The Daily news V )I ,x v , , , i'hiwck nui'MUT, n.c.. FnmAV, march h, ioib. XfflVK caxt- I ii s n vi a r a a a f r- i j wt m k. h at m a a 14 a im n iu ir a ra. a a w ap i ii l n rnniani. niiiffirui Ttnuir m rrnnniTriii iitci ii ii-t-i INLAND kKIIUV U IIH I lllllf IJUII REVENUE DEPT. IS DEPORTATION OF BELGIAN RUSSIA CONTINUES ALTHO' TO BEjADDED TO CUSTOMS POPULATION IS CONTINUED HOSTILITIES SAID STOPPED , (fPrti to ti luiiy . " ' the government administration by FACTORIES ARE DESTROYED ! Ottawa, Starch 8. It ia under- one. !stood that in connection with the The bringing into force on April MBURQ A SCANT EIGHTY MILES FROM PETROQRAD CAP- !reorganization of the Cabinet first of the War Time Prohibition AQE LIMIT OF SLAVE LABOUR EXTENDED TO CHILDREN OF TURED BY 0ERMAN3, who cunnnuL tu guun up the made necessary by the defeat of Act will have a tendency to great- THIRTEEN YEARS LOCAL RAILWAY AND STREET CAR COUNTRY OF ALL WAR SUPPLIES PETROGR AD Messrs. Illondin and Sevlgny, the ly reduce the importance of the RAILS BEING TAKEN UP AND SENT TO GERMANY REMAINS ORDERLY AND CALM. government will add the depart- Inland llevenue Department, and FACTORIES DYNAMITED. ment of Inland Revenue to the a decision to make it a sub de- ouij I oh all aides f the removal of war 'a i I a an a Tnnn ft tnAtt I I ti a.m kaIk m t mAr I t tK Pit t fwnm a-1 I A (SperUI to Tb Dlljr 5rf continues to take place regularly. M (i 8 The Hcrmans'supplies. ing trie numbnr r departments of occasion no surprise here. Le Havre, March 8. The spoliation and the age limit lias been extended JarnburK. a well I "olullon Stifled. of Iietgium is still going on to take in children of as young Narva. and the Hun masters of the country as thirteen years. ering oi me vv oramen a ana poi- CASUALTIES GERMAN PRISONERS Harrowing tales are told by the are still doing their best to latest refugees to arrive here of beyond irebl-I.Monday. leader TO INVADE CHINA break the spirit of the people. The M. Prokrovsky. the the hardships and miseries being , Muir. aeeording to of the aceond Peace delegation to ARE FEWER ONj engiries, machines and foundations inflicted upon the Belgian people s.a. a! agency dispatch Hrest.Lilovsk. explained the rpectal to Tb DtHy Sewn. of the factories around Mons in the power of the Germans. The :J bcrs -day. This action, treaty with the Central powers. Pekin, March 8. The goverpor are being blown up by dynamite harsh treatment of the population ":. i- r n .-nt. is taking place Ik'eply moved, he begged those. WkT UN kU.lNT of the province of Sin Kiang. west- so that what the Germans have of the occupied countries show no i ial announcement. in sympathy with the democrat! TILiUlLllUI 1 IUllJi erne hina, from which have come .been unable to carry away to their signs of being improved, and the 31 ii High Command I revolution not to deceive them- i ronnrli that Tiirka and Hermans 'own Country will be worse 'than iron hand of the Huns weighs 11 tb idea again! Itut jwelvea. The new frontier traced General Lull 0er Llna with Ifi- are stirring up the Mohammedans, useless to the Belgium people and heavy now as ft did ever. There j ased. by Oerirvany. he deelared. efuisti-tuted . , . , . teiegrapns mat large forces or the allies when the Germans are have been very few arrivals for lor ii 1 1 bfcv 1 1 b iiu kwi forced to retire from the invaded months back of the Pttrograd Orderly. a ring of iron around revolutionary Germans, originally taken prison. some now, ? : Mar. Ii H. The eity Ituaaia. He insisted that German Raiders Out ( era are massing on the front. provinces. They are also carrying workers forced to go to Germany ; .. i.ama calm and or- the Hermans were endeavouring In Scouting. ' !ier. evidently intending an Inva. off the rails from the street to work in the factories there for s t the presence stifle the revolution, ami thai eon- r 'sion of Sin Klang. They are well and local railway tracks for use in the Germans, and the very few (Y.