I . arf I THE DAILY NEWS jTME CONFCnENCE OF UNO LEASE NOTICES BRITAIN MAY DEPORT L(IRKS PROVINCIAL PHEMIEnS : ' BOLSHEVIKI MINISTER IIUiiw. Full. AMISA UN 11 WtTltlCT IjISTHICT or Sunlight Soap is made for tliu rHf(IPk WIAST. nASOB nvt Irftndou. Feb. Id. The antliorl-lie houicwife's profit, for only EVERY ONE OF US in aetsion until M ini 5:30 irermr thla afr.Wfl t mUn 4 Willr C Walker, of are ennslderlnK the arllvillea thereby c m tfto r-U,v. h . iwjoii. when an adjournment C. oempatton Manatrr. of Mailm LitvinofT, the llolsheviki to profit, HnntUht Soap makes made until was HVt ff prmiMla la feat reproaentatlve in London. AL your W9rk lighter,your clothes As Full of Deadly Halurday. Dtwusslon r.,n.iitf dexrUMd Utwu.- though he has not been recog-nlied whiter,your home brighter. It Ve Are throuKhout the day covered prac. iMMiratiaf at poal planud" at latrr- I is mild and and does Poiioru As A Germ tlcnllf all the iuhjecla witoa of Hirtt Wairr Mark Toarta Paa-' by the government, Lllvlnoff pure not the on harm cither hands airenda with the sad aa Kail and Wrtl Un pannr has been issuing among munition or fabric. Laboratory. exception of the ISroufh t.imerru Mnmrnl at Barllfll workmen pamphlets, bearing the m transfer of natural reaource to rat. wim ituiKl. a. Ci tbrnte tail seal 'The Husslan I'.rn-basay," the prairie proving, colonlia-lion SS raaina; tbHwa xutb IS cbaiof, more Peoples' INTOXICATION ar la, to HitN Water Mirk Toorita rat- which the newspapers assert j - nnij Innnjgratlon. and Soap AUTO the umi sale of school lands. Mfi Owtkc norttiertr snd weitcrty rol-Tartar are incitements to revolution. ghf is Um r laid llltk Watar Mark In the House of ttommon OR SELF-POISONING (nslderatlon of (he uujela " Ik polai of aMnmnmnt. and coo-'yeaterday. Noel Pemberton-nil-llng. before the eon fere ne -increased taiaiar tic aeras, marc or lta. I in WALTtrt L. WALKER. Independent, asked whether .m, production, supplr of form labor, nair ftik dar af October, if if. LitvinofT was to be deported as l HUH i A-TIVES" Ab.alui.l Pt-i, care of returned aoldier. ami m an undesirable alien. The home Thu Danftroue CaeJitUi. fuel production ikce.w imo WiTMCT DISTRICT or and diatrihultoi. CASSIAK. serretar replied that the matter w a pr kftHh l -l riot closed. Il 9 under was receiving his attention. , ,,i the bweb). Waste stood that they ntajr 1. brought TAkE aetiac thai Walter E. Walker, or ' Il is recalled that Leon Trotsky . ,.l of naattaff from the up avaln at future aalon at iemjer, B. C, oerapatlea Maoartr. the ItoUheviki foreign minister. , , , ., regular every day, the Conferenee. tbe tteada fuUoataf to apyty deaerlbed far pennHvlaa land: ta leaa recently protested strongly t hat 1 You Can Make Excellent Cake maia tbrrv.fftamtinff While no deisioii m thf ixuni tumwactm al a paal planted at tt the HritUh and American embassies ,,i.