Veiln THE DAILY NEWS u.l, Will You Protect RED CROSS NOTES A Clergyman's Wife WATER NOTICE IIUfT ..... wiie 'llO llllillllllv liiimii. .. Wants Women to Know TAkE NOTICE thtt Dolly Virden Mine. Your .... r ':v,, Comptny wbote tddrett It Alice Arm. B. urn urus Biicieiy will he Advantages of Internal C . wilt tpply for t Ilcentt to takt tnd D r.Prices . .. - -l.;i,frn it liou ltd YOU III III till (lllllrl .... U-l - uii nai tea cubic feel or wtier per second 11nl.1v- - ' .Mnrcli -9 ul 1 "..'i,.l ..ieiii.11 Bathing out or Troui Creek, tribuitry or EM-tull money in Urs of the Executive are anM River flewlnr toll Alice Ann, Caa-Ur lamny ... .........1 .... ..... If oran could only Um tboti.tndt Diiirtct Tbt witer will tM diverted i; rciiiciiiucr hid uaie. f kitert Dr. Trrrtll ntt received from t tbt tietd of tbt Fall, on the- Sliver .:i ..mi are on your BAKING POWDER trilefsi omn In til ptrtt of tht world. Horde Mineral claim. Lot till, and will 'cct"'-",? The wale of Home Cooking to he Ihinklnr Mm for hit wonderful lotto-iron be uaed for power ptrpotet on tbt Wolf for Intern.! nd Dolly Vtrden Oroape of Mineral should Btihinr, iney wold toon litlij 111 the llf Every married man Cross Hut on detrd It mtdiciot trattlt tnd U to Uimt belnr Lot. ITtl to ITIT Inclu.lve, Saves Eggs in our Third Avwiue this eonilng Friday ItM (IBM of their trouble tt tier eorit. and Lou tltt to tHT Inclu.lve and Lot open icpnn-.. and nut will he uixJer the charge of Mrs. of til human lilt are dut to tcnimulaled mi, Cat.iar Dl.trict. Savinci ii in tb colon or Una laieitmt. Application will be made tlto for tbe In for by.partofJ.iJcarn.ngi every Mix aixl M Imm Oillesple. recipes cake, mufnns, corn bread, etc., Warm water priori used with Um fl. eirht lo iior tl im feel In rirsl Trotn B. L. caicade.'. will rtllert tbt ctutt of Uke tnd t.tte tcre feet In Second, Third fewer ejjgs may be used and excellent results , willt The Purl Blmn nil tv nit finer jttitl. fur irwiLle. tnd perfec betlib will and rourtb Trout Laket. Tbe water will and healthful, appetizing food obtained by using family, have Mmw . bt ttored In rirtl Trout Lake by tbt eon-uruclloo ngain sent In forty four pairs an additional Account mty opened i. .. ..... . : . A WlaiHper clertrman wrltea: or a dam tt lit outlet tnd In quantity of Dr. Price's Cream A Vi Sevleii. foliar. 01 , which are ackunwleug "Mr wife it naiurallr tenaltlvt about tecond. Third tnd Fourth Trout Laket by Baking Powder, about a teaspoon, in place riui ed with thanks. ha.iflf her name aptar In public print, the eon.irnrtion or 1 dtra 11 the outlet of each omitted, vur DANK. OF" ret it tnttout that otbert tboold know .r Second Treat Like. The egg int. ur. .Mr. James Pntrie. ftfctt 1 be ;. b. L. Cttctd' bat done for .ret or land to bt flooded at Flrtt Trout ECCtXSS MTJTTXNS North America a returned her. 11 hat retlly liven ber a new leatt Uke u IT tcrtt tnd it Second, Third and l"rm.!?' DIRECTION!r Ml t 4 fi try British soldier, has sent a donation of of Hfe. Fourth Trout Laket la acret. rr yeart tbt had been doctor-mr twenty 4 tHipniii tr Prlee'a Cream Incretlmta. Aid milk. UrrlDf III 13.00 to the Hoclety. The wound for Coniiipatlon, which became Tbit notice wit potted on tbo around r.kln