The Daily News WAIL SCHEDULE .. WRiG LOS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NO .TUSH I BRITISH COLUDIA 4 ADC I For the East. Published Dally and Weekly ICANADA Wednesdays and Saturday Guaranteed Largest Clrcu'.Atlorv Monday!, at 9.30 a.m. HEAD OFFICE: I Prom the East. Diily New Building-. Third Avenue. Prince Rupert. B.C Tel. 98. Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 5) ccnU per inch. at aUO p.m. L Contract Rates on application. I For Vancouver: oy 4 ?:J r- .it3..e UAILV EDITIOH UVdne-siiay, March fl. 1918. Tuesdays in 5 P1"' -- lliurguaj Saturdays 7 anu CONSCRIPTION. own operations as well as tli. se The rent pronunciation of of her allies, Great Britain has If.n.Ail.l, the Mayor of Toronto on Ihe started on Monday the raisin Sundays ,0 p.t. manner In which the Military of another 100.000.000. It is Wednesdays n-M a.m. Sen ice Act is falling down is expected that this amount wiO Saturdays pjn. significant of the trend of be subscribed within a week. TO THE CIRL HC LEFT BEHIND: thought of many people And doubtless the expectation For Anyoil throughout the Dominion. The will be realised. Sundays 10 P-m- Insure your 'military man" urgent necessity for more mon, The wealth of the people of Wednesdays 10 l.m. fighting men for the front, was Great Britain, obtained by their against thirst and fatigue. the thing which elected the pre- nrodurinir power, was never From Anyox: Keep him supplied with than nt this sent government called Union more noticeable Tuesdays a.m. Up to December 17 last, more lime, as is also their willing Thursdays lJ men from Canada was the one ness to lend that which they or the world to the land promised thing upon which the fate of have. This sale of War Bonds, to their forefathers thousands For Port Simpson and Naaa Rlvsr WRIGLEYS the Allies rested on the West loo, is all the more remarkable, of years ago. which will point: ern front, according to the coming as it does, after the show the working out of the 10 Sundays p.m. politicians. They brought re phenomenal success which attended prophecies contained in the Old turned soldiers to speak of the the movement of the Testament. Early in the War the creat value "Tanks" throughout the length From Port Simpson and Naas ot WRKJLEY5 discovered manner of fighting, and of the But the territory given in was by ln which the Canadian of the land last month. "Tank" former bears to the men of River Points: the Allied Armies. Books on the held in all the larger Tuesdays un. weeks had suffered. The were battalions all Include Judah does not and cities and towns there, when War. maeazlne articles and correspondence cry of men, and more men, Palestine, and the remainder of still more men overwhelmed War Bonds were sold to the the country belongs by right Queen Charlotte Islands: to the press, tell ot Its that of ships, more ships and people in enormous quantities. For Massett, Port Clements and to the descendents of the other use by the allied forces- the comfort still more ships, which the government Millions of pounds, not dollars, ten sons of Jacob. The land I'pper Island points: subscribed each week on 27th 2 and refreshment It atfords-the of Great Britain was were was promised to them as well February pMi. asking for. and for food, more the arrival of the Tanks, and as to the men of Judah. There March 13lh and S?th 2 p.m. "pep" It Inspires food and still more food, which there was quite some rivalry are other Hebrew s besides Jews. From MasseL Port Clements aad according to all accounts, all among the towns in England. Upper Island points: Biblical students are witnessing the European allies will be asking Birmingham beat all the others much of interest these days, March lit, 15th