THE DAILY KfiWH The Daily News Constipation Cured in STIRRING RECEPTION QIVEN SAHUinmna TIIL LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NO '.TILT.:J RRITlSH COLUMBIA His 78th Year without Sons of Crimean Vsttrant Prove Publithtd Dally and Weakly Worthy Bona or Tneir Guaranteed Largest Ciicuiation Drugs Fighting Sire. DM 5r) i-w know ay rrn who in North HEAD OFFICE: Italian Headquarters -I I was MtMMlIt mfri mt uanillnaltm K Daily Nevj lialldinz, ihira Avenue. I'nnco Kupcrc, u.u Tel. ys.uH nr 0 w mki dh eemir-rn Italy. ti. 15. Tta) ttaasart I Ia aJtt 1 ft Laaaak Aft IKa linx Kaaa linu HraiBin, liiisad of young TllAN3lE.Nl LUStOtAX AUVEKriSIiNU - iK) centa per Inch. MM do ar iMNUfy which diMiiifrulshed itsif by eut-llns Contract Rates on application. th troafel beeiie chrome the Cot ill Ihtsfto internal Bathtar H Uw ootr ml its way up l far flMiifiHik it beet um Ut Tuesday, oaiw out of the UAILY EDI T10 Saturday, Feb. 16, 1918. Lamer free from IB t.-eml trenches yesterday. It wnl an oosi ttx system rfermi III re- event which st!rrd the mi!i1or- yatar rwaeitane unaided, tod there M m farther trouble. tag country, and the peasantry, PACIFIC FISHINO found in the towns on Ihel vr a. McLean, mt coor Lamber c.. with children and tMtbMM. eame Kncouragul by their success prairie in the provinces of AI-P shk1, writ: -i hm u-ea from fifty miis around to I IfStMhSMl tar, flirt tfTi lln t Uil in the' past, and apparently Jus. berta, Saskatchewan and even I 40 VM esSTa 7Ws these young heroes. The city wa ItOed by the knowledge they in Manitoba. Iwlthnat taksat ntedtrtee. I hit. aeed 14m I ir a r with flues, the walls were have acquired through their There is no doubt of the in- i i iara- ifumi ii tt ireovred with posters. "Hail1 !- explorations in the surround, creasing popularity or these Jj J fl heroesl" and children carried ms waters, the Canadian Fish varieties of flsh, and as each Dr TLTv tii mt v flowers to strew along the r.Mite and Cold storage Company are new consumer becomes a regw-1 rmii and perfected "J l. crd"of their march. again having their steam trawler lar buyer, as they are almost I msenui Baunay. bta i uht to I Tne hnirode march! twenty got ready for sea. The vessel miles from its tremens, and it the moment and iu Hs beitedal it is is at present increasing scarcity a Mirmwr has, oa loternai Bithinr iwas an inspiring sipm as uncalled as enjoy being overhauled and fitted up creasing high price of meat war Tjir i OaU s r I boyish - toakinK soldiers earn with her trawling gear, and will products, the ' increasing de OrnL EraesenC wrh raa be hti free tar I ,hjl ,. t.i l.ia. ...h able-In othur vwrdf, J ,..t!v go out in a day or two after the inand for these ground flsh is Mi, mimnig im 11. nuv I'llllil. iw. un i forma war stilt splashed with " At, tud h Si Ut tl alt tw ground flsh, which are so nu bound to affect the number of Nl to ln M etpHuHi ihr "1. a. L the mud of the big Aght. but Uiy bcncflclai: tfrnt's why merous in these waters, and trawlers operating on this CmV" to yam. march ml proudly and appeared which un till last year, have coast. happy ovw the enthusiastic trib never been fished commercial Although there is but the one ute. WRIGLEYS ly. trawler operating at this pres There is a steady and grow, ent time, it has been proved LAND ACT CI : ing market for these flat fish, that the finest fishing grounds wherever they have been tried, iu the world lie close by, and Is so popular at the Front. I and at the present moment, the wilbin a very short space of SSESM4 UD BISTMCT WJTWCT Of ground work Is being laid for time trawlers operating out of TIMBER SALE X 979. COAST. ftAXCC I. Many a ions watch or a hard i a extensive business. Anyone Prinee become very Rupert may the TaE .XOTKC Uiai iate Orsec. f Van-tmtrt. who has ever visited the rule, instead of being the exception Sealmi trader H t rrreirfd by Um B. C. MMI4SH OabenoaK, ta-ir4a Job is made more cheerful by great fishing ports of Great as at present. There Mtntatrf or 1 ami mi uier tban Bvoo oo ! aseSy sr permttaam t laa Ut Britain could not fail to be impressed is no doubt that the halibut lit axi at Marea. It IS. for Uw pr roatowaar 4ascrti4 Ua4i E this lone-lastirm refreshment. ar of Uretac X TI. to n t.TlS.tM I'MNMatMl at t fH staaied M 11m with the tremendous banks are being depleted of M , OMlar and Utrnkxa oo i rarnswra am it mi m mi I lev an S number of steam trawlers in their supplies of flsh this is ara adjvlftlnf L. JII. 8lix taland. narrows, ataaii ! nuWa Mkk r llardtf commission there. At certain to be expected. And with the mere I. omii DtatrHL Bay. ttwsm mrt f cMbm. flkrart atrttt Keep your boy supplied. times, they can be counted by increasing popularity of these T6rr (I) year IH b CHtmt4 tv rt se . HkrAM tan tt ttutmi. iumm om 9m cfealM Uw potM a CMUBMkro-trM moral or tunlxr. the hundred in the larger porU other varieties, the continuous Fmrt hr BftrttnUM Af th. riii.r ....... si esMatatai it sere msra r Imi. After Every Meal The and it is a sight well worth demand for halibut, and only Victoria. B. c, r nutrtct rsrcaier, frlae JO!! flHACt. iRSflM. Flavour Lasts seeing. To a large extent they tiaiiiut, may not continue. Thelrr. a. c . u DATED Mvrmbcr tt. HIT, flsh for and catch the same va larrer annntif of tli nthr AMeVS thirst rieties of flsh as are available kind, ia hmmrf fr. rri.i i..l TIMBER SALE X894. COAL NOTICES find fatUoe in the waters of the Pacific liicrli nrirn tiliili lii, tur i.l. UASD MSTIUCT WSTWCT Of r j i :- -iei.itjjaa j.j c mw jm ocean, right here at our doors. ii ! I rt miii i .cur - i riwm "u "" IMtoHter r Laod Ml Utrr Uian nuoa oa Ol-LEJI ClltRLOTTE HLUH mmi U&SVJrmJt-fr.