T1IK DAILY KfiWa LAND ACT The Daily News Insomnia Cured district or DfWI THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NO :T?K BRITISH COLUMBIA Without Drugs COAST. rublltheJ Dally and Weekly Internal Bathing Relieves TAtE MoT ICE that. .l0 Grr. V" Guaranteed Largs t Ci.cu.ut.cn H r . MnHm K,iiw i i iM.n... life. cor. the Cause to ftJfM) for J'"""" " HEAD OFFICE: rnr " , DiJiNevv3 Building, Third Avenua. Prince Rupert, B.G. Tel. OS. ir job do. mi Don't Kft turt uwr"Vtfunf" ! with .h. Ml eM Of Sit IN I two mOrt ti ef HtrtKjr ! drat. Xm etn't contain xbrm. TRANSIEMr DISPLAY ADVERflSING - 53 nts per inch. htUr tb nut and rood, Knmd tkef twr wetl t . ltl" ; Contract Rates on application. IH b the retail. IS HUM. I Tb ijilrra etnnot be rlebt if Ux toot tt r w art or lerr toMUM It Ml Upl cleat bw4 and UMf It tern or DAILY KDITIOH Friday. Feb. 15, 1918. and free from til tun tntiur. Btlht JOH A VIUCE, Aprrrni. iotenuHr If you went perfect health. DATED 5 tt, IHt. Mr. r. c vein. rupM air. m-. write "for Mral year I tuffered WSTWCT-WSTWCT Of HOUMANIA er they are hounded front the HtESA LASD from IndlretUon. .XerToui DebMity, In- COAST, RA.iot inl According to a dispatch Je-lerday, country that is theirs, or hmu and CeftttspaUon, HtJ no eppUt, whether they are able to main IN doctor dtd Ml eipect I woakl lit the little of ts4Ht4 t K&J kingdom I TUe aottr tain themselves in their alll tbrvarboat lb waiter. Tour book Uiw- U Usdt nd Houmanla has ignored the ulli. eated mt. I fot s "J. B. L. Catcade" aad be ItooortM Csamilttoarf tude of defiance to the German . ..... I n-Art i uiH tbe HM( otcnira malum presented by the German power, the name of lUiununU n iir fttMn .h.1 Mfctn in nr.l 1 I lentil commander to start peace will ring down through tbe tlua Hf m hHof. I rtnrt tM -i. tt. I GMawMf t a Mtl P J L. uia4," tt i OedMOd to to. - I I rwf, tt M ' negotiations at once, and she years as a name well worth. Tk. , t r..r..i- i. ,.rtt.A Btrutt rMl wea tra bad declared her intention of It matters not whether their uM rr mmiui Bithiar. laivBud t,I rati. Utm oin i Um smt Un. um surviving or perishing with the efforts will be successful, or tx. rr,.. i tm.il r i.w T&rk ,iwt tuilrailtwtar lltf Miiar T UM Start allies. Surrounded on ail sides whether it will have any bear t um nrui of rtttertnt Iteatuidt Mil put of WBMoeuesl. Wlalof ds bcnetVJaS as it is enk tvifwi hriim it u tanwa aad irUid I twtaiT iw, m vr im. by enemies, and with one-third ing upon the ultimate outcome I JAMES PESBfUJAY, mBrf, Ir i:ptl H om. Orarrttt. cor. Ird At ablein otfier vwrds. rh., of her territory free from the of the war, the fact remains nd Ui St who wUI tm Mt4 l lit I SVlt ItUod Guury. 4 invader, this action on the part that in the face of the greatest rta ta lalrUac two t8d -T6 Wbtt I Sltmtxr IIUw IttT rit beneficial ; that's why h of the little kingdom may be odds, tbe Roumanian spirit was uo rjl. Atk for It. H0T1CL : regarded as nothing less than bold enough to take up this stand, justifies their claim to heroic bad had been tbe better to have I St Cult." -BrB Br," "Ulllo Tocaj The Roumanians are cut off be directly descended from the rrtftten." rttl mUa " M tsat 1X13 entirely from any assistance ancient Romans. Throughout been made known. mttton.'