and 29th (hour THE FLAVOUR LASTS ! for before this summer de- there by subscribing over tfl,-000,000 in connection with the searching uncertain) velopes into Autumn. or $30,000,000 during of the scriptures. For Skidegate, Queen Charlotte MADE l1 CANADA The immediate necessity for the stay of the Tank in that Already plana are outlined City and Lower Island points: conscription o r compulsory city. But when "Julian" as this for the utilisation of the tremendous March 4tti and ItfOi 2 pjn service was impressed upon the tank was named, left Glasgow, hydro electric power From Skldegate, Queen Charlotte people, to the total exclusion of . it had sold over 11.000,000 provided by the river Jordan City and Lower Island points all other considerations. And'; worth of War Bonds, or nearly and its tributaries. The river March olh and 20th pan. of large half the amount asked for the iy the depriving a rises 900 feet above the sea number of Canadian citizens Canadian Victory Loan. and falls into the dead sea For Stewart, 1'ort Simpson Maple .WRiGIJEYSw of their votes, and the withholding People have often said that some 300 feet below the sae Bay and Swamp point: of the right of the the "old country" Is played out. level, and half a million February 28lh 10 pjn. majority of the women of Canada Since 1914, such has been dis horse power is a low estimate March 1 4th and 31st ....10 pjn to cast their ballots, the proved, and the manner in of its immediate capacity. Union Government was return- which the old country can pro There is sufficient hydraulic From Stewart, Port Simpson. ed. But although the Military duce the sinews of war shows power for the use of the greater Maple Bay and Swamp point: Service Act has been in force that this is very far from being part of Palestine. With the Mareh tth and loth pjn. for many months, there is so the case. introduction of the more mod IktENA LAND DISTRH-T DISThlcT of LAU z.1 a far not single man overseas 1. 18. NJS. IM'IM CHARLOTTE ISLANDS one ern method of developing the Alaska and Yukon Territory: TAkE NOTICE that DaaM L Seeheftaad. m tmi where they are so urgently ZIONISM. resources of this liltl country. From March 2nd ajn vs. there Already there are forty eight required, nor are any-1. there are bound to be great jpoty for a Meeaae e prwapeet far awai awe tat thing like the hundred thousand Jewish colonies settled in Pal pelrwteuan ever the ftOtewtat eeribe4 e i' J t3d changes in the land which has COAL NOTICES c h men called up. etine, and since the news of a in Weil Coait of MrSf II- ; changed not for centuries. If cuummi al a ratal clanked abut land: Oft, -r. avat The facts would the of Jerusalem and they capture as are Elijah postpones his return for I KEEN A LAND DISTRICT DISTIUCT Of BMke eat u rty from a potl leeatrd oa um see to warrant the belief that all the land to the south of it seem a few years longer, he will then QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS tboee ml tne eait de of Caan Paea at the people of Canada hjve hnd by the British, the hope of the point about I anile bortfcertr akaat Um rate, M at a sc more to talk about than his one slipped over lhiii again, Jew for a resting place, a land TAkC .NOTICE that L iame P. Raid, of her rrota Back rout! thence aoeUt SO ta " -chain; fiery chariot. Prince B. intend to thence weal IS ehaiai Ihrwee tmm se 'hauls. 