O ioi. THE DAIL7 NEWS Safety F"'1" ! RED CROSS NOTES. TIMDER SALE X 978. LAND ACT SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Of StEENA LAND DISTRICT DI3TRICT Of COAST. RAN0E ITVE. QUEEN CHARLOTTE Slogan oi Til cliildrt-ii nf Mine hrfiiv.ir u .Vl iii Im reeelTrd br the IIEtSA LAD DISTRICT DISTRICT Of ..rn ?C I'nirt nf c!a In King Kilwartl rVbncH aw !!1 1 mt Ut'r Xhn cn COAIT, RANCE 4. Ttkc aotlr thai I intend to tpply to TAKE NOTICE the I I, E. II. Simpton, of ftr dtr nf Nerrk. im. for tba ba lloaertbta Commiif loner ot Land tnd Prlnc Rupert, B.C., merlner, intend! to apply OIKu.king in Canada, tlmnknl for a ilonntloti of ft.ft "V J X,T' MIO.MI TAtE NOTttE ibtl John Once, tt Van-rnweer. Work to Ictta tba followltr deicrlbed tor penaiieton to parrhae the faHiiw o lli ITUonr of War Fund for IZ1 y' kI llemlflf k on in B. f.. neropatlon nibertntn. In-lead in I deicrlbed landt. the month of February. eeMar L. lit, gwiadla Ititnd, to tpptr rr prmiilon to leaaa tba Undt: Commenclnt at a pott planted II north-etil strength, wcurllv, I. Cotit Dhtritt ronowlnt detcrlbed Itndl. Commenclnt tl a pott planted tt Um corner or lb Lonrfellow Minertl . Mr. John DjMiavn the ha aont a Tf (,) W itlowed for rt-""I CftRiraenelnt tt I pott piloted on tba aortbwett corner, abort blrft utter mark, Claim. W. P. Nortbetil corner No. ItlOi cheque for fH.0 bing proriia of tter. forrabftr on Iba writ tlda of Iteirl tl Btriteti Point then tea tbtiat due thence well 10 cbalnti tbeneo north tt 2 of IWih. North of Mclory Ilorwl Plt rooimlainn. rankaf MrOearfara tt isa rvi.r im..). Nerrevi, about lo mllel toiith of Hartley etit, then too lb to Um Short Uae, then rhelni; tbenc rut 10 fhalni; tbenc toolh The History 01 or which he it thanVwl, I..1"" c- f Dlitrtf 1 roreiler. pnaec BIT: lf nee meil 10 thtlnf. thetieo aortb followlnr tba contour of Um Short Una 10 chalni mora or lett a loot inora line America. irwyrx, o. c M. 1 1 10 rbtlai, l be net tut 10 cbtmi, thence to tba pitc of cotnmen cement, conttlnlor to point or commencement, conlttnlnr 41 bank for over three Mr. Iloyd Young, of Port Hliftp. toatb to chelm to tba point of commencement twenty ecrei, mor' or let. tcret, mort or !, of o century has on ham vent in a very Bubttan. The Daily News delivered by tnd rontainmr to trrtt mora or leu. iAMES DE8BRISAY, mtntttr, DATED ITlb Jtnuiry, III I. quarters I0IIN 0RACE, Applicant. Walei liltnd CaoMrr, E. H. tia! Rift of St SIMMON, nnd palra of aocka. for nf arrler. 50 ? nroZress cent per month. DATED Nvrember It, It IT. Kovrmber 141b. HIT. fit By Chat. J. Benton, AtenL hleh tti It lhanktMj. development, the The Society acknowledge with consistent growth in thanks the gift of tl pair .,f regard of the business took from Port ftimpann Knitting world Club, and four pair from tmp BANK OF Mra. Campbell. Ilarriere, Il.c. Mrs. Craig and Mr. Jama Mr-Leod Brillsh North America will hae eharar of Hi ai. nf Home Cooking in the Hd f.ra MPTL A.D trtlS, IT.Sai.eeO. 