? JTJ.lL Daily News A? cJ ITO.ii. L I'm.NCK IUJPERT, IUJ, THUI18DAY, FEB. 28th, 1918. utrfm 'CKSV jliYjiTS BUT, WORKERS WffiTT RED OF FIGHTING AND RESIGNED TO CAPTURE WORKMEN MAY DEFEND CITY iUSSIAN SOLDIERS REFUSE WANT GOVERNMENT TO CONTROL! ALL UNITED STATES INTERCEPT FACTORIES AND CONSCRIPT LABOR TO FIGHT IN DEFENCE OF MORE GERMAN DIPLOMATIC Vancouver, Feb. 27. Government ernment labour bereaa. With regard control of Indoles and their to alien labor, the committee THE CITY OF PETROGRAD output and concurrently therewith auggested the immediate con PLOT CORRESPONDENCE scription of foreign labor of en- conscription and allotment of lab. emy origin, bgt that such laborers advocated In report of are a or, STATE "LET THE GERMANS COME AND TAKE should be put to work at the same FRANKLY GERMANS FINANCED HINDU SCHEMERS UITC 'the special committee of the II. C. TO RAISE TROUBLE IN US, WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH FIOHTINU." RUSSIAN Manufacturers Association sub. pay as received by Canadian soldiers INDIA AGAINST BRITISH RULE, PLANS FOR GOVERNMENT WORKMEN MAY, HOWEVER RESIST. COSSACKS milled at the annual meeting of $1.10 per day. The committee, INDEPENDENT OF BRITISH INFLUENCE. ARE PURSUED BY BOLSHEVIKS. the Association here. This com. in regard to alien labor, PROMINENT NAMES GIVEN, pointed out that the slate of affairs miltee comprises Oeorge O. Hush-by, existing in industries, tpcttl 10 It VMf .' reslslence lo the Herman must chairman; E. S. Daynes, J. some !pll to Tlx Dillr 5cwi. Tragore, two Japanese ex.prem. particularly mining, where aliens ! t sfca IVa -If the spec. come. J. Cougblan, John Hanbury and were in control of the situation San Francisco, Feb. 28. Fur- iers. and noted Chinese statesmen from Petrograd Cossacks Retlr. mentioned in the intercepted taltat Giles. are George and worked when they pleasrtl ther German plots for the purpose .a:ciy the situation A dispatch nays that Borlsoff, correspondence. The Intention ac The recommendations of the Lf and demanded a high rale of pay. of raising internal trouble with th( ucmans are llgiiliy lo.sixty miles north east of Minsk it being of the plotters was, and . committee were adopted, The committee believes that the 'the allies has been unearthed by jffl ..11m in Aiiiritlni has been captured by the Germans still is to establish an independent hold the whole report decided to formation of labor bureaus thr-'the United States Secret Service, troop. Ilu. and that Orsha, and Smolensk, government In India, and to jr m-tamed lo the next month's meeting over has ought the country would be a step1 Diplomatic correspondence L i ii- 1.1 u north east of Minsk, are being throw off the British rule. This action followed a protest by In the right direction. It is main-J been intercepted, showing how U . "We have evacuated, righting at Hostov. The German has Cg and say: Mayor Gale against the adoption; governme.nl talned in the report that many the German machinations carried 14 c; jgh -'f fighting. If the on the Don, ceased on Monday of the recommendation for con lines of industry face a labor short'a band of Hindu plotters into pri-age helped in this matter, not particularly -.i let them take us." nixht. The Cossacks retired, and ulterior of labor. While believing for the motive of scription which is growing more acute vate audiences with ministers and !ci tt a inner. auuuue a i among a i a are being pursued by the Bolshe- the Government ought to take at the industrial activity increases Responsible statesmen. The Hin- seeing India independent, but i : icra irom wuom, ii mi an vikl forces. over the factories, be did not be 'idu plotters have been financed more for the immediate purpose lieve the time had arrived when LADIES I lavishly in order to maintain of raising rebellion at the present MURAL EVANS the Manufacturers' Association itheir propaganda of India for Ihe time, and so diverting the atten should take upon itself a recommendation Another shipment of ladies Indians. tion of IJritain from the war in TAKES GROUND IN BREWSTER HAD that labor should be suits, dresses in silk and serges, The names of Sir flabindranath Europe, and dividing her efforts. RELAPSE, BUT conscripted. skirts, etc., just received and most SEVMOUR NARROWE IS RALLYING Alien Labor. reasonably priced. They are made BRITISH AIRMEN BOMB The committee was appointed by the celebrated Northway Com- : t -ii iiifr, as the Ci. T. Calgary. Feb. 2S Premier to report not only on the conscrip-J pany and are up to the minute BORDEN AND 2 ENEMY AERODROMES . ,(tr. t was proceed-i tion of labor and the use of alien 'In style and finish. II. K Wallace WILSON MEET AT Brewster suffered an acute : ame abreast of the labor, but on the subject of a Gov. 