The DAlLYgiEWS -V-, - - - I'llINCK nUI'KIlT, B.C., TIUIIBDAY. MAItCIl PHICK MVP CENT T ED STATES NFffiE OfEEWMELl C7 C7C7 O N II IJ II I! A da . a nmfP. r?"V FIE OrPlf? T"" TM nniT"iriI n i mn i t-ii v Tttn a w-fcm.Ti. mTntxT nn s t-i mni. J- in i - tx vr ar mi aymr mvw mw rm. m x a imi m m mm im w. r n ' am ii v - - - r w ..) nnrnn n l t t rnn I'll 111 A HI III7L I II I Mill h I.I Kin ii iv I rn- r,, .h . . run GERMANS PREPARING FOR UNITED STATES BATTERIES DESTRUCTION OF FOUR ANOTHER NEW PEACE MOVE . DO GREAT EXECUTION HUNDREDBRITISH TOWNS ir-ii The Piiir Kewti frontiers being recognized again,i BEHIND GERMAN LINES j London March It. According while the captures of territory j jto the Morning Pout's Heme cor- which the Germans have made at . uiur flrPMlM IV ITDHI KLTALIITE UPON llPEN REACHES ITS GREATEST INTENSITY AT SEVERAL - i respondent, preparations are be- the expense of Itussia in the Cast,! ARTILLERY FIRE TOWNS FOR CONFIsCATiun ur ruuH nununtu deh ing made through the German they would be allowed to retain, POINTS FIVE GROUPS OF FLAMMENWERFER MAN SHIPS FRENCH AVIATORS BOMB GERMAN newspapers and German Press a. Vigorous comment has been made OBLITERATED, AND MANY AMMUNITION HANQARS BEHIND LINES. gents, for a new political move.'upon this understanding of the DUMPS WERE EXPLODED. This correspondent says that it matter, o it is even better for j T6 ttu Stwi.1 tured -to approach the defended. is possible a fresh peace move is the Germans that their previous UpreUI in Tb DUJ ccs.i instances, considerable distances. Ai..s-. ant Jiarcn-m n.a re i ne.uisiriciH.i la. -a in me town oi hum, one contemplated, on the basis of the proposals of a peace upon the Paris, March 1 1. In the Woev-re owing to their first linefbecoming . f four hundred Hrl- house demolished br a falling status quo ante helium prior to basis of the then war map. district, a detachment of United untenable. Dougout and shelters hoinli, and one woman died of the war on the Western front,) Needless to say, any such pro-with Stales troops carried out i(jh have been blown in, and no cover .1 1 w Ly uermau aerupiauc shock. No other casualties have recognition of the present posals would get equally scant con success a raid in the German exists which can give adequate .a made by the Berlin trenches, to the south of ftich-court. shelter from the American bombardment. yet been reported. The practice status in thellast sideration from the allies, as they made by the anluair-craft gun. The Germans can see nothing did their last ones. The deter-wrong -Artillery fire by the American r ih allloa In nnndi. ners, so far as could be seen, was with this proposal, which ruination is again expressed that batteries has attained to its French Front. i . i, lidred Oerinan mer- good. The one Zeppelin was seen would mean that Belgium and the Germans must first be ejected greatest intensity at several Paris, March 14 Mutual artillery ., Tha ardrln making lo stagger more than once, apparently northern France would be restnr- from the lands of France and Bel-ed. points. Five groups of German bomliardments along the II . .!-u Iwinilfiil"- nni. and as if it had been struck and Alsace and Lorraine would gium before any peace can be dis-be gas projectors, which were all light bank of the Meuse, and in w ten for the purpose on a vital part. (I disappeared, kept by German, the former cussed. ready to be used, were obliterated the llailloan, Angerviller and Lor : jg a Utile more courage however. In the darkness, apparently br the shell fire. Towns back of raine regions was reported by the in tne people oi still able to float. the German lines were set on Are, t ..: ncss French War office last night. In i The writer get down-. Counter Raid. BRITISH AIRMEN INFLICT and large quantities of ammunition the Argonne, and in the Vosges t .g 7 at the idea of the aU placed in new dumps were yesterday, the artillerr fire was in . il M I ..I I I'aris, March 11. During Monday 'searched out and blown up yes. i l . a lue uriuiuui uer. termittent. In the Champagne ! itieir own Inliu-. night's raid on the made city of GREAT DAMAGE ON GERMANS terday. country, the bombardment, was I'arfs. French aviators a these laid purpos- The strength of the bombard violent, especially in the region of the hangars of counter raid bnuging of nod upon ment which is in progress all Mons. Iteports from the watching t j :uuuiun ami troops the fialhas bu:H well to the rear Lininn. March 14. Aerial at- Belgium, three tons of bombs were along the allied line is being well aeroplanes said that the French u l states and Can. of the German lines. and Six tons several of tacks upon places of military m- also dropped. The Ilailway sta-jkept up by the batteries of the guns had made