-l, are afeaafbeaj the has teen reached, it is eonahlrel arik Weal earner af Li III. Caaaiar in Pelrograd had tried to in. bHUKli tkeaca Mrtbrrljr aad weaurljr With Fewer likely that the deliberations wilt lerfere in Itusslan toll ties bet Eggs who It rBota( IM tloe of Hi ib Water Mark .,,U, a pwwi eilend over until the earl part raruand Canal u a paiai alter aa aat 8lr (leorge Hueharian, the ,.;ipi-.l, I polaoolof of rtetl week. and Weal Lta drawn Ibroufb a point IS Hial and lvt.t It. Frnnets, the Just use an additional quantity of Dr. Price's know now that Ron. J. A. rbalaa Da .tank or Uw I'olot ut tout-meaermeat Calder. minister of American ambassador, declared Cream Baking Powder, about a teaspoon, in ,!sipt nnn Wttotlftf Mi0 lateraeeu allb aald Una ar ,. r,u ftftftttUir tor immigration and eolmtfmtfon. i lllfk Water Mark; tbefic vnl 10 cbaloa; these charges were' unfounded. place of each egg omitted. pretldlnf over the eonffreteea. tiiette aautberlr and eaiMHjr, parallel to , , k i and mJJrTfiuW the aaid IMj tt llifb Water Mark Portland Advertise in The Daily Now. This applies equally well to nearly all baked - the XtuOed, reS CtMl a a pail cbama Du Wai or Fnrnilore foods. the- to the wanted. Ay ijuan Try following recipe according ,... ..( prwUbj sst lb raaat af Caajmeoeeroent; tbear rail that rhronio IttiW - tily. OiMNt prleea paid for com IS eaaia la aaM potat af ebmmeoertnent, WATKIl NOTICB new way: (Dlrrrthn and l)e.) 1'iiu In Tlw Dark, are lele household furnishings and iM eoataiMsc f is ami mar ar leaa. CREAM LAYER CAKE II kinds nf tools, WALTER E. WALKER, men a aults, n aa the lrt fadMU ale -f klfe day af October. III?. TAKE MOTICE Uaal Tb Bmlab Caaadlaa Old Way New Way Uat I'irei4, Itaatkf, oota. He. Phone tied 24 1 or call LMiBber CarparatMia. Ltd. a boa addrets I taa (ar I ep near H V. M. Crt.sby. 715 Third Ave. SkEEB A LAID WSTWCT niSTBJOT or M la Yarkektr Baitdlnt, VaaeoaTrr, will H ca milk I car milk !.! AltotimM ,',rt I tup Bear f npa Bear . ,. tlw" CA8SIAR. apply far tterorc t lake and ue ona J tMapean Dr.Prlce'a Bakla-Pawder ateaaeoeoa Dr.Pric Baking- "Fruit n -a ar eabia raat aeeaod ar out of per water a caw . rt an.tipatkta. The Daily News delivered hy TAkE aotte that Tk Aarta-anuak Co- aa armamed creek, ableb naara aoutberly H e honeatef t ubtxpasti,ettortentna- I leeepaea Baeertoc I tenpoan flaerta( i?i" wilt proltri arrler. 50 rents ier month. lfWi farkkkf Caanpanjr Umiled, of Van- aad drala lot Maaael Inlet, about 410 ,nUnmxium trMer aaat, B. C, aceapatiaa Salmon Canatrs, yard nortbeaHerty rram the aautbweit Makaa 1 Ijurra 2-Layar Caka la apf4y far pcnatatlaa la leaa earner of Lot HIS. DISECTI0NS-Cream the n(araadherteBhf tecther.thamllathc(. ' il frail BKtlMte art iba rafcatat deaerlbed Uodi: Tbe water IH be dlterled from tb ASer alftlec the Bear aad Dr. Prtee'a Bakiec Pewser tocMher,tat ae thte ttmea. H all to Ih mtatare OraaWallr 44 the ndlk aa4 beat wttb . ! l.rrliraiaaUnt;eryaa. tutasaiaeiar al a paat planted at Hlfb Urea in at a potat abaat a quarter af s aalll yea baee a amoeth paar banee. Aii the Bavertnc Poar lata t hh4 paa , i for ft 'O, Mat she fSo. Water Mark. partlaBd CanaL IS tbaina Du mite tawa It malb aad will be aaed far later eake tua a4 bake ta a Bia4eraiel7 hot area tar lmtr naaatea. Tfela .r iMt oa receipt of Sortb aad IS rbalaa or ntara Due Weal of team parpoae apua tb land dearrlbrd cake with la whna beat Ictcc-baked la tw larara Pat tatatbar wttb areem SlUa aad apr aa4 in .nana Waat Canter ar Lai SIS. CaaaUr a Lai llll, Oranam Itland. i tiTMLimHedjOtUiia. .1 DUIrtrl: l brae nana SS cbalatt tbenre Tata aotic waa patted aa tbe around weal f cjtataa, loMe ar leaa, to Hlfb oa tbe tad day af iaaoary. 