THE DAILY KfiWH The Daily News MAIL SCHEDULE THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NO .TttrJUl BRITISH COLUMBIA ft For the EasL fublithod Dally and Weakly Sot-jy Wednesdays and Guaranteed Larxcat Clrculnticn Mutidays, at P.2M HEAD OFFICE: From the EasL Dally News Buildintr. Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, D C. Tel ?8. Suudays. Tuesday ami Tlrtw-days TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING 50 ccnu per inch. at &.30 p.iu. Contract Rates on application. For Vancouver: IIAILY EDITION n Thursday, March 7lh. 1918 Tuesdays p.m. Thursdays 10 pMii. Saturdays 7 THE HONORABLE JOHN. province. That he wilt deal The Information that the Hon with the other Urge matters From Vancouver which are looming up n lu s r.Jays 1 PJB John Oliver is to be the new same direct and business .ke Wednesdays 10.30 a.t. premier of Urilish Columbia manner is to be expected. Saturdays P1' cannot be said to be entirely When here last fa I,. M TO THE GIRL HE LEFT BEHIND: unexpected, before leaving for Oliver accompanied Premier For Anyoi: the East on the journey which Brewster on his trip to the Sundays iO Insure your "military Peace Ilher country, as far as man-against was to be his last, the late Wednesdays 10 PJ Premier Brewster appointed the Lake Di.trict in the inlc thirst and fv'ue. him the acting Premier during ior. He was very much im From Anyoi: Keep him his absence, from the direction pressed with this portion of Tuesdays am supplied with of affairs. Being by far the Central British Columbia, and Thursdays VJ. most experienced parliamentary as minister of Agriculture band in the present CabineL there was little within the ra FOOD CONTROLLER IS WRSGL For Port Simpson and Naas River of his visit which missed dius and as well, being a man of SAMPLING WHALE MEAT considerable force of character, him. He has a first hand points: it is held to be Cluing that knowledge of the requirement Sundays 10 pjn. such an appointment should of this, at present, northern Ottawa. March .Fifty pounds Early In the War the fireai valce have been made at that time, country, which he will doubtless of whale meaL choice cuts from From Port Simpson and Naas of WRIGLEY5 was dii::v;red by to the wishbone, have lxen re River Points: and now that Premier Brewster put good use. near is gone, it ia equally fitting ia ta ceived by the Food Controller, Tuesdays ajn. the Allied Armies. Boot 0.1 tbe that "his mantle should descend SOLDIER FARMERS. with the compliment of the Vic War. magazine articles and correspondence upon the shoulders of the man Already several thousand enquiries toria Whaling Company. The Queen Chariotta Islands! to the press, ten of its most eminently fitted to wear have been received by meat was forwarded for experi- For MasselL I'ort ClemeBits and it at this particular juncture, j the Soldiers Settlement Board mental purposes ta demonstrate Upper Island points: use by the allied forces tbe contort As Minister of Agriculture. at Ottawa regarding their go it use as a popular table de February 2?lh S pan. and refreshment It atfords an Minister of Railways. Mr. ing back to the land. Arrangements lieacy and a substitute for ten Mareh 13th and 57 th 2 pjn. the pcpm It Inspires. Oliver has already proved his for dealing with crown and other fa Bey priced foods. The Front Masset, Port Clements and fitness for the high position to lands are receiving the foremost domestic science experts if the Upper Island points: which he has been elected. Of consideration, the administration Department will do the experimenting, March ltL 5lh and Mth hotir THE FLAVOUR LASTS! course, it must be remembered of these lands being and several ways of ser- uncertain) that the premier is not elected one of the most pressing res- ving whale, hot or eotd, roal. gril. For Skidegate, Queen CharfetU HAM t CANADA at all. He is appointed by the ponsibilities of the Dominion'led or au gratin. wtfl be submitted CMy aad Lower Island points Lieutenant-Governor. This is government in respect to sol-to Mr. Tnomstm a ad his staff for Mareh 4th and 18th tp.m one of the little fictions neces dier settlement A visit to the samplig. From Skidegate, Qaeeet Charlotte sary m a democracy under a West in at present under eon-1 The idea is that several score City and Lower Island points European monarchy. The lieutenant temptation by certain members(whales bow getag le waste on the March 6lb and 30th pjn governor is the man, representing ef this board, to supervise the Pacific coast, except for the ex-necessary the King, who arrangements for the! traeting oils, might be tnwed to For Stewart, I'ort Simpson Maple selects his chief advisor from opening up of the crowa lands port and eut up for food purpose Hay and Swamp point: the elected of the people. But scattered throughout the provinces. at a low price per pound. The February 38th 10 pjn as a matter of fact. His Excellency Department will seriously investi March 14th and 31st ....10 pjn. cannot do otherwise One of the things insisted gate the possibilities. V- than choose the man who has upon by the board is the fitness From Stewart. I'ort Shnpson. got the greatest numerical sup. of the man applying for the kvratiL waters rROTEcrto.t ACT. and Maple Hay Swamp point: (ft. 8. C. Chiller I U.I port in the matter of votes in proper conduct of farming. .Mareh 4lh and 18 lb pjn. the House. In the present me Loans will only be made to AkERBtRO THOMSON and 08MrA.1T. (LEXRA LA.1D DtSTWcT taSfRICT US a 331 thod of party government, it these whose ability to carry LIMITED, aretby re aollce tkal tbef VCJIL. LHARU'TfE toUAAM I Alaska and Yukea Territory: Is the party caucus that elects out farming operations is es ka, mini of Mid Ml depaeited Tit! Rotten taai aal L. Sattitlaall ta ttk am muter of rabae vrwti ti From Mareh 3nd bjh uf rnaca Rafwri. ft -. cler. aMaaa tajfea-apedy the Premier, and the fact of the tablished. In the case of these tar a Beeaae a. tr tare rar cael aad aapti 'ui aao la tbe oSe af tbe DUtrtct Hon. Mr. Oliver being chosen without capital, who desire to 3f rl aaaaraVwl r Reatetrar af On Laad RrfUtry 8e. Dtt- COAL NOTICES ti trail ai otee Uw faawatac discloses that he has the sup participate in a loan, it will be irtet Nm Raped. deeertpUoa of Um laada aa Sat Weal Coaat at Mi nay R port of the majority of the necessary before the Board ean uie and Uw pUnj at abarf 4ad etner lead, cimwiraawy at s post ptialed aBuoi SkfLVt ULVD DISTRICT DISTRICT Or I aaOa eejtertf fraaa poat Satstoa aa tae t otke propoord U be baett oa Lot House as it is at present constituted. pass the question of their oat. upon QtU1 CUtRLOTTE ISLANDS at, Waterfront Black r. City of mac Kb