" a eeeeeeee; I , , IIIIIIII!iiillll!Illlll!!iil)!i'iliiiiiiiiiitiiii the harbour r.-t.Ttli mil m. 1 14 G. H. Arnold nbe.'t r'W,'im,k- having on oeentiiii lewd of tn"ht (jasolhie Engines tor of lb u-f-- nun-uny 9 bale NOTARY PUBLIC for I" ft"P'rl I M it I ambie, of tbe Hank or " rfox We Sell Ileal Estate. Monlral an-oiiipantetl by Mrs Cambuv ).av. (his evening f r Cns 3-Cyllnder 4 cycle 30 H. P. Falrbanks.,rii and Marine W write Fire Camble has been the s ulb Mr, Insurance. Iter for many years, and with We have Apartments, Slorei, Mr. Gamble, will b missed, afier One 2-Cyllnder 4 cycle 10 II. P. Palmtr Engine 1 Houses, and Oflkcs for lliry are (tone. Mr. Held, of Chilli- 3jQ r Rent, and Want More. m -.ill .riilara- Air.- . tlaillhif on Cnc 1-Cyllnder 4 cyelo 10 M. P. Hicks Engine 1 We Deal In Mortgage Loans. ( I he staff f the Hank. We Sell Timber Limits. i ' One l.CMnder 4 cycle 3V H. p. Regal Engine Jiyq We do Conveyancing. ,,, nioiiMm'uxfH"'; Cno 2-Cyllndsr 2 c)dc 14 H. P. Callle PerfeHlon 1 A Train Wreck $200 I H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD. One 2-Cyllnder 2 cycle 9 H. P. Falrbsnks-IWorte on the C. P. R. Cnglna 200 S kguesaaJaBJ'JT-sjJJL u u Cne 1-0yllnder 2 cyflfa 2 H. P. Waterman Engint 5 Practically new, 3C lbs. weight and suitable for 5 "f U.-lim ll...I involved a ear row bost trolling News" Flonr, and eauaed damage to "The Daily 200 sacks, which got slightly Cne 1-Cllndtr 2 ecle 4 M.P. Auto Martfia Enft i wet and dirty whilst bring CLASSIFIED ADS. transferred from the wreck. a atn THE PRIMITIVE CALL, Ons 2 cycle C H. P. CaHle 1C)llndcr Psrfurtion 1 25 II WILLIAM FOX PRODUCTION Mr. A r not I was on the Job ami made an offer on the lot. t th. We.-iholme Theatre to-night. One 1-Cyllndsr 4 cycle 12 H. P. Buffalo Engine WANTED. which was sold to hira. We 800 expect roods to arrive on JA.MTOR WASTED. AppUtmUom rtl be GOLDBLOOiffS Wednesday's boat but cannot THESE ENQINES ARE SECOND-HAND, BUT HAVE Btlt received by Ut uadertiroed. up to Feb Lotal News Notes guarantee date of arrival. THOROUGHLY OVERHAULED SOME REBUILT ttta. tor tbt posittoa or janitor at tbe IW4t Street SCOOOL SUM Bfnnw Would like to annotiBce to the However we will book AIJSO - ud aaauacationa. saury J public the opening of their new toot order and ship as soon QIES QCARS NEW AND REBUILT Matt W. D, VA-TCX. ()Sec, store at 641 Granville SI, Van. K nisttU of Pythias will hold a as possible. comer, an exclusive and up-lo- Social Dane on April 8. Invito- Sole price, per barrel $11.25 WASTED. Cbimbannalg' 541)7 HouL tlate Ladies Ready-to-Wear. The kiofts only. tapt Sale price i& lb. sacks $2.85 (Sil buyer Mrs. V. F. Gescheit also t We reserve right to limit 1 Akerberg, Thomson & Co., Ltd. I Mr. a W. Harrison, of Twraeo. FOR SALE. visited all fashion centres of quantities. AUK.VT8 FOR rr s amoaK the arrivals it) lovfsi Rastwn Canada and United States . j SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY. rOR SALE. Qoarter ml oak uJ etber and the beautiful creations that FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ; Palmer, Fisherman, Anderson, Yale, and Unto Englntt Houtaj rrmre. Arpr ut stta e JHe, eart. I are gradually arriving. leave bo Dr. Cairns, of TVcraee