l-swder " l"P are I 4 in Had n the lllh dty or October, HIT. t tbUpoon, n,w atMrlaninc. Bmi wall and bat la cd soldiers ofa every year. Since nilnr Um 'I. B. X. asd wmrtv. iwm.m. appreciate what has t ttMiMwa uH liHHd MS.tin. la bet even frees capital CaieaiJe'. nrl about I yean aro. iba hai A copy or thit notice and an application t tabtopBsai ahrtfac tt to miaalea. nnivrr nilPFRT BRANCH been done for them in the over not been tick t dtr, ton btt become ro puriuaol thereto and to tht Water Act, TTie old method caned for rii'j ' seas llonpitals, ns gifts like this butt tnd ttronc traia Should any perton it 1 1, will be Bled In tbt omce or tbe Make is Mutfina 3 tears. - - ...irrnr ra I? R f ri ri ft nr how. th IWt letter eondnned, Wtter rteeofder it Prince Rupert, B.. C yon trt tl Booklet of rtrfpo. whkh acoaoralte In Hberiy to tle my name In private." TM date or tM Brtt appearance? or thit " poool IntrodloMa molUd tt f.M. The B. L. Caicade" It abown and tx- notice la tbt local new.piper wat tht AddrtM St. Lawrene OoaWeard. MootroaL wa tns rnoTECTio.i act A cheque for It 1.00 has boon plainwl by cjiil if. Orrne, Third Avenoe, tlrd dty or October, HIT. tnd objection, Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Is made received from Messrs. I). II. Hoys. rrlneo Rtpert B.C. may be filed with Um comptroller or The B. L. Catcade" It tn Invention. Wtler Recorder within thirty dtyt trier from Cream of Tartar derived from grapes, 8. K. Parker, and K. If. (II MSu.l COMPA.1T. Mortimer. and ..rnaKJ the ttld dale. makes wholesome food. perfected by Pr. Chti. A, Trrretl of Wtw being commission of Victory Loan DOLLT VARDE.N MINIS COMPANY. York, tnd bat done more donor Um ptil ,J. ... . ..f Mid if! depotlted sales, which is acknowledged with few yetrt to reitore health tod letten R. B. MeOlnnlt, A rent, per E. A. Cleveltnd. Made in Canada No Alum f rsbtle Workl it thanks. dltetae tban all other meant CMnblned. HIE.NA LA.ND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF A ik for booklet tipUlnlnr tU about Internal f It" i-tnd Reentry Offle. Dlt- CASSIAR. ..htm Bttblnr tnd wbtl It btt dotM for r: .. t rr P detcrlpUoa of lb The snle of home cooking last ether.." It it free. , iti 3 plain of whirf Md other week realized the sum of 6I.OO. TAKE notice thai Wilier Z. Walker, or w rt, r r jtj t be built on Ul oo. Vancouver, B. C, occupation Manarer, All those who conlibuled LAND LEASE wmr t r ' or 'r7nr' noperi. are very NOTICES Intend, to apply Tor pe minion lo letie . c : -j, 'ulumbll, and lilt warmly thanked. The following liEl1A LAJID DISTRICT DISTWCT Or the follon tor detcrlbed land.: Letterheads s a list of the givers and winners COAST. HA.t0E nVE. Commenetnr tt t pott planted at tbt Envelopes reia eras the del of the flnt public .Norm Weil Corner of Lot ttl. Caatitr Statements . f s r .. AWrtjer Thoenafm trvl of the articles drawn for: Mr. C. TAkE aourt thtt Walter E. Walker, of Dl.trlcl; thence north It chalnt; thence .