1? V7 VCi Daily News s VOL IX NO M. MUNCH. nUI'KUT, B.C., TUK8DAY, MAIICH 6th, 1918. PH1CE FIVE CENTS PROPOSE OF FINLAND vi vi niR jj OUMANIA REFUSES HUN PEACE TERMS - CONTINUOUS RAIDS ON WEST FRONT MANY WILL INVADE WILL DEVELOPE THE COAL BRITISH TROOPS MAKE FINLAND TO RESTORE LANDS OF THE INTERIOR INCESSANT RAIDS AND ORDERjJWEDEN PROTESTS The information contained In ment road passes this mine, which WORRY HUNS GREATLY our Issue of yesterday to the effect certain extent simplifies Iriuis portalion to the railroad. The thai flings were beginning t" Land islands in baltio occupied by Germans prelim. coal is of a good quality, and when AUSTRALIANS ARE ACTIVE AROUND WARENTON AND INFLICT In the direction of the de- INARt TO OCCUrATlun ur r i r mnu nuoamna uls-TROYINQ move the mine is developed and producing MANY CASUALTIES, CAPTURING. PRISONERS ENEMY BRIDGES IN SIBERIA TO PREVENT velopnient of the coal lands of the for more than the local ARTILLERY BOMBARDMENT HEAVY. ROU-MANIA ADVANCE OF JAPANESE. interior appears to have very good demand, which is restricted by REFUSES PEACE TERMS. foundation. While the informa. the small population up river 3pf M riM Dill; Jifwt.) tion received from up river was meantime, the price in Prince Ilu-pert I (Sp(Ul to Tlx Dallj .Itwj.. , Manh 5.Oe.-j,ali.n general, and gave no details, other should compare very favorably CECIL CLAYTON IS MADE f London, March 5, The raids .::j J f the Alarm than the fact that there was the with the present cost of this by the British troops all along the tliV.it 3 iv a preliminary to FUNERAL TODAY OF possibility of business being done, commodity. SEAPLANE INSTRUCTOR line continue incessantly, much Co It t' 1 1 nf Finland. Of-i it also slated that Prince Rupert There is a very great deal to be the worry of the Cerman commanders, Si i u, i ( the Swedish PREMIER BREWSTER 'capital was interested. said for the development of those as they are kept in a ar ar that Germany I Enquiry of the capitalists, on resources that lie at our doors. Word has been received in town stale of suspense as lo when and In s: j the Stockholm by one brought out the fact that The more coal mines, and those regarding the promotion of Cecil where a raid will develope into an " here, ber intention This afternoon the funeral there Is to be something doing, for other minerals, thai can beiCIayton- 80n of Mr, Charles J. attack In force. Last night, a of the late Premier Harlan t tiiand, and that the and that coal trains passing daily gol lo produce in mis oisinci, Clayton, and nephew of "Doc" number of successful raids were f Sweden has pro. Carey Brewster will take 'between the Bulkley Valley and the better it Is going to be for all late carried out on widely different of Prince ltuperl. Clayton, aiy advised Sweden place in Victoria.Funeral will P-nre ltuperl with shipments of'concerned Instead of bringing has friends in parts of the front. The Australian Cecil Clayton be a public one. Out of respect I coal may be a matter of the not coal from the south, it may well town, who will be glad many to hear that forces entered the German to the of the memory is be that Prince ltuperl will be send-; trenches near Warenton, and after -killing ;t - ,p" V inland to reslorer- ,very distant future. There no he has been mentioned in despatches, Premier of this late J5a.'den has alio protested province doubt that the coal is there, wait- ing coal away instead, and received promotion lately. at least fify of the enemy, A- the government office this While this is but the start, it brought back eleven prisoners. i. 