... "V ... i, aily News v.' v ... , ... . PRINCH RUPERT, II. C, "SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1918. PRICE FIVE CENTS nnrv TROYERS RAID 10 EE STRAITS FRANCHISE FOR WOMEN-COMPULSORY REGISTRATION OF ALL MEN AND WOMEN CEVERNMENT TO TAKE CENSUS CRUEL TREATMENT UNITED STATES GERMANS WILL RENEW WARFARE OF SERBIAN AND OF AVAILABLE MANPOWER ITALIAN PRISONERS TROOPS TO USE UNTIL PETROGRAD IS OCCUPIED rftLLOWINO UPON CONFERENCE OF LABOR REPRESENTATIVEC Prisoner of War are Subject to POISON GAS NORTHERN RUSSIA WILL BE INVADED BY TEUTON TROOPS LATELY COMPLETE AND COMPULSORY REGISTRATION Terrible Conditions Only UNTIL RUSSIA IS ENTIRELY AT MERCY OF THE HUNS-TROTSKY'S AMD INVENTORY OF MEN AND WOMEN OF THE One-third of Italians PLAN OF NO WAR, BUT NO PEACE, DOMINION WILL BE TAKEN Will Survive. 0.rest Osseous Campaign to be REJECTED BY IMPERIAL HEADQUARTERS Instituted In General Offensive :. x, , Tbt rur 5ew.i labor bureaux, replacing tlie in. Italian Army Headquarter. Feb. Against Germany (Sixeui to rbe only .iwii. ome action of this kind to solid. tv, ax J in nary 10. Subae- dividual employment agencies and 15. Exchanged Itftlian prisoners This Spring. London, Feb. 16. Germany has ify the Russian people once again L a a silting of the Cabinet inturing an adequate basis for who have just arrived from Austrian resolved to renew her military ac- when they will be able to once , itrn government shortly co-ordination, supervision and dl-D spiai m Tb. nam . Ulvltles against Northern Russia, s concentration camps tell of and for all show the German High liuiluight yesterday, gave rection of the labor supply to Washington, Feb. Ifl. A great almost unbelievable cruelties Thill decision is said to have been Command that they will require announcement as to its meet the nation-wide demand. The Uis Is being l poison gas campaign reached at a conference held at no German assistance In settling practised prisoners, , njcdtale policy in regard to government has a comprehensive against -. --- - II.- tTIIK,l . ..... ... Iter The government will not plan for the establishment of ticularly Serbians, wlio are .(planned " me imperial ueaaquaners wnen meir miernai ana aomesiic quar- Ts oim for farm labor, un- these labor bureaus. At Ottawa, ported conHned in cages and fed Slale o(Ten8,v Winn the Oer- lhe No war bul no peace.. plan rels. While the fighting power of ., ip .... i..,im.' . . . ....... Ruasia at lhe nresent moment U ji M.iiiary Venice Act, but under Federal control the central iiipmiffii wars likn animala An ""-v"'u"'n K" " '""'"""' o iroisay was rejeciea ai mis HUanlvpd atreminu action :) ui" tnmedlale steps to se- bureau will be established, to act ., ., ... , IKjglven before the House of nepre conference, according to the Am- nn th nart ome nt nftrmflnv, th.r4, u and Inventory an- n sort of general clearing a a rcgulralion statements of these returned rc.....T sieraam correspondent of the kooj hones of bellevlnir. would f mc i and women of the Io- houso of information directing ,in it lee. Immense quantities f Dailr Exnresa. Th'e invasion of crvstalizH lhe latent susnicion and 'the work of the provlncially con- )n .i..!he ls full of deadly poison are .orinern uussian, u is saia, win nairea oi uermany into cuecuve Thti the conclusion which trolled bureaus. 