1 Rapert. C. Proipector. by the astute coadjutors of Sir that he can call his own, seems ' " ta M apply for a licence to pro peel for coal aorU SO Cham; thence eatt 10 chataj U " Robert Borden. And lha people about to be realized. These NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT. and petroleum ever the follow tat deaerlbed point of cotnnaeaeeaneaL : t nw seem to Iclow it. first colonies are already self, , 8. C Chapter lit.) landa .ra the Waal Coat I of Moreaby litaad. DANIEL L SUTHERLAND. rt n i m governing and already a Jewish AKERBER0 THOMSON and COMPANY. Comtneoclaa at a pott planted about ef By Charle E. Bar ma. ateatL ' 'xac te WAR LOANS. commission is its to LIMITED, hereby We no tire that thrj mile vouiVailerly from a poet located located Novetbber 10th, HIT. ,Ltd Nrteaabe t on way bae. under eecUon of said act depoelted um the (bore of a until Bay openiar 00 After nearly four years of war, Palestine to establish the first with the Minuter of Public Work at of Canoe rail between Moraby and CbaaU ELENA LAND DISTRICT DHTfctCT UP tkka.NA LAU bl-UlTEN during which time sit lias ex.; Jewish administration there after Ottawa im In the office of the Dlitrtct Itland. about mi let northerly alone the CHARLOTTE ISLANDS yltl' 'tHAK Retlitrar or the Land hrtlitry Offle. Dl- TAKE NOTICE that oeetrwde laett. of. tale nM th pended enormous sun:. of which it will arrange for the Moraby liland aide of Canoe Pat frtea her' i rift or Prince Rupert. deacrtplioo of the Buck Point; thence south IS chalet; thence rrtnee ReperL B. C clerk, MMead a p- of Prmee Rxpeet. i money for the financing of return of Jews from all parts Mie and the plana of wharf and other to for tool aad f' '3 weal IS cbaini; thence north is chain (ily for a Ucenae preapeet aaatasw K appOj ' 4 work I prcjpoeed V be bull I 00 Lot one, thence eatl 11 chain to the point of com petreleuni ever the teUewtat oenbe4 far aa4 ana peerut. W'lterfroni Block P. City of Prince Rupert. meneemenL Uodt on the Well Goett ef Mereay laUndi lnitaTil uae Province of Brttlih Columbia, end take I AMES P. REID, AppUcaaL Cotomeocint al a pott ptaatd aboat I Maroilif SaSaad. 1 a 1 notice that after the expiration of one Located November tin. hit. ewie eaiterty from a poet located the ataattd alasas te 1. eii month from the dale of the Brit publico. bore of the eatt tide or Canoe Pea at a sot basil ta taiaww S. S. PRINCE GEORGE Ikxt of I hit notice Akerberc Thomaoa and a a SkEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OP point about a mile neriheely ahc the awe at caaw Paa. sailing- Ojmpeay Limited will under Section seven QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ihor from Buck Potal; thence aouth SO aaaa aet'thefty ek.t j 11 f the aaid Act, apply to the Minister of thalai. 1 hence eaal SO chain: thence north raaaii WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT TO ANYOX rubtic Worka at bit once in the City of 10 chain: the ore welt 10 ebaiaa te point iiu.i tor approval of the aaid alia and TAKE NOTICE that L Joaepb Set loo. of THURSDAY MIDNIGHT TO VANCOUVER, tf commencement iwtei an ehtlai to 1 plait and far Irate to coot lm ft the aaid Prince Rupert, B. C Proapecior, talend GERTRUDE ENOTT. SM&eBt ' VICTORIA AND SEATTLE. ebarf and work. U apply for a Ucenae to prort for coal By liaai K. chmieniea. ertwL By tha. Mw Dated at Prince Rupert. B. C. ihla aecond and petroleum over Um folio 10c deaerlbed Localed November I0U, HIT. Leeabetl Neeeeaber 1 8. 8. PRINCE JOHN day of January Mil. land on the Weal Coast of Moraeby Itland. Sailing alternate weeks to Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, AkERBERO THOMSON and COMPANY. LTD. Commenelnt at poet planted about 4 of SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Or It ILK A LAND bi- ' . r-STKJt David Thomaoa, secretary. a mile aouiheatierly from a poet located . . a::l Skagway and the Queen Charlotte Islands. QtEEN CHARLUTTR ISLANDS QVt4B CM AM ' 00 the hore of a tmall Bay openior eat TAKE NOTICE that Aleieoder L. ether-land, 1 f S KEEN A LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OP