TnF. DJl.t HEW ' Wivrl left l-t WATER NOTICE The He, rather, l'Urll.i1 ASH USE. Loial News Notes j as'evening far as for wa a trip cusisl when Tired and Nervous rr v it J. T. lieffernan, hoae iiUffii It c o Peunore It rnllon, Prince The Hrv. . W. Vrihl wtts If Uie end of the (lav finds you NOTARY PUBLIC rtaperi. B r . iu tpt fee liernc t Mrs. W. tUirubsall left by the among lb passengers . bast weary or Inj. laie avj at in is iu feet per umate Prince It u pert last evening for I night s slesirtrr fr Vlrt.H-ia. r aater mil of rmi hi known at Vancouver. w. w - something to tone and strengthen the system. Peer Creek htftl now eontheaMerly (ml of the Ar.rn We Sell Ilea! Estate. drtlM rote k'lekau luUl, tfxMil tlx mltet Mr. Jos Ftlloii. trn Batedtle, B. a TIM water wHI be Mr. V. O. Dawson sollcJ tast Sign CtK, has ben awarded the BEECHWS W. write Fire and Marine PILLS d.terlMl from lk ttream it a point aboot evening far Vancouver on busi eontrael for kalsominiHg the city Insurance. one-lull toll from tnuulh or alreaat end of HO. ness trip. hall for the sum We have Apartment, Stores, will ft naed for power purpnte epi te arearemctJjr w!I t y Houses, and Offices for mm CHrm. wnw at the -How" Nmnl r Just inl What? The latest In Ths niiny ffleads of Mr. Harry condiUwrjL Thry, tjmadLliwrarSK? Ilent, and Want More. TMJ notice wai posted en Ue vreand women walking shoes, r nnfilj Astoria were gathered on It-wharf and so renew the rx .. i-l and steady the t n We Deal in Mortgage Loans. on Dm till ur ( JtnBiT. ttts. A ewe Shoe tore." 40 last night to see him off to A few dose ol thes, id- famed farrdly puis of itH trntire end ta apptteatton portaant We Sell Timber Limits. liwrtu tad to Um -water Act. IU." wttl take up his military duties. Mr. A. P. Ourd, of Ctailoir, ar Welcome I be nitl lo tiw care of I be Water Reeeetfer Bring Relief We do Conveyancing. l rrtnee fiapert. B. C rived in town last night and left Mrs. Geo. M. Hanson, wife or j OtSeettooa m tbe appMeaUoa Bnaj be Bird for tbe south. tbe American Consul, loft last j wtili it mm Water Reearder or with the "Prtrtw Ilttpert for SU rrr-Ure W luda 4 U.S, UUOSelr ' night on tbe H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD. CeenptreHer or Water MrMt, rarttament Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Taylor, of month San Francisco to be gone a BcriMHita, VKloru, B. a, wiuua tairty Port Kssingten, are visiting dare after Uw tm appearaaee or tfclt r six weeks. , aoHre la a toral newspaper. Prince ftuperL i. T. HEFrEBJIAJI. AppttraaL The large number of puneh by J. D. Leedy. A rent. Mr. J. K. Gordon, of Terrace, boards which was to be seen at 3 Te date of the Brtt pubttraUaa af tnlt the arrivals frtjm was among up "The Daily News" j notice It recrnary lata. Kit. river last evening. one of the Express offices yester- 2 fl Ifl 151 n day, was slgnifieant or the aeuvuy CLASSIFIED ADS. ) DIVXRSIOM WATER XOTIGE A5D CSt Station Captain on Saunders,Digby Island,of tbe left Marine tbe of NOTICE the police TO commission.DOQ OWNERS I Gasoline Engines hr i3a!c ! eity last evening on his way to TAKE 30T1CX that June S. Emenoa. Victoria. FOR SALE who addrett It tie r acute Balldiar. Van Iog licences are now due for r roarer. B.C. win apply roe a ltcene to 1918. ami same can be obtained On 3-Cyllndtr 4 ojcle 30 M. P. Falrbanks-Morts SOS CSJ. or water oat of Mr. M. M. Stephens was ameuc FOR SALE Hoatenold f oral lore, laeladiat uk aad at at Police SUtton. All owners of, S Enjlns 5U Sinter Sewinf nucbiite. Apply SIT Ut Unto Creek, alto known at Union Bay. the passengers leaving for the 5 which Sows wetterly aad drains Into dogs that have not taken out the , Avenue. Pnone BUck ttt between If south yesterday, lie was booked aad It. U ttotea Bty about at the bead or said bay. to Seattle. neeessary Ikenee by the 1st day; One 2-Cyllndsr 4 cycle 10 M. P. Palmtr Engine $j50 Tbe water wti be diverted rrom lb of March. 