Mi TUB DAILY NEWS a , a News MAIL SCHEDULE The Daily , THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NO TllSn i MUTISM COLUMBIA For ths EasL PubIUhd Dally Wkly W ednesdays and Saturday Mondays, Guaranteed Largest Circulation at 0 30 a.m. --ptJ ,1 OFFICE: ic HEAD From the EasL Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, D.C. Tel. OS. Daily News Building, Some women hold to Sundas, Tuesdays and Thursdays TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING '8 cents per Inch. the idea that bread-making at 5.30 p.tn. Contract Rates on application. is a long and difficult For Vancouver: operation, but this is a DAILY EDITION no Friday. March 1st. 1919. mistake, for with Royal Tuesdays Thursdays ........10.....5 P".jJrt. Worthless Yeast Cakes, light, sweet Saturday ....T a Jn, the water edge, they bread can be made In a THE FUTURE. right to Without the At the present time, when the conclude that this northern few hours with but little From Vancouver , Name matter of railroad extensions land is no use for farming trouble. Sundays between the Peace River country Uut this is where they mistake FKUC-iaNHrtlnainwit O r oe Csral Tsatl R&k.II Rk cm. Wednesdays 1040 ftrfll. and the Pacific seaboard is The interior valleys, all tributary tabu fll U.u rb-ao.lo n.kUf b, .4 Saturdays Pm attracting attention, it scctns to this city, offer attractions a i roKimlk a tal ill KjtiITH r'r Ctk...w4Ma&t aa favorably tttt ntaabte krte bosk via t ul WRIGLEYS opportune to consider what that compare For An0t the advantages are, If jthere with any other portion of Sundays 10 p.m- be any which will accrue to British Columbia. The heavy E .W. G I LLETT CO.LTD. Wednesdays ..0 p.m. Prince Itupert, If the projected clearing necessary in "many TORONTO,tAHAD novratAi WINNIPEG on the package is the mark of extensions of the Pacific Great parts of the province is un From Anyoi: quality. Eastern Railway from Vancou doubtedly a drawback to the Tuesdays .a.m. ver to the Peace River are to be early realUation of returns to Thursdays . . 'It brands WRIGLEYS as the clean, carried out. In the past, the the settler, but in the interior BOLSHEVIKI METHODS political position of the cities valleys, the clearing is for the wholesome beneficial product of and Naas River of the south have enabled them most part light, and large areas The Ottawa Correspondent of For Port Simpson to sway railroad policies In occur-which with but little trouble the Manitoba Free Press, in tell-fng points: the largest chewing gum factories their favour, but it is to be could be brought- under of the count of the soldier' Sundays 10 p.iH. In the Dominion. hoped that this policy will no cultivation in a very short space vote in Canada says: longer continue, and that iu-ture of time. And there are man? "In Provencher. the one seat in From Port Simpson and Naaj railroad legislation will such places to be reached not Manitoba held by the Opposition. River Polnte: The delicious, refreshing, provide that roads be built a-long loo far away from transportation. Molloy. the successful candidate. Tuesdays a.m. comfort their natural routes, rather only secured five soldier votes. ing confection that costs sol little than the diversion of traffic It is not "generally known while his opponenL Mr. Johns. Queen Charlotte Islands: to favored centres. that the largest area of agri secured 31. In the constituency For Massett, Port Clements aud but lasts so long. All the traffic arising in the cultural land in the whole