THE DAILY KW8 The Daily News 'A Dollar Saved is ,, MAIL SCHEDULE.. ( THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN Nl .TT11ESN BRITISH COUiitDU a Dollar Earned" GUYS Published Dally and Weekly For the EasL Guaranteed Largest Qrculatwn to your credit ! Mondays. Wstmdar "! 11-tirday A' in the bank, is yours. at a.. You don't have to HEAD OFFICE: work lor it all over From tha EasL j DaUr Nes Building, Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, D.C Tol 9a aain as you do for the dollars Tlinrs- Sttotfays, Tsjsdajr j During convalescence, TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 6) cents psr inch. that have been spent. days at p.. Contract Rates on application. I low many dollars have you nnJ when appetite lass that you can call your own ? For Vancouver: i DAILY EDITION. Thursday. March It. UM8- Why not start an uccount in i Tuesdays l- our Savings Department and ' 10 PJ- rtittrsdars 19REGLEYS save a part of the money you !Klnrtlav 1 ajll. MORE FOOD. With regard to trade, e have earn ? A for dollars saved In the interests of increased seen the government returned in cachwcck.amount the of to few hundreds From Vancouver ' with course a years. '"us to the hot. dry agricultural production, a ser- j to power as opposed to it, i is) n ious step is being made in this our neighbours to the south THE BANK OF (Wednesdays I c unuaj IQM a.m to overcome the abort under strews of war conditions, .K-uth a freshness province j Saturdays PJ compelled to introduce it, much British Noh Aneric age or laoor oy eniisuu we rnd soothing balm boJ between the ages of thirteen to the relief of certain classes, For a to help the and to the benefit of the people Anyos: and nineteen, CAPITAL AND SLHrLL. S7.SSI, Sundays 10 p.m.I that coaxes back the farmer this summer. The cooperation of this Dominion as a whole. of the goVernemnt The Kaiser and his staff. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH Wednesdays 19 pJ.j enthusiasm of health. departments of Education and however, are equally impress W.J.SMITH ERS,Manager Agriculture is being sought. ed with the necessity of recip From Anyos? whereby the boys of the Hlgl rocity in Europe, in the matter Tuesdays ajn.l Thousands of soldiers Schools might be secured un of air raids. They believe in aeroplanes to keep up constant Thursdays p.m.1 der official authority, subject. tit for tat. if at all possible. raiding over a wide area of In Europe have of course, to the willingness only the "tit" which the German Germany, the effect upon the For Port Simpson and Naas Rlverl cause of the Juveniles concern. The aviators are capable of does people 'iere may have that effect points: D thank Wrieley's for not to be effective as Sundays ,..10 p.a.l so sponsors of this idea are Uie seem hich the German government Y-AI.OA.. vho have apporacneu the "tat" which the allied airmen hoped it would have a-inong Its tonic effect. Keep yoar the ministers in order that the have given to the German the other races. Meantime, From Port Simpson and Naas tlebter whole machinery of the Education side of the border. The last it is safe to say that the River Points: supplied Department might be two air raids made upon the aerial operations of the allies Tuesdays placed at their disposal. The city of Paris are said by the have hardly commenced yet. Department of Agriculture is Berlin "Wireless" communications and