'Hut" on Friday afternoon. The winnem of the rafTle lat BRANCH PRFVfE RUPERT Camouflage! week follow: are an Mr. II. V.J.SMITHf RS. Mnnaflcr Ormo gave a bo ,f randy wbirh was won by II. F. Wearmouth; LAND FEOISTBY ACT Mr. Hu lifer Mind Ix.wl. wmi by a and ui. I). II. Rftiith; Mm. I.-av. Ma. ti Thera'a not a word In tha taut or deacriptlve mattar of this advertisement which would deceive or mislead i III! I. HIM. HIM box rtgart, won by II. F. W'ear- buyers of liquor In any way. trpttritean h4 been moiith; Mm. Siillwill. imi YV. Hart, of rrtne rbild'n toi WK DO SOT KUnSTlfUTE. We have the goods WE PREPAY ALL EXPRESS CHARGES. Beware of ink inKI yt in fM under feur let eL wi by Mra. irnili. F. the real artiele. Wt fill your order -true to brand, to firms quoting liquor f.oi). nt various points or making o. um coHMtor of the Bchultz, cigarette, won by II. quality, to strength. When you buy from us your indefinite statements as to shipping charges. Express uu the Graham; Mr. Orrne, bmrml ( ttrtot jar. c ,-rn. nhipinont is taken from the largest and best selected i-r. If IT. tad one Til won by Mr. Itamt-Jone-; Mrs charges to B.C. points are high. Our method takes . . nd day of September, stock in Canada. It is backed by the guarantee of a liulger. olive dlh. won by fl. I.. care of all this. Our price means actual delivery (all It ' v. -koular ibit certain responsible company which has been in business In iii. tad prenrteee tlluate. Melntoab. Hritisb Columbia for 30 years, the managers of which charges except, jugs, kegs, packages, war tax. etc. I'l ; tiK air r Prince Ha One of the wornt lorin of the ll.il at doot nearest station. are known all over the province as responsible men, paid your or i. jrly tMil io4 Ac year waa a great handicap to the. Ki: M I'd lot IT)twelve tad fifteen(II). Block(II). ale laul Friday, but in tpile of Many firms do not stele lit advertisements that prices are f.oJ. shipping points; this is fraudulent advertising, r. I end UU thirty-three till, great nrnie la due lu tho beoaute express charges are very nigh. In comparing our prices, remember first we ship genuine goods and no - ur (Id, Bitk arty-oa ladiea and all who helped them to uhtitulion then remember we pay all charges. t Ciftll (I). Map III. make 137.20. CASED SCOTCH WHISKY SCOTCH WHISKY BULK 1 J V 1 roOWIl the claim r um lei i - wnbta II day ima the Metra. MeCaffery. (ubbona te, PURITY STRXNQTH QUALITY Juat relaaaad fro Canadian Ooiaeitmant Band ad Warahauaa 4lU I of tau notice (waiefe Doyle, have ent a cheoue f"r 175 Imp. Oil. 1-tiaL 10-OtL a dale ad akloniMt af aataodid fltnula old tveoich Whleki I) pabHctUoa la Um lieing their eommipninn upon the SaaderaM't old mrtU