iota WARSHIPS WILL DE LURKS IN UCCU AS TnANSPOnra LAND LEASE NOTICES RAKER I TO i RETURN TROOPS (ihwa Mh f.i-fiaoT piftnicr f till ii I - ra.. nic nr no - ' i nai war. E u m ui uo llle Mill lf l,,., tr,,,,,,,,,, irniimlinii Muliiifm in i;nain f.,., v..u,r, B ... ...iM Matrr . a iim1. i., uir war vena .r-1 ii-UmI l iMj Wiy f ,t p.mtM u, WtM. of Deadly Viee.i'retlclriil l. II. fi.llli,t dctertlMNl Ud; Full M Ilnnita in Hit-course We Are .ooMiriirlkt t a p,,,, rUBt1 l InWr Pouon As A Germ tif lila evident' to conn:. rttoa or Hit Wlr Mark Tfcft. Pt Hon Willi the Canadian North-m 1 M WMI Un ptitlnt Laboratory. iiaimny arMtrntlon wrwifi) crM M.uniat ti mnitn prurwdltiii. ""I'll. WtMl takHM. B. C... IhMin ...i Tlii ijiiwlkm, whkli had no il. '''., tiMe khii, ( ebioi, mort Hv IrHtriitM trti lli imraiigalioii or i.-h. t . Uifk W4i Mtrh Tmiiii fit-Uf. AUTO-INTOXICATION was asked by 8ir William ftlei ..,ii, i&rn.c iioribtrlf uml otri fol. n-gnnJiinr Hi- Immigration tii o in p,.n.i f eotiHfwarfnat ind eon OB SELF-POISONING look after the war. wimnr in t.rt. For I lie flrat few mouth aft. WALTCH t. WAUCR Vi AbaeJetelr Pre-Oinf irac la declared, anj Mr. Ilium HI. Hh lUy of OctMxr, Itlt. venta '"! trout Condition. Hi greater pari of tin Um WiTWCt DI8TMCT Of ttmttmt Up IrriiiKiiiK our uv.ii CAAHAH. .. ptor kmtth If (wye iHfitit. f timik iniin4ilalh i ,. bowel. Vt'Mtv TAKfc noU thtl WtlMT E. WtlkM-. of i f-lg (torn tile afterward lli.-i ( lr a inru . . r, a c, otwaHMee M Mirer. ,;ul iy erary tlay, Htuvaoiant of imuilgraiiU from i.urwl. i.. appiy far rrinUiM to ! ill KpnonURS tile JlrttMi Ul. 11, i;. S. It m tw r ii.imr aMntia uadi ' iMnnwicni i pmi piut4 u Um abrlM-l by the eonaNlerlHg Uw problem, and it la orta wm umttr at un at t. eiui IMft profwioia UMil a proarauiuM bMirlci. iaar aortfctHjr tad mtttttls . f r-in who k will Iw drawH an to Uka enrr nf MlkmtBf ikt Uat of Hit WM Mirk ' Early .tni, poiaontat; llM iluahoii. iH which lh rail. airt fld Wm tl Liar t rB i paMrf Ummfti awt petal so Cam' Morning Sunlight ,. . that Auto-! way will ak Ilia Oovenwit Ui ftAMM Ne Nana t wm rotat r cun. i irtina eflhe eo-ordinaif in carry Inst mit the Mnafnaiai mitMM wit itk utx or, i t, p-nki tor priiNe plans IMi WiMr Mtik; Uwaca Mt ttulai, ! ,., I Itta I lrrTwWr; bmww MataMiy am Mturir, ptrttkl 10 will find washing finished earlier and better and jour lh Mid ih of Him WAltr Mirk prtl4od YOU . Hbnuarh, CMMert KRUPP WORKS BOMB ctaai to a aiaai it ttuie Oat Wtit af work will become far eajier by using Sunlight Soap, . r tpprllks m4 flat Petal af PROOF UNDER GROUND Oomnamtrytn; irwoM tin , rhr .ii..