W.'.j, T1IK DAILY KEWH a t pHMSMtJtBMSJBSJSjaa The Daily News MAIL SCHEDULE ' 0tJ THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NO:rntrT.!l,llR$TISH COLUMOlA TO"1 -WJ Published Dally end Weekly For the East. mm .. . li' I... I.i - mi.I linl. I Guaranteed Large t Ciiciilatirn , urday at 9.30 HEAD OFFICE: From the East. Daily Neva Building, Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, D.C. Tel. OS. Thurs .tr A Sundays, Tuesdays auj TRANSIEMr DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 50 cents per inch. days at 5.30 p.m. Contract Rates on application. For Vancouver: DAILY EDITION Xf- Wednesday, Feb. 27th, 1918 Tuesdays il,''' Thursdays ....,. ..10 p.m. Worthless Saturdays 7 a.m. MONSTROUS AND TERRIBLE. more so, as any of the other Without the The above are the words with races. From Vancouver - Name The stimulant afforded which one Of the German newspapers by, for UB Sundays 10 p.m. the German press cannot be a making 10.30 Wednesdays' a.m. describes the coming very strong one, because, when toft soap, for Afl offensive on the Western front, the Individual German comes RUsed water, for clean V Saturdays p.m. In its efforts to prepare the to consider the matter, if ho and for over WRI6LEYS For Anyoxt German jpeople for further ever does, he cannot see any- purposes. Sunday 10 p.m. thing ahead. Men ine testimony UaSTrrVTt. . sacrifice. This is part of the Wednesdays 10 p.m. of the prisoners captured campaign vhich the German in France goes to show that on the package Is the mark of quality. government is conducting with the soldiers are themselves From Anyox: Ln its own territories to assist without hope of futher victory. Tuesdays . ...n.rn the ordinary people to bear up Kven with the assistance of Thursdays .......p.m 'It brands WRIGLEY5 as the clean during the hungry and healless the German press, the Kaiser PROVINCIAL HOUSE wholesome, beneficial days, which are every day in the will have a diflicult job to in MET YESTERDAY For Port Simpson and Naas River product of week now. In Germany, the slil confidence into either the points: the largest chewlnc sum factories Feb. 27. The H.C., Victoria, newspapers are obedient. They starving people at home, or the Sundays tu p.m do what they are told. Uut then disheatened soldiers in the Cabinet decided yesterday that In the Dominion. else be closed trenches. the session will re-open and go they have to, or From Port Simpson and Naas up. In order therefore to con right ahead notwithstanding the Rrver Points: tinue in business at all, they Q. C. I. will GIVE absence of Premier Ilrewster. Tuesdays a.m The delicious, refreshing, comfort' have to take the orders of the Members are arriving from all German government, not only REVELATION IN parts of the province. Queen Charlotte Island: Ing confection that costsl soMittle ast to what .they shall print, For but lasts long INVESTIGATE CAUSE Massett, Port Clements and so but as to the manner of doing SPRUCE LOGGING so. OF EDMONTON FIRE Lpper Inlaud points: February 27lli 2 p.m Their great task now is to Victoria, Feb. 27. Armed with It helps teeth, breath, Hdmonlon. Feb. 27. The city March 13th and S tit 2 p.m appe help the people to resist despair, the authority provided by the re From MasseL 1'ort Clements and and to hold on Just a little cent Order-in-Counci) the Forest council have appointed Judge Upper Island points: tite and digestion. WaMi to start an Investigation longer, when their armies Dranch of the of Land Department March tel. 15th and 29th (hour will return victorious, and a. into the cause of the recent