1HK fJAU.l HkWt .A. G.H.Arnold Local News Notes Do You Stand for Freedom? 1 NOTARY PUBLIC (let it at Wallace's. tf If you do, then sign the following petition and mall to the Secretary, p.o. U ALL OF GOVERNMENT The Uuaranline launch 'Evelyn LAUNCH. is getting ready Tor her voyage Rupert. British Columbia. We Sell Real Estate. to Victoria. Mr. Ous Hanson, her Insurance.write Fire and Marine Tenders will bo received at the skipper, hopes to leave by salur Ddminion'of Canada Petition oftlce of Hie District Engineer, day. We have Apartments, Stores, t'rince Ilupert, up to and includ To Ills Kxeelleney, the Governor General in Canada: , Houses, and Offices for The Ileal School Shoes NVal Rent, and Want More. ing March 31st, 1V18, for the pur lace's. tf The Petition of tha undcrslgnm! loyal Htl.on f the, lo(ftlato& of Otttad. Launch wPh chase of the government Ws Deal In Mortgage Loans. Wakcsia" complete, with engine Tonight the.Knights of Pythias Tlht1J tB)KNT8 ABSOCIAt ION tFiSggZ.t ',. We Sell Timber Limits. and other equipment a it now and the Oddfellows meet in con . i . m.-i.ti...- .. I.n um ..nlrlttlr I Km TmIIi...... fj ItMUil . . We do Conveyancing. tnnil. Launch can be seen at test at the intersociety whlsl SODS a&U UeVOw uiirilinn .--.... .rwn HM-iarriniiiin -f ii"' "''""irturea, Swanson'a Uoal House. Govern tournament. The K.P.'s will get That the "Hlble Students' Monthly" ami the FIaHImrI Mystery" arr m,,rk, 'lift ment Wharf, Prince Rupert, their revenge. tftetMii H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD. The successful tender must be tten used by the Inter rwlkma! lill'Ie gtwletita awl art l M rtapwt what.vr 1- Wednesday Morning Half.Price to cash down and national standpolHL prepared pay Remnant Sale. Wallace's. tf tlonable fmnl a take immediate possession. That threugh error or msrerrMlalfeft (he pnbhtlM &m post ae ami..ii of the Prov. Govt. Pub. Wks. Dept. The train from the East whlel rk. "The News" j Prinee Ilupert Is due here tonight, is reported to bet-n prvilbiteil by the novernmet af Oattada. Daily be something like three hours WATER NOTICE epjlaUo in Um VMh Stei arrive That these work hnv hal a turpi an.t rl Hnia MVKRSIO ASD CSt late. It is eipected to a-round 4 CLASSIFIED ADS. nine o'clock. mi"under the ban In these eetiaUrfos. TAKE MOTICE that J. T. Ilefferoaa. whOM addre li c-o raunore roiton. prince When you think of shod think That In the interest ef rellgiWM mrty, trm freeVk. ami theast traditi.m of HriL.t, Rnntrt. B. C Will afPlT for t MreOCe I of Wallace's. ' tf ritaaja WANTED. Ui tod um 100a cubic feet per minute ship the sakl ban shentd be lifted. of water out or tml now Im aa rwr cmk whieb now eoatbeaiterty and Young lady wanted for eom. ...nil Ik. r- U ulil Lan U tlMI J fc. WASTED.. .Olrl for reneral boueorl imr eiiiirt- tiitTTioTw ray ine wni wwiri iiiwi uu nr if- I'lrriilalK.fi ,,f Applr Mr. W. T aerrin. Seewxl drain Into Kleaane Inlet, about tlx mil mercial odlce. Experience not so ATfDUe if from Butedala, B. C Tbe water will be necessary as ability to learnj wrks 10 again permHted in (lanln. dUrrted trum tbe etream tl point about M-iITOft WASTED. AppUeaUon wUl t one-balf mile from mouth of trera tod tiood training and prospects. rttrir.4 by tbe