I riii Daily NEWS 4 ivrf'f - ' . MUNCH Itt'I'KflT, II. C, WEDNESDAY, FEDHUAHY 13, 1018. Plllftt V1VK CENT HIItiCPFIflR Tllf IS NO PEACE MEAN NG ll ii ii II ll II II vl n li ll ll n II 71 1 1 n II ml ll ill LLOYD GEORGE DISAPPOINTED AT VAGUE STATEMENTS OF HUN DIPLOMATS RUSSIA STOPS FIGHTING, BUT ATTACKSUPON PARLIAMENT TO CENTRAL POWERS DECLARATION HAS SIGNEDNO PEACE TREATY ALLIES' LINES '. BE SUMMONED HAS NO REAL PEACE MEANING cL8HEVIKI GOVERNMENT LEAVES CENTRAL EMPIRES AT WAR ARE REPULSED NEXT MONTH PREMIER LLOYD GEORGE DISAPPOINTED WITH LACK OF SUB-8TANCE WITH NO ONE TO FIQHT WITH CURIOUS SITUATION IN STATEMENTS BYCZERNIN AND VON HERT-LINO BRITAIN WILL WOT RECOGNIZE PEACE UCH INDEFINITE WORDS LEAVES THE PACT WITH THE UKRAINA Both French and Italian Troops Immediately Result of Soldiers' ALLIES NOTHING TO DO BUT FIGHT ON Successfully Throw Back Overseas Vote Is Received German and Austrian New Parliament Will spetai w The Duy 2ewi.) i The premier added that 11 was I .,!,, .i.r.iary 13 !tum' Attempts. Be Called to Meet. London, Feb. 13. Commenting perfectly true that as regards the hiMwai from the world war. KING GEORGE upon the recent speech by Count tone of the two speeches, there t iSptttal la Tbt Duly Srwti. (SpMitl to The Dally Ciernin in reply to President Wil- was a great deal of difference be-son, today, haa re-. a i,v .-..niiroied Paris. Feb. 13. The Germans Ottawa. Feb. 13. The counting Premier Lloyd George lolditweea them, and he wished he j , n. ..r the niyt ainailng OPENS BRITISH made an attempt at a raid in the of the soldiers' vole cast in Can- the House of Commons today that could believe that there was an t , i fciiuailons in the hts- region of Juvincourt yesterday. ada will likely be completed by the when it came to the real substance equal difference in substance. i iu. world. Without ob. PARLIAMENT wlncli was broken up by our fire, middle of the next week. The of the demands of the all'ee, "There is no real peace meaning '( the usual formalU before it reached our lines. On ballots are being entered in the Count Ciernin was adamant. The in either von llertling's or ui y t the right bank of the Meuse, the Mill books, and this part of the premier said he had read with Count Czernin'e declarations. . , . r Uu- biggest nations on enemy launched an attack in force proceedings should be completed' profound disappointment the rein There is no word wlthregard to a. m at ibe present lime, rep- In the Speech from the Throne, on the Caurrieres Wood front. a few days. The actual count- plies given to President Wilson, Belgium or Poland, or"he rights iy Trotsky for the Itol- Hla Majesty Telle or Imperial whieh resulted in a spirited combat. ing should not take more than and to the declarations of the of France or Italy. In the absence s! -.) B.wrnmeL has Just War Cabinet Again The enemy was repulsed. three or four days. Dritish Government by von Meriting of anything definite, it is it() ,,(T (be field and left the Being Convened. Ills forces fled lierriedly, leaving The accounting for the overseas and Czernin. our duty to go on with the war." u their dead in our hands. vole is taking longer and the 1. .i-iii' at unra nothing to shoot Italian Front. 'results from the votes cast in LIVED FOR SIX DAYS ON BRITAIN DEMANDS London, February 1. U the llome, Feb. 13. The Auslriahs Europe will not be known until MUSH AND PORCUPINE RELEASE OF AIRMEN i i.. but iieen no formal peace opening of Parliament today. Ills yesterday renewed their attack the end or this roonlu. As soon IMPRISONED BY HUNS 6, i,..-it i. and Trotsky says there Majesty King George. In the upon the northern front, west of as this result is knjiwn, the new Mr William Lang, of this city, :,. i. any either. The Cen-ar- speech from the Throne, Intimated the river Urenta. bul they were parliament win be summoned lo is a fisherman, who had the mls- London, Feb. 12. A Ileuter dis left in the redieu-i.. ,09e h, boal rcM' patch confirms that Britain, forlune lo with that the Imperial War Cabinet a.ih. m. ini-n tn m.r, that the house will not be r being at war tin through Holland, has informed a. and with nobody to fight, would be again convened to dls- pieces by the Italian artillery and called lo meet until after Easier, I while coming down from the Port- that unless the captured . this relal-i the attacks were brought lc a but it is understood thai we gov-slandslill. land Canal. He was cast away on Germany W !! Mill of appar-'cusa matters of importance British airmen, Capt. Scholtz and ,. . t situation will be Is Very severe losses ernmenl is very anxious to have one of the little uninhabited islands iag to lm) welfare of the Empire Lieut. Wookey, who were sentenced say There is evidently wre