s SEVENTY MILLION PROUD G. H. Arnold HARVEY'S IMPERIAL GERMANS Local V ir sVIien Tired and Nervous DJIUCw ORCHESTRA HAVE NOWHERE 10 GO If the end of the day finds NOTARY PUBLIC The Sons of England i ! you weary or irri Open fcr Engagements. teandinvaMs in the whtsl ttwr. tablc,withachinghcadandfrayedner',yrnin Lost German Colonies Must bo iMineat last trveuliig. 1 something to tone and strengthen the system! We Fell neal Estate. Violin... Mr. II. ,. Harvey regained for Surplus Population, i tNIs left P piano Mrs. nay Who Will be IHflrop Du Vernet W write Fire and Marine BEECHAM'S trip t Prtttee PILLS Drums.- Mr. Collier Pariahs Elsewhere. morning on a Insurance. George, Hndako and Sinltlieta districts, We have Apartments, Stores, m j London--The Herman professors i arcnrTmeaywr.u iy "'lrm restoring rrnl Houses, and Ofllcea for arc still engaged in their task Rent, and Want More. WATER NOTICE of educating the German public Wanted Three? boa I men for. and so renew the - , and steady the rurT We Deal in Mortgage Loans. DIVERSta ASD USE. jup to the necessity for their colonies Crooked Illver.freighter,Apply tit A. Thirtl nos. A ICVV COSCS OI H1C9C 1- famed family piUa wjil We Sell Timber Limits. being returned lo Germany llthlson Day Ve do Conveyancing. yah: notice that i. t. Hmu. tk after the war. One of the latest Avenue. Bring Welcome Relief address it t o rtraf a ratten. Prwee and best known of the deponent Mr. W. B. Fisher was among arrt. b. c . wtu itfd tor neeaee te J I- frv m m. a m i(f ln9 doctrine is Dr. Lenscli, the assaisi TW eT IssHSB,Sf,nNMf,UMfjlU. f-l s ui, Mt nw its ftbM feel ner antnaM ... ' . '.. . the passengers on this morning's H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD. I known .Majority socialist. water e of ereek new known a. train for Ilaiellon. where be will Dm crrek whMB news eoetbeatierty and who. sneaking at CbeinnitZ on the . . . . ... spend a week or two. w i a 1.t - !-! - - - r.i s s an.. I f I www ws-w auiva cuwwi r bnms lUlUrT Ul lUfi llCrillall CVIUUICS. 'ir Tb. "i!r ""ii! ridieuleJ the idea that they would of Terrace. lteeted from the a poh , . . Mr. J. K. Gordon, injiiiiii!i!!iii!iiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiuiiiin!iiuiHiiu:fiiiu:i!: oe-hair mile ftwn mouth of itretm and remain in uie uanus oi i.ruuiu. who has been spending the last S1I "The News" win be used rr power purpose upon tnejThe only conceivable occurrences, day or two in the eity, left again Daily J mine described as Ibe -Moose" Mineral make 9atj which Could it pos- this morning for up'river. I? Cto. notice wm posted on the rrod.8ib,e lhal G"m!"? aflr, ,h r Gasoline CLASSIFIED ADS. n the list dar of January, tttt. A ewr would remain deprived of her There) will h a hnsine.ua meet i neines foi aal? I f utts none and an appiKaUea pursuant oversea possessions would be such ing of the Women's Auxiliary of thereto and to the -Water Act. it 1 1.