n II IOIR THE DAILT WEWB hi ,uiu. iwuitLI Toi!ni r !UUULL Since He Commenced to we "Fruff-a-tfves" , , , . , ih-taws. On , ... I ) gaii to ft , ami miT. ivtr and Ki ' h I I . tmA ef 'Fro' tl j.i mi mm' t try Ui' Xli. ,, . rpriilB.'. ' ,1 M rt HrkHdi la- - I i. "l ue f 'Fruil a t n i ' bat I liave ti ., t I ay years D Ii .. of ti healthy j Showing at the W-lholme tonight Ht AM.lle.itoo No., Mil l, SUM. .1141. AIM M CSWtt l Va I I ii I. MAKKIOTT. REVEILLE. TAkE NOTICE lh application has Utn f R1 eVv, U St f..r r a, trial sfa2fc. ' to rertsier rrsak W. Ilsrt, of Prince IM 1 f. ,.,, S$c82k" KZB it potfed. on " c .. owher m fro Ddfr four mlW I i Vl 4-r?cV V-TNssbB I.)' Insit-iUves II " lan on a wlntr inratiig. rsa tele Dee rra tlx Collector of mm vH ZWi-& mBULvJL TK I)wn with atrmk of (ttay. With me aalawp In th hlankeU. 0wd dl4 tlad djy or trpUmtxr 'Dreaming my Ifmeuway; If IS. of ALL A.1D SIAOULAR that CtrUhl' fnuRtflrtl umler the white tup or tract of Lnd tod prtmiief dtuttc . Jut aa the gray iirtsl elor, trr M lrtnf in lha Cllr tt pnnc Aa Pheee t sari, mora p.rikuUrljr koovn 156, and da DrtmiHlfig of the other moruinxs erltwd as Lou tcttn (j) .ad ofiaan (it JO I. F FILION Itark IhrnuRh a thooMtii) ar Stock ! (ID, Lai twelra (ID. Block And then with a eall that echoea rorir aiftti (ii), .ad Lou tblrty-Mirtc FOR INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR Irear aa th fnnral drum. (11) aad UHflr-fotir (ID, Block Ofty-one uu. an to section Llrbl (I). XD III DECORATIONS 'iittniR my hart to ribbon Tim ara raqitlnd to centeit the cliim or TUt lleveille aa- 'Gomel" ! ui tmrttutrt viibtn it days rrom the data of ibc acmes af ibia noiica (bich tc rrt4 by pubUcalleo In tbe Acorn Sign Co. It'a daun on a winter mornfnir. Itapan t)uy Nci), and yonr at ith a reO atreok tlirouoli the I'attea m called to aaciton is of Ibe FOR SIGNS trees 1ni Rcrtatry Aei" wiib amcodmcnu, uia fHmr cimct incrcrron: With me asleep in the blankets. "and to dtfialt or a catc.i or ccrUflcaie ill " ' in Drearnlnfr of peaee and rase; of Ha eadcat bctnr Bled beforo tba rtn Dreaming of days behind m. i um as owner ar tba person enutled ander Hreb In sale, an persons so senred Far from the kharkied brave. wllb ikHleo. ... and tbosa claUnlni Far from a stove utillghled Pour LUX the troubled rim a LAMM SYSTEM. HteoOfii or imacr tbem, and all persons on And a tent as cold the grnv- 'Uarsaaf any l'reil tn toe land by rlrtue . CIRCUIT NO. 1. And then with a blare that Ues u aoresirvred Inurnment, and all alaiminr any loiereil In tba land Ml It si sad lrd At. Its woe to the winter skiea. eeeerat bose tula Is not registered waters of the wash 11 M ad lrd Ave. 11 Tearing my soul to pieces tba provisions of tbls Act. iball be -i aad trd At. 14 1)1 The Ileveille "Ulcer roc ovar tskipped and debarred from Ut 1 '"'0 of III. tad Ml says sottMir sny dsim to ar la respect of of these little LUX wafers wonders working be land so sold for tales, and tba Reals are every It 1 Id . . Hotel).bet are a im tod The guns of the Huns arc one rr akatl rr ruler tba person en tilled un MILLIONS all over Canada. In color they are like cream to the thing. eer sera ui sale as owner of tba land hi 17 and Ttk 91. tCea touch