1911. A copy i I.I-.TMCT MITKIflT fr Water Mark Portland Canal; ueoe aoutb- of tMt none and aa appHeaiiaa pwrtaanl i n jn torrr TIMBER SALE X1170. f aad raaterlf rHawk- tb lot ol lltereaa aad la tbe "Water Art. llll." will Dr.Prices llirk Water Matk PartUad Canal to tb be Bied la tbe odlc af Ute Water Reearder i thai I, Cbtriea Jo Bnoe, ptat af aMMaeaceineai and aaaiaiaier SS at Prtae Rapert. B. C i Mm. intead la apply Sealed lendera iu Ut rtrvltrd tX U arre taaea ar leaa. Objecttaoa to tbe appHtatton may ba parttwM tb fltainr Miattler f taadi D I later tbaa ti oa THE AIOLO-BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKI50 Bled with ta aki vvaier Reearder ar wttt) l be fiat dij af laaitarr. If II. far the par- COMPANY LIMITED. Waller E. Walker, Aft. the CMiiptrofier of Water Rlrbta, l-arlia-oteat t t a MMt pi I'd at nnrtb-' rlM nl Uwarr X tiat. a tl I.SIT.SSS -f at day of ieter. it if. Baibtint. Vie tori. B. C within BAKING POWDER ike uwifrllnw Miami feet af edar( fftrwe, HrnkxA and Btliaui Ibtrty daya afler lb Drat acpeartuea of v rUMH wTte Sa. HIS: aa area ana 14 10 yaat mea wiet. iktrvi umi WatRfCT DISTRICT or tkit autiee la a kteal newtpaper. kaaaa; tkenr north It Mac I. Cut ! Met net. CASSIAR. The due or the art! pabMrallaN of IMt fa ettata; tbeac south, Oa ill fear IB b aHaaed far r- tMttcT M iaaaary lUt, llll. Made from Cream of Tartar, from Orspea r tea aloof abora tin awal of Itaiter. TAkE aoue ttal Tb AorW Brltlib Co THE BRITISH CAADIAX LUMBER iiAifanrml, ewiuiitlnt 40 rarMer partaraiara af Ike Chter raraaler. laa.Ut PaekMf raway Limited, of Van OORPORATIO.I. LTD. Made in Canada No Alum Vwtu. a. c. at Imowi rareater. rrtoc attr. B. C, arrutaHaa Salawa Caanera, i. T T. Paitoo, Recalter aad Maaater. Jioaary, till. IMfwrt. B. c. tateajda 1 apaty far perrataakMi ta leaa By E. A Oeteland. A rent. MM JOE II 380.1, IM retlawtaf deacrtbed taadt: far E. II. tompun. TIMBER SALE X1235. raatateartar si s paat plaated al Hlfb .tier Mark Poetiaad canal. SS rbalna Du Serib aad it eaaiaa, ar mar. Due Wat eaied Kodiea W a reealted Ij tk f tb Vertk Wl Corner af Lai III. lataMr t Laa4 aa utee taaa ansa ao 1 ftaf slakm svtTEt. aad Caaaiar Dtatrart; tbeare oortberly ta lltk day at rekraarr. HIS. far lb aterty toMaatat Uw Una f Mlfb Water pavwtute t Unawa X I III. ta aal I.II4.- CIRCUIT NO. I. Mark. PuetUml caaal, la a point aber an aad llecatark aa M 1 feet af Sprae the Eaat aad Wl Ua draoa tbraetb s point Keep t It a it tad ird At, ares adpalaMf l ISff. fail Boor at up Bl IS n ii tad Ird At, latkaHa latrl o CkarMt Uianda DM- sa cbama Da Sartk af lb potat af com. AM assured that t4 f tii u4 Ird at. IrWt ateareaneat Mteraarla llo aald Una or I S It . aa4 Hifb Water Mark; tbeaea Weal IS cbaiaj; people will respond aortioa af III, fad Taa t! fear be aHaaed far r- my tbear aaaiberly aud eailerly pa railed mltb .: arttal a( Hoaber. I be aaid Ua al lllfk Water Mark. Portland Food Supply to every call ll At., beta tea fife aad ranker partMatUr af ta Chief rare tier. aa s paUt IS chain Do Wtat - loot Hll). Vleiorta, I.C.W Wiimi rereaier. Pnaea canal, necessary to the success c it .i t, and life ft. (Oa aapert. a. c ru af lb potat af eummeocvneDl; tbenra li HI' rait Is chain to aaid poiot or eommeara-aaeat of our