. -tbttt Awtor mttiea." "Sr from the allies. She can hardly the war they have displayed the Tbe bold course which Lloyd to,- "Cnp aird rrttueo" tad -Obtwr George has taken on this oo- rtMrr" Mutffti CltUat, II m tic ta tbt hope for any assistance from same indomitable spirit which SkivM Vtortr Dintlca ot toil Dltlrtft i. f ih. is popular at the Front. her erstwhile friends the Russians, made Rome the mistress of the .... . . I msrrw iw mi; pear i so even if ber immediate then known -world. All honor man. aoi oniy once, oui many Prfoe. Wm4 neighbors of that country are to them. times already be has intimated 1 take notice ttut I, rrrd m. wiu. Many a Ions watch or a hard that if there was any doubt of f" MiMfs o-fwittit iltuc, u Ukrainians. They have accept-j t Job is made more cheerful by his retaining the confidence of ed the peace which the Huns STATESMANSHIP rw, Mlotf., c,rtMiMt. iisuc offered. Mackenzen with his Lloyd George is at it again, me people, none wouiu weicomeiietMtd, my Utt mm IM uie txrtor. this lone-lastlna refreshment. armies of Bulgars, Turks, Aus-trians lie has put it up to the House a general election belter than I to rtij u im MiaJar Harder rr he. whpn Ihn nnnl wouhl ham t""" topwwneau. for lb pur- and Germans are pressing of Commons, of which he is E iJw v. vwwmwv vws U I KM. VI lighter against the premier, that If they are not the matter in their own hands.I ever T tb Uwrt (Uiint. Keep your boy supplied. little remaining country that satisfied with what be tells Lloyd George knows he is safe! A.tD rVRTHER TAKE KOTtCS Uttl f the Roumanians may call their them, they can gel another there. itoo. uwltr ttioa si, mail b tarn MFcd txfvr im Uig c( taeb OrtiSrtu own. premier. While no one knows of ls!prcaau. After Every Meal The Flavour Lasts While it is true that on the better than he bow to handle SHIPBUILDING DATED tau tin day r (Htabtf. A.O. east they have the protection of and appeal to the masses of On bis arrival at Vancouver hit Jft the ramparts of the Carpath-' tbe people, on this occasion last Saturday, according to a fttlavs thirst ians. still nn Ihe olhpr hand. I Lloyd George will not tell he press rejorl, Mr. V. P. Ilinlon COAL NOTICES &ad Utlttit their territory Is open from the refuses point blank to tell all is reported as admitting that north and the south, with only that transpired at the Ver "a shipbuilding scheme that SKECU Ottt LA.1D CHARLOTTE DISTRICT ISLANDS DISTRICT or swiftly flowing rivers as a barrier. sailles conference of the Su may mean big development? for Once her supplies of am. preme War Council. This attitude Prince Rupert is now being TAKE 50TICE Uial I. Jam P. Rtid. ef munition are exhausted, she does not please quite a considered." Now we have it PHaca ftuwrt. B. C prMcir. uttsd to will be unable to depend on number of tbe critics, parlia But many people will be won-tPjr rr a