'The treatment of the Serbians y, be continued at rate, until fighting battalions. .Linow ready for shipment from the any a arrived at in the conference The national registration is even worse than that of Pelrograd is occupied by German between the representatives of scheme will be along the same Austria'(United States, and General Persh- Itallans, indicating that , troops. CANADIAN PATRIOTIC -ftnaed labor and the govern- lines as were adopted under the log urgent request for the equip- Intends to destroy the Serbians as The Germans hope and expect FUND ANNUAL MEETING c: ) a weft or so ago, and Is National Her ice registration ment of noison gas nlanls. both that the demoralization of the scheme of but the a race. As a result or these con- tilt ' the basis of compulsory a year ago, in the United Stales and in France Russians is so complete that they The annual meeting of the rdmati n of all available signing of the cards this time will ditions, there are up to now not has been granted by the House j will have no difficulty in accom-Appropriations Prinze Rupert branch will be held abor s ,jply l meet war condi- be compulsory. Under this new less than 30,000 to 40.000 dead Committee. These plishing this object, which they in the city hall on Tuesday evening, i c J All the gaps made scheme, the government will have from starvation. They are per at 8 o'clock. consiaer wouia piace mem in me February 19, of for under its Command the essential two plants will cost $10,000,000. I iha withdrawal men mitted to receive no parcels and position of being able to .dictate Business: Receiving the financial service. information necessary as a basis are unable to work because of II has been decided that there to the whole of Russia. On the statement and election of officers At th j mfcrence. the proposal for adopting measures to meol weakness. They are put like anl- (, onjy one way to fight the Oer-mals other hand, in certain quarters it for ensuing year. 13 s caJa by the government for conditions as war developments in cages with wooden bars. man8 succeMfuyt and that is is considered that it only requires ( W. E. COLLISOX, Secretary. . ti aL sbment of government and needs arise. Through these bar. the keeper, SUBMARINE CHASERS "LINCOLN," SUBJECT OF throw bread, carrots them scraps and turnips of uneatable as their started the poison gas warfare, UNION GIVE GOVERNMENT VOTES FOR WILL WOMEN iSWISS RESERVES CALLED sole sustenance. The mortality, hich at first took the French and SUNK IN DOVER STRAIT ST. ANDREWS LECTURE already great, is increasing, as Dritish troops quite by surprise, (Special to Tb Dally ."leva.) UP FOR REINFORCEMENTS they are given no care and there gnce tnal Umet conJiderabIe pro-are Feb. 16. The extension no doctor, and no sanitation " Ottawa, German-Swiss Border I. Closed L rti 10 -Eight Drillabl The open meeting of the St. Concerning the Italians, the 7 has been made by the allies of the franchise to Canadian Tight by Huns No New. Is r ' .' which were hunting Andrew's Society held last even-tubaarines -flemenl sav. they returned in ,n Producing a more deadly gas women was announced by the Now Allowed to Pass in the Straits of ,ng n,e CUU rooms n ad-er rags, arter suffering Ill-treatment than the Germans have geen able pOVCrmnenl today as part of its Either In or Out. t a been sunk by a raiding! . . . M f:. ho and exposure to cold while com- to manufacture, and with the eI-'MtabHshed policy. It was stated ' t.erman torpedo de- " .. to work trenches Milan, Feb. 15. The Rome gov. pelled on enemy of this which tensVe use weapon, jlh took for his subject "Lincoln. t woman 8uffrage would be an itroyr i After having sunk these ernment has received advice from utM V (1 ulla of the enemy There was a good attendance and llLfSS- ihV1"n8Cr,haVe,l0,0?;eCUOni10, "lushed fact in Canada before Em. i s! etired rapidly north,j the remarks of Mr. Mcllae were ryh?,o7i.ftoa7hV n.naPn"! 