f Canoe Pat between Mertehy and Chaatl TAKE NOTICE U" 1. .ii a- TRAIN SERVICE or Prince ffuperL B. C miner. Intend! COAST. RAN 0C I. aland, about I mile Northerly aloof the rnawe Haeert. S ruwam Bh4ii, W4Mr sad SaurSiy al lists t. m. tot Smltbers, Take notice that the Weatera Salmon Moreaby laland aide of Canoe Paia from to apply far a Ucenae la protpect for lead te aped ' : tr-Jpat Prince Oeorre. Edmonton aad Winnie. Buaktnr direct Uou fpr all Parkins- Co.. Ltd, of Vancouver. B. t, oe Buck Point; thence aouth IS chain Ibeoc coal and petroieea ever the fetteetaf de-tcrtbed Ml and niieHam .;BI M I llW pout tail and tooth. ewpatlon Baboon Ceanere. Intend to apply eaat is chain 1 thtnee north ( chain laoda on the Wet I Coatl of Moreaby eerilwd laamt a the v for pcrmlailoe. to leaae the following de ihenre wet SO chain to the point of com liland: CaiccmenelBf al a poll pleated Is aimaiearii. 1 aertbed land: meneemenL about I mil eaiterly from a pol lacaied a 1 P Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. en tha abore of the raat aide or Canoe Paa 1 ,. .! Commencls at a pott planted al alth JOSEPH SEXTON, AppUcaaL ikwaied ea the aewrtr ' For information and reservations apply to water mark, Steamer Paaaare. (on a small Located November lib. HIT. ai a puial about s suiWi norUwrty akmr uaaee Paea. and a a . lid City Ticket Office, 628 Third Avenue. PHONE 280 blfbt 00 the aaid paaaare about one mile the hore from Buck Petal; thence north alu( u- a north of QnlnantaM Bay) ten 0) chain 10 chain; thence tail 10 chain; tbeoee Ihewce awrta SKEENA LAND dut wed of laid blvbl; tbeo-e twenty (tS) DISTRICT DISTRICT OP aouih IS chaina; thence well 10 chain to S 1 balm, the -eatt QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS jcdite)it chain due north, thence twenty (SO) point of cwnmcncemcnL to cwaiae a i- i rbaina due eatt, thence twenty (IS) ALEXANDEH L. SlTTIlERLAND, Al 1 'I . , 1 J..41 chain south, thence back to point of commencement, TAkE NOTICE that I, Charle E. Burr, By Charle E. Buraeii, arnL By th and eontaiolDf forty (41) or rnnre tiuperi. u. C, miner, ulend to Located November 1 0 th, It IT. Lawited Neveaaber i" CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY acre more or lei. apply for a Ucenae to protpect for coal aad THE WESTERN SALMON PACKING COM petroleum over the folio lea deaerlbed SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OP Nil' PANY. LIMITED; C C. Roberteon Aft. land on the Wtt Coatl of Moretby Itland. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS W ATKti DATED December Slat, HIT. Commenclof al a poet planted about of TAKE ROTICE that Bitty Knott, of Prince ((Mveteaun ' 1 1 M Lowest Rk.ea to all Eastern Points a mil aouiheaiierly from a pott located RupefL 8. C. nurie. laund to apply fer via Stea.ner to Vancouver and the WATKR NOTICE on the abore of a (mail Bay openlny out s Ucenae to protpect rr coal and petroleum TAKE ROTItX that i'w r 'T CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY of Canoe Pat between Moretby and Chaatl oitr Um follow lot deaerlbed land on lb jinuri U41H DIVERSION AND USE. niandi, about mile Weil Co 1 1 of Mortiby liland: Commene. northerly aider the Bui Torkafeire M let Meala and Berth Included on Steemer TAaE NOTICK that Jamea 8. Emeraon. Moretby liland td of Canoe pan from lay al poll planted about I mil ilrly i" .a. MJ for a FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE boie addreu la SI I Paclfla Buildtnr. Van Buck Point; thence north SO ebalnij thence from a poll located on the bore ef the aapty eer' . 