Daily News 4 xOf? iM III. .jsaB7- tataa an in aaak Bai.Bav r. ix NO. ' ' I'lUXCE nuPI'.riT. U. 0 MON HAY, MAltCH 4th, 11M8. PHICK FIVE CENT C7W 5 J STILL ADVANCE N ire II Mi Ml ,ARGE CAPTURES OF RUSSIAN TROOPS. GERMAN RAIDS ON WESTERN FRONT ERMAN ADVANCE IN RUSSIA A TRIBUTE OF RESPECT TO THE GERMAN AIR RAIDERS BOMB STOPS WHEN PEACE SIGNED MEMORY OF PREMIER BREWSTER TREASURES OF ART IN VENICE BUT AUSTRIANS CONTINUE On Saturday evening, the following him last autumn from the Peace THE CASUALTIES ARE FEW telegram was despatched lliv. r Counti-. I had the privilege from Bishop DuVernel the if discussing with him many mailers here, to LTHOUOH AUSTRIA ALLEGED TO BE AT PEACE WITH UK- bearing upon the moral welfare (Speclil to TtM null Xe. af allied machines, nnd managed MIN, HER FORCES connnut ihvrbiuii urptukc neting premier, the Hon. John of this Province, and I was London, March 4. Priceless to get over the ancient city, when THREE WORE Towns ahu inntt Divisions op RUSSIAN Oliver, at Victoria: deeply impressed with the absolu'e.treasures of art in Venice have objects of historic interest are ARMY AND CORPS COMMANDERS. To the Hon. John Oliver. sincerity-ft i ui... l.l..iiin uesire I--1 i uj prumuic been damaged by the Teutonic air aimed at. There have been few Acting Premier, tile highest interests of British casualties from the enemy Viir as well as the staffs of two llus. Victoria, II.C. Columbia. raiders. They appear on each occasion raids. Be M fi . Hjr reason 'sian army corps. As head of the Church of England He was more than a politician.) to deliberately select the Raids are Common. it f Hie peace treaty I in i.. nusiiiaii lien it.1.iipiumi 1...-it. a. in this Province, I wish to 11 was a true and noble Public (historic buildings and monuments London, March 4. Attacks by .1. n 3s the ofllclal com. few day ago. Ilaron von Scydlilx jay my tribute of respect to our Servant. ,as their targets. Attempts to get the Germans in the various sec was emphatic in his statement late Premier, the Hon. Mr. Ilrew. f F. 11. Du VEH.NET. j to Venice have been persistent on tors along the French front have id headquarter thai Austria was at peace with ster. Travelling together with Metropolitan of Ilritlsh Columbia. the part of the enemy airmen, but featured the official reports from ( a movements in Itussia as well as with L'kralna'. in most cases, their efforts have Paris for the past couple of days. lid I- a (.-im? ceased. anil that no military movements been frustrated by the activity of In one raid near riheims, the Germans BRITISH HF.C. COMMANDER NOTABLE SUCCESS FOR Austrian Advance Oo On. were to take place by the Austrian the allied aviators. Occasionally occupied a small position, I Ma ti While Ber- troops against either of the two INJURED AT FORT WORTH ORGANISED LABOR one or two machines do manage but were immediately ousted by 1 .erman Invasion peoples. to penetrate through the screen the French, t. : 4 I: eUipped, the Aus- Finland Invaded. f.t;i ' ailing the lerrl-a London. March 4r German (Special a Tb Dttlr .ec. Transcontinental. Wireless. System NOTES FROM THE fEDMAWV EIYED. 4 IT " 1 are. continuing troops are reported to have been Fort Worth, Texas. March 4. Is Proposed From Atlantic that country and sent into Finland and il is said General lloare, the commander of to Pacific. OMINECA COUNTRV,""" L 'e more towns. that the Aland Islands are under the entire Ilritlsh Floral Flying P.rr3 sion of the Itus. gua;l by Swedish troops sent (Spm: h tim Dviy tt. rrulfcurrtAlE Corps in Canada and the United A carload of wheat was shipped s. i have also fallen.' there by agreement with the llus. Winnipeg. March 4. In a despatch States, has been severely injured from Telkwa to one of the big, f the Austrian. sians. in an aeroplane crash at Hick's the Ottawa correspondent sawmills east of Prince George FOR FRANCE Field. of a local paper says It is stated last week. It was the first grain' here that organized labor has won shipment the Valley has made DEALERS IN FOOD STUFFS FISHIN3 ARRIVALS a "notable success and that the east. I BtfoM Franc DactaMwi Wip Hum Government telegraph system cov On Monday last Alex. Chilholm Demanded a Guarantee of MUST OBTAIN A LICENSE The Wilson was in port yester ering twelve thousand miles is to brought into Telkwa a beautiful j Neutrality In Border day with 9,000 lbs. halibut: the be unionized. In future all em. black fox skin from Hunter Basin.' Fortresses. pltyees of the system wilt become II is llie.seovnrl skin since he.put.. Eagle with 6.000 lbs. their catches FROM THE FOOD BOARD sold for 15 He. Today there