-, The Da ily News . N" Mnjs'fflUUPKRT, t Bt FfUPAV, FI'IHlUAfiY 15, 1 0 18. PMV.jtjJVR ffer CiiBMM IIP GERMAN TRENCro' CAPTURE MACHINE GUNS AND PRISONERS-BOLO PASHA SENTENCED TO DEATH MONTREAL NUNNERY FIRE SUBMARINES SUNK THREE SHIPS j GAS BOATS CAN STILL FISH CAUSES BIG DEATH LIST FOR ONE BUILT LAST YEAR SALMON ON THE SKEENA RIVER mmTY.EIGHT CHARRED BODIES OF CHILDREN ALREADY LO-THl" JOINT PRODUCTION OF BRITISH AND UNITED STATES SHIP-. AMENDMENTS OBTAINED BY PRINCE RUPERT'S DELEGATION . fab mrnriiiMn MiiMnrn or nran YARDS IN 1917 ONLY TOTALS ONE-THIRD OF TONNAGE LAST YEAR CONTINUE IN FORCE UNTIL FINAL REPORT THOUSAND PERSONS MADE GOOD THEIR ESCAPE SUNK BY ENEMY SUBMARINES SPEEDING UP OF ROYAL FISHERIES COMMISSION RECEIVED FROM BURNINQ BUILOINQ OF SHIPYARD PRODUCITON IN 1918 ADVISORY BOARD WILL NOT MEET u i tn Dr st.i -to gcther with aged and artppled Sfweiti to tim rDij was ome 901,223 ton, making a The Minister of Marine and t.i. 15. The top iii.n and womeil, who had found Washington. February 15. The total combined, tonnage of 2,064,. Fisheries has sent word to his . uiir of the Orry Jiafen there. ship tonnage sunk by submarines C97. , worship Maror McCIymont re- a.'! at the corner of Already the charred dead bodies during the year 1017 was nearly Against this total is to be placed SIR CECIL SPRING RICE, ...t: ii. .1 1- t. it,. Hi... tn-rtler Street In of thirty-eight children have been the estimated six million Ions LATE AMBASSADOR TO 41 l$aiuiiis me uciiiduus umue uj lilt? a ,niit lire and burned located and there are great fear three times as great as the total known to have been sunk by the U. S., DIES AT OTTAWA nsiiing population or mis city lor It i w i r- the blaze wai that the list of dead will increase. production In the United stales enemy submarine.. Hoth United the throwing open of the present u- j .-ontrol. The nun- fThe fire spread with great rapidity and in (ireat Hrilain daring that Stale and Hritlxh official expect Ottawa, Feb. II. Sir closed areas for fishing and for I. T SI . ( fur of the fire eon- hnd the little one had small year. Thl was disclosed yesterday a very different story for the year( Cecil Spring nice, former the permanent permission of gas V I it .umber of inmate, chance in the blinding smoke of by Mr. Andrew Honar Law-, 918, however. Doth countries Ambassador from Oreat boats upon the Skeena. J sjjid ..f them have been finding thir way outside to safety. leader of the House of Commons, are speeding up their hipbuitd- Ilritain to the United The honorable minister points bring safe. They li i uppoed thai many of them and Chancellor of the Exchequer, ing programme, and the naval States, died this morning Miided and nick ol- would be suffocated in their rot In the Hrillsh Parliament. Oreat officials in the different countries at the Oovernmenl House, out that the Prince Rupert meeting ! ) nuring aUler. t the smoke. Ilritain produced only 1,103,174 have confidently predicted that the, of heart failure. was evidently under some tons of shipping last year, while,activities of the submarine will misapprehension regarding the UTTLE OIRL BREAKS the output in the United States be curbed thl umtner. proposed regulations and the administration LEO WHILE COASTING MORE RAIDS BY thereof, as, he says, BOLOPASHAIS "regulations governing the fisheries FURTHER REINFORCEMENTS l .uaie accident hap- CANADIANS ON after ;:.) .at: vrning between five are adopted only pro j J 1 1 .h i on the slope near longed and exacting study, with CONDEMNED AT UNDER M. S. ACT lay i street Join Dorden FRENCH FRONT REQUIRED the view of giving the fisheries .inuer of the Utile one reasonable and essential protection .he great fun coasting TRIAL PARIS with economic LN prevailing I; I,..m Ilia I'.lhil.lMnfl GOVERNMENT MAY CALL OUT OTHER CLASSES OF MEN AND 'At Lens, O.rman Trenches Raided EVERY EFFORT NOW BEING MADE TO INCREASE NUMBER conditions. lUrre i nol much "TLe development of the By Canucks Without Lost OF CLASS ONE MEN AVAILABLE WILL rapid .., tarl of the city, and Prisoners and Machine TAKE THOSE WHO CAN BEST BE SPARED ((WfUl to lb DiUl "wi. industry." thi minister continues, 7 a flrtt-elat run for "in British Columbia during the Guns Captured. Pari.. Feb. 15, Bolo Pasha, Slit. fHta to Tbe Dally Xrwt. t Should il be divided to call out who has been accused of high past few years has given rise to ' number of' Tfcn .'re quite new problems, and these problems U8 !'' ur engaged In this (tpxui i TtM only Ottawa. Feb. 15. Reps are to further men it is emphasized here treason by trafficking with the".are now receiving my attention. London. February 15. Further be taken at once to ensure addi-!ial lhe ain, would be to secure enemy and by receiving large wlth the hope thai the proposed in.