- RilMM. ta caww a t ptM of cemioMMtnMai, for it cleanses and purifies clothes more quickly and in ii - lUrk, are aaa coaAatakss tee acm aaara ar kt. than th. ,w Vork. 15. Important WALTER C WALKER. thoroughly ordinary soap. . lit l"el taaaSSM IMirta of tlx- Krupp niuHlltotiA EMtr ttM af dr lctr. If It. I'm I 1, rUaAMM, wwk at t'Mmrn ha irii placed Sunlight is the most efficient Laundry Soap sold on the Canadian r 41 .. ArTrrtkMM SklEIIA LAMD WSTWC7 DISTRICT Of market UNiJergrvuiMl today It is a a a preeauttou CASIAR. pure leyond compare. r riH a tirra" are agatnat ilamagf hy allied air rai.J, '. ' .nt I''. You try Sunlight Soap according to directions, and you'll see aeeordiHg to V. C. MunJoek. a rtp- TAkt: aattto that Tlx Aitlo-Bnuiti Co-kuaiBta l u ftlfft jmm rrnlatip of a lirooklyu alaelri rvrkair Otmputf UoiHad. af Via-aaar. the early morning sunlight shining on a line of the whitest niiioiM.n lwii col eoMeern. vIh haa ben la Hoi a. C. aerafAtlaa BAtooe Cuuvrri, clothes that ever spoke of housewife's 'mii( tn-ii-in arts Ao iaay for poraiiittoB An h.i pride. rliminnlinf land I he paal eighteen monllia ! ruiuolas oMcrtti4 Ua4: oryaM. ob4 who haa Jul amerl hr ctiMMiai-iac u a paot ptaatM at HirB from eteraeaa. Ue said reports Water Mark. PorthM caail. I ekaiat Du -nt raaitet of Sort aM e tJuiaa ar taaro Zmm Wott of "I.:aiUiif0tU4. from appereNttj reliable souree Mm Jfnrai WoH Ooraor or Lat til. Cmlir lo that wffeel rvaahed htui whlh) OMtmt. H n aarttj aa aaM; tbroca Ih HotWrdam. He added that de om f ctMUk. amto or lata, to Hl(t Sunli Soap serter a from In? ir nun rank Wtksr Mark PorUoM Cil. Mm aoaUt ght otUr MM oaatarUr faatemair Um ao or are eontiftually evening inn Ui rata WMr Mark rarttaM Caaal to Um border la Hotlerdarn. of r ii ohm lai am owuiaMr aa WATER NOTICE TM( AAOLo BMMUI COLl'MMA PACkl0 (Banriiaa iM Vt COMfAJY UNITES. Wafer E. Wtlk. Aft TAkt IICC Ma I lb MHtk dBlOilD bM- ftia At of ocaatwr. 1117. It'a Mod ta ike boa J. A i 5,000 gnaronl aaya tkrre TIMBER SALE X 1170. catinwni. U4., aM 4drr tt Follow dlrrctloBa. la not a pflrlkte of odullrronl tee tartihlM BaUSAic. Vaaeaaitr, A AM A LA5D MBTWCT DISTRICT or Sold ot oil men, r Impurilj la Sunligkt Soap. a anaaw ta uka aad m CAISIAM. ii a rareifd If Um pat h caail or tMr ual af . I MM IklB boon Ml frt, Atai a AoaiiKfty TAke aotirr thai Ta Ark BnuB Ca- nil. Mr Um ) Pr at Mami tairt. ataai 4 tatoaAA ratkkaf Cnaajaair LlrolUO. or Vin- i . M BAM Ml 7.444 . anrtaaoMort) fruM th MMiatl wiwr. a. c. nrrfiailoa 4Mbmi UMrri. H tat aM BtUim of Lol I tit tftl lot ponointoo to ea . d MMI 11 la Qw4i t, Tka aatar atH Am attarua rroaa Um Mm r iltovtaf airrod ktado lock h a r ual aaaiat a aarair of a t.aaauaift ai a ami ataaAHl ai Hifb SKEE3A Ut.10 DISTRICT DISTRICT or WATER NOTICE im iin mi far re- IIW II MMMta AM 1U b Atrr Mark l urtUM CahaL ta aam D CASSIAR. r - a ttw lM totHlil a aria MM ta cBtau. or BMro. & Wtal riftC ALARM STSTEM. "i mm (bf reeeeter. la I IAS, OrakMm Md f tao Vna Wool Caraar or Lot til TAAA 11. I r Waltr E. WalkAr. of, TAKE Notice Out D0H7 Varden Mia irvr I mr'trr. rMMf Ttaa aaaa iwiit a t IMatrtri; Ifctoto aarUMttf aa4 Vuw-uir. B ormpaUoo Manafr. caafaT boM addroaa 1 AJtco Ana. B Mm tm Oif af AAaatrr. tat a a aspf cotort) lotto tao of Hir Wau lairMa Jo apatf fur prnu.Muo w kraao C. will aaoAr lor a Im-o to CIRCUIT NO. 1. MM aMkM AM M UpAltiii partaaal Mark. PartAaM Caaat. la A potat br ao UM foUowlar doacrttird laada. om la raatc frrl uf wairr per tecuod So 12 tth St. and Srd Are, TIMBER