members commercial telegraph, the trap line out a few weeks ago Paris. March 2. Just before is another Eagle in with 19.000 ers Union and will not be subject pretty soft for Alex. the outbreak of the war, Foreign lbs, the Vesta with 4,000 lbs. and to Government or political inter- Mr. J. Mason Adams of Smith, Minister Pichon announced today, d 2. Following fit for human consumption is the Tide with 1.000 lbs. ference." It is further slated ers says that if his trip to the the then German chancellor. Or. lift it that the whole, made an offence, and, a in the The "Carruthers" the trawler that the Government system is coast had no other result it open- von Bethmann-Hollweg, sent word ease of wholesalers, no retail lielonging to the Canadian Fish shortly to be supplemented by a eJ nis eyes to how other people to Paris that if France decided to irade would be I dealer may knowingly permit and Cold Storage Co, arrived this wireless telegraph system from are living and has satisfied him remain neutral Germany would,require 'nse system by wte or wilfully permit prevent forenoon with 25.000 to 30.000 Montreal to the Pacific coast, with that the people living in the north as a guarantee of her neutrality j sda Pood lioard able deterioration. lbs of "scrap" fish. She has been relays stationed at various points. are very fortunate and are on the the handing over for the much better off than the period of the war with IUissia average ilatiuns govern, Retail Grocers Too. out since last Thursday, and experienced rs. retail bakers, Ottawa, March 2. .tn order has very bad weather and Mr. F. C. Itiley, of the Imperial city folk. He is now quite satis- the French fortresses of Toul and fin . merchants, retail been Issued by the chairman of was only able to fish for a day and Munition Hoard, who paid a visit fled that the north is the real Verdun. t: merchants, retail the Canada food board bringing a half. The demand for these to the Queen Charlotte Islands fount of happiness and prosperi The foreign minister said, that .4 t . .able dealers and the retail grocers of the Dominion ground fish is already increasing, last week, arrived back yesterday. ty- his statement, founded upon unimpeachable that I. i 's- On and after under license. On and after and orders are continuing to come Mr. F. Slacey, also of the Imperial The.. great.. .......banks of. snow and. .. m - evidence,i proved .!.. I II U I.Rrilinil. II. IIUTM1I.IV I Villi,-. le illegal for any May I. it will be illegal for any in to the Company here. Munitions Hoard, has also arrived ice thai nil the liuuiey river ana " v v orporalion to en- retail groecr to carry on business in the city. The Imperial Muni that are piled up on the bunks isd "ie. vr Instable- to t; or more of these without a license from the food The Vimy Itidge Knitting Club tions Hoard intend opening an of a .itrhl ..l,lnm S..m f lh . VKUtW IHH.IU I.UUIIC IUO IC of paragraph at the nl of.in- a license from the board. which gave a tea on Saturday In fice In Prince Rupert for the con oldest residents in Telkwa say stru-lim a telesranhed bv Dr. Yon rd, The regulations In regard to Killas's Ice Cream Parlors, made duct of their business. they do not remember such a Bethmann-llollweg'to the.fte'rman n makes It (llegal this trade are similar to those about 150 on that occasion. The thitar having happened before.'ambassador at Paris, and July 31. 1 for the purpose of covering the licensing of other re young ladies of the Club worked 'Matrimonial Felicity, a sceue The spring break-up might easily 1914, as follows: increasing the tail dealer, except that the last hard for the success of their function, from the 'School for Scandal.' cause serious damage. - "If the French government declares ig supply or inon- day for licensing of other retail which was well attended, Mrs. J. C. Brady as "Lady Teazle' ; The farmers of the Bulkley val it will remain neutral, your J mpling to mono-J grocers has been fixed at May I, notwithstanding the eold weather Principal J. C. Brady as "Sir Pete ley are anticipating a bumper crop excellent will say that we must. products. while the other trades will not be and the bad condition of the Teazle" at the Methodist Church this year owing to the great fall;as a guarautee of neutrality, re- Or f any food that is licensed until May 15. streets. Monday night. or snow winch is covering tne ....... land several feet deep, grangers of Tou, anJ Verdu whlcU visiting the district at lwe w,l and wll, re9lore GOLDBLOOM'S SPY ACTRESS IN PARIS , rmTD T 1 iiCC MCMTmMEn UAD great depth of now-on the roads, ft the end of