1 .L I III 1UK DAILY aKWp . .. ; ' II The Daily News Constipation Cured in THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NOr.TJirttN BRITISH COLUMBIA His 78th Year without m WrMSIB Guaranteed Published Largest Dally and Circulation Weekly Drugs M4 you ever know any person woo TIMDER SALE X 979. HEAD OFFICE: al permsnrully cured of Conitlpatlon ly Daily News Building, Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, D.C. Tel. OS. laklnr drat of my kind? Drugs seem Healed tender will be received by the to usist Mature it tbe time, but time ......... r i.nds net laler than noon on TRANSIENT. DISPLAY ADVERTISING - S3 cants per inch. roe on larger doses are necessary until ...k 'r March,- - it is.- for the pur . . 1 .1 tbe trouble become chronic. ine iiiu. . ' ta. it eul f 11.000 - (jontraci states on application. Internal Bathlni It tbe only rtal curt rnase fret of ei spruce.i.icrw Cedar and Hemlock on nI j ror Conitlpatlon, It keep tbe Colon 01 . ea adiolntnf u owiou DAILY EDITION Bio Friday, February 22, 1918. Lower Intestine free from All accumulation. nan re . Coast DIslrltL Soon the Its regular intern performs Three (1) ycf will be aiwwea ror re function unaided, and there I no moval or timber. further trouble. Further partleulart of the Chief rrtir. WHAT NEXT IN RUSSIA sole representative of the feu Mr. A. McLean, of Conger Lumber Co Virions, B. C or Dlttrkt raresler. Prince The chief interest in European dal ages. The ex-Czar Nicholas Parry Sound, writes : "I bare teen Rupert. B.C. j troubled with Constipation for the tatt It tnattcra at the present for all that he would be in his or 40 years, and could not pan one day lime is the situation as we are villa in the Crimea raising without taking medicine. I bate used the TIMBER SALE X 894. permitted to know it, obtaining flowers, doubtless would not j ft. l t.scsd" alnce retting it tl day with wonderful reiull. Will recommend received by the ago, Sealed lender wtM be in Ilussia. Little less than n object to be replaced as the It." to eo uae any pereon Minuter ef Lnd not later than noon year ago, the Russian Moujik, Czar of all the Ilussias, even Dr. Cha. A. Tyrrell of New York, Invented the tttb day of rebmary, Itll. for tbe with some kind o t cohesion with tho help of his friend Wil and per fet ted tbe J. B. L. Cascade" purchase or Licence Xttl. te ei lt,4T0. for Internal Bathing. which I today tbe 000 fret of Sprexe. IXUr. Balsam tad brought about by three years helm, Kaiser of all the Germans, only efficient meana of accoropUahinr the Hemlock situated ae .Ionium on an area service in the army, together besides, the Kaiser has deaired reult Dr. Tyrrell ha published river. Burke Channel, Range I, Coast Dl ! with the revolutionary forces a great deal to thank the for an interesting book on Internal Balhinr trlct Vl ft which have been operating for mer bureaucrats for. Did they raited "Why Man or Today I Only to pet Three (t) year will be allowed far re Fivers at the (' which can be bad free fee Cent. Efficient." moval m Umber. past in the larger cities not paralyse the striking power years the asking or Cyril II. Ortne, Druggist, cor. further particular of tbe thief rtreste throughout the country, secur of tho Hussian armies when Jrd Ave. and 6th St He will also be victoria. B. C. er District Porester, Prife ed the downfall of the autocratic they were on the victorious pleased to show and eiplain tbe "J. B. U Rupert, B.C. Ptt. government of the Czar march through Austria? Did Cascade" to you. and his bureaucrats. Some of they not tie up the Hussian nonce. o f considerable importance these feudal lords, and prince railroad system so that supplies took place at Winnipeg tlie -Sea Oull," "Brown Bear." "Little Tom ly were killed out and ammunition could not personages other day, which carries some fraction." Sunlight Fraction" "Sea Uoc of hand, but of the remainder be got for the front line? Did Fraction.'