is 1918 Bank By Mail And RED CROSS NOTES LAND LEASE NOTICES j The society arkrmwMgi wHh mtJU LAND DISTRICT-DISTRICT A Trip to Town j Ihnnka tlirj following cash dona. COAiT. RANOE flVE. or Save llanai Aliee Arm nraneh, M' sir. a. i.. i.nrruiiMTK, ...TAKE no Ufa thai ur.ti. r w.n... 16.00; Con. - i m- iriiirri w, rOR hc benefit of those table JUI ley, IJ0.JO; Mr. A. It TtMvmitf, B. c, oeeap.ikm Manarer. ' pertntitton lo ktM TTT. r who Jive ouii luni., Mallory, Port Clement", 16.00. J-V." (Sttnhra lituli: wc have arranged a 11 Pa' pJanwd at tnirr-r can do The "ale of liome.efMWtig in Hit Wawr Mark Tonrxi rti-Ha which you by aa Eat ind rlan Wnl Una paialnt tno lieu urOM nut this week will banking uy man ..u., aroai Uawrtta MMtanxnt at BarUctl Vour ai If you ?hi held on Friday at uauol and faaw, Wie uund, . a,i lbnca aad J, satisfactorily will he under llio charge of Mr. aa mxhm; ifat Knith 14 tnaioi, mora stood here at pur counters. Bmiili, of JJjgby Island, and Mr. ar laaa,Wenet la llifb Water Mark Toatatf Paa-Mrej mrlhnlr tnd fol-wiat explain wetterlr and let us in I'hll McDonald. Come it. um 0f 8ihl tB WtUr Mtrk the plan -or write for the r 10a pout r eommenctmesi ami eon information. There ore many imirs of aoeka UMaay fie acrct, mora or leaa. walling to he flnished off. Tta WALT 11 E. WALKER, ftata tm oar af Oriaber. I SIT. THE BANK OF may he obtained by teeing or phoning Mil, Olnney. The Seal UEENA LA.MD DISTRICT DISTRICT Of British North America ove braneh, Allee Arm hranett CASSIA H. and natuupii nave recently aenl TAKE aooaa Uial Waller E. Walker, at In a supply of flniahed aoeka raeaa)ar, B. C oeeopattoa Manaier. AND 6' '." which are acknowledged with aSHtaaj to 11447 far penolitton to kaa CAPITAL m: nmmtmt deaeribad Uodi: PENCE RUPERT BRANCH thanks. Gemrottieief ti 1 pot pUoted at u arm Wtai Csroer or Ul 111. Caailar Mr, rruzeii naa aeni in a pitriu tfieoce oortbertT and weilerlv cheque for 1 100 to the treaturer. lahWartar Ute Una of llifb Water Mirk Early Morning Sunli rortUM canal 10 a potnt ber ao Eaat being the proceeds of the enter, Weal Us drm n tbrotjrti a polct so lalnmenl held on New Years Day tnaloi baa florin or the rolot or com-Bteneemenl In the Hi. Andrew's Hall. This is Interteru witn tiid Una or Hln Water Mark: tbeoca weal IS cbaioa; a splendid contribution to the Ojeoea aaatiierlr and eulerly, paraUel to will find washing finished earlier and better and fund of the society. Uw nkl ikm or IllfU Water Mirk Portland YOU your Caul f a potot SS ettaina Dae Weil of work will become far easier by using Sunlight Soap, SALE X 1082. The sale of home-cooking last as Uw etiatnt fatal to of aahl Commracementt pout of eommeocement.Ibenca eaal for it cleanses and purifies clothes more rruickly and TIMBER week realized the sum of 103.05. Ml ewatalntov Its terea more or leat. thoroughly than ordinary soap. The article presented and drawn WALTER E. WALKER. tun KS : Will tx mr reeetved the n"oo DJ im on for were aa follows: Mrs. Muae Dale-ftta day of Ottobtr. ISIT. Sunlight is the most efficient Laundry Soap sold on the Canadian ' gave a work-basket which was tkEETIA