fires; Is possible assistance giving every and also into the effectiveness uncertain; gain and plenty shall be of peace within its to speed the For The power up the present fire department. Skidegate, Queen Charlotte the rule throughout Germany. process of spruce logging in DM. City and Lower Island points: The German government evidently tish Columbia. March tth and 18th 2 p.m knows what it is going Salvation Army. Flavour P. Z. Caverhill has already left From Skidegate, Quen Charlotte I'uhlK meetings, Tuesdays to be against this time up on for Prince Rupert and the Queen and Lower City Island points the 1 tnirsdays and Saturdays at 8 p Western front. They know Charlotte Islands behalf of the on March 0th and 20th Sundays at 7:30 pun. Lasts that i.. p. m. the allies were never better Department, where he will give the prepared, and that never were necessary supervision so far as it LAND ACT For Stewart, Port Simpson, Maple their supplies of munitions, affects the province and make the Hay and Swamp point: guns and men greater than at necessary scaling arrangements. SKEENA LAID DISTRICT DISTRICT Or February 28th 10 pan. this time. .Nor were they belter A. L. Bryant, supervisor of scalers, COAST. RANCE 4. March itth and 3lit . . . . 10 p.m. ledT The result cannot be has been the for week on spot a or m -?y r - else than the throwing back of two TAIE NOTICE Uut Jaha Orae. or Van- MADE IN W42 Lei past. coover. B. c, ocrup tion fit terrain. In From Stewart. Port Simpson. the Germans still to the CANADA nearer Reports reaching the Department lends to apply (or pvnnluloa lo lee tbe Maple Hay and Swamp point: Rhine, over which they will have indicate that during the next few-months roilewtnr described lands: March 4th and 18th pjn to be driven pell-mell. Commrnetnr tl t poll planted 00 the there will be a veritable SIKfcNA LAND DIITR1CT DISTRICT 01 j skltlA LM foreshore on Itvt vrtt (Id of Stewart That the necessity exists for revelation in the spruce logging Strrawt. about two ml let Math of lltrUer Alaska and Yukon Territory: QtTEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS MKi. . J encouraging the German TAKE NOTICE lbl DM L. SalberUad.1 TAKE vTi t i people take, industry of the province. Men Bay; thence west to chain, Uxor nonb From March 2nd is apparently evident to the IS a.m of Prwro Itepret. B C. rteefc. is l sols N I ft ate Bw. irt. n taoi thence and cbtin. tail to chain, thence machinery leaving for the are apply for a fre u pre.p far eel and'afosfey far 4 ( Kaiser, else he would not warn sooth to chain to tb point or commencement Queen Charlottes every week in and 0 COAL NOTICES pctroletua over tb feUewiar aVsettUd twi0jioji rsi OwrM coaiaininc acre mar or let. the people whose destiny he increasing quantities. John GRACE. Applicant. Itnds on tbe West Coast of Mrty Is- tasaSa est m w - V S.-Ui s in such Itnd. Oicnmeneler l planted abeat ta4. Q . . . controls, a manner, o post L4C34eM The Queen Charlotte Spruce DATED November It, 1017. tk.Et.1A LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Or otherwise. Allegations have I mil etsuriy rrom post located m tb 000) s :nt 0 QUEEN CHAhLOTTK ISLANDS Company a Victoria concern- SKEENA LA AD DISTRICT DISTRICT Of snore of tb east td of Cano Pasa tl a , the otM s U - cmt been made time and again, and has already one camp of thirty COAST. RAN0E flVE. point about S mile northerly alone, tb 'rats, m ai a p- clj3 Sortie! denied time and again too, five men operating on a section of TAKE NOTICE thai X, Jame P. lUld. of sboro from Back Point! lb ore sooth M'ataM oV tor. i r ens that