- little eeastefs were raid nave n cameo out oy me tlonal ilnforcements under Wrlhow rfth.Ltflli, who M i,,, drtflw of fll0ney from Oerman?revised regulations will provide Canadian troops on the front in provisions pf the Military Service each other, making out interfering with production of'source, has been sentenced to adequate and equitable provisions "Near been under Marking Acl. These have consideration France sueefully. i.i toe run downhill, but suitable for the present special "3 r the curve at the glcourt two raids were greal sur-s for some time now. and essential, or causing undue do. death. His connection in high, 3 Taylor and Dorden. prises for the enemy, when many are to be carried out Immediately, meslie hardship. the circles and his great wealth en-j ..UnU ,hft flna, repoft Qf be of the act Under the term g is. who was at the prisoner were captured ami many it i understood. The governmen lo divide abletl him to carry out espionage Special Commission and other Im- dead left in the Oerman trenches ha not yet reached a deelion as government i empowered es4 ram. had the mis- sub-classes, for the enemy countries, without portant information is before me, fcrli. ; ' bit the curb, breaking' At Lens, the Oerman trenches to the calling out of any further any class into it is not advisable that special sub-classe. In the but it is laid down thai the sub. being suspected for a long time, fcer i . trie ankle, fho Is were also successfully raided by clauses, or local conditions be dealt with effort Is being clae shall be called out in order until his association with M. tbcci her! Canadian, who suffered no meantime, every the consideration of t oars of age, and apart from a of beginning with the Caillaux brought him under suspicion. bark the numbers ol age. they brought made lo Increase tir.c..s a iu the Summit Apts.'lMe. general and basic policy. Therefore rv. wiiii iiirui .f i.viki. men available in class one. youngest. will appreciate that it is i getting on a , accountani you Darius Pore here, an u si do expected. casualties were Inflicted upon the I considered the better part of wisdom occupants uf the enemy trenche. RETAINS THE who was a co-defendanL was sentenced that no action be taken with LLOYD GEORGE to three years' imprison- ODQMT NOW THAT and several of their machine gun jment. Cavilline, another co-de-fendent, regard to the representations contained brought aero nu man's in letter, until I in TVSCaNIA WAS TORPEDOED were your am who is under arrest in I.rot aafolv In lhl Canadian line.I CONFIDENCE OF COMMONS a position to deal with the problem , Italy at present, was also sentenced Airman do Good Work. whole. b4 Puty ,1tW.) as a to death, although he is not uruary 15. Mr. Mc-TUry Paris Feb. 15. He t ween Feb. With reference to your en at the moment within the jurisdic- St x X of the Admlr- I and 10. the French aviators MOTION PRACTICALLY OF NO CONFIDENCE REJECTED IN THE of ,he court- quiry as to the date when the have been successful in bringing Hoard will meet in Ottawa, J in the House of HOUSE OF COMMONS BY OVERWHELMING NIAJORITT, Advisory 3 t. slprilav thn fnftt that down twenty-eight Herman aero SHOWING THAT LLOYD GEORGE'S GOVERNMENT LOSSES il is obvious from the above i.i U. imitely established planes, on Ihelr portion of the CAN STILL CARRY ON SHIPPING FOR THE PAST WEEK that such a meeting would not be .s ania" had been lor-!fronL advisable at the present time." ' J .t a 'i that a mine was not At Paschsndaele. ui to Tb Duty The Holt amendment expressed (SpteUt to Tb Daily Newii. The Conclusion. London, Feb. 15. The Oerman From this 'it may be gathered her loss. j that the continued military London. Feb. 15. The t vern- regret London. Feb. 15. There were are still attacking our positions, last night successfully over- efforts is to be the only task of Hritish merchantmen that the present regulations will .wenl nineteen I.....I..U I. t II AV k 11 CITY I k a aB a until the final continue in force NCINEER AND ASSESSOR at ra-ciipuar.r. ""!.. ... h.lnrl. threaten the government in tnn immeuiaie sunk either mine or submarine formerly ejeetwl from the llrlllsu " "" mainly by report of this Royal Commission . . ...i.i.i. ...... n