- win MrjM nf Knlenle Victories on the O. V. V. A. at the Iteturned FOR SALE !T a 11? w,ler T i land and sea and in the nlr as Soldiers' rooms en Monday night 1 obseetiens to the appiicaitea mar be Bird would break for all time the inlli- at 8 Qlock. aft.. A.ll J s e II h . un J-vjnnoor cycia 4U n. r. r aircnasmorss rOR SALE Household furniture. iDCJodlnr wKn tlx said Water fteetrder or with the tary might of Germany, and break $750 S Hirer Sewlne machine. Appij ill " l'?L THlZ" - f ! national heart of ber The New England Flsh Company's 1 Arrnue. rhooe Blae M fcetsveeo IS steamer Klngsway ralne and It. U dar after the Brst appearance of this ut" arc One 2-Cylindsr 4 cycle 10 H. P. Palm.r Engine $35Q ike in a local newspaper. .really aosolutely inconceivable. Into port this morning on her wo BULDI.VO FOB SALE AT SACRIFICE PR1CS i. T. HEFFFJdAjt, Applicant. ,The lecturer said: "Uefore we to Vancouver. She had a little Owner wants posMSilcn of toe lot ve by I. D. Leedy. Atent. . ! nurrndi-r of our trouble with her machinery. One 1-Cylnder 4 cycle 10 H.P. Hicks Engine ')K occupy. Enquire tt American Tailor. M. The date of the Brst publication of this , l. ... VVMnstefo, Third Arena. tf notice is rebruary Nth. ISII... .. ..on every iromier D wnere "we ore Mr. and Mrs. C A. O. Armstrong On 1-Cylinder 4 cycle 3ft H.P. Regal Engine 125 LOST WATEH NOTICE novf victorious. And what posst- and family left town this Cne 2-Cy Under 2 cycle 14 H.P. Caltle Perfection S diversio.i a.id ise. bility is there of this? Is it think morning for the rait. Mr. Arm Cnglna i;ZUU LOST Gold chain bracelet Sunday alter-noon - i able that our Eastern frontier is strong has been inspecting Engi Cne 2-Cyllndsr 2 cycle 9 H.P. Fairbanks-Morse on reurth or Fifth Avenues between neer at the drydock since and dur take notice that Jumi s. Emerson, even in danger? Is it thinkable Engine MtBrtde and Fulton. Reward. Finder $i.U0 whose address u sis Pasttie BuBdinc. Van- that the German and Austrian ing its construction. please return to Dally newt Offlte - " f rs 1Cvllnap 2 cel 9 M. t. sjBtmiB ri- :tT'f-ri . 5.pLr If .e!!! armies will be driven in retreat LOST Pearl Spny Brooch, and lady's the Is it thinkable There was a meeting of the Praetleally new. 35 Iba. welahl mmd auiLaKt. r. across Alps? Union creek, also known as Cnion Bar. Reindeer aioTe on Third Arena. Finder Sons of Canada and their lady row boat trolling 55 i which 8oi westerly and drains into that even in the West where the ItleaM return to Dilly Xew Once. tf friends last when the evening Union Bay about at the bead of said bay. ,de of DaUle BWgea to anj fro. matter of forming a Ladies Auxiliary Cna 10yllnder 2 cycle 4 H.P. Auto Marine 75 i LOST Between Fulton Street and the Oct lh5 enemy wiU hc abl to brk Engine eminent Wharf pocketbook container stream at a pout about where Cnloo Creek was discussed. No aelion irares I'nton Uke and will be usd for inroupn me steel carriers wnien turn of money. Owner'a name Inside. rfll be taken and the meantime, Finder please return to the Daily .lews power (and incidentally manufacturtoo Ilindenburgr has erected, and matter has Cne 1-Cf Under 2 cycle 0 H. P. Callfe Perfsstte $l;5 1 been laid for DU over a Offlce. tf TTVr?? r,?.1 Vhich' the stout arms of our war This nouce was Cassiar mated on th. enond tlors defend? The lecturer main week or two. One 1-Cyllndsr 4 cycle 12 H. P. Buffalo Engine 300 I LOST Cold Stickpin, between Iroquois on the itth day or January, ittt a copy lained that to wrencn her colonies Fool Room and rtfth Arrnue. E. Re ward. Finder