when they do, tie Kaiser Queen Charlotte Islands: The asked to ascertain where there to be in parment for the and his war thirsty subjects For MaasetL Port Clement and is a shortage of labor, so that air raids made upon certain will know it. Upper Island points: Flavour it can be supplied from this German towns within easy February Situ .S pjn.1 new source. reach of the allied aviators. NEW ZEALAND WANTS March I3lli and tl tb t pjm. It is proposed that the boys From all accuonts, bovifVerV SAMOA BACK FOR OOOD From MasseL Fort dements aatll Lasts hi should enlist for a period of it seems that the last allied Upper Island points: three or four months every raids have caused more destruction London. March IS. A dispatch March 1st. 8lh and 9th (boor year for agricultural work of in the German cities frosn Welltagton says that Premier weeertain -7Zrgr$ MADE IN 5iV' some description, when they than all the German attempts Masaey said he was going to Far Skldrirate. Oueen Ctwrselte will be assigned to the various on Paris and London altogether. the Imperial War Credit Conference Crly and Lower Island petal - stations as needed and as re from a sense of duly. lle- Mareh Uh and I Sib t v.m. quested by the farmer. The The raid made German upon ferriag to Saoa. the Premier Pmm SlMegvlm, K)-m CkarloUe whole of the will be cities withheld for province were maiiy'gaid that New Zealand was aa- CMy and Lwr Issand potali : divided up into xones, or dis montbs. The British govern- nous because Samoa was the key Mareii 6th and 3MU pjji IrtcLs, over which a superin ment were loin to sanction to the south pari fie and if restor tendent would preside, and assume this form of frigblfulness, even ed would become the beadauar. For Stenmrt, Fori Sinipsan Maple I the responsibility for the If it were practiced by ttfe'tcr of the German fleet and the Ikay aad Sup point: welfare of the boys, and the Germans. Public opinion, centre of operations in tbe Part February 28lti 10 p.m general oversight of their la however, would not stand any fie. The Iirisish Hag was carried March I lib and Jlst ie pjn. W si 1 1 1 rv I S 1 1 rAal ri J 1 1 k i IJ bors. longer for the handling of tbe'.war from Samoa in 1889. and the This new army of workers is enemy with gloves, and tbe po.;.Vew Zealand boys earned it bask mm Klwtfi gtcrwart. prt to be called "The Soldiers of licy of reprisals for the Intro-'in 191 1. The Premier was of the Simpson. of the Soil," and the plan has duction of this form of war-'opinion that it had gone bask l Maple Hay and Hwamp point: Marth lib and 18th pjti.l been endorsed by Dr. McLean. fare has since been justified,'stay. IStEENA LAND DHTRSCT ttaSTblcT of aAAJ - In time of such scarcity of even on tbe limited scale upon VEDN CHAMjOTTE SLAN v labor, as exists at this present whieb it has been adopted Salvation Army. Alaska and Yuken TerHUry: TAkE NOTICC tbal DaaM L. SwOVeUoa. tkt time, this is but one of the This terror vtaich flleth by rrsxfi .varan znd aJn nl mam ItMfwet. a C. rates. SMaoata aa If. au;. iatl many plans which might have . u i.a a w v. a me i puWie lafeSr far s Be inn u pmnies for awal aod eMi a mi meetings. Tuesdays. COAL NOTICES oeer Um lasHasst SiisiaVi irvro OOf been adopted to get the most " a tba Wmi Cmh of Maeataf te- E out of the ground and in this sleep, and the air raids which I uudays at 7:39 V llaad. Ceanaaeaeaar al s ; . CMm way helping to ""win the war." tbe Germans have made on p. m. 1EXNA LAND DtSTMCT DISTRICT Or I , mi, m,uh, rm . m. r,-m M. dt and to the of the "!