IS. 1018- TOR DAILI ffKWB as uns m ASSOCIATION nsMtiinficM OF NATIVE is anuwiNQ LAND LEA8E NOTICES tkT.fcAA USD MATMOT DISTRICT Jf The iNalive i lalieriiietia Asao. HAnoa nve. elation in District No. 2, which m S 8F us extend frum Illvem Inlet u tha TAKE MUX thai Waltar t. Walkrr. of VlHaoaf. B. C. mnun U.n...p .Naao, la ill a flourishing condltiou. K ipptf for panaiaatoa to kaM It I not gcnerully known that the mr aeaenatd itrtda; Are A. Full of Deadly Indian fishermen have on asso-olulloii tvifttMBcttt i s poil puatad tt later-arttoe We A A Germ of their own, for tha trol of Itirti wawr Mark Tonrm pai-M Poiiow aa4 aa Em and Writ Una pauior Laboratory. lection uf their own Interests, but tkroatk Coamta MuntuixDt at Banlatt the fact remain that it ia grow. Polat. Wllaa UUnd, B. C,i ttoncs al Ing fail, and M efcllaa; thCMa uuilb to rhilna. iwm promises to bo a er laa. to Hub Waiar Mark Too rail PM- INTOXICATION (treat factor in their aocial development. AUTO - aara; isear noribcrrr and wciicrlr fol Tiili association ilia tar Una or Satd liirn Watar Mark been incorporated anion- Uie be. k tto pmet of onoimaiimneat, and eon OR SELF-POISONING uevoleiil aoeietle. and bea now taiatar ( atr. mora er leaa. WALT til C. WALKER. live hundred over membara drawn Pala ttm day ef Ottotor, HIT. IV: V A-l",uU, Pre-vmUTL.! from twenty.two ullage uuO FRL Df CeWllKHe. froirt the different bands on tiie UEEJU LASD biSTMCT DISTRICT OF , ,f ew httllh 1 ooatl. Mr. W. II, I'leroo, of l'orl CASSIA K. bowt4. Wavte Kaalngtort, la the praaident awl Take aatlea ttoi Watur E. Waiktr. of of vaeeoavtf, B. c. ecespatfon Mmirtr. ,,( img ttm Hio traeiurar this aiaociotiou, Biaaaa to apply for parmltatoa to laatc day, whleli ineludea In its nieiiibenhip r fuUiiy erery taa faUowtar daieritod Undii .mi tit r. , peaeraflnjr both men and women engaged m Camaamelai at a poal planUd si tto l, m; b"fbfJ ty tliO the fliliing industry. of in Waal earner ar Ut Stl. Caiaiar llie Indians have adopted t!:o Watrteti ttoaes norilwrly and waiterty . . -"' l tf ttttoHi ito bo ar lilt Water Mark Early Morning Sunlight i. methods of the while man in re. Portliad Canal u a paint a tort aa Eati ,lulled, U poUOUlBg' Kurd to many things in their mode and Wail Una drawn tbrourk point SO it,.,w a-that f of life, in food, in dress and in ttoto bua Aorth of tto Potst of com-. mraermmi interaeeif itk aald Una of 1 to ntm artUmnftha manner of flailing. They have tor llltb Water Mirk; tbenca melt 39 ttolni; ) nr rp"U een the while men organize for ttoaea aoattorly and eaiterly, parallel to will find yonr washing finished earlier and better and ,n.l IUa ! IcrTrouUei; mutual protection of Interests and Ito said Baa af llllH Waur Mark Tortiand YOU work will become far easier Sunlight Soap, ... mrh, MHHH by using In this also, they have followed Maaj w a pern ia cnaina vvm wen oi , of Sppetlte aad ito pole! of CMnmcaeemeei; tbeaea call and clothes suit. for it cleanses and purifies more quickly ,1 ciir.nie Ml HUB SS ebaJM to aald potat af eomoieneeiiient, aad eaautatar tt atrea mora ar lesi. . thoroughly than ordinary , in n.r iiM-k, an soap. WALTER E. WALKER, Furniture wanted. Any quan Good for mio fllo day af Of lob r. It 17. Sunlight is the most