... . l Ash- -iui.. - whether or no the salmon ermen may use gas boats in for the result of his bard w-ork.gpttuix for taimui BittitDr. tnMtfd by b great many more of his preti- It helps teeth, breath, appetite the pursuit or their calling,! And notwithstanding the can- ir Qua. a. Trrra r ?iew tmi. od b ceed notions as to the manage, and adumbrates in some degree the J nery combine, one cannery ha. J?" u tT.JZ Ilakm like Canada, digestion wMie it soothes your aetion which the government j been known to pay more for the bf . 0nw. Pmrrtti. er. 3rd a.. I s. ia , will take shortly in the revision,' fish than another. Uy being and ib St. bo win b rard to r That foodstuffs are being oer- throat and steadies your nerves. ob- condemned to saU boats aa bok nd -n, vvaai . . j.iruaf of the fishery regulations use on th- ine way. in wy or infroai BtiaiBf r ; ; , It comforts and sustains. taining in District Ao. 2, in a river like the Skeena, this rni,L Atk tor it uuueiin says, in oruer 10 poi which Prince flupert is situat-ed. privilege is denied to the fish. . - -i - '"price is no longer a newspaper i erman. The wind is not always nonet !allegation, nor a public impres At present, the use of gasi blowing, and the tide as often sion. It is a fact admitted and Keep YOUR boy boats in fishing for salmon byi as not is running against him, -Sm Rnlt" -Rrnrnn . -fitiu Ti HMlaPf.t riv Ihm rvllhllA ntM-n PJr, a gill nets on the Skcena river Jap and it runs so strongly at limes rraftfcw.- -snuifHt rractJoo,- tt UoaLajj lo know wtial liia faet, mre supplied with forbidden, under the fishery I iul puiunr wuu oars canuOl 5"" ar rntuon, 7-1 tr. At,tnr, u i k- ik- it is ii ... , . . IIlB -Cabs Bird rruUoa- liwl -OKwr. " ' . regulations. When re-j . mui -tt WRSGLEYS j,, ,,-iCommissloner convicts the Minis membered tfaal these regula-i auia iu pun oara anjway. Iskrraa Vlolur DlrUloa r Coail DUtrlct I lera of ha v Inn hti Aiirlamlr lions were instituted for the J ,uc ,4 mc iisucrmcu uni worn israiM. rar afar Uii. Sirri i.ii n,4 in Ih. nn.r.iin. f Ih- protection of the salmon, the; other parts of the H. C coast -?l277- uufd"- mnt-r.. f hi; . Jiuaii; ordinary reader, without I.I TAkt. nuiiu UMI I, rrtd M. WIU, r " , The Flavour Lasts! any; Having no use for gas boats connived at the rrt, MIDtri ntM 5a, usuc. th. ciploltalloa of special knowledge of fishing; the public. He also hy the same may well wonder what differ-! ing used on the Skeena. Thelrra. rr Mtora ortacau .10. tistic. disclosure confronts the Ministers ence it would make to the fish conditions are perfectly well r r rra u ui bcrcor, with the alternative that they MADE IN what kind of boat the fisher- knowT to the local member of k JL'..' ' CANADA must take the profiteers in hand, men were in when they cast the Fishery Advisory Hoard andlpo r otutntnr a Crown oraat af rich or hereafter stand openly as their ir- V44T-fZLTmur-V. 4 .': NT.,. -f their nets. It would make no the only matter which should I " ciamu. protectors. difference at all to the fish, but govern the action of the gov-1 . A-,D rtarara tak jioticx tut e it would make a very great deal ' ernment in this connection as Leowd it tror u luat neb Ortisnu Advertise in The liaily Nows. of difference to the fishermen. : in otners, as well, is the pro-1 or ia.promDit. Anyone who has visited the tee lion of the fish, and not the! okro vu tia day af October. a.d, COAL NOTICES canneries, and