underairned. op to Feb. ;wm be uted for power pnrpoM vpoa tbe pply P. O. Ilox 1710. Hi f lib. for the potlUoo of janitor at Um mlne dearribed aa Mm "MooW Mineral NAME Berden Street ScbooL SUM experience aalra. u expert now In charge of shoe tad quaUncaUon. SaUrr .S0 per Thia nonce waa poated on tbe around department Wallace4. tf moatb W, D. VAJICT. See on tbe lt day or January. ISIS. A copy (I0f of tbia notice and an application pursuant JUST IN. If want to Aiumitss thereto and to Um -Water Act, till," wUl you enjoy FOR SALE. be Died in Um oBlce of Um Water Recorder your dinner, order your potatoes at Prince Rupert. B. C from the City Market. They LAVMCH FOR SALE Blda ha writing are Objection to um application mar & nieo can't be beat. Finest fresh laetted for the Launch RoaebeU II, ault-abia with tbe aald Water Recorder cr with Um eggs. for aalmon flibtnr, AUaa engine. Comptroller of Water Rltbti. Parliament j60c, 1H lbs to the doren. 01 Ladies' Cellar and CufT sets iii:iiiiiiitiiH;!i;iiiii!inini!;;:ii:;ii.!i nt iiimii :;: :i ; , & ni Can be mad Into peaaenrtr boat Ad BaUdtnr. Victoria, B. C, wiutin tnirty drtia Indian omce. Prince Rupert. daya arter Um Brat appearance or thia Ladies' Donegal Tweed and oth new things. Wallace s. ir & F. MOfUUSQX and C C. PEWIT. notice In a local newipaper. suits-Wallace's. Eieeatore of Um eatata of Um lata F. JJ. T. HEFTER.1AW, Applicant. er new spring Knights of Pythias will hold a Parker, deceaaed. Tbe date of Um by Oral J. D.publication Leedy, A rent.of tbia The change in the direction of Social Dance on April 8. Invitations 1 G asoiine E For Sale I LOT FOR SALE Blda In wrttlni arc In-Tltad notice la February llta. 111. the wind this morning was much only. Up? ngmes for lot . Block II. SXUon 7. appreciated in quarters. A Ambroe Street, near Drydock. Lot WATER NOTICE many LoL Pe-arl -Hrooeh. Crescent aeit to nr. BljUwa Store. tn Are. south easterly wind and a cloudy USE. three DIVERSION ASD enclosing Ferget-tRe-nots. aide, no encumbrance. Addreta Indian sky menas rain, but it also means IP re. less coal in tbe furnace. Fnde-r please return to the Post On 3-CylIndar 4 cycle 30 H. P. Falrbsnka-Moraa Jamea S. Emerson, C r. MOBRJSO.t and C C PERRT, TAKE NOTICE tnat office. SO 550 1 Faelne Bntldlnr. Van-conrer. Engine , wboa addrea la SIS lieutor of Um eitate of UM lata F. B. C wUl apply for a Urene to Leckie Hoots for Hoys, Girls. Parker, deceaaed. Mr. John Johns, of the staff ut Uke and ue oo CS.F. or water oat or Men and W'omen. Wallace's. Ons 2-Cyllnder 4 cycle) 10 H. P. Palmer Engine $350 1 LOST L'nlon Creek, wbleh Bowa weaurly and Messrs. Kelly, Douglas & Go- here draina lito L'nlon Bay about at Um bead intends leaving for the south than Afternoon Tea, Sale of Faney One 1-Cllnder 4 10 H.P. Hicks of aald bay. cycle Engine LOST Oold SUckpln, between Iroquola Tbe waur will be dleerted rrora Um work and novelties, by the Mission week, having been railed up for Pool Rooma and Flftb Artnue, E. Reward. etream at a point about wber L'nlon Creek Hand, will be held in the basement military service. Mr. Johns Is Jlew orace.Finder plea return to Dally tf. leavea L'nlon Lake and win be ued for of the Methodist Church. one of Prinee Ilupert old timers. Cos 1-Cllndar 4 cycle 3fe H.P. Regal Engine T Z power (and incidentally maautacturtnc) on Wednesday afternoon. March Ons 2-Cyllndar 2 cycle 14 H.P. Callls Perfection purpote upon Um landa deacrlbed aa Dl- trtet Lot tst, castiar DUtrtct. 