SALE X Unfita iM ta Um "WAMt- Art. ill I," M Km aM Wool Law aVama tarootk t patat t imniaariif at a poi plaalM AI Um out tit Tn.ul 1 rrk. a trtbuurjr oT Ell Boa IS 4th SL and Srd Are. M tea oBMa of Mm Wimt IWcarotr aa rfukw Do Mart oT tao potat of cm Sorui Wool coreor of Lot Aft. CAM4AT nail Bjr aoaiar kilo A He Arm, Caa- Boa 14 tn sl and Srd Are. - ii tw reeeOed by Um B C. ii tatataactt 4ia uM Uoo of DiilHet; laaaca aortli cftirni; atar DtairtrL Tb viler arM b dlrtd Boa IB -Junction of lit, SM and : later ata Maw ) Mm reAtctttoa BMir V Mit Wator Mark; Atwawo Wm 1 c4uini aaoi to oRAtaa. mart ar laat, h uitii ai te bead af tao f 1H1 oa tbc Sttirr Srd Ares. ' i.Ttn. itil. Mr Mm Mm AAd WlMr tMQKIrr or Hb Manar toaiaorly oa4 oAttarty paraUod iik WAtrr Mark Portland CanAl; iomko aouU ll.rtte Mroaral cAaav, Lot itat. aod Ui 8or H -lit Are between tin aad A (fit. to Ml t.tU.- UM UBtrir of WAM WtM. PArtU- a of Hla Waam- XArk. Port-to arlf aM eattott roUomtar Hlro Wtur m uaad for pooror parpaaea oa tbc Wolf tut Sta. Enax lletel). M HeeMBtk Ml M VAttartA. B. C. vitata A petal t CtMMM Do Wl Mirk PartloM caaal ta potat of eoauiMiico- M Daily Varden Orattps of Miaenl Boa 17 lai Are. and 71b SL (Central nit titisbare r iwrty diya ttttt Um em iHiriw af of ia aoaai af eMWBaBat; (Mar awat aM rnauiaAac tee arm nmro ar la Mao kctac Lola STti ta ITtT loeloilre. Hll. ' MHMH ItUM 111 M wutlM mi A kacai mmpf. oaoi la eaaaM la Aatd patat af aoauact- Wia. M Lou lltf to SltT iorlBl AM Let Th ait ar Um Brtt aafcaWaiioa of ikU i wmI eaauaMBi IBS acta mora or WALTER E. WALLER, Ittf catalar Dtatrtct. CIRCUIT NO. Z. t H"Wr r. r t iiaaurr it a, tats. amo of Mm Bd ta4 rurwojor of PartlAM ale Ski oajr of QtvAxtr, it IT. Appllranoa'Will b atado alio ror um Bea 22 Srd Ata aM Srd SL rMt im BAMTHII CAM AIMAX IXMBB roaoL rlrbi lu aior tAt aero fotl In Flrat Trout OSAco). . .r mm ttm rmM, COBrORATIO.I. tTO TC AKSLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACAllfl Skf.LV LAXD DISTRICT DISTRICT OP Lako aM Mt arro rati In Seeood. Tblrd Saa 23 3rd Are. ant MtBrlde SL met rw-iter. rrineej J. T. T. Pail). hroMTt aa4 Mtaartr. LIMITED. Walirr E. Wiltrr. Aft. COAST. RA.t6E ITVE. aM Foonb Troat Lakra. Tbo water will Coa 24 lit Ate. aM MtBrlde SL FI41 B J E A dUoil AfMtL Hot ftia dir or ortotxr. HIT. bo a 10 rod la Ftrat Troat Like by Um con-atrucua Baa 25 Tnd Ate and fad SL TAkE ouiir thai VJlr E. Walktr. ( or a dam At 111 oeilet And In Bea 2 tnd Are. aM 4 in SL Vaaraatrr. B. c, aatapattto Muurrr. Boa 2T O. T. P. SaceM. Tblrd and FWartb Treat LakM bjr etted to apptjr ror prnUM4oa to Irase ttM eenitruotaMi or a dun at tbo outlet ik roitowiar UrterUxd lindi. CIRCUIT NO. S. ot Second Trout Lake. Tbo eaumaled CMafiMfictar At A poal plaatd at tbe area or MM to be flooded tt Ftrtt Trout Boa 31 lib Afa. aM roitae SL uiirtMun of aa Eatt aad Wen um Lake 14 I? aerea aM at Second, Tblrd and Baa 32 Burden aM Tajter Su. taroatk Currtc Moaamaat at Bartltlt roarth Troat Lakra la twenty aerea. Ba 34- Tt Are. and ralteo SL PoaL Waloa UUad. B. C. wile lllfb