. "Sheet Anchor Fraction." "Sky The Ukrainian significance. little lias been heard since the they not time and again send line." -Camp Bird Fraction" aod -obser time of the revolution. And across to the German fines the Social Democratic party of vatory" Mineral Claims, situate la the Canada, the Skeena Mining Divtalon of Coait DUirlcL representing quarter they are not the kind of people very plans of the Hussian commanders, Where located: near Bear Lake. Bf million citizens of this Dominion, to take a licking lying down. whereby their bravery inlet, Prince Royal Island. jjj held a mass meeting in TAKE NOTICE that t, Fred M. Wells. 6es and 'They submitted to the superior in tbe field was brought to sustains which a resolution was passed Free Miner Certificate Ko. lltltC. the force at the time, believing that naught. offering to the government the duly aalhorlied agent of Millard P. War discretion was the better part If there be any truth in the ren. Free Miner Certiorate .to. lltllC. of valor. old saw that there is honor mobilization of Ukrainian labor intend, stity day from tbe dale hereof, F 0h what a ,avour ,n thls and other JM for production to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Now we see the armies of among thieves, then Kaiser war purposes provided the certificate of Improvements, for the pur- delicious cum, and how it the Kaiser invading Ilussia, in Wilhclm has got a big debt to stigma of being alien enemies or obtaining a Crown Oraat of each the direction of Petrograd, pay to these late officials of the of the above claims. J lasts! Urn-ml was removed, arid fair treatment after the signing of peace Czar's government, individually AND FURTHER TAKE KOTICK that ac terms by the supposed leaders and collectively. There can was secured from Canadian tion, under section tt. mast be rota-meored ' farmers. AVhile this offering befsre tbe Issue of suck Certiorate I of the Hussian people. This' hardly be any doubt that the f MADE IN CANADA Improvement. is conditional, still it invasion is to the northern' Russian people today are DATED thl tttb day ef October. A.D. I On tale everywhere shows what section of the part of Russia, when all the' heartily wishing that these one ittr jto material which would be of the days of turmoil and internal Canadian people are prepared to do off their own bat. COAL NOTICES greatest use for the German dissensions were over and done ' There is doubt that in no Empire at the present time lies with. Hut whether the reentry Canada today, there could be SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Or in the southern provinces. This of the Czar to the throne OtrtN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS found sufficient supplies of material is food. For her immediate of his fathers is too big a price labor for all essential war necessitiesone would for them to pay, remains to be purposes, TAKE NOTICE that I. Jame P. Held, of j were It brought to bear Prince Rupert, B. C Intend have thought that the Kaiser's seen. Prospector. to forces would have penetrated' H where it is mott required. apply for a licence to prospect for coal There is much unproductive and petroleum over the following described into the of the Ukraine MANPOWER country lands on tbe Wed Coast of Moresby Island, work going from war on, a first, Under this word the mean, tomsnenctng at a post planted about of Apparently they have some ing is usually read as "human point of view, and there are a mile southeasterly from a pott located many men filling jobs which on tbe nore of a small Bay opening out ulterior purpose. This can J power." God made man, male could be quite well performed of Canoe Pas between Morsby and CbasU KEENA LAND DISTRICT DtSTHHrT OF SkfCMA LAI ! only be the re-establishment of ' and female, and the female of Islaads, abewl t mile northerly along tbe tft'lk LHAMff PTE intJKNtift 1 Ol'U H ' - i the Czar Nicholas back on his the species is included when by women. They have had to Morsby Island tide of Canoe Fes frvsa TAKE NOTICE that Oeruwd ImM. Of TAKE leWTl" I ' down to this in Prwee Rwfrt . C UetK, ibmwo l ei get seriously ap- throne. Autocratic Germany the word mankind is used. This