13th. from i till 7 p.m. 60 Engine $200 Tbia notice waa poated on tbe around Pfcee. 156 m Ons 2-Cyllnder 2 cycls 9 H.P. FalrbanaiMor c?nn i V.L PRIVATE DETECTIVE MERCY m on uw Ilia uay 01 January, 1 i a nvi Wortl has just been received of Cnglns , .of Uil noUc and an application puranant T I SO MatrapollUn Blf, VaneeMtae. the promotion to Senior Lieutenant iol r. riuo - tbe re to and to tbe "Water Act. IS 1 4," win Ons 1-Cyllndsr 2 cycls 2 H.P. Watsrman Eoslns in the U.S. Navy nf Evan O. . i be filed In Um office of UM Water Re Day Pbone. Seymour a lit. FOR INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR JUaUi Pbone, ralrmont JSIS. ,eorder at Prince Rupert, B. C. Hanson, son of Geo. M. Hanson. Practically new, 3S lbs. wslght and suitable for : Objection to Um applleaUon may be United Stales Consul here. Lieutenant DECORATIONS row boat trolling aald Water Recorder or wlU) Bled wlib tbe Heed Ill Miaaew-Bea t. OBIc. Hanson member of was Water Parlia- a of Rirbu. Vlcterla, SL e, Pheea S412. tbe Comptroller Ons 1-Cyllndsr 2 cycls 4 H.P. Auto Marine Englns $75 1 the ment Buildinr. Victoria, B. C, within graduating class at Annapolis 9 i ran; uay aiier um uni apprwux vi in 1917. and this Is the second Acorn Sign Co. tbia noUc in a local newapaper. Ons 1-Cyllndsr C Callls Perfection $125 f promotion within a year. His r 2 cycls H. P. of thia j Tbe date of the Brat pabtleaUoo notice la January tfth. 111. Tit rank corresponds to Captain In FOR SIONS JAMES S. EMERSOX Applicant the army. Ons 1-Cyllndsr 4 cycls 12 H.P. Buffalo Englns 5001 DENTISTRY by Robert M. Walker, aa-ent THESE ENQINE8 ARE SECOND-HAND, BUT Milt Mil GERMAN omwa MO BRit SWORD OUR E. H. SHOCKLEY Tiinnnnnui v nurnuini rn tnmr nrKUBJT A BCOULTT FOR YOUR NEW SUITS BEST PROTECTION ALSO See . (Sutrettor la I, L Hlcierl-CONTRACTOR DM. J. 8. BROWN OICS GEARS NEW AND REBUILT oomrr Steve King KAISER DECLARES A BUILDER l BealUi SHoek. Thief Iimm Prompt Cleaning A Pressing Phone Green 418. Amsterdam, March 9. In reply Store and Office Fixtures, Thomson & Co., Ltd. 1 to congratulations from Philin Sash, Door, and Mouldings, 1 Akerberg, iileiueken. director of the North Oak and Hardwoods of all AGENTS FOlt I German Lloyd Steamship Hnr, kinds. Prince Rupert Feed Co. STEEN & L0NGW1LL j Emperor following telegram:William hi seat th Ws Spsclallxs Boat In Hardwood Palmer, Flshsrman, Anderson, Yals, and Unlo . tntm Ribs, Sash, I "The German sword is our best iiiiimiiimmttmiimiimtniiiimmiiiini nt t itut iitftiittitif(fTtniTTnn Doors, slo. iiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiuiii t.xu PHONE 58 SANITARY AND HEATINQ protection. With God's help It ;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin ENOINEERS will also bring us peace in the Plats and Sheet Olass and FOR west and Indeed, the peace which, Qlailng. Agents for after much distress and many Cornsr Frassr and 6th Sts. A HOT BATH THE troubles, the German people need BULBS McCLARY FURNACES IT for a happy future." PHONE GREEN 269 MINUTE YOU WANT PLUMBING P. O. BOX 168 . ...J b ' You are Tulips, Hyacinths, Daffodils, and DROWNS HIS OWN BABY getting r..:i J Easter Lilies, Narcissus. SHEET METAL WORKS r stantly. Iniui m,tT, THEN BURNS ITS BODY f;! 