-jr-4; u 1 wu onoer seciioa Kin Urine gave a baby's toilet set, won Vancouver. B. C occspaUon Hanarer, wett 40 chalnt. more or leat, to Hirn Card. Etc Ploae98 ' I. -.. . by 11. Blillwell; W. Ooldbloom $5 wteodt to apply fir penniaiion to letM Water Mark Portland Canal; tbenct toutb the followlnr detcrtbed landt: r W rka 11 hii onira in im air or erly tnd et.terly followtnr Hirb Water gold by Mrs C. 8larr; piece won CommetKinr at pott pltnted at lour- Mark rortland Canal to point or commence W. W. Wralhal! picture, won by tecUon of Hirn Water Mark Tonratt Paa ment and containlnr Its acret more or 1 UJ. U . .... Mm. P. Allen; F. M. Davis, feat- mm and to La it and Weal Um paaalnt le.t. The News Job Press UirouaH Monument BarUett Concrete at r:.:L:a B. C-. thit teeoad WALTER E. WALKER, ttirl 11 Rupert, her fan. won by II. F. McLeod; feint. Wale. I.Und. B. Cs Ibeoce tail K. Phillips, massage outfit, won tt thalnt; Uaeoce toith tt chaJna, more tie tltb dty or October, HIT. Prat'mi of AH Deicriptiaai Due Utt S Thornton. Secretary. by J. II. Thompson; Munro liros or teat, to lllrh Water Mark Toot a., rat-ure. TIMBER SALE X 854. Lbenrt noriberly tnd wetterly fol-Vjlnr sack Hour, won by Miss Hardy: the Una or Bald HitH Water Mark J. L. Christie, 5 lb. tea, by P.O. Bu 59 won lo Um point of commencement tnd coo- Sealed lender, will be received by tbt Programs L DENTISTRY Mrs. Howness; Mrs. K. Price, ced. ulninr tit acre., more or leaa. Minuter or Landt not later than noon on Catalogs I ar mop. won by II. F. Wearrnouth; WALTER E, WALKER. Um tttb day or February, Hit. Tor tbe Dodgers C Dal -tUb day of October. HIT. purchate or Licence Xttl, to cut l,4T.- I). Olennie. box apples, won by I'. Putters,etc 0 GtOWfl 0 MIS ov reet or spruce, ceoar, naiaam ana k IPtOUITT Uammon; Mrs. Darnsley .records, JIEE-tA LA.1D DI8TIUCT DISTRICT Or Hemlock oa in area .Halted oc Nootum wou by Miss N. Ilrand; Mrs. Deasy CAIS1AH. river. Burke Channel, Ran re t. Coait Dl.trict. Oft J, 8. BROWN Indian llanket. II. U. by won TAKE nouco that Walter E. Walker, of DiNTtrr Three (I) yeart wtU be allowed Tor rt- Ilochesler; llenson's Studio, pic Vaneoover. B. C occupaUon Manarer. moral ol timber. luer. won by Miss P. Allen; Fritx cteoda to apply for permle.loa to leate PVMI M Farther particular! or tbe Utler Fore.ter Schullx. tobacco, won by II. II. Um foUowtnt deaenbed landt: Victoria, B. C, or Dlitrtct Fore.ler. rnnre Subscribe for The Daily News CommeiKlai at a pott planted at the Rupert, B.C. rtt. Itochester; oris Weil Corner of Lot ttl. Caatitr Dietrtci; thence noriberly and cter!j MINERAL ACT foUowinr Um Um or lllh Water Mark fary . Harvey CERTiricATC or laritovcMtftTS rortland Canal lo t point whert tn East and Weat Lrae drtw-n Ihroorh 1 point 10 (Um Lmm, b, Ooatf.iUIr chalnt Dot Korta of Um Fotat of com f )) MOTICt mencement Inlertecu wllh .aid Line or pvm. of uhimwm oorriLL ri rmuoa" tad -DUiy Miwral Uirb Water Mark; ibenco wed tt chain.. J XUrm for Uun. tiistM la Um foriuad Caotl Minlnt throro tontberly and euterty, parallel lo Keep the r- 1 ... -iouxcttxo od x.uiuo of iiur DtitrKL tald Um of Hlrh Water Mark Portland up Wfcr lortll:--OB Um ll IkM of Canal to point St chaiat Dot Weat or 1AM assured that ctfsit Cmk, it miUs mm um bd or Um runt of Commencementt thenco eaat EXAM15I4TI05S forlUad CuuL tt chain, to aald point of commencement. people will respond take noriCE uui t. 1. rrd iuwti ad coatalntnr tit acre, mors or leaf. Food Supply to every call rm mut or use 4i .10. sot-O sci WALTER E, WALIER. mi