TfiK DAILl I,Wi Opera ' Hi IHiltl.rt I,, , Appendicitis Fttire BlOOd Local News Notes C.H.Arnold Yri ran term vmir hlcrA in tions Mot Always good condition have a dear Gasoline Engines j K, NOTARY PUBLIC tkin,and bright eyes, by taking ioeial knighl Da nee of on Pytbtas April will 8. In hold vita a Necessary Ur:e j tions oaly. laps aUUS . Caees tatee-al rr i m n l Ml - aaaMi. hi n .i- ! BEEOiAM'S We Fell Real folate. Mr. K. J. GoRay, of the Qranby . . iB--ad loadlWMa m a " T, rmi tae Areeodti si tbe g One 3-Cyllnder 4 cycle 30 H. P. W. write Fire and Marine a nipany at Aayvx, arrived in tb Oteoa at FalrbtvnsA.,,... H(M baad earaee tn-ln Insurance. two last evening. larre asswaaw r caeaasiaf tM cJee 3 .rft 5 We have Apartment. Stores, PILLS mb svrtsed wsraa water by tbe -J B. Houses, and OfQces for I Mr. W. F. lloyer ef ikeena City I Caarafe- tke seek U cteaated Haadredt tad we 1 g One 2.Ctllnder cycle 10 H.P. Palmer Cngm. jjjrj Ura-tSaleJ Amt MIWWfetWrU. was among tbe arrivals from up BUniian takfSde-. and Want More. Rent, beea seeaded By atiai Bald nf aabaaeZSa. river last evening. iniiaiai aav IW AKa-UeIUa. S Ona 1-Cyllnder 4 cycle 10 H.P. Hicks Enin, We Deal in Mortgage Loans. ..-- m care r Sat MrU4e. II Eetaaaea tlrtel. !-H 5! We Sell Timber Limits. Mr. O. W. Powell they O. T. P Hta Wleawper. One 1-Cyllnder 4 cycle 3ft H. P. Regal Enaine We do Conveyancing. ageat at Sagwy, aeeompanled -I bad tpeat eer arty oeeara ' iU5 I BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. by Mrs. Powell arrived ifi the fty ever teysar ta ears Artocltla. Ha 1 One 2-Cyllndsr 2 cycle 14 H. P. CaMfc Psrfscvon last eveafag from tbe Cat I, on ally law doctor taM I saettt r a w Engine $200 1 tattal tl eavee foe ta efratioa. ioar H. Q. HELGER30N, LTD. I, J. C Gavigan having their way north. adiaiutiiiai tawwaiea ana. a av. .a.a m Rna 9-Callndae 2 eeela HHP r.l.t l . , purchased tbe Regal Automobile j b. L caaeade,- wSsefc red sb el I ne , . . . $200 1 cared Special mforfttattoa regarding an aa-i aaa aww wtasieiaiy Licensed at No. 12,-SJ8, tbe products of Oed Seal Ltd, tMt aaM aa a Bte: aH rata tad One 1-OylInder 2 cycle 2 H. P. Waterman Engmt S formerly owned and o-perated wtra have been using w eotuenns tereaeee faae. tad I etl tad sleep Bke t Practically new, 35 lbs. weight and softs bit r0r 5 in the Taxi business bay. I ast truer t Dr TymO Ne lately far advertising may be bad ISA tklerri braMa-rtetas aaeewttaa.-S j row boat trolling $75 "The Daily News" by Mr. II. Howe, proprietor from Mr. H. K. Ross, of the Em. per aai aw ta baaaaa t tre eteeev aat "5 of the business known as tress Held. Sec blni firtt. tf. by artsmaliled aaaw ta tbe Calna One 1-Cyllnder 2 cycle 4 H.P. Auta Marfne En.nt 1 Tbe Regal Distributing Co., atersal Bab-tar wHk tbe "I, B. L. Cat-a-w- CLASSIFB ADi taaa Latra la m ana ta frre will sot assume Bay debts An inoest was heed at Aajex rraaa an atste tad at caeta at attar d S One 1-Cyllnder 2 cycle 6 H. P. CaIHe Perteetlo i or bus toes responsibilities last week by Dr. Hyde, Coroner to tatadt n ibaatd be tar perfect beaua of tbe said Company, which investigate tbe death of Alpbottse aak Csefl H. Omev nrsttttt. caeaee sm One 1-Cyllnder 4 cycle 12 H. P, Buffalo Engine 1 WANTED. retired from business on Flores, who died of iaiurts re- Ata. tad StB tt, tar baaAaH caked Wj QQ Man ar Tadiy at oaty M Per Ceat EO March 1st. 1918. Plans for tbe mine. A verdiet of iorroa wasted. Appcaioa mat t reired in ta.