-opa aa near the quest was reduced to nothing by London. March 0. The lull tn'armed and it is considered lhatlGermany, accordig to Belgians who have been brought back are i t3 Na. a, a; id the evidence the economic demands of Berlin, the fighting on the western front the Invasion of India is content 'ho have recently escaped from broken in body by tne severe treat- ' has caused a welcome falling OfT Dialed. The telegram adds lhatlBelgium. The deportation of the ment meted out to them, but the !in the casualties among prominent the people are panic-stricken and . inhabitants who still survive also spirit of the people remain. MIHI I A I H Wll I AK h British athletes although several ask that rifles and ammunition) III I I .1 I a a -" a 1 M A MAIS LJ 1 i A ft MAJ MEM.WMM-M M. A. MK M.MM well-known names appear in the be sent to the governor. j latest list Issued. The Ilev. liar.; The province of Sin Kiang is WHOLESALE ORDER FOR LIGHT OVER ALL GERMAN INTERESTS vey Staunton, chaplain to the fo- generally designated at Chinese I cx. whose death on service is an. or eastern Turkestan. It is bound-' tnounced, was a famous cricketer l on the north by Mongolia, on1 TANKS GIVEN TO HENRY FORD s vwi plajia laid by the Herman govern- jam! a member oi tne .-votts xuniy tne west oy nussia ana on mej March 8. The 1 ment for the after war period are team in 1 903-1-5. southwest by Afghanistan .i f iiormnn (ii!rMta !fnr-ruiiinir. aiwi alradr in 1 A Heavy Raid. Northern India. Detroit, March 8. Henry Ford is taken to lend color to this story. I tiitt Htala will I mjiiiv nt th b-asle Industries, ar Ijimlon. March 8. A heavy raid is going to build light tanks on a II was rumoured however, that y the governmenU'rangemenls have been made by junder the protection of an Intense GERMANS ANNOYED BY wholesale scale for the United the new tank will be lighter than States and the allies. The first 'the standard armoured fighting 1L )) has been brouithl Heraiana Hi roil sh neutrals, un- arraee lire from the Herman model is said lobe well under con-"bus in general and will : n of Congress'suspecting or otherwise, which mastd artillery, was dfrectftl JAPAN'S INTERVENING -now use, struction. The Ford officials probably only a driver and a A War Custodian, Mit-'will be very advantageous foragainst the British troops near re- carry The bill was dls- Hermany. and eorresHMidtngly Kpehy last nighL The raid was fuse to discuss the report, which machine gun operator. " J - ar and received the Inimical to the United State. The 'completely repulsed without loss val of Congress, holdings of the Herman interests. to the British, either in casualties ' . ,.'ivi h. i -a. S 'hat after the war. ' In lands, limber, real estate and or prisoners taken. , furm erUn lhm u con9iderabe BRITAIN MAKES r ,i-'l be permitted lo'other industries run to hundred Sharp Fighting near Lens. unrest among the Herman people .., ! AFRICA CELEBRATE '(i -sta of "Kultur" of