'u: 1 ' upation of the 'tag to be won. In particular, He has been on special patrol throughout British Columbia j I: 3 Is Smce the Itussians instance there is a seven foot is known that there are many pro 1 -i i r Ti i t n t n l I The Australians also captured -.?fl t iand from Bwcden. are closed against business seam under which a tunnel has inising prospects for coal in this . . r r .,. prisoners east of Messines, and today. The schools here in which with devel- south of Hollebeke. The casualties ir ri:i ago. Sweden has aU been driven for about fifty fmupper counln' annou,;ced week, Prince ltuperl are also closed the Australians and ijri t:Z: a bad hopes of rccover- this bed lies wiinin easy access opmeni. may s.eep mm uisinci among naa been one oi ms puois. $ti f r. i territory, in which this afternoon. of the railroad, and the govt in- supplied for years at a cheap rate. Twice his seaplane was brought olher nrUuh lroopss were light. after dawn this mornirflr. Shortly rja ...::M(-r ! me tWedlSII down, but on each occasion he 'sd settled, and she can-a saved. One' time, German the enemy's artillery dvWoped jwas a .,tic. xcupstlon of her METHODIST CONCERT TORONTO MAYOR AMBASSADORS destroyer winged the plane and considerable sector, and a activity heavy bombardment In the Lens i ' vy iry uermany wiiii ;brought it down to the water resulted. :z. xty SUCCESSFUL when miles off shore. YERY forty-two Dttlroy Communications. CRITICISES THE ASK JAPANFOR U)n this occasion, however, he ' A Comparison. ftsst .art March 5. The ; managed lo bring his machine London. March 5 Iiurlng'the a n . begun destroying What was perhaps tine of the . month of Jammer,, sars an official : 4 W W V t...m TIia nlh.. nn aa - - - -fr-. .. '.no trans-rlberian rail- happiest and most pleasing can M. SERVICE ACT: ASS S AN( K-Ji.2r!iE!. . . ny Lake Hsikal and the in Prince- uuperi i i.,n ihiiiiiis ill Lur airaa uiiru t c- certs yet given sea, quite rar enougn 100, unuer i -'- -;:. t according to ad. came off last evening at the Meted the circumstances. This time. by the British troops in France. here the State Church. The occasion was inuring me same penmi, iiriiisn by hodist Declares Little Result for the Entente Tohlo Representative the crew were rescued by a patrol day. It is believed in celebration of the anniversary destroyer. Notwithstanding all aviators- dropped 7,653 bombs in . . Millions Spent Quarter Request that Eastern Ally the The Germans ut ll !ans are destroying of the establishing of the Church. the chances taken by the fighting enemy areas. f anniversary, of Amount Would Have Protect Allied Interest dropped only 221 bombs in the &is Minmunieotion to this being the eighth seaplanes, they have got the upper t xpried advance of There was a large attendance and Oct Mora Men. In Siberia. hand of the Hun submarines, day time, while the British dropped i?X:-3." k ,ps. everyone present enjoyed Uie pro- 'and the merry work of seeking 5,800 between sunrise and sunset. More TrMtlss. ceedings to the fullest. The pro- Opami to Tlx Dtiiy (Special to TM Ctlly Mews.) out the underwater slayers goes r Jlarf h 5. Hupplemen- gramme comprised songs by Mrs. Toronto. March 5. The dissal- London, March 5. According on unceasingly. Cecil Clayton if Peace Term Declined. If ' 3 : rtttM.n Ihm Pnlrnl P. I. Mnnrix Mrs. Win. Millar. i.rii,... .il.ir.1. w annant In An announcement in ine uaiiy in.lmrlnr lr the United London, March 5...A dispatch 1 tip llolilieviki were and Mrs. Jarvis MeLeod, while Mr. throughout the country, caused by Mail