inflicted, before the enemy Parliament meet at the earliest at the entrance to the canal for of to long Imprisonment anJ h h repretelllaU-e. date, and the most likely ( , ine hape of armed , ,x . , finally decided lo refrain from any possible and waited. There was nothing distributing leaflets in Germany riU aero the further attack. date is March 21. . Kreveni the German else to do. A bag of mush was all from the air, be released and ad been summoned to a I further into V lit-iratiBg treated as ordinary prisoners of nble to from that he had been save CAN CAN WAR LEGISLATION i inlying themselves to further session. FHANCE war, Britain will be compelled to FOR U. S. TROOPS TO BE DISCUSSED his boat when she sank, which ! kJIuUs. tnercbandite "The struggle In whieh we are maker reprisals and a month's together with a wandering porcu. . j-MLt.,ry Uiey may want. engaged has reached a critical noCice will be given In accordance t Tt nuiy ewi. which be managed to kill, ttfc ui' ijermans will quit Paris, Feb. 12, An agreement j (Spcui pine, with the arrangements reached at slage, demanding more than ever has been concluded between the Washington. Feb. 13. Presi-I formed his sole diet for the space further cai c s conquests by Ford Newton's recent mission :, f the Husilan empire our united energies and resources." roncf, and American govern- dent Wilson will begin tomorrow of six days. In order lo vary ll lo The Hague. ii be seen. King George declared. inents by which the canned fruit a series of conferences with the somewhat, he had mush and por Britain will not admit that the ' "I have summoned representatives and vegetables required by the leaders of Congress, both Itepub- cupine for .breakfast, and porcu f aerordintr lo the German CRCEK POPULATION from Dominions and my Ajneriean Expeditionary Forces Hcan and Democrat, touching pine and mush for lunch, and so contention, committed a breacn CHEER FOR ALLIES my will be supplied by France. This upon all phases of the war legis- on. of international law, and points Indian Umpire to a further session arllon was taken after a Joint In- Iation. i Indue course, however, and out that Austro-Germah airmen 1fe tMltf .. of the Imperial War Cabinet, vesligallon by experts of the: after the wrecked man was tired repeatedly dropped pamphlets in t o. 13. -Great Indig-s in order that I may again receive United Slates Army Purchasing CANADIAN RAILWAY t his restricted meals, he was ihis manner. ipressed at a mass their advice upon questions of Board .....and French authorities!. TROOPS IN ACTION picked, up, and arrived here Ine m r. a IL.. .1 If m. I.Anoa I Jl hA ftnlA I t ! f it ly thousand of the moment, affecting the common showed Ibal no, normal iruii ami I1""""'- - NEWFOUNDLAND AND wa$' ... 'salve his engine in his wrecked' France .... , ; .iation here, with the interest or ine unpire. vfcoUhlA cron in a ..ri,. r-. WASTE IN FISHERIES i. i.lenl at Lamia lately i More than a year ago, the u(3teienl t supply both armies t,an naiway troops actually 1b,oat infantry regiment 'Colonial Premiers all met in Lon-ias well as all domestic needs. 'Mn-ej in the front line for a London, Feb. 12. Ex-Premier 3 The meeting demand-'don. in conference with lite Brlt- The Americans will be required periotj of 36 hours when the train I ICED CAKES WASTE ARE A OF SUGAR Morris of Newfoundland, addressing k at mobilization of Ihe ih War Cabinet, and the ques- only to import sugar for preerv- on which thfv upr returninir to the Aldwich Club on the possibilities . ,y ureal crowds march, lions brought up in relation to the ing the fruit and tin plate for Ihe camp wa9 cut o(r by advanced- Unofficial word comes from Ottawa of Newfoundland's fishing gh the tlreets cheering different parts of the Umpire al- manufacture oi cans, ine m- raruC8 Gf the enemy, is revealed Control industry, said that before the Food authorities a.iies. i feeling the successful proseeu- lerials will be sold to Ihe French b y a report j9gued from the Militia that have the been pleased war their lobsters were all sold lion of the war were decided upon. Government, which wm apportion i,.)attment here. TThe report very lo Germany, where they were canned of the candy with the some SKIMS OF FISHES MAKE them among private manufactur stales: "Two companies of Cana manufacturers way have endeavored to and exported lo England, if ers. dian troops had a novel back Newfoundland. The FIRST CLASS LEATHER BRITAIN RECOGNIZE8 Hallway i ik. ..I.t. nn.l ko.