ram. Jr 1 pTunry 0. tOlB THE DAILT NEWfl CANADA WILL "ADOPT" LAND LEASE NOTICES MUNITION PILES AT fHaDSIHBOCIIT VLADIVOSTOCK SAFE FRENCH TOWN OF YIMY lktt.1A Uflt) DtSTIUCT DI8TIUCT Of FROM BOLSHEVIKS COAST. rtAROE flVE. HE WOULD DIE i nr many month Hie Secours Kan Francisco, Feb. 8. -Munition .inii"iini V-l I I .n ioront. IMS I)em Vaneouter.TAkE notles tbtl Wslter E. U'siker. of of war accumulated at Vladivostok B. c, occupailon Mtntter. correspondence with tlio French intendt to appijr for permiition to lean are safe from appropriation FRLTT A-TIVES- Cankered 'government rrirnrillnir I ho "mlnn. toa roiiowinr described lands: by the liolshevikl government lion" by tho Hecours of a devested commenetnt si a bo it planted si Inter for use in internal warfare, according eellon of lllfb W'ster Mark Tonttts Ptt-uta to VJadimlr DaschklrofT, town or village. Mony have been snd sn Esu and Weal Lint pattlnt tho dinicultles In the way of com ibroutb Concreta Monument si Bsrtlttl assistant minister of munitions pletlUK arrangements, but rerpnt fHnl, Wales liland. B. Ci tbenea call under Kerensky, who is in this ly n cable has been received from to chains; fbenes soalb 10 cbsins. mors city on his way to Washington. or lets, to HirU Wstcr Msrk Tontsts rss- Frnnee to that the town "Public opinion in Siberia is say that safci ibenca northerly and westerly fol-lowloc has been allotted for Canadian Iba Una of Bsld 111 lb Water Mark against the Utopian measures of mothering and rehabilitation Is lo iba point of commencement, snd coo-Itinlnr the liolshevikl government and LUX that town ftacred. dear and alor 140 seres, mors or less. this feeling is a more potent factor H WALTER E. WALKER. against tho misappropriation ious in the eye of all Canadians 6aia tlih day of October, 1117. Vimy. the devastated. of munitions lying at Vladivostok Work will begin at once am UEE.1A LA.1D DISTRICT DISTRICT Of said. harbor," Mr. IJaschkiroff A shampoQ that's a real hair CASSIAR. will first of all consist in tending relief in the form of food and I For some weeks past the shipment tonic. TAKE notlrs that Walter E. Walker, of of freight lo those portions clothing to cover and nourish the who aHer Vancouver. B. C oectrpstion Msnater,J of Russia controlled by the lfol-jsheviki You drop a couple of tablespoonfuli of the women the manner of tvndt to apply for permit Hon to least wet;, the loyal and loving French, creep Um roiMwiar described lands: forces has been absolutely tatin-like LUX flakes into hot water and whisk MR, ROBERT NEWTON. back to the- wreckage of w hat were Commenclnr at a pott planted st lbs(prohibited, and I feel sure that about until you get a perfect sea of whipped-trcam-likc Utile UrMd'Or.C.n. or lb West Corner of Lot til. Cattisr I these enormous supplies of war lather. The water underneath has homes. hapiy Later, where onrc uj i 1 1 1 fr.,m bittrlct. tbena northerly sad wetterly !al in Vladivostok will yet shower. present like been softened unto a spring . . .walls have been left standing, the follow id Um Una of Hlrh Wtter Mark i roof will be restored, seedlings of Portland Canal to a point where an Eatl be utilized effectively against our Then you give fricnJ Head a real old massage 'fruit and shade