here, the British, French and j5lales xaval aviators in seaplane ' from Copenhageh says lhat King i t I si I.itovsk. in addl. John V.. Davey. and Mr. Meth Davis ih. uni-kintr nut nf the Military Italian Ambassadors to the court. ,Vnrk in sreat Britain. Ferdinand of Roumania nas re : an peace treaty, also contributed items eacn.l rt gn jcc .ct or rather- its not work-- ir the Ilislng Sun were expecieO fused to accept the peace terms of a telegram from male voice quartette consisting k, oul as wa anticipated, was yesterday jointly request thaL FORD TRACTORS WILL the Central powers. i way of Vienna of Messrs. Davey. Davies. Clap- uiee, iere by Mayor Church, Japan lake all steps necessary to iu-n. No details are .tierton. and Lancaster made a ' . h. ...inP-,i that The Mill, safeguard the allied interests in CULTIVATE PALESTINE CITY WILL ENQUIRE sreat hit. Headings by liie iev. Ufy tfen.ce Acl j, costing .the Liberia. ; Hun Huge Capture. Mr. Crux were vera- well reived, country millions of dollars, and nils mauer nas oeen unucr ui-is RE CARNEGIE LIBRARY U li 5. llv reason of uml Hie "niece de resistance" of not getting results. If tb.f cussion for sometime among the Mr. Alexander Sacks, M- Dir-ectorof f t the Peace treaty the evening was provided by Prin-.-ays crnvmmonl had emended. one allied governments, as to wneuier the Zionist Bureau of - - ... - . . ... an ofllcial com- i-ipal and Mrs. J. C. Brady. "quarter of the money on volun- Japan snouia ue asueu to ienu t.er Canada, when in Toronto lately, At the meeting of the City council Military movement They gave an excerpt from tary recruiting, they would have military assistance in defeating had a thrilling story to tell of Jew-got last ovening, the matter of a have ceased." The -The School for 8eamlal" that old more men." 'the plans of the Germans. The Un nationalism which is to be Prince Ftupert obtaining a Carnegie i advaiire through nlav which is still fresh and new Kven those who were strong immediate action which is asked Ulaje possible asd practical thro-conscriptlonlsts Library was brought up by apiured 800 officers, every time one sees it. Needless and voted for it of Japan is the safeguarding of ugl tlie nritih capture of Jeru- a report from the Board of Works. i ::::) 2 00 guns, 5,000 to say. Principal and Mr. Brady aro wondering when the hundred, the tremendous quantities oi 8ajem ana the occupation of Pal-thousand It was decided that the City Clerk it a.'Uaiui of mo- were Mcelleiit, in tweir contribu-tnoliven in'" proatfsed will be munitions which are lying in the egtne as one of the first bene- communicate with the Carnegie .so.- and thou, linn in the nrogramme. The ac- praised. II is admitted that this Siberian ports, awaiting iraus- icent results of the war for tne Corporation, regarding this matter, ulway trucks. companlmenta for the songs were mimher nf ,n4n tsould be under portalion across Ihe continent to bmaer nations. and at the same time, com- ..i a i... i- w. V ilhnm. . . i..i.. . .i t....nnn vviolhap Jinsn. will nur. it. .i.- . t ewish Commis- ,municate with the cities of Van- uiHTrti ij ."iii. ' - - nrm nirpnnv hihi 111 KruiiiiiiH. uau iuiui't. - .am hiul b "'TAIN WILL RAISE Mrs. Crux, and Mr. . vaugnan vojuntnry system of recruit- sue her action into tne interior oi Hjon u now on the high seas, un- couver and Victoria regarding ANOTHER WAR LOAN Davies. After the concert, supper . b , Dcrmitteil to lake its Siberia is not yet decided. 