efficient Laundry Soap sold on the Canadian , Pm ;!', lUelte, tity. prkM paid com. . r HI i AHVHkHM Ite household furnishings and SIEEKA LA.1D CASSIAR.DISTRICT DISTRICT OF market today It is pure beyond compare. .11 kinds of tools, men a suits, ' a tim" are 1 ODltlttOfl. oots, eio. I'lione Ited 24 i or call TAkC noura that Tto iUtiio-Brluib Co-liaaau You try Sunlight Soap according to directions, and you'll see r" ' froUtt fit n F. M. Crosby, 715 Third Ave, Paektec Ccaipany LuDlted. of Vao the early morning sunlight shining on a line of the whitest :,u.iinUaa beeaeto wt, B. C aecapauoa Salmon Canncra. clothes that ever spoke of housewife's pride. BMeoda ta apply for ptrmlittoa to Irata i fmit MtnIMmi acta aalvatlon Army. tto rolloator deientod Undi: . . limiMtiaf CnrAi. CetnneaeJiir ! pot planted it itirti r 7 AtrtlalMc Public meetings. Tuesdays. Witar Mark. Partland Canal, SO etoini Due trot oa receipt of .tank aad 41 cbalna or more Due Weal of Hiur4 and Saturdays at V p. . to Rortk Writ Comer el Lot ft. CatlUr r Liaitod.OtUaa. It. suuuaya at 73B p. in. DUtrtet; taaaee aorta SI etouut UVnec at ta eaaiaa, mure or tea, to Hlia 1 Soap WATER NOTICE Water Mirk Partland Canal; ttieoea aoutb- Sunlight (IHtmwa aa4 arty aad taiteriy follaalBr Ito Hna of Hia Water Mark Partland Canal ta tto TAkC SOTICE UMl Tto Bniua caaaaua paeat of evauueacraxai aad eoauiuns SS Imndtr carporaUoa. Ll4.. a boa adartal aeraa mare ar leai. H sat Yw aUtir SaiUior. Vaacavtfr. will THE ASOLO BWTI3II COLUMBIA rACKL'tO $fif far a Hftotn to uaa and h ooa COMPACT UNITED. Wtlter E. Walker. Art. raMf fol pr ataeod of aur el fcf tata--tm day of Ottotor. HIT. It' Vla4 to tha baad. A 15,000 guarantee aar there aa tmfiaiD4 emk. hxk-aai kniUmiI Follow dirrcliosM. ta Dot m particle of adulterant SALE X 1170. TIMOCR aad drama lata Maawl lakl. atoat it IkELTIA LX-tO DISTRICT DISTRICT OF SoU at all or Impurity ta Sunlight Soap. firda borUwourlr rrvm Uw aoxUiwtit CASSIAR. C i ui u r Mired by the rurotr ut Ut 1411. c i i. t titer Una aooo oo Tto aaur ui to aitttu4 tnxa tto TAkE aatlee tkat Tto Ansla-Brltua Co-MhMa a arjr. III. for the par- aWvaai at a pmi about a qaari or a Patkiar caopaay UmHed. of Van- araTrffiin a 1 1 oi. ta cat I.BIT.S0O Mil rraaa in Bxwib aad iu to asm for euaaer. B. C. aecapaUoa Saboaa Canitrr. Hemttck tad Balaam inaaa parpeoas apt tto laad dnil latrada to apply for permMMoa to leue t . la Quitlo lalel, L III. Oraluia ItUsd. to foataalas daaerttod Undi: SHE A LAAD DISTRICT DISTRICT OF T a- 'trie. TM hMHt (xXled Ml um troatta Ccomeoeter at a poal punted at Hlrk WATER NOTICE . win to allowed for re- aa Ito tad day at Jaasarr. III. ccpf .awe Mark Partland Canal. IS raaina Dae CASSIAR. a of mho aattr aad aa apMrattoa paraal Sana aad 4 taalM. or Bora, Due Weal PIRC aLARM BY STEM. TAkE aouca Hut Walter E. Witter, of TAKE rtOTICE that Dolly Virden Mines i or tto cf nrtiwr, iaw4 aa4 aa tto -Watar AH. till." "HI f tto Suria Weil earner of Lai Stl. Vaaeoaear. B. C eecvpeUoa Manarer. Company whole addreaa U Alice Ana, B. utrttt rereiier. PrHw to tta la tto a of tto W'aur norar Caaafar DHtrtet; tbenee norttorly aad CIRCUIT NO. 1. nieodi apply for permliitoa to leaia C, will apply for a llrraie to take and l max Kaprrt. a. C