ttcraca t rropt tor coal further supplies from ber mentary and otherwise, in Brit dering why the consideration. land eo lb T.,,B'd?f?Hornby friends. All that the Roumanians ain. Tbey consider that being There has been a great deal of tt . p.t ptaawd atxMit oi can then obtain will be a democratic people all that the wonder, especially during the a ma aeetitraitrrix rrm a pmt Icar4 what they can capture from government does should be oast year, since the shortage ofl a r ptmat eat cft0 pM bii Mtrtty and CaaaU lrf their enemies. made public. There is, of ohinmnir became so ProlltUaat abml t aBtt turtbrrtf iat)g KtEA LA5D DISTRICT MS1RK.T Of SIB0A EARS) bl I . That a little people of this course, a time for everything. kind, cut off and surrounded. A time to tell, and a time to When it is considered that lawk ivmt, ttxic Main t civtint; tiwiv TAAE Qt itoriCE CHARLOTTE tbat Oeetrwde IS LAA Aaott,M of TASK VilfCII RTIC CHAR tba i should brave the combined withhold. new shipyards have had to be ; " mtu so cRata Prtoe Ropert. B. C eteek. tatead M ap-pep af Pitas Roa-arv weight of the Central Powers, Tbe cry since tbe beginning laUl .I.UT1 l,n. n..,MH " tM P far a Hc.au ta prwtpMt See aaal aad taaeaalt ta apads rr a with all their resources be of the war in Great Britain is with their multitude of ma. JAMES P. REID, A(plUaaL fnraittm eer to fattawiar dattWaid tar coal aad ptaratw e-JI bad aa tb Writ Coait of Meretby IHtad deaertbal la oa tokens a great spirit. Ail the that tbe government have consistently chines, and everything built Latatrd Hmttmittr tin, HIT. CacarDar at a pott pU'Aed abaai I Maraaba Maad; o I t more so as the Roumanians refused to take tbe from the grass roots up, in rnue eatterfy from a poet totaled oa lb tl abaaM so t a t well know the penalty which people into its confidence. other parts of this coast, and UEX.V1 LA.1D DISTRICT DISTRICT OP bar ef tb eatt tvde of caaot Paa tl a pnet aw I lad oa the tbe Germans will exact, if they There is considerable ground at the same time, nothing done QtEEX CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SWtl abeat wki aertberlf atatt lot m of Caaao Pa. ae CS ' tbr frean Back Plol; tbrare too lb : . . can. They have tbe example for this complaint, too, as any li v.c, .,cc 1 mere 1. tie uiuciiiupi l.: TAWE (,Tirr ,Ka, I lnh r cbalati Ibeor eatt 19 cbaHus taeoc bortb . of Belgium before their eyes. government that takes the people shops, boiler shops and a foun-1 rnac Hvpert. b. c, prwpecter. uted IS cbiai ibeBN weal I cbalat to potat Yet, for their national honor, into its confidence will be dry ready built, and with dry-1 10 'r ttccnto to pretprci fee coal f aUMMBWIiMl. ta " and in the face of the greatest more able to retain that confidence dock accommodation as well, it r"." SLRTRVDE l.OTT. EUMBEIH By liana K. OtrtttcaeeR, atenb Bp CBart adversity, they remain true to which the people have may be realixed that there has cumKinf ti a pott ptaaud about ef U-ated Reteteber ttlb. 111?. Loeated KovNuber tui.' their pledge to their western in them. And there have been