trees and fruit and Wett Una drawn ibroutb a point to enemies, the Central Powers, as with the fluid and when you come to rinse you'll rbatni Due north of tba Point of cotn-meocement originally intended." flakes dissolved find the LUX were so completely ski ' I ton to much weight producing bushes will be planted, Intersects with ssld Una or i ft m IAS rounds to 14fi and so, bit by bit, Vimy the Immortal, lllfb Wsur Mark) it oca weal tt chains that not a trace or suggestion of soap will - - i will be restored. Ibenca southerly snd easterly, parallel to BRITISH LIVE STOCK remain in the hair. 4t I imme turaiM ana the ssld line of lllfb Wster Msrk Portland WILL BE RATIONED and YOUNG. healthy Your hair will look glossy, at doctors who, Ijoweter, Just now the Pecours will carry Canal to a point 10 chains Dos West of i 1 mm w.l I"!n 1 1 V. a trlmtiA out the details of the work it is Um Point or Commencement thence east AUrncm ittl LUX, Brttiik m4t, hy London, Feb. 0. It is estimated . c:3 ta try Fniil-Mliftt'. impossible, as yet, to say, but as 10 chains to ssld point or commencement. fJBSfMOwiSMSsaT'fvw snd eontalninr 110 acres mora or less. that the quantity of fodders tufT in it and the needs and progresses Lever Brothers Limited WALTER E. WALKER. Great Britain is insufficient lo the opportunities for meeting Data -tltb day or October, itlT. maintain the existing stocks of Toronto 31 I ni frra of rtaJn. lieadaelMS them tilevelop, word will be sent animals and poultry until the on from I-ranee and the news IKEEXA LA.1D DISTRICT DISTRICT Or I . UMflAMll f All4IllMk.l CASSIAR. present season's crop Is available made here. publio i isa '...it iplendld fruit medicine in September. The Secretary of tt .i i TAIE DOtlc mil WtlUr E. W'tlkcr. of the Hoard of Agriculture announced .- nnnrnr veutov. Salvation Army. roeouTr, 8. C occupttion Mtnsrr, today that plans were FRED STORK'S HARDWARE tDUDdi to ippty for ptrmliiloo to Icsm considered for the being rationing COe t bci 6 for f2.i0,trial tlteSSe. Public meetings, Tuesdays, um unowinr attrtba it&di: Omnmractur it t pott punted tt. Um of all classes of live stock, of FOR CANNERYMEN t a. l, irr or sent rxiria on hursdays and Saturdays at R ,4 of trice by FruitaU"es at 7:30 p. 5rUi WXt Cortwr or Lot til. Csidtr which milch Cows and work horses We bave added to our stock of valves and pipes a complete Rundays p. m. District; tbroco norm It cbstns; Umdc would receive the major portion jfcd. Ottawa. l It line of Rubber Belting at right prices. rluios, mors or lest, to (Urn of the available supply. The The Daily News delivered by Wttr Mirk rortltnd Csotli Umdc sonui- FOR FISHERMEN of feed which is to be trly tod nitfrly forjowtnr Mitti Wstcr quantity arrier. 60 cents per month. A complete slock of the best goods that money can buy for Mirk PorlUivJ Ctnsl to poiot of eonuorDco- given over to poultry will be sufficient trolling Spring Brass, Silver and Iironze. mrot tod coouiolut lit seres moro or to maintain only one-twentieth MINERAL ACT less. FOR THE WATERFRONT of the normal stock. WALTER E. WALKED The celebrated Maple Leaf Paints and Varnishes Special boat si till dtr of October. IflT. ccimrieATK op isiprovkmciits paint "FLO J LAZE A complete line of Ship