lflE DA1M ULWl ( Tli'' Adair :an i.liapln. Tin-lmp "V'L'jVE'S LAW "AT i ml order of Ihe DaiigM-itn i THE WECTMOLMK .'.A T the Empire, are ariiinsf nsi G. H. Arnold , informal dilix-e hi PI. Andrtm n 1 The ml!Cf the wild is the un Easter ttria Hall n Monday. April i. derlying theme of the play to be NOTARY PUBLIO IUS bn Cons' fworll yesat fee eeer s Harvey's Orchestra. 9 'eloeii. screened at I lie Weslholmu tins quarter of n eenture. Dree. bnaed wit lief .Aliments, Oenllenif tit. 91J&Q, WaUmem to tho Domi.t 'evening. The story is a strange liiil TmiI wU freah " " "' Ladies 50c. fl(J Oov.rnm.at -c, 'one, and portrays characters who made with any ether, tr.t f-M 30th Njv.mbor. i,vT We Belt Real Estate. are not met with everyday. Joan mn eaeity I- ntdi l th JI'ST l?L If you want in enjoy W write Fire and Marine Sawyer, the famous dancer, is the mrwtn tw just h flr,t yoqr dinner, order your iKktnlfx Insurance. star, and her exhibition of dancing MADC IN CANADA from the Oily Market. They ttafkMiu 1 "tMtl We have Apartments, Stores, is one of the most delightful E.WG1LLETT COMPANY UMTTED J can't be bent. Finest freh egg,, Bw lo Mh. , B,nt. " " 71 and omces for to wilness. Sho portrays WHa Payski, " Houses, things TORONTO. ONT. ,r)0e, IH lbs to Iho doren. fill rr,,.Uv, Rent, and Want More. in a most dramatic manner, the i by tone 4i ''.HI We Deal in Mortgage Loans. character of a young girl, left an( Young lady wanted for worn of Credit We Sell Timber Limits. orphan, whom her only uncle de-1 SHIPPINQ LOSSES merelal ofllce. Ihpelrnee not the leader of a band of gipsies, nesary as ability to lodrn1 We do Conveyancing. dines to take care of. as he should , Local News Notes ISpeetal to The Pally Sews) Hood training and pmpc(. i "lull" one IS IliriUllJ J London. March 15. Fifttten Apply P. O. Hox 1710. 81 os Han.1 AlltTI in,i after her rejection by her uncle H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD. tf vessels of more than IflOO tons Oel it at Wallace's. FinhtinK against it all she can last An expert now In charge of shoe ( sunk by submarine she succumbs to the wre department. Wallace's. tf still finally Tho liest School Shoes. Wallace's, week. Three vessels, also under llt in i inr, li)lt " love of the big gipsy, although tf lhal tonnage and one flihlng vessel "" he scarce will admit it. Fleeing sunk. Ooveramrni. nUR,rwi I "m were Uo the city, she becomes famous Mr."Vtc Hanson, of Smllhers, is "The Daily News" ; as a dancer, and takes an artistic-revenge visiting the city. STEEN&LONGW row awd sunn i,r,i timiI. '"" the Carmii upon the uncle who dls-1 Mr. Herga Hudson, late of i,n, ,,,, ., staff of the Union Hank litre, was eiwiit. 4 ,.ur .,. n CLASSIFIED ADS. rni-dml her lone before. Then the From Head to Heel Hoy's clothed SA.HITARY AND HCATIftO iMbnillr, f , ,., for the sailing lure of the wild proves too strong. and shod. Wallace's. among passengers under t, , , f.j , , ( .n.l ho irn hark In her first love southern points last everiug. ENOINEERS Bee i?un Mont dramatic from first to Mr. O. Davis, of Haysporl, came Mr. Hudson will visit his home In WANTED. last, the story Is a gripping one. lo town yesterday. the south, before reporting for Agents for im.Ht nnd has many dainty scenes. military duty. McCLARr FURNACE? WAITED MetMDfcr boy. Applj Ooern-U reel The Adair Carss Chapter, I.O. There will also be a two com men! Telrriplt. D.E. Dance is Bastrr Mosday. nf iho finest kind. This two on PLUMBING w."DOU'.ro: 2? sSSS reel series has proved to be a big Ladies' Donegal Tweed and oth and DENTLSTRY and the lo be mtraction, one tr er new spring suits. Wallace's. SHEET WtTTAL WORKS shown this evening Is ruuy up to CStlM SSO rM- y, Phone 5. 