arrived ottneoi Saeji S for ZSa deubt but whal we will be able to back again in town yesterday from Ivue-r Sop 4 far iiiiimiiiiiiiiBuniraiiiiHJira MUinw.:: x: LaCVCH FOR SALE aid la wrttar art OBOMik Salr..S oara aeR Maw please tbe ladies and do Justice Invited far Um Laaocb Koeeben II. ul- Tantotiver. Son, tfHu a4 Wita LaitM abio tor ulwa Btniar. AUa t(iac to every tjpe and taste. . . . . f ae SSa Caa be aaade lata rerr boaL Ad Oar Prtnee Rupert store ww Mr. V. S. Maoay of Aayox, pass Cann Soas a oara for 4oa Crete ladtaa oiace. Prince Rupert. have a full line of sails, coals, ed tbroogh the oily yesterday on CaentSaiWia Sal t tt Bnrat C T. MOBJUSO.t ulCC FERRY. Ontario Cfeeoao aod t Pkt Eiecatort or tbe mum cT tbe lata r. dresses and waists awl skirt. his way to the artne. Waoaroas Bar , . ,aoa Farter, knud duplicated from oar Vancouver Eva. Fiiata e-e Urr Hie Fish lermen Noiicd Store and as oar stock is eveluslve Wanted. Stenographer. with Ik, fee SO LOT FOR SALE 8 Ml ta wrtuae art Invited b okkeep4ag experieeee preferred. Btaek Fir, rot a repeal order r or lot a. Block II. Section T we would advise tbe ladies to oome JUBbroae Street, near Drydock. Lot oon and make their choke. Apply P. O. llax 588. tf taorr mam Satrodaeo..a it. tbrta fee S0a The Cold Storage Fertalisor nnd Oil Plan: ,t ,(, m neat to Mr. Biytbe'a Store ttb Ae- aide, ao encumbrance. AoMreaj Indian GOLDBLOOM'S Constable o Meflllnchy, who had BA Setrtaaa. her- SOc lb. Special 1t la. i am in operation and wfti operas all toe year r . ,m TW OBre. to the will buy all marletnhle Bh ami wni ai. boy Dnf been eseerlrng a party Cora Sure X Ik, fee ZS rosnfsany Third Avenue. . CI". MORRISO.f aad C C FERRT. Ztecatora of tbe estate of the lata T. eh, returned to town last even. Etuatel Laeadfy StanO 2 foe ZSa Fish at Ofleen doftors per tost (eouivaJent to ab. it (t ru Cimlfnittip: Sato, 1 urre paL Farter, deceased. Advertise in the Daily News. Ing. of Oaater Oil and t Una Map per Ash). Haft wffl be prsrvidod free and all uiii-. m la Lear MRk for to be pttrehaied at the Compaay's store at reanM. - r. LOST Mr. M. M. Stephens was among Canada Ftnl Mk and St. Cbaa. the passengers returning (o town MKk. ret. !. tr a. Hpeosal facilities are prosrlood for fas t at ani rti.'. LOST Cold SUclftn. berweea Iroquois the "Prinoa George" last afternoon. SS.IB on itteo bringing Iboir gas hoota will he ailoweo .' r-r tt. Fool Room and FUUl Avenae, E. I m tart. sec. vard. Finder pleat re torn to Dally MS xsa ponos r trrp to aooofl. The plant is lorat.l n Sew omcc U. no rr St Mr. and Mrs. O. A. DryanL and of the shine; grots nais i Bah can be - . .-V -al ehlldren reiaroetl to the eity y. leaaatal FoaoSjea eee. )c nnsahors all the yonr round. Coene to Poron r , ! u &ALE OK QOWEArthtENT teroay aftomoon after a vaeatsun X make Boh day Msg. BUSINESS ANNOUNCE. Oaotttr Brand roora tH . tana. man ay osory in the south. WENT. LAUNCH. Speettl 2 I, J. C Gavigan having ieuuw, ... Captain IlrandL one of Prtosoe FRUITS VEGETABLES.AND FRESH International Chemical Co.,LlJ. R.perfs old timers, was a If purchased the Regal Automobile offlco of tbe Diatriet Ungtuevr.i,,' arriving hack The best day to slet your Licensed at No. 12,-538, Prince