1 SS. SOPHIA aaiu from prince Ruprt March tad. tttb, April tod. I tth. Ird couvcr. B. C, will apply for a licence to can if cnainat thence south SO chain nl aid or Canoe pat al a point about per KDiaw Mar trd. Kil, II in and J una tth. take and uae 100 C8.P. of water out of thence wen 10 chaina to pot at of com miles northerly alonr lb abore from Reek land drew im , 4bC8t Union ao1 4. ROYAL aaUs from Trine Rupert S an. March 1 1th. tlrd, April Sid. Creek, which nowa wefurly and menremenl. Poml; thence nerth SO rbainti thence wait !' .,. drain Into Union Bay about at the head sard airth.aler Uth and tllh. II chaina; tbeoee CHARLES E. BUR0ESS, AppUcaaL aouU) 10 roiei thence of lt a of aaM smr a. may tail from prince Rupert Mirth ilia and nth. bay. Located November tth. 1117. cut 10 haina to poioi of commencemenL win w ...... fr- the waler The be waler will The abor saluu- ara subject to etaot or cancellation without nolle, diverted from the BETTT KNOTT, . . i ilnl al' ilreato at point about wber Union Creek W. O. ORCHARD, General AQsnt, Uarta Union Lake and will be naed for SkEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Of lAcated November By Han k Chniunaeo, i(tnL tulle fruas iu meeUi t ,. una H- HIT. '' power (and Incidentally manufacturing;) QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS I0tb( Heaia purpur V Co ner Fourth Street and Third Avenue, l'i!nce Rupert. B.C. purpoae upon in unda deaerlbed a bit SKEENA ai im 11. LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OP ..Ur. it a. I"-1' iriet Lot tit, CaaiUr DlilrlcL TAKE NOTICE that I. Han K. Chrtiten Tbi notice vacn CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ui ta cod ta uf " wa potted on the (round oi rnnee en, Rupert, B, C. proioecior. TAKI! Nf,Tff ..... . on the It lb day of January, till, a copy Intend to apply for lietnae to prorpect .ua! m.L..inomai r tr too. or of UM noU tad ai or thi notice and an application PM- c- rBin, Ulend to Ibtnee aad t iae purtuani ror coal aad petrol uxo over the follow lot Don't smother 1 hereto and to tha "Water -fsoT IWf WfflUal IA hPahlPMtl fas eaol . be hied b ' '" merely your cough Act, lilt," will detcribtd land on tb Weil Coatl of petrolMtm do niea in the bmee ef the Water Ra Moreaby liland. CEmmenclnr al a potl over the fellow lay deaerlbed al PfSses Rupert, ...... f corder si Prince " " .ikul. I., II. ..I Rupert. B. C or Nemby liland: Wgr j-wn wrfT iUlhieu'a Syrup oi Tar aad Cod Uvea- Oil not eOr OtJtcUoo to the application punted about of a mil oulbeaiirly CoUiUlwiai- al a m.i r.i..i., . ... M With h eKl " ' parna-viiaa ma u I I Ism I4. I I hot thaaa to It tonic sad rrun a poai located on the abore of h.rt't armu coairwtsf, proturT Bled with tb aaid Water Recorder "' located eiiutr'lii ' ' " or wiia mail P"H on the Bay out of aj a M. prvriita H help the tyelewt to Urvw eT optninc Canoe Pan be itrtDElbcnlug ine comptroller or Water Rifbta, prUa riy not of caoo Paia. Buiiuiiif, fh coM and tiM effect pernuuieat cure. It U thle quality wkich Ww ww meet BoiMiot, B. C. Kieen Moreiby and Chaatl liland. about aaa at a uyai . . . B She lenrest aaie of aad cold retaody ia Caated. victoria, wltun aille northerly aloos the Moreiby liland it,. : ' "" nwrinvriy any coof thirty diy after the Brat appearance ef W of Canoe Pan from Buck Point 1 tbtnc aoTta ' frwu BUf Whll I beer MM n-i". fc-1 '"V 1 ";..,. 1 nit notice in s local ntwipeper. north SO cbalni thence waa 10 chlni Ibenee aoeuTT: IT " 10 tB'M' Tb iai. -r 1 The date of the flnr publication of thi thence aouih 10 chain i thence tail li thain. thence eul 10 kv.O'w a Jan a f , , MIL" JL lm MATWIKU CSV. rreav. SaVHttJI, (VtV W notice 1 January it in, till. poaa, rtl chain to point of coeiunencemenL eacumenfemenL rilE Ulinin james s. emersun. Applicant HANS K. UIRISTENSEN, AppllceoL THOMAS PETERSON, by Robert M, Walkir, artot. Locaud Novrmber tin, It IT.