-A hun.' IIUI to NO PEACE WITH UKRAINA The American Army Purchasing and exciting experience when the nietr iuo nun. and'v other SUIIIIUI1 lisucrj as hiibuio,v.i u Si .t nn. N. Febuary 12-M Board expects that by pur- train on which they were return. using corn syrup, honey the mak. huge development, and it was " i ' g t the International SpUl M Ttw DUJ .1wt. rhasing canned goods in Franoo , . camn was cut off. in the substitutes inir of their for sweets.sugar But in there are possible to establish herring fish-cries fav. "imisslnn which Is London. Feb. 13. ll was leam- there will De a saving oi por vicinjly ef Oouieaucourt, by ad housewives who as valuable as cod. Certain ! (i : t h. re. Mr. Iledflcld. Secre- ed authoritatively here today that enL n the lonnage im require!ill lor ,Vanced parlies of the enemy.arm-. still.it n.- i a nm good vni many. wnriipii. iiiiirriiuiciii a fish were very appetizing, and Ury i m. rce in the l.'nilivl lirit.in will nnl reflonJlze canned goi. i ne moniuij can- ed with machine guns. The driver ,i were so abundant that one could . . . f i ..,1m.ni, for ?j.noo . HH..I commenuaiion, auu wuuc ai. rri.nvd to the increase in .n dmpd between Germany anu ------ anu uremau. were mcu, um o3 . . a I L- hardly row through them. These (hp ------ ' U MtimalMl at 350 tons. lirnkBn h fihA flr. ;.layer cakes sun proclaim io "tush in ibe united States those delegates signing the paet - 108 iracK wa uroVu uy world that Iheir are either were Actually used as fertilizers. 1-(,. tUMime would come,of 1 .ace for the Lkralna. ,F'"- ' ft!h,?o. will be -l,,e lraiH had lo be 8topped 'ndi rather 1 verj selnsh Moreton Frewen said that the !) , b v.k.,4 tn, ,0UKhl for sugar and tin nb3lulonea. Several of the men We ?l"p.W.0 I? deal about waste of the ocean's resources Pur ' "f tannimr their tklm nrmiiN nrrENSiVE 'Imported, thus saving auu ions oiUecame. casualties through enemy "eggless and butterl6ss" cakes, was almost criminal, and it was olo leather. COMING THIS SPRING shipping space A The battalion a stigma upon the statesmen of 'Xhipi,.d several pieces ofi iu ques the last half century that this a'h'i manufactured from shark' (IpMtU Vu The IHU! .1tl. harvest has been neglected. un The leather nf vnrlou ! von M III Ullti me i " --v,'. was New York. Feb 13.- Major ..miM mil trir nrwl hotter in their 1 3'l - ami milii II- .1... nihorir. of the German uencrai WANTED Eight platoons under the com- j -""V ,cln(r on ' ugh hard leather, which ci the Colonial Ihem.' Cakes made with good JUST ARRIVED " uau. from the skins of the Society at Berlin, declare! that One set fallers. served in tne, iront uno area .or. , food From Toronto, a large ri7J"b n,rn better known Uindenburg would undertake a One head boom man. 36 liOUr. L.nl.1A It, Ilm fanH AfA ATninltd shipment of second boom man. One di.gnnh." Thebusiuessof kcaiI seneral offensive this spring in making and cooking. An Iced Mn.nu nth ikins Is a growing iiHlie irreat endeavor to crush the One fireman. CITY ENGINEER AND ASSESSOR cake. lacking eggs and butter, Spring Dresses one. ! force of the allies, and so end Three Two signal Swampers.men. Application for pouon of City wastes sugar. Are and time, as it Exquisite Creations in Silks the war by leaving Germany vic- rigging men. Entiixtr nn AtKttor, will be nctliti by adds very little to the bodily and Serges. Latest styles, mlth W,nBton Coal re-' orloui. i Two lb cny Clrk up M Monday. ib tlin dy nourishment of the consumer. Beautiful Colors, fMM our fuel bMI and olva. Apply of Fbruirjr. Inuni. al p. m. Tb e-rful Judging by the frequency with MODERATE PRICES "". R. MORGAN, LTD. will brtln ht dull on J. istlon. : ppllfnl Phone 15. .P. R. TO THE PUBLIO ; which iced cakes appear upon the coal Co. o.M Williams A Manson tne lit Marth Mat. See them at 1 reeeevev antp rETtns. air cirk. tables of the average uanauian To assist the Y. M. C A, the housewife, this Iced cake would GOLDBLOOM'S W n. T. U. will hold a lag day n appear to be very popular. It can Kn'turday. the loth February. The! not be said that It is popular ior WESTHOLME ,Y. M. C. A. is doing splendid worn its own sake, and the very popularity TONiQHT ONLY for our boys at the front, and Public Indignation Meeting of this easily made cake Please constitutes a reflection upon the needed. fund urgently are will be held in the IUt. M 7111 Sh.fp. housewife who never makes any give-us generously as juu pan. FLIRTING THEATRE other kind of cake. Fruit cake WITH EMPRESS A . ir, DEATH" THE CRADLE and aultana cakes are much more UNIVIRSAL ,tory WIIKLV Born on February oth at Smith- ON WEDNESDAY EVENINU AT 8 P. M. nourishing. If a little more CMARLH CHAPtlN era. to Mr. and Mrs. Van Aspcren, troubU. FOR QUALITY ' EIWIGK and SATISFACTION daughter. trrtvMi in a For New Wellington Coal and s AND A WANTED Piling. Tor partlcu-ars Ir Lumber or all dimensions, IX BAY WEEK FOR HELP, rtaiurc. apply to Prince Rupert Lum- hone 11. 2 ber co., 8eal Cove. 37 (9