fetoearty faaloaHc tto Una or Hiyk Water Boa 12 tth SL and Srd Ave. lee t oiiu whir deaerttod Undi: uie ten cvble feet er water per second obtoctMi to tto apptoauaa inar to ark. Portland CaaiU u s potat wtora aa Boi 1S U SL tod Ird Ave. CaonDeaeiac at a poat pUated at tto oat of Trout Creek, a tributary of EH- TIMBCn SALE X 1235. IM vita tto aaM W'aur JueartW ar I W Eaat aad Weal Uaa draaa tSrourn a polat Baa 14 Stb St. and Srd Ave. .lortk Weil Corner of Let !!. Caiaiar muII River now In c Isu Alice Arm. Ca-tlir ito oaipunr T Watar Mfkta. rrtu- aa cKaiaa Daa north af tto patat of eon. diverted Boa 18 Junction or lit, tod and win be ttonea Tto witer DHtrtet; tbrnre nerta 10 ctuini; Dlttrtct r wtu to received lr the bmoi Daudias. VKtorta. B. C iuua waremeat lateraecH atlk aald Una of aril 4 etulns, more or leaa, to Ulfb at tto bead or tto Fall! oa tto Silver Srd Avei. r i, . uur taia aooa on lamy daja alur tto tm appraraat of iHtk Water Mark; ttonea Weal SO cbaiaa; Water Mark Portland Canal; ttonce KHilh-erly Horde Mineral claim. Lot 304, and win Bar IS 111 Are, between I la and ata swltra ha a taral awapaptr. itoaira aoattorly aad ea.urly paraUed IU Hotel). th Si. Z3 far tto Wolf (Eaox ibrwiry. Ill, and eaiterly foHoannr Hira Waur to aied Tor power purpoaea on tto nl Tto data oX tto Brl pobUratMi of tall ito aaid Uae af 111 m Water Mark. Portland Mineral Boa IT 111 Ave, and Tin St, (Central X ttl. la !.. Mark Portland Canal lo point of commence- ad Dolly Virden Gronpa or tnHKm u Jaaaanr lis. III. canal, to s point I eaaiaa Due Weil Hotel). .. . ant tlrmteck oa aa mem aad eoataioina 10 aerea mora or Ulma belnr Lou JTt to STIT tacluilve. ci t i tail Shore at THE BRITISH CASADIt.1 LUMB1R oT Um petal of eommeaeeeiral; taeae leaa. and LoU SHI 10 3IIT Incluilva and Lot I caalai to laid polol of oemoMBCe- NO. a. ail CIRCUIT jU AeHelle liUade DU- COhPOBATIO.t. LTD. j a WALTER E. WALKER, till Caiaiar DlitrlcL J. T. T. raitoo, luir aad Maoarr. mmi aad aaauininr I aires mora or ato tltk day ef October. HIT. Application will to made also for Ito' 801 22- 3rd Avo and Srd SL (Poal tn i u to irtewed far re-awil Bjr E. K- CkuUad. AtreL Irae of tto Bed and Fereitore or Partiaad rlrbt to (lore 10 aero reet la Fin! Trout Offlce). CanaL DISTRICT OF 3rd Ave. anl MeBrlde SL - Sk.EX.VA U1D DISTRICT Lake and t.toe aero feel in Second. Third tea 23 tc a-e of tto Chief Faretter, THE AM6LO-BRITISH COLUMBIA PACkl.XO COAST. r.o;oe HVE. Lakee. Tto water win Boa 24 HI Ar. and McBride SL Trout The Daily News delivered by and Fourth CltMPAMT UMITED. Waller E. Wilier, Af I. Boa 2S Ind Ave. and tnd SL 4, r blitrtci rareiter. Prince be atured In Fin! Trout Lake by tto con- tpr e ru arrier. 50 cents per month. Data ISia day of Oeictor, HIT. TAkE aoUee tbat Walter E. Walker, or traction oi dam at Ite outlet and In Baa 2 Tnd Ave. and tin SL Yaooaater. B. C occupauoa Manarer. Second. Third and Fourth Trout Lakes by In 27 a T. P. ateadi to apply for pcrmltitea to leaie oauei the eonitruetloa of a dam al tto deaerlbed landi: CIRCUIT NO. 3. tto foHawtnt eiiimaiea or Second Trout Lake, The rjrumenetnr tt a poll planted at tto irea or land to to nooded at Fir it Trout Boi 31 Sth Ave and Fulton SL lateraecttoa of aa Eait