Chandlery. HAIR SEAL SKINS MOTICC KEE5A LAXD DISTRICT DISTRICT OP FOR EVERYONE CASSIAR. I want to ret Into touch with A fine stock of Hardware, Ourney's Oxford Stoves. TIMBER SALE X10S2. "MoIrtxVnnm" tad "lawn" MiMrtl persons baeinr or who may hare aim, iiroti m lb titrai Mtnisr Dil- hair seals or sea Hons skins which We Sell Nothing But The Best. lbs iloa of Ciur Duuitt TAKE notice that Tba Aarto-BrlUtb Co- are free from sears or fort or book win be tiwHtJ by 'ctbd wafers Wber locaud: AbMi I mik Weiurly lamfeia Psrklnt Compaay Untiled, or Vancouver. holes. X Umi Dot later man mm on tram tin ttrsd of Allr Arm. ud tDoal B. C. occupation Salmon Canners. J. N. M. BROWN i die .if Jtnutrr. It It for Ue STORK'S HARDWARE FRED mUt frets Utt Bch. mteode lo apply lor permission lo leasa P-eet Office Baa Vaace-utee, B.O. rebate J Li! X Ittl IS COl l.l0,- SOT, TAKE .NOTICC Uut Uwtl W. rtlmort. Um follow lot described Undi: .1 I Dm re. lar. unuxi hn Coanamcinr st s post planted st Hlrb rat of U MtlrMrsuta Mloicr sod R- sier Mark PorUand Canal, tt chains Dot Csua ItUnd. Run I, Coast OU- dntliao OoafOf, Umlted. (."loo rtrsoos) Sort, snd It chains, or more. Due West LittnaiTi Tt Muwr's OrtuttM .". of Um arta West Comer of Lot tit. i M i ,-r win be allowed for rt- Ill C tairodt iiiir dr rrum Um dtu Csasisr District; theocs northerly and htt. M wT to Um Misior norar wealerly follow lot Um Una of Hlrb Water 1 of CUr ttft. vr- ulin the tar OrUBriK of tmpromitrau, for Um Msrk. rortlaad Canal, to a point where an , , . Kill, m W V.BliKt w. r w t h. Prr of obutBinr Cron Ortal of Eatl sad West Una art aw tbroufb a point rsrfe of UM stMT tltUai. tt chains Dua Mortb of um point or coca- Keep the AD rL-HTHtR TAtK .I0TICC UMt scUoa cement Intersects with aald Una of up TIMBCR SALE XI54. taMr MUa it mitt tx tcmoutd f- Uifh Water Mark; Ibenca West tt chains; "T AM assured that rr Um lwu of tiKli CcrUllctu of Im- thrace aowtberty and eatlerly paraUed with A my people will respond OfOtTHMSl. Um aald Una or tilth Wsur Msrk. Portland DATtO UU tttk dsy of KovmiMr A. o. Canal, lo a point St chains Dua West Food Supply to every cell :v- r indt ac UUr Ibia wxm oa It IT. rn of Iba polal of commencemeal; thence I -Ji tfv :f rtlriT. I til. for Um eatl It chains to said polal of commence- necessary to the success l rtart XIII, 14 ml if ITS.- WATER NOTICE t and eootaminr lit acres moro or with tc i f lUMa a4 of our cause er-t:r. ir, leta a! tba Bed and roreabors of Portland : 3 trtt tliait4 oe .fooioai indomitable CanaL and the same TAKE 50TICE thit DoBr Vtrdea Mtoet Help THE A50LO-BRITISH COLUMBIA PACU.10 CMnpssr bote sddrefs I Aliro Arm, p. ardour and devotion oMPAMT UNITED. Walter E. Walker. Aft m jf wiu m siMwta, roc rt- wiU (K'lr for tirvoM to uas s Data tltb day of October, HIT. with 1H Ua ruble feet of wtier rr setood that have filled me finkt? Mrc-ultrs of Um Utitf Tontttr ol of Trod I Creek, a trtbalsry of All i, I. ? Duttiri rorttr, riw Mall Mver Aowtnt lato AUeo Arm. ct- 8KEEMA LAXD DISTRICT DISTRICT or Make Victory pride and gratitude i rtt. ur District. TIm wtier will U dtterted CASSIAR. since the war began." t UM bead of Um rails oa Um SUrer llords Mioertl cUim. Lot 1104. sad wtU TAKE notice that Tba Aaclo-Brtuah Co His