- H at Ire. He ata be pteaae S THESE ENGINES ARE SCCWfMtAND, BUT HAVE Efts tbe future also tbe business accidental death was brought ha. show tad etptt-s -. B. L. CAtrad' f -be rwtted by tbe a-a-cr-iraed. P S THOROUGHLY OVErtHAULCD SOMp ftCBUILT Sttb, rer Um poeiUco f jiaHse at tbe Dam of tbe new Company M ye. tardea Street ScbooL SUM eiperieoce will be anaeouneed on or A special atecting of tbe Fish S - ALSO tad fuHIciUXii Salary !. per about tbe 1st April. 1918 Parkers Union will be held cm Saltation Army. S GIES GEARS NEW AND REBUILT uast W. D. TA5CI. tS)See to tbe meantime Phone 55. Thursday evening at 8 o'eJeok will be temporarily discontinued, After the business of tbe meeting. PabNo meetings. Tu ay- W1AIID. Saeey Bolel.III) 1 I together with tbe a social entertainment will be pro Tborsdays and Saturdays at 8 p Akerberg, Thomson & 1 Co., Ltd. 1 Taxi busiaess. (58) vided. A good attendance is re n. Sundays at 7:30 p. nr. FOR SALE. quested. (58 AOENT8 FOR rOM SALE- Oaarter cat 64k and beT Word has been received in town Advertise in the Daily New. iE Palmer, Fisherman, Anderson, Yale, and Unlo Englnn HowMboM rare-tar- AJ IIT Sb- A?e, eatl from Mr. H. O. Edmunds, late ef the City Hall staff here. He is LAC3CH FOB SA1X BU la mrtua art 1 now Court Stenographer in Tulsa tattled for Om Lasnck ftoaebea H, imlj-aU A Train Wreck far t-aeoa Stata. Atttt ear-ae. County. Oklahoma, whleb state, be Caa t ande lata pa-tearer bL A4-mi soys is tbe nearest modern ap c ladus r. MOBJUSOS-COce- rnsea udCC Unpen,rtRAT. SALE OK GOVERNMENT proach to tbe old "West" when it on the C. P. R. Eircavort of tbe muu of Um hi r. LAUNCH. was wfld and woolly. Parker, deceased. Fishermen A oik e! Three Austrians were convicted .Indued a -ar "f Rbin Hood LOT FOR SAIX Bldt la wrJUt ara U- 'feeders will be received at tbe Flour, and caused damage to at Anyox, of a breach ef tbe eltel Tor lot . Block. 14. Sectloa T office of tbe District -Lot Engineer, Prohibition Act by Mr. 11. Andrew, 200 sacks, wbrrb got slightly Aicrof streeL bear Drj-otk. atl la Mr. Btytbet Stare, tu Ae. Prince Rupert, up lu and including stlpendary Magistrate. Two wet aud dirty whilst being The Cold Storage FertUiaor aol ".i Hat.: tid. Do eae&B-brt&cet. Addrett lad-ia March 311, 1918, for tbe purchase were fined 975.50 and one t&OM). transferred frvm the wreck-Mr. r.ow in paraUsMj and wfH (iporoJa- ail ihe year -ccwaoany ecn.C r. M0RJU50.V UdCC PERT, of tbe government Launch Other two Austrian, being alien Arnott w a a on tbe Job will buy aM marketohle bm and .. L'g Eiecalort or tbe nttu or tbe late T. "Wakesia" complete, with engine enemies, were also Sued 18. eaeb and made an oaTer on the lot, Fish at flfteesi ooNors por ton fecjuivalem t at. Parker, deceased. and other equipment as it now for not reporting there whereabouts which was sold to him. Wc per h). ItaK W be provided free ..! ah stands. Launch can be seen at to the Police. expect pood to arrive on LOST he purchaaed at the OomBoay s store at "a Swanson's Boat House, Government Wednesday's boat but cannot LOST Oold .tttkptn. btwea LroqsoU Wharf. Prince Rupert, Tbe 'Prince GeorEe" is not ex guarantee dale of ar. AfaOeal (seiltUe are prtrvMled t tra Pool Ro&e-j aad FlIUi Aenoe. E. Be The successful tender must be pected to arrive in oort this even rival. However w will hook rnon tersngiag tbesr gas hsnU ill be a owr i rn ard. finder pletec retora to Duly ing until around four