The Daily News It "-t. ' 4 r7 PMNGK IlUPKftT, H.C., WKDNKSDAY, MAtlCIl PHICE five cent? yotjXj 0 riui D0 NOT LIKE PEACE TERMS IMPOSED BY HUNS-HON. JOHN OLIVER FOR PREMIER lAPAN'S INTERVENTION IN TEN THOUSAND PEOPLE ATTEND GERMAN SUBMARINES ARE SIBERIA IS NOW ASSURED FUNERAL OF LATE PREMIER SUNK NOW AS FAST AS BUILT IN INTERESTS OF ALLIES Sfcu: la Tb DJllr lt.' The funeral services look place h SAYS SIR ERIC GEDDES ! Victoria. March C Amidst mosl the Iiaptist Church of which Premier I impressive seenes, the funeral of Urewsler had been a member aU. ALLIED GOVERNMENTS, INCLUDING UNITED STATES A- the late Premier Hrewsler took and was attended by all the members BRITISH AND UNITED STATES SUBMARINE CHASERS AND DESTROYERS GREE UPON NfcWtaai I I run immmin it auuun iu rnt place yesterday in Victoria. The of the Legislature. The late ARE HOLDING UNDER WATER MENACE IN VENT HUOE SUPPLIES IN SIBERIA FROM REACH. cortege made its way through the premier's only son Corporal Raymond CHECK EXAGGERATED CLAIMS OF SUCCESS MADE INQ GERMAN HANDS. streets 'to the last resting place, Urewsler is al present overseas BY HUNS TO KEEP UP COURAGE. amid huge crowds, and ten thous. wilh the 1 5th Hattallon, and j -iu. vuir ! pe. The new Kibenan Itepublic ,and people paid their last respects ftie chief mourners were his two (Special to TIm Daily Xewi are able to destroy subs, allied L : Mas- h fl Tbe ques-, is known l be definitely against:to the memory of one of Uritisb brothers. Captain O. W. Hrewster, London, March 6. 'Great hritain shiping will not bo safe until they ' ii. tr.rte intervention Hi the HolNheviki. who have made Oilumbia'H notable citizens. of Vancouver, who was at his bed- and the United 81-ues an are prevented from leaving German j food to have been such a mess in I'etrugrad, and All ordinary business was bus. side al the time of his death, andmkfnjr the enemy submarines as ports, on their voyages of .r".rd t a .Jiai all the Allies as they have the entire control "f pended in Victoria for the occasion Mr. J. II. Hrewster, of the Seattle destruction. II is admitted thai fast as they can "he buiit," Sir l i(ted Ules nave a. Siberia unless in n few quarters ' and every flag flew al half mast. Post Intelligencer, Seattle. the only way to master the menace c-rd diale action to safe. of the vast country. Divisions of jF.ric Oeddes, First LorJ ol tho lo the shipping of the allied countries fulfil j3 interests of the power. Chinese troops are already ready !Admiralty told the House of Commons is to capture the German No Details. and only awaiting transportation APPLICATIONS FOR PARLIAMENT CALLED yesterday.., "Germany. is seaboard, and so leave them with, Wm. :g " March 6. Unll- to Europe. It Is extremely pro TAD UmtrvlV lirrrif I Kreau'it exaggerating i ner siirrcss- out a base of operations. So long tJ f jUi af nw in agreement bable that this force will be com. DISCHARGE FROM THE ; rim MUmJiil TYLER es. in one month as Aiut'H as as the depths of the sea cannot It a Jepar (treat Hritain, and blned with the Japanese army, ARMY ARE REFUSED Keventy per cent. There u no be successfully blockaded, as is Id -Deiligerenia on me while there is enough equipment (Special u Tt Ditty tn. reason to alter my opinion that the surface, the Germans will Have ; . vi anion In Liberia but lying at Vladivostok and Harbin iUl t tbe Dally Ottawa. March 6. The Domin the menace Is held but not yet opportunity to launch their dead i ccU. j i cmain to be worked to equip all the forces of Siberia. ion parliament has been called lo mastered ly campaign of murder against the Iv3t. Once in control of Siberia, it is otlawu, March fi. The three nteel for Monday morning Mn l ; Meantime, although the allies'allies months furlough for all the inar The Outcome. but a short step lo effect a June, eighteenth. med men who left Canada with the W ;be advent of armed Jap. tlon with the forces of Cossacks original first contingent has been HON. JOHN OLIVER IS SPOKEN c: 'cs m sioerta, wnere ai-!r:T who arc still holding out against arranged. Applications for discharge LABOn WOULD ABOLISH . I -a has been considerable the llolshevikl in southern Russia. ALL SECRET DIPLOMACY i front those who have already i r ation by Japanese The Japan.Cbino-Siberia-Cossack ,.c reached Canada are pouring OF FOR THE PREMIERSHIP a wide area, may combination will be a in. The government has been obliged .Spto-Ul Iu 'be titilj .Itwt.i a t Ui i.nite elTeel upon the very strong one. strong enough lo to refuse the requests ow. Iuidon. MaVch C. Addressing x .