province a far larger number of votes were Upper Island points: producing portion of this Nor. is situated in the Xaas polled, but a large proportion of February S7th t pjm. thern British Columbia must valley, easily reached by trails the envelopes were rejected un March 13th and ?7th S pan. It helps teeth, breath, appe find its natural outlet by the from two points on the O. T. P-namely opened." From Masset, Port Clements and tite and digestion. shortest routes, and to divert Terrace, or Kitwangar. Nothing could be simpler than Upper Island points: it elsewhere is contrary to the Alternative routes are by the carrying elections by the Ilolshe-viki March 1st, &th and 59th (hour law that trade should follow Xaas river or from Stewart, at system. All you have to d uncertain) the line of least resistence. the head of Portland Canal. is to refuse to count the vote For Skldegate, Queen Charlotte The Prince Rupert is entitled to Many natural hay meaddws occur polled for the Opposition candidateand City and Lower' Island points: railroad connection with the throughout the valley, there you are! Under March tth and 18th 2 .m. Peace River country, not only some of them have been reckoned such a system of voting and From Hkidegate, Queen Charlotte Flavour on account of the shorter haul to be of as great an area counting the Government which City and Lower Island points: to the seaboard, but also from as a thousand acres in extent. controls the count can't lose. Mareh 6th and SOth pan. Lasts the fact that it is through while hundreds of smaller meadows Edmonton Bulletin. Prince Rupert that ocean products exist, forming- practically For StewarL 1'orl Simpson. Maple can be most cheaply ready made farms. The success Furniture wanted. Any quan Hay and Swamp polHt: shipped. In time, the great achieved in cattle raising tity. Good prices paid for eom- February 28th 10 pan. Peace River country will pro-vide and agriculture along the line lete household furnishings and March I tth and 3!st 10 pan a large market, and Prince of the O. T. P. has demonstrated .11 kinds of tools, men s suits, Rupert's strategic position the suitability of the climate oots, etc. Phone Red 21 1 or call From Stewart, Port Mtnpsen, MADE IN shoul entitle her to considera and soil of the interior as a n F. M. Crosby. 715 Third Ave. Maple Hay and Swamp point: CANADA tion, when the contemplated whole, and as the facts as regards Mareh tth and 18th ..pun. railway legislation is being these natural advanta Salvation Army. SAEE.1A LAJID DISTRICT DISTRICT Or a, formulated ges of the hinterland become Alaska ami Yukon Territory: QtfECX CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Apart from the development more widely known, so will the Public . meetings, THesttay From Mareh 2nd a.m. TAkE ROTICE thai DAMet L. talberlaad. TSkC SMitf akl f PMaxe Rapert. B. C. dark, loltoai to atl which is now in progress, in grrowth of Prince Rupert, the Thursdays and Saturdays at R p inr far McMi ta protpoct for coal and tare at mining, fishing and lumbering. natural outlet for its wealth. .. Pontinye at 7:3(1 p. m. COAL NOTICES rwtrotrun over the rHtcr dmb4 .jKSJ and shortly, let us hope, ship be accelerated. land oa lb whi Coat I Mraby ta-fkaaae c - building, these are not the only The demand for aeroplane, The Daily News delivered by SKU.VA ULVD DISTRICT DISTRICT Of land. Cnaniaeaeiai- at a p ptoated abowl Ua . raalt ea) I mat eaiierty Iron a boat located a tb aaas ai- things which will make Prince spruce has