TUB DAILY NEWS The Daily News OWES HER UFE TO , MAIL SCHEDULE WRIGL NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA LEADING THE For the East. Published Dally and Weekly Wednesday, and Saturday Guaranteed LargaU Circulation "FRUIT-A-TIVES" Mondays. at 0.30 a.m. "" HEAD OFFICE: Mad From From ths EL Wonderful Medicine, The Daily News Buiidinjr, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. B.C. Tel. 93. Fruit Juice and Valuable TooSei. Sundays, Tuesdays and Tlijiri. During convalescence TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - S3 cents per Inch days at 5.30 p.ni. and when appetite laes Contract Rates on application. . For Vancouver! Tf-rr, LVIJ.v Mnroh IS lOlf). Tuesdays 5 EDITION. DAILY Thursdays Vm- Kninpiinva a.m. " " - B a IMPERIAL DEMOCRACY. closely bound up with idealism. This expression, Imperial , It was born of idealism, and in From Vancouver 'fias to the hot. dry turn, it reinforced and expanded Sundays P-m- Democracy, may be taken byj the ideals already In existence. Wednesdays 10.30 a.m. uo'jth a freshness many to be contradiction oi Saturdays -P'in- terms, or apparently so; In It is difficult to over emphasise rnO o soothing balm other words, a paradox. , Yet, the essentially democratic I For Anyox: for the British people at large, character of the beginnings of j Sundays 10 pjn. tiiat coaxes back the it Is not so, However democratic colonization by the British race, i Wednesdays 0 p.m. the British people may and since that beginning, not MADAME HOSINA TOISiZ enthusiasm of health. be regarding their own domes no many hundred years ago From Anyox: 29 SL Hose St., Montreal. tic affairs, they remain Imper eilher, taken on the whole, the Tuesdays .a.m. ialists, whether they will or no. liberty of Hie British colonists T am writing you to tell you tliat Thursdays .p.in, Thousands of soldiers I owe life to 'Fruit-atJTe'. This their affairs has my to their Empire. to manage own with regard In recent medicine relieved me when I had In Europe have idea of been complete. a cause British govern The of well. For Port Simpson and Naaa River something number of the "United Empire" given up hope ever twine menl of an empire Is with I was a, terrible sufferer from points: thank Wrteiev's for writer to one says, of empires in the history new Z)yrrria had suffered for years; Sundays 10 p.m. Empire "The history of our truth, was Keep in this world. Never before and nothing I took did ste any gvod. your Its tonic effect. and this is the pursuit of an ideal this like one. tighter there one 'Kruit-a and I read about titrs'; and Naaa of communal life, with a tendency From Port Simpson all seriousness, remark is made in tried them. After taking frm supplied Points: River always towards freer institutions, and without any boastful-ness. boxes, I am mow gntirrly wtll. You of and more democratic Tuesdays . a.iti The apparent absence bare my permission to pubUh this any conscious plan or design In conditions. Men and governments-have letter, u I hopo it will pcrtamie The the expansion of the peoples of shrunk with dis other sufferers from Dyipor to Queen Charlotte Islands: the British Isles to the uttermost like from the name of Empire take 'Fruit a-UreV and ect well". For Massett, Port Clements and parts of the earth has been in the sense of enforced dem-inion Madame HOSINA FOI&IZ. tinner Island points: Flavour subject for remark by many over other races, but that "Fruit--tires"la the only medUno February 27th 2 p.m. wondering students of nations. is what Empire Is not, and st-l-dom la the world mado from frulL March 13th and 27th 2 p.m. hi The story of the evolution of has been, to the British COc.a bos,6 for$2-50. trial stoe 23c From Masset, I'urt Clements and Lasts the empire is a record of apparently peoples. In recognition of this At all dealers or Mitt potfil on Uoncr Island points: casual, haphazard and fact, the tendency of the time receipt of price by I'mlt-a tire March 1st, 5th and 29th (hour in this time of stress, when is to substitute the phrase"Bri-tish Limited. Ottawa. uncertain) 35 ?C!Bk CANADA a deliberate and determined Commonwealth for the For Skidegale. Queen Gharlotle , attempt is being made to older term "British Empire." City and Lower Island points: into a closer union, parts come destroy it, this charact The measure of our Imperial that responsibility must be March 4th