THE DAD.f fltWf HUNS WANT AFRICA FOR NATIVE G. H. Arnold NOTARY PUBLIC ARMIES AND RAW MATERIALS General Smut, In the course while settlement ami realised per- CANADIAN We Sell neal EsUte. of his address to the Hoyal Geo haps better than most people that write Fire and Marine graphical Society. London, a few the value of tropical Africa lay Insurance. days ago described at some length not in any openings for whtt We have Apartments, Stores, the campaign in Kast Africa in colonisation, but In a plantation Houses, and Offices for order to give his audience some system where white capilalwand . flenl and Want More. idea of the character of the coun black labour collaborated in order PATRI OTIC We Deal In Mortgage Loans. try. It was clar, he said, from to establish an entirely different their practice In East Africa that order of things. Germany's ulti We Sell Timber Limits. the Germans had decided to de mate objective in Africa was the. - 'tis We do Conveyancing. velop the country not as an ordin establishment of a great Central ary colony; but as a tropical position African Empire, comprising not for the cultivation of only her colonies before the war. FUND H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD. tropical raw materials. The Germans but also all the Itritish, French,; systematically discouraged Belgian, and Portugese possess-ions south of the Sahara and Lake J SALE OF GOVERNMENT Chad and north of the Zambesi LAUNCH. river in South Africa. Towards, 1918 "The Daily News" this objective Germany was stead-'1 ily marching, even before the war Teuders will be received at the broke out. and she claimed that CLASSIFIED ADS. office of the District Eugineer, her lost African colonies should be 1 Prince Rupert, to and including up returned to her at the end of the .March 3 1st, 1918, for the pur- war as a starting point from Starts WANTED. chase of the government Launch which to resume the interrupted Campaign Monday with ' Wakesia" complete, engine march, or rather, as appeared JAXTTOR WASTED. ApptiCltloa wtH be and other it equipment as now mrit4 by um wBdmn4. p to Feb. from Count llertling's recent an sil. far Um poslttoa.of Jaaiter at U Stands. Launch can b seen at nmin(.,m.nL fiermanr daimi a ra street Scbooi su Swanson a Boat Uouse. Govern- allocation of the world's colon- - - T2L ' mnl Wharf. Prince Rupert, ies. so that she might have a share 20 (ist i The successful tender must be commensurate with her world $1 prepared to pay cash down and position. This Central African, FOR SALE. itake Immediate possession. A!block, the maps of which were roa SALt Cuwr cat etk uvl ether; Prov. Govt. Pub. Vks. Dept.I now in course of preparation at eaekoM rami tare. AtTCT tIT Sauk Prince Rupert ihe Colonial office in Berlin, was T i if Ate, eat S I not only the first place to supply LAVSClt FOK SALX BU la artttar fcrej WATER NOTICE the economic requirements and tartte4 Tor Um Uaadi Retea D. (Bit- ' rrvT-$io asd cat raw materials of German tndusl- Is Needed able for u!ok tia&r. Attas earae, j ry. but in the second and far Cm be aude lata perr boat. !& j task 50Ticx that I. t. Hefferaaa. boe more important place to become rM t&dua HBfe, rrta itcpert. ! address ts c-a nnaore a C r. MOKJUSOS sad C C rtXRT. ithe recruiting ground for vast jnapert, a. c. wta kit tee Uceate w tmiton or tae nun of tae Um T native armies ,ule and at ISO rabtt tr per niaaM Tarter. deceaieA. of w cat f creek arw loowa as EVERYBODY DO YOUR BIT X.ST roil SIL BWU ia vntta are la- Cree w eoalbrajtertj tad tte4 tar k a. Block H. 3ooa t raia tat lViaae laiet. aboai Hi arte vnxfcr&M Street, aw Drjooc. Xo tram aatedtte. B. C Tat water aia fce j Local News Notes Mil to Mr. BtrUt Store, tu Are. '"" rptlt trtm it a potat aboat Hi, ao fezmbmtet. Addrrs buk iron aaeaia oc lima aaa Km. vfil be e4 Tor p&mtr parpoe apoa Uw C r. MORSJJO.t u4 C C. FEJUtT. Otscrtbtd u tat -XooW Hiacnl Mr. W. E. Draney. of Bntedale. READ THIS STATEMENT-LEARN twstors of Um tiuu af um Um r. is paying a visit to this city. rtrker dcard. Thl aoUrt wu potd aa Um rmaad WHAT THE CANADIAN - - Iw lb im Oij of iumrr, UH. A tx?j nrr (of Uus aouca aad aa irrncattoa panaaat Mr. W. F. Boyer. of Skeena City PATRIOTIC FUND IS DOING ;taereto tad u Um -Wttr Art. ISI4. win arrived in town from up river last rriZ . . :be Be ta Um efflca of Um writer Recorder evening. IN PRINCE RUPERT ,?V1.