-- n.i-( f .- k. F V uiahmjtik ISLANDS I abora mt tbe eaat aid. T Cam om at a u mm. um k ' On keep people "iimiu nUU nauic ""'CI CanVar frp II,- I.t,IL potat aboat a. soMra aattanrti aJaot aw . aj a a i- , trad allied countries from going had the a err opposite erf ct Fuod win .. TAIE NOTICE labor - sat uton tbat L Junes T. Read, of trum Bark foaat' Uwaeo aeatt a ia- i any hungrier, then they may. from what was expected by the day, March it. lie ready. ft mace a. t rroapetor. tauod Mieaaiaai I brace weal S eaasss; taaaea mix a i I daa. m m m. High Hun. Instead of searing apply roe ueeaeo to prwapect for coal Inert SS eaataai tbeaeo eaat s twa ta aanarr tk a . Ml RECIPROCITY. and petreieao) oeer Um followuc deaenbed pwtnl of eooaiaeoewaaeat. the people into cries for peace, LAND ACT tend oa Um Weat Coaal of Moreaby laUad. I DANIEL U snUiaiAa. The question of fleeiprociir it has onlr deepened the determination CeeuieBctBS al s poat ptaated about Of I By Cbartrs E. Bwreae, araat. is one of the things which of the populations of SkEENA LAND DISTRICT tISTJCT Or a nuie aoutbeaaterty rrma a poat tore led I Located Navecnber I SIS. If IT. lUtmiwi N. iaal f Canadians ought to be familiar France and Britain to see the COAST. RANCE f. vm torn awr mt a aaaaq aay opeeisc oat with. u rw ita aeraoy aaa caaaui uu ian ms TNCT-etSTit8T Or meana iavd It has been before fight through to a finish. TAKK 50TiCZ Uut Jcha iHaaot. aooat l sauea nortberiy a leer lb I Qt EEN CIURLOTTE taUUlM i oiiua. Orte. of VtS- the country in one particular When the allied their get into (osver. B. C orcspailoa Bsbrrmaa. la Martoj hum iut m uam rait rrua tas .tuTiLi. tnat aaetrajae tMfa. TAtk VfTI I form for several years past. stride, and have sufficient fdj to arrtr for pcrmutloa to Irato tbt Back Poiat; tbeneo aoutb tf rbaisi; tteacslrnaea Ropert, B. C, tarrk. aMe4f to a- ml rnace saa foumag dcMTUwd Uadi: eal SS cbaioj; tbeneo nortb SS cbalna;Ipty far s Meeaoe to peoepeat Me am aad aeda w. aar "jiomrnrtnr at i po ptastvd tm Um Ibence rati SS Aataa to Um point of com- Iretrolraaa over lbs talatatac re coal and i-atiiimis rorvabor on Um eil tuu of suwtrt neacemeaL I laada oa tbe Weal tooal of Mareal Maad ia Cal tmt, uoi two miles oeU or Hartley JAMES r. SLID. AppUcaaL ICMbaieartM al a poet planted abona I I Mi fiaky iMai , t if4 Bit. tbeae mtU IS chalna, Uteoro aorta Located Noeeaaber tta. If IT. ItaHe eaaterly from s poat Wealed oa aba ptaated abm ri S. S. PRINCE GEORGE is esaiat. taeore rati to cbaiat. ibnet labor of tb eaat side af Claae faaa at s puei k-ai-4 o.lh ts chalaa to Um point of eoanmettf skEENA land district district or,, ut swruieffjr aawr b anal uf r sailing ateot aod eoouialar 4S seres more or leas. OLIEN CHARLOTTE ISLA.VbS i"oc men BUI rotati UteaMS utte a--rlll iM WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT TO ANYOX JOH1 CRACC Apptieaat eaaioai ueoc rati at cfiaiaa; taeact THURSDAY MIDNIGHT TO VANCOUVER, TATED Xovtmixr tf, ISIT. TAkE NOTICE tbat t. Joecpb Seiloc of " - rheila. Ih. veal to iu VICTORIA AND 8EATTLE. SaEEJA LASD DISTRICT DISTRICT OF L. .nrJv t, . lu... . . ,1 ."nil, ill : r " - " wm vivvvi ,wr I b , . COAST. RASCE nVE. and betroleum oeer thm taliamtmm I " weiaieaiaeB, arvata. B) 8.8. PRINCE JOHN .. ..... unda