cause with and eaouieiaf IIS arret mora or CIMCUIT NO. a. lkrr.lt LA.1D covar.DIITIUCT kaioe 6ISTR1C7 1. or leaa af the Bed aad r ore bore or Portland and Help the same indomitable tl r At aa4 Ir4 L (IXt CanaL rACKI.10 ardour and devotion THE A.10LO-BRITISH COLUMBIA Tak aaUf taal lb Wealera tahaoa CttMPAXV LIMITED. Waller E. Walkrr, Aft, that have filled me with Set tl 4 A aat MfBrtd ft. B. ac l'aklai Caw Ltd, af Vaaeoarrr. C. tule tttb day of October. HIT. Be 14 A. tad MtBHd L rapatleai Silmna Canoe rm, latead ta apply Make Victory pride and gratitude u, n 1'54 Atf an4 tod SL far pemiaaioa M leata iba faOewmt d It LEI A L.11D DISTRICT DISTRICT or i a At. MM (tk SL Kribed laadat CAS9IAR. since the war began." n t r. Cmamewetec at a boat plaaied at fcua aaler mark. Steamer faaaar. (aa S small TAkE natter that Walter E Walker, of His Majesty Kino Geobqe cmcuir no. a. kttkl aa tb Mid ! re ixxl on mlU Vaneaaitee, R C acrwpalaai Maoafer. Sure Ui It (li An- aal I niton at anrtk f giHIumiM IU)r 1 tea IIS cbala mtead ta aptty for prnutation to tra k a ' Hm am Tajlor Via. da weal t aald Mrbl: Ibeara taeatf (It) lb laHvwtac detect bed landa: In 34 At, aaj mitoa SL rbalaa daa arU. Ineoea laeotj (tSI utmmeactnf si pool pUsted al lb 11 34 ' At. ao4 Ocanot At. rnataa da rail, the or tweotf .Nartb Wrat earner ar Lot SI I. Caaaiar tM IT At. aal bwlf riaca (halm aoatfe. tkenra Uck ta potnl of rem-ateamaeat. District; the ore ncrth to cnalnt; Utenca S U " At ajkl Tfemspaoa tl. aad (waUlalaf fartf (IS) weal is rbalaa. marc or lei, to Hlfb soldiers must be fed; the people at acre aaara ar leaa. Water Mark Portland Canal; throe aoutberly CIRCUIT NO. . THE WESTtni SALMU.1 PACkI.10 COM- and eanecly ralktwtat lllfb Water OUR must be fed. Andin spite of lot 41 "i Ata. aa4 Cntnartoa PA.1Y. LIMITED; C C. haberuy. Aft. Mark PartUnd Canal ta potat af rommenra- UATrD Deermber lilt, HIT. nteai and rvotaiainr IS tcri mar or Germany's murderous campaign to at j M M MrarkW HI leaa Ul 44 41 ' Av.At tB,ami B,i nrtra at at. WATER NOTICE tie -tttb day WALT or EH October.E. WALKER,HIT. cut off the Allies' Food supply, by sinking ai 44 -'p aa4 Lterta. TAkE .10TICE that DoUy Vardea Mtoat aklkW LAXD DISTRICT DISTRICT OP the High Seas an ample and 1 141 ship on n At an4 Vouaf t. Cotnnaar wboa sddrvaa It AUc Arm. B COAST, RA.10E ITVE. every r.. will apply rar s keen ta tak and and unfailing flow of food to England n.a I. rubtr feel of water Pr aecsod TAkt aotlre that Walter E. Wa kr. or rat r Trout Creek, s tributary of Kit van taa ter. 11. :. ocrupaUon Manarer, maintained. iuii niter Baa tot Into AUr Arm. Ca attndt ta apply far ptrmtaaioiw 10 la France must be tur Diiinrt. Tbe water wHl dltrrted the laHawtaf drribrd lacd: at the head of lb fall oa iba Sliver Ciartmenrtai- tt 4 poal planted at tit A r it llitntr aiiaral elalm. ImI list, sad will Mtereerllaa of an Eat and Wrel Un This is National Service anyone can nave be ued lor pawer purpoaet on ta wi hmatb Ceeterele Monument at UarUctl t.l ih.ii Virdea Oroop of Mineral iMiul, Walea lalaud. H. C will) Hifb Wstar lim belns lU llll W JTIT inrlttilt. wark To I'ataat; thence loutncriy Not to the Farmer only Whipped Cream and tail lilt U HIT inrlutit and Lot awl atrur rottow ins laid hud wiwi lilt .aiar DltUtet. Maik