-' !fwr!? at rra Rapert. B. C 171 ""ZZJrJL"" 'I!- .7 Z Oblectloe. to Um anotcauoa bt be Sled lawi fvai ittaia aw iaj KaighU of Pythias will bold a ,wit um id Wiier Stecorder or wiu te Saw 03. CtxepiraHtr of Water RJrBti. rariuarat Social Dance on April 8. lnvita. 1 Bandar, vittoeu. B. c annua uunr ifons only. UpS What the Canadian Patriotic Fund Has Done dty after Um trtt troearaart of uut i . u ; Mr..C.L.Menrse.andberu.e v.urmvATS dctcctivk aaemcy 20 tree4ltaa BMs, VaMMver. J bj i. o. Uedy. Areat ,on left this morniBg fw Port Es- ; a The date of Um erst pabtiraUoa of tau 'sington on a visit. Since the Prince Rupert Office was During 1917 the Gran uar D&r raooe, Sejiaoar til, , aooee it rebraary ttta. ill. i 5lrt raooe. ralnaoat It It. t Mr. E. E. Hlggins, who U'oon-' established in 1914 the Fund has Payments to depenoVr t f Vruxt Hh4 oa, S12 Hm B.l BM. ducting logging operations on the' paid out to dependents of Prince Rupert soldiers now o " cast tn FOR YOUR NEW SUITS VkMrla, B. C. S41X. VUVTV-U UUI IUKC aPIAUUV. t til I I1C (Citjr. Rupert men at the front training totaled Steve King Mr. D.J. Williams, of the .tocher $23,000.00 $10,000.00 Prompt Cleaning A Pressing de Boule mine near Haietton. Phone Green 418. arrived in town off last nlght'a Harry A, Harvey train. ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES, 1917. WERE $42 (LU I e . tf, Cmrtw r f )) Lost- Pearl Brooch. Crescent enclosing three Forget-me-nots. rum. or l -a too was cottcll rapo TUi ror office.Finder please return to the Post These Payments Have Not Been Made noux. rii.v . tioldi cello aad jo a. r. nuot 9 BAB.M0XT.KXAimATIO.IS FOR INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR Mr.T. II.Johnson, of the Canadian As "Charity Doles" Fish and Cold Storage Company, raalla iaf il far Imaalm DECORATIONS aaaailatad Baara, VaaoMtar, Caaue left on this morning's train The fund belongs to the dependents of Prince Rupert soldiers arai onm ssmm, iwiw.t. for Winnipeg. and the attitude of the local executive is that it is merely a Acorn Co. TXASIS PHONE BLUE 27S Sign Mr. W. II. Siddall. of the National trustee whose duty it b to see that the money reaches those FOR SIGHS Biscuit and Confectionery who stand in need of its aid (Company is paying one of his eustomary visits to this dUiriet. . . L H. SHOCKLEY i I Mr. anc Mrs. w. j. Leary. of (Sacctaaar Mtl HMcAejI. Prince Rupert Feed Co. Skidegale.daughter, left accompanied this morning"-for by their Regardless of personal opinion this work must CONTRACTOR A SUILDER Vancouver by the Princess Royal. PHONE SS 9tor and Office Futures. have The been new installed street lamps in certain which of be carried on in behalf of those who are fight-for Sath. Door, and Mouldings, FOR Oak kinds.and Hardwoods of alt BULBS The improved.the street circuits lighting are a is bisr considerably anteraa us, until such time as it is taken over by We SpeclaltM In Hard, wood Boat Rlba, Sash, Tulips. Hyacinths, Daffodils, Young lady wanted for commercial the Government, and Doora, aie. office. Kinrirw PtaU and Sfiaat Glut ut4 EasUr Ullea. Narcissus. necessary as ability to learn. Good training and prospects. GlazJRB Apply P. O. Box !710. 61 Corner Frmaar and Sth Su. ttaa Orlfl rraataUf Atteadad to. PRINCE RUPERT MUST AND Afternoon Tea, Rale of Fancy PHONE OMU tM work and novelties, by the Mission r. o. ai saa. aea tw ata. P. O. BOX 1SS !). m ir ueiu in me base-roent of the Methodist Cfaureh, ,13th."n Wednesday from 1 UH afternoon.7 pjn. March 60 FRED STORK'S HARDWARE 1 WILL DO HER DUTY ! STEEN & LONGWILL FOR CANNERY Bi EN We nave a4de4 to our stock of valves and pipes a complete SANITARY AND HEATING li&c of Rubber Belting at right prices. ENGINEERS Be FOR FISHERMEN Ready for the Canvassers A complete stock of the beat goods that money can buy for Aganta for trolling Spring Brass. SUve and Bronte. The c le bra ted Maple FOR Leaf THE PainU WATCRTNONT and VarnUbe Special boat NkCLARY PLUHB1MQ FURNACES Mon., March 1 1 paint "FLOGLAJUT FOR A complete EVERYONE line of Ship Chandlery. A One atocl of llardware. Gurney Oxford Stoves. SHEET KETAL WORHS We Sail NsUilns Nut Ttta sUai. Phone S. t)i Eeooad Ateoue JCight phones 57 i FRED STORK'S HARDWARE Tha right ayora,Jid at IHue tha Hts4 J7i lima, mm at Lha Hgat arise. JJjjjjaljajla " WWIIil " aaasjaaaajsaaaaaasjaayss iMSJjaaiSiaaSaaaM B