Slock "Muua-taia JUt. ket. Let. batUed la tcalland and of wondarf ul charactae and alya. r i i x Newt), ud your i Ur - la irtrt KI I'adoufaledlr ale of Victory Bond which i nr- Andrew Marloiutb Dundee Old PerfccUoo ( t Scolck, H. 3 J to MUeg II of Um mm of Um Oaeal Sooleb Wluikiei Ini-paataal A i wiut amendment, tad ixiwletjped with thank. to tal oawitrr ( rtrortu for fit caie only. L'nUI told, per caae lt.00 r i met there frorai 1 yaart) I14.SO. STO.00 1IS.00 Mtrklc 4 Oa. (Larerulln), (Wblt Hort cellar tbipper). Q4 A'agMaratxk. rfur for mxaj jrare. Old lUy Scotch, ordinary elie (Tf ctaea) cat 24.00 iuac a r-4t or Certificate Adverlite in Th Daily .TO-00. . .138.00 4 , ;f Bled before the rem Gaaaiaaaiii Haerr Liqueur -A red i 'fwr unperltl Oral "carte (to cteet) cte) 60.00 t-5 3 ti tie- f UM peraoa autM yaara la berry caiki a mild, mellow I. M. Mtrpbertont Eura Special llitbUad Scotcb, 40 nonce. atd wMakey wntHjerrol Otror. Tba i is: Ml. ell rate. L'ntil told, caaa 2740 r.- t; pertoni to eerred kMI 4laHuL4 frwa UUt ftmout line 14.00. .ST-AVO. 3 t B4 tbO cUUBlBf Wail HeeM tyeOti. A fuuotta old brand A case cuoeUlt of It quart but Ilea. ;rt 7 them, tod til ptrnu 0H," 'Itwi Bear," "LltU Tomj lejseajr 11-60 ceuxi frlce NeL 'MOf t: :."l la Um lead by virtue rratUBO.- -laaUrsl rrttuoo," -St Uoa fttuc Dtwtoa'a "lerfetuoo" A rtry Per Caa f ar r -r l&trtifrnt ft(u4 All rrtrUott.'. "Stvci Aarbor rrtrUoa." "Ikr no otd liqueur wniakey 11-00. Bo til Price TtaekaTt "Hitblod creaoi" A ItTortt - tor Kifml la Um bad lnr. "Omp Bird Trttlioa" tad "Otr ofaadtrd 1 UM. , McCwmeirt Old Oikoey Dobl O. O. Pun t; c te title u mi reentered filrr" Miner H Claim a. tlioair la UM Staderautrt "bleUelUt It )can old. IlltbUad Melt; bottled be for tba wars ry ttL i :tu of UUI Act. tun u ktt Miator DiTiikxi of Coa.il Duuirt Mar Mall tnioai itao., Cue; case. Until told 63.00 630.00 "Matatata lw The i tnd debarred from br lortlrd ar Beer Lai . lurf coteb Wtaiey. Ui Wtatern caaada;popular Wtttoa't Dundee No. 10, oritintl taiporuuun. : j . t: .aim to or la mpeel ol latel, rnaro Ho el 1 1 lead. ory Bcm iroo um moo t tttndtrd re ror lie; buttled before tbe wart u fc-. r ; J r it utrt. tad lb Beyle TALC !oTICZ Ibtl L Trrd M. WtUt. 'llawaa at fariumcat" 8. Hrnderaun caaet 3.00 3040 uv in. rr.rr Um perton MUIM4 ua- frro M Inert OrtiBrtl 5o. IMIIC Um - qaaMtr A IA, tad ta rcrt Baror old, ery vsifbrm 1140.. BCUM...110.00 Grant"! Stand real, a very popular wnlaky In ar. c i sue u owarr (it Um bad duff iiiafrriiri tfrat of Millard r Wtr Laiiefa -a. v. o." An okt ttlted Oten- Earlandj , taHrl 3-00 3X00 K t 4:c- . ren. rrvo MioeCi ortiflceu M.. IMIK. Meat Sovtcil (popular; IUO 6O.O0. . .1170 Andrew I'aher'i special 0. V. a In Imperial r. .13 tpprkttk btt Uo Mead, all lj dare lim Um dele hereof. t)td Bond Otd Soauti s hiy 11 rear oval quart. Direct Imporutloo (limited 1 "tl f llWrftilLU TIU4 to trrtr Va ta Miaiar Beforder for m a-EOMUl wtod. Woaderful thM old wbukri ee- It-OO. . .txso ..izrso quantity), wonderful value: (10 caaet) ..... 