and Weil Una Lake la IT arret and at Second. Third and Boa 32 Borden and Taylor Sta. tkroutb CoaercM Monument al Bartlelt Fourth Troot Lakes la twenty acre. tji 34 Tth Ave. and Fulton SL Point, Wilei Itland. B. C. mltb Hirb Water the rround Boa 38 Ith Ave. and Comox Ave. Tola notice wai poated oa This is Mark Toot ut raitare; tbenra aouineriy oi a7 aih Ave. and Dodta Place 00 tto I tin, day or October. KIT. and eaiterly foUowtnf aald llltb Water So 1 sa -Sib Ave. and Thompioa SL ( or thll notice and an application A copy Keep National Mark to a point mbcre a North and Soutn pursuant thereto and to tto Water Act, une drawn tnraofh a point to cbain Due CIRCUIT NO. 4. till, wtu be Bled In tto omre or we Service Eaii uf tto polat of commencement tnter- Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B. C Baa 41 Ith Ave. and Emmeraon of Tonriii M-ru laid Hirb Wiur Mark ttonea Tto date or the Brit appearance of this PUce. tbeeee aoaUl SO ebalni; nature: notice In tto local newipaper waa tto Eca 42- SID Ave. and Mrllrtde SL iurtkaiariy in a itraitbt Una to a poiax tlrd day of Octotor. HIT. and objections tai 43 tin Ave. and Green SL to raits Due Weil of tto point of com- Chickens may be filed with tto comptroller or Boa 44 ib Ave. aad Bail! SL mearemrnt; tbenee SO cbalna Due Eait ot Water Recorder within thirty nayi aner Bei 45 Tlh Ave. and EberU. and eootainins af eommeneemeni ito potnl tto aald date. Boi 141 -Tth Ave. tnd Younc St more or leaa. tto arrei. They DOLLY VARDE.1 ML1ES COMPACT. WALTER E. WALEEA. HIT. R. B. McOlnnli, Atent, per E. A. Cleveland. rule IIUi day of Octotor. The cost of meat is the heavy will help JkEEAA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE that app3ca-uaa item COAST. RAMOE S. will to made to tba LerU!aUve Ai-aembly in the food bill. of BriUih Columbia at lu aeit Take nellee tbat tto Wettern Salmoa leitlon Tor an act to Incorporate an alloc Poultry and Eggs will help Keep you Parklac Co.. Ltd, of Vaneourer. B. C, e la Uun known aa "The Enytneerlnr tnd Anyone Can Have eupation Salmon Canoe r. Intend! to apply Teebnirtl IniUtuta of Brltlih Columbia." take far peratiiiton to leao ito fonowior da-tertbed with power to promote anl Increaia tto the place of meat. landai knowiedie. it 111 tnd proficiency or 111 Whipped Cream How to CotuttiMtof al poal planted at blh members in all uunr reiatinr go aire mark. Steamer Taaiare. (oa a imau to tto Architectural. Enrtneerlnr. Sur-veytnr The food that goes to the garbage about it bittit on tto aald paiiare aboai one 10110 tnd technical profeaaioaa, and to - PACIFIC MILK is so pall from the table will provide north of Q ulna nun Bay) ten (10) cbalna that end to eitabliih and conduct examination! average rUY alitor aatchlot ordr-ot4 due wnt of aald bigot; ttonea twenty (to) and preacrlto luch teat! of competency rctW r'C'' lQ cream t,,!l1 ,l one-third the feed for a flock of 8 to chick. korrov or toy a broody chain due north, ibeoce twenty (10) and moral character ta may to " m or aa utl artel Woodor. A cbalna due eait, tbenee twenty (SO) thoutbt expedient tnd to traot ceriincilei whips as easily as 10 hens. .1114 k. aad chkk.clli.bM' will Ito fcouM chkk taa chain! aoutb. thence bark 10 potm er com nf tnemberihlp