has seen the protection of the canneries. HIT IIS boat which is the average of They are perfectly well able lo I SIEENA LAND DISTRICT DIStMCT OF those supplied to the fishermen look after themselves. LAND ACT Ql'IXN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS by the canneries might well wonder that these boats are NOTES AND COMMENTS IttECU LA50 0U7IUCT DI1TBJCT OP TAKE NOTICE tbat L, James P. Be Id, of manned COAST. RAXCJC 4. Prtace Rupert, B. C Proapecior, la lewd to even al all, especially ppiy far t llceoc to proepect for coal in such a swiftly flowing river Immediately prior to December TAKE NOTICE that iota Oracc. ef Via aad petroleun ever tb fottowtnc daaenbed as the Skeena. They are open of last year there was consider. rooter. B. C occnpatlea flibrmaa. la land on the Wetl Coail of Moreaby laiaad. boats and the fishermen are able feeling raised throughout lod lo apply for permission to laa Um Commeiiciar tl a poal planted about (aHo1a deacrttwd laadl: a bum Muuwaaierty from a pot located often wet from till Fri Sunday this Dominion of sympathy for Comrorocinr at it peat planed on tb a bur of a taaall Bay openiar out day. 'the soldiers in France. Unless forrthorc on tlx ! aid Of Stewart of Canoe pa bclwtea Mart by tad CbaaU The fishermen's Association,reinforcements were sent them Sarroma. about lo rail aoaUi r Htrtlfi laUod. abonl S mile nortberly aloof tb KEEN A LAND DtSTRJCT-fMSTMCT OP SKSCXA LAND Pl-ri of Prince Rupert have declared immedialely tbey were alleged to ay; tnracc Ht t dutaf, Umbm aoria Murttr UUad iM of Caaoe Paa rrosa OtrrtN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS OC'tEM (MAUI vt: i that the fishermen ho own have been -betrayed" and other IS rbalna, tbttte tail ts cbatat, tbrnc Bock Potnl; tbrace olb ts cbatn; tbeace TAKE NOTICE thai Sertrwd KaxMt. of TAKE MrfKUE Utel t ibci :a 1 aoaui ts rbataa lo tna point at Mnatatt ri ts chain; tbenee norlb st cbala Priare Rrt. B (. rteek. isMeadi te p C Prtoa tsafeet. B CU . 1 gas boats want to fish salmon expressions of a like nature werelmnit and cncuiotar 4S acra mora or utt ibeoe rail ss cbam to lb potnl of con ptp far been ta prwapett for Ml and tteo4 a sMr t wun me gill net. There is no used. These reinforcements were JOH.1 caACZ. AppUtiat mraomcnt. petrwleca ever tb rcfJewtat deaertbed rr ol aad wirotrum real argument put forward .required AT ONCE, it was alleged.I DATED Xoitmixt It, It IT. JAMES P. BX1D, AppUcaaL land oa tba West Ooatl f Merraby liiawd taodt tba tr 3 Located November Stb. 1117. mmrtximr St s post pttaied aboal I 4 si i M againsi mis proposal showing .The new Union Government, how- liEE.tA LA50 DISTRICT DIITRICT or mile easterly frua a peat located tm Um mai me nsn win suffer in any .ever, is apparently of a different COAST. lt.GE nVZ. SEEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OP snore of lb cut tU ef canoe Pan it a wat tees ted the . ) & avaxt manner. This matter is really(opinion now, as it is arranging for VLIE-N CHARLOTTE ISLANDS port I about t laUe tMetberty a tear tb aad of Claw Plte. SO t 1 1 SMS ' not one Deiongmg to tne fishery "leave of absence" boards in each Tata aouet mat I intend to appl to snore from Back petal; the soetb SS Brtbety tteav and regulations at all. It comes province, through which soldiers b Hoaorabla Conaaisiioarr ct taoda and TAKE NOTICE that 1. Joaepb Saltan, f cbaJoi; tbenc east tt cbainst tbeoc axtfth S tbeoc