millions, and as the outcome of London.Mareh 8. Miarp Hgiu- .1.. urosDect of the interven. sutes. as she has this war. the Hermans will And it ng n th? vicinity of Lens is re- Uon 0j japau jn n,e war fr0m a iast evening in tne avoy noiei. t uie com nam 10 vnum. omciai oommunica ' j. guise 01 increasingly ported I nine military point of view. The Ger- akings It is known L'niled states as they Have done in titm issued here tonight. Usayeii man mivprnmeni nave issueu ; TO HER ALLIES tne veterans 01 tne sMnun .irican ustodian Jliat the the past Under cover of constderahle arj lhinsr taie,ents that the pre-i Boer War gave a dinner in cele tlllery bombardments, nt dawn a text llinl japan desires to secure bration of the victory of-Paarde-Mr. hostile raiding party attaoked our ,iersejf agajn8t the Herman ad-j burg. J. II. McMuIlin'presid- sn re att Ark' British Chancellor Gives Start NEW PREMIER trenches west. of Lens. a Tho aUaok 1 vance in aU9gia 8 absolutely rl-! ling Figures of National ed, and tho speakers to the toasts MOSLEMS IN INDIA wbn completely rcpHineu uuer Wliculous. It says that this event Finance During War. were Messrs, Mayor McClymont, T. II. Johnson, Fred Stork. Fred sharp fighting wherein we captured will either lead to an agreement Lot of Money. I- GETS HEARTY a few prisoners. with Itussia and Germany against Peters ,K.C and Judge Carss. i :i i. A cable from between The toast of The City" fell to his French Repulse Enemy. Japan, or else an agreement iSfxTul to Tbe Dally a is that a special Pans. .March 8. A Herman attack Germany and Japan. March 8. fireat Bri- worship Mayor McClymont; 'The V ah. Bengal, has London, Dominion" to Messrs. T. II. John- also RECEPTION last tilght on the trenches Huarded statements are a t iii. . ) 113 ' the Moslem held by American forces in Lor made by the Berlin press about the lainsionnsioiieraiueaupiureu.lolaed lhe immense amount fn nn, "t" "J" Th Navt" atui ked tho village raine was repulsed, the Frenvh of-'thousand of German prisoners ;of t,2fil0oo.000. was announced X W excelled him. n were senteiioed the Army"to Magis- '-:.sp C.rrlas Through His First Session flcial statement issued today an in Mbena now netng armeu, anu b Andrew Bonar Law. Chancellor 0 for life, and the nouncirt. American patrols operating ..l.lnlnitiir ItiniKnnila nf. rorriiits. : ... . ... . iraie UarSS. t;. Desk Drap ,QI ,ne ijcnequer in me uruia ;:; Late Premier's shorter terms for in the same region, the anion the Ilussians for the pur-: t..n-..i ,t.i, t Musical numbers were contrl- 1 'y ed In Black and Kept statement adds, took a number of nose of deafeating any attempt of ..,, tL .t.. butel during the evening, by . - ,Uldurj u lllU uiuiuiuiii a a nil says that the VacanL Herman prisoners. Japan to penetrate inland. lo tne 8UI, of Ac. Messrs. John E. Davey, J. H. McMillan " Ma na is a grim andi German Report. and W. Murry. Mr. Davies '.3 t Maunu is an Uo-' I at the tfiut la Tbe fully Berlin. March 7 Increased " Chancellor, the National Debt VJM fdan village, tur-' Victoria, March 7. Premier fighting activity yesterday on the " u, ewn, j at the end of Hie financial year Hindu villages. The .... .... 1 a 1 W It..