&Sr ? The only difficulty which Prince With the most extensive and lux sst day t rtbrwr, tttt. for ut -0TiAl ftuperl has to contend with Is varied fisheries lying right I H"" uw x ssi. ta tot hits, TAaK .tOTICE tbat I. iauea P Betd. ml that of distance from the markets. HMr ror a aeror u proapeet tar coal uauuims jbciiiucs suui-irtrr. Barkt C&anuW. Banr i, Cnil DU- aal petraStam oter UM rlator deaertbed la Great Britain the trains cieni ror tne prompt dispatch I Ua4a o Um Weal Cava it of Mareaby Iiliad. carrying flsh have the right of of the catches, the time is not Ttrr r"' i i anoti f.r i i i wan ii jo f at pat ptame4 at I or way over even passengers, and' far distant when "flsh specials' s aajie avtiwaiterty Mm s poat lorated raruwr fwrtlmUra r Um Otitt rrsur mm Ut sfc or ata4l Bay they whiz from the northern will thunder their east apeasstr mm way VMSana. B.C. (Nalrkt ar rwrstrr. rrtara af Cmm Psaa s(eea Marafty M CkaaU ports with their supplies for daUy earrytag the silver bar. lauKwrl. b.c ris. tataarf, aUwl I caaies rtlterty akaay Um the great London market at a vest of the sea to the inland itarar tauad aa of Can raaa fi "A LA"t KtaTRJl T MOTWCT (Sf I SSSBIS A LAAO 1.1- speed averaging over sixty towns. XAVMiBLE waters protection ACT. awrc roaal; tamMa ao)b IS rfcima; Hwe ji tm nitNiorrt t atita f kCft uissii miles an hour, and at that there k t. c oupur hi.) moi S eaaaaa; tSiaia smtUi IS cbalaa TAkt T1.S UMI Urnntde ItMI. ol . TABS NttTICX Umi Mwae aaal atiahta t Um paM mt tw man aa. B t . dark, lataaaSa if .4 i $mm riiajmi a Is hardly a port in Great Britain Furniture AKEfiBEM THOMSON wanted. Any quan and COXrA.1T. pix tar a iinaai to an is HI far aaol M mirna. w ante r. that is more than twelve tity. Good prices paid for com.I uxiteo. btrtlty (ivc none that Utri JAMES F HEID. AppSaraat Iwt ! td ilroSrn ' hours away from London. Uere let. household furnishings and U' uT w,,TT .7 Lacalad Saweaober SUw HIT. so oa aa T0 CO mt Maraaaf SaStad l in Canada, however, conditions Jl kinds of tools, mens suils.lotuta axi ta u atne t u ri.iHi oaaserty rraaa a a W"real Skf.EitA LAXD DISTRICT tHSTWOT r rUatrxl aknal ta a i are somewhat different. In the oois, elc. Phone lied 21 i or caUr"tHtrtT " UoJ nnnr oraee, du- QVttl CHARLUTTK ISUL1M of Uw oon ad ( i an l ata al au Inraied am l first,place, the trains have not F. M. Crosby. 715 Third Ave.MT ""t1- ripiteo or n aaeal mI s aaSSa SMUttrly alua v at of caav l aaa. got the speed of sixty miles an 1 iww ana in paoa or wnarr aoa ouirr frasa Baek patM; laasssr Mtb M 1 TAEC .NOTICE Ikal I. varka DroDuard to bm bnlli n Lnt dm lmtrpm SaiUm. r oaol tt hour, and the markets are very ! Salvation Army. I Wairfrot Block r. aiy of Frtoce Rupert. rnm itspert. a. c. rrprMr. IsuoJ M eSJUSM; IfcoSM much further away. Distance t-rvrtnr or BrlUtk OoHunbU. an4 ukt u apply rr a Bceaaa is prMpecf for ewl mt OMaaaewraaaaeA. SO u, and time are the great ob-l Public meetings. Tutxuhiys that after Um aiDtraUon or aim aihl petroleau er Um roHoatey Ontttt OtStTBlDE k.WTT. kill tBSTH l-M. uoda lb on Waal Coast of ' Moraeby ULuU. i uhbui irvni um a A la mt lot stacles. As these ground flsh ,Thursday and Saturdays at 8 p. tioo mt im. mm, Akerbery