r .1 r" -- - -k mi P 'Jap g a w The Daily vnr, 1.x "v PIIINCK RUPERT, TUI.8DAY, MARCH 12, 1918. PRICE FIVF. CKHTY II II II V " II II V7 r UK i Mil GAINS N PALESTINE BY BRITIS .CTIVITY ON WESTERN FRONT INCREASES-GERMAN AEROPLANES BOMB NAPLES 4 mn n nnniiir nrriTi An NOTES FROM THE ALDERMAN CASEY V f Li I KB1B.II! II K TURKS FIGHT DESPERATELY COUNCIL CHAMBER ASKS A QUESTION ON WESTERN.FRONT BY THE AGAINST BRITISH ADVANCE The meeting of the rily council "I want to ask the city solicitor held last evening in the Council A question" said Alderman Casey ALLIES. NO. BIG ACTIONS Chamber wan a short one. All the towards the close of last night's NORTH FROM JERUSALEM councillors were out. and in their meeting of the city council. -- - - place. Mayor MrClymont presiding. 'Whal were the conditions In the NITED STATES TROOPS.CO-OPERATINO WITH FRENCH, PENE- The first business was a milk trial the other day to justify HIGH RIDQES ALONQ JERUSALEM-NABULUS ROAD ARE CAPTURED TRUE TO GERM An 8ECQHD LIDt HLUW UC DUUUUT9 report from the Hoard of Works, (he Imposing of a fine of It on a WHEN BRITISH PROGRESS IS CONTINUED TWO AND MAKE IMPORTANT CAPTURES ARTILLERY recommending that the apporach man found guilty of selling milk MORE MILES GREAT ASSISTANCE FROM AEROPLANES IS ACTIVE ON BOTH SIDES. to the Carpenters' Hall be con. below standard?" FIERCE FIGHTING. strutted, in accordance with the The City solicitor explained that it- Dr 5w. Irated to the second six hundred Request of the Prince llupert the Medical Health officer was satisfied (Specltl to The Duly Hews) ever indicates that the advance Mai h 12 V success- yard back. The Americans re-jH"PT iraaes anu ianor council, with a conviction. The a- London, March 12. A dispatch has been resumed and that the uhirh several of the rnalned forty-five minutes in'The matter of placing a light at mount of the fine was immaterial. receVed from General Allenby, high ridges, flanking this road ., -enemy lines. They found excel- " onu on rraser nireev, now so long a, a warning was w n,; , conducting the operations through the mountains of Kph-raim, lent concrete dugouts which they ever was not agreed to. In this case there was no question' have been cleared of the ! machine guns at all of the milk being diluted by,n Palestine reports another ad- Mew un and also brouictil baek n There was. also a recommenda- enemy. was carried out by ; arg quantity of material and lion that Hie water mains be ex added water. That was not sugt vance by the Uritish troops along The Turkish forces made an tn south of St. Quenlin valuable papers. tended from iniru Avenue to gested at all. The difficulty of the Jerusalem-Nabulus road. A obstinate resistance and fierce ' tat statement from! No Major Operations. First, so that in case of Are, the feeding cattle through the winter general advance was ordered last fighting look placn before the I wholesale houses would have in this district makes it equally and until Thursday finally The . j .V snai Haig today, "A Will. r.- ltliti 1 ssttv In tVein a Monday, enemy gave way. ' enemy t nicii f ap- and Helgium. March 12. Heavy proper supply of water. difficult in keeping milk up to the'steady progress was made. The Hrilish line was advanced for lines northwest of artillery firing was proceeding at Then came the final readings of standard. Thq law demands 3 Hrilish line was advanced, astride another two miles on a twelve cent of butter fat, in this case' this and little opposition mile front. The mountainous IUe; was driven off by ar- various points along the Ilritlh yiaw for me regulation per road, . . . I . .. .. Mht liiiivAlsi a nil.... k..-.....-...-1 1 1 nmnKila I.