like silk. The lather LUX is L U.i Part of a big day's job. so soM far Uses." fine, soft, creamy makes, The big gas shells are another. made AXt)for WHEREAS a Cert ID rile application of Indefeasible his TlUe been splendid for woollens it never shrinks or hardens them. In fact, all CiMCUIT NO. f. HrinffiMg their thrill or throb; l tfca abOTC-meoOoned lands. In tbs soma kinds of garments, woollens, silks, laces, linens, etc, dainty or otherwise, It: If I 1" Uj IN L (foal Life's in dugout's nothing of tank W. ll.ru To bring a on a ringing eheer. A.tt) W'lieRCAS on Inrestlratlar tba are really preserved by LUX. It leaves them luxuriously clean, ei tl aai MtBrtda $1. una It appears that prior to tba I lib day bill Avr .Ml McBrid BU Hut give me the big nhells crash. o oaaobea, ISIS (tba data on bleb tba but with the fabric absolutely free from matting and shrinkage. ll S I A. (Ut lad l I rig. said lands wera sold for overdue Uiea) ui ts A. u4 lib st were tba reentered and assessed own yoa n t r Give me the guns to hear ees ks Staled below. SAMPLE FREE on application to Lever Brothers liivr me the Hun's worst answer. rURTHCfl TAkE NOTICE tb.t at tbe Limited, Toronto. Sold at all grocers, ciacurr no. a. (live me the charging drum Hma 1 sbaU affect reiMtrauoa tn si ii hi raMeaj st. When onl of the eokl dawn's bwrswaiM of suet) sppl tea lien and iasoe ci li i and It lot 8 It. shadows CenaSjaaM of Indefeastbl Tula to tba said Remember: IsL LUX is made in Canada. 2nd. It won't shrink woollens. In M A.r uu rHa It. as tba name of rrank V. Han unless 17 tixl Ghmi 4rfc The Ilevellle says "Comet" take and proaeeate tbe proper pro- "'"""I'liiiiiiiimi'ini'i'i" .n-.li: i IT i Af aa4 Dfrif U( Oranlland fllee. in N.Y.T. is to establish yoar claim. If any, , .MM,, ,1 U . ul TlMiMoa BL tba saM landi. or to prcTeo! saeb pro- ss imI acUen 00 my part Special informatttta regarding aacutT no. . Baled at tbe Land Reatstry Orace. Prince a J a .. - the protlucls of OoM Heal I.ld rtapeet. B. c. tbls I lib day of February. MINERAL ACT IN THE SUPREME COURT OF !k have been using our columns A. P. till. BRITISH COLUMBIA lalaly for advertising may be had It. P. MACLEOD, CCRT1FICATI OF IMPROVEMENTS E. H. SHOCKLEY District tVtlstrar of Titles. frasn Mr. II. K. Jlosi, of the Km- I the matter of Fredeelck James Colmaa, B. C (Successor to J. L Blckey). ! ft kk.4 Baaft All Ta r. V. Oajson, rrtnea Rupert. Hotel. Sec him NOTICE deceased, and first. tf. pros aaMtted owner of Lull II and Ii. Block - m-- am aVaBM, Charles Tat Traction" aad "Dally Mineral la the matter af tha "Admlalstratlea Act" CONTRACTOR A BUILDER II. rianlta. Edmonton. Alta, re r Claim, situate tn tba Portland Canal Minim IrfMt. Pearl llrooth. nrcseenl Mitred and assessed owner of Lot It Division of Catsiar District fHnrk 41. and sold for Uirs on I4lb day Notice Is hereby riven that under an cMcstMing three rorgat.me-ooti. Where located: On tbe east side of Store and Office Fixtures, f September, HIS; V. Stranbe, SIT order rranled by tbe Honorable Mr. Justice Kinder please return to the Post Powett SL. Vancouver. B. a. assessed Cascade Creek, tl miles from tbe bead of Sash, Door, and Mouldings, Portland CanaL dement, dated Ibe 1 7th day or February, Daily News. olftee. 