Rupert, up to and includ again pasaencers here yesterday. green stuff during the present Pacofl, Queen Cha lotte Islands. formerly owned and o-perated ing March 3ht, 1918, for tbe por- boat schedule is on in the Taxi business cbase of tbe government Launch Mr. J. L. Maitland. o(4he Dank Thursday of each week. by Mr. H. Howe, proprietor Wakesia" complete, with engine of Cemmeree staGT, is leaving tbe Needless to say tbe place to of the business known as and other equfptneat as it nowfotty tonight fer tbe south on a buy it is here. Mr. Arnott Tbe Regal Distributing Co, is in Seattle this week, and weeks three vacation. stands. Launch can be seen at will not assume any debts has DENTISTRY Atltoi promised to forward a Harry Swans on'a Ooat House, Government or business responsibilities Mr. W. M. Law. of Alice Arm. few surprises for those who of the said Company, which Wharf, Prince Rupert, eaaiSf BeUSee. was the arriv. used bsiom woks among passengers are to getting the varieties or?WN aio retired from business The successful tender most be on imtr an VAttAntdva mar fMiu a larger market Is ahlev a srcctSLTT Villi' March let, 1918. Plans for prepared to pay oasji down and ,he ouln Mr. Iaw etued bia to import. dr. J. s. snowu PRIME tAUSiCC, the future also the business take immediate possession. Ijourner thronKh to An vox on bis APPLE SPECIAL. DUinrr name of the new Company ' Prov. Govt. Pub. Vks. Dopl.U.r nerth. Wtooaape Crate Stork, apovul S2.10 eawi San nia, Ta aiaro Tomato Savsat a $jaei5 will be announced on or Prtnee nopert MrintMt Reda IS batea to etetr tXiC raooa 114 about tbe 1st April, 1918 Special information regarding . 1 Wtaeaapa tf tot . ISO In the meantime Phone 55, WATER NOTICE the products of Gobi Seal Ltd, Th pneo adTtaeea to It.ft Ml Phone 674 P. 0. M DDTJISIOS ASD USE. week. will be temporarily discontinued, who have been using onr columns Advertise in the Ially News. together with tbe for advertising he had lately TALE SOTICE ttal 1.T. Bcffersaa. vaoae may Taxi business. (56) addreaa U e-o FatSMTe 4 Faheo, Prtace from Mr. 11. K. Ross, of the Em- The kpl Table Supply Co. Rspert. B. c . i apply tor a nceaeo tojurra Hotel. See him first tf. tax ana bm iooo cute leei per Baiw T atier aat or a ereek ttm as rh..... ,...! i Deer Creek bKl Boars oatteaUrly and) -- '"- A HOT BATH THE draina taio nekaat inlet aboat atx bHm sengers on tne sieawer yesier- STEEN & LONGWILL rrom Batedaia. B. c Ttw water wtB be day for points east of Edmonton. MINUTE YOU WANT IT exerted rroo u ttream at a potat abaot Many of ,he prairie people wer ooe fcair tatta rrua mil or alreant and' ,. , . ,, , - Anyone Can Have Yon are v -: SANITARY AND HEATING be aaed for Dover fnaa bdob the rctMrntan aw lueir larani.. aiM-r ENGINEERS ntiaa described at tba -Mar Mineral!spending tbe winter on the coast Whipped Cream Ui.tly. Th... 