several hits upon i Is. itam and France, bombs were dropped, imrisiuxi behind the German lines tion was hit. and a standing train United States artillery. They the German batteries, and that unction of "an eye Nres were observed. The destruction are being continued by the Bri- was seen to burst into flames. J nave worked enormous havoc with' several of their big guns had been r c $ altered to "a town eaused is known to be great. tish aviators. Yesterday, one- On Tuesday, over thirteen tons .the German defences, and in sev-' put out of action. nn arently with great Huns Claim. at Hie liriii.ii livers at- of exolosives were dropped at var- eral places, the German first line British Front ; Uif Hernial! wriU Berlin, March 14. Nineteen of ,taCked the cii of Freiburg in Ger-'ious targets within the German j trenches have been fllled In and the enemy aeroplanes and twOtlMn. anj dropper ten tons ofilines. The German aviators tried rendered useless for defence. London, March 14 A strong the raided a British Zsppsllns In-Hald. apti batons were dawned on bombs upon the munitions faatheir best to cope witn tne lirilisn uaius wnicn me iroops nave rou party-of enemy post south of "Armentleres .ii.U ' I,i. i,.i. 'r.Ml 1. nu- V.r. the West front yewleruay. mr orjM amj lhe barracks. Great nllack and in lue tlgnting Uiai 101- , irom lime....10 urue.. nae uiciou. I ; last night, following a heavy aeiMns ai oi Hie uerman me laci iuav at sctcm iuiu, u upon two ta.d in the last raid were reeoonoilertBg jamage was done, and the des- lowed, twenty bombardment. A few British sol und inland towns several iiuls on ine vv esieru lruclion uas i,(bl to the airmen, machines were seni craiuu u ucu. ua.c vu...Hv"v . ii.. nnukum. front. In the i:iiamiagne region,1Ti1(, inmiion factories were hit the earth, and the remainder-withdraw their lines, for in some diers are missing. Lord French yes- ur troops took nineU Freneb ;a-Veral times, and the buildings were driven off. The British only one ven. prisoners. jwere seen to expiooe, as meir in. squauron wc BATTERIES ACTIVE flamable contents caught fire. The tneir way nomewaru uuoiporu AGREEMENT RE barracks, which are extensive by the enemy machines, ON MOUNTAIN FRONT i in a iiv i i a a a a . n m n nr i i.iii 11 MINISTERIAL ones, were also seen to be on lire j Last night, the hostile airships attacked the north east FISHERIES IS in several places. again FEET ON ITALIAN FRONT ome. March 14. The official In the ancient city of Burges in roast of England. statement Issued today by the CHANGES IN GOT WITH U.S. Italian War office says: u IJ The Idea THREE MONTHS JAIL INDIA PROMISES A "Yesterday our heavy batteries : ns from its Berne were more active on the mountainous that, during the GREAT BRITAIN FOR CAPTAIN BAILEY RECORD WHEAT CROP Long Standing Question Between front from the Adigo ary. no fewer thai the Two Countries is Now iliver in the Piave River. Enemy an soldiers had toj Iroops and working parties were from the Italian Reconstruction of Ministry Is Sperl! lbs tu' Calcutta, March 2. The flrst' Settled for Duration shelled on the plateau Toneseca, g from frozen feet, j rumoured at Westminster. Toronto. March It. liaplaia offlciat All-India wheat forecast of the War. at the Aasa-IIastico confluence - given to the re-1 Press Reports State Bailey was sentenced to three for the curreut season shows that; at the head of the Val Freniela." the Jail i ka n....n u ,i id IIim InrceAL r- 1 Ottawa, March 14. The impor (ai l that 'Austrian Balfour Going. months imprisonment un "Counter-battery firing bJ hostile have been taken Farm elerday afternoon, for corded, being 31.000.000 acres, or tant announcement is made by the artillery was lively in the region ui-en found to be (SivrlSl Hi IM fUll) S.l making statements derogatory to 1 1,000.000 acres more than last Minister of Marine and Fisheries of Mantello arid less active d. their boots being London. March It. Tho poll- the soldiers at the front. year's final area. The sowing tiere lotiay mai an arrangemeiu on the west front. l ...... .r in full I ...inn i favorable. The present which settles the long standing poor quality and liumiin lint ir " -i "Northwest of Monte Grappa . "t resisting lite r. A'great parliamentary inlri- I r.r.ptajn Bailey at a meeting in condition of the" crop is gooa, question of fisheries between has the our patrols attacked with hand tvhich has recently gue Is under way. and the louiiies Toronl0( declared in the course hut the Central Provinces and the United -States and Canada, grenades enemy outposts. It will remain inow been reached. I'ahan Alps. r buliig with rumours oi mm-'of , speech that drunKenness IV..H.I .liiriet need rain.' "Our aircraft, notwithstanding for the duration in