Water This is Mark fifa l-amr. taeaao aoaUierlr Tbta aotteo wtt pooled on Um trowM Boa 35 tb Av. aM Cuuux Are. and raatortx roltovlnt Mid illfb Water 00 the ISIb day or October. ItlT. Ba 17-ata Ae. tad Dodre pure Keep National Mark to a potat wbr a Bert aM Soatb A eupy or UOa natAaa aM aa application toi 3A 4lb Ave. AM Tbompaoo SL i.iaa oriao tkruafb a paial aa cftaiaa D paraaaai tbettto aM ta tb Vitr Act. Service lu ooeo of um CIRCUIT NO. 4, Eatl of ikr potat of cm mrm annual tator-r- Itlt. Ut ao Mad Um u abi HUk Waltr Mark of Tearaa Water Recorder at Prior R apart. B. c Baa 41 tut Are. aM Emmeroon Tbe date of ta Srat of UMa raaarr; tararo avotb 10 caM; tbraca appraraaee riarw. mrUiwtrrii la a AtralfM Mm Aa a potat Doltre m um toral neaapapor 111 tho Boa 42 Slb Ave. aM Meartd at Chickens Id ctuta Do Wt or MM potat ot am- tin) day of Octabrr. HIT. aM ebfectAMM Boa 43- Alb Are. aikl Oreea SL OiiKuil: tbreca SA) cbauu Dao Eait ot uuy bo Bled wtta um eeoipiroiier or Boa 44 aia Ave. aM Bull SL Um patat or rotatuoaeNncal aM coauiaint Water Recorder wltbla tWrly days after Bea 45 Tib Ave. aM EbertA. tit aeraa. aaoro ar !. tbe aald data. Boa 141 ?tb Ar. aM Youaf St They WALTER E. WALLER. DOLLY YARDE3 MLtES COMPANY. Daw tktb day of OctotMr, HIT. R. B. MeOtnnU, A teat, per E. A. Cleveland. The cost of meat is the heavy will help aktiCKA I.A3ID DISTRICT DISTRICT OP NOTICE IS HEREBY GtVE.1 tbat app3ca item in the food bill. COAST. RAM0K . two wm be nude to Um LerUlaUia At- aetabty of BrtUib Cejuntbta at lu next Keep Taka aotlrc Ut tbo Wrttcrn SiUooo teaatoa far an act to Incorporate an 11- Poultry and Eggs will help you ParkMtf Co.. LtaL. af Vanaaufr. 1. Cm-rupaibM Mx-ttuon kaoa aa "Tbe Enf ineerlnr aad Anyone Can Have Salaioa Caoarra, btodA ta Apply Teekoueal Inatttate of BrilUb Columbia, take the place of meat. fi piHlatun to loaa Um rojtowt&B do- a 11b newer w prvuwle ant Incrraae Um trrloaal llodJ: kaooledfa, akltl and proBrlency of lu Whipped Cream How to go cuttuiMAcMi at a poal ptaatrd At bleb membera In all UUnfT relattna The food that floes to the garbage wtivr tark. Slrajn Paaaara, ao a amall to tbe Arebtteetural, Enrtneertnt-, Sur-eeyutf about it Liini on um taut piuif aboat mm tatlo aM leebawal prwfeaaloai, aM to pall from the l.i:iFli: MII.K Is so average table will provide norib ..r Ouuiamata Bar) ton (! rhaiui Umi M to eaubUab and euMucl eianuna-ttuaa one-third the feed for a Hock of 8 to BUTottilor tiichlot or ota.foU Hh- i or tab DlfW; tbBo iwraty (tt) aM preacnb ub teau of coin- riclt in cream that it c our i-liaioi da aurtb, tbeo ivratjr (IS) peuoaty and.moral rbiricler at may be 10 k.a or aa artiacUl twoodar- A hens. Ultof parkla(-laa win bauM Ik. rbiliu da rail. Umimw taoaty (ft) tbuaiaai aipedteai and ta mat rertiDcaiea whipa as taiijr as h.a mm ckkk. T4 lb tbkk. rbaiiu auatb. umomm bark to patat ar com-rornrviiMnl. ar iaetBBrblp to tboae approved or. and bcaod mtaiM Mwkoi la milk awl And mntatMar forlr (tt) to purrbaie or olberwlae acquire and bold nwt of (lie fresh I'oultry will thrive where vegetables