5,. -ther election is held, Switzerland that the Central have intimated that it is well received, air. Jicuae urew pires aid, it' -e they could be en- received a small loaf of bread I parallel between the state of v their Intention of effecting shortly Wti TV llrUlsh vessels sunk dally for division among eight TABBY'S PELT HAS A ,PROPRIETORS OF THE O. K. the alTalrs existing at the time of a total and rigorous closure of men. Conditions are so terrible, VALUE IN FUR MARKET BATHS ARE BOTH CALLED UP brought Ivll when the times 4 -.3 crawler. war, at 1 IL.I i li am m-(l I a their respective frontiers along and with those of "; "V": forth the man. In Palestine. the Swiss border, and that this when is again 0, rim" Bolh' H"8 one 10 do New York, Feb. i5. The prices ft. the present day. war JJ Jtan lli uh forces yesterday 1 Prisoners coming state of things will probably be in the air. Just as the growth of I Jh. f Thep Bl fop Thep Country paid for beaver featured the clos- -S3 i adanre of two miles on maintained for a duration of several T x miles in a direction slavery ta the United Stales- t In Her Hour of Need. j ing day of the annual winter fur weeks. i-' f Jerusalem. brought great tribulation to both ! sale here. Not only did they show Another semi-official communication n.. vrih Sniilh. n i the rnwwinus. wr a. nm. and Another of Prince old . Kiev Attacked, TWO MILLION DEFICIT Ruperts 8barp aavances. but the besl received here from Berne l-sioa id, to, A wireless growth of the Herman spirit of timers left for the south today at! . . . w. - nf states that since the developments is t -'tnier of the Ukraina aggressluu and military inn bring. Victoria. Feb. 15. The public his country's call in the person of e also active in the general situation at home "a i tie ItoUheviki troops ng sorrow to ill the nations ol Columbia for lloi Barnes, the second of the pro-NNolves were and abroad render necessary the Hritih f K are belnir attacked the earth today. j the accounts fiscal of ending March 31. proprietor, of the popular O. K. and higher than at fall sales. The reinforcements of the defences of f a - and that their total Mr. McR.e was very happy in year Baths. Jack Judge left some time best skuhk soia up 10 ea.ju. iue the Swiss confines with reserves. c a .u.Mdered inevitable. the drawing out of his conclusions 191T. brpughl down in ine i.egis- Willows Camp, and skins of ordinary tabby cats the Bundesrath has summoned In and In his atory of Abe Lincoln. are show a revenue oi t'- tod Ho, ,eave8 for Hastings 'brought as high as 88 cents each arms for next Wednesday the 12th CITV tNQINcrR AND ASSESSOR who. like 1'itL might be termed," Prk. to take up his military du- and will now be cut up into "lur Infantry Brigade, with subsidiary the "Ureal Commoner." '079.317. a dencu or w.i... tjes. noth of these boys are very sets, chest protectors and what- forces. btork also spoke Th.s compare;, favorably JiweU de- not. Jutria brought up to 81.31, :t;-i ' r th pinion of aiy Mr. Fred known in town and are tea ..n.r. ti u rrrri'rJ lir which a hearty voteiPrevlous year dettclt of f3 edly popular. Sportsmen both,! and 55 cents was paid for the best BRITISH FLYER KILLED r k up lo Monday, tba titb day of Ihak. was accorded to The largest-.-. item o Hi-revenue. .1 the true sense of the word, they squirrel. AT FORT WORTH am um. ii n il twtto I p m.bit duU Th tue oa erturer for his moat suggestive '" .. '"' -,wi be an acquisition to which The grand total for the sale was i n ant rtO remark. raise. .u !.... hnllnllnn' Ihov r drafted. Dlaced at 13,250,000, estimates Special to Tt Dalljr ?lwa,l 'SI' l-ETCAf. , 4C0. The personal property lax made before the sale began hav Qly Clrik. 