LAXD DISTRICT-CASSIAR. -DISTRICT Of mm in market It is a a,; today pure beyond compare. v Mat I ISA. won by Mr. lluek; Mrs. Deatey, of -(jr, M lie rams far Iih MastcL e rochet lace, won by Mrs. You try Sunlight Soap according to directions, and youHl see TAKE satire Uta! The AorW-Brltliti Co- a .US ' i- biliM 1. t)il II. McGoll, crochet yoke won by leaabii Patktof Ccanpanr Uadted. or Van-eoaver. the early morning sunlight shining on a line of the whitest B. II. Mortimer: Fritz Schullz to- B. C. occupation Salmon Cannera, clothes that of housewife's o,, mr tr anwa ror re- hacoo won by Mr. J. A. Thompson; Mteed la apptr for penniaiiea to kaia ever spoke pride. Mrs. Joseph Harvey bead necklace tfc fo41o mr deaerUied landi. CtoaaMortnt at a pol pleated at Hitn won by Mrs. F. O. Dawson: Mrs. Water ts ctaina Mark, Portland Canal, Da I IT. llulger. butter dish, won by II. Kertb and 48 cbalni or mora Doe Weat or Wearmouth; Mrs. Smithers, cro Um SonH Weal Corner of Lot til. Cauiar TIMBER SALE X 84. chet tray cloth, won by Mrs. J. L. Dtitrtel; tbenca norUl S enalnj; tbeoce rt fa etulnt, more ir In; to Hirb Soap Christie; Mrs. ). Wilson, silver Water Mark Portland Canal; Ibence aontlt- Sunlight ..... is.. MbnriMk Ml knives and spoons, won by Mrs. -rlr and eaiterly r olid in r in Una ol Kmilh (Digby; Mr. V. J. Smithers, Kit Water Mark Portland Canal la in t e - i.imwT. itis. rr i poaat ef aetnmenceaieBt and eootainiaf SS . ., i . .fl. ,. i iii id nil I .1 IS gold piece won by Mr. V. (lold- terea mora or i ; . cedar. Balsam ana bloora. 111 THE A5QLO-BRITISH COLOMBIA PACkl.lO I : v j limited or. Jfoojam COMPACT LIMITED, Walter E. Walker, Art. . .. a -a. rifraff niti The prisoners of war branch Dal- fits dir t Oetotwr. ISIT. It' Vlad to Um fcaaeU. A 15,000 guarantee aaya there Follow direction. ia Dot a particle of adolterant " t Hw-t1 for r has received 110 from Queen TV. ) Ktrt SKEOA LAD DISTRICT DISTRICT or Sold aU la Sun at 1 oiei a. tr Imparity light Soap. Charlotte City through Mrs. llarge CASSIAR. mi towards the support of A. llristow, fit. the prisoner adopted by the So TAKE no Me that The AntM-BrttUb Co- taaaMa Limited, or Van Parkins Compeny ciety In Germany. tauter, B. C. occupatleo SaUson Cannera, Ma to ijtIt tor penniMMa to kte The lied Cross oelety acknow Hm raJtovtnt deaertbed Und: . ledges with thanks a cheque for OMMAeiMtnff II a pott planted at iUrb SEEE5A LAXD DISTRICT DISTRICT or WATER NOTICE ivw T" -r WrrtvrwrvT klee Mark rortland Canal, SS cbalni Due CASSIAR, I..., 'i rvt-i i f 100 from the Seal Gove branch; I Due Waal .Wtb and 4 rbiioi, or more. ul m another box of articles from of um Xorta Weal Corner ef Lot ttl. TAKE notice tbit Walter E Walker, cf TAKE NOTICE Uul Dolly Vardea Mine Vancoover. B. c. occupatioa Mioacer. company wboae addreas I AUr Arm. B. Mrs. Deasy, of Masset, for the ur DMtrttt; Uxnea nortberlr and CIRCUIT NO. 1. 