IRK I)AIM nt.W LAND REGISTRY ACT feel ., , .. ami 1 ' to G. H. Arnold I Loial News Notes ... ..-..,... w. ttit 1. tsis 1. sn 1 ,1GB riJpoii n3u uj, STEEI, 1 i 'I '! TV. vTll! 1 hat aft!" been r , FreshandFit NOTARY PUBLIC Mr A. II. Pollard, of i-ncofl, J frank W. Hart, of r PHONE 51 ft" r, r"1lr C I. sailed last evening for llio RM-ert. B. a owaer W fee of Cric;i-- is sale Dee from the Collector you must keep your stomach outh. it i.f lrtare Rupert, bee Mil " FOR We Sell Real Estate. well, liver active, ttth diy of Sueeenber. lilt. Slid one Tat your l Mr. A. II. llollby railed last a.w iweri dated f tad day of September Aentt rue We write Fire and Marine the bowels regular,and your evening for Victoria by the Prince 1tl. of ALL ASD SIH1ULAR that certain BULBS Insurance. blood pure. Your physical George. parcel or tract of land and premises Mtaaie. 1 . . . lytar txl br la the city af Prince R-pert, We have Apartments, Stores, condition depends on the more parltewlarly known ind described Tulips, Hyacinths, Daffodils, Pt-UMBIhQ Houses, and Offices for health of these organs. Mm. W. Donald failed last as Lots seten tnd fifteen (11!. iid Rent, and Want More, When evening to Vancouver, where she Btork twelve tit). Lai twelve (itl. Bh Easter Lilies, Narcissus. anytliing goes wrong will Join Mr. Donald. rriyertt . LU tMriy three wicitT miVal war We Deal in Mortgage Loans. 1 ... I xs 1 aiKl IMrlj roter (14). Block DM? one PhWH) 5. Ml , We Sell Timber Limits. ill Hi Section Elihl (I). Map Ul. Orders ,, (It,, n.'il Prampllf Altsedsd te. "US. take Mr. T. II. Johnson of the Canadian Night just Vou are wejwtrod to eonmt the el lira of phoi... H7,- We do Conveyancing. Fish and Cold Storage On. in mi part-Mser withM II days from the IIh) .1 ... was among the passengers sail- ilsie of the sertiee or tats nonce twine The a few doses of Beecham's Pills for the south. Ml II. MIMlM D NSWIHH ID W p. a ss. 0S TMrd A vs. rloht ,orki tl ig H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD. and avoid any serious illness. ... rrtae Rwpen Daily news), sad your at-tesjttoa time, and ; ' 0 "...lpr;l M called to section IS of the They are a fine corrective and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thorburn 'Lend Reaistry AH" with amendments, and tonic for the system, and a and family sailed for Vancouver to tao roOowtar ei tract therefrom - great help in maintaining good last evening, where they will take "and la defsall of a caveat or eertiacate !!IIlllll!lli?l!iUIIl!!IBIIilllil!ll!l!!l!!!l iliili!l!H!lriH!l;,N,: i! !!!':' health. A single box will their residence. of IH Modeaa beeat Sletl before the reals tip iraMoa as owner of the person entitled "The Daily News" prove the remedial value of 1 ... render sacJi tsi sale, all persoes to served m n s ! Mr. II. U. Miller left the city with netlea, . . . and those elaimtnf last night on a vacation trip south itaroacb r aadee them, and all persons baseline Eupines CLASSIFIED ADS. BEECHAM'S etaawtar any interest la the land by firtae I 1'or dale 1 Mrs. Miller is at present in Nan of aay aaredstered iestrvment. and all mmo. where he will join her. 1 in sans rlaimtar aay interest la the land i ... by ae exeat whose title is not re tittered a.W the pror(DS of this Act, shaM be WANTED. PILLS Mr. Axel Johagson, of Chicago, for ever eetopped and oebarrwd frwn 0ns 3-Cyllndp 4 cycla 30 II, p. Falrbanks-Morse iwho has been on this coast for rtMar P aay eJalm te r in rept of GIRL WASTED Apply Sail IS Beiorr i the past few weeks, on a fish buy the land so seed far laies. aad the nts Englns $750 1 Apartments. 