-r the war. It is create a diversion on the Kastern a meeting at Eastham last night; ing to agreement reached with the .... . Victoria. March 6. There is self to be a man who knows what effect the tt t mpmbable thai the front large enough lo 11 1 A e Impel tal War authorities. .niuui iici.un.uii, "U.,n.i.l.,.l he with Ihe lo discussion among wants, ability get be lighting strength of the Herman forces on ,y Japan may ine uiuor 1 ari), maue a situuk 7 I .line memDcrs on ine governmeni u, wnue nis tong experience oi I front in luir- the West. astern appeal for the abolition of -r"Mid, VIOLENT AIR RAID of lhe nou?e as to who will' parliamentary procedure makes diplomacy for by concilia- peace be Uie Mw premleI, ,t l5 I10t de-?htntpecullarly fitted for the post VENICfe lion and for a league of nations. DAMAGES cided yel whether the lion. John at this time. FORCES OF AUSTRIA-HUNGARY Oliver will continue in the post-J His handling of the railroad Home. March 5. In the most THE DESIRE OF THE MOTH. lion of acting premier, in which situation with regard to the Paci- ... . . . . l l a. I i t rm T". l l violent raid on Italy since the ifMJ'Miioii lie was piaceu uy nic laie lie ureai r-aiern nas orougm RESTORINGORDER IN UKRAINA war began fifty enemy aeroplanes Tonight at lhe AVesthoIme Premier Urewsler and so finish the forth praise all over the province. dropKxl three hundred bombs on Theatre, there will be a gripping session, when a convention could and his keen grasp of the situation Venice, doing great damage to play displayed, entitled the "De- be held for the selection of a new-sire enabled him to make the best - st rtm iuy one avalanche cul an Austrian many famous structures. Two of the Moth." Just as a moth premier. of a bad job. V: x Mar-rh 0. -Operations military train in two killing 20 hospitals were struck. Casualties will come fluttering around an ' While the choice of tbe Hon. The Hon. .Mr. Oliver has the I f i A Huiicarr forces for ofllcers and men. were one killed and several injured. open-light until ho gets his wings John Oliver as acting premier was confidence of his colleagues in the ' h cf order and securer U. S. Trenches Attacked. singed, and is thereby rendered made by the lale Premier Brew-;House, and of the people of the l awe are taking their Parts. March 6. A German attack Grave damage was done to the helpless, so is this course of ac- ster, it is most likely that the province and his long experience c 3 atl ofllcial statement. last night on the trenches Ducal palace, the Hridge of Sighs, tlon shown to take place even a- course which will be followed and undoubted capabilities make lulanch Hits Austrlans. held by American forces in Lor. the Church of St. John and t. moug human's in tonight's play. Will be to continue him in his pre- him the fitting man for the stren- - March fj. The heavl-c raine wan repulsed. American Paul, and Hie i.hurch of St. Simon llutli Clifford is the star actress, sent position. He has proved him uous work which lies ahead. a a, f the present winter patrols operuliiig in the same re. as wcli as other treasures of Venice. In nnn of thn IntpntA I nii1nt a 1 ' - u ta Tyrulese Alps have gion took a number of Herman which compose this play, she is pnur mi kxmro ill tup 3 C ring the last SI hours. prisoners. seen with a rifle pointed to the JUiriE. tllAnuU 111 111X. QUARANTINE STATION horse horses.thief In who response stole to her the father's man's CUSTOMS HOUSE STAFF TO BE CLOSED DOWN FEDERATED LABOUR RUSSIAN PEOPLE ARE invitation to shoot, if he considered the waste of lead worth it, It is learned that Mr. Hugh After having been in commission AGAINST HUN PEACE HANGALLTHE PARTY ORGANISES she considered the problem of tak Dunn, who has been for many for about six years or there, ing the man's life, and thereby years in the Customs House here. by, and only last week having its K in the Carpenter's Vologda. Ilunsia. Marrh 5.--The RED GUARDS demonstrates that a girl even with al Hutedale. It is understood that first patient, it is understood thr ' 1 1 miliary organisation interior of Russia, following the a rifle in her hands is not always Mr. Dunn will take over his new-duties the Quarantine Station on Dig. a tocal branch of the example of Moscow, declares lo be depended upon al a pinch. immediately, and will leave by Island is lo be no more. What of Wolmar Captured, J l abour Parly was held, strongly against a separate peace When Town There will also bo a gazette, for Hutedale next Monday. Mr. the building will be used for. or ' g had been called by with Germany. Workmen's and Two Hundred Persons Hanged showing the latest war views, and Jarvis McLeod, collector of Cus. whether they will be shut up ep- A; -. . Casey who Soldier s councils In many pro- Without Investigation some of the lied Cross work in toms of this port, is at present in tirely Is not at presenl known, but kric d the objects to bo,vincutl centres arc Usuing mobo- by Germans. ruined Halifax, and a splendid Ottawa. ! there will be no more Quarantine J by this organisation. Uiation orders proclaiming a iStw ii Dsilr ." comedy