'Co., Ltd. (53) WASHINGTON London, Feb. 27 Twelve hundred However, .. I 3..s one of the Ad-u relapse last night. ' steamers plying be-- ihe natient made a bombs were dropped by the rj states porta and Al. good rally this morning. GERMANS MASSING LOCAL NEWS NOTES t Washington, Feb. 28. Sir British aviators upon the enemy aerodromes south of the city of J, aground about two his temperature, puis, and TO ATTACK VERDUN 1 1 i i '. Robert jUgrden was pre- i n ,s ntl of the Seymour J -jeupiration all being,better llnion men. Stand by'the Union j sentcd to Presided fWihoir- Hoes in Flanders. Hostile billets. ST t lit: aiDared to be resU and he is at pecnt able to London. Feb. 28. After a Stores. it today by Lord Reading. east of Quentin were also heavily Premier is here bombed and considerable destruction The conferring i: r asj informed the "Hu. I take some much needed icavy bombardment, German Mr. J. I). McAudley, commercial to the establishments with the officials enemy -t ho Americau freighter f rest. troops in the Champagne usi agent of the G. T. P. in Prince t is kifsua to have been T u::aa was already on the t the It u pert, is leaving tonight for the of the liritish and Canadian done. t nirht attempted to re-capture 'i tr tts stance. There be. south on a trip. war missions. r danger, the oitions taken by the French at Counts panelling. ..-.iiaci.au --o Paris, Feb. .27 The French ft did not lose any PECK MAJORITY Mute Dcs Mctnil. Today's official The O. T. P. "Prince Rupert" it4 batteries violently countershelled i't j? bcaig alreadr behind 404 OVER ALL despatches say the Germans were' arrived in port last evening about! the enemy artillery in sectors. oedi.jc'' The "LaTouche", taultcd by the French fire six o'clock, having been delayed AMERICAN NAVAL Hill 301, Le Mort Homme, Beaumont, Ui:a ag by later evid-sfr-'tng on account of heavy traffic, passing and Chambrettes. a; the passengers This is Exclusive of the Vote in Massing at Verdun on the coast. She was five TUG FOUNDERS Admiral Kvans." The England. Which it Likely Paris, Feb. 28. The Germans hours late on leaving Vancouver BILLIE BURKE AT THE '- ( damage sustained to Increase this are nnsine troops in mni oi through having such a quantity Thirty Men of the Cherokee Lose WESTHOLME THEATRE ft : j sutes vessel has Majority Verdun. Yesterday. French air of freight to load. Their Lives on the Atlantic - ascertained. men dropped numerous bombs in Coast There is a great qrogramme There will be a big demand for billed for the Westholme Theatre Ghent. Two enemy planes-were THE POLICE Peck's Vote syboes tomorrow, St. David's Day. COURT this evening. To begin with, Civilian 1.519 brought down. The local Cymrodorions will doubt Washington. Feb. 28. Thirty there is to be screened the second - U 'It'll I Pnpaa ftt Hia North American ........ 95 less be celebrating the occasion men probably lost their lives chapter of the serial story which this morning, JiiA Continental RMi ANOTHER BRITISH by making the ether resplendent when the United States naval started last week, in which Billie ' 'V chinamen appre. HOSPITAL SHIP SUNK with harmony. But is it true that Cherokee foundered off the Burke takes the leading part. on this dale the Welshmen "eat tug Those who this charming act. saw no i-aid last Saturday 21500 the leak?" Atlantic coast yesterday. Secretary . last week will most certain, 'ia i ail tsn so rn the ress in Glenart Castle Sent Below Stork's Vote Daniels announced today. ly wish to see the outcome of the Civilian .... .... British Channel The "Prince John" left for the The bodies of four have already story as well as to see Billie Burke