440. .46.00 - i i 4wd Uadt, la Um mom CeruflrtM of ImprovtiiMati. tor Um pur la oMtiaal quarter raakt of 10 to II ttUoot deduct 10 per cent. "Black and White" Budunan't awtl popular o )'.ta w crt. of abltlMaf t Crova Ortal of rack irtaa am ttMun price. line In Um worlds wonderful Bator and quality f.' -jt.rs pa lavMUMUar Um f um ttMtt elaiBia (40 caaet) SAO 36.00 til prtar l Um lltb dtf AO rtlHTHUl TAKE .loTICS UmI te RYE WHISKY BULK Buebanan't "Red Sear (It caeca) 6-26 3440 Um dU on hitfe Um uader etle II. nail Im corn 1-OeL 1-CtL 10-CtL BuUocb. Lade Co. DUtlller of rineal Ulvb-land f id tt evrrda UtM). ed Ufort Um uim of lorb CertlflcaW ker. ker. Art. Malt Wbiiklea While Label I Uada.nl "Uiulted Reaerra" liqueur Rya" M-OO S40.00. .TT AO r.: - t rcj lmrromiente. r urtd tad mm! ova- "TBer Sear, t-yaar old. vary Ba tad of aU brand X26 3640 DATED tkll tttb dtr of 0VUr A. D. peWtl blend 7 M .17-SO. . Tro f - X.J A.C XOTICE UMl tl Um IT it ale Slurk" bprrlal Liqueur 7.76 SS.TS TaVOO -- tua tffMt rTfiitmloa n OwKlithim A. WorU Specul ttuadard CASED HYE WHISKY ' MINERAL ACT at! atr Canada i B-00 .40.00. . .7740 a i tnttKtUoa tad Um t B. C special (II J can la oak). Umiled A caa emulate of It quart bottle a. quaoUlf S-00 .46.00. .ST0 II. Crby 4 Son. Oooderbam 4 Woru, litraiu - A. rrtak W. Iitrt aal CCMTiriCATS or laeOVI"llT Pure Caaadiaa Malt Vail Wblekr 1-OQ as.oo. .70 Waller 4 Soot. B. C Diellllery Co. (all - . GauOerbaa 4 Woru I-year oW. ipecul - t immtm tarn yrvWT yr9 tblpuMBt, vtry Bat 7S .S4US, . .70.00 rtal botUlntl limited tupply (until told).... It.OO M0T1CC Ja. il ctirani't "S alerloo," tuaderd Oooderbam 4 Wort (Special). bolUeU la B.C. 0 i ; : to Dftrml iuta bra. treat lb. It "-P- 0 .6X60, .6X60 -Dtur' Mtaertl IT.OO rtl rmuoo- tad Wtlkefa Canadian Club SAO .4X60. . .6X60 10 caaet (UuUI told) ft: tt ' CUim. aJluale la Um Portltad Ctoti Miatot Walker Imperial . . -00 . .4040. .77 AO ad fMniu-r on. Prifuv MtlMaa of Catiler Pliinrt Gold Bond" Canadian Rye. It yean old; DISTILLER V BOTTLED, l B c.:t um dr f rtbnttiT. Wbera incited i Oa Um rait tlda of eldeal and beat poaeibl to obtain .... 6.00 . .40.00. . .77 AO "Canadian Club" Hiram Walker! (very famou!)Z2S 62X00 Uarada Creek. II ml lee from Um fcetd or Hiram Wtlkeft uH ratdua Ry 7X0 . .86-00 .C7A0 "Impertal" Hiram Walker! X00 1S.00 ft r MACLEOD, rwtUad CaatL la oMitae! aalf barrel! of II to IT ttlloat deduct I per cent, Oooderbam 4 Wort "Special" X2 16.00 litrwi Rtiuir of T1U. to barrel of 41 to 4 ttlloat deduct II per " ' TAkC NOTICE Uul I. J. Trrd Rltcbla frwa tMo price, Oooderbam 4 Wort' Ordinary X00 17.00 -I", rrlar fioiMrt, B. C. erau