force at least sturlul reoonstruclions. The re- XVas prevalent among tho Canadian ... . vew wher conditions, bom-the lit... i' inn (irted changes arc being discus- 80diers overseas. The International Association ,j or me war This new agreement barded a big supply station of tho , , . V.1 I I 1. I I . . ii.. .. ....1 .nni nf I of Machinists. Lodge 207. meet to-'prov ides for complete rp- sea in me uauy irr, ( northeast of Orderio.' CIVILIANS KOYED the newspapers suggest that Mr aiHj Mrs. Wm. Beverldge night in the Carpenters' Hall at 8 rucily of port priv ileges for fish-o'clock enemy It1 ing craft of the two countries, llenrv Duke, secretary for Irelami, V,.turned to the city yesterday prompt. NOTICC .FROM CAMBRIA has retired, and will be appoint- afternoon by the Prince George. , land it is hoped that the friction ed to a Judicial position and that Mr nmj Mrs. Beverldge have been Mr. O. Evlndson, of the Alice .which for many years has beeit in Owing to increased expense We nines Macnherson. tho parna- uonding some time in aanaiiuo. Arm Hotel, who has been in he 'evidence on the Atlantic vont will are forced to raise the price of i March 13.-"Les mentary secretary to the v ar im city for the last day or two, is be obviated. milk. On and after March 15th, Maastricht, learns fics will go to Ireland in his place. Mr. J. Clarke, late of the Brack. leaving for the south tonight. 10 pints or 0 quarts for a dollar. as ok that 1,000 per- The HecreUryshlp tor Ireland "f 'man Kerllllig Co- here, leaves GERMAN FORCES Prince llupert Dairy. 'd from Cambria. E. La Trace sailed for ate vears has been no sinecure, thjs evening for Vancouver, me Mr. K. 63 Standard Dairy. i ar I'epinster, near and this particular position has ,nany friends of Mr. and Mrs. the Queen Charlotte Islands by OVERRUN UKRAINA T; been responsible for the loss of Clarke will regret their departure. the Prince Albert early this morning. Don't think: but buy your shoe "m nveutxi aa nnurs prestige of nearly ever one oi mej London, March M The German from The Family Shoe Store. 63 .,1 l . d ten persons occupants. At the present mo-i Ladies' Collar and CufT sets-new forces are reported to have s 'lie journey. mont. with the unrest in ireiuuu things. Wallace's. tf New Wall papers Wallace's. entered Hie city of Odessa, which New- Goods constantly arriving. TV- ar. Miu so pronounced it calls for a strong Is the. great port of export from Wallace's. tf rman creation In t to undertake its responsibilities, the granary of Itussia. wrar -Famiy gi,oe man if order Is to be brought SOCIALISTS ARE Roumanians Persecuted. Ladysmlth Wellington Coal re 03 GERMAN Washington. March 14. The duces your fuel bill and gives v about. satisfaction. Phone 15. .P. R. rh Liverpool Post says ma' Itoumanian minister reports that Hetily-lo.NVear tf iiiiiouk Hie persons involved in the DISSATISFIED WITH PEACE ouuunia is being subject to the Coal Co. furthcoming changes, is tne .im" most drastic persecution at the ''" Till, ft! . at jhandti of German, who have pra. . "sinnoton Ooal and luuiorabln Arthur Balfour, pie- WESTKQLME i;rr r ""nslons sent secretary for War. It la ex sumiii u Tb. piu hind von Hosenberg (assistant to,ctically taen over control of the hon. pected thut his rellrmeiil will iak Mann it Foreign Secretary von Kuehlman.whole country, as they did In Bel. TONIGHT ONLY Amsterdam. that ,,,, ,lf1A .nnii iiro.t-'cium. being . place, tho reason given .. ' the ouli-ome '"VZ "u' i" ulonttUR H he "has shown a tendency of la ti i jifmrenceal wllieil.l.nov runiertrmo ur : Fourth Chapter of ,o take rather too 'Pl'o r;0ty wll i i the Holshevikl for which he stands. Let us Mr. W. B. Williams was anig BILLIE BURKE. view of international problems, poBcllldH. tne Uiereiore iace me mcis nun iro- i'"ii Oovernme a ....... il,.ltlrl. nM AIIiapI. . ulmn... .. mia .nllA.I Ihla..... Viol nans Is ...u.aiviintM' VOr.;iy uaiarv uiai in mm i'wv ,.v ...v ...v Berlin Socialist Ill'l ..... i.. i... '.....i ti.i ri......i. "THE GATES OF EDEN" NOTICE SUCCess WHICH was miufc.u iio iiiuuhih "i w niriimiun. . waerts says abided, but the been denied to Socialism of all A iiki'I rvalliilc part flununte. FOR QUALITY Miss Barbeau onnounces ner, "inM W'i fiillBt 0f shades of opinion." Mr. Geo. Hudson, of tho staff spring iiiillinery opening .on,i B a a 1 1 r mm T h u, .uctl wa the of the Union Bunk here, U leav. rofranuu tutry woman will Ilka. "! SATISFACTION .ii .ii... .i....llu AUiitlLr 'ing tho his Brisr lb KUJica. Tlmradnv nlld Frlduy All luuira iioui7 - - .,,i.i- The Silk .Poplin Dresses, up-to-the. ely tonight for home IX i call and inspect the case is deeply renm. i , vvnlin' f In lh soulh. 1 1 v 1 1 Ml 111X1 are invited to workmen do o-t " 08 German latest arrivals.