44 Lv S.U A.r Medietas fa Hi WeeU. 9U rrrkra. ta be.XSe. ing trip, sailed last evening for trar saan rerteter the pertoa eatiiied aa-der FOR SALE Vancouver. ... so said eech for tat Uie4."sale as owner of the land One 2-C-rllnder 4 cycle 10 H. P. Palmer Englns $350 1 WATER NOTICE AXD WHEREAS apptteattan has beea SACRIFICE SALE Two story apartment. DIVERSION ASD USE. Mr. Campbell Henderson who made for a Ceruneale of Indefeastbl Title Cr.s 1-Cyllndsp 4 cycls 10 H. P. Hicks Englns m I Fourth Avenue, East. Beautifal lew. has been in the district for the last to the above-RmUeard lands. Hi the name First-class condition. Jto neancj la four nf rrtnk W. Hart year. Cost Offered at IJ.SOO. TAKE NOTICE that lames S. Emerson. few days, on one of his periodi- MD WHERE.VS an lavestiraitar the Cr.o I-Cjllntier 4 cycls 3ft H. P. Regal Englns $125 1 Van whose aJdress I SIC Pacific BulMlnr. xo una r.o. Box ttt. air. .44 eal visits, returned to Vancouver hide it appears that prior to the itta day Aiurer, B. C, wnu apply for licence to Cns 2-Cyllndsr 2 cycls 14 H. P. Callls Perfection ISO as. of of last evening. e October, lets (the date on wUeb the take and nse P. water oat 1 LOST Union Creek, which flows westerly and aM lands were seed rr eveedaa uses), Englns $200 drains Into I'nioo Bay about at the bead Tonight Judge Young will ad yus were the reentered and assessed en Cnc S-Cyllndsr 2 cycls 9 H. P. Fairbanks-Morse LOST Cold chain bracelet Sunday aTter-aooa rrt'ss suyd betew. r said bay. Englns $200 1 00 Fourth or Firth Atenuea between The water will be- dlterted from the dress the 8t. Andrew's Society on PL'RTHEM TAkE SOIICE that at the MeBrtde tad Fulton. Reward. Finder stream at a point about where Union Creek the subject of the "Prevention of 1 saan eueei re Mir I Ilea la Cns 1-OyilndtP 2 cycle 2 H. P. Waterman Engine please return la Dally Sews Office. leaves L'nlea Lake and will be used for Crime." All members are re wtwanea of saen apptteattea and tssae a Practically 35 lbs. (ertifiesi. of ladefeasUXe Title la the saM nsw, weight and suitable for power (and Incidentally minufactorinr) to attend. 3 quested LOST Pearl Spray Brooch, and lady's k'urpoae upon the lands described as Dis lead la the name f rraak W. Hart ttatee row boat trolling $75 Reindeer rlote. on Third Avenue. Finder trict Let l. Cautar District. yasi lake and reotecuu the praper pe lease return U Dally Hews Office. if This notice was potted on this around Mr. Lionel Iloltby and Mr. Wal eeedears ta estahttsb ywaf elatm. if aay. Chs 1-Cy Under 2 cycle 4 H.P. Auto Marine Englns 75 1 on the lltb day of January. Ills A copy ter Hume, of the O. T. P. freight ta the said lands, or to prevent seen pew LOST Between rulton Street and the Oo-erameat of this notice and an application pursuant pod aetlon en my perL oulce sailed last Wharf, pocketbook eoatalalnr thereto and to the "Water Act. It 14." will evening for Van Dated at the Land Rertttry OOlee. Prtaca Cns 1-Cylinder 2 cycls 0 H. P. Callls Perfseilon $125 1 i of money. Owner name Inside. be Bled la the office of the Water Recorder eouver, wnere iney win take up att. B. C. tats I tin day of February. Flader please retain to toe Dally News at Prince Rupert, B. C their military duties. A. a ISIS. Ons 1-Cytlnder Office. U Objections to the application may be ... IL P. MACLEOD. 4 cycle 12 H. P. Buffalo Englns 800 i Hied with the said Water Recorder or with Dtstrm Re r trar of Titles. LOST Oold SUckpln. between iromiol the Comptroller of Water Rlrbts. Parliament i-urnilure wanted. Aay quan Ta r. VV. CUyseo. Pnaca It pert. B. C. THESE ENGINES ARE SECOND-HAND, BUT HAVE Pool Rooms and Firth Arcane, E. Reward. Buiidinrs, Victoria, B. C, within lity. Good prices paid for com awaer af Lets at and If Block BEtft Finder please return to Dally thirty days after the first appearance of lete household furnishings and VI; Charles I'UntU. Edmoalan. A1U ref TrtUROUGnuT OVERHAULED SOME REBUILT Sews Office. if. this notice m local newspaper. .11 kinds of tools, mens suits. sstered and assessed ownec of Lot II. ALSO ! The date of the first publication of this Mark 4S. and std for Uies an 14th day MISCELLANEOUS notice Is January ttth. till. ft! oots, etc. Phone Red 21 J or call f September, tilt: V. 8 Iras be. tT GIES GCAItS NEW AND REBUILT JAMES S. EMERSO.X. Applicant, n F. M. Crosby. 