galvanised life into arrier W cents per month. QCEE.1 CHARLOTTE ISLA5DS abor of la tatt aid of Caao Paaa al a Rupert the chiefest of the cities the logging- industry and this potat aboel t sail northerly aiaac tb Past, tew al a on the coast, but there is also northern country is bound to LAND ACT TAKE .lOTICE that t, iaae P. Re Id. of nor from Berk Polat! Ihenc th It Prtaco Rupert. B. C. Proapactor. Ulead to chain, throe veal It thai; throe aba. obtain the farming. Many people pay a greater share of the pply for bceoc lo prwpecl far coal north IS chain; tbenc eul IS chaina ta awrah visit to this coast. They view prosperity securing by the SrtLt LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Of and petroleam oter tb folio U( oeacrtbad potat af cofumaorcoMOL CSUkM lo !' the mountainous nature of the new conditions. The present COAST. RA5CE 4. landa oa tb Weal Coaat of Moresby lalaad. DA5IEL U SUTIItRLA.Itt. scenery, and think, and say it scarcity of food etuifs, already Corameoctat al a put plan led aboat of By Cbartea E. Berrea. treat. Bi Rat- is TAKE NOTICE thai John Orac. of Van a nail aouthratlerty froaa a poat located Located .1(Member lU. HIT. tavtalast RuaBbe from the fine, scenic point of stimulating the fishing industry couver, a. f, occupation Bahamian, Intend oa tb abor of a amU Bay epcaisc ol view. This, however, is all might well be responsible for ta apply for permiaaion to teat the f canoe Pa betneta Moraby and CbaaU ItZXX LAXD DISTRICT II STRICT OP SICI3A i kl "X-? they see of this part of the pro. the opening up of these agri. f-rilovlnr deacrtbed land: lauada. aboat 1 mUet bortberty alone tb QIEE.I CHARLOTTE ISLANDS S3 vince, and they think it is all. cultural lands which are avail, Ooaunrnnar at a poat planted oa tb Moraby lalaod aid of Caao rati Irofn TAkE ROTIOE that Gartrada knatl. 4 TAkE V tl' I With a heavy growth of timber able. fareabor on tb et aide af Stewart Bock Pout; tbeac outb te chalnai tbaoc rrtnc ttopart, B. C, clerk, laland to apply at r..,-. a"' Narrow, about two mile aouta er Hartley eat te chain! tnenca north te chain for a been te pro peel for aai and Say; throe writ t r bains. income north Ibraca call te chain to the point of coan KtroarttBt evtr lb rollantar deml i ;.S pi ta chains, thence rait 18 (bate, tbenc anrncnneaL land oa lb Wet I Coaat of Moreacy laUadt 1 0 lan.1- aouth te chain to tba point of rotameoea-atent JAMES P. REID, AppUcaat. CcaxMnenclae al a poal planted aboat I i and coauiatnc 40 acres more or lt. Located .totecBbrr tlh. It 17. aula Miurly front a poat located oa tb ala l 31'.- S. S. PRINCE GEORGE iOH.v GRACE. Applicant. hor of tb ran aid af Caao rata at a jt mm DATED November IS, ItlT. SAEOA LAID DISTRICT DISTRICT Or potat about I.mile northerly akaaf lb at . . u l va sailing Ql'EE CHARLOTTE ISLARDS hor front Beck Petal; thence south SS o, ttrrt; 3R SEEE.1A LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Or (haiat; tbenc rati te chain; throe north ; Uea B- ' WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT TO ANYOX COAST. RANGE PTVE. TAkE aOTICC that I. ioaeph feiton. of IC chaina; tbenc lt It chain lo point a) fbawv ihB THURSDAY MIDNIGHT TO VANCOUVER, of cocom ncrtora L at ! i Prlaro Rupert. B. C Pro pec tor, latend VICTORIA AND SEATTLE. TU notice that I Intend to apply to lo apply for a Ucrna to prospect for coal GERTRUDE S.XOTT. BLUM be Honorable Cocamltakxvrr or Landi and and pet role tua over tb rotlovief deacrtbrd By Ran E. Chrlaienaea, a tent 8. S. PRINCE JOHN Works to