83 1 Pecmd Avenue. work. Apply Mitron Prince Rupert --"""" Special prices on Leckles and StAl.Tl Nmhl 576 phones Oeneral llotpiral. tf School shoes. Family Shoe Store OR. J. S 8K0 H janitor WASTEDAppUciuoM wiu be I Mr. Harry Evans returned to the 63 SALE OF GOVERNMENT and lilue 270 etnTiir received by the tndemrned. op to Feb.,city 'asl night, after a trip up LAUNCH. Tho right work, at ins rlcht 0i Sent Bteaa. r l tun, ror the posiuoia or janitor tt the river, where he has been reinov Mrs. Hetlson sailed last evening j tin s, and at the right prlsa. Peaa " serden street school sute experience . di9COrd, and making harmony for Victoria by the Prince Tenders will be received at the aJ quU cations. Salary o.th w n. vajice. se possible on the pianos of the in- (leorge. office of the District Engineer, tto) .lerior country. Prince llupert, up to and including li!il!l!IHII!!llii;i: The Ilev. Mr. OUIett was among liilliijSniilD'lli'lilllllllliiijtililHiiIIia !,i ..iI.!t!;ii March I tf for the FOR SALE. the passengers leaving for he 31st, IB. purchase On and after April 1st the car of the government Launch 2 v. a ma a south on last nights steamer. LAU5CH for sale Bid in wriitnt are penters scale of wages will be 75c "Wakesla" complete, with engine unted ror the uunch Rosebeii ii. suit-tper nour anii Saturday half holl Mr. W. A. MacDonald, of the Q and other equipment as it now - w w L'riiaiiii iiiiiiviii- m'atbx'- un in oie ior uimon ntmor. nu ena-ine, i , P. left last evening for stands. Launch be at un De maaa inio nuvnnr ooai. au- i T. staff, can seen Sreee Indian once. Prince Rupert Ocean Falls, on a business trip. Swanson's Hoal House. Government C r. MORJUS0.1 And C C. PERRT, Silk Poplin Dresses, up-16-the- Wharf. Prince Rupert. Eieetitors of tne euu or the hte P. locomotive Parker, deceased. miut' In styles Wallace's. . Mr. Archie Watt, The successful tender must be superintendent of the G.T.P- arrived r Cne 3-Cyllnder 4 cycle. 30 H. P. Fairbanks-Mono to cash down and LOT FOR SALE Bids In wrltlnr re In-alted Don't think: but buy your shoes In the city last evening from prepared pay Engine 750 for' lot t. Block 44. Section 7. take Immediate possession. Ambrose SireeL near Drydock. Lot from The Family Shoe Store. 63 the East. Prov. Oovt. Pub. Wks. Depl. sit to Mr. Blytbe's Store. 6th Ael Ons 2-Cjfllnder 4 cycle 10 H. P. Palmer Engine $3S0 ilde, no encumbrances. Address IndUn Mrs. F. LaZelle and son, of Prince Rupert When you think of shoes think ttmce. Terrace, were among the arrivals f One 1-Cyllndor 4 cycle 10 H.P. Hicks Engine C r. MORRISON and t C PERRY, of Wallace's. . tf In the city from river, by last Executors of the estate or the Iste T. up Parker, deceased. WATER NOTICE night's train from the east. who Everything waits. Comet But hero's to him a One 1-Cyllndcr 4 cycle 3 V H. P. Rogal Engine S12S LOST DIVF.RSIOM A.1D CSE. One 2-Cyllndor 2 14 H.P. Calllo Porfoctlon Mr. O. Hvindson, of Alice Arm. rule that's Slicker. The cycle (Ofin LOST Gold Stickpin, between Iroqnots TAKE NOTICE that i. T. Htfferoan, bosc who has been visiting Prince Hu- man who goes for what he Englns Pool Rooms and Fifth Arenue, E. Re-ward. address ts c-o Patmore k Fulton. Prtnce pert for the past few- days, sailed wants will got It a darn One ?Cyllndep 2 cycle 9 H.P. Falrbanks-Rlorso enA Finder please return to DaUy Rupert, B. C. will apprj tor a Uecne lo for southern points last evening sight quicker. S Englns flVV 5es omee. . U. Uke and ose 1000 ruble reel per minute . .... Get the r ater out or a creek now known as Thai's our policy. one icyiindor z cycle z h.p. waterman Engine Deer Creek which Sows eoutheajterly and Mr. and Mrs. Clarke sailed tor business by going after it SEE Practically new, 35 lbs. weight and suitable for a. Vancouver last evening. Mr with quality goods, and lowest row boat trolling yi 3 thf'SUtropollUii Bltfa-, Vaacevfee, diterted frora the stream at a point about was the late manager of prices. The following mile from mouth or stream and tne jiracKmaiurter ooe-hair mma rviv'e mt .