THE Daily Ne wiili .. ' ' -V m - tat " "J i VOL IX. NO 59" - prince rupf.rt, B.C., Monday, march 11. iota. VPRIUK MVK CENT? SRIAN AEEOPL iff S Eli 01 i w fff ffMa ,0NGSHOREMEN'S STRIKE IN VANCOUVER-HUN ATTACK REPULSED NEAR YPRES STRONG ATTACK MADE BY HUNS CITY OF PARIS' IS RAIDED GERMAN AEROPLANES RAID NEAR YPRES. POSITIONS REGAINED BY GERMAN AEROPLANES LONDON ON MOONLESS NIGHT BY COUNTER ATTACK lpcui to Tb duix mwij. ly with the signal of "Alert, 'which AURORA ASSISTS HUNS Paris, March 1 i. German avia- waft given at 8:30 p.m. While tors raided the city of Paris last several houses were demolished, hGHTINO FIERCE WHILE IT LASTED AND ENEMY ATTACK night. Early reports show that and some lives lost, the damage EVERY AEROPLANE TURNED BACK EXCEPT ONE WHICH DROPPED WCCMtr uuut blt ntniAU ACTIVITY t. i. . ii t . . i j i i j BOMBS ANTI-AIR-CRAFT-OUNFIRE PARTICULARLY FINALLY REPULSED uuuius were uruppeu wnii some uone was not excessive, uie raiu. ON BOTH SIDES TEN HUN PLANES loss of life and some property era being driven off before they ACCURATE EFFECTIVE BARRAGE PUT UP-NORTHERN DOWN AND TEN DISABLED. damage. Several squadrons of the had lime to drop all their bombs LIOHTS HELP HUNS. enemy machines participated , in in the inhabited areas, Jpr.UI K TIM Dtllf . j this raid, converging upon the) Oermana Jubilant, Sperm in Th Dx .tw) I.,. Mh ti -iriu-h pike YESTERDAY capital from different direction,! Berlin, March i 1. We attacked PROHIBITION ACT London, March 9. The text of Their rrmirH Mia l-'ronHi It, ' Pari laat nloht with creat effect. the official report regarding lat i,l cf Yprrs n a rroni or nearly BURNS MUSSALLMS1uccrs'lfu',Jr and reached the ejlylln reprisal for the enemy bomb- WILL BE ENFORCED night's air raid Is as follows: mile a i-.W evening, .u oniy ,'one after the other. Large French ing the towns of Treves, Mann. "The latest police reports utale np; ;3l w "e the Germans able Little before six o'clock yesterday air forces ascended simultaneous, heim and Pirmasens ispemi n D...r 5.w.) that 1 1 were killed and K injured ra,d u in Ml nlghl.s afplane llrlUMi and i wn.-U-ai: 'lie lines, morning, the Kabbalh calm at Ottava, March 1 i The govern- feared lhal glx nre t, jjonlor af..ark. a drove i Ibem oul the Fire Hall was disturbed by an RUSSIANS ALLEGE GERMANS PLANNING ment has decided to stand by its buried in the wreckage of houses. pita ca 'uar nigni. alarm from Fifth Avenue. The last 'All of the casualties occurred in announcement of December, i Tb . flc i announcement says: brigade was quickly on the job, JAPANESE LANDED' REVOLUTIONS IN London. xi of V, !v yestejday evening, and all inter-provincial traffic in when It found that the stores was "Last night's air raid ht; ".deralle artillery pre- belonging to 8. Mussallem & Co., AT VLADISYOSTOK ALLIED COUNTRIES intoxicating liquor will be prohibited been appears to have carried out by seven inli hrcugh the day, and and nlso to the Mussallem Grocery after April 1. Petition" after or eifrht enemy airplanes, of which k'i bra' r bombardment cover-iCo Ltd, were alight. Dense vol. ISpecUl to Tb 0U) ). ' (SfwtUI to TbS Dtllf petition has been made to the two reached London. The first : their sd' ance. the enemy al- umes of smoke came from the London, March It. Details of Washington, March It. fler- government to have the date ex-!I wo raiders approached the Isle of N on nearly a mile front .m. ... m rt If I Ilia n A kf T Anina 4...ft A buildings, the Ore evidently hav- an aiies: mndinir or Jananese .....v, at about 10:55 p.m. and of cir-jThanel tended account varying .U nf t ; Menin road, and north on ine orlitinaled in the basement of i vi,Hi.n.iV in i.mkk Bolshevik! prime minister, is the Thames