to s point where a .Norm and sou 1 a But to YOU to everybody acnltratloa wilt It mad slaa for lb U11 drawn tbroufb 4 point 10 chain Du i :iFli: MILK Is so rlibl 10 (lore Its arre fret ta Ural Troul Catt of tb point or rvnuuencetnent inter This appeal is directed tak aad t.fW arre feet in atcooa. ira ect aatd Hifb Water Mark of Tonfaaa 1 n-h iii crt-aiii that il and lourtk Trout Ukea, Tk water win 'af; Ibeite aoulb 10 cbaln; tbene be atored in Itrtl Troul Lake by tb eon- Bortbwtawrly in a itraifbi lin to a point amall Utilixe large. winpa oa easily i must unite aa a Nation to SERVE a garden or itrurlteti ar a dam si It outlet ana in 10 rttalni Du Weal or to point or com WE PLANT ""t or the fresh Seroad, Third and fourth Troul Ukea by tueorriurot; Ibenc 10 rbalna Du Eat ot to SAVEand to PRODUCE. Men, back yard. Cultivate the lb eoiwiruriiua or s ouo at io the point of rummencriiMOl 4nd contatnloi women and children; the young, the middle vacant lots. Make them all yield food '"am iai Around f Srruix Trout taaa. 10a " IS atrea. more or leaa. inn , are of Und W b Booded at ihh WALTEIt E. WAUER. aged and the old all can help in the ttkr 11 it arm and at Seeooo, Twro aou Hate tttb day of October. HIT. Nation's Army of Production. roarlk Troul Ukea It Iwenly str. of towns can find no better M 1 t New Weslminsler Tklt nolle wa poaled Wt lb troutid MINERAL ACT of FOOD raised, helps WOMEN important outlet for their 1 say '.hat h whins ..a iia nth dav of October, itw. cfRTiriCATE or latpaovEattNTo EVERV pound than in cultivating a vegetable M"K A r-py ot tkll BOtlr and tn appuceiiw. the cost of living and adds to energies tegnlatly for a thereto And W la Water Art, NOTICE garden, ie purtuant the Food Supply for Overseas, ytHingstefs for llll. will b ntea iu o" ti.tntuiuuiiu" and "Surreit" Mineral v.i.. lumnlrr at Prlltft Rupert, B. L Sterna Mlnlnt Dltl : ' to mh asido the Tke Ute of tb Brtl appearaitr of tbU .i..lamt...1 tllualt I'.inlir in DltliitL tb Be patriotic in act as twtltm lab I Tva horil HPlfllrr wtwrly For information on subject ulating !" uitu, in a eiHil a re kicll; Abaul Wllei any place, ' "'d ttien ImaU It with any Ilrd day b Bled ot Ortober.wiia If lb IT,comptroller sna oujecH. from mi a-tbe from bead lb af Beicb.Alic Arm. and about to the Farm and Garden, write: well as in thought. '-"ter. She wits this Wiitr ltrcort.r attbm thirty di after t tk. VoTIEK that Uwla W. Pstmor. INFORMATION BUREAU 111 1 'a It to tl, child. tb aaid dat. tee, Mlaar-a crrlUlcala .10. Mtll-C a o( Agriculture DOLLY VABDE.1 MIMES OOMPA.1Y. Moljbdcnum Minlnf ind h- Department ''Maal. 4$M .rf ike Use available Ctetland. means E. A. every : R. B. MeOlnnit. Afeal. per tMapasy. UlUltCO. If on rin OTTAWA 11 BiHKl on akrs and N n.k4Ul i ire MHter's CerUhcat rrum ,b Overlook nothing. lusft :, pl0 MILK CO., LTD. HAIR SEAL SKINS nermtf. t- ' tor 'r,rf a leiim.aic 01 iavmn"i at Ladnsr, B. 0. want 10 tl lata lourb wild ., htatatat s Cm an Qr.nl of Dominion Department of Agriculture perwm batirif or wko may bat ' d ifi ip,. und n kair aealt ar e "w" WB ,rt?,fr::.TmuT.cE,M,vr - 1 11 hut surprise ar ire fr.ta irar or fork or book OTTAWA, CANADA. 1 ' 1 nx hhs. Van- bole J, N. M, BROWN HON, MARTIN BURR11X, Mlnlater. Paat omtt Baa SOT, Vaatauiar, B O. mi Veeeeee