(mmuu for Thursdsr One 1-Cyllnder 2 cycle 4 H.P. Auto Marino Engine Dtj pnooe, Sermour 44tt. will be used for power purpose upon the Dranch here. Friday and Saturday should mine described as the "Moom" Mineral Aifbl phone. Fslnnoot SOU. Interest everybody in llupert. Claim. One LCyllndor 2 cycle 6 H. P. Calllo Porfoctlon $125 Mr. Jarvis McLeod, of the Cub Mm4 Office, 12 HlkbBne BI4f This notice was mated on the around and out of town customers ' Vkteela, B. O, Phe MIX. on the list day or January, till. A copy toms Department, was among the as well. All mail orders received of this notice and an application pursuant arrivals back in town last even not later than Sunday One 1-Cylinder 4 cycle 12 H. P. Buffalo Engine flUl ' thereto and to the "Water Act. If 14," will be Bled In the oraca of the Water Recorder ing from Ottawa, where has been night mail from the East will at Prince Rupert. B. C on departmental business. be filled at the prices quoted s THESE ENGINES ARE SECOND-HAND, BUT HtVt III" FOR YOUR NEW SUITS Objections to the application mar be Bled below. Terms Cash. THOROUGHLY OVERHAULED SOME REBUILT with the said Water hecorder or with the The train from the East arrived Royal Grovn Soap S fee fSe ALSO See Comptroller or Water RliDta, Parliament Umll . S1.00 on time last evening. The con QIES GEARS NEW AND REBUILT Bulldlnrs. Victoria. B. O- within thirty Primrose Soap, 1 lb. bars, bir Steve King days after the Brst appearance or this dition of the line in the interior alue 22 K,a notice tn a local newspaper. was shown by the snow piled high Castile Soap, loos bars, blf Prompt Cleaning" A Pressing J. T. HEFFER.'tAJf. Applicant. on tne locomotive. On eVenr value 22 w Phone Green 418. by J. D. Leedy. A rent. Owtnr to numerous enquiries we A l''Ael Aev TLnMnflM r I ledge where snow would stick, it J 1 I1U1U5UU OC LIU. The date or the Brst publication or this have derided to run a milk special r&XVCIUCIg, VU., notice ts February I4U, till. was there, even some ten feet Ihla week. AtiK.NT8 FOIl high. Maple Leaf Milk S Ilea fee SSe Prince Feed Co. S fee fIXO Palmer, Fisherman, Anderson, Valo, and Unlo . Cnglat Ruperl Frank Dowiing is coming back 41 Una to case Sk-28 We will replace any tins that are PHONE 58 the LNGLsrykir iklmlnt to Canada, according to the lat bad provided that same are re ijiiiiiiiiiii!!;:.iiiti:;M est word received fro mhim. A-mong turned. This applies lo all canned the Vancouver happenings roods. tiMitnaM l MMt PUchards I lb. tins, tall . .1 fee 4S-a FOR of 'twenty years ago today,' which Recently one of Vancouver's Urresi Cjl. B 1-2 la. kf 7 ta 1J-1S the "Sun" brought to light on the stores dlipoaed of mere than ISO A HOT BATH THE Horae Pewee, 10th lnt, is the record of Frank's Una In one day, at rerular price BULBS I cl s a-4 la. k S 1-2 la. birth, "at the family residence, tie strairhl by demonsiraunr the MINUTE YOU WANT IT j Heese Power. 