1 TUB UAIL.7 MEW! ECZEMA 'ft r ANECDOTES..,,o,4 ABOUT , LAND RCOISTRY ACT MINERAL ACT wwee PING am nAiini a .. . . ' - tin HUUUkll HA Q ILL f t oiATr:cTi or iMenovraitMT tM4IM Hn mi i. mi l. mm. Fishermen Ilia rfaiun.tM wnii TK nwt tbti .pplh-.uon hti Notice! SOONfffl French nn-ral Hiafr hvi mnri. Nonoc "Pal rrtrtmn" tad "Dally" Miami ably bn of (he mol rordlal n. a Claim, altuai I frw" lb Portland Canal Minim Uir. th- , i, Citto.. of lb... fJltiikm The Cold Storage Fertiliser and Oil Plant at Paeofl it Tieifiwl Fk Mf Iepi( nertlonil out ...."t in. Frtnt hr.i" i vwmfiu- B of rainar Mtirkl. firtad 'rrr for OenrrnlliKilmo to eom , tmr. HIT. and on. Ti A'ber Inralrd: On Ibo rati kto of now in operation and will operate all the year round. The Catrari Crrm, It mllot tnt itm bead of nit fnis m vmm inwna worn armiei, rrench and u. f ail A.tri mat i iA n,.i ,f..n PortUnd Canal. company will buy all marketable fish and will aUo buy Dog Vfai, Oat. 'JlrltUh. Kir Dotiffla Unlg hat the f '" f lod and .rrmtMt illutle. TtE MOTICE thai I. 1, frd Kllcbl Fih nt fifteen dollars per ton (equivalent to about five ctt. kJ lUk f W.tpl ;conn!nc hoth of Ibe French na tN war in in ai r Prtiic flu (rrr Miner Ortiflcai So. HTl-c.l act ' Pri. n at itrni for per flab), flail will he provided free and all supplies . ui tux r r'o'b.i tlon and the Trench Staff. tnorr MrtlraUrlr kaomn iwi d furintld gin fielll, Tth can ....Ithmik ttl. 1 JofTr Mid of llalg that Ur rltd If I All ttta iti iru nrt.n mi Miner Ortirtr! No. tiir-C. tnuad, b purchased at the Company's store at reasonable prices. aUly from wn lwr" t). Ll ltlf (). BbKt day lb dau braf, to apoty . ,,fo,f s-ssthi,Iiuimd UrriWy. o full of military knowledge that "r' "' . td Loll ihirir-ihrM lo lb Minlnr Rrordr for t Ortiflrate of Special facilities are provided for gat boats and fisher, he wondered how he a4 IWrlf fimr loimrrriinit. for ibe purpose of obuininr had (II,. Block fond H H Bfio Clrht it, w,n nriy-on a 'mw-n Oram of I he above rlaim. men bringing their gas boait will be allowed 125 for ex. tune to learn . .......t.eat titt rUC French. Vni r rrMrtd la roeii ik ,i,im nf And renter lak itaiir thai action, no penes of trip to Paeofl. The plant is located In the heart . - . .. Thli aajrinir being lfc lr tetrikxi It. miut b ;e - repeats I. Ul pnrrhOfr ltbn II din rrnrn enrnmrnred bforr ' . of the fluhlng grounds and dog flah be aa ih can caught In great 1 of Hi iMHance of rh Cerllfiral of Improvement -JttlbH ,oir ioiiKiaa ie replied wjth one of Mrtlft or thli a6Urc (Wtli ' " 6 ((he neatet eompllmenta IIihI ha nd by pottliritioa la Um I numbers all the year round. Come to Paeofl If you with to . ..1 ...llr.l.rll rrw HfM dtilr swi. and 0ald Ihu 1 4 lb day r fierembfr A D. rour at. . ever been paid lo make money every day fUhlng. i V 11 A T I I our Ally lM4na la cillfd ta urlKw aa nt th 117. trr tiBtJla sr "It U impotafble to acquire a UikI ftfiMtrr Aft" Willi amaodiMnu. aad C a tlm ,,r mwiary knowledge without tin rottawiaf Mirtti ibrrtfroca - MINERAL ACT . , cnUrt - e knowledge of French." ' Oft mi of ciimI or Mriinuu International Chemical Co., Ltd. Vtui't Uiat ttl4 bftort it rrtit-lfiHo i tei an'd. OtU. ii owner of tt Dtrioa totlul CfATiriCATC Of IMf NOV IMCMTi a f l , ilea pl I i hen the iru JiUtory of the vMrr HKh ui Ml. all pcrsooi M arrrrd Paeofl, Quatn Cha lotte Islands. i,. 