to thoie approved of, and ';i'i most of the fresh a d cramb okd la milk aad mencemcnl. and eontainlny forty (40) lo parcbaie or oitorwiie aoiuira and hold Md dry. Id B' tlm a acrea more or let. real and perional properly Tor tto purpote SsVK cream sold around Poultry will thrive where vegetables d.f. lirBnot wlch rr-ard THE WESTER SALMO.1 PACkl.tO COM or ito tnitliute. and to dlipoae thereor and LK U will Is small. thitk oaly a much a lT PANT. UMITED; C. C. Rotortaon, Art. relnvril tto proeoed ia auch manner al I I K tu A lB.-v.'Itli-a IWUMVVI not The lk grow. outlay R.m.mW will Ml up cImo. chkk. DATED December Silt, HIT. may eceru 01 and to nx entrance reet and A few minutes n day is all the time a hoaary ckkk Chkk la a toalihy ul M to annua! reel or lubicriptlou! to be paid by te Mi.i-.arv of Xew Westminster CAimONi MINERAL ACT ito tuemtora, tnd to vary tto aame from required. walll at U hour old.aad time to time, and to provide for the tain-tement wrote in to say that she whips tfcta oaly pltaty. CERTIFICATE OP IMPHOVIMINTS of It affairs by council to to PACIFIC M1I.K regularly for a If you can, atsrt now with ronitituted in auch wanner al may to provided for tha youngstera for A small flock In your back yard will rfitfaorchlckii llnot.arrange NOTICE for by By-law, and to have lu bead treat loeat poultry breakfast. go far to keep you supplied with eggs, atottca aaaodatlon wtib for the pulleta In the Jaime,"Molybdenum'aituate In ito and Skeena"Sueceu"Minlor Mineral Dlrl afflre Rnti.h and Columbia,hold lu and annual to have,meetinrt enjoy,wtthia and All she does Is lo set asido the broilers and roasters. fall. lion or Canlir DtilrtcL xerrlie all power!, rlrbt! tnd prlvllerei amount ho wants, In a cool place, Wtora located: About 4 mllei Weiterjy neceiiary. uiual or Incidental to al! or any for a time and then beats it with men Ito bead or Alice Arm. and about vr Ito tfforciald purpoaea, She puts this seive egg-beater. mile frum tto Beach. BHAPSIUW 8TACPOOLE, a Write for Poultry Bulletins to TAkE UTICE that Lewi W. raunore, Solicitor! Tor tto AppIicanL on toast and give It to the child rrva Minera certificate Wo. Iim-C, DATED tl Victoria. B. C, ihli Hth day ren for breakfast. INFORMATION BUREAU 1 ten I ot tba Molybdenum Mlnlnt end Re ot Deeeiuber HIT. You'll find It Is good on cakes and durtlua eercpany. Ltmiied, (Jtoa Peroonal Liability) Free Miner! Certtflcate No. DOMINION lattt-d. Intend tuty day from the dele PACIFIC MILK CO., LTD. THE SEAL SKINS HAIR nerear. la apply lo Ilia Mlnlnt Recorder Factory at Ladnop, B. O. for s certiarale of Improvement!, for tto I want to set lata touch with DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, iwriwee or cbulnlnt a Crowa Orant or peraona bavins or who may have ir yu have a good recipe send It eaeh af ito above etaiini. hair irali or e lioni tkla which AMD rTHTlltn TAkE NOTICE that action are free rrota tear or fork or book in. You may get a nice surprise OTTAWA under Section (S muil be commenced,before bole a. in return. Address Uox 82, Van. MARTIN BURREIX, WWKrr ito ttiaa ar uh Crrtiatii er lm-prevemenli. J. N. M. BROWN eouver. B. 0. IIONOUKAniJC Poat Oftlc Baa SOT, Vaaceuvee, B.C. HATED thll Mlh day of November A. D. hit. rti