tZ. Hb,,,m' " (' P41 " iessee aaoasaiwe y naaa is)v. cannona.isit atoa. Nnar Br Chart iviir do not carry so well, not having i.. Sundays at 7:30 p. m. Cffttpaoy United arm coder Section aerrn tw aeuUMaiterly two a ttoal laeaied the same size I of Um said Act. apclr oa is Mwr or small Bay openter i as halibut, their la tha Mlnl.ur nf St:ELBA LAR II MaTMCT BSBTBJCT or SaXSNA LAND M t s-'ST -logical market is the nearest' The Daily News delivered by niLHai, Wort at bJi osca ta tie city of of Ulandf.cano about Pata btte t tattmt llarseby sod QiaaU VIECM C1IARL(TTI tSUkXM VI UN CHABl 1.' aloot Um otUma for Noruterly approval of Um said sit and tasc sona ahat one. This market is to be arrier. 50 cents per month. plan and tor leat u eontrai lb said Moroaby Itland aid of Canoo Pais from ". or rrsao ssaawat,ASsaaasstr n, L. TWA NwTstE aha; ro t Bark fatal; ibeae aoa lb s barf and vork. ebainaj tnette ssata ta Sf-sy far a s rr Oaled at Prtae Rupert B.C1U1 aeeond rati SO onaMS; tbrac aorlb SS rbaiast appey i eooi aaw pairioiu k faSlawkae a inruf n ss (baioa la Um Ml M'Vh04sT(MM da of ianuary ISIS. polsl of eoi- leaao aai a v. m coal af Masoatay Sk w I AKEnuEnO THOMSO.X and COMPANY, LTD. mroreinrbl. S. S. DaM Thomson. eeretary. JOStril SEXTO. AppdcaaL I MSMtty froea a BaM ioall ' PRINCE RUPERT located Norrmber lib, HIT. I IS )' -4 a mm mm. mf IS a aW w oaaa fat amooni ibr . . NOTICK. at a ami aajaast S sasfcae -, sailing faa, an SKEK.1A LAJIO DISTfUCTPISTfUCT or aawew rraaa aaet rHaM WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT TO ANYOX "Sea OuU.-' -Brown Bear." -UlUa Tumi VI EE CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Usan: taoam st M u-rtb THURSDAY MIDNIGHT TO VANCOUVER, rratlton." "Sanlicbl rraetloo " "Sea Liot ilb SS tarnna VICTORIA AND SEATTLE. rrselMA.'. "Sbeei Anchor rracUon." -Skr TAKE .NOTICE tbat I, CbarUs E. B arrets mi eaal aa -ham. la i- kne." "Camp Bird rracUon" and "Obaer ' t nnro nperi, D. t.. nahtcr latrnd I AIEXANDEH L. aVTHtULLAJIO. All l 8. 8. PRINCE JOHN awHT Mineral cuuns. sltuau In ibe apply roe a Horn to prpei (mt coal and By Ctwrto E. Bwrroaa. laaott. B Chart.- acrna Mioior umsion of Coast District lirooni wter Um foMovuty daHbed S4 SmtrntHtmr lUJt 111 .. obr iii. Sailing alternate weeks toKed hikan, Wrangell. Juneau, Muere tocaieo: near Bear Lake, Surf I unds oa Um Weal Coast of Morraby Island. Skngway and the Queen Charlotte Islands. tmi. rnncv noyai island. I ituateeesiir l a poet planted atwail mt SkEENA LAND DISTRICT fitSTMlTT ua MINERAL ACT iAt noncE tnat i, rred U. Wells. ""e southeasterly from a post lotated (HJEaTN (.lURLUTTE tffLAXM TRAIN SERVICE rre Miner's Certlflcate No. IIOISC. the b sboro or a anull Bay opentor out TAkE NuTKX thai Betlr ItML ml Mu. Faaaeorer Maasay, We4naaar asd SaturSay at :lo a.m. for SmlUter duly authorized ayenl of HilUrd F. War u Canoe rasa betaeesi Moreaby and Cbaail hotwrt. B. C aarao. astoad ie tAt tmm CIMTiriCATE Or lirR0ltTI rrn. rre