rnu ttH Price (ITt Mlacrt crrunrtM tin c act Joseph Searram't No. 1 1 X25 2X00 r I l 11 and 11 Blork " Alii. lot At tteal tor BetlnaUl Aloe fttUL rrra B.C. Ordinary full itrentlb tnd Savor (until a: !l Cdmnoloo - r. "?4 '-- trjd or Lot Mlner-t CertiBraW 2fa. HIT C InUaJ. aOTt Ho bulk Canadian Ufa la Ma4 br ua at toaa than .old) X10 2X20 anivrr It. - If Ulr dtrt trun Um data barvof, to trply Qatar otixl K4d 6irMth 26 undae peoaf. TTiaeafaea, Ui Jeite Moore Old Brurbon Wbiaky (AA.) Genuine tf t - told for utrt oa 1 4 lb (Uj la um Mta'at Recorder for certmrtia or Caaatla Cenmat uarantM tba tlraagta at vary lloa Importation. Sieclel price 1.76 1640 - nil v. xirittb. tit r( ImprutrBMata, fer Um parpo of obuiatot wa tall. vtanotiter. B. C. itMiird t cna Ortal of Um too claim. : tad It, Blork II. dee Aed eetlktt rartber II.uka mult twuro be mnunenced Uut tcuoa,before oa WE DO NOT SUBSTITUTE. NO CHARGE FOR WAR TAX, HAIR tb tteutora or tueh CcrUflctte of Imprurt SEAL SKINS ueatt. WE PAY ALL EXPRESS CHARGES rl Into tourb vuh Dated thu 1 1 lb dtr December A. D PACKAGES OR KEGS. - it ur b mar beta HIT. ; t tet Uoot tklot bltb f en or fork or book MINERAL ACT PORT AND SHERRY WINE BULK COGNAC BRANDY BULK 1-01. 1-01 0-OtL Per Imp, 1-OtL I0-0tl J. N. M. BROWN Jur. ker. ker. OtL kef. Key. Om, ejc, CINTiriCATK OF IMPBOWEMINTB. Cre.fr Imperttl vTjby.. very old vtnuitt1240. .666.00.f 10640 Rlittl't splendid XXX Old Pel Co nee. .111.00 666.00 1110.00 0T, Vaataattr, aa " -Holer AmoaiiBao V a. O. f 8brry . ...i.i... Ai.t tint.M arlfui nf I'b. Rlcbtrd t Comae. V. S. O. P 12.00 6740 112A0 N0TICK. lajMvounred auu pietaatt character . . . . 10.00 46.00 6840 Oold Seal XXX Brtnd) (Gold Ubet mtrk) 12A0 6040 116.00 siirreon." "Rupert." TIckhi" "Elit- -itoytl ll'' fort Letrtordintry old vlot "Gold Bond" rino Old French Corrnae loo,- "Cttrtda relit Mo. 4" tad "CtKtaa ire- port, with One bonquel (till) Bnndy 1X00 6X60 12040 'O.OO. . . .7640 relli ?To I" Mlnertl rielme. tllntt 10 lte Mild fr many fran .40.00. Menkow XXXX Old Vlalare Cofnae 14.00 6840 12840 Bat 6.60 3TA0 70-00 ABMMllUdo lale lry Sherry; very I roriitail Canal Mialot Pitiaioo or Ceuier VeTi 4 On. (oporto 1 Old Tawny Tort.. 6.00 36.00 68.00 Rliati'a Old Private Stock, Special Violate Anyone Can Have OUirltL Wetta 4 Co. (uportoi Lerittmo Rub;r IIII 1-sa 72A0 140.00 WHera Kxtlrd: n Iba tel tia ir Port, Ntpa 4 feooroa "Four Eerie" In ortflaal parkarea quarter raekt or II to II ttUont deduct aertda creek. II milct from tba bead of CaHrw Sherry . . . .6-60 27 AO 60.00 10 per cent from one rellon price. Whipped Cream pi-riland Ckntl. Napa 4 BoootiM Tour Eatlet" Calerornl 6.00 28.00 48.00 NOTE Th Oold I aal Company Have la etak a eUir Brandy iori TAKE SOTICE UMl I. I- Tt4 RIICBl ruiki Meal erwo iiW" California Port 6.00 22A0 40.00 aepl nula trench Oo"a