Mm r , Imm, Mr m trrai for httKMid tins Weill. I it Dale lllh day or October. III?. necessary to the success MUrr OrUflcsu SltT-C lawod. TCKM3 PHONE BLUE 273 Mlly U) rrota Um (UM bcrmf. la rflJ 8IEE.1A LAND district district or of our cause with w um Mmiat hKorter tot 1 Cruflci of CASSIAR. and Help the same indomitable IntprvtMorau. for Um purpo cf obuialof Croaa Orul of Um tbovt rUlm. TAKE aoUco that Tbt Anrto-BrtUah Co ardour and devotion And fnrtbr u. imUco uut teuoo. an- lumbia Tarklnr Company Limited, of Van- Otr nikm tl, matt t cnaun'ored Won router. B. C. occupatloo Salmon Canner. that have filled me with Prince Rupert Feed Co. DaroU,Um btuuc of tc OrUBMM or Impro- mieoda Um roOovlor to apply detcrtbed for permlaaton landt: to letM Make Victory pride and gratitude Uilfd UU IIUj dr of Dmnkr A. D. Cunmracint tt 1 pott planted at Kirn since the war began." PHONE Bt HIT. Water Mark, rortland Canal, tt chalnt Due Korth tnd tt chain, or more Due Wett of Hu Majkstt Koto Gnoses Um .North Weil Corner of Lot ttl, Caaaiar SnfiTRA'L ACT Sure FOR Diatrlct; thenco north a chalnt: tbenco ctRTiricATi or lamovcatiiTS. wett tt chain., mere or leta. to Hit b Water Mark rortland Canal; then re aoutb- BULBS NOTtCC. erly and eo.terly followlnr tM Um of Hirh Water Mark rortland Canal to um 'SUoMoo." -Ruprt." "Hclou" -Eiilaf point of commencement and containlnr tt soldiers must be fed; the people at Tullpi, Hyacinth, DtrTodllt, lua." -Ckm rlU 50. I" sod "Cticad acm more or teat. rll t" MlMrtl CUimt. itutto la Ut Ur Lillet, Narcissus. Diitnct.rortlind Ctntl Mlolni Di.uion of Clr THE COM PANT AN0LO-BR1TISH LIMITED. Waller COLUMBIA E. Walker.TACU.N0 Art OUR must be fed. And in spite of Data tlth day of October, ttlT. Wlwro lotdi Oa Um ooii Ndo of iraiM Cmk. It mile, from Um brad of SkEEAA LA.ND DISTIUCT DISTIUCT Or Germany's murderous campaign to ortltnd TAkE Ckiut.NOTICE tUI I. I. rrod KlttM CASSIAR. cut off the Allies' Food supply, by sinking Inc Trt MUri rnl for Cruac4M 0il Bftuforl.No. SITI-O Buih. Trt tci- uniUa TME Packlnr notice that Company TM Antlo-Brituh Limited, of Van Co- every ship on the High Seas an ample and SIIS-C. Intfiid. Miofr-f UrUBrtu Xo. Ul dirt rrom tbo dtt benot, to tppl; couver.lull oJ. B.10 C arply ocrupaUon for permlt.lon Salmon Ctnncrt,to leatt unfailing flow of food to England and ly 1 be Miotnt Kccofdtr for t OrUBctu of landti Dm roilowinr detcrihed ItrproirnwDU, for Um purpoto of obUiniBf France must be maintained. CommeiKlns al t poal planted at HUB tboTt culm. Ortnt of Ut irutta .ater Mark PorUand Canal. 10 chain. Dut And rrUkr uk nuc Uut tcuoo, un 1 Wett Due North tnd chalnt, or more. dr Mrlloa tl. mutt ! tommmc4 Mort a? tf Um .North Weat Corner of Lot ttl, navone Lnn Hava Um imimbco of tucb CcruBctio of Inpro.o Cawltr Dl.trlcl! thenco northerly and This is National Service mrnll. eaterly folio lor tM Lint or Hirn Water in iu uii ttib diy or Aami. a. o. Mark, rortland Canal, to t point where tn Not to the Farmer only HIT. Ea.t tad We.I Um drtwn tbrourb t point tt chalnt Duo florin or tM point or com But to YOU to everybody MINERAL ACT aienrement inlertecu with ttld Um of CS ''IFIC MILK I Is so ccRTirieATK or WrtlOVHIINTa lllrh Wtter Mark; tbenct Weat It chalnt; This appeal is