Back Petal; tbenes south 10 chain; Ibeoce Great Hritain, and In this re west SO chains; thence north to chain; pty fur a Beenes t prospect tut eael and i a jt t'MpMt could not see with pleasure ai is the meaning of the word as Canada is still far from thence east 10 chains to the point of cub peirotssjw over the fottewmg OeeeeSbed Fa swat sad a i- at jt spect, democratic France her one1 land the Weal Coast of tetaad: on used in the statement issued mrneesneot on Mey u m a border and a democratic Russia ' by the government in Ottawa being at the end of her re JAMES P. RE1D. Applicant OMtuMoetag it a post planted a boat MWHNIo9 IoMM sag st s pat on her other. Her best defence recently, when it was intimated sources. It is all a matter of Located November 01b, lt7. WW eastertp fnea a aaet toes led on the gaaaaaw kM . w I organizing. If Canada Is to be shore of the east ltd of Cases Pas at a : Q taswt to the east would be an autocratic that an inventory of the labor SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OP petal about I tot! tseetheetf iksog tb aMa of cas r t; if - while the white government, like as the available throughout the Do kept a Canada, gttEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS shore freea Bock ratal; the south to astMH aartheely s) Czar's. It is safe to say that minion was to be taken. imputation must be prepared to (hamss tbeore easl to chafes; thenc north Path; thesst ftnrti. do the work which is 10 etulas. throe west 10 ebaW to poiot M ajtwajwjs. thr. something of this nature is! There can be little doubt of necessary TAKE NOTICE that I Joseph SUa. of of cenameweemettt . to be done. Prince Rupert, B. C Prospector. Intend 0 Su impending. j the necessity for this considering OUtTRUDC KNOTT. EUEASE to apply for a license to prospect for coal Willy and Nicky will be'; (he state of affairs at tbe LAND ACT sod petroleum over tbe following described By Han K. ChrWteatro. sgrnt Bp iA t -re friends to the last, as long as present moment, and the tough lands on tbe West Coast of Morseby Island. Located November Itlh, HIT. Sk-ECIA UL.1D DISTRICT DISTRICT OP there is something to be gain-' time which still lies before the COAST, RA3CZ t. couimeoclng al a post planted about oi SKEENA LAND MOTRJCT sHSTRfCT OF SKltWA LAD M KmcrtT ed. The one without the other' allies before the war is brought a mile southeasterly trua a post located Qttl.N CHARLSJTTE ISiANM I OSJtBTI CHAN. on tb shore of a sman Bay out opening could not hope to maintain1 to a happy conclusion. TAKE 50T1CJE that John Oreee. of Vancouver. of Canoe Psas between Morseby and CbaaU TAKE NOTICE that Aleiander L Bather-land, TAKE NOTICE On IteM' B. C, occupation Bsberman. in of prwe tOspert. B. C, mtoer, la-lends tMpeet, B i x aaatb themselves in Europe thel In this as connection, an event Islands, about 3 miles Northerly along tbe tends to arply for permission to lease the te spply for Meesss t pee peel for M fp fur Moresby laland aide or Caaoa Pas from following described lands: coal and petreaewa over tb fottewmg de cost and petioOeom - f. - aMaitv- Bock Point; thence sou lb to chains; thence Commencing at a post planted on tbe scribed lands ea the West Coast of Moresby saiokad la ads ) the W i i jU t1 east to chains; throe north to chains; foreshore on the west tide of Stewart Island: Comtneoeaar l pest planted heaad: Csenmew " f a i thence west to chain to the Sarrows, about two mile south of Hartley point ef cum about t mil easterly from a post fettled akswt TO yards t all" S. S. PRINCE RUPERT Kay; thence wet tt chain, thence north mrncement JOSEPH SEXTON. Applicant on the shore ef the east side of Canoe Fall - rti' to chains, thence east IS chains, taence at a punt about S miles nortbrrly along Can Pas, and at a sfc Located November tth. 1017. M sailing sooth 1 chain to the point of commence. the shore frvsa Buck Foist; thewr north aloof stent and containing 40 acre more or less. SKF.ENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OP it chains; thenc rail to ehales; these x trt v WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT TO ANYOX JOHX GRACE. Applicant QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS sooth to chain; thenc west tt chains te THURSDAY MIDNIGHT TO VANCOUVER, DATED November tt. It IT. pot at or eommecMetnent east so ebakM v i VICTORIA AND SEATTLE. ALEXANDER L. SUTHERLAND, ai i ir. tkECIA LA.1D DISTRICT TAKE NOTICE that I Cbarle E. Burgeaa. C fd DISTRICT OP By Charlel E. Barrets, igent By COAST, RA.10E nVE. of Prince Rupert, B. C, miner, Intend to Loci led November 8. 