leate tba ronowtsr dracrttwd Uadr on tba Wa Coaat of Meraeby lalaad. LocaWd .loveinber ISth. ItlT. land: Sailing alternate weeks to Ketchikan. Wrangell, Commearlnr at poal planted about of Juneau, Commends r at a poat planted at tb a mil SkELVtA LAJID DISTRICT DISTRICT Or i aoatbeaaiarly from a poal located ltt I aaii Skagway and the Queen Charlotte Islands. aorthwrti comer. abov bleb watar mark, on lb abor of a aautl Bay ope nine eat QUE CHARLOTTE ISLANDS v a "' at BarUett Point then ton chaina du at caao Paa between Moraeby and CbaaU TAkE ROTICK thai A I lander L. Salber-land, Tts tin TRAIN SERVICE tut. tbra soeut to tb Sbor line, then itund. about S mile northerly alone the of rrtnc Rapert. B. C attaer. lo-tend Paaaencer awaaar. WM4r tad stturtif at It 10 a. m. for Smttber. roltovlnr the coo lour of lb Sbor Us Moretby lalaad aid of Caao Pat frtan M apply for a Itceaa la protract far Prior Oeorr, Edntoeton and Wlnnlper, makib- direct eocneclkxu for all to the place of commencement. eoBUloiaf Back Point; tbeaco aottlb tS chaina; tbeac eoal tod petroleum orer tb foUovtae o- ,i iru point tut and too in. lntj acre, nor or leaa. eaat te chain; tbenc north IS chain; acrtbed land oa tb Waal Coaat of Macraby a i.. a. i,n i; JAMES DESBR1SAT, Bunarar. larnc wi chain to lb pout or com laland ComaucncUf at a poal Mauled r. TT . lL- Walca Itlaad Cannery. nenccmeoL r'!- Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. Noember 14 lb. tl7. fit JOSEPH SEXTO. AppUcaat. a lb abor of tba rati aid ot Caao rait aaeaieS se m it a For iuformation and reservations apply to Located .levrmbtr tin. 1 1 17. al a point about S mite a aor inert r aloe fa. ' M City Ticket Office, 526 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 SKEE!A LA5D DISTRICT DISTRICT Of anor from Bach Total; tbenc north i riy aiaa a ve QCrEM CHARLOTTE. IS chain; thence eait SS chain; three " tkEE."IA LA.1D DISTRICT DISTRICT OP IPaaai. uio touth IS chain; ibenr (at IS chain to VltE.t CHARLOTTE ISLA5DS r te raauu. tk .oa point TAKE .lOTICE that I, E. H. Sttapaon. Of cotnawnceateaL at rhaia i rrtnea Rupert. B.C. martoer, latcoda to ALEXANDER U SUTHERLAND. apply TAkE NOTICE .,,.... that I. Chart-, r By CbarUa K. for permiaataai to Bervtaa, areoL parrbaa tb railotc f T-flnt aspect. B. C, Intend t-ociiea to In deacrtbed laada. miner. nveanr lllh HIT i apply for a Hcente to proipect for coal and Luraied aev CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CunmeaciBC al a poat planted at north- petroleum otr tba follfiam d.Mt- IIIE.1A LASD DISTRICT DISTRICT Of aat corner of tb Loerfrllov Mineral r WA 1 1 Uada oo tb Wat Coaat of Moretby laland. VlEEjl CHARLOTTE ISLANDS claim, w. r. .Hartbeaat " comer 5a, roll, t:-l poal punted about of TAkE .Notice that Betty Emii. of Prtne lMeri Lowest Ra.tt all Eastern Points tbcbca wt SS cbaiai thence north IS a ami Bupcrt. B. to aoalbeatlertr rrom a tmat knu C. aura, latend la apply fr chain; tbeaca rail te cbaluj; tbenr aouth ... .jCa via Stea.ner to Vancouver and the te cbaUM man or trt atoar a hoc una oat tb abor of a amail Bay opralnr eel llrraa to pro.peel for coal tad petroleum TAkE 1lu I' w una raaa Kiaeea Moraaby and CbaaU evr tb follow la deacrtbed land In CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY to potol of commeBcrtneot roouiaiar 4S on r rtfai laUnda, aboat t mi lea northerly aUne tb i Gol of Moretby laUnd: Cunmen. t M ae li.it-nm Maaia and Berth Includtd arrta, ur or laaa. an Steamer DATED ITU Jaoaary. till. Morcaby laland stda of Ca&o