please return to Dillj or this notice and an applies Hon pursuant from Germany would be a national THESE ENQINES ARE SECOND-HAND, BUT HAVE BECK thereto and to the -Water Act. lilt." win hminii ,(. m., Jiewe Office, tf. DENTISTRY TIIOROUQHLY b Bled in the omre or the Water Re- T ' " OVERHAULED SOME REBUILT eorder at Prince Rupert B. c be no equivalent in gain else- ALSO -1 MISCELLANEOUS Objecttons to the appiieaikw may be where. He proceeded: "We are chown ano aaiMC Bled with the said Water Recorder or with QICS GEARS MEW AND REBUILT ron house clea.mo asd washing an Imperial nation, as Imperial a a SPioiaLTv br the dar- Phone Mrs. Forrest. Blue BuUdTnrs. v-iciorta. b a, Vnin Americans, or. J. s. cnown (St) thirty days after the Brst appearance of Japanese. There will soon be ibis nouce in a local newspaper. 70,000,000 of US. all proud of our OSSsei Sn CtMTIIT Blsaa. Tle S...... i Akerberg, Thomson & Co., Ltd. 1 im o uu urst punucauon or mis faihrland nil aueMl nf n clnP. nouce Is January ttth. ttlt. Fit ious destiny for the race, all look. iENT8 POm JAMES S. EMERSO. AppBeaaL E. H. SHOCKLEY by Robert M. Walker, areat ,ing forward to open roads leading S Palmer, Fisherman, Anderson, Yale, and Unlo . Englsn E to our own possessions, in which (Successor to i. L. Hlckey). (our brawny youth, our daring explorers, IiiiiBi;iiiitti!ii!iiiiiimiiiimi!iainiitii iiiiiiiiaaiiiiiiiiiii,;'i;aij CONTRACTOR A BUILDER our well-equipped merchants Harry A, HarUey will carry the German flag (Late LMa, tU, Oeassevatelee Store and Office Fixtures, (in an equality with the sons of f Stasia) Saab, Door, and Mouldings, ;other nations, and filled with the eura or uansaovviK oottkll A HOT BATH Oat and Hardwoods of all spirit Of lofty enterprise and ad- rutMls Tales for THE kinds. venture And, should the recon- VIOUV. MVIO. VIOU.1C1LLO and We Specialize In Hardwood TIMBER SALE X 926, struction of our industrial life KRMOtT. MINUTE YOU WANT IT Boat Ribs, Sash, bring with it delay and difficulty. tXAMI.VATIO.VS Yri, are . i Sealed tenders mill be referred by the, it will be nn'Mt.m In arrantr fn. Paxils Pr4 fee f ttatlaetleae ' ft Doers, etc V(outer of Lands not later than noon on Asselate SovS, VsMfse, Csatse aettnip thjt flth dJT nr SVhraarv lift fn tK the emigration of thousands of U Collsss sf slc. Lea,Kas- r v ..iii.: I tn u Plate and Sheet Glaaa and trchase of Licence x ttt. lo tut t.sts.sos "ur ,nen- vv nere are tliey to go ifati..n f Glazing. ect of Hemlock. Spruce. Balsam and Cedar , If we are deprived of OUT colonies? - PHOkC CLUC 27a iter in V Ccrner Fraser and 6th SU. an area situated on U uke. Fraser j To Canada, the Cape. Australia, ree IWSe-Qa. esw s , s), aliiiiidajsre. leach. Ranre t. Coast Dlstrtet. ,,,,. , oi-i Jl.. Three (J) years will be allowed for re- 7".a ' 'ever, t iiey PHONE GREEN 269 moai or umber. would fce received and treated an 0 es tx foray. Further particulars of tbe Chief Forester, pariahs in these countries) Let P. O. BOX 158 UClC Rupert.ictorta.B.B.C.C or District Forester, rns-FI4 l. ,..n- v ,.ua,. .. Prince Rupert Feed Co. HOT WATER i KT Ioe our colonies, not because it Harson would break our hearts to lusr PHONE 58 Harry them, but because we can compel Hoi Watr - V STEEN & L0NGY1LL our