'r ""i. war l tld it will ne learned thai wna notice, . . and tboar claimlnt NOTICI UirMiiB or aiwW Uten, and all Drroooi "XnlytKVfiuin" and -8rrrt" Mlorral Sir ftoicrle Jlala- ha neer refut liiimnr tnjr intrrril la Ux laod by rlrtn Jaloi. altuai In lb tkrn Mlnlar Dll MINERAL ACT ed unlimited enp to the liklti i aor Aoreriiurrd latirniDeni. and an ion of ranltr Dlttiiet ;f rlvalt. No man ha ever been prai tUitnlot any iaumt la ibc Uod Where kxaled. About 4 mllr Wetlerly Meee eeetM,,,ewme iMeitT. . denied hi rhane. hy a fair, broad. bj dfweni whoa till I not rtttiurtd trrra lit bead of Allr Arm. and aboat c(lTm 1r lb provliloci or tbU Ael. aball b mite from Ibe Betrb. I minded HeoUman. hn. hen eon. for erer etupped and drbarrrd fron TAl'E .lOTICg that Uwl W. pauaorc A HOT BATH THE ftOTKt. iKratulated upon having promoted " p ay rUim to or in rapct of rrr Miner rrrttarate o. Itflt-C. ti mt. -;prt -nts" -tana-..a. a man practically from the rank lb land o aeld for taie. and tl aeru- arnt or tb Molytdodin Minlnr and IU MINUTE YOU WANT IT r:!t N J- And "Cticaile trir thafl rrUir lb pron enutlod on-der dnrtkin company, Urolied, (.foa Prnonal to the potitlon of brigadier.gen , v I' amu iiuiu ta ttt torb ui aal at owner of tb land Liability. rre Miner Ortlflrat ,1a. You are accustomed to aau K -a Wiw r Cuttr eral, anawered to the lanjrhinp I4 for tat." Ilf C. intend tiny day from tb dtu getting cold water In. (charge that he wn a dmorat WHEREAS appiltitlo baa teo brret, to apply la tbe Minlnr hecorder ...... na itv eait tMo of mad for Ortlflcau of Indtfeaiibl Till 1'it a Certiorate of Imororementt. roe the -tatilly. Think of the sat. "I am much of to a democrat Ttt : ml lei frofli Ik KM M o tb abo-meotiood Itnd. la tb nam jporpr of obuininr Crown Oram of (faction of getting Hot .... "f l I that f gave a Duke hi chance." t rrink W. Hart. arb of the above claim. Water In the same way in 'II n mm. - lie aid on another ore anion- AD WHtatAS oa lavetUriUa tb AID ri'RTIIER TAKE MOTICE that actloo .. -rtlrate Utl it appear Ibal prior to tb ittb ander Seetlon ill abundance, regardlex -if Ma, IITI-C) ! "The eoldier fighta heot when dy II matt be rommenred before u irti w 3r Beefort Bain, rr led by gentlemen, and 'gentleman oT Ociter. lilt (tb dau ua which tb ibe lnne of mcb Cenlflrtie of la-proemau. how much has been u1 .... -.i a iiii-c. uiaiu. it 14 land wrra told for overdue met), before. . A.n fraea tM &1M tfrHf. M IItT U not a rank nor doe it represent were lb muttered tnd attetted own- HOT WATER LIKE . - Recorder for 4 Certilcate or any particular atation of life r at luted below. RAVIOABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT. MAOIC ri MTHtR TAKE NOTICE that at tbe (R. t. C. Chapter III.) ara time anal effect refitiratioa ta Hanson Iteady to give every man and Harry parttiaor of aarb arptieatlon and lame J r-Vf Ult ftOCC Oil ttUOO. a- Ted !fBi Hcta IS bsiI be oMooeed before every officer hl chance, he i Ortlflrtte (J lodefrailble Title lo the laid AKERBERO TIIOMIO.t and COMPAJtY. Hot Water Service brlnga ;3t- f Krl :eruttle of laipr- a ready lo punlth the tn-effi. laodi la tbe name of Prank W. Hart unleti LIMITED, hereby life notice tbt they Jl Ml you this convenience. clent. A General who had made yoa take and proteruw tbe proper pro bare, ander aertloa of ald art depoatted i4 tu itift r f as rut. A-D. rdiar to etiabltib roar claim. If any. with the Minuter of Public Work tl 7 PHONE 4 P. O. BOX 3tt M S a blunder, net a very great one, Ibe aald landt. or to preeeal tocb pro- Ottawa ana la tbe offlca of tb Dliinct but one which mlgh eatily have poaed arlloa oa my part. Iterttirtr of the Land Reentry omee. Dlt- j been fatal to the plan of attack, fitted t lb Land ftertttry OfBre, Ptiace ,i,T.a , rinvrr nfljvri, orKnywa Ol in TIMHR SALE XS7. Bapert. B. C. tbl ttu day of Prbruary, ll and lb pUna of wharf and other wa Aummoned lo General Head. D. Illl, wrork propoaed to be bwllt oa Lot one. quartern. Ilia explanation vna H. P. MACLEOD. Waterfront Block r. Clly of Prince Rnpert, Kin ia k rwirt r tb im -J nidi act liut lha Book oa lUtened to, and he wa informal DUtrtCI Reelttrar of Tltk-I. Proflnee of Britlnh CulsmbU. and Uki DENTISTRY Harry Atkins ttf ct Mirta. if II, for Um par- that he would lve for Hns-land To r. W. CUytoo, Print Rupert. B. C nour that arter tbe eipirauoa or one i ad of Lou It and Block tonnlh frotn the dau or the Ant mhlln. I owner II. eaotlly Ba letter, Prlace Roaaet. ef ijttttt X91t, to nl .T!