-fr. there was 2.60 ,was encountered from the Turk- and broken nature of the terrain l-t l inaciune gun lire, and Herman name lines louar. its onsiderable artillery j hut there has been no infantry ac-j during which "coasting" was pro This explanation was not con- ish forces. Since last Thursday, were particularly suitable for th ., holh sides, wirly this J lion of importance since Salur-.g perly defined by the city solid- sidered satisfactory by Alderman however, when an advance of tactics pursued by the Turks. Aeroplanes -mtli east of Arinen-'day morning, when the Uritish in tor. After this was duly completed, Casey. "If pure milk falls below three miles was made on an eigh-3 rendered great assistance at that moment the curfew per cent in butlec fat" he ex. teen mile front, fighting has been to the Hrilish advance. Amsrlcana Strafe Frltx. the (Hermans from positions they rang. claimed, " then it is being taken more severe, and strong opposi-from Many bombs were dropped among cattle which should not be tion encountered by the Bri-in the Turkish troops scattering ft j American Army in 'succeeded In capturing In region .. ..A Man on a Bike. was dairy"herd. Hut why the tish. which held their further their formations in many in- Marh 12, American f Poelderhoek ridge Friday even. In connection with the new by-prrating any up with the Ing. The Hrilish defen. es hare law, the city clerk read a letter minimum fine anyway? Just the progress. The latest dispatch how-(stance. which he had received that morn-. other day, a man was soaked 110 V 3 arned out three and south of Hottlholst forest, ; ' ibe American see- where German also raptured six ing. from a lady living near Seal r.Hra:nnsii.2eht m a di e q OBJECT yesterday's games j, Two iif the raids posts on Friday imrning. have Cove. .She told how a man on a 1 simultaneously last been re-established after severe -bike had run into her on Kighth lo have been soaked ISO" interjected FOR THE HOCKEY i A iii m ans swept past lighting, in which the Oermans Aenue. near the Seal Cove School the City Clerk the working RAID BY AIR CHAMPIONSHIP man gets, the maximum, but in OF first line and pene- lost heavily causing her step off the road into a puddle of mud about a foot deep.' this case, the absolute minimum "I want to know" went on the letter is imposed." Vancouver. March 12. Seattle, 3YERNMENT AGREES BALTIC IS TO : if a woman is obliged to step Alderman Kirkpatrick, speaking,' HUN AVIATORS the World's Champions, and tho children' in Ihe interests of the into a mudhole every time a man A'ancouver Millionaires battled WITH TELEGRAPHISTS on a biocle shouts 'track'." This and babies, insisted 'that the each other to a standstill last BECOME GERMAN !is not the first time this has hap-!ened quality of milk be kept up to the Twenty Bombs Dropped In Real night. The first game of tho series I standard, for the sake of the coming dentlal District Many Killed ta ustir to me. During the last ended in a tie, the score beiu 'j 12. An agree-1 rainy spell I was knocked down, generation.i n There are i other. ii i Austrian Cross Piave.Fall to two to two. Both teams played tit bs t;-; reached between PERMANENTLY but I do not know whether this ways Desides aauing waier 10 uie championship hockey . Mickey f Public Work- j was the same man or not, nor do milk, she said. The butter fat can .I ?tUl lo The Dslly Sws) MacKay scored both goals for thj v T s aph operators onj I know the man's name." be taken off. Millionaires in the last period. ct owned lines.'Action by Germany In Finland Is, With reference to this letter. Addressing the chair, the city Home. March 12. Naples was The Eastern Series. ir-J and ninety-six op-1 Menace to Scandinavian ; the city clerk pointed out that