1918, wHI be proseeuled. E S ttreaai at a point about where Union Creek BX7LDLV0 Owner wanu TOM SALS pottcttioa AT SACRIFICE of tne lot PRICE we learet Cnlon Lake and will be eted for Mr. and Mrs. G. II. Arnott and WILLIAM ADAMS. , rrr One 1-C,Under 4 cycle 10 H. P. Hicks Engine ;si 1 oceapy. Enquire at American Tailor. X. power land incidentally mannractarat) family sailed last evening by the Police Constable, Authortzetl t Wetatieln. Third Arena. U parpoa trict Lot opon Its. the Catttar laodt DlttrtcL detcrtbed at Dis Prince llupert for the south. They Pound Keeper. .3 One 1-Cyllndr 4 cycle 3 rt M. P. Regal Engine. $125 J will visit of the lower coast This notice wat potted on the rroand many LOST J Cne 2-Cyllndsr 2 cycle 14 H. P. Callle Perfection on the ttth day of Jannary. tilt A copy cities, and will be away for several Engine $2u0 I of tbis rjotlre and an appllcaUon pnrtaaat weeks. LOST Oold chain bracelet Soaday afler-aooa thereto and to tlx "Water Act, IStl." win DENTISTRY m One 2-Cyllndr 2 cycle 9 M. P. FaIrbanksMorte , on Fourth or Firm Arenuet between be niel in the oOc of the Water Recorder ' . !' reinlna ftll MeBrtde and rulton. Reward. Finder at PTtnc Rupert. B. C. FRENCH GIRL SUFFERS - - - ....... y m v v alette return to Dally 5ewt Odce. Objections to the application may b oeowM sue siti&or wwu a SetOtALTT 'S Cr 1-Cylnder 2 cycle 2 M. P. Waterman Engine Bled with the tald Water Recorder or with ' LOST Pearl Spray Brooen. aad ladyt the Comptroller of Water Risnu, Parliament FOR HELPING SOLDIERS OR. l. S. BROWN Practically new, 35 lbs. weight and suitable for Ret&deer (love on Third Arenue. Finder Baildinra. Victoria. B. C, within ; i EEs row boat troiiina S5 I pteate re torn to Dally Newt Office, tf iklrlr days after the flrtl appearaac of OCNTIST Paris A brave French uut aeUr in a local aewtpaper. girl 0 Sleet Searta Stoat, T& St One 1-Cyllndsr 2 4 M.P. r cycle Auto Marine LOST Between Fnlton Street and tne Oot The date or the Brit publication of tali named Mdle. Germaine Chaudrel. PMI as j Engine erameal Wnarf poeketbook costalnlaf notice it January ttth, ISIS. Ftt who lived with her family in a ntr lum or pleat money.return Owners to the nam Dally inside Jtewa IAXES S. EVERSO.T. AppllcaaL little village near Guise, in the !E One 1-Cyllndsr 2 cycle G H. P. Cattle Perfection 125 1 by Robert X. Waiktr, a rent. oaea. tf Aisne Department, has just returned to France after two and a One 1-Cyllnder 4 cycle 12 H. P. Buffalo Engine 300 1 LOST OoM SUckpta. between troqaoU Harry Atkins half years in captivity in German PI Rooms aad Firth Avrnae, E. Re-ward. Finder pleat re tan to Dally prisons. eaaiHr BU4e, Prtate. Report. THESE ENQINE3 ARE SECOf DHAND, BUT HAVE BEEN E flewt one, tf. The Paris Journal relates the S THOROUGHLY OVERHAULED SOME REBUILT very dramatic events in which she NOTED FOft E. M0 MISCELLANEOUS and her took PRIME SAUSAGE family a glorious and CIES