8. PRINCE JOHN loth, HIT. toss led Neesar i vvi iwr a iicenae io prospect ror coal and Sailing alternate weeks to Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Take nouce that I Intend to apply to petroleum over the following described SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OP MINERAL ACT Skagway and the Queen Charlotte Islands. be Honorable Commissioner of Land and lands on tbe West Coast or Moresby Island. VL14.-V CIIARLOTTE ISLANDS Work to lease the following described Commencing at a post planted about of TAKE NOTICE that Bell riuit AC smm TRAIN SERVICE land: a mue southeasterly from a post located Rscert B. C- none, laieiula ia aui r& CCrrrtFICATE of isioirtt' Commencing at a post planted it tbe on tbe shore of a small Bay opening out a Ucene to prospect fee eoal aad pctroleam Passenger Sm4i, W4M4tf and au,jj at il;jo a.m. ror Smlibers. of Canoe Tas between Moresby and northwest corner, above high water mark, Cbaatl over tne reuewug descrtbed land on the N0TICC Prince Oeorge, Edmonton and Winnipeg-, making direct connections tor all Islsnds, about J mile tt Bartielt Point then ten chain due northerly aMog the Weal Coast of Mereshv laland- rnnn. "Pat rrsettoa 1 points east and sooth. east, then south to the Shore Una, then Moresby iiiand aid ef Canoe Pas from log al post pUnled about I mU eaitetly CtalBV ittoaM a tu-ffjlljl following tbe contour of the Shore Una Buck Point) thence north 10 chain) thence rum a post Ncaura C4 toe shore r the of Caeelar 1 Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. to tbe place of commencement, containing east o cd no, thence south tt chain east aid of Caao I'm al a ncjm Sau, a Wbee KeMled east' For information and reservations apply to twenty acre, more or less. mencemeot thence west it chain to potnl or com mUe northerly along tbe shore from Baek Cisead Creek. 11 r JAMES DE3BRISAY. manager. wibi; loeor nor la so chain; Ibeoce well City Ticket Office, 626 Third Avenue. PHONE 2C0 Wales Island Cannery. CHARLES E. Bl'ROESS, Applicant tO Chain; throe south 10 ehahu: UieoM FeeVisl Canal SOTKE TAKE November 14th. ttir. rtt Located November tth. t7. east 00 chain te point of nrneoeineoL IF Mtaorw " s tn SKEENA LAND DISTRICT BETTT KNOTT, kr I irewt for 11. 1 DISTRICT OP SltttA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OP Br Haas t cariiitiwn ..mi UEE.N CHARLOTTE ISLANDS MaveC Oaetitrai' - Ql'EE.1 CHARLOTTE. uKaiea November I0ID, 1117 tilf dpo from ii" TAKE nOTICE that I, P II. Simpson, of TAKE NOTICE that I. liana K rhn.t.n SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OP 1 K at as" CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY rrtnee Hupert, B.C.. mariner. In tend to apply sen. of Prince Rupert. B. C. prospector. ULS.UI CHARLOTTE ISLANDS It luiiiaiannial.crown Oram ' ' UtW for permisiion to purchase the follow menu vj appiy ror license to prospect TAKE NOTICE that Ttunui L.rn tk' Aad farther ing described lands. for coal aad petroleum over the following Lowest Rittss to all Eastern Points Commencing at a post planted at north described lands on lha w.t rv.. ,.r Prince Rupert. B. C. dec htoo it. oeews to prospect let coal ind Mm leiosa of su. u east corner or tbe Longfellow Morseby Island. via Stea.ner to Vancouver and the Mineral Commencing al a post petroleum usee tb following desertbed Claim, W. P. Kortheasi corner Wo. IGtt; twiu auoui or a mil southeasterly tab CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Unas on tbe West Coast ttih of tsatod this Moresby Island: tbenee rrura a located