and 18th 2 pan. eristic becomes pronounced Ideal is the measure in which From Skidegalc, Queen Charlotte shared in one common Imperial wben it Is compared with the the term commonwealth is ap- City and Lower Island points: stedfast continental policy pur nltAiKlA fn ATfstlnfr rnmlillnn. policy. March Cth and SOtb p.m. sued by the makers of modern fn the Stn! find dependencies' Germany, and to the scheming under the sovereignty of the jHEBREW UNIVERSITY For Stewart, 1'orl Simpson Maple of Hay and Swnmp point: oind blatant Imperialism King." Kaiser Wilhelm II. The writer insists upon the ON MOUNT OF OLIVES February 28lh .10 p.m The extreme diversity of its desirability of making a union March 1 ttli and 31st 10 p.m. units is one of the outstanding of British subjects the founda. New York, March It. The es-tablishmen characteristics of this Imper lion of a more comprehensive of a Hebtew University From StewarL Port Simpson, ial Democracy. It Is made up brotherhood of mankind, and in Jerusalem before the end of Maple Hay and Swamp point: of Dominions, Colonies, Com hopes that in the unification of the war will be the first duty of March tth and 18th pan monwealths and Unions, each the British Empire which the Jewish Commissoln, which SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OrjSSt i M- H independent of, yet In -close wishes to dwell at peace with accord QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS j .ilH Hu leaves soon for Palestine, Alaska and Yukon Territory: TAkE NOTICE that Daniel L. Salberliwt Tkl ti I contact with the original Uni the world, and which, after the ing to an announcement made From March 2nd a.ni. of Prtaco Rapert B. C. cerk. ttlewd Fniwr Suprrt B -sa ted Kingdom, and the depen war, will enjoy more numerous here today by the Palestine lies apply far a Uceoae 14 pnwpeet far coal and WJ fe m dencies of its Crown. Tie idea and durable international .oralion Funj Commission. A COAL NOTICES pet role uo aver the rawiag deiertbed prlrotHKa t tuat land on the Writ Co it of Morviby liland. taada oa ta w of colonization among the British friendships than ever may belsilft on tie Mount of Olives has Commencing at a peat planted aboajt landi Cenwc ,; a::; a people was not a deliberate SkEEXA LAAD DISTRICT DISTRICT OF I mil. eaiterly tram a poet located on the OLEE.1 CHARLOTTE ISLA5DS tbore or to. ei atd of Canoa ran at a -eminent of the day. It has us war. to me Jews appem oi ino ul suuu Mima ue c-endowment muue iuinl about I mile nerUMrty akg the Fa, ml ii l p' ually been a response to the The heritage which this generation fund. TAkE NOTICE inil I. jamei r. Held, or bore from Buck rotal! tbeocs aouUi 10 craving for a more democratic of British people have rnnce Rupert. B.C. Proipector, Intend to chain: Ihenew welt SS ehaini; Uteocw M ( apply for a llcenea ' to procpecl for coal nortti SO chain; tbenca eail SO chain to north s existence and for freer political receiveu irom ineir lawiers, Louise, nine years old, asked and petroteum over Um folkivlnr deaertbed point of commencement. M puM r and religious institutions, wnue a gionou one, aiso "as her mother: landa on tbe Weil Coail of Moreaby Iilaod. DANIEL L. SUTHERLAND. 1 1 -"ma utt or for greater economic opportunities its responsibilities. I he vari "Where is going f" Commenrlor it a pus I planted about ol By Charle E. Barred, agent By H in-li papa a mil aoulheaiterly froo a poet located Located Noember 10th. HIT ted Jtuvecatwr I than existed at the ous democracies composing the "To a stag party," she replied. on ib bore or a anutl Biy openint out time in the mother country. In empire are responsible to themselves "What is a stag party, mama?" or Canoe rail between Morvby and Cbaatl kCENA LAND USThJCT DISTRICT Or SkEUIJI LAND v-QVCBrt fact, the first and primary only, in fact, if not in Sister Mabel, seven years old, Ittand. about 1 mile i northerly along tbe Ql'FEit CHARLOTTE ISLANDS tn -V.l foundation of the Empire built name, but as their development who had been with Muriby liland llde or Canoe Faia from TAkE NOTICE that Gertrude knoll. f TAKE N0f let. listening, a Buck Point; tbence aoatb 10 cbilnij tbence rnnce Rupert, B. C, clerk, Intendi to tp-ply f PtltM Rt-M4l up by the British people proceeds and these constituent was dignified altitude of superior wisdom, well SS chatnl; tbence north SO rhalmj foe a tlrenae to proipect