59 owner of Lots T and 11. Block II. Oak and Hardwoods of all TAkE NOTICE tbat I. J. frrd Ritchie A.D. till, I. the underalmed. was free Miner's Certificate No. IITI-Cl kinds. act of appointed Administrator tba Estate of ni as arent for Reimald Klnc NeUU Free the above named deceased. We Specialize In Hard-wood Miner's Certiorate No. IIIT-C, Intend, amy days frun tbe data hereof, to sppl) All parties bavlnr claims ars'nst the Boat Ribs, Sash, said Estate are rtqaested to forward parU-calars tu ibe Minlnr Recorder tor a Certificate of Doors, etc. of same to me on or before the Improvements, for the purpose of obtaining am day or April. A. D. II II. aad aU Plate and Sheet Olass and crown Grant or tba above claim. This is persons Indebted to tba said El tale are And further take nolle tbat action, on- required to pay u?h Indebledneaa to me Glazing. -r sctlloa II. must be commenced before Keep National tbr tMuanf 6f sacb Certificate of las prove forthwith. Corner Fraser and 6th Sis. Dated at VMtorla. British Columbia, this mrnts. Service Tib Day ef March. A.D. till. SIT.Daied tbls I Ith day or December. A. D. VM. MONTEITH. PHONE QREEN 269 Official Administrator la and ror tbe P. O. BOX 158 County of Victoria. MINERAL ACT Chickens NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS (R. S. C Chapter III.) They NOTICE 'Molybdenum" and "Success" Mineral AkERBERQ THOMSON and COMPANY, Can Have The cost of meat is the heavy lalms, situate In tbe Skeena Mtntni Dlvl LIMITED, hereby rive notice that they Anyone will help sloo of Caaslar DiitrtcL have, under section of said act deposited item in the food bill. Where located: About 4 miles Westerly with tbe Minister of Public Works at Cream frura tba head of Alice Arm. and about Ottawa ana In the otnee of the District Whipped mile from tbe Beach. neiistrar of the Land Reiistry Office. Dls Poultry and Eggs will help Keep you TAkE .V1TICE tbat Lewis W. ra too re trtri of Prince Rupert, a description or tbe free Miners certiocate No. tltlt-c. as uto and tbe Plans of wharf and other I'AUIHC MILK is so take the place of meat. lent or tbe Molybdenum Minlnr and Re works proposed to be built on Lot one. rich in cream thai it durUon Company. Limited. (Moo Personal Waterfront Block r. City of Prince Rupert, How to Liability i rrea Miner's Certiorate N& Province af BrtUsh Columbia, and take whips as easily as The food that goes to the garbage go Oltl-C. Intends aliur days from tbe dale notice that after ibe eiplratton of one it hereof, to apply to tbe Mlolnr Recorder month rrom tbe data or the Orst publlea most of the fresh pall from the average table will provide about for a cerlinrata of Improvements, for tba tioo or this notice Akerberr Thomson and k.tchlaf ordeyold purpose of obtilnlnr a Crown Grant of i-.imiany Untiled will under Section seven cream sold around one-thlrd the feed for a flock of 8 to BUVlfe e buy broody arb of the above claims. if the said Act, apply to the Minister of the Province. !0 hens. b.a w artlScUl bmlir. A AMD FURTHER. TAKE NOTICE that action I'ebUe works at his office In the City of led pMklaa-bM kwM Ike under Section II must bo commenced t Utaaa for approval of