directed ft .rr. .. I. . it... 1. ttirnct toutberly and euterty paralled with Uiih 1 " "-ftain turn 11 Iho aald Um of lllrh Water Mark, rort ' .h.. ....... NOTICE land Canal, to s point St chalnt Due Wett rainy as Mnl.h.1num" ftDd 'Suecflt" MlMrti of I be point of commencement; tbenct WE must unite as a Nation to SERVE PLANT a garden small or Urge. Utilixe ni t of the fresh Jtlmt. tltuttt In Um SkM Mlnlnr Dll- rait to chalnt to ttld point or commencement to SAVEond to PRODUCE. Men, back yard. Cultivate the km of Ctwur pUirttL and contatninr tit acret more or middle lots. Make them all food and children; the the vacant yield - jiu sold nruuml Wlwro kKtid:AtKut 4 miMt vvtiMnj let. or Um Bed tnd roreahoro or roruano women young, hr Province. frurn lbs twtd of Allco Ann, tnd tboul 1 anal aged and the old all can help in the ntlM rrom Um Bttx. THE ANGLO-BIUTISH COLUMBIA rACkXNO Nation's Army of Production. TAkE .NOTICE UmI U W. rtlmort, OMPANY MMITED, Waller E. waiter, Alt. of towns can find no better t New Westminster rrra MlMfi rcrUflrtU o. Iltll-C, t. Dale- tlin day or October. HIT. WOMEN t tav Hint .1,. ...hips mm of um liolibd.num Mlnlnc and Bt- pound of FOOD raised, helpa important outlet for their I'trtontl Ik I K.N A LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF EVERY than in cultivating vegetable twit reK"""y 1 for a ductlon Comptny, Limited. (Moo COAST. RAN0E riVE. the cost of living and adds to energies a Lu Willy 1 rro Mlnrt wriinctw n t.?1, lua uungile for laitt.r. Inln.l. illlr dirt rrom tM Ult the Food Supply for Overseas. garden. Iwivof. to innlr 10 tbo Mllilot Ittcorder TAkE notice lhal Waller E. Walker, or ... V" "wo the for t CtrttOftU or Improvemtnu. for tht Vancouver, B. C occupation Manarer,leea Be in act m( .... nltndt to tpply Tor permlaalon to patriotic as or obuiniof t cruwo uni v. purpoM ruiloMlar deatrlbed land.: For information on any subject itlating ik- 1 flth of Um tbo.t tltlmt. UTO" action rnm.nrini at a iott planted al tbe to the Farm end Garden, write: well in & fur K. . 11 WlUl AMU ri'HT.ICn TAkE OTICE tbtt or tn Et.t tnd Weil Unt as thought. "8 I' as .J B,e l'Ul " under Section tt mu.t t eonunnca um- tntcriection tliruth toncrett Hooumeai a INFORMATION BUHEAU fort Um Utiit or ucu CtrttBciio or im- point. Wtlet liland, B. t, with lllrh Water of Agriculture provrmrott. ...... aouiberly Department u..h t. nuiiij Umoco ntrrn ihii tail. ! or Mirnpr a. . Use every means available i'd lllrh Water 1 ifi M g r -.1. a ta.terly ToUomlnr iti rit and OTTAWA . Mark to t point unere a nww Overlook nothing. VC,ri0 MlLiTco., LliM drawn throut t point tt chalnt Dut LTD or commencement Inter-" HAIR SEAL SKINS or tbt point or Tonrtat Mark liirb Wtter ttid ",tN' I anl to ttl Into touch wit ba.s l oum " rbtlDi Uw!'! Dominion Department of Agriculture in .. " 'l'Hi I'Hi.iiiu J.....I II ptnont btnlnr or no may ' 1 Dim . "fun n hair ta't or s Wont tklnt wWch Wt.i o - in rt , turprlse irt frrt from sctrt or fork or nook a nc,?oli Unc. tt chtlnt Dut E..I ol TTAWA, CANADA. wvp 11 r " ,,UI H2. Van. bulct. m rZi ir eatHmetMeraent tnd eonta.nln, v.. J. N. M. BROWN 119 tcrtt. wow ",.,..,. HON, MARTIN BURRUX, Minister. rott orstt t aor, vtsott.of.B.o. Dttt IIUi dty of October, HIT- 1