pert, aaora at Uw aaat aide at Caaaa saa ai s qualification that they devote rcwiacc af Bnmb OotaiBbta. and uie aotot aboal I saNes Birtbirty awaf uw ,.. t-a Fearless and bold in his man at least one year to agricultural uc Uut after u etptratJoa ef oae TAtE 50TICX Uat L iaawa T. RcM. at aaora lvfa Back raeat! Uwawa aaasa ta 4 ner of doing things, Mr. Oliver) training, the greater part of BMtt from ibe dale of the am pabtlca- rnara Rupert B C- rrpctor. la lead ta raataa. tbeaca aeal If aaaiaw; sbeaca - apply tar a Reeaca to re coal aorta is eaaia; Uxaea eaat SB taawe w t- te has shown time and time again' which must be with experienced a of this nolle Akrrberr TVKBoa sad proepect CMnpaay Limited H1 aader eeUoa aetea aad petreleaai aeer Uw raUoartat deerrUwd torn I at eomrarorreoroL 1 his power of getting to the root ! farmers. This is considered t Uw mm AtL it-VtT to Uw MlalaKr f Uada on Uw Weat Oaaat at Mareaby lalaad. D ARIEL L. SirtHELAA0. of things. His handling of the ! to be one of the essentials, as! PaMto Warts at bit mem la Um aiy ef CoBjtneactat l a poal plaaied aboat at By CbaHes E. Brrea, sreat matter of the Pacific Great it vould be of little use giving (HUMS far inmiil f Uw tald lu and a Ml aocUwaiterty rrcea a poal located Located Raecaiber ItU. Itlt. rt atek aad rr trr to reaitrnrl Uw ald ea Uw abora of a aaaail Ray opeaias oat Eastern Railway Company and' a man a parcel of land, togther aaarf sad varkt. t Caaoa raw ectaeea Morby aad Cbaalt kttXk LA.1D MaTRJCT BBSTaiCT uf .k)taa making them come through has . with cash advances If he were twlrd at rnar Baptrt, . C tal aceeod Ulaada, aboal I caUes BorUwrly aloar Uw Ctll RAO TIE SBLAIM V ' won from him the enconiums unable to utiliie these to the iJ f Jaaaarr IS II. Maraby Ulaad aide of Caaoe rut frcea TAkE ROttCE Hwl BiiaWMla EavM. i Ai jbl of the ordinary citizens of this best advantages. iKEaaEM tuomso aad 0OMrA.vr. ltd Rack rottil. Utraea aoatt tS caalat; Uwara rrtaea Rafwrt. B C, cterk. animiBl w ap ru. yr4 Dand Tkmoa, Sacrtury. eat IS caaiaa; laraxa- aonfe IS cbaiaai ftr roc a Bteaie to praept Bar eaai aaa . . a t1 Uware aaai SS raaias to Uw polat at eora prtrateam ar Uw taetoaear Bcatrawd .- aa SkEI-VA laada aa Uw Wet I Ouail at Moroattr taUM t. . fav ral LAXb DISTWCT DISTSJCT Or -at' COAST. R.i.lGC S, JAMES r. RUD. AppUeaal. Oaraawactaf AI a poat plaated aboat t v e Located MavraalertUt, HIT. atHe esiieery treat a peat located aa Uw (- . S. S. PRINCE GEORGE aaora at Uw eatt atda at Caaoe raaa ai a (. t Tak aouct that Uw Wtstrra tiaom . SKEE.1A LAVD Dl STRICT DISTRICT Or potat aboat S atttea aiflbicty slaaf tae : sailing rackiac C.. ttd, r TaacoTr. 1. C, oe-tapatlva 01 EX.1 CUARUITTC ISLANDS bora from Back rtat; Uwaas laata a , . t i. Salatoa Caaam, tauad to apply ebalaa; Ibrare caal SS efceiaa; Ueaca BortR , I. WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT tat ptnnlMte to wa Uw d TO ANYOX toOswut IS eaalea. tbeaca weal IB eaalaa to potat he KflM Uada: TAKE NOTICE Uut L ioarpR Setloa, at THURSDAY MIDNIGHT TO VANCOUVER, of hit Peroral. caaawacut t rnaca Rupert. R. C. lalead a poat plaalrd at airs ropeiar. SIR TRUCE A.OTT. VICTORIA AND SEATTLE. air auk, staawr Fuurr. (oa a saiali b apply tar a Ucecwa to proeprct tar coal Haaa E. By Carwieaira. afeai Mtfci oa Uw aai paaaar about turn mUt aad petrol via aer Uw faUaatay deaenbed 8. 