been good reason for wonder.la mu aouttMatUHy from pott located allies. many things withheld, seem, Let us hone that w-nmfor of opcaias ot SKE.EAA LA.1D DISTRICT DISTRICT OP titW A UIB MSTi TT They have thus set such an ingly uselessly, from tbe British abr.nl lh inniin.,..i i.ii..,--I"' ' " miw xorMy and Cnaau QtCBX CHARLOTTE I4LAADS OC19l tBIARL-TAAE -......MVU Iiliii4t. alxmt I mlltt .Mortlvrlj alooj u TAKE NOTICE Ibal Aletander U Sstaer- RTfCe thai example to Russia, that wheth public, which apparently will cease, and be transferred huretty itutvd aid of can pat rrom f Pnoe inipert. B. C. miner, la- Pll t Rp4M, B. . : .A to the activity which is due in I" rotnti tbrac aoain 19 chaia; tbrsco tend U apply far Mcewt t. prwpeel far Mat t apotjr Bsr a i kt this part of the world. lean. 19 cbalnti...tbenca north IS cnaiaii t and peirtJeam aver lb toHawiar de- aet aad peaWltui 4 I wear weft SS cbaln to tb point of com eruiea uad on tb Weal Oaatl af Mereaby aarlaWd taadt tB 'la W E.WSJ I toencemenL Itbad: ConuDeoMn- at a pott punied aland, fttuai ainf S JOSEPH SEXTO.V Applicant. aboat I mile caiterly from a poti Wetted sard. I t S. S. PRINCE RUPERT I Located november tin, it it. o tbe t bore af tb eatt side at Cano Paai twotiod oft Mb ' at pHMi abj I nut t aortbarty atoet Csaja "fata, aad at a i sailing SaEE.1. LA-ID DISTRICT DISTRICT Or tb tbwee from Back Ntti laelca north abax ta WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT TO ANYOX LIIARLOTTE ISLANDS St coaUMi tbene eatt IS cbataa; these THURSDAY MIDNIGHT TO VANCOUVER, aatb It chain; tbene weal tt ebaMu te VICTORIA AND SEATTLE. TAKE ROTICE tbat I, Cbarle E. Bur teat. aoMil of ccntearetncL eatt Sjms ta i- " TIMBER SALE X 979. or rnnee Rupert, B. O. totoet muod to ALEXANDER L. SUTHCRLARD, A1.UI i S. S. PRINCE JOHN apply for a Ucenee to protpecl for coal and By Cbarle I E. Btrteaa. aieoL Hp ctkarir. Sealed tender will be recelred bf tb I petrokom oer tb folWlo deterlbed Located Ratember llth hit. i Localdd f$ataber it alternate Sailing weeks to Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, wnuter or Land not later than noon on &d on tbt Wtit Coatt of Morttty laiand. SAEEXA LA.tD DISTRICT DISTRICT Or Skagway and the Charlotte Queen Islands. uw ma atr or Mtrrn, 19 1 S. for in our- icommenrtBt at a pott planted about or Ql'EE CHARLOTTE ISLARDB MINEnAL ACT TRAIN SERVICE roeae or ueence x t Tt, to cut .7S0.0alt uim aoutbeattcrljr from pott located TAAE IiOTICC that Belly CaolL of Prtara ieci oi spruce, Laar and Hemlock on an on we too re of tsiail Bar openlnr out Rupert. B. C. Dart, intend ta iroir r.r CERTIFICATE OP lPROIIl"ITI Ftitcnrtr Men4ay, WWntxIay tad Sturday at 1I:S0 a.m. (or Smltbcrt. area adjolalar L. tit, Bwtadla ItIand,of Canoe pat belmeen MoretLy and CbatU ticeot to protpet t for coal aad Pelreieum Prtnrc Oeorre. Edmoalon and Wlnnlprt, rotklnf direct connection for all iiant i, coatt DittrtcL itianda, about s mile bortberlr aldnt tb oter tbe foHowint deterlbed Uad on tb ROTICE point eatt and ton in. Tbree (1) year wlU be allowed for r-IMoraby Itland