Miner's Certlflcate No. llod. about 1 mile o Bntapoct for aaal aad Prtne Oeorre. Edmoatoo and WUuUpr. makln direct eooneetloaa for all (an IaOiI S a . . U0I4C.. a . . . norlberlr aUci um r th poiot east and sooth. aj irun in a tie nereor. I "omuj niino iia. or caooo rata frun faofcwtftf aor&od bad aa tba NOTICE to apply to Um Mlniny Recorder for alufk ielni tbene mrih IS chain; ibenc "r uhii mw aareaay ituaa Pal rrrtii" a n improeentents, for lb pur-1 enasasi itteoc soutb SS ebaln; sst si a pai piaasod thaai i attt oaatorty tltaote ta lb i' ' Agency All Ocean 8teamshlp Lines. poae mt obiatninr Crown Oram of each tbeoeo west SI ebalas to fwlnt f com- rsaaa a snas kwaiod Um Mar ut ttm uf .oiar i-! of the abor claims. roeacenL imw ui iMam rui at a poial aboat S For luformation aud Where reservations apply to A rtHTHER TAKE NOTICE tbsl a CHARLES E. fit HUES 3. ADDMcanL sasla aaetaarty tl.( sbe rfkoro froaa Baca Iwmum City Ticket Office, 526 Third Avenue. PHONE 20 Uon. under section SS. must b com Leat4 KaeHobor Slh. HIT. I urai. Utaac A.rUi so esssMs; isieossa waM nada tree. It aiiu- rarUaaal Caaal nieueed before lb Issue of such CertlHcate rmm ia . ti, . tutiUi So caaaaa- "- -- 'tt eM so TAkJI NUTIrK thai Improrrmeats. U, itm of SkEESA t LAND WSTWCT LITmT tv lira Mtaar . t .rUBci DATED ibis fth dsy of October A. 0. VtECN CHARLOTTE am KNOTT, if ISUNtH sac a aaasM f. Beam, I1T if By liana K . htlaere VarttSras N UHd SHM iota. mt. TAKE NOTICE that I. liana K Chri.u... attty iSaya fmsa the -t" CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY SEEENA LAID tllSTniCT DISTRICT Orlaeai. of rrlnc ItuMet. a. i- . t.r........ MSBJM ReOStrdrr : - BkBBRA QVtES ' rm, LARD DIATklCT uarulyv ... CHARLOTTE. I lend Ut apply far a Uceoa to preape! VtM I IIAHLKTTE Ul 1VIU f UH' I for eoal and peiroleom ore tba raiiawiar TAkE NOTICE a Csvwa uroni uf Ut Lowest Ru.ea to all Eastern Point TAKE NOTICE tbat I, Charles Jo Benson, doaenbed land on Um Wai ui r Mea Hspori. B tbat r. . aahaen..Thomas I'elersoo i. of Aaat fskrtkar ua rw.i of LockeporL B. C. miner. Intend to apply I Moraaby Island. Comruestclnr at a post ,uf M4 raor sttJilua si. saaot b via Stea.ner to Vancouver and tiia tor permiition lo purrbas tba followlns- puniea abuut 4 of a nuie auih.t.ri. pasraieum PtaapoM for Mat and " ut ah i mumt Um raBWmtn. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY dasrrlld Und. from a pnal Sweated mi tha aha .r . -l"" Maola and Brth included on St a mar CMiintrnclitv al S pua planted si north-1 rttll Day opeelnr out of Cano rata t. . 