na its exislenw. when an a uend- future. It was supported during the past week. Of these, ' ' ibr lion bt CUy event shows is placed before the Department, '.!!. pail n i ..........a.) hv Ilirharil Unit. by pacifists. This thirteen were vessels of sixteen that however much dissatisfied and their recommendations dealt t up ,, MoodtrT tb tun dtr hundred tons or more. members of the House may be with. It is already known that the i l t p.m. Tb tue-ii. ' .ever Ioe. and have 1 wn un. conduct of preliminary report was against i twrio hit datlM a l f Conunonil with the government's inil Kn I?.3i1; S2.50 ner impression upon the of boats on the Skeena rt able to make any use gas Hre in uommons . overwhelming majority the war. tne "o;.,OI 2 bs. for 35c; by Llma au Dean8, m.i. i xrths. City Citrk. be taken that this will be the Hritl.h line. of it may Only twenty-eight members voted mood yet to force a change .MaRio baking powder. 2 tins for continued inforce meantime. The this time. for the amendment. government, at 45c; Turnips, carrots, onions, 9 THE POLICE COMMISSION honorable minister gives no indication JUST lbs. for 25c: Tomatoes. 20c: peas ARRIVED CHARLIE CHAPLIN BRINGS as to when this final report ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY and beans. 2 for 35o; seeded Toronto, a large At lhe police commission held GIVE SCOTTISH CONCERT DOWN THE HOUSE raisins. 2 lbs. for 25c; lobster, 30c will be considered, nor when shipment of yesterday afternoon, il was re-iuirtK.1 the Advisory Hoard will meet tin; flour, $3.00 per sack. per Spring Dresses that the nollce court fines ti, Pre.bvterian Church Hall For the secontl niglil running. Central Cash Market, Fraser St. either. amounted jfor the previous month filled to overflowing lal even.;there was house full to overflow- tiamtd was rrrations in Silks to 20. which is the lowest amount St. Andrew's Society, ing ie vtesuioime turavro The only fishing boat In port 4i j , UUl ,lylet on record. Gambling ana brea ne.".. a concert m " to see cliarIie CnapHn today is the "nulh" with 1,500 HARVEY S lWautiful Golora. .f the prohibition act were dealt gave attraction lb, halibut. She sold her catch ORCHESTRA DANCE MODERATE PRICES wllh. and n Idler from Mr. C. C. l u P;"m'"- and inatru-!.The innocent fun and merriment for 18 cents per lb. Perry with regard lo I e nn "TV, ' ant, a, u.Ual. 'that the antlca of this great come- Open for Engagements. 8e them at women in town was re r.. -, ;;;,.. Mirh .,nmari of excel-'d caused to all who were pres. For Nw Wellington Coal and GOLDBLOOM'S It wa decided that while an ap- rrv ul was well worth paying to see. lr Lumber of all dimensions, Violin...Mr. H. A. Harvey plication from the pairoimen tu. , ehairman of the evening, From the beginning to the eml ol hone 116. P piano Mrs. Hay nu Increase in wage coui 11 '..I ' it. iv Maetlonald. nresl- Ihe film. Ihere was one continuous Drum Mr. Collier considered meantime th Py slum hi,w - - , rt, f aURhier to be heard. And r--r, have free- telephones in.tailed I"," 'pianist W. V. for pure and genuine fun. this ap. HiaIh.It'll lutlilftat IflFftavw I?'"1 arC0?r"LSl,r.. .1 ntribut- itMranre of Charlie's cannot bt WANTED WESTHOLME 1 . .illAAaA al ft III A AVf!..nT beat. Ill methods of eating ice TONiQHT ONLY" TO THE PUBLIC I'" ivl McLeod. Mr. K. cream fairly brought down Ihe Ona set fatlera. To n.sl.t Ihe Y.M.G.A, tne Win. M(ar, Mr. house. Tonight there will be a One head boom man. " Vv M ? 0,' -. V. C T. U. iii hold r.u. lux uay on ioi...in.r u. i-i-.-".Mr. .imwuier,... Mr. Clap new Fox feature, and a new pa the Ona second boom man. Saturday, the lU ruary t. -"r" j, B. navle. Mr. J. Lee Oaiette and at the second show. One fireman. VALE8KA SURATT ti , i . i- .i,.inir anienuia or Oharlle Chaplin will again be Three Swamper. 1 U. I.. uv.t.f. -1 i - j. II. McMillan. Kvery at the front, and, and Mr. . i .1.. liown. Two signal men. "THE for our boya i i wtil reeeiveu, aim wo VI0T1M" T nefiea. nea.. " " Two rigging mn. FOR QUALITY urgently en- " f itni fund, are we wnl greatly mum ftu. i. .M.romlv m YOU can. w note irw - Ladysmlth Wellington Coal reduces Apply and SATISFACTION audi, n- ' F.IIVICK PATHE QTzETTE Joyed by Hi your fuel bill and gives J. R. MORGAN, LTD. s AND A tt4"" WANTED Piling. For partlcu- Dawes ,,f Port Kb. satisfaction. Phone 15. P. R. Care Williams A Manson. IX DAY NVF.KK FOll UKLP. Thos, . ara apply to Prlnca Rupert Lum- Mr. on a vUU. Coal Co. bep co., Seal Ooa, 31