tide of Canoe Pata from eti uoei or Momby ItUnd: Cotniaene. moal of timber. IBuck -rat rnfeatcr a o 'i Point; tbraca north SB cbalna: ttwnre my At a poll punted about I mil eatterty runner particular of tba Chief Foretter.leatt t chain: I Hence aoutn ta rh.in. from a cum, etuut M tbe Poti ' putt located oa tb thor af the Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. Victoria, B.C., or Dlttrlcl Foretter, Prince I ltnc wetl 10 cbaln to point of com can aid ef cano Pata tt a Dleaatao) of Caaaur i"' about potat I For iuformation and reservations to Rupert, B.C. M. 1 1 1 uieucenienL mitea VN tasated: " apply nortberly alena- tbe abur lu. tui L t : City Ticket Office, 626 Third Avenue. PHONE 2 CO TIMBER CHARLES E RI'Iini tnnii.. Petals tbrnc borlb IS tbaltu: then ..i caaead Creek, it bmk. SALE X 894. Located Rotember tin. Itl7. It tbaioa; Portfaad CaaaL ibene toutb 18 chaituj tbeoc TAKE ROTKE tbat ' eatt 10 cbtlna u paint af commeaaeavMit Sealed tender all! be recelred by tbt SaEESA LA.tD DISTRICT DISTRICT OP BETTY (Pros Mlbrt cortinc ai-ta KSOTT. Minuter of Land not Uter l baa noon on Ot'EE-H CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Br I It M K. CiHllHUM .! t a a real for Retaa i the JOin day of rebruary, if II. for tbe Loeated rt or ember Ittb tt IT. ttln CaflMttale .v purcnate or Licence XIII, to cut 11,470,-00 Mty dift from tba ui CANADIAN feel of Spruce, Cedar, Balaam' and TAKE NOTICE thai t, Hta K. Chrliten SAEE.XA a to kxoor Ueoorder i PACIFIC RAILWAY eu, or mar nupert, u. d, prot tor. LAJID DISTRICT .Mamie-v nw lltinlock on an arcs tl tutted oc Nooium pec fjjaaAaakaaabaMt.aSWSltXjl llaa lAaat lit OlIM intend to apply for a Hcenaa to CHARLOTTE IIUXDS river. Burke Cnannel, Raac t, C-.-att Dlt protpecl . CrvwB OrtHl of ta ' for coal and petroleum over tb followiae nuiiu I all T li.ill la t l.i-n ,., Lowest Rt.es to all Eastern Points irlcl. oetcnuea una on the Wetl Coatt tr Prlnca Rupert. B. C. (Iibemua . And farther uk mmi Tbree D trill be year allowed for re der aetiion II, omhi t via Stea.ner to Vancouver and Horetby ItUnd. Commenclcr at a rw.i w protpecl for cat tod the ..! o. umber. lb ItauaoM of aoeb ' " ',! petroleum Planted about ; of mile over tbe folio. toulhetiurly mr decrlDed CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Furtber particular of lb thief rorttter two It. victoria, B. CL. or DitUiel foretter, prior row, i'jii iucaiea on in toort of M Mwetby itland i Dated Ibla llth dv Maala and Berth Included on Steamer lluperl. B. tniall Bty openlov out of Canoe pau be-twecn comiueneintr at pott planted about PfS. Itlt. PRINCESS SOPHIA FOR ALASKA JANUARV 2S PEBRUARY It and th. - Muretby and Chaail Itianda. about i yard ettterlr from a r..., w.i .I! PRINCESS SOPHIA POR VANCOUVER FEBRUARY 2, 1 MARCH 2nd. NAVIOABLK WATERS PROTECTION ACT. mile northerly alonr the Morethy Itland ACT PrbMeta Reial fee Oranar Ba (R. S. a Chapter 111.) tui oi i,aoc rat rrcon Buck Point; thence MINERAL Jaawary Bth, IBM, 2SOi Ptbeuarf Bid, ISth, 2th. north tt cbalnti thence weal to cbalnti Prlact Rertl for Vanceuttr via Ocean Pall S a. m. Decern atr 17th, AaERBtRu TII0MSO.1 IDd CO MP AMY. tbrnc toutb it cbalnti thence eatt ia witn St cbalnti I tear WMt ,g thnf. CERTIFICATE OF lIPROVIBlTl- 271N Jeawary 7th, 17tk, ISlhj Ftbruarf 7th, 1Slh and 2Sth. LIMITED, hereby aire notice that tbty cbaln to point of eoiumencemenL IhebM' wm,u EIUIIII. .h.... . 