918 Hornbrook Street." economy of pilchard as cum pared to Salmon ai 10c Buy s doirn Tulips, Hyacinths, Daffodils, CL 1-2 In. If I Ift. t2.ee You are a. n J Eastor Lillet, Narcissus. ferae Power. Mr. Cash, of the I loo I h Fisheries keltorrs Corn Flakes S for 2Se gelling e ld wt ; Lid., here, has received the Rest week's price lie stralrhL ttantly. Tfin.i flbM- . For Further Information sad Jnewii of the dea,!li vt Hie ROilnlxiod rteur, II lb. sacks S2.SS i faction .f gei: :' B ' SUII Ortere Promptly Attested U. Apply to mother of Mrs. Cash. Sirs. Cash This is the Flour per barrel which as Sit in the.2a Water in 111- samoiy left for her old home in Seattle wreck. You would never know It sbumlancc. i' lleM ' V. E. WlLLISCnCFT on Wednesday night, having being Klarars See window. B how mu h bas I'f-a : p. a si su. OS Third ?. Prince flupeft, 8. C. called there by the serious illness " FaU Pearbes, tH lb. 17a before. of her mother, who has passed Gold Medal AprtMts t H lb tins 27a HOT WATER LIKE WaCIC away before her arrival there. Roaedale Orated Pineapple t lb. A Quaker n Cherries, rer. . spec 2Se SSe T t-Jknll Harry Hanson Mr. Jack Johns, of (he staff of Evap Pearbea. res lie lb spec. SOe H"101 Messre. Kelly Douglas and Co. left Evap. Peaches tt lb betes . .S4.7B Hut Walei .(!. last evening for Vancouver, whither Eddys Oolden Tip Matches spee is you tins ' Fishermen Notice! Rer price in most stores tie pit. S3 7 0, POX I he has been called to report Van camp's Pork and Beans, a fee 0 .77 PHONE 489 P. for military duty. Mr. Johns is Marie U. Powder, It ea Una . 2J one of the old timers in Prince llldreway 5 tea. I lb. lias The Cold Storage Ferti izer and Oil IMant at I'acofl is Ilu port, having been here since y now in operation and will operate all the year round. The the early construction days. He oem Cluster lye Raisins, I lb. par.tine special fee ase 20a company will buy all marketable fish and will also buy Dog has many friends here who will FRUITO AND VEGETABLES FRED STORK'S HARDWARE Fish at fifteen dollars per ton (equivalent to about five cts. welcome hint back again. This is the Place, per fish). Halt will be provided free and all supplies can The sum of 805 has been raised Rome"it Beauly Apples, this week ta.y FOR CANNERYMEN IfK ha purchased at the Company' store at reasonable prices. by the Mission Hand of the Methodist Yellow fte Ion Apples. ,mli We have added lo our stork of valves and pip"" 8 Special facilities are provided for gas boats and fishermen Church at their niter noon Yellow Kewlon Apples, uwd sue 12 S.7S so line of llubber Helling at right pi 4 bringing their gaa boats will be allowed $25 for ex. tea and sale in the church premises B, C. i:arrult lo lb. lie; per FOR FISHERMEN liny ff on Wednesday afternoon. ,,fk tio A complete olnck of the best goods that nii" v " penses of trip to I'acofl. The plant is located In the heart B c. Onions The Mission Hand Is undef the s Ike for 2St trolling Spring llrass, 8ilver and H " f the fishing grounds and dog fish can be caught in great wntrol of Miss Hudson, rumips, the flnesl rrown S lb fee 28 and she Parsnipa from Yakima Valley FOR THE WATERFRONT numbers all the year round. Corns to I'acofl If you wish lo also has every reason to be proud S lk. fee te The etlebroted Maple Leaf I'ulnts and Varnish" t" .-isl IK"41 make money every day fishing. of the work of her pupils on this Beets, cock Up beautiful. S Ik. fee tt paint "FI.OtU.AZl"' A complete line of h'P ,dl.'0f. occasion. Musical selections Our weekly shipment of FOR EVERYONE were given during the green stuff will arrive an afternoon A fine stock of Hardware. (Juniey's if ui 1 International Chemical Co., Ltd which were much appreciated by Wednesday boat. Olvo us all present. your standing order and get We Soli Nothing But Tho BosL Pacofl, Queen Cha lotto Islands. the best. Men Leckle and Women,Hoots for Wallace's.Hys. Olrls, The Rupert Table Supply Co. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE