lJur Mnr.li 7th I9l Til E DAILY NEWS OF GEPMAHS COMPLAIN TlrYIDEn SALE X 70. LAND ACT SkEENA LAND DISTniCTDISTRICT Or skeena Land dijtwct -fciSTiutT or A UfEfflBE ABOUT AIR ATTACKS COAST, RAN0E FIVE. QUEEN CHARLOTTE. -W tcMer will b rtcelred by lh IKCCtA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF "tniaier of UM ler lhn noon on COAST, RANCE 4. Take nolle that I Intend to apply to TAKE NOTICE that I, E. II. glmpnon, of j me tttn dav aC u.f.h tii A. ,k. .... riince Rupert, B.C. mariner, Intend to SUFFERING Amsterdam, March 6.- Accord h lloncrabl Commliiloner of Land and p-ply entse of Lleenea cava m imui TAkE NOTICE tbal John Once, of Van-emieer, for permlailon to purebaa lh followlnr lo a Munich Wort to leat tb followlnr detcribed ant diipatrl, feci r,f rJ. u, lne Sptue. Cedar and lUmWk B. r,, occupation fliherman. In-lenda deacrlbed land,. j Cologne Oaielte, the Social Demo, r tdjotmnr Llll. Swlndl liland, lo apply for pertnltalon lo leaa th land: Commenclnt at poll planted al north-etai crnls in Hie Ilavarlan lower RtwM I. Coall Mitrlrt rollowlnr deaeiibed Itrtdt: Commenclnt ti a poal planted al Um corner of lh Lontfellow Mineral prevenled liy "Friill-a-llies" nave hmiM Thru (ii teara will ha mIXnmmA r. m Cwnmenclnr al poal planted on tb northweii comer, bov hirh water mark, CUlm, W. r. Northeait comer No. I OS I; introduced an Interpolation l of tlmlier. foreabor on lb weal aid of Stewart al flarilell rolnt then ten chain da thence writ 10 chamt; thence north to Wonderful Fruit Medicine regarding what (he OnvernnM.nl Narrow, about two mile tooth of Hartley eit, then outb to the Sbor Line, then rhalni; thence rail to chain; tbeneo toulh The contemplates doing lo meet the Vlelorta. B. C. or Dlltrlct Foreiter. Prinra fttyi thence wen 9 chain, there north rotlowlnr the contour of tb Sbor Line 90 chain mor or le tlont hor' line heavy nialerlal damage from "perl, B.C. m. II I IS chain, thene tail 10 chain, tbene lo th plte of commencement, conuintnt to point of commencement rontalninr 40 other medicine the jaouth te chain to th point of comroenco-I laenty acre, mora or le. acre, mor or le. do aerial i.. in ,,i,mion, attacks, which are rem Hie men! and eonuinin 40 acre mor or le. JAMES DESBRISAT. mtnarer. DATED tTlh January, llll. Daily Newa delivered .. ... ..-! st 'Frult-Atlves' for stanlly lneroalng." by i JOIt.X OR ACE. Applicant, Wale UUnd Cannery. E. II, SIMPSON. l i .. sinu in.l Cofitllpatloa. Minister of the Interior Hretlc. arner. 50 centf per month. DATED Norember It, 1117. November 14th, HIT. Fl By Cbaa. J, Benson, Arrnt " . ... -m. i... 1 lUiirrru win, uivtu releh, in replying, said: I ,i,,sei,trylnf all klfl.Uof "Oermany did not begin the .,it, until I was told I u aerial attacks In this war. Wh. i. incur 1 I.- our enemies ceaie their allarks ,hv a intoa ieia rao 10 117 we shall alio cease our. With To surprise, I , my I ' ,:,, medicine gsre laHrmlUte his it in mostly a matter of repris j...I in thort time I wu all als against niijii.tifieil aerial attacks on open towns." rujUSfaiu DOXAT LALO.VDK ;0r '.8 for H-f.IrUI site 26e-V NORWEGIAN WIRELESS Camouflage! ! ,. h rs r from Fnilt-a-tlres CONNECTS WITH U.S. '"BtW LAND REGISTRY ACT tod IH.) Christiana, March fl. A wire I rrllM It There' not a word In the text or descriptive matter of this advertisement which would deceive or mislead lesss station Just erected at Sla Aj'l.l"'" "- UM. tlll-l. SUM. has buyers of liquor In any way. .- vanger uceeJed In eomnnl vik:e u ppiictuon ha been nad tui.1 r iiir rreuk W. litre Of Trlnee eating with Ameriean stations WE DO NOT KUHSTITUTK. We have the goods WK I'llKPAY ALL EXPRESS CIIAItGES. Beware or i ) . a owner In fn kinder feur during trials, llegular trans the real article. Wo fill your order true to brand, to firms quoting liquor f.oJ). at various points or making aliantle service Itetweeti Norway niality. to strength. When you Juy from us your indefinite statements as to shipping charges. Express inii r nuperi, warm oai in and Amerln will le started when shipment is takei from the largest and best selected i'lil u r reMr, if it, na om Tat charges to H.C. points are higb. Our method takes lord IfoJ day or September ever the American government stock in Canada. II is backed by the guarantee of a mi' m 1 and SINGULAR that rerutn grants permission. responsible company which has been in business in care of all this. Our price means actual delivery (all i-j 1 i.f Hod lad premise tllutu Stavanger Is an island in the llntish Columbia for 20 years, the managers of which charges except. Jugs, kegs, packages, war tax. etc. I,III .htmt pariicalarly 10 u aty known or prtne sod no de North Hen on the West oon( of lire known all over the province as responsible men, paid' at your doot or nearest station. i" 1 u veo m and nrteeo (it). Norway and 100 mites t) of Many firms do not stale in advertisements that prices are f.o.b. shipping points; this is fraudulent advertising, I Hi. Ul Iwelv (It), Block Her it en. From Ptavanger tn ,'ihe r n. irtu l.. tod LU UUrijr-lbfM because express charges are very high. In comparing our prices, remember first we ship genuine goods and 'no nearest Ameriean soil is nlont 3, 1 r l "nrir ror III). Black Orij-orx substitution then remember we pay all charges. 300 miles. 1. iu Serlkia Uftil (I). Mtp III. r . - quirrd U NMI Um cUlm Of J SCOTCH WHISKY BULK CASED SCOTCH WHISKY ui i-r-bun miUiln II (Ujt rmm Um Salvation ftrmy. PURITV STRENOTM QUALITY Jvsl ralaaaad from Canadian GfNiiet ftaadad War,house bM r to KrtK er this nolle ( bitli Imp. 1-CaL l-Cal. 10-OaL a daiayad ahipmast of splsnal (Miula old 6coUh Whisky ut,. 1. .ffrrid by public uon In Um Puhlie Saaderauea OM Prleal Stock "Mountain Jar. her. kt. bottled la 8ctland and of wsarful character and aalua. jri,. . I i-eri Dtllr ."'), sod four meeting. Tteefr, Urwr 1 yrare old LnduubUdly .4ik4 la McUon It of Um Thiirsiar ami Put'irrlny al H p. ut lb Oneal SeolcB Whuklta Uu-purled Andrew Macintosh (Dundee) Old Perfection Scotch. .jji: 1 -irj Act" Ita UMo4arou, tmt t. Sumtars al 1:ia m. to tltfa country ( taroni for Ill casea only, tntli (old, per case 111.10 1 ttw ' viae tiirsci UtrrrtntB. p. year) t4-f0. .170.00 S13S.00 Mackle A Go. (Laratuim), (Wbll bursa cellar ahippcr). old iiaunmi, l-urular for many year. Old Islsy Scvicb. ordinary alia (7k easel) caa 24X0 uy ii d'Ttuii or et4t or MrttBctU .lc-lkrul 1430...70.00...18-00 1 : r.lnil Vief Bled btrgr t rt1 NOTICE. ismioaiaa ftvatrvc Liqueur A led fur Imperial Oial Qvaru (10 case) case) 30X0 irt; 1 ii mttr tt Um frtoa itutM )rar is aherry caaka a mild, mellow J. M. Macpberaon'a Ettra Special illtbland Scotch, 40 -M wtrtikey wuxlcrful Oaror. Tbo uaJrr l b ui Mit. til proci to Mrttd a Gull." "Brown Bear." -Utile Tocoy tl bLUmable frun Ibli fanwua lio 14X0, . .970. . .10.00 rase. In ill sold, caa .......27.00 ::i B ' . . and Ukm cUtmmr fraction," -Saolirtl rracUon." "Sea Uo While llora celUr. a famoua old brand A case cooaUU of It quart botUes. Ita -t' r B0dr Ibrm, and all pcraoo rracttoa. -tbrei Anclwr fractioo." "ky. liqueur i ..13.S0 CS.00 1270 Frlc Net. 'aun iaitmt Um Uod r-lic Daaaoo'a "I erfecuoo" A ry Per Case la Bird nf anjr bj JrtM "Crt.p rraciton" and "Obaer. lii utd IMjucur whUAey 114W. . .UM. . .120.00 lioitla Prlc i tiiv jtrtrtiwrcd iDJintmrnt, and all ury" Mineral Clalmt, allude In Um liaiiiera "Mighland Creant" A fa tort l W- Jimiar aar lnwrl In Um land Ik NlMor DivMloa of Coat I Diitrtet uadard 1tS0. . .MM. . .11730 MrGonneir Old Oikney Doubw V. 0. Pur 1 '!.'. boM uim 11 not riKrd Wber tarated: near Bear Lake. Surf Sanderaua 'tOk-nieiUi" 10 years old. HlrbUnd Malt; bottled be Tore the war; ery vdj- uw pruuioni ! uut a cl, ttuU b Intel, rrtnro Moral Itlaod. "MuuauM IU) Malt Dew" The raual popular 1230...60.00...11730 kne; lie case, until aold ....14.00 630.00 - eto(rtd and dftMmd frocs TAkE NOTICE that I. rred M. WelU. Bcoicn Wbuky. hi Western tvanada; V als's Dundc No. 10. orirtnal lmporutloo, hi 1 :t aay claim lo or In rprt of rrr Mttten GertlBcato Xo. I It 1 1 C. Um rr IM 1230 B730 115-00 a aundard farurlle; bottled before lb war; ita uM tor Uici. and Um nvU-n: alr aniwiiev) arent of MilUrd T. War H'ium of FarlUBM-nt" 0. Ilendvraoo t casea 3.00 30X0 . - rruir Um proa touUvd m- r. rrre Miner OrUflcai Sa. Utile quality 4 tM.. and is year Oaror old. tcry uniform 11.00. . .B-0O. . .110.00 (j rim's stand Fast, a very popular whisky In 6t: ui mm at ttMr of Um land tatend. Mlly day frotn Um date hereof, l .brc a o. V. o." An old tatted Olen- EofUnd; 31 casea 3X0 33X0 f r 1 ui. to apply to lb M inter aecorder for lixel bcutcb (pt-puUr, 1230. . .60.00. . .11730 Andrew L'aber Special "O. V. a" in ImpcrUl W IllRtAS ii.ll ration baa ba LerUSca le sf Inpewtetoeata. for Um par ,-.M buaid Old Soalata Wbisay It ytaca oval quart. Direct UuporuUoa (limited in wuud. iUKrral old wbUky; ca- a ' fuacu of lndrraibl Till ol obUHMar t Crown Grant of each -rptlucwl lahM 1S-00...6230...12230 quantity), wonderful value; (It cases) .... 4X0...48.00 . ax tr BMauonrd laoda. In Um mom J Um abate claim. la una I uai quarter caska of IS to 1 ftliuns deduct 10 per cent, "BUck and White'" Buchanan' most popuUr W Marl, An rvRTian take notice uai ae- fruca vm (slioa prlc. line tn Um world; wonderful nator and quality av WiltkCtl on lorriUftUBf Um or eUen maat b com- (10 eases) -60 36.00 ;J K'tr Uut prior to Um I life day asiewcwd twforo Um ! of tocb Cerllflcat RYE WHISKY BULK Buchanan'a "Red Seal" (tl case) 3-28 36X0 loit (Um dM on kich Um at lBOeoeiDrnt. I-Gil 1-01. 10-GaL Bulloch. Lad k Co. DlsUller or rinesl HlrbUnd ua j trt ald for ord uira), OATIU tM ItU day of October. A. D. -Limited fce. ker. Arc. Malt Whiskies Whit Lil aundard Renc" Liqueur By M.00 940-00. .17730 a Um rtfiiUrvd and aaad on-en ill III ' S-2S 3X0 Tbre Seal', t-year old. very On and of aU brand at -uud bin. special Ucod 730 . .S730. .7230 1 uia TAKE ItOTICX Umi al Um MINERAL. ACT "l-male utock ' SpecUl Liqueur 7.7B SS.7B 7S-O0 : 1 baa effect rrrtiVtUoa la Guudcchani A WvcU' Special (Standard CASED RYE WHISKY au Canada) S.00 . .40.00. . .7730 1: t 1 ik a arpUcaik and Utu a CERTIFICATE 0 leeOt1lHTS B. c. SpecUl (II year in oak), limited A cas com tits of It quart bottle. -rt& t r indefeaaibM TltM to Um aald qaauUiy S.00 .48.00. . .1730 II. Oarby k Sua, Cuoderhau A Woru, Hiram hadi l'ar Canadian MUI Wbli Whisky 7.00 . .SS.00. .6730 dc mom of rraok W. Man unWu Walker k Sons. B. C Distillery Co. (aU special Ouodrrtun A Woru s-year old. ipectal r3 Ut and proMCat um proper pro-eiublnh NOTICE ihipnjrat. very ftn 7.2S .14-26. . .70.00 botUinr; limited supply (until told).... 11.00 your CUUa. if aj. rat rracUon sad "DaUy" Mineral Joa. Id. fecerraiu't "Waterloo,' atandard Oouderbam A Woru (Special), bottled In B.C. to da ; Ubdl. or lo pretenl aucfe pro- claim, altuato la Um rorUaad Canal Ktnlnf atrentth. It U4 0 . .6230. . .6230 (until aold) tT.DO to casea 1 a im my part Weuioa of Cataur Diatmt Walker a Canadian Club 630 . ,4230. . .6230 8.00 . .40X0. .7730 Walker s ImpcrUl ' t ib land Keatitnr OIS. erlnn Wlwro localed; On Um eail aid of DISTILLERY BOTTLED. "Ootd Hood" canailua Rye, It year old; n twi um dr or rrbraarr, Caacado Creek. It milea frwu um bead of uedral and best pvaslbl lo obuin .... 