8. PRINCE JOHN Lorated fteeoUr IStR. HIT. i i wi aorta of OalaaBUM ay tra (It) caala Uada oa Uw Weal Coaat at Morteby laUad. Sailing alternate weeks to Ketchikan. Wrangell, Juneau. da weal or said btrl; tarnra taraty it f) Coaanractas at poet plaated aboat V of SIEEMA LA.1D DISTRrCT DMTRtCT OF Skagway and the Queen Charlotte Islands. eaaiaa dua aorta, utraea laraty tt) a auto oaUwaaterly rraea s poet located QVEE.T CHARLOTTE ULA.1DS R cata daa tttl. Uwaca tacaty (ts Uw ahora of s aaull Bay opeatas out V TAkE ROTKJt Uui Aleaacder L. BaUwr , TRAIN SERVICE caatiu sU. taratc back to point of cooa- or Caiwa rM Utveea Maneby aad CbaaU kl Uad. of Prtaca rRapect. B. C. awarr. ta mxaemtenl, aad rcaUiaiar farty ( laUada. aboat t saUea Rtttaerty aloef ibe raaeeocer Sftooda, w tad briar, tenda to apply tor a Braaic to psaepeaa lor ,. it 1 1 it kB. tor (calibers, BMira lesa. Mareaby lalaad aid at Caaoe raaa frooa rrtar Geerr. rdawilna aad Wlaoiprr, auklar direct Naaecrioaa for all THE WXSTULV SAtMO.t TACU.VO COM-rA.1T. Rack Fatal; Uaraca aoaik SS cbalaat Ueoca eeal aad petrokmoi aeer Uw toawalaf or aenbed laada oa Uw Waal Coaat of Mareaby . potau tkit aad soUL J r LIMITED; C C tUtotrXKM Aft. eaal SS cbauui tbeaca aorU SS caaiaa. lalaad: tbawwacMf al a ptiaied DATED VtembtT Slit. HIT. taraca writ is caaiaa to Uw potat of cva poat d I1 awaceaieaL aboat I toOa raavjety from a past bottled . I ' o1' Agency All Ocaan Steamship Lines. ?0SEril oa Uw aaora af Uw eaat atda af Caaoe raaa rO WATER NOTICE IUTOM. AppDcaaL For luformation and reservations apply to bivtasio.t AJID USE. Lorated .Haeember SUl, HIT. at s potol aboal saetes ascibntj akaM Uw abura frvoi Back l"otat; Uwata aorta City Ticket Office, 528 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 IS caaiaa; tbrae eaat IS ecu lot. tae ace TAKE 2I0T1CC that iuutt I. Eowrsoa. SKEE.VA LA5D DISTRICT DISTRICT Of aoaUl is caaiaa; Uwaoa et IB caawe w , vlMwa addrtaa la til rartt Bsetdtay. Vaa-ntmttr. VIII.1 CHARLOTTE IIULtDS pottl of riicnmraermrat B. c, mm KTJ far a Breata to ALEX.ASBER L. tHTHI.ALA.1D. Uke sad na CS.r. of water out of TAtE ROTICS Ul I, CAaiiei E. Burreaa. By Cbartea E. Batreaa. a teat ( aloa creek, abtcb Oos aeaurly aad of rnoce RBpcrl. R. C, auaer, to lend to Located Rateraber IBM III. . , , CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY dralaa lato Vttkm Ray about at Uw head tpply far a Itceaae to broeneri tar m.1 iw or Mia pay. petraleam eeer Uw roUovlar deacrUwd UtE-tA LAID DISTRICT IHSTWCT or TtW IUf mtU tw dltfMxf fran thm aa a weat coaat ar Moreaby lalaad. QVEU CHARLOTTE MHJtXM iream at a potal abeal abera L'oloa Creek caaMaeacUMj at a poet planted aboal at TAkE ROTICE Ibal Betty Kaoll. af mace Lowest R&.ta all Eastern Points to leaves I'aloa Lake aad wtil be nwd for a mile aouibcaaterty from a poal lorated Rapert. B. r aaree. lateadt to apply for via Stea.nsr to Vancouver and the wraer aad lartdeataBe iuififiiri,.i oa Uw abora at a acaall Bay opealar ol a ttceoea to proapeet tor cwej aad prttoteaai tl CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY parpoaa apoa Um laadt deaertbed aa DU- r Caooa faia beiaeea Moreaby aad CbaaU over Uw ftitoalay deaenbed UaA eel Uw Maala and Berth Included on Slaamar ui ie, uhiv wuuirv UUada. aboal mile aoruwrty aUsr Uw Weat Cuaat af Moreaby lalaad: Oaramenc . ar'l