aqitoMad 4rf, ti t. ItmM aert-a nwro t. real aM iwraonal properly for tbt purpoao -lib ttpar.4 sIJ arotinU allaroiitaf cream af, THE WESTER." SALMOJt fACklMl COM ar ea raiiiM oeM to thereof and will not grow. The outlay is small. chick ilia! clM.oajy Rmmar auch Ik lb.I 1-Y. LIMITED; C C. RobartMM. Art- rrtaveei tbe pruaoeda in aarb manner aa (he l'rovinc-. A few minutes a baaarf ckkk la a by cklck. DATED DerrniUrr JUL. HIT. BMjr aeota Bt aM to Bt entrance feel and i a day is all the time aajuiai leo or aoaeHpttom to be paid by CAimOMi CfcJcki oaual oat p required. faA aalll wa.l 41 hour oM, aaA MINERAL ACT bar awaabera, aM to vary tb aatua frutu Mrs. McCary of New Westminster lb.a aal aaartatlr- tune 10 nil. aM ta provide for Uw kao- wrote in to say that he whips If you can, start now with CIRTtriCATE OF IMPROVEMENTS air aieat or im affatra by eaaoctl to be ; pic MILK regularly for a A small Hock In your back yard will rtgtorchlckai If not. arrans roaatiiuied ta ac taanner at nay uo pro-1. " for the youngatere for local NOTICE LU tar or Bv-liw. and to hive 111 head " jl( far to keep you supplied with eggs, at aaoocUtlon unco with for lha pulkta poultry In tho - NolAbUeaain" aivI "Sutn" Mineral aflke aM bob It annaal meetlnft wttun Ureakftta urollere and fall. latum attuat in Ike Skreaa Mlatas Ditl BmoU Udnaibia, aM to bane, eejoj, aad A alia utxaa ia. to uile the roasters. iii.n of Caaalar IMalricL Mrrriar all power, rlfbt aM prUllea Binouiit lif waiitit, 111 a i-mi ulaee, Where taaated: About 4 mi lea Watterly iMreoary. aeaal or laotdeaui to all or Any for time aud then bats il with a rr.ju tb bead af Abe Arm. aM About af tbe tSoraaaul aarpuaea. mil front tbe BfAtb. bfUDSHAW A 9TACP004.C a aeWe egg-lieaUr. She puts this Write for Poultry Bulletins to Ilk'IS .NOTICE llul' lull W l-.lnuj-. Sob 01 lor tar tb ApptatanL aw toaval and ?ivt U to the children I mr Miner a aaeUteil No. I Itlt C. At DATED at Vtrwru. C. IBM ttib day for breakfast. INFORMATION I1URE.U areut of tbo Mol)bdraum Mimnr tad Re-docUoa of Deoetakaw ItlT. Coo4iuy, UmHed. (Aon reraonal You'll find it ia gooal cafe as and. Ljabillljfl rreo MBMft CertllKtt No. THE DOMINION ititt c. loir ode ality day Iruta ta dih PACIFIC MILK CO., LTD. hereof, to apal) to toe Ml alar Heeerder HAIR SEAL SKINS ror a Cortint-at or lutpruretueau. far tb 1 waal la set lata lourb wltb Factory at Ladner, D. 0. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, pMrtMo ot iditaiitiiif a r..p Orint of ixTioaa btriaf or a bo way bava If hiiM- seiiJ it ..ii .1 iiM iM- aarb of lb abow i ianua bair ei la oeteA Uona aktna a bleb oSrrliHliHaKltBoAWl aaaLam loaVafaalllH OTTAWA AMI rURTiicn talk NoriiR trial a it ton ar free rraia aeara fork or book in. V'ui 1 a m't a i -- surprise W"eTvkBV ftrafVVBalBBa.taBf VLaHL olr A re lion si tuual be xiiimrneed be- BOA.. m 1. turn Aililrrx. Hot HH?, Vail-ronver. IIONUUKABIJt MARTIN DURREIX. UM" provement fur be rtauc ui luch csrtUUai of Im j. n. m. enowN II. C Pt 0m Bi SOy, Vaneeutae, B.C. DATED IhM 4 lb day of Moteiuber A. D. ItlT F1