'if' i ThU aotleo waa potted on tba rroaad A special meeting of the Fish iafartiou f If Agents for oa tbe Slat dayT January, tilt. A oopy Packers Cniaw will be held on Water in i! ": ut ibu noUre and aa appHctooa paraaaat McCLARY FURNACES UMTtto and to tba "Water Ad. llll." UN Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. PACIFIC MILK is so abuiioanr'. eM -I bt Sled la tbt bfflr of tbe Water Recorder After the businoss of the meeting, rich in cream that it PLUM BIN O at Prince Rupert. B. C n social entertainment will be provided. hfesWro. Objections to tba apptlcaUoa may be Bled whip as easily as alWt A good attendance is re. H and WATER MOT with tba atid Water Recorder or wtut tbe SHEET METAL WORKS Comptroller or Water RJrbu. FarUament quest). (56 most of the froth CaOdtara. ViciorU, B. C. villus tblrty Hanson Phone 5, 834 Second Avenue. dayt irter tba Brat appearanro of tbla Mr. A. C Watson, of the sla IT cream uld aronnjd Harry .Night phones 570 notice in a local newspaper. of the Royal Hank of Canada, is 1 hiLty the Province CD IBSI Hot Wat. : Cfl I. T. HEFTERSAS, AppMeaat. and IMue 270 bi i. S. Leede. AieoL leaving by the "Prince George" you thi The right work, at the right 'Tbe data of tbt flrat publication or una i this evening for the south on a I Mrs. MeCary of New Westminster PHONE 4S P 0. tOtW time, and at the right price. none 11 February mux till. vacation. Mr. WaUon's health i wrote in to say that she whips 1 has not been too good lately, and , PACIFIC MILK regularly for a Jie may not return here. itreat for tbe youngsters for FOR YOUR NEW SUITS I break fast. ' See Mr. M. M. MeLaeblan arrived in I AH she does Is to set asbte the L H. SHOCKLEY town yesterday to take up bis amount she wants, in a aJ rUon HARDWARE (Sttcceaaor to J. L. Ulrkey). Steve King duties of manager of the local for a time and then beats It with FRED STORK'S Prompt Cleaning A Pressing i branch of tbe HraekmaRnKer Mil. a seive egg-beater. She put thia CONTRACTOR BUILDER Phone Groan 418. 'ling CoM In place of Mr. Clarke. on toast and gives it to the child-'ren FOR CANNERYMEN ........ who is going south in a few days. for breakfast. i.IeK We and ' have added lo our slock of valves i i Store and Office Fixtures, Mr. F. II. Clibbs. tbe seorelary. You'll and It is good 00 oaks and line of Rubber lu-llmg at right i Sash, Door, and Mouldings. treasurer of tbe company Oak and Hardwoods of all panied Mr. McLaehlan here. PACIFIO MILK FOn FISHERMEN , , kind. Phone 150 j CO, LTD. A aoaiBlote sUck of the best goods that " .n Factory at Ladnsr, B. 0. trolling -Spring Iiraoi. Silver anu We Specialize In Hardwood Mr. Reg. Heaumont, f the O. T. Boat Rite, Sash, FOR INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR P. stfeamship company was among ; If you have a good recipe send it FCn THE WATERFRONT Si".si f"11 Doors, etc. DECORATIONS the arrivals In town yesterday, ,m. You way gel a nice surprise The aslebrated Maple Leaf Paints ami Varm-n -paint from Vancouver. Mr. Heeumont in return. Addreos Ikix grit. Vancouver. "VIMGIA'AV." A romplelo Woe of i Ha" Plate and Sheet Glass and will take up his duties here, from U. C. , FOR EVERYONE Glazing. which feint the operation of the A fine stock of Hardware. Ourney s ' . ... .. . . .. Acorn 1 ...11 ,1. Corner Frassr and 6th Sla. Sign Co. ( iwmwa win ut- ruiirnei. Mr. We Soil Nothing But The Beat . jlleaumont was aaitant inaiiaavr PHONE GREEN 2S9 FOR SIGNS i.to Captain Nirh.iU..i u Vanrou. ADVERTISE IN P. 0. BOX 158 ;lver. heft-re taking ,.p tb- jm ap FRED STORK'S HARDWARE polnltncnt. I The Daily News