4erly rettar um Um or Hirb Water tatenda ui apply for permtailoa to leak C will apply for a Hrenso to take and Friday sales. land: second Bo 12 SU SL and rd Ave, Um fotiuta( deaertbed ns ten cubic feet ot water per Muk. poruand canal, to a point wbero an I Cfl -4 1-1 I kt I 1S-1B Bai IS th SL and Srd Ave, Mil and Weal Una drawn utroorb a point Commenciot at a pott planted at lb out of Trout Creek, a tributary or Kit TIMBER SALE X 92C. a rtuMi Doe !lrth of tb point or coco-awojcentent .torib Weal Corner of Lot . Caaaiar saull River Cow lot into Alice Arm. Ci-slar Boi 14 sta SL and Srd Ave. i tti-4 m h. tf ft ia tateraeeti aim aald Una of DliUic I. tbenca nortb f S cbalni; tbenca District. Tba water will b diverted Bos IB Junction or 1st. tnd and Wetl SS veil 4 a chain, mora or lea, to tllfb it Um bead or Um rails on Um surer Srd Ave. Staled Utxfert Ui I mtr4 bj Um Irian Water Mirk; 1 brace ebaiajj will Bor 1S 1st Ave, between Stb aad I trl 4 I, kf S Sa tteaira teolbeeljr and eatterlr paraUed ltb Water Mark rortland Canal; tbenca aontb- Horde Mineral claim. Lot 3104, and . Mioitur of Ltad not Uirr Uua boom erlr and enlerly followlnr Hlab Wiler be used for power purpose on tb Wolf Sib Sta. (Knox Hotel). hara f ot Hirb Water Mark, rort-bad ItM ttlb 6ty uf ftttniuj, ISIS, lor Um to aald LMe Weal Mark Portland Canal to poiat of commenc- nd Dolly Vtrden Droops or Mineral Bei 17 1st Ave. and Tib St, (Central SS cbatna Due Irrb4 of LictB X lf. U ml t,I!. canal ta 1 point ment and coaialnmr 1(0 acres mora or Utm betnr Lou ilt 4 to JT7 Inclusive. Uotel). Fir Further Information ti f Hmikxk. Sprue. OtUan im CMif of tba point of commencement; tbenca lea a. i nd Lou SI st to SI ST Inclusive and Lot eat la cbaln to aald point of commenco- a an art Mtl4 on Leer Lak. Truer WALTER E. WALKER, III Casslar District. CIRCUIT NO. 2. Apply to ti And eonuininc It ante mora or I, track. Rb 4, Coaii OUtrtcL mm of tb Bed and rorcaborc of Portland ate fttb day of October, ISIT. Application wlU be made also for tbe oi 22 Srd Ave and Srd St, (Post Tart (1) ytara wui t aHr4 fr ra- Office). fanaL rtrnt to store 110 acre feet In rtrst Trout W C AlwLISCnOFT SKEE.1A LA-ID DISTRICT DISTRICT OP Lake and MOP acre reet In Second. Third toi 23Srd Are. ml McBrld SL rarUtrr pruUr t Utt tfcf rirrlr. THE AS0LO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKL10 COAST. RJUC0E HVE. ind rourth Trout Lakea. Tba water will Boa 24 1st Ave, and McBrtde St. ::i Ruptrt, B. 0. M-iurta, B. C or DUlrtrl rrir. " :oMPA.tT LIMITED. Walter K. Walker. Art be stored In First Trout lake by Um con Boa 2B tnd Ave. and tnd St, impart, b. c rti Iie -lllb daf of October, ISiT. of Bei 24 tnd Ave. and lh SL ; TAKE do tire tbat Walter E. Walker, struction of a dam at IU outlet and In Vanceurcr. B. C occupatioa Manirer. Second, Third and Fourth Trout Lakes by Bo 27 O. T. P. ntendt to apply far permission to leaia the com.traction or a dam at tbe outlet l be reUotof deaertbed lands: or Second Trout Lake. Tba estimated CIRCUIT NO. 3. CAcameneioc at a post planted at Um i re a of land to be flooded at First Trout Bat 31 SUt Av. and Fulton SL fr ititrrtectkon ot an East and West Un Like is if acrea and at Second. Third and . Bi 32 Borden and Taylor SU. tarooih Coacrct Monument at Bartlett rourth Trout Lakea la twenty acres. )i 34 1th Ave. ana Fulton SL Point, Wale Island. B. C