6.00 . .40X0. . .7730 "Canadian dub" llll am Walker (ery famous) 2-28 622.00 A 0 'ii forUand CaaaL llirain Walker s old Canadian Ry 7X0 . .68X0. .6730 Imperur liiram Watter 2-00 10.00 a r. macixod. TAkE NOTICE tbal I. I. rred RlubJa In urt rlnal half barrela or tl to IT rations deduct t per cenL Oouderbam a. Woru' "Speelar 2-28 16.00 DUtrlcl Reiittrar of TlUea. rreo Miner Certiaru Ma- IITl-O act rrurn riKaa price: In barrel of 41 to 4 sallon deduct 10 per Oooderfaam A WorU' Ordinary 2.00 17X0 T W uytoo. rrtneo KterL B. C a arenl for lucioald kin JleUI, rreo cent rAa -" price. Juaeph Searram' No. II 2J5. . .22X0 worr of Ult II and II. Block Mloera Certificate No. IIII-C, lalend. B.C. Ordinary fuU (trencth and Bitot (until -r a riaaitt, Edmootoo. Alu m Mily day from Um dat beroof. to apply 22-20 NOTE N balk Canadian Rya la ehlppad hy aa at Use than oM -10 tad aiactard owner of Lol II, k Um Mtntac heconler for CerUflcaie of 1 " 0,arrent Bon Stroiicth 26 u4ee proof. Thaeoforo, the Jets Moor Old Bcurbon Whisky (A.A.) Genuin i; aad aold for Uiea on lllh dat lapcovcmrai. for tb parpoto of obtamui Uia sir f gallon CaMiaa Oosaroment guarant snjlh try lmporutloo. Special prtc 1.T6 16X0 ' If. nJr. itllt V. StrauiM. ttl crown Grant of Um tool claim. wa sell. Mi Vaneoater. C nwiiftl And further tak nouc Uut action, un y' ' it and II. Block It. der xtl too II. mail bo commenced before CHARGE FOR WAR TAX, tb Uaaaaco of ucfe CerUOcaU of Impror WE DO NOT SUBSTITUTE. NO menu. f Dated tbl I lib day of December, A. D. . L eniVATI OCTECTIVS A0.ENCV HIT. PACKAGES OR KEGS. WE PAY ALL EXPRESS CHARGES Meiraoaiiuo Bl, Vaaoaoeae. MINERAL ACT rbooe. lejniour tut. PORT AND SHERRY WINE BULK COQNAC BRANDY BULK 1 rboo. ralnnont 1011. OF IMPROVEMENTS. l-Oal. t-OaL 10-GaL Per Imp. 1-CaL 10-Gal CERTIFICATE Jur. k'er. ker. OaL Ker. Ker. N Odea, ait MlkbewBon Bldfl. t-.rort's Impertal (r.iby; very old vlnurell 2.00. .688.00.0106.00 Illiatt Splendid XXV Old Pal Cornac. .611.00 666.00 6110.00 Uela, B. &, PhcR S4t2. NOTICE. s tra An AmunullaiJ exqulslt'' old- . iliun. u. r.win anarry of Ph. Richard' Cornac V. S. O. P 12.00 67,00 11230 siitpaon." "Rupert.- "Plcwn" "EUor-l. i,rviMunceit aw: i'h-asant character . . . .10.00 45X0 66X0 Gold Seal XXX Brand) (Oold Label mark) 1230 60,00 116X0 t a a tatcado l aU .to. f and "CaicaJ I Royal I so la" lrt Ettraordlnarr old vtnl- -Gold Bond" line Old French Cctic rail Na S Mineral CUlma. ltutlo la tb I ast purl, with an bouquet liaivi; BnalJ - 13X0 6230 120X0 . .76X0 t-uriUrxl Canal Wmiar DletHon Of Calr ui..niiiuiiu lit ror many I'll hrr years sberrr: very nn 6.00.630 40.00.3730 70-00 Menkow XXX Old Vlnur Comae .... 14.00 65.00 128X0 Dial net. I Wels & Co. (OfoM-tol Old Tawny port.. 6.00 36X0 66-00 RUatf Old PrlvaU Slock. Special Yin. Harry A. Harccy Uhm located: On Um Mil M or Vri- 4- Co. (opurtoi Leaitimo Ruby tar ItTI 1530 7230 140.00 caacad erect, it mil rrom Um bead of 1 port, Napa A tknorua "four EatW" In oiitrlnat pai-kare quarter cask! of It to II rln deduct lU Lmm, fa, Ooneeatole rurtlaod Canal. ('Jllifor Sherry 630 2730 50.00 10 per cent rrom one rIVn prlc. Napa k Sottuma "1'i-ur Eaclea" CaWfomla In tock thr Brandy NOTE Th Gold 6al Company hiv so I MuaU) TAkE NOTICE that I. I. rred ntiew fori O-OO 26.00 46X0 Clt Or LAM100WNI rrro Miner CertUlcaU flo. ItTI C.) ael- j O..LI Hai Tu kail" California Port .... 