o'clock. The order and your ship as soon Sewt Once. tt. prepared to pay cash down and pesksos of trip to raeosV. The ptoni i i- at.) delay in her arrival is on account as reiWe. lake immediate possession. of the atoning around and chair Ab rat i of the heavy traBk arising between Sale price, per barreM $11-25 teeae Prov. GovL Pub. Wks. Dept. tbe coast poiats. Judging Sole price (9 Eh. sacks 2M nunshers nil the year rtaund. Un . ! on V.L PMVATt DETECTIVE AOENCV Prince Rupert by the size of tbe train, wbieb i We reserve right to limit make mangy every day atohing. Z SlelrepeOUa BI4, tuctiiK. WATER NOTICE being held for the arrival of the quantities. steamer, she has a large number 0ITT.ll 510.1 AJD USE. Dty Pbcoe. Seymoor 4(11. of passengers for eastern points. SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY. International Chemical G Ltd. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 5lrbl r-hoee. rair-uat 1(U. TAtE XOTICE Uul I. T. Hefferoaa, bo There are four sleepers at well as ddr li r tuner a raltoo. Frlae oaltneal Soap B fee ZS HMi OflUa, BIX HlSSee-Beee Biff. Rupert. B. C. -rtH apply far IKeare U the large dining ear. leaer Sues 4 fee XSV Pacofl, Queen Cha lotto Islands. Vktarla, SL C, PkMI MIX. Ul. aad ih less cable reel per mioule Cc-ntaetatt-a sale, s ban e Whit r aalcr al ar a creek aow known ai Word had been received by Mr. Saaa, laptaa tad While astral Oer Creek hUh Oovs eeUelerlr aod K. A. Woods from Frank Sailer, fee SB dralai tato Uekaaa Inlet, aboat tlx mile late of this cily. and now CaalM Soap Z bae fee rreca Batedal. B. C Tbe water wUI be CtMbtatBa sat t lb eeeat where in France, telling of th Oeun Cbeea tad t Pkrt diTerted rrom I be t treua at a potat aboat oe-aair anic rrua taoaUi of (treua and sad information of the death of Maerat for BO e e Atkins Phone 156 HI b aed far power parpoM upon lb Mrs. Sailer. They were oaly mar Eeap. Praaw S SC larre Mte HARVEY'S Harry Claim.described at tbe 'Moo- Mineral ried on April . 1917. and on the BUk rira. yet a repeal S la, arder fee SO o DANCE ORCHESTRA raavSf BetaSae. FOR INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR Tkit doUc waa potted oo tbe rroend 18th of January, Sergeant Sailers every Wane e mirniiara nrta DECORATIONS oa tbe Slit day at Jaaaary. ists. A copy wife died of Cerebro-spinal meningitis. . .S la. feeSOe o Open for Engagements. of thlt nUk, aal aa appIlcaUoa panaaat Sergeant Salter left her B4k Saluata. Her. tee U fp-a- a PRIME SAUSiCt tberett and to tbe -T'ater Act, Mil.- win Ul IS la. Violin. . ..Mr. A. Harvey with tbe II. first contingent, and is Care Siarek 2 la, fee ZS be Bled la tbe offlr at (be Water Reconler Special at rrtaec Bapert. B. C now with tbe Canadian Pioneers. Eutaiel Lauylrj sure a fee za P piano Mrs. Hay Tomato Sausage a Acorn Co. Objctlt to tbe appUcaUoa Buy be Bled Uis many friends in town will regret fV-ftWnatHK Sale. I larre pkL e Drums Mr. Collier Sign altb tbe tald Water hecerder or with tbe to hear of bis loss. of Qker Oata tad f Mat Maple e Phone 574 f a comptroller of Water BJeatt, ParUa-oeat Leaf MMk tar ...BO e e FOR SIQNS Butldmc. Vbttoru. B. C. wltata tblrty Canada tint Mak tad Si. Cbta. days after tbe Brat appearaaee of talt GOLDBLOOM'S Milk rer. ISM ir caa. e a see a aoUce la a local aewipeper. Saetal par eaae t-1B i. T HEITElLfAX. AppUcaat, Eckpreaa iua I lb. Ha Her SO. by I. t. Leedy. Areat. Would like to announce to the pe ZS Tbe dale of tbe Brat pabUcaUoa