GEARS NEW AND REBUILT leading part. FOR H0CSC CLEA.TOO A-tD WASHI.fO TIMBER SALE X 926. hy the day Phone Mrs. rorrett. Btae . It was on October 2u. 1914, that Sausage a Specialty. (SI) tbe reirton of Guise was invaded. Sealed tenders win be receleed by the M r I hi." fn. Phone S74 P. O. Box 1 Akerberg, Thomson & Co., Ltd. I Minuter of Landa not later than noon en , . , the tstn day of February, ttlt. roe the Hou inr gin uermaiB. ageo parctaue or Licence x tt. to eat s,st. 15. and bis son, aged 18. had re- AUK.NTS FOR S E. E SHOCKLEY eet cr Hemlock, spruce. Balaam aad Cedar.mained in their little farm. On Palmer, Fisherman, Anderson, Yale, and Unlo Enjlnts S a aa area situated on Loer Lake, Prater that morning, whilst in his fields. ISaeeeator to J. L. Hlekey). teach. Raaca 4. Coait Dlttrlct. Three (1) yeart win be allowed for re-moTal M. Chaudrel suddenly saw a British Harry A. Harvey Il!lll"!ll!l!i:ilUli!IIHill1llllllitlllt(l IIIIIWISjaBjni:: Wf CONTRACTOR A BUILDER of Umber, soldier eome out from behind rnrther parttcolart or the Chief Faretter. a hedge and approach him. follow, tLata Lcataa, Caf Caaewftlalet leiartt( B. C, or District Foretter. Pn Sletla) Store and Office moment afterwards Fixtures, Ropert, B.C. Ft! ed a by ten PUrtL or LANSOOWNK COTTtLL Sash, Door, and Mouldings, others. These poor fellows had PapHs Taken far A HOT BATH THE Oak and Hardwoods of all si ee a laxd district district or'.lost themselves, could not return VIQU. PUMO. VIOU.triLLO aad kinds. vtit uiAKLUTit. to tne French or llritish lines, and MINUTE YOU WANT li We Specialize In Hardwood had been hiding for days in the EXAMI.IATIOIS TUE NOTICE that I. Charles Joe Benton.'counter fee Pupil PrtsaeeS taamlaatloat You are) ec Boat Ribs, Sash, of Lockrport, B. C miner, tatend to apply . .Ul. . , , AaaUalt4 Bates, Vtecaaiae, Ceatee Doors, etc. foe permfitioa to purr hate the follow in a-1 . . ' ",u wumuii Weill CelUf el Steak.. La4e, Caf grtlioii otd detcrtbed Undt. .namea oorjy, look seven of the eta nil; . Tbink l i'- tu i PlaU and Sheet Glass and conuLenciar at a pott planted at north- Tommies and the Chaudrel family tsfartioii of Glazing. ratt corner of the Lontfellow Mineral n,a r..,,- .k. ti... i.T-.i i . " V ;.Ut in tbr W. P. Sortheatt So. ' corner ISIS; . . . Corner Fraser and 6th SU. thence welt to rhalnt: thence north u.e rrjumiif went on ail atHindautis, i - rbalnt; thenc eatt t chalnt; thence south right up to December St They t. m SMteb ha . - PHONE GREEN 269 n chains mote or lett alonr shore line. were about to celebrate Christmas iNtJate. P. O. BOX 158 aereT Jr o7lr ' ,in a very humble manner, when Prince Ropert Feed Co. NOT WATER LIKE MAGIC DATED 7th January. ISIS. in me evening Aime. uooy a CHARLES JOE BE.tSO.1, !daughter noticed a group of Oer-inan Hanson PHONE IS Harry A teat for E. H. Simpton. soldiers approaching the house. Wgf Hot Water S I r t I ) STEEN & L0NGW1LL R t-AtfMl'- hi -m -If'Sun FOR jmm tats coin--PHONE v. l privatk DsrrccnvE aoiwct l The girl rushed into the house. 