f&r coal and te) t answered instantly: "It's 1 brace rail SO cbilna to tbe point of com' petroleum over tb TeUowlog deicribed for aval and pet mrocemenL landi on tbe Well Coait or Moreity liland: daMrlbed (ana (where they stagger. Don't you JAMES F. REID, ApptleeuL Commencing at a pou punted about t Motaaby liland Jt U I P know??" Pittsburg Sun. Located November Sib. HIT. mU. e liter ly from a poat located on the piaoted aheaii S. S. PRINCE GEORGE ibore of tbe eail side or Canoe rai it a pant katated on " j tan"' 8alvatlon Army. SkEEA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF point about a mllei northerly ateog lb atd. f Cans I sailing- QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS inor from Buck mini; tbenea south so 3Ma chain; tbence can 10 chain: thence north WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT TO ANYOX Public meetings. Tuesdays. chain; tbenc well 10 chain to point TAkE NOTICE thil I, Jotcpb Seiton, or THURSDAY MIDNIGHT TO VANCOUVER, Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 p, Prince Rupert, B. C, Proipector, Intend of commencement. wH M awM i. ; VICTORIA AND SEATTLE: r.. Sundays at 7:30 p. m. to apply Tor a Ueetue to proepect for coal CERTRUDE kNOTT. EUKASI W3 By lum K. Chrtitenieo, neat. Hf Llwi and petroleum over tbe rollowint deacrtbed 8. 8. PRINCE JOHN Advertise in the Daily News. landi on tbe Weil Coiil or Morieby liland. Located November Htht HIT. UUted NeAi txawr i Sailing alternate weeks to Ketchikan, WranKtll, Junaau, Conuuenelnr it a poal planted about 14 or SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF Dl'm a mil aoulheaiterly from a pott located SkttNA LAND Skagway and the Queen Charlotte Islands. NOTICE. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS j j::i OULEN CIIARI on the i ho re or I tmaU Biy opening out TAkE NOTICE that A I under L. Sutherland, NOTICE Uu: A i t :p or Canoe Paai between Morieby and CbaaU TAkE TRAIN SERVICE of rrlnre imparl, B. C. miner. Intend . aai. "Sea Cull." "Brown Bear," "Ullle Tomj Ulanda, about S nillei Northerly aloor tbe Prwa Rapeeiv B Paiienger Honeae, We4iy and Saturn it 1 1 :S l. ta. for Smlthcri. rraruon." "Suallfht fraction," "Sea Uot Moreiby lilaod aide or Canoe ran from to apply for a licena to proipect for lend la uvtt tor a eB roal and de petroleum Prloca Oeorrc, Edmonton and Winnipeg, making direct coaaeetloa far all rraetlon.. "Sbeel Anchor Fraction," "Sir Buck Point; tbence aoutb 10 chain tbence over tbe following coal and petiweeum icribed Hud on the Weil Coait or polntf tail and aoutb. line," "Camp Bird Fraction" and "Ober etit so chain; tbence north 10 chain Moreiby '(crUbed landi on the W ! Island; Commencing at a poll planted i n r vaiorr" Mineral CUlmi, iltuite In the tbence well SS chain to the point or com liland: atnm.armg about I mile from located eaiterly a pott mencemenL ,ibout l yardi Skeena Mlnlnr Divtilon or Coait DlitrUU on tbe ibore or tbe rail ild or Canoe Pan Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. aborr ,Iveaied the Where loci led: near Bear Lake, Surf JOSEril SEXTON, Applicant an For information and Located at a point about I mile northerly along ! and ai a , reservations apply to inlet. Prince Royal liltnd. November lth, HIT. canoe rata, tbe i bora from Buck Point; tnenca north City Ticket Office, 528 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 TAKE NOTICE that I. Fred M. Weill, 10 chain; tbence eail SO chain; tbene nriheriy atang tb f ree Miner's Certiorate no. 1101 C the SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF touth SO cbalni; thence well to chain to IPotot; ISerxr north a dulr autborlied trenl or Millard T. Wir QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS point or commenremenL Id . ibiete ren. Free Miner's Certincile no. 11014 C call IS cbami u i- 1 ntend, ilttr dart frora ALEXANDER L SUTHERLAND. Al l II i the date hereof, TAKE NOTICE that I. Charles E. Burreu. By Charle K. Burgee. agenL By i hi. to tbe apply to Mlnlnr Recorder for or Prince Rupert. B. C, miner. Intend to loci led November tOlh. HIT. Legated November ' Certiorate of Improvement!, for tbe pur- ipply for a licena to proipect tor coal and CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY oae or obutnlnc a Crown Ortnl of eicb petroleum over the rollowlnv deicrtbed SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF 1 or tbe above clalmi. N": landi on tbe Weil Coin of Moreiby liland. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS WATI A.IO FURTHER TAkE KOTICE Ibal ac Cmntnencint it a poll planted about V or TAkE NOTICE that Belly Knou or Prince (01vri't 1 Lowest Rusa to all Eastern Points tlon, under lection It, rami be com a mile souibeaiterly rrora a poll located Rupert. B. c. nurie, Intend to apply for via Sten.ner to Vancouver and tha or meaced before tbe lnue or lurb Certificate on the shore or i imall Biy opening- out a licena to proipect for coal and petroleum TAkE NOTICE th T' f: SSCIM CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Improvement!, or Canoe Tail between Morethv rh..n over the following deicribed land on the Lwnber corporiiio" 1 DATED this 16th day or October. A. D. lilindi, ibout 1 mllei northerly aklog tbe Weil Coait or Moreiby Iilind: Comment iat ISO Yrkiblr. J .i: 3V. M.aU and Barth Included St.em.r III! JtO an Mortmj niinq aiae or canoe ran rrom Ing at a poll pimied about t mil eaiterly f..r a ileeii" i " ' FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE Buck I'olnli tbene north 10 rhiinn ih-nr. from a poit located on tbe hor or lb eM fl pir 1 SS. SOPHIA Mill from Prince Rupert Mireb fnd. Htn. April tad. It lb. tlrd eiil 10 cbalnai tbence aoutb 10 cbalnii ran tide or Canoa I'm at a point about I iuiik'I 'Wk ' n, Kim Mar 3rd. 11 tn, Kin and J una tin. E. H. SHOCKLEY inence wen iu cniini to point or com-mencemenL mile northerly along I he ibore from Buck dram into M- Will' M. ROYAL Mill from rrlnea Rupert f a.m. Mirch I lib. tlrd, April It a, Point; theuc north so chain; tbene wen Mfd mriiateti Hib and Htn. tSucceaaor to J. L. Illrkey). CHARLES E. BUROESS, Applicant. SO chilnu thenr loulb SO ehaltui Ibrnce or Her or ii tt" . SS. mav Miii from princa Rupert Mireb I lth and lltn. Located November lth, HIT. eail 10 chiln to point or commence meat. Tbe it.r will I' .1- The above tailing are subject to cranre or cancellation wltb.ul aaUee, CONTRACTOR A BUILDER BETTY KNOTT. ll point 4i ' trtcf.Mi W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF By liana K. Cbrlitenien. atenL mU from ii- muiii " ideated November I HIT. ' QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Otb( "P"" Uaaw pu'l Comer Fourth Street and Third Avenue, PrJnce Rupert H.C. Btoro and Ofllce Fixtures, M Lot tl'. Urat" 1 rw Bath, Door, and Mouldings, SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF TMI iMili - f TAKE NOTICE tbil I, liana K. Cbrliten-n. , (SIS Oak and Hardwoods of all of I'rlnce Rupert, b, c, proipector, CHARLOTTE ISLANDS un lb ind liy , W kind. intend to apply fur a licen to proipect TAkE NOTICE that at the noil., an.l . I'.'It rrlnc Rupen, b. c, 0ibeman, Intend to ItMCle in.1 I- b v - kewr for coal ind petroleum over tbe Tollowlng Wit'"' Don! merely smother your cough Wo Speclalhta In Hardwood deicribed land on the Weil Coin or vvt lor a nctnie to pruipecl for cal and b IM HI UM 0 Boat Ribs, Sash, Moreiby liland. Commencing tt poit petroleum wnd over lli following deicribed I FrtUi' Ruiert, ti, a on IN Wl Coin or Mortir-y plinied about vt mile liland: 1T1 vnn Uatbieu'a Svrnp of Tar aa4 Cod Lire Oil not only Doors, eto. from a loutbeiitcrly Commencing a a poit planted about 100 Rh'd WMH it" M"' w 1 I IllCr I I promptly arreeU eoojrhiaj, bot tbaaka to ita tonic aa4 poit located on the ibore or a rdi "' v ' ' frwo "" etiterly VWHU A to throw cal Plato and Sheat Olasa and null Bay opening out or Canoa ru b 'fir s poit located on ...lb um csvu'ii urtogthenln propntWa ltklpethiyeta on the ,iv .ih. f i- , ...el-I ka cold and thue rffrctt a parmaucBt cor. It la thli qoaltty whka baa oai Caf dialing. Iween Moreiby and Cbaill lilindi, about 1 Ou It S Dolnl' "I luill I mll.a V" i..lh..l., 'f it aW Urxtat aala ol coag to and cold maady ia Caaala. mllei northerly along lb Mortiby liland Wng lb ibore In aay rrom Buck Corner Frasar and 6th Sts. lid or Cino I'm from Buck Polnti theuc rolnli tbence north SO cbalni) tbence wen 10 cbalnii ebin; ihenc well 10 cbilnii III PHONE OREEN 269 liieoce south SO cbalni; tbence el 10 inenee aorih so rliilun tlienr nil 10 nun M ew-r "' A, a- kununi oav. chain ta point or commenceinrnL hi point or conuuenrement, THE BIMTiati ' ' ' P. O. BOX 158 HANI K, CIIHISTENIEN, Applicant. It a ll THOMAS. . PETERSON,.... :(iwi'i' 1 1 Located November lib, HIT. "ted November 101b HIT. By ft