lhe war wllh Uu9. CAUSES SENSATION i'vUiA IimflM lflLmiUiiLU iim if a.team gets off the beaten track g(a I the horse almost out of sight. , announce to the go .hal.. gaiJ M pjcho, is how . - ning of their new SUCCESSOR TO PREMlERSfflP Jabe Ashman returned to Tel- Oermany wanted peace at the mo. I iranville St Van. (8prul to Tlw Dtlt Xtwti kwa on Saturday night from, Uaz-'menl when she declared war. That msive and up.lo. a Un.r.u. . , vini-oh-. . I T1ii-- arrritl of. elton. He was on business in con-1 is now 8inCere she was in pretend- !b I - ady-to-Wear. The.the aelress Mis. Depey. who has; neclion with the coal lands he Isjing obliged her to take Sarah tSpvcltl to lbs Pally 5i ;the present acting premier, and tnat we up U F. Geseheil aim ilucd a minor role at j developing. Arrangements are urni9 for her defence. That is the Victoria. March 4. A hasty Minister or Hallways ana .vgricui J a. atluoti centres of Hernhardra theatre, on luecnargei now being made to organize a make she intended to us pay of the members of the luro: the Hon J. W. dc H. Farris, price 1 1 T iua and United Stales of having relations with the enemy .canvass company to handle the development if had the ft. t .I t..... a link rm Afit........k st I alila Attorney General, and the Hon for our baseness we CI tor f il has caused a greal sensation nere. ieKiiiure u u.v.. and the prospects for accomplishing i creations thai J. W. Weart, the late speaker of infamy to repudiate our signature &"!'..3 hAonuftn .f ih Imnortanl con. oi me uousc m'.. '' the desired end are y hers by arriving, leave Prussia repudiated no I members to choose from the House, and member ror-toutn as l U Ulll .1.1. I Elections of her alleged nccom- are four very bright. Prince llupert capital tearing up the treaty that guaranteed to the late Premier Vancouver. lint; for a successor ' hn aJl-s and do Justice plices. Brewster. The names prominently The Government and members will be interested. the neutrality of Belgium. "I yc- and taste. mentioned are the Hon. met on Saturday afternoon to The farmer dance on Wednesday . P. : . ln.,l ...in THE UNION MAJORITY. for publlo night was the biggest social RETAIL CLERKS. IkVID Will I Up. J. H. King, member for Cran- make arrangements a 'Ireie. hM f ,ulU' coaU-.lup and Minister of Publlo funeral, which will probably take affair ever held In Telkwa. ! rJr wa,,l nJ Vlrlsj. Ottawa. Murch 4. A complete brook, the 11 on. jonn ... mici, place on Tuesday afternoon. The hall was crowded, the people Meeting tonight at 8 p.m sharp. Ki'l - . "' ouf Vancouver and final analysis of the civil and Works: having come from all parts. The It ,'; 'ck Is exclusive military vote cast in General ele various committees attended to -," tn a'le lo come ction made by W. F. O'Connor. their various duties and assisted For New Wellington Coal and 8 ' lh...r choice. shows that the Union Oovernmenl ! materially in making the affair so Ir Lumber of all dimensions, bus a nonular majority of 26..21I. WANTED- VOLUN1 EERS pleasant. It was one big time hone 116. votes over the Untied vote of all right up to daylight when the re. Third Avenue. opponents of Government candidate.. ft M Hl III- W IIHM"VM ntlv -rates and nunnortors- - of velers had breakfast and departed The Government majority and Collective for their several homes, Tho ,f.'?.fa:' kn.ls - for nvar the oftleial opposition alone Industrial Legislation only disappointing feature was WESTHOLME " Wallace's. (531 was 32(1.008. T ils majority. 01 . ... ma f that the train from the west was ot the Means or TONlQHT ONLY course, was only made possible by Ownership so late that It did not arrive until the Dlsenfranchisement uiu, Production. after the dance was over, thus whereby thousands of Canadian Wealth about twenty-five or thirty from Hv.tl Brrel, A ?l(W Worn at 8 o'clock to the a in lit (Mtri Trunrto Tues.la evening able citizens were deprived or ineir Iteerulting 'iiunen. e the Hazelton's were not to votes. 11s well ns thousands of CARPENTERS HALL, tret here. "Omineca Herald." rrsiure In women, whom the Borden Oovern. the auspices of the Federated Labor Party. "MATER OP MEN" under bjr Otnlra Bslllvta, iiient were afraid of. welcome. Seats reserved for Ladies. Judge Young has returned to FR QUALITY KveryiHKly town from Hazelton, where he held Good Komedy. VH F nd Ladvsmlth Wellington Coal re GKO. B. GABBY, court last week. Judgment was SATISFACTION Organizer. s r, a duces voup fuel bill and gives deferred In the appeal of Mr, J. K. Stw turl st T o'clock. ,X HAY V I'.KK mil HELP. kfttlftfscilon. Phone 15. .P. R. Maguire. Coal Co.