489 P. O. BOX Sti SANITARY AND HEATIN3 29S Mttrepolltan Vanceutte. and while the Germans were en. BULBS .lering the front garden she let ENGINEERS Day Phone, Seymour Utt. J lhe seven Tommies out by a back Jllrht Phone, Fairmont ISIS. ,door, and look them to a little Tulips, Hyacinths, Daffodils, Agents for Mead Office, 112 Mlsae- Bit's-Vktorla, wooded field. The Germans visit- Easter Lilies, Narcissus. McCLARY FURNACES B. Phea S412. ed the house, but found no sol- Letterheads diera. Bnte4apes PLUMBING j M. Chaudrel then decided to Malt'Oeaeet Preffietli Atte4e4 ta. State menu and 'take these seven men to his place Cante, Etc fLtatU SHEET METAL WORKS with the others. They lived there FOR YOUR NEW SUITS for two months more, the girl P. o. Bat Ml. SOS TMrS St. Phone 5, 831 Second Avenue. Germaine and See her brother keeping ee.,M Night phones 578 watch night and day. The News Job Press and Dlue 270 Steve King ! On February 22. 1915, the The right work, at the plaht Prompt Cleaning A Pressing tragedy took place. The Germans 62 PiijtEi of A3 DrtcriplSoat Djae time, and at the right prise. j Phone Green 418. heard through a spy of the pres. -er Sy Af ence of these eleven soldiers In 5ft THE CKCINiykiriS'CMLNT the poor farmer's house. In the 7f4t lent (XSZtt J P.O. En &9 afternoon (hey surrounded the IYonrams Sis ni asaiNK farm and house. Germaine rush. Catalog t Cl 1-S la. ar 7 lt, If.lB j IsnStnaliBttBtj DoilK-'a ed to the oltlc where her proteges Meet Pawte. Fishermen .were. She was caught on the I I'oal. Notice! Ofl. ti 1 i-a m , ta stairs by a German armed with a Mart Pewee, revolver. CwL i. i. tr in., xa-ta fw,M,,t.frr( eeff ! "Where are the Knglisht" he Heeta Pawtr, The Cold Storage Fertilizer and Oil Plant at Pacofl is asked. !WWMWMeeeeweeeeeww now in operation and will operate all the year round. The j "Look for them," replied the For Further Intontiatlon FRED HARDWARE company will buy all marketable flsb and wilt also buy Dog girl. Apply to STORK'S Fish at fifteen dollars per ton (equivalent to about five els. I The Tommies knew the daqgrr per fish). Halt will be provided free and all supplies can tneir mile protectress was run VV. 4. WwlLLlLCitOKT POn OANNERYMEN nlng. They opened the door and We be purchased at tbe Company's store at reasonable prices. gave themselves up. Prince flupert, B. C. have added lo our alok of valveiiand pipes a - i'11' Special facilities are provided for gas boats and fishermen I The house was burned, and a line of llubber Helling at right priree. bringing their gas boats will be allowed 125 for ex. few days after the women were wuipsfi Stock FOR FISHERMEN ljr of the best goods that money can li" penses of trip to Pacofl. The plant is located in the heart ,condemned iMme. Chaudrel by a to court-martial;four years In New Open On4r New imtn trolling Spring Uruss. 8IIver and Iliouic of the fishing grounds' and dog fish can be caught In great prison, her daughter to two and n-a FOR Til...P LjaT(oennMT..nibHrilWIll numbers all the year round. Come to Pacofl if you wish to a half years, her son to three OMINECA HOTEL nie celebrated Maple Leaf Paints and Varnishes- 8p nsidi iil'f fini a make money every day flailing. years. Mine. Coby to five years, i-..ia rt,uuiu.i.Mit.. , l umpieto jjiie of Ship '.hun ill' i'T- ond her daughter to one year. HAZELTON FOR EVERYONE - - - B. 0. In court (he girl Germaine ask. (Old llttelton) - ane stock of llanluan. (iurney's Oiford M-. International Chemical Ltd. ed "What about fnther and Co., my NIMODCLLIO, RCrURNISHIO an4 We Sell Nothing But The Best. the Iirltish soldiers?" RCDICORATID Pacofl, Queen Cha lotto Islands. A Hun answered "I regret to Ciary Preiltle far the Oaaifaet af say that they were all shot a few LaSlta aa aatltma. ! FRED STORK'S HARDWARE days ago. They all died bravely." MfMeaa. .a V