-.. t.KM tn MM. m90tt9tftmm 1. terrains ironi in .oriurrn i-mmc wouia no 1 amount 10 more 111a ' tl tod pamiihlets In. John Oliver carried iiitoubu in. Mi a intrnl VosRes region Tonight s programme at the 5.900.000.000. '1 ; (""ting of the Mo. -first session in ofllce yesterday- u r ......npmv . , Westbolme Theatre is an excep-( SAWMILL FOR SALE "'"ii a t m is . .. a a is rtii" 111 " The average dally expenditure in,!.. nrneu oy ;auniui flernooii. Ho was given a iwv ,Iliarlerg announcement tionally good one.. Besides tnefrom tne Spinning af u,e flnan. the Mohammedans reception from the House as he Norwegians Lose 726 Ships. big live reel Metro wonder-play. ca, up ,0 Fel)ruary 9. Bonar $2,500 cash to buy a water i.'d barricades, A The Devil at His Klbow." there power saw mill plant, owned nterisl the Legislative Chamber.: Umdon, March 8. From the 'Law Ml fortn xva8 557,000. A Moses Johnson A Co., ensuediluriug kept the desk 'outbreak of the war up to the end will bo a special io reei roi Vlll, (lf .vas Illovwl bv the by The new premier - - f 1. 11 1 Port Simpson, Site suitable Mohammedans. .... 1...1 uini.iur L'..i.....r Mm i.tnAPs of Norwe. feature counsiy enimeu ""i,an.iiiiri t.r t nnn nun nno hrimr ''iilals, repeated. of VMIICII Agriculture,lie nan urru next to that" ' of the ian iriu.vessels as a result- -- of the .Mann nnd his Ticklish Job." This 1 lhe total since tho outbreak of the for cannery. Apply '"Iu moh, which, late Premier llresler. which will war aggregated 726. of I.0M.MI one of the series siin lar to h. Up lo fl,8i2.000.00O. The I. A. Johnson. Secretary. 'ally burst the bar- he held vacant, draped In black. tons. Seamen to the number of.comedy hown last e veiv Ing BrUUl Trtn8Ury !ia, 8UmCienl Port Simpson, B.C. (5!T 1 into the villuge. T Use who wl neased the play then the disasters. funj8 ,,and to H f0P 5ic?u for he o the session, oos perished In on carry on Ii' r. Kullty of murder. T ,ebu "S In mMitlnn 53 vessel- with will know what to expect this remalnder of lhe flnanclal year ' "'. and looting. UeedeU with and U.e'mw. aggregating rul T': nnd extensive programme i nre musing, nnu 01 uipp "- ,v.. Koplila largo from QM ree, Q Uie oUier. rhe unusual twist The mentality gives an 1 - ,Vei' provincial legislation which has thirds are to be war losses. . ...II kl, VII1.VH1M I- ti liiAti -a a m . WESTHOLME about ? o'c lock ; . .. al.ld n,,inii'a uu mini nubile tod .ni'iii hi--t-inn iiuuw- -- ib a iiiuj- himvii r n- inn v nnnin uav 1 nn wsaanaav trni it nrtiirriiiii TONIGHT ONLY a i.oPBiiiiu. uu. uione. of course Is capable of do- a n in Mrtro Voniir PUy I !7 ni,i. ' ill 1 'ing the same thing, but thi com. Three delimiuents under the "THE DEVIL AT HIS EL-bow" tot The man In the trenches C.nuvnssers ""JrilliblIiallon mlght think to be lr.,Military Service Act were sent lo, fearlessly, when he knows thoso Fund Mill call on you ;MrWrMl.tabIe. For strong dramatic!Vancouver last evening, by the! urrlnr he lit lull at home are P.rr.y Heeeive ui - ' klpower lhu ,,,ar U unusual, and artment. porolhy nrrn sixt tllffonl Brura. provided for. Do your bit for the Unw . K fwjr , unejp,cted denouement of the FOR QUALITY Patriotic Fund. Don't be a slaek. thal u yours as " as tneirs. ,verltaW. tridmph. How Ladysmlth Wslllngton Coal reduces . rox To rcATuai Htti Spmrltl comiov. cr, l. . Ik. in... II... iniin ami tlm HAvil your fuel bill and gives coal ana mo ur,n - - "icir AUl iUNi 9 , For "lw Wttllnaton . .. Nt ..,. niliiv counteract satisfaction. Phone 15. .P. R. Show UtU (I 7 e'cwA.' iv a I 11. a minnuiKi - i av wi FK Fou ,...,, I Be ready oi Monday the Itth Ir Lumber of w--- each other, nnd both are reillalni . Coal Co. Tor the patriotic Fund collector. 1 hona 11fl.