cbaiaii west SO cbaiai ta petal warn to lat Um Prlnc Hapert, B. C. Proapector. la lead dacrUd rather rollowtnr within the regulations 'drafted under the Military Service Und to apply for a liceiu to procpect ror coal or comiueoremvaL lb p. of the canneries, which, how-'Act are to be granted leave from coimnKlnr at a poll pteated tt and pelrolewm over tb follow-to - deaenbed OtRTRliDC KNOTT, ESJIASiTH ever, are made not by the gov- military duty in order to engage ! r, abort bian watar mark, land oa tb Weil Coail of Mamby liland. Located November By Him K. CaristeauM, insL By ca. I ItlT. Located NoveaOwf iu; ernment, but by the canneries In farm labor. " B,rU ratal uwn ten duiai du Coouneiiclnr al a pot planted about V of lb, ' " a nuM outbeiiterlr from s dmi located themselves. The canneries, i -ss. - "a J00"1 " u. tbo on tb bor of s MuaH Bay opentaf out SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DIITRICT OP SKIENA LAND PI' I r. however, are perfectly well ac-i On his return from F.urooe I 1, of Canoe Paa betweea Moratby and CbaaU QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS QEISn CHAR! sMf quainiea wun me fact, that If some eight or nine months aKo.l,nW arm. more or it. lataodi, about S mile Norlberly aloar tb TAKE NOTICE tbat Ateitader L. Satber- TAKE NwTlCE thai A -jsaVV M Moreaby Uland aid of Canoe Paat from Uad. of Prince Irvpert B. C. miner, la Pi tee tin'-i, B ULBBIU94T,WI liUnd BMtMftr,Cannrr, Buck Potai: toe oca outb SS cbalais tbeoc lead lo sppiy fer a Uccns to ptwapeel for te tpfdy for a eoai and petroleum ever tb fotfewtef de i )ttS iorrrraxr um, Itl7. rit rait SS cbatn; tbenee aorta IS chain tbenre wet to cnaint to tb point of com scribed land on lb Wail Coail of Moresby ertbrd land a the VTtit J MnceaoeoL isusxi! CroOiOMOclBf at t post planted Isbusdi Caeusoaxtnr 1-' r S. S. PRINCE RUPERT TIMBER SALE X 979. JOSEPH SEXTON. AppUcaoL about I mil easterly from t post located IM pant ftu- ' Located November tin, 117. on tb shore of tb tail sida ef ca Past teeated oo tb " ' IM 1-- J " sailing 11 a potnl about I nukl northerl atee swe rtsl. ad l t tl c- Sealed lender wlU b received br tba SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OP the tbor from Back Poiat; tbenee norU awrtbreff ateM )' t: WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT TO ANYOX Minuter of Land not later tnan nooo oo QLEE.N CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SO cbaiai; tbenee east IS cbaUu: tbeoc Mali Ibrfv awib t x THURSDAY um Ittb diy or Marcn. ISIS, for lb pur soutb SO . ' " MIDNIGHT TO VANCOUVER, cbainii tbeoc wen It cbaiai to aSteta tSart ; - I cum or Ueenco XS7. to rut VICTORIA S.710.040 point of comroeneemeoL MH M WH to I' AND SEATTLE. reel or Spruce, Cedar and Hemlock on an TAKE NOTICE that I, Cbarle E. Burr. ALEXANDER L. SUTHERLAND, Al I IK I ' area adjolnlna L. 311. Swindle liund. of rnnc Rupert. B. C, miner inund lo 8. 