enemies to yield them, and you tbi V. t. PRIVATE DCTECTIVC AOCNOT FOH more bedes. We may look forward B0XJS 20S Metre petit BMa Vuicutr. PHONE 4S P 0 SANITARY AND HEATINQ with high assurance to a ENGINEERS Day Phone, Seymour 4 Itt. great German colonial empire." BULBS -z Slrbt Phooe. Fairmont lilt. . Agenta for Mead Ofllca, 312 HlhhsBoae BKtt. Tulips, Hyacinths, Daffodils, Vkteela, a. &, PhMie S41Z. McCLARY FURNACES Harry Atkins Easter Llllca, Narcissus. Letlerbeoda ea lly axuiiee, Prims upru Cnv.lopea PLUMBINO StatemesiU SUll Oreses rramsily AUeaSea U. and NOTED FOR Cans. Etc. PRIME SAUSAGE rbse93 SHEET METAL WORKS FOR YOUR NEW SUITS Phone 5, 83 1 Second Avenue. See Tomato Sausage a Specialty. F. a Bss SX SOS TWrS Ala Night phones 570 ee ..WM.,,,,,) Steve The News Job Press - and Dlue 270 King Phone 674 P. O. Box The right work, at the right time, and at the right price. Prompt Cleaning A Pressing Pf utb of A3 Dwcriptiaas Diae Phone Green 418. This weather promotes THL LOIXr.yKfJMMtNJ P.O. En S9 I rroirrsN I Coughs riaMCRHairB tnoiat CiU . la. St T ia, 11-1B Tbnae who have trouble In Haese Pease, Fishermen Notice! b!tiujf Ut m rutinU sboulJ note that lJatbiea'a Syrup of 0l. S M U. , 1 la . r Tar a4 CoJ Ltver Oil uot Meese Pearse. only S4-4ies tbe irr-UUuu of ou- i-i mi. , a i., 2SS jf r," The Cold Storage Fertilizer and Oil Plant at PacoH is the LroiKliisI tutwa, ami Mae Ptote. : "1 !,e promptly tr,p, eongb, ee,., now in operation and will operate all the year round. The Ut beuiK a i!eixli i Ionic ami company will buy all marketable flsh and will also buy Dog avktrm n'er to ft tmrmanrntly ohi rtubtrt throw tfaf For Turther Apply Information lo FRED STORK'S HARDWARE Fish at fifteen dollars per ton (equivalent to about five cts. ttieeiiltl iihI ititstH tuueuout nic ijftie to thrir per flsh). Halt will be provided free and all supplies can nurmal brdihy rooiliiioa W. t. WILLUC-nOr'T FOn OANNERYMEN be purchased at the Company's store at MaibUu'eSrrupfTar! ve have ;plel( reasonable prices. CeJ Liver Oil has won, by PWnsa rtupert, B. 0. uiMmi to tur stink if valves ami P'l" a Special facilities are provided for gas boats and fishermen its merit, tbe law. U line of ilubber llflting' nl rlRht pi" -TOn bringing their gas bout will be allowed 125 for ex. Canada of aojr medicine (or FISHERMEN penses of trip to Pacofl. The plant is located in tbe heart sold J,KU eeiywlaere.- M Urge tottJ. A eoinpa(o stuck of lh bt kooUs tliat niun. v . j of the Ashing grounds and dog flsh can be caught in great J. L. ftlATIULU CO. Propk, New Open Uaeee New Haaasssnsat Irolllny HpriiiK llrass, 6ilvcr anal li" " numbers all the year round. Come to pacofi If you with to SberbrwBk, Pj. ' 0M1NECA FOR THE IVATERFnONT HOTEL Ine celebrateU ,31 V. Maple r--i 1 iZm. Leaf Juinta and Vnrnlsln s .v make montfy day fishing. MM Ira mJmZ every fTZZ TmLSH paint "I LOOLAZH" A n.niplata line of Shu- ' s-i-i HAZELTON - - - B. 0. FOR EVERYONE International Chemical Co., Ltd (014 HeiIUQ) A One stuok of Hardware, (lurney'a mf.'id NCM00KLLIO, RIPURNISNKO an 4 We Sell Nothing But The Best, Pacofl, Quesn Cha lotta Islands. ADVERTISE IN RIDKCORATIO Preslslea far the serf Oomfort t Lealse aa4 asatlsia. FRED HARDWARE The Daily News STORK'S eeeeeeeee