American Queen Charlotte Islands last night again. The opening chapter N'orth -s reached Philadelphia. Judge Young left list. ContincnUl 38 In.lon, Feb. 28 The It itish sometime, carrying a large shown last week was of considerable Haiellou, where o Between from Prince passengers I r Glenart Castle was interest, and the second one Mdajr. There are hojpiUl ship lluperl and the through passengers LAWLESS ACTS IN totbe promises even more so. et ralendar fur the 2.W6 sunk yesterday in the It istol from Vancouver brought in COUNTY i CLARE Then there is a new flvo reel feature, tf Me ,there., Mr. O. channel, i: u announced officially. by the "Prince Rupert there was entitled a "Stolen Triumph" Putmore A Fufc. There were no patients on board. not much room for any more. which is of the Metro " Mi Sutherland, of Wil. NO GAS BOATS Troops Sent to Assist the Police one productions. the ship was out-bound. Sur This is a wonderful FISHING s SKEENA Mansou'a fl-lui, aloo IN cf home Resignation Stork's majority at was Reported told, of how deceit ' vivors of the were landed by story, simply Haieiton crew last'evening. about 525, but Peck's majority Secretary for Ireland in life breeds disaster. The eighth Mayor Has Received Definite an American torpedo loat. overaeas was 818. with several reel is the official War Gazette, af xv iptper gale at Rllver-11 Word at Last From the ceinetaries still to hear from. The London, Feb. 28. Much prominence showing the latest views. With 8o.nd Street, this MOTHERS increase in the number of votes is given the situation in eight big reels, tonights show is 1 1 from 8c. up. Ten Department cast in the Dominion election over Ireland by the morning newspapers, a very full one, and is sure to - 1 lit io select from. 53 New and complete line of boys' the number polled in the Provln the official please all the patrons of the West Gas Iniats will not 1c allowed clothing Is now in slock. Smart, cial, sixteen months previous. with announcement holme. in the salmon fUhing industry on well made suits for boys of all is remarkable, that troops have the Skccna River. A letter Roing ages and to be sold at moderate j been sent to assist the police in Mrs. K. Price, of Massed, who WANTED into the question in some detail ,..nrii. II. S. Wallace ui- uu. , i-ooiwear,.., an kinds for the County of Gare. Variou acts has been visiting in town for some Wallace's. (53) VOJ everyuouy. of lawlessness are reported- time past, left last evening for Loflgsrs, has just been received by .Mayor The of Mr H. F. Duke home. Dcs-bursts, position Rl0alng McClymont from Mr. G. J. Boom Mn,Men, the Deimtv Minister of BOWSER WILL POINT OUT Chief Secretary for Ireland, is the For New Wellington Coal and 8l0nl Man, Marine nnl Fisheries, in which chief subject for many rumors. It Ir Lumber of all dimensions, elunkey, is reported he has resigned. 'hone 116. he (Minted out the use of yp OF ..M0RQaNiUTD THE SHORTCOMINGS Co, W,ll'nis lxats cannot he permitted A M.nson. Union Cards are shown in Union ! a k . . 50 rv- GOVERNMENT stores. tt WESTHOLME FISHINQ ARRIVALS BREWSTER'S TONIGHT ONLY The Teddy J. is in this morning Second chapter of with 12.000 lbs halibut, the Al Victoria. Feb. 28. After a two did also Mr. W. J. Bowser, who NOTI0E. BILLIE BURKE butross wllh 12.000 lbs, and the weeks adjournment the second expressed his regret that the Government "Caught by the Semlnoles" Liberty with 15.000 Ibt. No sales of the fourteenth parliament was to Ik: without its The Princess Kna has ar- t ran Httro had been made up to time of writ session Uritith Columbia resumed leader. He would, he said, do all rived today with 000 tons THE STOLEN TRIUMPH" Ing. of of New Wellington coal for Official War GaxatU. For .. he could expedite matters, yesterday afternoon. Albert & McCalTery. Order t Bf RffU. Premier, hut he would still point out what Sbow tl t o'efcxk. 1,1 Ladysmlth Wellington Coal reduces Hon. John Oliver Acting now. 55 null 0nil8ATI8FAQxiON Mow. oiu will t si th he called the "short-comings" of rua your fuel bill and glvss made nttiHK reference to j cen4 imw. v - WKKK KWI IIKI.P satisfaction. Phona 15. .P. R Hon. Mr. IUcwstcr's illnett. as the government. Coal Co.