(. the next boat. ' by Mrowra amo mimi worn I Ctitrie rum ii, Edmostoo, Alu, rer- lion or I hit notice Akerberr Tbomaoa and dr ta4 Htmlnrt J Ifcr oa m a SFBOUITT ttiZZSI L III. at4l (1144.1 He wa one of the truculent old itlered and aed owner of Lot i txunptny umited win anoer Bectioo teres NOTED FOR chool and wa not content to ae. Stork 41. and ol4 Tor Uie oa I4la day'" " " Art. apply to the Minuter cfi OR. J. S. BROWN PRIME 8AUSAQE f Sepiember. till; V. Straube. Ill r"t'1" Work it hi office in the City of sw i rrtrt via t toovra roe r-a rept hi diimliial. ocjmrr owell 8u VancooTer. B. C. aatetaed '" far approval of the Mid all and! ef OBbrr .nftff MC-r of litr QJtt rorttwr. "Even a dog allowed one nil" owner of Lou 1 and It, Block II. ptau and for letre lo ront tract tbe aald OaHai tetth Stock, Thiea a Tomato Sausage a Specialty. be aaid. ! sharf and work. j rt. i. minrt rornur. mar At U it depend upon whom he Canvanter for the Patriotic Dated at Friar Rnpert, B. C . tbl leeond dar of ianaary till. Phone B74 P. O. Bei bitei." ald Br Ioiigla coldly i Fund will call upon you on Mon AKFRBFRC TH0MSOl and CONPA.1T. LTD. 44fr.;M a the Dailr Neva. and the General went home. day. March II. lie ready. tt PtrlJ Tboaaaoa, 8eerury. Advertise in the Daily New. "The Finished Mystery" Statement of the International Bible Students9 Association OF PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. "Whcthtr it be right in the sight of God to Apuailes . II i the one hope which ha inspired the Canadian Onor. is a commentary on the little.under, hearken unto you more than unto God, Judge Uird' fiMttep follow era through the darkest hours of stood books of Kxektel and Revelation. It reveals a pro-phetio - lr we cannot but speak of the thing :hiteudoins history. indictment of the great religious systems of which we have feerr and heard. Act 19.20. From tint to tiwte crucial episode have arisen and Christendom, and is, we believe, the message now due. Tbe history of tbe Christian Church from the tini-1 erie have biu pnefed which have cost tbe blood of Ilev. 16:17. uif Apostles Utitil these momentous days records an martyrs. Who will iay that their aacrifices have ben Once again, h iu every similar crisis of the past, tng struggle betueen light and darknes, truth and ia vin? Jeuo opposed by the cribe and pbari-eeen thi situation will demand the blood of the saints. They r ' liberty and oppression; the culmination is at hand. af Hi own day and He paid for His fidelity to the will not po.e before men a such; but on tbe contrary. 'luftaly to tbe onlooker, the issues have been obicure truth with His life. "If they have called Ihe master of the house Heefiebub, usd involved, but never has it been demonstrated that Hi Apostles, faithfully following in Hi steps, con-frmit'tl how much more they of His household? It is enough for raivee of -llMnus convictions has done other than with the r-ai.ie oppotilioii, the established ec-i-lelntk'in the servant that he be as hi Master and the disciple as a u the progress of mankind. of their day. his Lord." Tluough the ilriltlng mitt and cloud of present A we trace the its-ogress of the true Chriatian Church The message which Pastor Russell, the tangel to id turmoil, occatlonal fleeting glimptes are discemi. down the stream of tune, we find the experience of every the. last and !.aodicean stage of the Church, and we as t of glorious sunlit future. All heart are stirincr enlialil(oet religious reformer identical with that of the members of the International Bible Students' Associa. " Master. his co.workers, have sought to free of all reciancy of happier daya in a world-uide kingdom lion, present ar.