mltb Hltb Water This notice was posted on tbe around Boi ss tlh Ave, and Comos Ave. This is Mark Tun cut PtsMre; tbenca southerly on tbe tltb day of October, ISIT. i Boi 37 Sib Ave. and Dodce Place and laiterlj teUolnc aald llifb Water A ropy ot this notice and an appUcatlon ; Baa SS (lb Av. and Thompson 8L Keep National Matk to a point wbere a Korth and Soutb pursuant thereto and to lb Water Act. Une drawn tbroutb a po'nt 40 cbaln Due 1911, wtu be Bled In tbo ofnee or tbe; CIRCUIT NO. 4. Service East of UM potnl ot commencement Inter-rcu Water Recorder at Prtnce Rupert, B. C. , Bai 41 lib Ave. and Emmeraon aahl lllth Water Mark ot Tons or this 1 Tbe data of tb Brat appearance Tlac. asMrs: tlx nee soutb SO cbalns; tbenca notice In tbe local newspaper was the , 0i 42 Sib Ave. and McBrtde SL nortbaesterlr In a atraiiHt Una to a point tlrd day ot October, ISIT, and objecUons, Sea 43 tlb Ave. and Green 8L Chickens 10 cbalns Do West of tbo point of com may be Died with Um comptroller ori Bos 44 (tb Ave. and Basil SL mencement; tbeoce SO cbalns Doe East ot Water Recorder within thirty day after I Bei 7lh Ave. and Eberts. tbe potnl of commencement and contatnlnr tba said data. I Boa 141 7 tb Ave. and Yount SL They SI0 acres, mora or leaa. DOLLY VARDE.1 MIJtES COM PANT, j WALTER E. WALKER. R. B. MrOlnnls, A rent, per E. A. Cleveland. Oaie tltb day of October. SttT. The cost of meat is the heavy will help SkEE-NA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OP NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that arpUca item in the food bill. COAST, ru-tos S, tlon wlU be made to the UrUlaUv As- ; sembly of British Columbia at lu Mil, Take nolle tbat the Western Salmon session for an act to Incorporate an as- ; Poultry and Eggs will help Keep you Parkins Co.. LU.. ot Vancouver. B. C. oc- sorlaUon known as "Tba Enftneerlns and Anyone Can Have cupalMi Salmon Cannera, Intends to apply Technical Insututa ot British Columbia,' , take the place of meat. for permuslon to IriM Um roiiowtnf described with power to promote ant Increase the lands: knowledse, skill and proficiency of lu! Whipped Cream How to Commeoeiaf at a post planted at blab members in all thins reiatmt I The food that Jiocs to the garbage go water mark. Steamer rassste, (on a small to the ArchiteetuMl. Enrtneerlnr. Sur- j about it bifbt on l be said passti about on mile veytnc and technical profeaslons, and lo I PACIFIC MILK is so pall from the average table will provide nortb ot Qutnamass Bay! ten (10) cbalns Uial end lo establlsb and conduct examlna Hi f balcblaS e eer-aW due west ot aald blrht; tbenca twenty f0 Uona and prescribe such tests of com rich in cream that it one-thlrd the feed for a flock of 8 to BUY hamm or buf a bfooe cliaina dua norm, tbrnc twenty (SO) peicncy and moral character a may be 10 hens. baa ae artlStta! Broader. Ik A rbkins dua east, Ibenca twenty (10) thoufbt tipedieot and to rrant certiorates whips as easily as k.laltad aad pecklat-aa chWk. Tl will lb heuM chirk cbatna south, tbenca back to point or commencement, of membertbip to those approved of, and most of the fresh aad (40) U or