6.00 40X0 eicept gsaula French Cegnae, Impertsd direct from Frne. OOTTALL for Oakley Bctnforl Bulb, rreo -rha brands ul imnorlrd ports and aberrica ar unques-ber W d ael deck er ship California, Spanlah er Canadian Brar.dy. 1 1. I Taken lor lot Mlnffa a arent Oruncate Ha l-t. mieiw. llouably the rrralest posslbl valu obUlnahl anyw in All above branda ar ruaraateed ol lea than 20 under proof ' '.1. n!o. V10UMCELLO and miy day from tbo dai bereof. to rpU JI"" WE FAT EXFRESS CMAR0E6. Canadian Government teiL HkM0.ilT. la tiM Minint- Recorder for t grunci 01 ' eresaead kXAMl ATIOMS fee BiamUiallona ImpruteuicoU.Crown Orol for of Um Um purpoa abov tiaim.of iUlolnt All Goods Guaranteed as to Strength, Quality and Purity And ruriber tak nolle thai action, un "e?l Cell,,, , n,,,, t4tnt gj,,. der aectlon II. null tM CMiinteoceU before deduct order when seed r NOTE On all above branda on Um Utuanro of uch Certincat or impro- hipped al one time only. TCRHS PMOME BLUE 278 menu,Dated tbl ttlh dr Auruit. a.. v. WARNING Three bottlt or mere IB cenu each bottle. . . IMPORTANT mi- M 81a betllea er more 28 tenia each bottle. , GUARANTEE . .We de sot sua-elleule;- Twelie bettlte or mere Case price net, no deduction. - " MINERAL ACT Be faren (One kind or assorted) ful ef detaptlte W abeotuteiy Prince Rupert Feed Co. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTB adsrtllng.Srma ar offering Many guarantee,and unqualifiedly every liquor who. tan-set aundard and pco PHONE 59 NOTICE supply the For Full Price List Write prltury brand .and Minrl rpreeted "Molybdenum" nd "ucca" branda quale, but .ralun. muau to Um Ikeen Mtnlot Dli- will aend yea very Stred for eal by iin of caur DlttrlrL Inferior gr. De a to be genubts FOU Wher localed.-About I mue w"enj ,et sn meaty I SEAL LIMITED Imported food fruit IU bead of Alleo Ann, tod about 4WUlde Srm ua GOLD et. bottled, or lblld In Canada, BULBS miu mun iho Beach. lea yeu knew who TAkK NiiTicK thai Lwl W. raunor. (Sty ar. M aay but ehlpped direct No. Illll-C, t hai kae from th diaenl rreo Miner certltlcal paepl Tu"P, ....1 ih, unittuinum M'ntna and R ery badly Wealed. Calgary and Regina Slslllltri. la. the Hyacinth., D.ffodlla, auction Company, LlirJUd, (Noa rroial . . IMPORTANT United Kingdom. . Etr IJabllliy) Ire Miner certmcai ' Ull, Narclsau.. inita.r intm.ti amy day from tb dalt 137 Water Street Vancouver. B.C. hereof, to tpply to Ik Mlnlnf Recorder IT '" "-wii rr a Certinctl of improyrmenu. tor mm AtU.d u. purpua of obtalnlof s Crown Ortnl of etch or lh claim. AMI ri'RTHtH TAKE NOTICE tUI tctloo 0. unter Bar lion II mutt t toiumenct4 bo a lor lh Itau of men Ceriincaia of Un LbbsPHIH proteuienla,