715 Third Ave. Powell SL. Vaaeaaver. B. C, assessed by Robert M. Walker. arenL ... awaer of Lots 1 aad It. Bsork It. ran house washing ky the day. Phone Mrs. Forrest Blue In the Police Court this morn WATER 2 Thomson NOTICE Akerberg, & Ltd. i tl. (IS) ing the charge laid against one of I DIVERSION A5D UfE. Co., he Chinamen apprehended in con AOKNT8 FOR e nection with the recent raid was! TAKE NOTICE that J. T. Heffeewaa. whose dismissed, and the charges addresa Is e-o Pi in re a. Fwrtea, Prtaea Palmer, Fisherman, Anderson, Yale, and Unlo Eealntt H i E. H. SHOCKLEY against all the others withdrawn,. (sjpott. B. C M appty far a Beence ta tale aad awe iMe sable feet rv ml nets lllillillliiiftlifilH (Successor to I. L. Hlckey). of wstee oat af creek new Vaama as TIMBER SALE X 926. An interesting address will bel Poor Creek whtta news eeaKtirstterty and CONTRACTOR A BUILDER delivered by Mr. J. C. Brady on drains tata klekane Inlet, abeat sit mttwe Scaled tenders wtll be received by the "Canada's destiny" in the Sons of I tram Batedale. B. C The water wtti be Minister of Lands not later than noon on Store and Office Fixtures, the ttth day of February. I til. for the Canada rooms, Union Bank Bldg. one-half mtw rm moaui or .TrT.m ,d A HOT BATH THE Sash, Door, and Mouldings, purchase of Licence X ttt. to cut t.itt.600 on Friday night at 8 o'clock. AnlwHl U nsed far paver pvrpose trpesi the Oak and Hardwoods at all eet of Hemlock. Spruce, Balsam and Cedar nvilation ia slendvj to the pub. described as the Meee" Mineral MINUTE YOU WANT IT n aa area situated on Lonr Lake. Prase r (3stm. kinds. lie to attend. 48 teach, Ranre 4, Coast District. This notice was pasted oa the rrewnd We Specialize In Hard-wood Three (1) years will be allowed for re o the sin day af January. ISIS. A ceff Yost are a Boat Ribs, 8ash, moval or limber. Mr. W. H. Taylor of the O. T. "t thta notice aad aa apeewaUoa pursaaM witm ; - u-.rui. runner particulars or the Chief Forester, P. Ticket office has just received thereto and te the "Wiier Act. 1114." wfH otAaOtr- It, Doors, eto. B. C. or District Forester, rnn be Bled the ictorta. la offlee of the Water rteardee t fart f word that his younger brother. tern i Rupert. B. C PI4 st Prtace Rupert. B. c Plata and Sheet Glaaa and lieutenant Wal ; . tjo I a in the Royal Flvtntr Ottstelion to the si-pHcatsao may be Sled r in Qlazlng. Corps, has been injured. He was with the said Water heaorder or wuh the ahundaare Corner Prater and 6th St. flying in the North of England, niptrHer of Water RirMs. Psrtlamseri isoch d ' V.I. PRIVATE DmCTIVI AGENCY Baitdiacs. Victoria. B. c. within thirty when firt. a mishap occurred. Ac 209 Metropolitan Bids Vaacaavae. days after the first appearance of tMs PHONE QREEN 269 cording to the cable, his injuries IswUce in a local newspaper. HOT WATER t tut P. O. BOX 15S Day Phone. Seymour 4 Itl. are slight. t. Htrrtiuu.i. Appttcaat. 31hl Phone. Fairmont lilt. by J. D. Leedy. AreaL Hanson Harry The date of the Oril pabtwattoa af this APPLES., Wine No. i Head Office, 312 Hlbben-Sons Bits. saps, I notice is February Mto, (III. Hot Wa. 3 Victoria. B. C-, Pheae S412.. tZ.60. No. 2, 12.25; Grimes Ool den No. 1, 12.25; Black Twig No. yott Uni i, I2J5, No. 2. t2.10: Rome Beauty PHONE 439 P 0, BOX THE LKCLVIKtrWEMLNT 1 FOR YOUR NEW SUITS u-i i it i isisBirTTS i No. I. 92.60: Yellow New tons No. See I, $2.60; Delicious No. I, 12.60; riaMKRauura csmunb JUack Bens No. 1. 