Tata ObUea aa doumI u iw. Mareaby Ulaad alda at Caoea raaa from lay st s poat pt acted about I taBa eavied) FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE oa Uw It ik day of iaaaary. llll A copy rowii ineoco aorta IS cbaias; Uwaca froaa s poal torated oa tae aaora af uw S. SOPHIA salU rroa rnar Rupert Narca tad, IIU. April tad. IIU. tlrd ar uu aouca aad aa appticaUoa partuaat rail IS Chain : tbeaca louth aa eaat atda af Caaea raaa at A potat aboal t May Jrd. Mib. t4Ui aad ioas iih. larrtio aad ta uw "Water Act, t S I a HI theaca aral le cbatna to point ct con' taMet aartberly sJoay Uw aaora fraea Rack SS, no TAL. sails from rrtacc Rupert S am Maixh I lib. tlrd. April It. be Bled ta Uw oian ar tb w.t. a.. ratal; tbeaca aorUi SS rbaieat tbeaoa i Ilia cad tlUk eorder at rrtnee Rupert, B. C. CHARLES E. BbROESS. AfpUfanL tl tbalati tbeaca south SB tbala; tfceace aa. SUV aalU troni Prtae Rupert Mirrh I lib aad tlia. objecuoaa to Uw applteauoa raay be Located Rannber tin. t7. catt It cbaiaa to potal af awnriawainiiai Tar ab aaUlar r subjert to ctnnre or caarcUatiua aliaoal aottot, Bled la Uw aald Water Reaarder ar wllk BETTY ISOTT. c 'l W. 0. ORCHARD, General AgsnL Uw CoupiroUer of Water Rlcbta. rarua-Mat SSECIA LAID DISrWCT DISTRICT OF By Haas K. CRrHiraaea, trai Buudiar. Vtrtorta. B. c attaia Located ftwecRiber HIT. IIU, Co ner Fourth Street and Third Avenue, Pr!nce Rupert. B.C. uarty days after Uw Brat appearaace ef V"" iinnwiii ISLANDS Uua aouca ta s total aeaipapcr. ILtE-tA LAMD DttTIU CT MSTMCT ol IV. Tbe data of Uw Brat pubttcauoa of Ui TE ROTICJC Uwl L Haaa E. ChrUtea-sea. (Hltl CHARLOTTE It LA.H BB era II aoika la iaaaary tlih. Hit rtt at Piiace Rupert, B. C, praapector TAkE ROTtCE thai Ttuaui Ivonw uf JAMES B. EMERS0X. AppUcaaL alrad to apply tor a umu. l Don't merely smother your cough br Robert M. Walker, treat (ar .aoal..aad petrotoiua M um over writ Uw roaiae coaal at rrtaea 4y for Rupert.s Uceaae B. C to preepaet Behrnnaa.Bar laleada teal aad U ! 1 peiralewa Moreaby lalaad. Coatnmetn. ., . aver Ibe roHealat oaarUed Uada oa Uw Wtel Coail of Mortaaf Maad lirmn vm klaUiiea's Sjrap U Tar aad Cod Uvcf 00 not oolr HAIR SEAL SKINS Waaiad about i of aula Kikuter1y OAajrBovar ; P. At fan plaated aboat tee I IIKf II prompUy urau cooaaiaf. bat taaaka to to toaic aad " w ua aaoro of a I I aaat to set lata tarda eaaterty fran a wealed aa Um vvitll AI iniikt.Ii, uouitlu ti Mu Ihi iTrin to ihm at loeca aim au Bay epeatfif out of caaaa aaa U poal Baa cold aud tana cflecta a pennaaeat rara. It ti tbU cjaality wmick Wu aww lor peraoaa Unas or aao taay bate laeea Mareaby sad eaaail iiiu. ...... eaora ea Uw eaateeiy arte of Caaaa I'M a. hair aeaU ar sea ttoaa I tl s potat AbOUl T OjHoS RerlfeeM) law Urgeat aala of aay cooc aad cou rainy ta viaaila. aklas aalcfe HMea aoruwrty aloar Uw Mareaby lalaad are free fruen acars ar tark ar book iiw aucs ratals Ibe aaora frani Back Patali in." aoles. Borta IS cbalae: tbeaca .. is ,bC wHl s taaiaaj tbeaca aetl SS rbai'o J. N. M. BROWN tbeaca aoauj is boa bur Lb IB eaalaai Uwaoa raat lu A l MATItnl C. ae. caaiaa; t brace aaat as CV1 feet OSUe Bea SOT, Vaaaaatee,B. tbaiaa to polal at eoauaeaceweat aim to potat af IIAJtS B. CURII1K.1IM. tiiomas rrrcttrtM, Located RoiemUr tin, mi' Appllcast Br Haaa K rirtaieaaea. area. I i i A Located Rarctkber It lb. It IT 4