I'rlnc fiuperl, B. C Prospector. Intend to chains; thence west l thence t rat tl a the people of Germany its limits, while it is the inten Take nolle thai I Intend lo tpply to ehatni) rnatsx of rnal. be Honorable Commissioner of Land tod PTr fr a Hnmn pttUffti tor coal north 10 chain: thene east SO chalna to nonk ti were dying nutrition tion of the to send at and petroleum over the fotlowtnc described company Work to lest tb follow tor described point of cotnmeneetneaL it et caused by insufficient food, and least another hundred men with Undt.- land on tbe West Coast of Morttby Island. DANIEL L. SOTHULAND, that .starvation was actually the necessary equipment early Commcneinr at a pott planted at Uw Commenclnr at a post planted about li of By Charles E. Burtcst. treaL Bf Ha stalking through that land. north whi corner, tbov him water mark, mil soutbeatterly from a pott located Located November lOlh. 0IT. Laoatos) Neatvr tr next month, camps for whose ac on the tnure of small Bay openior out BarUttt Point at Whether the condition then ten chain doe of Germany commodation are now in course of Canoe pate twtmeen Mortby and CbaaU 11ENA LAND DISTRICT east, then Soulh to tb Sboro Line. then DISTRICT OP OK KEN A i AUD i is as bad as it has been Island, eiout S tulle norUierly aloor the of preparation foilowtnr the contour of tb Shore Line Ql'IEN CHtRLOTTE ISLANDS MM.AN n SUM said ox no, they are evidently la tho place of commencement, conlalntnr Norttiy island aide of Canoe Past from TAKE NOTICE that Oertntde KaetL of TAR aoTtCE as weary of the war, if not Advertise in The Daily Nows. twenty acre, more or lese. Dock Point; lbcnc south SO chain these rnnr Rupert. B. C. clerk, intend te ap f Prtoe Hepi t-MtOOtk JAMES DESBRISAT. manarer. west so chats) I be oca north so chalna ply for t license to prospect for estl and inSaaiAs to afai) ,a i Wale Island Cannery. thence east 10 chain to tbe puts I f com petrotrtiai over the folio lot described let 0Ml and p1 raiftfcva November 14th. HIT. rii meneemenL Undo on tbe Weal Coast of Moresby Islandi ta w JAMES P. BEIO. Applicant Cccnmeoclnr l a pott planted about I Moeosbf' teiaod SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT or Located Ttovemlxr tin. 1017. mil eailerly from o pott located on tb rate ' S. S. PRINCE GEORGE QUEE.il CHARLOTTE. sboro or Ibe east aide of Cano Pas at paai loestMl i. :i at ""rt SU.ENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF point about mile northerly alonr the Mr of Car, i -sailing TAKE NOTICE thai I. E. II. Simpson, of QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS shore rrom Buck Pol I. thenco soaih 10 tatleo nertbert) a Prince Rupert. B.C. mariner. Intend to ap-ply cnalnt) ihenc tatt IS chains i thence north roOMi tbesto WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT TO ANYOX for permission to purchase lb follow 10 chains TAKE NOTICE that I. Joaenh aitoa. at ; thence west to chain to polat 00 e4M; Barn THURSDAY MIDNIGHT TO VANCOUVER, inr described land. f coenmencemenL Prln-o Rupert, B. C, Prospector, Inteod VICTORIA Commenclnr tt a pott planted tt north- GERTRUDE AND SEATTLE. x apply tor a license to prospect for coal KNOTT. EL11M etit corner of lb Lontfrilow Minertl By llan K. CbrUleojca. arenL and petroleum over the followinr dcacribml 8. 