Majistt Kixo Geoigk IM uted for power purpoaes on Um Wolf lair.bia Packinr Ccmpany Limited, or Van Sure BA sK OF Dd DotlT Vsrden Oroups of Mineral couver. B. C occupation Salmon Canoe rt. Uims beinr li I7tl to I7S7 taclutlTa, least Intends lo spply lor permission to Arflsh Nnrih Arnp.rina and Lou Jill M 1117 Indasifs sad Lot Um tollo tor described lands: W t fl Mill vl ww mi Ciitur DKU1CL Commenclnr st s potl planted st Hits ArMicstioa win be mads alto for um Wsur Mark. Portland Canal, st chains Dus SUUmsnt ruM to tore lit acre feet la first Trout north snd 40 cbsins or mors Doe West of soldiers must be fed; the people at to the Dominion TWra Secood. In Ltko snd I.IOf sere feet tba North West Corner or Lot ttt. Casaar Covtrnmtnt (Condensed) and raorm Tmul Ukea. Tba wsur wlU Dlttrirl. tbenea nor lb tt chains; thence OUR be fed. And in spite of SOth Novembtr, 191 7. IM tlored in ft rtt Troat Uks by Um cm wett to cbsins, mora or less, la Kirn must stntctkMi of s dam si Hf outlet and la Wster Msrk Portlsnd Canal; thence south IMSIUTItt TO TMf rCBUO Berood. Third and Fourth Trout Lskes by erly and eatlerly follow tor Um Una of Germany's murderous campaign to K . Um eoojiruritou of s dam st Um outlet Hlrh Water Mark Portland Canal to Um i :rtuUtloo .. 1,111,111 'c . . 17140,171 of trtt Second uf land Trout to be laka.Dooddd too at rirtl etumaieo Trout point of commencement snd eontalninr tt cut off the Allies' Food supply, by sinking thfr Biaki. . . . arret mora or less. Ill.llt : ib: Arcpt4ocs Ukt is IT acrea and at Secood, Third and THE A.X0LO-BR1T15H COLUMBIA rXCaXIO ship on the High Seas an ample and z4c- offlctl... I.tll.tll fourth Trout Ukes U twenty seres. COMPANY UNITED. Walter E. Walker, Art every ' tbit noiiro wat potted on Uta trouna via IJlh day of October. ItlT. and craen'4H wr Ullrrt I.tlt.ltl on Um Mill dar of October, 1117 unfailing flow of food to England A rnpr of ibis notice and an appitcaiwo tt.7IO.t4t puiauaut Ibertlo and to Um Water Act. SkEE.IA LA.MD COAST.DISTRICT RA30E FIVE.DISTRICT OP France must be maintained. mi Mill b niMi in UM ton ei w Wtier RrmrAr st Prlnca Rupert. B. C AtKTt Um daw uf IM flrtl sppesrsnc of uut TAkE notice tbtl Walter E. Walker, of n Iiia4 tn4 la This is National Service B,,llr lo Um local newtpaper wta aucutrr. B. C- occupailon Manattr, c :Ui Ilt.1t4.t7t tlrd day or October. HIT. and objecuona ntendt to apply for permlstlon to teste n U OovtrniMnl UrcuUtloo lit may be Oled with Um comptroller or tba follow(nr detcrlbed Isndt: Not to the Farmer only III. wiihin tnlrty dart sfiar si t planted st Um f Water neeorder Commencint post :t la E .tolrsl OoM t,4tt.t UM said data. Intersection or sn Estt snd Wett Una But to YOU- to everybody tMlILT VAKDE? MIJIES COMPACT, Ibroutb Concrete Monument at BarUelt v mrst,".cr lfurtlli.Mualtlpsl. tt.041,701 K B. McOlnnts. Afent. per S. A. ueTenna, Polni. Wales Island. B. C with llib Water This appeal is directed Msrk Toorsts rtttarei tbenea souUierly ri ibon Uwni. . . i ni tnt DH-j T.ltt.ttt NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVE that appUra and catterly follow in r Mid Hlrb Wster Uon will be made to me uni Msrk to t point where a Worth and South Utilize ft otbrr Amu unite a Nation to SERVE a garden tmall or large. Il.llt.lOt must as uml.lt of Rritith Columbia at its ocu Line drawn tbrourb a point t cbsins Du WE PLANT : i LMiri)f Cuilumtri anion roe an act to Incorporate sn st Cait of tba point of commencement utter to SAVEand to PRODUCE. Men, back yard. Cultivate the of e r?