west t chains; thence north to post on the thor of a Meals and Berth Included on Steamer chains; thence east tt chains; thence south small Bay opening out of Canoe Paaa between Commendiig al a noil r.ini.H ibuii 1117. FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE to chain more or lei along thore line Moresby and Cbaatl lalands, about t yirds easterly front a post totaled on tb ACT to point of commencement containing 40 mile northerly along tbe Moreaby Island ie easterly side of Canu rut MINERAL . SOPHU Mils from Prrlnc Rupert March tod. tlrd. wd al a ptm aim 7 mii, tstn. April tod, crrv, mure or leas, aide of Canoe paas from Buck Pi.im. ih.n.. Boriherly 1 1th, llrd. May rd. 14 in. and June ith. DATED 17th January, It II. north to chains thence west tt cbainst uont south the abore from Back Potnti tbenc CtRTIFIOATE OF WPBOrl-l"1 t FtrtNCtSS ROYAL sslls from Prtoe Rupert t a. m February tltn. CHARLES JOE BE.1SO, luroc sou in an cntifi) thence east tt tbenc 10 cnamsj ikebce west 10 rbilnsj A tent for Z. II. Simpson. chains to point of commencement north to chain, tbeoc eist St Tbe above stllinr are subject to change or cancellation without notice. thaln to Mm ef NOTICE. HANS K. CHRISTENSEN, Applicant commencement 1 8KEE.1A LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OP Located November tth. It IT. THOMAS PETERSON, "SJllifOa." "Ruim W. O. General sol ORCHARD, Agent. CO.IST, RAJIQE I, Br I in 1 k nm.1.....nnunu, Mini,. - m r. aita I' 1 1 4 Co tier Fcurth Street and Third Avenue, France Rupert. B.C. SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OP Locited Nevember I tth llir. PaH H: I ' MiOriai . 3 ef v Take notice that tbe Western Salmon OUtEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS I Hand (anal Mim' t Packing Co.. Ltd.. of Vancouver. r m. SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT CP btetfaTt cupaUon Balmon Cancan. Intend to apply TAKE NOTICE that Daniel I iuih..i..i JiRtOTTE ISUNDS Where I. leo for pennlsslos to lease tbe following de- of Prtnc Rupert, 0. C. cUrk. Intend to TAKE Nonce th, -,.. , .. OMa4 i rek. l i" Prince cnoea ltoai: apply for a license la neoaneei in m.i Rupert. B. t. Baherman. Intend to !evls4 iml Dra't merely smother your congli Commencing at a post planted tt high petroleum over lb following described for iieeoa u. prospect f.r coal and TAKE N"n: " water mark, steamer Paaaa. ran m.ti petroleum over tha . irwaa SlUier Crrlil'') isno on in west raail of Moreaby I. Light on the said passage about one mile Itod. Unds on tb wi Co it r for k Conunenclng al a poll planted Moresby Is- ing igMt XlatbJeu'i of Tar and Cod Lire OU not ooJr about . 6jmp limin jrfl norm or uuinamas ana: 1 - - - Bay) ten !0) chains I mil easterly from post located .... a, m poi planted 'I 1 rriear- I I 1 fcatoak swd on tbe lllfr. prmuiXly umu cooftiisf, tat than a to due west of said ysrd. JTw bigbl; thence twenty (to) sbor esuerly frouj , "MStt 11- VUSmJU 11 atreDjUieoinf profwrtie H help the syeUas to throve cnalaa due of tb asi aide of Canoe pasa at a kUty its,. north, ibeoce twenty (tO) Dotal about S mile northartv .... u7u 77 " M4 of can ci ih.' MuiMig ar. this vfckJa he cdi and thus effect a permaaent ran. It k quality wea Be chains due east, tbeoca ad al a mdm .i,., ....... .. .... twenty (tt) ibor aad ooU la Canada. from Buck point I tbeore south a4 of remedy tl ho Wrgost any ungh chain south, thence back t um . m to boim " ne from cnamt) thence wssl to chains; thenc Back potnii Mssnrs 1 1. a iH ' . mencemeot, tnd containing forty (10) north 10 cbaibii thenc east is etui. itwuL H t rMlns. an.1 r.n ill' 1' tsk' " ' m acre snore or less. aoelai u ..iu. .. . pole I of eofaiuencement "ww; Msewaw west 10 d. 1 e't)'!t) I, S""1 MTBOU I eiuiu A t- CM, riip THE WESTtrt.1 SALMON ' ' PACKINQ 'i COM. I so' DANIEL U SUTHERLAND, the 1- 1.art rA.iT. umitedi c C Roberuon Art. Br Charles B. Hur.... ..... rETER HMKX lU'PIS rrt li ' ' . nf DATED December list, It 17. tl. a Al Lota led Noveiiiber lOlh, l7. Ucitad ' enr"luo, tlent DalOd Iht f' Niveiiiber IClh tl7. itir.