10 bare, under section of ttld act deDoiited HAAS a. CHhlSTENSE.1. Applicant . ni evmuiencciueni, NOTICE with tb Minuter or public Worki t I Located .November tin, 1117. THOMAS J I. PETKRSO.t, tlnijwaa" 1 . General "Hpri. PETERS, Asent Ottawa ana in the omc of the DUtrlctl By lltna f ri. iirtiH Co ner Fourth Street and Third Aenue, Pr.'nca Rupert. B.C. RerUtrtr ft the Land HetUlry Ofnee, Dlf I t A LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OP Lltd JftMrmb,loTb, It Pt" W raH ion," ft."Catead Mttterti tttH cum,-Portland No if inn or rnue nupert, s deicrlDtlon of thai Utt" tllAHLOTTE ISLA.1DS im ana in pun of wharf and other "fcE!U I.AMj DliTlilirrhi.Bt- I Canal NUUtur i' ' " Dltirlti. wont prppoaed to b bull! on Lot one, TAaE NOTICE thai Daniel U luibcrland. f aLOTfE ItUNDS Wlwre loeated: o we it W turf root Block p, aty of Prlnca Rupert, of Prlnc NOTICE lh .,.. . lluperl, B. C. clerk, inunda to ' 1 Caaead crffk, II wi . Prlnra n.h;" ?l vi uiiuau uiiuuuia. ana laa laiitiiv roe a nnu in r..,..,.,, Rupert B. C Don't merely smollier your cough notlee ini after jht tiplrauoo of on petroleum or lb followlor deterlbed PPU for . . pro,, f ' d PorUaact TAkB CkBaJ.ftOTIcr, tbtt I r ! " nrn puouca- land on lb Wett Coatl of Morethy 1. rrt M kief's CMltdrate n I!1 lion of l hi nolle aPI ITP 8"mp of Tar aad Cod Urw CHI ttoTomij AkerUrr Thornton and Una. Commeaclnr tl t pott planted about lf artnl far Oakk-y Company Umlled will ttvenll under Section tutia . ... .trriv r,., r,i w.l LtUKfj ii --prompt airrtu coorlilar. bot than rtiitook ad No It to tsu tm?t GeeMlette y tucngtaenlog pfopartke it help U fyaten to Urww ott I'll? ...M J'f'l, 10 ,N Mlnl' f thore of tb rail tide of Cano ittt at a yard, .. ..rl,. from s iJTl toa.uJ Hly day from to. datr " bbf sjaajtrsl t. fl tU4 ao4 that efirctt i uuiic Hura ai nit omc in lb CHy ef IdoIbI about I mile nanherle alon. .. a permaaeat car. It 1 tbla (joalily kkU baa voa iar Paaa and .. . 7 "'"P of (Hbo. to Uw Mlowt Jtosarder ttM Urjxat ealt of say cooja aad c14 runedy ia Caaada. r '"wwti oi in taia it and bor from Bock Polnil tbene touih to lioowtMa, Mr la ihi lit, Urjt botUtt, rwryi. " coutiroci in taid lebeiMi tbruc wetl to cbalnti tbrnc Tin nT ,HT.: frT mk ;wt irar M lb aix" wun auu wora. Inuria Tr" 0 rhalna: Ihenee eail aa thene .. .... r, , . .I" " ' - ,v etti tt rbatiu Ana fiiriber itt not..' 1 JU U MATMICAJ CO. Trm, tmtMBBSMT. tVb ku rriuce nuueri. o, M.. mil Meorul I duIM or euiuuenreiuent. "J" "'r,r. I A.MEL U iUTIIEKLAnp, point r eoHMiietieernMit. lit Itluan af taStJ Cariin Aar.imr.nu iiiuMau.i and COMPA.iY, LTD. I By Charle t Burteit. tLt. a. '"n iieJi, uiettll. iiwuwou, eecreitry, I Located November lHB 1117, "f ' a. Haled Hill tltn Jy SI HIT.