estuary, cumstances. but these considera-'proceeded up Chateau. Pc:dr!:oek the one, and burning through to are given In the PelroBrad news- Planning to bring about industrial tions have been overruled. jUolh were turned back before the Intense artillery the other slore. Tha Mussallem revolution in the United States. of January in. which have reaching London." papers There will also tie an order . izi tba determination of their Orocery Co.'s store has received jU,t been received here. These'Japan. France, Italy and Great dealing with the manufacture o(' 'Meanwhile the third raider ItMt they were repulsed every- . . the damage, large Britain. The Germans have laid m aa greatest quan. newspapers state that the Japan. liquor. It is understood that all came across me r.ssex coast ai Itr : pl in llie neighbor's! before the Holshevikl leaders a tities of the stock being ruined "Mikado" arrived . cruiser Pciderhoek. that ete on. manufacturers of alcoholic liq- n P.". anj sieereu weu -At by smoke and water. In this store January 12. and was followed byProP9illon whereby Germany's uor will be prohibited fro mthis tt.lS p.m. it was reported over J tbry tjceeded In entering the fire crept up the wall from in r, on Jnnuarv agents, sailing in Russian ships. business after ADrit 30. except east London. A few niinutjJater 1 Kiva posts on a front of the basement, doing considerable n. pCur thousand soldiers were are to be landed in Japan, the UnU that which can be legally sold In ILAIropped bombs on the sduth- hk -d yardn. Severe fight- -ted States and the Itritish Asiatic .western and northwetern dis Saturday night re- ... ,. ' , , Vi....v irolonle to d.-the-workx)f agilat- any province. tricts. At tl:50 p.m. the fourth ,r""ur' "4 uc,w It is understood that insurance dally. ors. raider, which bad also come in .::zx Is carried on both properties. Will Co-operate. BOLSHEVIKI across Essex, dropped bombs on Alrmsn Susy.- (Russians March U Prince A SELF MADE WIDOW the north of London and then proceeded t - Mars h 11. There was the council of AT THE WT8THOLME south across the City, thc yesterday and great WAR PRISONERS j Soldier's and Workmen's delega. GRAB SUPPLIES dropping its remaining bombs on nt) ir' . :y was noticeable on 'tes here that the ministers of the After eloping to New York wilh j the northern district between 13. ih t it- The euemr machine revolutionaries in Russia have a man she finds to be already mar- . and 12.30 a.m. The remaining hi- ' 1 1 ai ted our bomb. ESCAPING FROM constituted a new Russian govern. ried when she arrives there, Sy-j VALDIVOSTOK enemy machines, all or wnicn I A c ft. uing machines, I ment in the Far lias I, and are a. (via Smith is disconsolate. Wan. came across the Essex coat, were ire we- a r dramatic fiahts SIBERIAN JAIL waiting the landing of Japanese dering aimlessly round the city,' turned back before they reached a cr i the opposing troops in Vladivostok, in order totshe finds a maivs coat and hat at Japanese and Chinese Troops are London." ur-i Tra f the German enter Siberian territory with them. 1 me uocks. ana in uie coat a ieuer Moving Into Russian Ter 'A certain amount of damage tba? r-? dxwned. and ten Bohsmlans Oat'The Soviet of Valdivosiok Is mob.'asking the finder to inform his ritoryJapan Will was caused to residential property Italians and r dib;rj Three of our Many nliilnir all the force it can raise attorney of the owner's death. "If Act Quickly. in London. Several houses have Across Border into China a a m .1 r misting. for resistance, and is forming a can i oe a wiie. i can ue a iuo sheen demolished." C-5i bad apparently made Safely Will Return to Red Guard. she declares as a brilliant idea (Sperlsl M TIM Oallr ') j Did Not Depend on Moonlight II :ir Iratlnn nf tliilr llv- Fight Again strike the little girl from the London, March 9. Japan and The, raid demonstrated that 'Ja ba liritish lines, and country. So she takes her posl- China are despatching trocps into German aviators no longer depend ' ' their machines Pekln, March 9. Hundreds of GERMANS CAPTURE tion of the widow of lhe'milUm Asiatic Russia, the former into uruin monnlisht. IL was the first 1 c at once than they Italians and Ciecha who were prisoners aire. Hut the millionaire is not Siberia and the latter into Man. time the enemy had attempted a ! for months, or war In Ilussla. having THE ALAND ISLANDS dead. He comes back, and to his'rhuria. Teintsin newspapers hnve night raid over London where U.S. patrol Floht been captured from the Austrian amazement, finds his new widow- announced, according to dispitch there was no moon. The stars Kh American Arnni in army by the Russian general, .vt in possession. Such Is the Intro- to The Evening News, received to- were out, and there was littlo r' Mi 1 9 An American Alexis A. lirusiloff. during the ad. London, March II Two Ilus. ductlon to a series of surprising day. The dispatch added thal'wind; C1 ' Cv" men throo nighU vance of 1916 and 1917. have es- mimn ,riln,nftr- UPPI, nitaplinl and events whlc are shown in this General Tuan Chi Jul probably) Northern LlghU Aid Enemy X"-i an enemr natrol of ABtioil 1 fmin I ti a tir ItAri OA"inn in suns a uy uerman n uesiroyers. aurr 1 play tonight at the Westholme. In- j would be the Chlneie supreme, There was a remarkable display 1' met In Man a Sll,,r,a and fled ,acro,.,hB a flrght, south of Aland Island, on teresting from the first scene, this commander. 'of northern lights last night and I :nd U. ooened n fronlter lo China. Some have Xhur,day. play continues its breathless way. The Bolshevik! has seized a pier(it j believed by many that this The rZ:lZ Captured. through Ave acts, and is one or the at Valdivostok containing muni- furnished conditions under which Ri-fs ir, , e there was u jn(.nu. iiuuuiruK f- Stockholm, sweucn, Marcn 1 1. most striking. The things that tions and other goods vaiueu ai the air raiders could work more r .:x . .i. The enemy re- from cold or hunger, while under ul0Usand German troops happen to the widow who never one hundred rubles, according to effectively than under a clear star mo dead and two the rigors or the MDerian winier. have bwn jisc.,barked on the A-The was a wife Is surprising, and well advices received here today. The jjt 4fcy. Watchers on the Kent "a anans who were most of the refugees were ,antl 9an,. Several other Ger-only worth seeing. There is also a game dispatch declared the Bol- COa-l said that just before they d ci' ' Tll Alliorlrnli half clad and had little food. man trai,ports are anchored at Pathe Gaiette, as well as a fine shevikl threatened to requisition heard the raiders approaching the to Its own lino Four hundred or mem nave ero( and the German llag is comedy, which makes a first class a foreign merchant ship for their whole northern sky became illum-programme .t..ll in Vnliiivrkliik hilt . . . )tba grifeiveda arralrli iuu lioisieu. for this evening. use, and that allied wprshlp in jnated in bands of red and white ? ihat diT.nit. in.' .x'n lhey have "u,TerpU '"r1 ! The Prussian press have opened the harbor were prepared m lanu lights which shone onto 'the sen . .. fund .... . .... . . I1 '!t the Itcrinsnii nrett many lr' " . 