Paaa (run btr tl poal plan led about I mil aatlerly fur a !" FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE c ii. Buck Potat; tbenc north St chain; tbenc pwi loraied oat tb abor of tb enter r..i a "wt'L sivrsox. ! te chain! tbenc aouin rHt.. rail aid of Caao t ail tl . aw a polat about S Mtl SS. SOPHIA aatla from Prrtoe Report Murk tad. I lib. tlrd April tad, By Cbaa. t. Benaua. Afeot tbenc aa mmiauh .1 rrr etl te chain t lo point t com- aoruariy aio tb ahor from Buck iat v and ilr:iM Itth. tint. May trd. Ml, and Jen lib. Mocejneat. rolai; Uienr north te chaina; thence eil n.'fia' 1 SS. princes ROYAL aaUs from frtora Reperl a. m February I Ilk. SAEEXA UL.VD DISTRICT DISTRICT Or CHARLES E. BL'RQESI. arr.llr.ni " 1 tnenc aovib te chaina! Utenra aaar ' 11 14 Tk abov aaiUntt are aubjret to chant er cancellation ntthottl mum. COAST. RA5GE I, Lor led November tia, Itlt. rail te chain to point of cununearemeaL The ai"' l BETTT EIOTT. Iter aw a (-1 W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Tat oo tic that lb Weaura Salmon IIEEMA LA.1D DISTRICT DISTRICT Of Br- liana r rhrin...... n .... fruiti it r-ackiat Co.. Ltd.. of Vaneoarer, B. C. oc-repatloa J.LL.1 VUARLOTTE ISLANDS .i,ruioer lllh, J. Co ncr Fourth Straat and Third Avanu. Prfnc Rupert. B.C. falaxw CaAnera, lawoda to apply ... " tl Mi ui t'i e u" ' for permlHio to le tb rolkivlat 4. U.1D DISTRICT rill TBI r-r nm ' arrtbed laada: TAKE flOTICE thai L Man at. uh.l.. Tkwt noi' , of Priac V"" .IIARLOTTE ISLANDS ajar tihl I) Rupert. B. Commenciaf at a poat planted at blab C, proapactor. , .while uai TtiiULii o.,.. " ater atenu k appiy tor a urent to of tnu u i mark, steaiBer Paaaar. (oa a&U pro pact Prtne for coal and tMirolrnm ovar tba rJi-. Rupert. B. r. flaharna i.i...,! ... an.i lo Wtbl oa tba aaid paaaar aboat on tall Don't smother couflk a ucesa t broancei rae e..i ..... atro iu ' merely arU4 land your 'ortb of Qulnamatt Bay) tea (it) tba ln as lb Waal Coatl of petrvletiin vr tb r&tb,i.. Huawfl i Mia oirni; tnenca twenty fe) Mortibr laland. Coauneoein at LmuI. ... " , mw.iwu,k-. II Pftor ptaaied aboel K of nlli v um wtat Coat I of Morcaby It tiayaei " rbata da a aoutbe.i-.t. land; Uatbica'a Sjrep ot Tar a4 Cod Uror OQ not oadr north, tbeac lately te (.otwiwnet,, irrnfl VTfi tl a boat Uut tiH) u ) . It I 1 1 I I toaic ajad rbaJn da raal, tbeac taaaiy from a poal located oa tb abort r , .i..... vtillt " ' K I4. peoairAlr arrtaU cotiebiar. txt tbant lo Ha ) "Ma ..tun, na . . b-f ' , it vWnJ ttreotrlbtBirr pevvtW It belpa tbetjaten to Urow eaT cnalas aoajth, tneoca back lo point of coaa-nMorrmraL Mnau ay opeaiae out or canoe paa b poat ioed oa In i xat.f1 loach Moraabr anil tbinl l,t.n.i. . m tk rtmrly tid of u. , .w. Aa ooid sad Ihua effect a permaarot cor. It t Uila quality waick no Mi Bar and roeuialor forty ut) .k.. Cano fata. mai acres awe or teat. atUa northerly aloor tb Morcaby laland ltnl UM' T horihrly ifn It tfc laixtat aaJo U aay coogk aa4 eol4 rmady U Caaa4a. THE WESTER SALMON PACtlNO COMPANY. mu i una raaa irun sura rviat, tbeac J?' ',7 ke from Buck Petal; tbeac vStt t LIMITED! & C Roberta) Aft. north tS chain; ibenr weal ft rbaUui 'The ' I Ibt I. ntATBUJAI CO, I DATED DeeeniW tut. HIT. ' I bene aouib It chain; tbeac i t W Ii-" ' . n cbalna to of tail point couuneacetaeoL wMttfurnirn t, tin II4XS t. CHRISTE3IE.1, AppUcaaL TII0II4S rCTKASOX. ."' . .. -'am ssa Advertise in The Ually Nowe. Located Aovetnltar It Una.. V - lib. tT. " " j. r. t. rati UKU4 a,.ario:a,TtTl By K ,-tl!t