- haeed mi the eternal principles of Justice. righU diadem hii'hianity, outgrown by the general charge to the people of this and every civilised land by ni A and love. The past forty years bae wilneiiel enlightennient an. spirit of tbe times, has always sought let'lure. tract and moving pictures, has been the message progress in every phrase of human activity. to hinder or obstruct the path of progress. Every at-tempt of Ihe true Kingdom of Christ, peace on earth, good, JitlUe research, and mechanical development. The lo break the harkles of ignorance, prejudice and will to all nifii. It has of necessity heen accompanied by rid appeared to bo sweeping forward Into a new era. superstition has :troused the animosity of those whoe IIih proclamation of tho downfall of all other kingdoms, t ' thtr ages af barbarism, slavery and cruelty were a worldly interest and prestige were thereby jeopardized. with their religious, financial and social bulwarks. It " "f the pat, ' Tli tortures of the inquisition and the vocial onlracism has of necessity pointed out the false and erroneous Vet now the roseate, hues of early dawn hate given of more modern lime are all evidences of the same spirit. teachings of the Dark Ages which still linger In the place to the black thunder clouds of war and revolution, antngonWtir to social and religious reform. For long minds of man). As a consequence it has inevitabjy ex. nd the gaunt spectre of famine stalk through the earth. centuries the Hible. wrapped in the sackcloth and ashea -Misfd the blindness of many who have been leadings the What Ii the meaning of this Incredible catastrophe? What of a dead language was beyond the understanding of the blind. happening? What new birth la presaged by the pro-" common people The persecutions visited upon its translators, OOD'S KINGDOM IS AT THE DOOR. agony of travail? the penalties for possessing a copy of the same. We wnuld remind you of Ihe message found In Acts, "Watchman, what of the night? and ihe public burn'tig of confiscated copies within the i-hapler S. re 38 and 39. "Watchman, what of the night? -Ths very ight of iliftces ostensibly erected lo the One of 38. And now I say unto you. Refrain from watehinau said The Morning whom the Ulble speaVn, all bear eloquent testimony of these men. and let them alone: for if this couii-sel cometh. and also the night . the same spirit of m great opposing enemy whose kingdom or tbl work be of men, it will come to Italah, 2lili of darkness i threatened by every new ray of light. n night: The new day is assured though for the present the The mystery of the Christian thought dispensation Christ's is King,now 3D Hut he it of tiod, ye cannot overthrow i ' non Is darkened. The brief dark night foretold by the it,, laager n nwrrt. What we was which it; lest Imply ye he found even to fight against Satan's stronghold in K rptures is now upon ua and all mind are groping In turn ha iitdVed prn to be the midst of wolvet. and P.od. r: i lexity for the light. In such time of doubt and un. Ihe true church a heep in ' Patau's With good.will towards nil and malice toward none, "amty wheat in th 'UI "f ltTt9 "" we are. on behalf of the one might well look to the Inspired testimony iia been the counterfeiting f the the nible to And comfort and Instruction. As Bible laaster-scheme Christ. As Indicated by ripturu, fironu.ed of d. nt. who have diligently sought to understand tlod'a Kingdom INTERNATIONAL BIBLE STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION, v 1 1 n rt I BBkei nlm n apvh bi I ai tv. "ni. not only hve we received such comfort and in. he ha lHse.i as an "e"- but - it his Prince Rupert. Ii.C. none-theJesi "iction, but we have put forth every effort to make til ra f rithleoiines. HOARD OF F.LDF.RS-F. of unrsness aim i now uu iu w nr. " " lu tbrs the panacea for all eartha woes. In imii a kingdom H .CAMERON. n- iBHiMURe f Scripture, our message has long been: Uir.wii. . ... Ull auj poithumous wu'k The I.. OUTTON. no" Kingdom of Heaven la at llandi This is the one hope Mystery." n ''r attMal ban of th K. K. YAOER. it by llP j.ori mmtif, an,j jiromulgaled by the riiiishetl