8. PRINCE JOHN By Cbarle K. Burrs aa. itenL By tar" ' 1 ipply ror a Ucenae to ntnr i, coail DUtrlct proapect for coal aad Located November ttlb ttl7. Katctted Nowadrtf i.tb. Sailing alternate weeks to Ketchikan. Wrangell, Juneau, Tnrea (I) year win be allowed for re petroleum over tb foUowlar dcrlbd Skagway and the Queen Charlotte Islands. moral of Umber. und on the Weil Coail of Moreaby liland. SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OP MINERAL ACT runner particular or Um Chier romter. iMunencinr at a poll planted about of QtEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS TRAIN SERVICE VictoHa, B.C.. or DUtrlct roreiter, Prine mile aouibeaiterly rrom t poat located TAKE NOTICE that Bitty KaotL of Prince Rapert, B.C M. It on the shore or a small Bay openlnr out Rupert, B. C, aura, lalead to arotr far CERTIFICATE OP IlirSOtnit Punrer SUadar. Wadaeeday and Saturday it l:0 t-m. tor Smltncn of Canoe Pan between Moresby aad Cbll a license to prospect for coal and petrliua PrUx oort. Edmonton and Winner, makins dirett connetlona for all TIMBER SALE X 1235. iiunai, about t mile norlberly aldnt lb ever tb folio lor described lands on tb NOTICE point rait and loath. Moreioy island lid of Canoe Pia rrom west com or Mereiby liUnd: Cemmcne. IK Suck Point; tbenee norlb so cnaimi tbenee tar il a post planted about I mile sailerty l lb -ncl Sealed lendfr wlU be received br tne can iv cnainti I bene loutb so ttuuu from poal located on the Uaim. ittoite la shore ef tba Agency All Ocean Steamship Llnss. Minuter of Land not later than tbene well SO chain lo point of WvteMm of casaur noon on com eisi sum or canoe put tl a point about I i ;Ml 1 For Information and reservations apply to Um 1 1 tb day or February, ttlt. for tna mencement miles norlberly ateo tb tbor from Buck Wbeee teeated "ti ' tat a Oily Tlokst Office, 626 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 ipurctua of Licence x I til, to cut CHARLES E. BL'ROESS. AppUcaaL Point; tbeoc north so chains; ibenc wn Ca trade Creek. It loiirs Paella od CanaL v irei or Located November tin, tl7. 10 spruce and Hemlock oo an cbtlni; ibenc south It cbams: then thai i lire adjotnisr Ullll, Eail Snore of aai i ennui w point of eommeocemeal. TAKE NOTICE i liuakatla Intel. Queen Our loll UUndsDl SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Or BETTT KNOTT. (FT Mtecf terun :SC r irlct. VIEE.N CHARLOTTE ISLANDS By Hint K. CbrliUoun tmt treat far Rerun: aval Two it i yetr win be allowed for re- wimi novemotr I Stb HIT. Miner! Certmcila N silly dan from lb diio iniovii of timber. 3 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY runner parllcuUra of tba Cblef Foreiter. TAKE oi i-nnr NOTICE tbat I, Hint K, CbrliUn. SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT to tb MlniDf Record ' ' tlBM Kupert, B, C proiMctor. OP l(nirsv4nt, for the I Victoria, 0. C, or DUtrlct Portlier. Prince inknd to tpply fur lleena w ' ukuuuI s to ptoilccI ISLANDS a Crown Orant f in ai Hupen. B.C. pii fur coil tnd petroleum ovr lb fallawuie TAKE NOTICE tbat Tbotnaa !... t And further tike a t Lowest to all Eastern Points described Itnil on the Weil Coail or Prlnc Rupert, B. C flahertnan Ini.n.ti der tetUon It, wsi tx via Ste.ner to Vancouver and th I NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT. aaoresoy isiind. Commenclne al a rwui pply for a Ur.oa to prospect for cttl tod in issuane ef sacb CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY (R. S. C. Cbapur III.) pltuied tbout K m i mil outbtmrly I"'"" vr th followlnr deicrlbed n witt a. irwii post Kxaieq on lb abort of a " wesi coast of Moresby Itlindi 1 -abt Maala and Dlled this 1 41b) Berth Included Steamer on AKrHBERQ THOMSON nd COMPANY. toiall Bay openlor out of Canoe put U- wnmnrnnnr ll 1 post piloted about 100 1117. PRINCESS SOPHIA PON ALASKA JANUARY 2S PEBRUARY 11 and 2Sth. I limited, bereby alv nolle tbat tVr Iwten Moraby and Cblttl laUnda. about s