2.50: 3 boxes Steve King r HARVEY'S Winter Crabs 12.00. BUTTER CfL t 1-1 la. kr 7 I. 12-18 DANCE ORCHESTRA Atlantic Creamery, 50c, nothing Prompt Cleaning A Pressing Hoes Pew or. Phons Green LetUrbatda uner; Dairy t5c, two for 85c; 413. Oft I M U. I 1-2 la, tS Open for Engagements. EGGS: fJOc. standard weight tvatsme More Power. Staleraeau PORK. (Potatoes Monday). CITY Cjl S3 1-1 la. at S I, Car. Cts. Violin...Mr. II. A. Harvey Heeee rawer. MARKET. (47) 1 P piano Mrs. Bay Harry Atkins Drums Mr. Collier "HIGH For Further Information FINANCE" eawiUy ytahse, Pelsse Ruaeei. Apply to a s none of every kind figure in NOTED FOR Hie News Job Press W. E. WILLISCROFT the newest William Fox produc PRIME 8AU8AQE Prlncs SUBSCRIBE FOR tlon in which George Walsh Is Pfialbf of Al Dftcr'iptioai 0e Ruport, B. C. TUC r.AlI V Mr lire "tarring, "High Finance." In the Tomato Sausage a Specialty. ttiL, xi-vii- i 1 i i- vv first place there are the bones of I the extinct monsters, for which Phone B74 P. O. Bos P.O. li 9' a lady with archeological inten. Cat tlons, Is seeking. In the next ... , place, there are several old fash. Fishermen Notice! loned boneheads. In the third place, there are piles of bones In DENTISTRY the slang sense the kind which make the world go round. Love enow ANO BAIOaC wont The Cold Storage Fertilizer and Oil Plant at Pacofi is and laughter make a sparkling a SPEOULTV r,,",,eeeeeeeeeeee '-""'"""l now In operation and will operate all the year round. The comedy of this play, which will be on J. 8. DROWrj company will buy all marketable fish and will also buy Dog ! screened this evening nt the DCMT1ST FRED STORK'S HARDWARE Fish at fifteen dollars per ton (equivalent to about five cts. i eslho!me.i. . George Walsh... and oan.t Sana SlNt, TO Ire Ataae. perflth). Bait will be provided free and all supplies can sns rawn mate an meal combination Pkeaa 84 FOR CANNERYMEN be purchased at the Company's store at reasonable prices. of stars, ant this play We have added lo our aturk of vuhes and ip' lonignt is a fine one. Special facilities are provided for gas boats and fishermen ! Then there Is Billle Burke. The line of Rubber Belting at right pi'" ' bringing their gas boats will be allowed 125 for expenses nml episode of the great serial, Harry A. Harvey FOR FISHERMEN (St of trip to Pacofi. The plant Is located In tho heart "Gloria's Romance" will be again (Ul. leaden, gaa oeaseriaules A oo(sp4(e sti ck vl Uie best good that wn repeated this trollingJipriiig Brass, Silver and ' of the fishing grounds and dog fiih can be caught in great evening. All over of the continent the name of Billie FOR THE WATERFnOMT PUPIL OP LAHSOOWNI numbers COTTKll all the year round. Come to If with to Pacofi, you nurke is already famous. 8be is Pupils Tskea fer lh eleUptitsd Maple Leaf Paint aad Varnish- make money every day fishing. noted to be the best dresser be. Vlou.t. PIA.IO, VIOU.ICkLLO sad PtJlflt "FIXJOUZK'V-A rcinulete line of " fore the screen, and none of the IURMONY. FOR EVERYONE ladies In town will want to miss EXAWl.tATIO.1t A fine stock of Hardware. Gurttey s Oif. i i ' v International Chemical Co., Lid. seeing her as she really Is. In Pupils Prssarsd fee Kaeeileatieai Best. Ws Sell Nothing But The Aseeeleled Beard, a serial story there are few who VaasoMvae, Csatse tan.- Pacofi, Queen Cha lotte Islands. want lo miss the opening chapter Reisl Oeilsis sf Musis, Leasee, t ana ine opportunity is lenlght. TERMS PHONE BLUE 278 FRED STORK'S HARDWARE Ttierf will be special music.