'tier the auspice of the British their experience. , .was served in the Hall downstairs coursei judging by the rate the 'Government, which will reach The City Clerk pointed l out.1 I.that!i ' M ,... k i i. i i... i I ..li.. Ai.l ulileli Mas also ii. .nn.i. lnk.fnr.lli VISCOUNT FRENCH 'Palestine before the Passover and in ivu, mere was a piruiacuc 1 ' week lo raise enjoyed. I question of conscription !was j GOES TO IRELAND ., there unUertake the rehabi- taken on his same que tion turned down. A fifty ' won,,,'1 brought up at all. The pre-election litation of the forty eight Jewlshwhich was yesterday Willi London. March 5. Viscount ,.,,.. .n.i .in ..t.hiuh th 'thousand dollar Library is grant- Thr lni,ivi,li r.KRMAN'S Klrl.lNti ,r V, rU.nnnder of the Home VT " ." 7 1 ed on condition that ten per cent - - WHICH Was crusilru uuwu mv uro iiri)ii " .....-- - - ns were for 1,500.000 DIICCIA MPTAI throats of the people of Canada 'Force, left Dublin on Sunday for for 2000 ycar( anj will begin to'of this amount be expended an- 41 5 Tbn Tanks llAVM lintun vlll I nUJJlA TUfA lULllL.,at tjmw u ow tj,eu .p- County Clare. (arrange for the well ordered re-Jual- iipon. the upkeep. of the ni f s i a nnn m m '!' QIT.'i-,-m,i ii.. ...... U nnvv - 1..,. -f U a J.vk- In th land of. library. mis auueu .v.... ia. r,t,fll thriitmh the narently nir .,,..i,rv lf.l " -7 . " ... . -li . ..l.i ... on nn , ,,' " "i" "ding a week in each! p"' Tb n Vw- llndlng out that the necessity for .i.iuiiu. vvA.iir.c. "- their heart s desire. The urltlsn , it un ai'D..! ..hi . ... .,i.i......... ufi i a -iier. more men uo longer exists ace's. ".Government has made a deposit 'preciable addition to the taxation 'l',',,iPi'J the. list with over many Is taking advantage of the( In the Zionist Bank, which is to of the city. II. .J non being subscribed for'teace negotiations with Uussia to, be reopened in Jerusalem, and a I'II.I-k .in nn. T t. The next purchase every available pound of t co-operative wheat scheme to feed For New Wellington Coal and niimii.cri.nm ,.iM. tnrtnl. narticularly platinum. SheM the people and the army is being Ir Lumber or all dimension, uuu.UUO lis offer Ing fabulous price lorn WANTED- VOLUNTEERS carried oul Joiutly by the British hone 118. metal Government and the Zionist or. every ounce of this precious H . .. .. . w i. j and supporters of on Coal re- she can persuade the missians m to form a regiment of advocates ganUatlou. t IOUP luel bill mmA fllvtr offer her. . I , and Collective Mr. Backs had much that was WESTHOLMfl tlifctlon. Phons 15. .p. R. Industrial Legislation Interesting to say of the practical III III of the Means of steps that had been taken TONIGHT ONLY Ownership and were to be taken lo make neglected SAWMILL FOR SALE Wealth Production." Palestine once more blos. t ii. Soltxra. Um uk I rsmous -lor som as a rose. Zionist leaders or ttw uxxWi-n tut wit sa aU .... ...... a nVlnilr In III -i In Mw $2,500 rash to buy a water ilMr..uiMff will commence luesuaj eve..... - estimate that upwards of half a ur rl " saw mill plant, own. CARPENTERS' HALL, million Jew will return to the ' MAN OF MYSTERY power & Co.. Federated Labor Party old homeland during the next decade. Tb Crtiu of wtef mar! Johnson ed by Moses under th. auspices of the fnun lb nlloj of lb tludow. suitable The repatriates will go Site Port Simpson. reserved for Ladles. welcome Heal back with Fori! and mod. rOR QUALITY fur cannery. Apply Hverybody tractor KOMEDY AND GAZETTE OKO. B. CA8KY, ern farm machinery, with the Secretary, 'i' r and HATiauinn.in.. D. A. Johnson, Organiier. IS IV Ntt port Simpson, B.C. most hods. advanced agricultural met. Show turu tl T tfelotk.