or tblt E-Dprea turn, f tb. Ha rer. Bsc aotlt It February Mtb, ISIS. public the opening of their new ..Special 4S A HOT BATH THE store at C51 Granville St., Vancouver, Heaedal Hateed Patrbr wmf. tec STEEN & L0NGW1LL an exclusive and up-to- lPtl X MINUTE YOU WANT IT QatMly Brtad Peat tS Kl taat. FOR YOUR NEW SUITS date Ladies Ready-to-Wear. Tbe PeUI ..24 SANITARY AND HEATING See buyer Mrs. W. F. Gescheit also FRUITS AND FRESH fl You are ENQINEERS visited all fashion centres of VEGETABLES. -il rr i KOttefteT Cll - lf- Steve King Kastern Canada and United Slates The best day to select your ttenUy. Thi. ': w,1 Agents for Prompt Cleaning A Pressing and the beautiful creations that green stuff during the present tsiaathM oi I McCLARY FURNACES Phone Green 418. are gradually arriving, leave no boat schedule is on WbUi in H- v ' doubt but what we will be able to Thursday of each week. sliundam f please tbe ladles and do Justice bow aaurb t 'c' Needless PLUMBING to say the place to to every t,ype and taste. before. and buy it is here. Mr. Arnott Our Prince Rupert store will HOT WATER t-IKfc DENTISTRY is in Seattle this week, and EHECT METAL WORKS have a full line of suits, coats, has promised to forward a Phone 5, 831 Second Avenue. dresses and waists and skirts. few surprises for those who Harry Hanson crown ao caiaca wore duplicated from our Vancouver Night phones 578 a SPEDLSLTV are used to getting the varieties I Hot Water store and as our slock Is exclusive and Hlue 270 a larger market is able OR. J. 8. BROWN would advise you this ' we the ladles In come The right work, at the right to import. OCNTIST soon and make their choice. PHONE 489 P.O.BOX5J5 lime, and at the right price. APPLE SPECIAL. OO.ei SailUl Bleta. Tkled Am PSsee SM GOLDBLOOM'S Wioeaap CrtUd Stark, tpnitl 12-10 ---r riiin ii Mrlatoak Itedt IS bete to clear Z.CO -f Third Avenue. Bo. I Wioeaap per boa 3.00 The price tdrtare lu l tl aval .oo0:...f.,t""w1""C' E. H. SHOCKLEY Advertise in the Daily News. week, (Succeaar to J, L. litrkey). Prince Rupert Feed Co. Tiie Rupert Table Supply Co. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE CONTRACTOR A BUILDER PHONE 58 THE LG INiyfc LFIN EMLNT 1 FOR OANNERYInEN Store and Ofllce Fixtures, We added to our stock or volte and pu " 8 l line of Rubber lMting at right pn Sash, Door, and Mouldings, Fon riSMcMMAit-s iftajMt Oak and Hardwoods of all t 0l 1. la. a y la, 1--1S Harry A. Harocy FOR FISHERMEN . , '"'v kind. Meeta Peae, A coftjptote stik of the ln-st gools that mn- ' BULBS (Late Leasee, laa, Ceeaert autre tfolln--SprlHg and Hi""-FOR We Specialize In Hardwood S OrL S B-4 la. k B la.. KS I Meal) lirass. Silver Boat Rlba, Sash, Meet P. PUPIL OP LANSDOWNK OuTTILL THE WATERFRONT Doors, stc. Tulips, Hyacinths, Daffodils, Cil 1.1 le, t S la, rs-as The cslebraled Maple Leaf Painla ami Varnish.-s fperiai r.piu Taaen tor Meet l, y Plate and Sheet Glass and Easter Lilies, Narcissus. Pear. VI0U.V. riA.IO. VIOU.1CE1XO tad Paint "FLOIIZK "- .V cmplele line of hU' FOR EVERYONE Glazing. For Further Information A fine stock of Hardware. Ourney's Oif. r.l -' Corner Fraser and Cth Sta. Mall OrStrt PrempUf AlUaead le. Apply to Peplla Prataead fee CaaatkaalkMia Aaall Bed. Vaaiee, Caalae Wc Sell Nothing slut The Best. PHONE GREEN 269 w. c. wiLuicrorr Reiat Cell. a ef Meal. LeaSea, Ia. P. O. BOX 188 r. o. at saa. aoi tmps At. Prince Rupert U. 0, TERMS PIIONC ULUE 27S FRED STORK'S HARDWARE ee ew.wiw