tbe said site and t..a ssul chkk. rMd Ik chkks Sm4 crvnk. oakd la milk Bad fore the Issue of such Certificate of !m plaus and for leave lo construct tbe said Mrs. MoCary of Vew Westminster Poultry will thrive where vegetables miumJ dry Fw4 lime a provemenia. Aharf and works. wrote in lo say thai she whips dy, aliwaallal "Ilk prepared Dated st Prince Rupert. B. C, this second PACIFIC MILK regularly for a H1 not grow. The outlay is small. cbUk t4. only as anuch aa lby MINERAL ACT day or January Ills. for will aal up !. KimmW (hal treat for the youngsters A few chick la baallhy chkk. AkERBEna THOMSON and COMPANY, LTD. a minutes a kuairy breakfast. a day Is all the time CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. David Thomson, secretary. be required. (d CAimOSi ualll al Uaal Cbkka 4 baura tnual M,l aad VII she does is to set aside the trwa oaly apartally. NOTICE. NOTICE. amount she wants, in a cool place, A II you can, start now with Iitciiauo," "Rupert," Tlctou" "Essinr for a time and then beats it with small Hock In your back yard will egsurchUksi If not.airanftc l.io. "Cascade Fails no. 4" ana "cascade Sea Oull." "Brown Bear." "Little Tom) a seivo rgg.beater. She puts this ft far with tha local poultry rails No. I" Mineral Claims, situate In tbe -Sea Uoi at ones rrseiion." "fluoiirnl Fraction." to child to the it keep you supplied with eggs, association for putlata In tha r-aruaod canal Minlnr Division of Cessiar rrarttwt.'. "Sheet Anchor FracUon." "Skyline," on toast and gives rollers and roasters. fall. DistiicL "Camp Bird Fraction" and "Obscr ren for breakfast. Wtwra located: -On tbe east side of vatory" Mineral Claims, situate In tha You'll find It is good on oakes and i a-.ade Creek. II miles from tba bead of Skeena Mlolnr Million of Coast District. r, i Hand canal Where located: -bear Bear Lake, Surf TAkE NOTICE that I. J. Fred Ritchie PACIFIC MILK CO., LTD. lalet. Prince Royal Island. Write for Poultry Bulletins to i Free Miner's Certificate No. litl-C) act-nil TAkE NOTICE thai I, rred M. Wells, Factory at Ladner, B. C. as arent tar Oakley Beaufort Busb, rrve Free Miner's Cerlirtcats No. 1 10 lie. the INFORMATION BUREAU Miner's certlficste No. 9l C. Inlcnt, duly authorised sunt of Millard F. War If you have a good recipe send It hid days rrom tba date bereor. to srply ren, Tre Miner's CerUOrale No. 1 10 1 4 C. In. You may get a nice surpyjsa 1.1 tba Mlolnr Recorder for a Certificate of itirn.t. slity days from tha date hereof. in return. Addreas lox 88?, Vancouver. THE DOMINION in liMmtnu, for the purpose of Uitiuuni to ai'ply to tba Minlnr Hecordr for a D. C . i.rawn Orant of tbe above eUu Lertllrate of linprovementa, for the pur- AGRICULTURE, Awd further take notice that actton. ao-dr m at obtalulor a Crown Orant of each DEPARTMENT OF sectluu II, must be etmuuoaeod before of tbe above claims. tu usasnca of such CertiOrata of Improve AMI FUHTUkH TAKE NOTICE that ac OTTAWA meols. tion, uader section II. must be com- paled tbls lllb day or Auiust, A. D. nieaced be fare lb Usu of such Certificate SUBSCRIBE FOR IIONOURAMLE MARTIN BURRELL, JiWiirr ISII r Improvrmenta. sal ted uu ,k day a, October. A.D., DjULY NEWS dvtrtise tit the Dally News.