1 isfaction -f Ba Phone 5, 834 Second Avenue. BUII Of 4 PrempUi AU44 U. Night phones 578 Anyone Can Have Water in n- "mf., J Edmonton. March 9. Accused abundant fga: . and Hlue 270 of drowning bin newly born baby 1mw mu b bas bn The right work, at the right 'in Whipped Cream pail of water p. a Be S3. SOS Thlr Ate. a and then burn-ling bsfure. time, and at tha right price. the WATEnLIXlCIC body in a pile of brush, HOT William II. Erlckson, a farmer PACIFIC MILK is so living south-east of Alliance. 70 Harry Hanson rich in cream that it miles from Cam rose, was committed vn for trial by Magistrate Primrose. whips as easily as Hot Wai Friday morning, on a charge most of the fresh you Hi BOX5 Fishermen Notice! of murder. PHONE 4M P- 0, JftelaV II A confession tuado by the accused M,.tH I cream sold around was read in court. In the -- j the Province." The Cold Storage Fertilizer and Oil Plant at Pacod Is confession Erjcksnh admitted placing the infant's body in the Mrs. McCary of New Westminster now in operation and will operate all the year round. The ipall of wrote In to HARDWARE water and aflerwarda burn say that she whips FRED STORK'S company will buy all marketable fish and will also buy Dog ing ot in a brush pile, "finish. PACIFIC MILK regularly for a Fish at fifteen dollars per ton (equivalent to about Ave cts, especially when it Is dry. makes treat for the youngsters for per Ash), Halt will be provided free and all supplies can n very hot fire." was one of the breakfast. FOR CANNERYMEN be purchased at the Company's store at reasonable prices. statements in the confession. AH sho does is to set aside the We havn added la our stork of valves and i i" " amount she wants, in u cool place, line or llubber llclting at nglt i ' Special facilities are provided for gas boats and fishermen for a time and then beats it with FOR FISHERMEN ROUMANIA bringing thSir gas boats will be allowed 125 for ex. COMPELLED n selve egg-beater. 8he puts this A PMinplHe stock of the best goods that m-' ' penses of trip to Paeon. The plant Is located In the heart TO ACCEPT HUN PEACE on toast and gives it to the child, trolling-Spring Eras. 81lver 11" ' of the fishing grounds and dog flsh can be caught in great ren for breakfast. FOR THE WATERFRONT numbers all the year round. Corne to Pacofl If you wish to London, March 12. A provisional You'll find It is good on cukes and Tlio Mlebraled Maplo Leaf Paints and Vann" specil Ditnill'' make money every day fishing. Gnrman-Ilumaniaii peace (has PACIFIC MILK CO., LTD. IKiInt "fl.OOLAZK"- A cmplste !! ,r t"'" been completed. Mr. Arthur Hal-four. FOR EVERYONE Factory at Ladnsr, B, 0, "f J Secretary of War. A fine stock of Hardware, tlunisy'a annonne-t-il If you have a good recipe send it International Chemical Co., Ltd. in the Hoiish of Commons In-day. in. You may get a nice surprise Wo Sell Nothing But Ths Bsst. in return. Address llox 88?, Van PacoH, Queen Cha lotts Islands. Mr. Hal four said he had no Information couver, ii. v. ItORK'S HARDWARE regarding any Japanese FRED troops landing In Hlberla. --.- , ,t