otherwise acquire and bold bread mia.b aaakaa la aUlk and eontatnlnr forty purchase Poultry will thrive where vegetables aaeetad are, fl acre more or lea. real and peraonal property for tba purpose cream sold around er, lirarln with prepared THE WESTER SALMO. PACKWO COM ot tb imtUtute. and to dispose thereof and wl not grow. The outlay Is small. chkk tA, oai a Rmmar much a Ibey thai PANV. UMITED; C. a Robertson, Art reinvest the proceed In sucb manner as Ihe Province. milt at cleaa. up Hi and to Ba entrance tees and DATED December list. ISIT. may seem A chick I a ha.HK chick, few minutes a day Is all the time huairf annual fee or subscriptions to be paid by Westminster b of New Mrs. McCary mutt CAUTION; Chick f MINERAL ACT tbe mr rubers, and to vary tb tame from "quired. lad ualll at Ut hour old.aad ttma to time, and to provide tor lb man-temenl wrote in to say that she whips the a aaly epariatlr. CERTIFICATE OP IMPROVEMENTS of Its affair by council to be PACIFIC MILK regularly for a wllh A If you can, atnrt now constituted in such manner is may ba provided for small Hock in back yard will chlckai if not, arrantf treat for the youngster your citta or NOTICK tor by By-law, and to nave lu bead far to at one with th loot! poultry -Molybdenum and "Success Mineral office and bold iu annual meetlnr within breakfast. keep Jo you supplied with eggs, Meociatlon for puliata In tna Jalms, situate In tb 8 kern Minlnt Division British Columbia, and to have, enjoy, and All she does U to set aside the broilers and roasters. fail. ot cassUr District Kiercit all power, rltnt and prtvliete amount she wants, in a cool place, Where lor led i About 4 mile Westerly necessary, ususl or Incidental to all or soy for a time and then beats it with nun tb brad ot Alice Ann, and about of the (IoreMid purposes. this a stive egg-beater. She puts mil from tb Beach. EHADillAW k STACPOOLK. Write for Poultry Bulletins to TAKE Nt'TICK tbat- Uwla W. Palmora, Solicitor for the Applicant, on toast and gives it to the child, rrre Miner crrlinrite o. tltlt-C. as tiiTED ai Victoria. B, C. tbl tlUt'day ren for breakfast. iteol of in Molybdenum Mlnlnc and Reduction of December ISIT. cakes and INFORMATION BUREAU You'll find it ts good on Company, Limited, (Noo Paraonal Liabiutyt rre Miner Certmcat No, THE DOMINION tojtl c. Intend slaty Jay from tna date HAIR SEAL SKINS PACIFIC MILK CO., LTD. bereol. to apply to the Mlnlns Recorder Factory at Ladner, B. C. lor s cmtfleate of Impwremenis. tot tba t want to set Into touch with DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, purpoM of ubUinliif a Crown Grant Of persona bavins or who may have If y.-u have a good recipe send it carta ot in above elitou. batr seals or lea lion Ulna which AMD rUHTIIER TAKE NOTICE thai aelloo are free from rara tr fork or book in. You may get a nico surprise OTTAWA under Satlton St mutt l commenced bo-tor holvS. iu return. Address Hoi 882, Vancouver, HONOURABLE MARTIN BURRELL, Ulnitttt. lb Issue ot sucb cartlBcat or Un-provcmenia. J. N. M. BROWN II. C. Post Offlee Bi 107, Vaaeeuvar.B.O. DATED ItU ttlb day of November A. D. HIT. rit IL