(Dlrt Crau I,!74,I)T t.ttt.ttt soclaUoft known as "Tba Entineerlni snd . . it ssld llUb Wster Msrk or Toorstt women and children; the young, the middle vacant Iota. Make them all yield food Terbnirsl Inttllula of Brltith Columbia. rattate: tbenea south II chains Ibenca with power to promote and Increase lbs itorihwesterly in s sirsltbl Una lo a point aged and the old all can help la the t7t.lll.004 khowledss. sklU snd proficiency of Its chains Dua Welt or UM potni 01 com- Nation's Army of Production. m ambers In all tbints ralairnt qienrrmenl; ibenca tt cbsins Dus East ot of towns can find no better lo Um Architectural. Eorlneertnr. ' in point or rommeneement snd conuinlnt WOMEN Important outlet for their cflor snd lechnlcsl professions, snd to 110 scrts, more or lets. EVERY pound of FOOD raised, helps that end to cittbiiin ana conauci eiamin WALTER E. WALklli. the cost of living and adds to energies than In cultivating a vegetable ileus snd prescriba such tests or com- Hate tltb day or October, ItlT. garden. the Food for Overseas. Supply peienry snd morsl chsrscter ss msy oa m Ttr tiiu. ft tuuutbt sipedienl snd to trsni cenincaie Skt'EltA LAD DISTRICT DISTRICT! Or of memUrthip lo tboss spprosed or, snd Be patriotic in act as ' www lo purrhsta or otherwits scqxilrs tnJ bold For injormatiorion any tubject ulating ritHtRSIAn t tXOlMI resl r the snd Intitiute.personal and property lo ditpoaa for iba thereof purpose tod i.rkii r.k. noiira r. Ltd..uut of tba Vsneouer.Wftlern B. StUnon C-. oc to tht Farm and Catdtn, mitt: well as in thought. ruuvrti tba proceeds In such manner ts BUUAU Sslmon Csnners, Intends la spply INFORMATION mar seem ni snd to Bt snlranca fees and cupsilon fjwtf. tc&ua! Test er tut"riptloot to be paid by for permlntoi to wstt um Department of Agriculture ' "-- - lha uieu.bers, snd to tsry Um ssma rrom tcrttoed Isudt - Use every means available kf I l.j i, n CommenelBr st t post piemen OTTAWA Hr e. Hum lo lima, and la pro We for the man-sirmenl on a smaii Psstsre. Overlook nothing. " or Its affairs by council to ba wtier msrk. Jlesmer 1 about wm mile l. t , tt-ss the ssld pstssta liitbi on roniiiiuled la lucb nttnner ss may pa pro- 4 eM. tided lor by By-law. and to hae III bead north of Qutnamiu Bsy) ten (It twenty ainra aud hold Its snnual meeiinrs witain dus wett of ssld bilhl; ibenca For Furth.r Infonostlon Urtiith Columbls, snd lo have, enjoy, snd. cbsins Uut norih. tbenea lhef n Dominion Department of Agriculture siercite til powers, ritbis and prifiistes ehslns .due estt. or com- Apply to eoutC-bca Uck to point necattsry. ututl or Incidental la til or toy cuius snd conuinlnt totJ ( OTTAWA, CANADA. at Um sfforessld purposes. meneemenl, w c w.uviscnoi T BIUD8IIAW . STACPOOLE. TvTEORNAlk,0.-l TACkHa COH. HON. MARTIN BTJURMJL, MlaUter. olirliort for lbs Applicant. Art-DATED net u.ri, D. 0. iTED at Viciorls. U, C, this I lib dty -ANV.a.WIJED. C C Robsrisoo, December lllU tHT- lit December HIT.