1 U Iter campaign nKauwi inr,i NOTICE. marines. None of the uews yet with far more powerful effect llian iem.i ., ., f.p t t .r v i Vd lirrriift. II. ...... m has been contlrmed. a lull moon. xneu. as u to accentuate not a siiiRit li'lo Groups of these rerugees are cat- for rnterln? Into the shipping a-lered On account of the fire yesterday Will Act Energstlcally. the brightness by con. enem.v got in all the towns between Kreenl6nt with the entente, and at our old premises, we are Rome, March 9. "The Govern. trast, the skies to thu southward. tn tw imm,,.,. .... ... Harbin and Pekin. The resources SvulUn u 0ld to be reaping the now doing-business on Third Ave. ment t Tokio will act energetl- tn,nrA Franca and the Kmrlisn mis nflc gioDninff id nuns ti..ami nil. of the Italian legation here have nnnc,t 0f prudence, in tho store lately occupied by ca!yt hut it is impossible to say channel grew what seemed to In, PM r trenched been severely taxed In the effort to i Messrs. Fuller A McMeekin. Ul what way, it not being desired pitch dark. Another feature t provide food and clothing for 8 MUSSALLEM A CO. We respectfully ask that all lo have the enemy know anything the raj was the strong breeia WHlST these former war nrlsonera. our customers kindly phone their nr its nlans." General Semba of uhirh mnt neruons believe hin- DR,VE AND DANCE Through efforts of Baron Alllatl nnounce that they will be openjorders to us. calling No. 18, as the Japanese Army Is quoted here jerej the operations of the hos- "K- Yalhaii.' ithe Italian minister ln ienn,'f business In the course ol a usual, ah oruers win uo pruuipi- a declaring in an interview re- tue airplanes. Those who watch. 1 1.- O ! v.:a I-,,;",, "," nu" reeding stations are ueing pro- few daygi wj,en the denris is ciear-1 ly and carefully executed. guru i ox uij puuuiiuii in mo ri ;ej from nlgn poinis me speciacie a v'in,i i!y. ',f A1,"cr,rn vlded at Harbin, Mukden and , , afler yP(,ter,ay s (ire. It MUSSALLEM GROCERY CO., LTD. East. of the searchlights and gun Hash . and Dftnen ..-,U......... ir 1 attitude, continued the how the could n' AR(1 AH . , . .;.:: uuicr pomia ru n.u. Japan's es wondered enemy 11 issi "-'""''ny being made to assemble the sirag- Qeneral In the interview, depends race the wind and cold. TIED UP THRO' upon the enemy's actionwhether r::0V-!t'n VANCOUVER .v the Germans enter Petrograd, and, . II "relies- I-I-- ipanannrtlliK Iheill UaCK should they do to, whether they Hci Mr- -wril is. II An 'tin Italy," probably-"---""by way oi Amen.1 LONGSHOREMAN'S STRIKE jwill stop there, or Invade, even WESTHOLME 4 59.01 lea. i without military action, the re- TONiQHT ONLY . mainder of eastern Russia, under TROTSKY RESIGNS. dreds, and four large steamers the pretext of re-establishing or- Ailc BrUi In March 1 1 were being loaded, Including one der and organiiing supplies, aim I I'art World Brtdy NJ frtlurt Petrograd. March 11. I'Pon .Vancouver. "rest of I'etw b -clalr. large trans-Pacinc liner, and one thus reach Siberia, Japan, the "A SELF SHADE WIDOW" Trotsky. In an address at ft meet- Ing upon longshoreman,tl by sailing ship. General declared, was ready for flap liur ot the Maximalist pariy, an a lsdlce. l.o suspect him All work on these vessels has any eventuality. PATHG GAZETTE nounced that he had resigned as Dominion the entire slopped meantime, and their cargoes FOR QUALITY commissary for Foreign Affairs. to be of military age. quit wo k cannot be loaded until the Ladysmlth Wellington Coal reduces COMEDY '"VlllF aiul sMaasaaaaaMaaiiMBasMasss fore of Longshoremen strike is setlled. The vessels will your fuel bill and gives HATiavim,... Nt Saturday. All satisfaction. Phone 15. .P. R. Show turn tl 1 o'clork. on For Nsw Wellington Coal and compW ely Hod up. have to wait until they are laden, iv I IwAlerfronl Coal Co. v WYY.K vow W.I.V. Ir Lumber of all dimensions. The strikers iiumh'f 'ral Uun- or else sail light. i 'hone 119.