oa lb Weat Coaal of M erector UUad. I , Uwate eat- Sailing alternate weeks to Ketchikan, Wrangsll. Junta?. ' nouee toai I rotead to apply to Skagway and tbe Queen Charlotte Islands. be HoocrabM CommUaiooer or Laoda aod ZTZllT, TU'I""V. DISTRUST DiSTRIsTT Or SkSCK t I INK . Work! to leaat tbe folloator oaentd - -f. oa um tour noil VI II Hi' TRAIN SERVICE or r.,- p. ,'l!rt"L7.: TAkE NOTICE Uul Aleiander L. SaUMr- TAkE v Tli I .n' Patenter Cooawqctnr at a poat pUoled at tbe lalaada. about S ml lea Nortberly alooe tb f f rrr' Kvri- c- rruarr Hut-erl. h Btoadar. Mrf4ai tad tr4ir t :Ia a. an. for Jail lb.r. ortbmett eonter. abo bJrti water snark. aieHtf l.!. .ut. -r r. I "J K sfply far a lca to praapeM tor u, atly i mare Oeorr. E4ntctoa and VftlafUptr, suktac direct connect for til at BarUett punt Uvn tea rbalaa doe ' '- Bock Point; tbesco aoau S cbalnt, tbeac fJT1, P,,"Juf, ,! itr...-eaal Point! tut aod eon lb. tuu tbea sootb to Um W Ct' Sbors Uoe, tbea t cnauu; thence aoru. S cbaiaa; aenbed teb . ratio lor tbe cootoar of Um Sbore Un. HI! tneoc weal f chalna to tb pout of com FT7 , s to tbe plire of a tomnmrrattnt. canulnlnr UeBCTIDenL I ' mwmrn m pmmt rwwmtrm j0b Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. rnr acres. mn or teaa. JOSEPH SEXTON. Ion tb abor of the eaat tlda of Caae Pat cA ib AbbUcaaL tueated For information and reservations apply to JAMES DESBR1SAT. saaoarer. Located NeaeBibcr Ml A h.J.1 ilwu.1 Vl-- tla, ISIT. City Ticket Office, 626 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 Wales lilaod Caoaery. rn-ta HKti umpm Mil ...a-.,. 3 M . . .. H.roucr n iit. H al rKa Ina ttVa.u ...a a -a. t in, n, SkEENA LAND, n, I .l .Ti. " vwm , ,.,, ,r-,.. n.Tc. . . l1"1 coauia; tnea el SS Obalat Hi aaii ari , 8AEX.VA LA.VD DISTRICT btilTnirT n, w..,.., iiuuuj lDat mt aaiMu.1 al ikt ai gt'EE.1 aiARLOTTE. ALEXANDER L airturat au TAKE NOTICE uul 1. Charlea E. Bareeaa. I B CbaMea c ft. I , TAKE 5QTICE tbat I. t H. Stmpaoo. of " nuvrri, a. i... auner. la lend o I LocaiM !mn er ittk if it. totaled !" mUr CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY mnr apply far s IIcmm to proepeel for coal ai nopert, B.C.. mariner, lotends to ip- pelroktiai or tb toilomlnt deacrlbed ,utJI L!'t DISTRICT DISTRICT Of pij iut penniaaioo to ptirtbaa tbe rHw lor deaenbed Undi. lanaa on in Wett Coaal of Moreabr laland. WitEN CIIAHUITTE IILANM . I I Lowest Ra.ts to all Eastern Point CMumeiKior at a pott planted at nortb AOjrocfirtnr at poat puated about of TAkE TICJC tbat Belly of rrloc via Stea.ner to Vancouver and the rail corner or tbe Lonrfrllow Mineral a soli toauieaiterly from a poat located I nupM- C, re. lateodi I apply far u) Um a hoc of a amaU Bay I1 to Proapect far eoal and .-5 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY uauo, w p. nortbeaat eorner No. lets opealar out peirsteaun TAkE V' in i tbrnre m ts ebalat; tbrneo norib It i um rata oetaeea Moreaby and Cbaaill "rr iMwiar deter-ed land on tb I .ton. mt ' Meal and Berth Included on Steamer rhalna; tbrnre tail to anaa, asowt I mllet aoruierlr ltd., ,k. coail or Moreabr lalaoJ fiaemeoa. I cbalnaj tbroea aoutb U ImV .4-ir- FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE ts chalna more or leaa aloor ihore line Moreaby laland a Me of Canoa r.u miliar l poat planted about I m .aateeae appD ' i li' -i Id' as. sophia will from rnac March to potnt or roouoenrrraen m ruini; loeor Dorin SB chllni: ik.u. inn a poat located on thm abara ml thm . Rupert tad, llih, AprU tad. ittt, ttrd eonuinlnr 41 caaac ' f May Ird. Hin, tltli sod Jum lib. rrra, won or leaa. eaat t chain! tbeneo aoulb tf chain; I" w r Cano rait al A petal ahoai l 'i s. as. noval MlU rron Prior Rupert t m. utttb I IU, tlrd, Ayrtl stk, DATED iTtb January, t. uienc etl $i cbalnt to polat f com BJ" aUierly ate tbe abor rrow Baa and ilo nl --" L, ISU tod itlb. E. II. SIMPSON menrrtneoL iPoiaii tbenr nortb a ehaiu. u .i yard aa. Star sails from Prlott Ruptrt Mirrb tub tnd tsth. By Coat. J. Benabo. Amt CHARLES E. BL'ROESS. Afnllnni I1 CbtlBl: tbeoco aouih as ,h., tiu.i. eoraer f llll Tb aUvs Mllini r mbjtet to tlnaf or BceUiUoo witbaul mum, nuirmvmr via, hit. iraai a cnaioa to potat of n niMMaainii tl TIm ' . - SaEENA LA.tD DISTRICT bETTY KNOTT. W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. wuaiT, HANOE DISTRICT S, Of KEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT n, . H0 UiHaleatett, treat aillr tr n.1 1 l Co ner Fourth Straat mid Third Avanuo, Prlnc Kupart. B.C. Ql'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Located N.t ember I Sib, IUT. alealH I Take noUce Uul tbe Uau, a.i i ' fj! a l fit rxKina .ia.. or VancoBrer. B, C. oe TAkE NOTICE tbal I. liana t. rhri...n kEENA LAND DISTRICT DMTtUCT OP I hi, i..'ii- Ifuraiitm Stlmui Cannera, launda VVEEN CHARLOTTE UUNDS to applr !! llw aea. or rrinc Hupert, B. C, uO ; for penntiiloo to leaa da' proapctor. .acrUted Unda: ibe foUowtnr .lend to apply for s lictna to,; L-'" NOTICE Ibtl Thuaitl reUraea of i.f llll, I- - aj)4ff Don't smolher f ConuoeneUir for coal and peiroleum our tb r0iw..-.l.. T c- fltberwan. laieaJt to Ibvit I i merely your cough iter mark. Steamer al s poat Faaaaee.planted at....blab detcrtbed land oa tb Wt Oui.i J Jjr'lmr to proaperi for seal and Im Ilk I ' 1 .,11: i rl atf 0 Mtbl on Um aald Mmaby lalaad. Coancln( tl Dual u". "r dtobed i feu-. Uattiieii's 8 1 rap of Tar a4 Cod UTer 00 sot oalr ortb of peaaare about one utila Planied about of s mil stheaaierly l!!L! WmI Cm" Moreaby lUd i. CURE IT 'prooipUy arreaU eeihi&, but tbaaka to Us took aad due weal of Qaloairaa said Uht;Bay)Uteoco ten is riulna from a poal located oa lb thor of a .. f " i i I' .,' fa atcartLcolor prvperUca It help the eTatena to Ihm cat cbaina due tvealy (tS) await Bty opeMnt out of Canoa f... ',u,rl mu a pott kMtled aa to. Mi. i 'I KouU and Utos cflecta a permanent cur. It la thl quality vaJca baa oa he cltaina due uorib, tbenea tnenly ts Mereab? aod Cbaail liiaadi. ahi a llTL .u0 lb rly aid of Case Pat. ii" 1 1 1 aJo oi cooffe aa4 tall remedy la Canada. eaat. tbeneo twenty unlet f401 . aay chain aoulh. thencs back to I, 1, nortberly aloor tb Mortaby Itland mMet noriberly lllu I JJT, Imrg inttn, ayiii. menceiutet, and coouimat pout ferty ad of canoe lata frwa Buck foiot; IZj.l . ,rt' Vuck rvalBii l hence Ill . . ih. acres more or leu. tiai ortk f S chalnaj Ibe ore attt ft cbaiiui u!L lt0f m f rbalaa. 1 1-. A u MATKiau cav. rni. iTtnai ssra. rsv THE WESTERN SALMON PACklNO Uienc toutb SS cbalnt! tbenc (4i M ,"urn balii ibetkM ttl So cbalnt to potat of eonuttcacetnesL " '"'" of omineerient. TMB BluTI'H PANT. LIMITED: C. C iLV HoUrlao. HANS K. CHRIBTENSKN, THOMAS i oil1 a DATED December Hat, HIT AppUctnl PETERSON. ft Located N(ia-r lib. fair - rtaientetL tfeoi I T T l' Al " nuner lotb. it IT. By I