8. PRINCE JOHN claim, W. P. Northeast corner no. 1010; Located November lOlh HIT. land on tbe West Coast of Morteby Island. bOOtled N : thene wet to chain; thence north to Sailing alternate weeks to ujuunrucinr t post planted about of Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, chain; thence eail to chain: thence sou in SKEENA LAND DUTR1CT DISTRICT OP mil Skagway and the Queen Charlotte Islands. to chain more or leu alonr aboro line a southeasterly tnta t post located QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SKLEMA Hl l on the ahore of a anull air mmi,. t 1 (Mm to point or commencement, containinc 40 f Canoe Pas beloeen Moncby and CbaaU TAKE NOTICE that Aletander L. Sather- Oi EC 1 tnT' ni I i TRAIN SERVICE let. TAKE N' acre, more or Und, of Prtne la manas, aooui miiea pert, B. C. miner, in. Northerly alonr the Mort. Fatsenrer Sutal! Wrtwrtii tod 0tur4t at t:J0 i.m. for Smilhen DATED tTth January. ISIS. Moresby Island side of Canu im. lende lo apply for a license to prospect for Prion Oeorr. Edmonton tnd Wtnniprr. makinr direct eonoectiooe for tli CHARLES JOE BENSON, Suck Point; tbence south so chain) thenco eoal and petroleum ovtr lb followinr d-, lend to tpoay l - points tut tod sou Ui. A rent for E. II. 8lnpoa rai ae cnaiat) ineoc north 10 chain! trribed land c lb West Coast of Moresby . land uo at- r ihenc wtst so chela Island: commenciar al a pott planted JiT SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Of to the polat of cum-tuencemeoL . . , about I mil ..trlv ..rn w.. I. t r ' w -"-'j v.. nnswu not Agency All Ocsan Steamship Lines. COAST, HANGE I, JOSEPH SEXTON. lrmllni on tb shore of the east tid of Coo Pass yard- !tia!lf For information and reservations apply to Take notice that toe Write rn Salmon toes led November tth, hit. tt o point about I miles northerly aloof Csfwe taMted Pas.Ok ui City Tloket Office, 628 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 Packlnf Co., Ltd, of Vancouver. B. C oc. tb shore front Buck Polalj thence north akcr '-M M cupatton Salmon Canner. Inuod to appli SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OP to cbtint) tbence east 10 chain) thenco lSr r- south 10 chains; thenco weal 10 chain lo for permlMlon lo ! tb followinr de WLLt.l CHARLOTTE ISLANDS thttri tatt'-ail scribed land: point of cwnmencemeaL ft, (... i" , Commenclnr tl a pott pltoted tl h!tb TAKE NOTICE that I. rhri r ALEXANDER U SUTIIKRUIND, M Hi. By Chart E. Burrcss. arenL trtL tter mark, steamer Pttitre, (on t small of Prince Rupert. B. rv C, miner, intend to Mcatexi novrmber lOlti HIT. blfht on tbe stid piastre about one mile LOWS 10 N'.xOtbrr "' - nu w vruspvci i or coal tnd CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY north or Quinamaia Bar) ten (10) chains petroleum over the foUamin k..i,.. SaLENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Or due west or said blrfcl; thence i, :e twenty t0) Unds ibe ' on West Coast of Moresby Island. VWEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS u.vn rhalnt due north, thence twenty (10) Commenclnr tl a pott planted about of TAKE NOTICE that Betlv KnolL r frlnr l-lvef. Lowest Rates to all Eastern Point chtln chalna due eait, thence twenty (to) a mile eoulneaslerlr. from . . wnm u..i..t;. Rupert, 8. c. nurse. Intends to arolr far via Sten.ner to Vancouver and tho south, tnd thence Uck to point of commencement, on tbe ahore tS t small Bty openlnr out license lo prospeci fur coal and Detrolaum eonttininr forty (40) vi uiw i-aa oeiwcen Moresby and CbaaU over tbe followinr described Unds CANADIAN the PACIFIC RAILWAY acres more or lets. on r i ri jrti Meal and Brth Included on Steamer Tilt WESTER 8ALM0.1 PACkllO COM. Islands, about I miles sortberly aider the n"' Moresby island: Comment, to a. "ik- t ' Moresby Island aide of Canoe paaa from inr at a post planted about I mil easterly PAMY, C C LIMITEDl RoberUon FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE DATED December list, 1017. Art Bock Point) tbence north SO cbalnt thence from a post located on tho shore of the r....t i tr - tatt to chain) tbenc south 10 m ..a. or canoe pasa r s SO. SOPHIA ttilt from Prrlnc Rupert Much tnd. I tin. ttrd. April tod. thence west SO chain) mile al a point about I an i 'f' NOTIOE. chalna to DOlnt of rjvit. northerly aloor tb shnr rmm nurk 1 nth. tlrd. Mty trd, lltb, and June lib. ltui. US" meneemenL n; ineoc north so chain) ihenco west a. .a SO. PRINCESS ROYAL tall from Prince Rupert I t. m Ftbrutry tlth. CHARLES E. BUnOESS. Annllr.n, w iiuin.) inenc South SO rhilm, ford if" iru-ne ISX Se II The tbov tallinrt are subject to clnnte or cancellation without notice. rrtctloo."Cull,""Bunlii-hl"Brown FraMlon,"Betr," "Utile-Sea Tomj Uo Located November I III, it IT. Msl 10 chain to point of rommenccmeoL Will I rrtcncn. "Sheet Anchor FrtcUon." -Skyline," BETTT KNOTT. II poll-l W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. (KEEN A LAND DISTRICT By Kin, a rhri.iu.... . canto Bird rraetlon" tnd "Obter-a DISTRICT Of is..,.., " " si. rriii i m Co ner Fourth Street and Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. U.C. lory" Mineral Claim, situate in lb Vita, t-iiAllLOTTE ISLANDS "wfcmoer i em HIT. sieoui i"'1 1' r ; ' Ikeera Mininr Dirlslon of Coast District is Li il UlSl" ms r Where toea ted.--near Bear Lake, Surf TAKE NOTICE that I. Han K. Christen. aattVA LAND DISTRICT .marmvr nr This ii 11 QUEEN Inlet, Prince rioyil Island. sen. of Prince Itupcrt. B, a. prosoeeix, CHARLOTTE ISLANDS TAKE NOTICE that I, frtd M. WU, intend to apply for t license lo prospect J"."01!" ,h' Thomat p.teraon. of of Hats n- . .1.1 rre Miner CertlDctU Mo. ItOHC. tb for coal and petroleum ItMrOtf aii'i Id- ovtr tbe foliowin sir; I BOinariBuaj W u Don't merely smother your cough duly tuthorlted trenl of Millard T. War described lands on tbe Wssl Co,t r t Z!" UrtnH 10 Prospwi for cetl and ufli ren, rre Miner Certiorate No. 11014 Moresby II 91 C. IsUnd. Rommenelnr at a rxut !"m. Mtowiaf detcritrtd tl PMSKt .jri i M Intend, sUly day from the dale hereof, planted about of t mil southeaster! tom coast of Moresby Islandi cMtlorii " ii bjrnp of Ttr and cod Um uu not omir utk lo apply to the Mloinr Recorder for t rrom t post located on tb shore of (oiniueneinr at a tt i... ... 0 Wild I" .1 ... n CURE IT! arrcata coa(biaf. bat thank to H tonic Certiorate cf Arn-thuli2 proparU it help the trttaas to throw oaf of Improvements, for tbe pur small Bay openlnr out of Canoe Pas be-len " o post located on tb lb) Cvoit rr oe obtalninr Ike eold and that rfltct permanest cvre. It la thl qaailly vhidt noo wean Re of tb above claims.t Crown Ortnl of tacb Moresby and Cbaatl Island, about a saotil ii-"1 m Saw Urgeat aaj of u coo(h tad coLi nirdy la Caaaila, mil northerly alonr tbe Moresby island .r;' " Oboul T mile noribtrly iWKjr l.i A.1D ll'flTlltn TAKE NOTICE that action, side or Canoe Past from Buck Point) thence ITiI rroM 1 WMi h.nc M 0' i :t. lit. I tttltt, mt jmJkmt. under section II, must be com-tnenred north II chain) ihtnc west so chains: The Mm ' ' before the Issue of such Certificate thence south 10 chain! K try " tbence aaii an srZLWr ,"n" rr4iro i- " OJI1 0 ., & L. MATVIKU COX. fill Oin, of Improvements. ( x chain to pulul of romnttncewenL -o v-AritAaAjruiIlira I 11IK l' nil DATFD this tlth day of October A. D HANS a, ciiiusTENSCN, AppiicanL THOMAS PETERSON, uJI'""v" HIT JtO Located November Hot II... " 1 01b, HIT. Ucsled wntnefa, arenL J. T. T. Post ' tSi'- NovemUr lOlh hit. By K