Ftrds easterly from tuui iu.i .... PRINCESS SOPHIA PON VANCOUVER PEBRUART 2, 1 MARCH 2nd. I bare, under ction of laid tci drpoilted milei northerly aloof tb Moresby Island '"7 " " easterly fid of Cano I us, MINERAL ACT Prlacata Reral far aranbr Bay wun in Minuter or Public Worti al sida of Cino pis from Buck Point; tbenc aaary 8th, 1SIH, 26th I Ptbreary Sth, 16th, 2th. Ottawa tna in lb office of lb DUtrlct norm ss cntwii tbenc watt to tbaini PrHka SViyei fee Vaaaeaiae da Ocean Pall S a-m. Dacmbr 17th, iiieriitrar of in Und nullify omce. Dia- lucure aouio ao caainai inenc can ao CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVl! STlh eaauary Tth, 17th, 2St Pibreary 7th, ISth nd 2Sth. inci or rnnc nuperi, a dcierlDtion of tba ciiiiui io poini of ttJUiiucocement. m,tH mv coda,, men,, tM, to lilte and lb plana of wharf od other HANS K. CIIRISTENSEN. ADDllcant rbiini point ef oumctKrraL NOTICE, J. I. PETERS, General Aeent proposed to Im built on Lot one, Lociled November tth, 1117. THOMAS PETEIU0N. "Simpson," "Rupert. ir Iwork Block f, aty ef Prlnca huperl. or liana V rii.i.i . tan." "Casrid fill ' .1 Co nor Fourth Street and Third Avenue, Prfnce Rupert. B.C. of PrttUn Columblt, and ttk IKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISThlCT nr .ruiucr iutni tT, rills N. t Miner il I notice that trier lb aipirttloa of on "UM CHAHLOTTE ISLANDS PwMUnd Cinal MWiur t imontn from lb dale of tba drat cubllfa. .ir.w ....7.---' vr District. Illoa of ibi noUca Akcrberr Tboxnaoa and TAKE NOTICE tbat Dinlil L. Sutherland T ,-,,"-"TTE ISLANDS Wber located i-on "' .Cl umiied wiu under Section ttven of Prlnc Ilupert. B, C clerk. Intends to TAKE NOTICE that . CiteiJ. Creek, tt mil" Itl ! Dtfll smother Icuiipwy Act, spply to lb Minuter of Pply for t llcew to prospect for coil tod r... . .: ! Pwrtiind LaniL 4 VV" merely your cough at bis omc in tna city of petroleum over lb followlni dscribd ,0 P'01!" 'r eoal and TAKE NOTICE tbtl ) .-, s for approval of lb laid ilu snd Uodi cn lb Win Cotil or Moreiby It. K".."". ftawlu, deicrlbed IPrv Mtoer-l Crtint bTIIDI? TT UatLIeu's Srrap of Tar a4 Cod Liver Oil notor IOiuw and and for to cocutrucl th Mid land. Conunencinr it i post planud about T CMI lrMb it. 1st is irwtl rr Oikley H I:;!!; LtUKafi If proaupUy amale coocbUg, but thank to iu tonic aad work. I mile easterly from post located on th Miner's CerlHleiU N" ' r O Xreoflheolui: prvnV It be!pa the aatcta to throw of Plied (I Prince ilupert. B, C. this aeeond sbor of the taat sld of Cano psit tt a silly day r rot il Ih daU oaM and Una rffect a permanent ewe. It I tbis quality arkkia ha won Saf dr or January Hit, point tLoul I tulles nortlierly tloor tb I'M ' " OI l lIMl so lb MUdf IteeoH" ' be Largcat salo ci nay otgb aa4 cold remedy la Canada. AktllBlliO THOMSON and COMPANY. LTD, tbor from Buck polnll ibenc south to ; ri l; um" t tteftiwiy bofiiwvrmrai, f.r lb liana Tnomaon, 8crtry. cbilnii ibenc west 10 chiins: laenee wb ,rtm UMk ,,uH"' m" Crows OftSI of tbr 11' " a; t JJt. Urgt kattUt, tmirymJkti . norlb SO cbttnsi thence im so chilut to i'ora north .i,T7 And fSflbef UK mU" I s a, im stArausu cav. r saaasssn. ta SUBSCRIBE FOR point of coauiMnctoMnl, thiln ta tir ' '"" "Ml it de lest Km It, mull b n DANIEL L. SUTHERLAND, of commeiifNtMAi. Ibe Ututiie f tcfl CertiK i The Daily News By Cbrlt E, Durtn. ttmL PETEH JENSEN. menu. Located November 101b. ItlT. 014 ibis tttb diy of V dir. i