as well. Mr. Hugh Dunn has been with Station. Mr. and Mrs. Smith -i i of members were fight lo the finish In both of the the department for many years , have had charge of the hospital A London, March 6. semi-ofll i and there were several : revolutions. now. having joined as a boy in buildings for some years now, Tra...' j London, March 3. German cial news agency diitpatehed from GERMAN PEACE Vancouver ivnd "was transferred while the launch "Evelyn which Petrograd quotes a llolsheviki pro t ' iircniiij.! i.ntwio in funuti nr iiiovinn on the town of here. wien his parents moved, has been continuously ii coin-north which that when 'r.aua (us refrained from taking IMogole. on the Moscow-Pet ro-o'M clamatiou says in the early days. Doth be mission also belongs to the Sta-and p action and It Is'grad railway, which place is the Germans entored Wolmar,were Feb.arrest SO IS REGARDED AS Mrs. Dunn will be missed in lion. hundred lb a vi. w ..f getting direct ao-j chief frelghl centre for the feed-'ta two persons Prince Rupert when they take, Dr. Cade has been the Quaran. that his new association Is Ing of Petrograd. says a dispatch ed and hanged without investiga their departure, which will be the tine Medical Ofllcer .since the de. n' It Dir.. (mint. Kim II 1 T I fr.n., PAlmarml nmliT date of Kri- tion. The Germans have an SCRAP OF PAPER first effect of the Union Govern- 'parture of Dr. Tretiiayne for overmen! h r as appointed secretary, and I day, received by the Exchange no u need that be all killed.llolshevikl Red upon this city. The Depart, seas, and it is probable that this fuKri. ! meeting will be held in a I Telegraph company. The Ger-Tcw Guards"Left"will Reject Terms. inent at Ottawa is evidently un-' position will be done away with time. I mans nrobably intend, the mes Russian People Will Soon Decide dertaking some new policy, as too. sage adds, thus to cut off supplies Petrograd. March 0. Social At a con Whether German Terms are hitherto it has not been the cus. JOHN REOMUND UNDER from Petrograd and to compel the ference of the Left resolution was revolutionaries Acceptable to Mass tout to station senior and old ex.1 THE CRADLE. a of People. members of the Cus to famine. perienced WENT AN capital to capitulate "conditions OPERATION adopted rejecting the toms staff at small and Large columns o f German untmport Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Hyron L' the correspondent says, nf neace which have Dren accept wcUl la Tfx only . ant points like Hutedale. at the Prince lllV.n Ma..l. It it. i. . troops, of the Central Pearson, of Terrace, toward Novosokolin-Iki. cd by ihe majority Petrograd, March 0 The Peace Mrs. Dunn and family w ill take March rail are marching committee." and calling nupert General Hospital, on th (,. "i m irisn party in Knetny forces have occupied elective Treaty signed by the Dolsheviki up their residence In ancouver, -j, a gQIU ""urn! an of t'.ommons who.......tin the station of Kliaslitsa in their mi the urolctariat lo defend nus government of Russia with the while Mr. Dunn takes up his duties ' J - i-. (n. Pl u r" sia against the German-Imperlal- down the coast at Hutedale. that 'lay ,ia ni i.' 'r1 linove.nenl in the direction of Pet " German representatives ou Dul " cry Kooii nay xograd. i . . . fateful Sunday at llrest-LUovsk J H..mewhi -i- Manv Times wh. WESTHOLME british embassy night -"- is now regarded as only a scrap of Washington, March 6. Several (taper. The highest enthusiasm arrived in Finland! lost and mil TONIGHT ONLY thmisnnds lives were for fighting Is now prevalent n..n. of dollars worth of damage 'through Petrograd and the surrounding (Special to TIM Dally ?Uw) Haiti CUHurd la ths done In the city of Kiev, during IK districts. The pan executive London, March 6. Members of " DESIRE OF THE MOTH " recent fighting between me i couticil In Petrograd have the Hritlsh F.mbassy In Petrograd ulib Munrv SalUbury a ad as all ITS-Pol lwer saw mill plant, own. .miliini anil the llolshevikl. ac called an extra ordinary session have arrived at Helslngfors, Fin-land. nar raat, VW ed by Moses Johnson Co-- cording t delayed consular tele, of the Soldiers, Peasants and Cos. UNIVERSAL WEEKLY rt Simpson, Silo suit. grams' to the Slate Department sucks at Moscow for the twelfth of abuMlav offltial sr flaws an4 kml Ckm Work In lUllfai. FOR QUALITY able for cannery. Apply received today. March, when it will be decided Ladysmlth Wellington Coal reduces KOMEDY ' IVI,;; and ). A. Johnson, Secretary. Welllnoton Coal and whether to accept or reject the your fuel bill and gives s "o SATISFACTION A Porl Simpson, 11.(1. (50) r-I omhae Naw of all.. cimcnsion.... i- terms of peace which w ill be such satlafaollon. Phona 18. .P- R. bow atari st 7 o'clock. ,X HAY WKKK lOH IIKI.P. Ir s 110. n costly alTair for Huista. (Coal Co.