clerk intimated that they Jiad the attacked by enemy aviators this ' Toronto. March 12. Toronto Make morning. Twenty oomDs were hands. t will be affected by Nations, Whom Hun pedestrians had the first ngni to matter in their defeated the Canadiens by a score it u ment which Is to be Prsss Denounce. the road, and neither automobile, Ihe Medical Health officer report dropped In a residential quarter. of 7 to 3 in the first game for the n the rules an an nor bioycle had the right of way on......the dairies twice. a ms week. .and.ill The.... victims a r n h..jnilo included I nl seven I IIA I.IT oc-I IM Eastern championship. The next r ally speaking, the iwui m Tb D4iiy over pedestrians. This is the law. publlsn nis reports, mai win cuim- -irame will be held- in Montreal to- Mlers near Arcomire.u. .c. a down: First, (he iAindon. March 15. The new- The letter was filed. meet the case. Mcllae of the s three hundred nines souin oi tt.n; Second, Uni-anon l and a novel display of German j In connection with the demand Alderman was k b the aD of pay under poller lias come in the form of a for a reading and sitting room opinion that the extra-ordinary tne name line. Cnce of Malone. who wilt probab- s west of flreat sudden broadside of denunciation for ladies. Alderman Casey made conditions obtaining here, and the March ucl "tro"-12.- Austrian T htl on during the next game. difficulties in feeding cattle throu- rtome. I I overage increase of of the Scandinavian countries by the suggestion that the private Third, Provision German newspapers and public-;room presently used by Chief ghout the winter was the mailer troops, which apparently were nMV Thereupon the in- mating an attempt io cross u UMILU dlAlEO ArAmi uiinalion. The in- ists like Count Itevenllow. The Vickers of the Police Department responsible. from, preveqted will total, ;5.0no articles accuse Scandinavian on the first floor of the City Hall, cident closed. .river Piave were cuiDDCn DDfUlDTIV 'doing so yesterday by tne uauer-i j jnuiiU ( AUiUl llil I ay list amounting to emintrie substantially of being be used for this purpose. "Won't On and after April 1st the car- jo of artillery which sunk the: accomplices of the Kntente and do at all" intimated the City Clerk penlers scale of wages will be 75c rafts and boats in the river oppos. Washington, March 12. warn them that they can expect fThe chief needs that room.' half boll-He ) hour and Saturday per Fagare. and supplies for General Troin However, his worship the mayor. !Troops i n p n By v BAKER no consideration Germany., C6 1 day. forces now moving Pershing's are Germany's dealings with Finland intimated that from arrangements RRIYES IN FRANCE so far, seem to be designed to under way. tho matter wiuld be and Messre. Garde, Woodland and'SAYS UNITED STATES AT to learned France today on schedule on high lime,authority.it is tnuke Finland a minor German ' satisfactory arranged. Parker ror me iioaru oi irauc; - o-nrifnrii mnn . . .1 Kingdom, with the Kmperor's son. ' Tha Slot Works The Joint committee recommend; fULL diKtHUIIl 111 lU wnue ngures may noi oe pun..-- the IHIIy JWwM h- tated Povely. that ii Prince Oscar, on the throne, and i letter was then read from Mr. that Mr. A. C. Garde be empowered wa March 12. Sec-Haker reauiremer its of to make another Heligoland of tno K u Mortimer, commissioner of ,o compile further data regarding lSptcUl lo Tb D.1Ir .w., IjPU.toa tins arrived scheme is Ihl. .1Ulril in rnnneftinn Willi .... r..n - " Aland Islands. This of Trade, enclosing tho a'tne noard 1 II I c u tu 12. ine IUII ci.inn;n Tint nml lh (nniimlL an of the inspection ,f til , direct blow against Sweden, and proceedings of the Joint commit-ill 't'.v and a conference Denmark Hoard inn im Allnueil for the comnila. .!.. , . .., ra I against ; Council and the less degreo ,ee of ln - - - . western ironi win uoi wo icn -. -,hpil .niufaciorv. 'ary oflicers. and Norway, and Is In line with ine,0j Trad with regard to the pro- tion of this information. nfore the summer of 1919, Col. A. ,-..-.-.11 U full alrnncrlv Hint the ontMl- s j, ,, I'mperor's boast that the Baltic j ,,0lt.d steel works for this coast. matter was reierreu io i. ivnukern. nf the ouartermas.' . . . ... . . -. Dresses, tin.to.the. . n ol major uperauuua i Vfter it" Islands have been made pernian-.Thta Joint committee is composed ance committee one more department of he U'd , Wilson has predicted h"' Pre,ident r Wallace's. f ami' Casey. Alderman question by entlv German. nf Aldermen Casey. Smith Mates army, ueciareu in a JU .e he decUive y?af of the Harrie. representing the Council, 'council adjourned. before members oT the Associa- HIST longer DRIVE AND DANCE . eat war wl not muc, THE VITAL QUESTION Hon of Commerce here delayed. -1 I. vaihaiia-' AT THE WESTHOLMEj The turning point in the great of the Scntv. Ir ON PARIS Jie said, would come In 1930, t-nnly of America GERMAN AIR RAID war, New- Goods constantly arriving. act' and he explained the seeming a Wins! Drive and Dance Virginia Pearson is the star 7 Wallace's. tf ll. -.!... In ItAI slowness of the preparations Aiili'.-w Hall. Wednesday ress appearing in mo uuj w ik " the bensnt of lh screened at Ihe Wcstholme tnis MADE BY SIXTY MACHINES the United States by the statement For New Wellington Coal and "'" of that for man carrying every lnl .11- a no vninr Kim is an actress i who is rille there must be forty men Ir Lumber of all dimensions, i hi west ho Hie Hep particular personal charm, a . ... . --- ---- .. food and hone 118. llnr him with -Miiienis. I len ts 11.00. a great favorite here. ns tsiwsui t Ttw Dny itaiueu wy mo - supplying 50 59.111 proved by ttie houses sh always , , Mnren ?. The alrjcraft guns throughout the entire munitions. in town' . lrlod of the raid the greater v draws on her appearance, , mnj!e up. new nendy-lo-Wenr Th vitnl nuestiun is a piay."" numoer ui me eimiry uuumw NOTICE. WESTHOLME made by Vellace's. full expre.slon'on the City of Pari, was unab,e o reach u,cir oUJec. tf which allim.i large number of aeroplane b b- d d TONIGHT ONLY to her large and varied ,a...very ... Herman much- . ... Owing to increased expense we .,v ,linl(Wiv lil).tii.t The piay. a nmr . '--"',. "VV r forced to raise the price of at they are. in ihU expedilion.' .w nf rt nn aiu rluud rtur r....l..... i. nnn nf the best of .Ie.. , , . II. I" mw euuuiu milk. On and after March 15th, "THE VITAL QUESTION" -- - trim v, ni Bfirii m ..S .S .l. .!. ii-an Aflllllllisru v demolished and set its kind, and In the capable nanus ,,urceeded buildings were 10 pints or 0 quarts for a dollar. rrtiurin Vl.flnu pesr-ni. --- - on fire. The number of the le-tims Prince Rupert Dairy. of Miss Pearson, will mane a grai , Krnch ,(, fly- " " is not yt known. 1 rrsnk Pnl!. who wiiuesset fl5 Standard Dairy. appeal to everyone parts t lll(rei Km rtlrbrsted nxuedlts or H it. There will also no m . - " ' , t.onverged up. FOR QUALITY edy. in which Frank Dnlels ap. of I lie front. Thiy in pen Ladytmlth Wellington Coal reduces Half Price Remnant Sale. Wednesday Wizard or the Nils 8I'I A. a comedian he U aU.on Pari . riung your fuel bill and Qlve morning Wallacj'. tf COMEDY 8ATI8FAQTI0N Udy famous, and the double at- ! satisfaction. Phone 15. .P. R. now tuns si 7 o'clock. V W I i k Foil HKI.P traction thia evening ahauld brim? . I''n? " .llIeh w8t main Coal Go. New Wall papers Wallace's, im-i"' imrrnuu ,i 'full houses. n