9 Mat let lltb "'ta ooai Mitbd bM. rati corner of ibe Lonsfellow Mineral " Moreaby and Chaall I.Undt, about lilt. S we PRINCESS BOPHIA fOH ALASKA JANUART 2S fEBRUARV 11 ..MMr fr . w kk(tr, and tk. Qaim, W. p. Narthesii eorner No. 1 010: miles iturtherty slooy lb Mreab laiaiui M fftlNCCSS SOPHIA FOR VANCOUVER FCBRUARV 2, 1S MARCH 2nd. thenro weal to chains; tbene north to lM ut Cum Phi rrwu Burk faui .ad al xt" iri tMe coot Pa. MINERAL ACT rrUtcaaa R.fal fee Oraaky Bay puutl abuut V... ... cbatna; toenr east to chains; tbene south sru 10 chains; tbene west is ehalos-to aluaa lb. .k. "' ".rT". """"W Jaooary Slh, 16th, 2SUi rabruary Clh, 1lh, 2th. chalna more or leas aWnr shor Una I be south SO chains; thence asl l uw nvri POSMl srlataa Basal far Veaoauier tla ocean falla t a.. Oaaambar ITlh, W point or oonintrneentenl. eontsmint 4batna to point of NunmenoNneaL lltrar ma iMin, iru-nr htMas; CCRririCATC or iaraoi"T 2Tlh Jaavary Jtk, ITth, 2Sth rabrwary Tth. IStb and ISth. lHrih U .11.1111; acres, mora or lass. I HANS k. tllKIOTEAitN. amMm. not SS DATED I Tib Jawiary, ms. iLaWated Nvrmbr fib, tin. N0TH3A J I. PETERS, General Aeent CIIAULEfl JOE BENSON. By Haas"I"K rBTKMOR, rti, "11 later I J Ayenl for E. II. ttmpson. SKEENA UNO DISThlCT l.naii-u uartMeaaea. tioai IMS," "Laarada I Ua N DISTRICT Ca tier Fourth 5trt oi Third Arorluo, Pf'oee Ruport. n.C. i.t lntMnb.r loth ISIT. " 0CEEN CIIAI1LOTTE ISLANDS Patt No Minrral IKEENA LAND DISTHICT PorUoad canal Mtatoa DISTRICT or "kktvi I AND DISTRICT- -Diaraii-T ... coast, iunoe rive. MaSi. VI KEN TAKE NOTICE thai Danltl L. Sulbtrland. HAIILOTTI ISLAND Where luraied i . ... . TVkk MUTItJE . aaf I'rifafav ia tcta ha a" -1..L tbat u.i.. ' Huperi. B i . aahenaaB i.i...t. . Wt B.II.- Don't merely smother your cough Work.h. Commissioner is. f.n of -.Z.ZI?7:and petroleum er tba foHowlo daaa,!? "'" rna ic iirii.iMfi l, r"J and TAKE hOTU.l caaal umi i aaatw IWWVWIIIB UrBCIIlMUl I IK fa1 at till rvaa Waal foot A.B Uu..l "! llie iuli.,aui lead- Satrribeil (Via Minor i i nulcai sTIIDF IT Msuiun's ISynip U Tar oja4 Cad Urer Oil stotoady lami -aei ar Moesssy Is MSt aa aaoul for o.alry K tUKli II pr&nipUy oreau eooa-Uaf, tt thank to iutoaic aa2 s vwt tvisuyu II iim I rislldl avsta latflv f xr a ruu t la d . AL no., .nwm iWV B( g pual MMer't irtlltl - menjfih.Blnx lvyrd ll Ulp th .atrta to Urow o Iim -fa.- '""") icon a pu.i kueiaa) Ul daj . fi -in in !!' m coii and tbo til Kit a pruaat rat. It la thU quality wkkb ha was sW . - utma ou ituint tboal l mil borlnsrly shNiy iu. " mi ...I., ... Ui I! IIiiiiii in ' i rdor ssto larxt aai U mmj cbO(b aaj cold reaaody U Caaod. sl Ibea south to lb Shor Ua. t ben Mwre frun burk -o4ot( ibeneo .-uib I hi alnu "'If. lluMtWTll liiiir.triHi-iii. r -he folloalni lb 41 1 1 H I tontotir of lb ibor Un cbto; lb wen so chains, ibenre "..ra I- ; in.,,,,. Mr XiC. Urjt ItltUi, nmrymJUtm, to O plt or ooaoooneeioeal, couuiulbf uorlb SO tb.lusi ibenss it t .-osm u, iim h. , , i , . saasiMa. Aihi r 1.1 i;ii i Mull ' . U matvicu ca, rav. smaasai. rja, iweniy stres. mor or less. Mn, , wu.menwwenL rum. tin i.i, .1,1 nn il I In II. b. JAMES DEMfUSAV. UtAMur. DANIEL L. lUTIIKItLAND. llilnt in iiiiii'tg ItM. I rl I WiU lilind Cannery p, Charles t Buryess. steut 'KTBR JENIEM. horeiuber 1 1 lb, hit. ru Lociied NoumUr loib, hit k :bMalftan Lo llf I , stem. filled IMS llb U II lUlb my. HIT