1 absence 1 k i ik. ...! .nm.All During their temporary Fort Worth, Texas, Feb. lfl RECORD PAYMENTS FOR will ing been exceeded as a result of Sixth Street of .....1 n. hi.inrv nf th lew in their business on Captain Vernon Vernon Castle, CARLOADS OF WHEAT bii I "" Vllltam P wv.nce. la the British Flying Corps, was JUST ARRIVED OVER LINE OF Q. T. P. IS.iffSS; ffi'iti. w 'SrSM "'tS killed this morning while flying .... -U a. held ta Toronto, a large west of Fort Worth. Castle, in shipment of There 1. keen competition who is commended by them tH early In April. trying to avoid a cadet, swerved among the grain shippers along "THE FAMILY HONOR" their many friends and customer.. T- his machine beyond bis control, Spring Dresses the line of the Grand Trims:, i-a-ninn ii win-.'i..M.if nn ih hij.inens un. I The Rev. O. Darwin. D. D, of and fell, unable to right himself fcquulle Creations in Silks in Weatcru Canada for the The high standard of tlieplc.,," ... ,. u ,,--,, i Winnipeg, will preach morning in time. " " ' i J 8e. g. , Laleil 1 I....,lll,i 111 A record toriai programme. which have , ; ThTs nJ at the Methodist Heautiful Colors. ty,e,( single carload of wheat. This been the rule at tfe W hoi e,u barbef $, ,Q lown church tomorrow. Mr. Darwin Two men from Stewart who MODERATE PRICES distinction was claimed a few days .lately will be phe Id this , o ha$ bfen ca , ha, b(fen oyer thirty yea. on the have been here several weeks aim for Mr. U. A. Aykroyd. wno even ng. "-""'"-"; lUp for service. Prirw. .na Vtla us u and All broad U'tlSfc hoping to get transportation back Pee them at shipped a carload of No. 1 North- xvl.lcli is m ue wreenru ;"-erii BothJackJudgaandRolllarnes, I a In m a anna again, have this morning been ; GOLDBLOOM'S from iu farm n few mile, I ing ,is,one.1-.1 of the i -.i plays ulilrh ilrnw are typical of the men who have. compelled to buy either a boat of north of Walnwrlglil, Aioeriu. rr fc t.-j.Il.auu .1 Miv iiuiiic ui f i-.....ll uuiiauinii l u l.w Wll IHluriuaiiuii o.iu uiBjM.a....... their own, or else snowahoe to which brought t3,57 1, after allow- the big he 'nB tMntnA among the German foe-.M'1 ... mush it. The "Narbethong" goes ing for the deduction of frelpl't Jand June hlvW to Stewart, but dare not carry 'in this production, which they en. . . .... ,i ...I., i. i.i .--i.ii i on account of the charges. nl.inir nlayi1"'' w,u uo au,c " "i" passengers, This record did not stand long, hance J by heir ThJ Rre ,he kiu, WANTED regulations, WESTHOLME iinollier shipper having a carloadln . . ...ii rih L9 There o will take chance, to put the TONiQHT ONLY which brougni .J.vue, auu 'M ,0be a Pathol Gazette con-thl. fear of death iu the enemy. One set fallers. figure ha. now been sur- M f U One head boom man. ROBERT WARWICK pa.aed. Canadian verunent(U jmnj I J ; , ChapUn RETAIL CLERKS One second boom man. AJIo- - One fireman. JUNE ELVEDQE on ma u. i. " musio Meeting Monday, at 9 o'clock Three Swampers. ""HE FAMILY bushels of No. 2 wheat, amounting mean oB.r J?: nd ther6 harp. Carpenter.' Hall. Two signal men. HONOR in value to $4,l05-a truly ro- uur... ... Two rigging men. FOR QUALITY soio PATHE will be a violin Wellington Coal reduces Apply GAZETTE uiarkablo figure. Lady.mlth KRVICK and SATISFACTION '"tSI entertain, your fuel bill and ulvas J. R. MORGAN, LTD. AND A :Wlo will h. . .. ,k. For New VVelllnoton Coal and In is town no than better that afforded satisfaction. Phone 15. .P. R. Cars Williams A Manson. s IX DAY WF.F.K FOR IIKI.P. lr Lumber of all dimension, ment Coal Co. at the Westholme. hone 118. v