Imported direct from Pranc. r. uinee-a Certlflrala 0. ITI C tft- The alvivf bratHi of imported porta tnd herrit tro unquet-Uentbly Wa da net aleck e hlp Callfaenla, Spa I all Canadian Brandy. liit tt erenl tor Otkley Brtoforl Bueb. rre Um trealeat iottlbl vtlu obuintbl toywbtn In All above brand are ruarauleed nol let tbaa 20 under peeef 1FIC MILK It to Mtnert CerllflreU No. tilt C InWDd. CW"1' WE PAY EXPREII CKAROIX Canadian Government leeL frwn Iba dele hereof. 10 ipplJ ' tlltr dtrt " ) in cream that It tba Minlnt recorder ror t wruncaia oi tiip as eaillv at la Improvemcntt. for Um purpoea of obuintnt All Goods. Guaranteed as to Strength, Quality and Purity Crown ortnt or tn idoto run. m"l of 1,10 fre,h ik.I further taka nolle the! trtlon, un der aecllun It, mult ba commeocej before NOTE On all abeva branda deduct oa order wba teed are Mi.7. ",i,m "0,1 nround iba Itiutnro of tucb Ceriincti 01 impro anlppad at one time only. VJ th. I'revlnce. ' menu. Three kottla or mere 16 anta each kettle. . . IMPORTANT Deled inlt Itlb dty of Autuit, a. n WARNINO 8I1 bettlt er mere 28 tnt awch bettl. aUARANTIt Wl tt Mi d, ., Xw UValmlnalor III IT " ..Wa da aat tub-ttUwttr Twl bottle or mar C pel nt, no dtductlaa. ea-i (One kind or aertd) MINERAL ACT fu af dacaplli W abeoJetriy ! !.. !. MII.K regularly for a tdftrtltlnt. luarantte,aad uaqualllladly ovary Arm art oRtelnt Ul" younBitera for CtRTIPICATt O IMfBOViailHTa aUadard and pre h .. .. , llquort who. All A ,i NOTICE net tupply th For Full Price List Write peUUry brand t anted d rape a a M&lbdenum" tad "Suecatl' MlBtrtl trindt aualtd, kut tared fer al by 4 1.in., .iiiiaia In that Rkeen MlnlDt DlTl 1 will ad u very d,,u. 'n cool ... a plnco. - - to b f, oanubaf r , rde. Do aim uitn b.la It Mm of Center Dleirict Infarlef Im pert ad feed '' M'hu. loealed - Abnul I mllei wnierir il eand maaey to GOLD SEAL LIMITED .... 'r. 8h nuta I from Um arid of Allco Arm. tad kbout juleld Brm n-laaa -.net.labalUd bottled,la Oanada.or wb lid ml la from tba Beacb. yeo knew but ahlpaed dlreol v" 1 nkfaal. Twr MOTir.K that Ltlt V Ptuaor. Uty r. M tat from tbe dlBeeent Kuoj on cake and rreo Mlnefl mlinttto No. Uttt-C, tl paepia Mil Uaatad.be) and dlatldaey. la, lb Regina Mil f lh Unlih.ter.um MlDtor tnd Bt" laey bdly Calgary UaHed Klafdem. . P.Cirio daetlon Cemptny, LlmlleJ, (Hon rtrtontt . . IMPORTANT MILK CO.. LTD. Liability) rreo Mlaert ceriincti no. ,. "' tt L.dn.r. D. C. toitt.c. tntendt tiny dtrt from tba dtu 137 Water Street Vancouver, B.C. ' hereof, to tpply l Mlblbt Rrcorder " L in v . semi It fi.e a feriinraia of IniDrovemtnlt. for UM In , ; y "' i aurprlse imrpoM ot obulalnt Croaa Ortnt of . ,UI,8 nt 88f Vftu etrh of Iba abott rlttrot. AND ri'hTIILR TAKE NOTICE Ibtl action UDJer telloa It mutt U comruenrad b m fort tha Itiua of iucb Ctrilfireu of lai pronemenlt. t