. .. Ma n is fot THE DAILY NBW8 -at ' iwwrwwiw i .i. E A. fJhtyDolUr'I Pric-a qa 4cd In this Advertisement automatically cancel all previous price lists Study til s Tney are the lowest for gent ine liquors true to brand, strength and quality quoted in fo florin REMEMBER - Even at tl.ese prices, Gold Seal Limited stands back of its goods. You know where to find us. Can you say as much of some firms that are offering you friuiffht Maar 1 liquors today? I Vuimt I Gold Seal Is not a mushroom "mail order" house that sprung.up yesterday. It has for PES HAVE PERFECT 1 " i over twentv vears been dointr business here under a federal chatter. j r C I CONFIDtflLb IN JArAn Ar.the We Pay All Express Charges .. i .1.. ,1 K I IIM IK . .. . -ifWIfl Our prices arc not F.O.B. ot some far away point. rrl 1 ney I inciuuc un 1l cnaiyca 1 piriiaiu Kal. ipfl .a t a . Jt a a J ,,1,,.,, m Ihe tne gooos uenverca to your aogr or neuresi siauon. Ui aJJBol-. ,,.ail.l. i . m ,,,,, r j.pn in the arrr-m, We never substitute We give full measure We give full count .1 . wbleb Hinii'i Tlirta Bur, i -f ny ' it. .ImIha.I BartMUtaa atml pot UOnM 1 Wll. fWI 1 1 ' UWTOiu I tmiiM a Itxs, rasa !.. f .li 1 itr luw in im orkl. ' Of Dottles S4BX0. . .i tut !man mutKwrui ntror im If ' " H'-' Itial i'- qatHir I m ia.fl. and of the ktl.eeii Jaia Bottle rrMv rrtet ."rt prr C per trie Act CASCO RYE WHISKY scotch WMitar euLX. Tbrrr brtl Rye"- ahm yatn aM. Far many BEATS SAMMY tviiMTi ! ie OmOt -oo aoo ONE rtr t Urwltrd Ml im Wettcrn Canada niar-kri. wta. TMei a im tnrcwnHxti oo mm Aired la wtrHnaaM la ul ck; a recta- OFF FORTY GERMANS 1-OtL Jt. bultlea lerro Brmui uin mhii i w .1 hi.' S2-2 240 MrtaiMKa OM InKuS tmUJx -00 UM rtttt tlmk "M0UHi Dw Tkrce Seal Bye" Aln reart aid; la ardlnary nad tM4tkH, cry Doe; United atuck 1.75 1S OO ra uM. ailuati4r m r um n-i saairB tt it. ,. i iii.il Kiati Army WMfrUra UHwrtMi io iiu CMiairv: a rtfarll far 7 - LlmMtd Hwm-Kara old Uqucar Rr. Man-h 15. -A lone Am. 14M otte Mlc ual qaart bvttlet; xlraordAary at-i; Maoara'wa. tmfajUr for miir iftrtj titrllml. . . . itao llljr 2740 iin morning mi) wmu uqanir; in-d far yrtra la tbrrrf -Md Baal Srl" Eithl Year Wd; ordinary I'fii v patrol of about . a bmM. mmw ol4 aaHkay; tdrrrM Oafar. hatllM; aUodard value 1-BO 10.00 . "f whom hail ta im laumia trtu h rtmatM Mm 14.00 "ItM Scar CtaadUa Mall While WbUky lr- f.,-(l 1!, .Mi.- v. mm IKirW LcHtr -A ftaMWt tM Imm4i Itqadir ... ISA Aaary lttle 1SV00 IrtliilT .ni.rrj l be aJvnnel i'wr Hivaaaa -iHlatat" A rry Boa w HqiT Icaca Maare Old Buartwa WkUky U-Ocn- them la oo tne la(rUUa; trUI price 1.7S 18 00 . i . nrh He dfve ( ef in i-o Trar Niffehu4 ckmiu A rartuj tundtrti -QaU BkmmI" Canadian Rya lt'7t " kadrr ami wmi mi wMi -OlwHaiUi" 1 jrtr M liur .... ii-o pattal tl qtttrtt. wandcrral btky 3.00 30.00 H. utaia bw- -t ami t-ter eaun Tky In 1-0 14.00 s iitbi-n I'taaaa; one ix-oa Cattrt Old hya tV smiry -aw the patrol ail-nvi:ix mrtta'a Wtlkcra icry fanwuai 10 15.U0 uid r.r MHlurat ar "- QaMaarliini A Warn '-0 18-00 l ki-J ai the (lw- ai 1 on T. t. M. w T1W uvnillll iwua. 168 17.C0 Oaudirtum A Wartv pr4tlj ...... i th. I'.-nrh. Hy the time live ir 14 in who. w- OmM Saw iM BnMca WWkf irtrt atj i,.,in t.i drop cautiously aMty; viorpucNMi iiw DISTILLERY BOTTLING. I in m l a nli-renl. he UimiKll he -B. c Spceur EircHcat Old Ryes aldctt dlaUl- i.j .. ,v ; .. iniiifrr. eepefially nra WMiaay bulk Icry UMlhnt; limited supply 2M 22.00 OM BJ a oo Xtnadian 3nb" Illram Walker; cry ftmou.. 2-ZS 22.00 u U under .-mrer leading me BOO innjceur lUram Wtlkerl 180 1S.0O ti t apprnarhed to wtth-la e-ioar aai flM .rwi tbcftAl Lk-Dd.. 10 19.03 run: - i arwr T.7 Oamlffhim A Warts' "SpecUI" f-w anla f him. Onenlnir BOO Owlwtum a Warts' Ordinary 17.00 irt mith mi -nall-n-ginfr, lie drop- B 740 BOO jawrpa Sctrrsnrt So. SS -10 1900 , I'M iltukM NtM a wutkjr ........ H. C rnarr rtU ilrtct tb sua turar; unui ..J it. a a. ii... a 4 Worl'i f Hr-M tpetitl turwsil "J 2.00 20.00 7.2S . r4. k tin- rill, Mben the Bar a. uNitwii -WitarMO.- I w. r i. '!t- . sin u.noh immediately toaifcar 'niana Oab aao a.oo D.lPr' "AntlMT" nttt CASCO SCOTCH WHISSY i: ! ii.;. -ht proteetlon. Trli??aLaua RrV-i I jetri' afcij" 'ataVal' Vad Iat-f it butut In (A cam) aaoaUta of It quart battles.) famoat Una In UM a oo ntr, tw IVva- : it iii-k mouttti. haw. 7.00 .rU I bolUe S-00, 1 botUt VBrii MnU1 ML-' ; tr7 old UlfUtnd 1.SS 1S.00 . . . . . . iM tuotdua Mr tl 1 I hum Waiiwt a.8 rta BSXOO . Ulaabs Oid iWfecUuo' 2.00 22.00 Maki' Old lalay txtlcB; ordinary bolUcs 2-00 24.00 ,h. f thrin. A small CAICO BRANOV J. MtPoertaa'a Lxlrs special llirnland Scotcb.. 2S 27.00 Irjr,, .it .1 ..ft.teat t si Aft I liahtk A mm ruBttata kf It qtrt Ultl.I -n;-! ; !! day. ami aaalttfxi i 1r9" lur-- H.Mtr oM Utwli ry M 3i2 SUodard ScotcD Wtutky imported z Z1M j -p-. .t tin gulling guests, with MaNBA i A (tan TWW ur Ltll a Z.Z 00 30.00 Dunran Mtlnkh Unndra). Iarr and oal quaru; 3.BO 37.00 B-4warr Eaara Bfwcu) " We do not Charge for War Tax, UU i i tv-i.ades. II aii Tferaa aur ocn 4.00 4S00 U. c. l"-jiilrolimr Burni, Laird A Co, Ujaifn tiM vxx tpMitl Mirk Oonue uo 3800 SoatUtli BainL la uupenti ovai quart uoiwa; 330 40.00 UNO REQISTRY ACT M taw itr cmi HmJid qunuty .. B.7B 42.00 Keg or Package. "O. V. 0." la linperlal SpecUl MmJ SIX t Ma d-c); Urra lru Andrtv L!tx-r - i, aa st and ISI.I S.7S 370 aval quart. Olrret uuporuuun; limited qutn-UI7: rata (uta wonderful tlu 4.00 45X0 "BL7k and While" Buchanan', mosl pupular Wtii i s a tin L tsii-L ailt-l. COO-AO BRAROY BULB Rne In Um vurld; wonderful flavor tod quality 3-ZS 3230 ui it ii x tail rroWciiVaa has been All prices are quoted delivered Bathanaa' "Red Seal" . . . - 3.00 30.00 muia caraae Baflucn. Lade A Ca. DUlllUrt of rinett Hit-bad b fk w. Hut, t rnmoe tiMaka Ubel undard of ra. r taar. . . r at Your Door. Matt WhUkle Ubiu t wr ia ( adr fMtr Right 3-00 30.00 1 kl r m in QaHMWr at lb Htasu "M ittd rnt 1X aiura BnnJy specut Tiaur i T rr Red aB Label Lrtnd Very Fine. t year In wood . . . . . . 3-2S 3230 4 I .MfL tW4Mt Alt l .v. itu" n.te rutiur s-v Md Latwl Limited quantity; purest and oidel 3.75 3730 nll lnuul. 11 DO rna trta imu -, 'ti J AM,aiiu SI.HOLUIR luw tut rruin WE PAY ALL EXPRESS CHARGES RIGHT TO YOU. New and Complete Price List and fuU information may be obtained from the ROTB On all above brand a 1 I ri .uny iMt WARNING. fiw- ?r,r RnvrW Apents for Liauors frcm without the Province:- ..only.ao4 are thlpped at one time j Ki'ti 7. aa4 Bftrrs (Ui we net alitt. ''-f.l 15 botUee more Three ar L.ll !(! dtl. ahKk af aeele aSteetUiae- H. E. ROSS, Prince Rupert GEO. A. SWEET, Prince Rupert. . .each belli e. i' tod Luu tairiy-iai ae caeeet Maalf tna aea4 Sli beUlea or more 25c tach ' .r Hi. IMk Bfly aweied. am will tea . .bottle. L ua tifhl (I), Mtp III. lalwlee iUm. Da act end Twelve bottlta or 'more Caae mMi to aeUMa arm aolaas GOLD SEAL LTD. . price net. na deduction. i rout um tUua f tea mew wke tkt are. .BUey (On kind or ataorted). '.:BJ , a- dun a ujrt rrwa Um peeaen Bate keen very BeSly WS DO NOT SUBSTITUTE, ;.-.. .t ut nolK (alb treated. 137 Water St., Vancouver, B.C. : ii t'uMMalWa in Um CALGARY, ALTA. , 1 . neat). b4 mr n 3 x i anttoUateau. aoJ xlrirl Hxrrfronj: i a i-tttit or ccrtlflcau c . nirti tfor lb rtilt OF NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTIOA ACT. i tii ptrtcat t Mrrr1 MINERAL ACT IN THE SUPREME COURT MINERAL ACT (R. S. C Chapter III.) tna Uwm cUliulaf BRITISH COLUMBIA i:njci ibtm, ta4 tU txrtoot CERTIFICATE OF WAOVEBIENTB. 7 i -i in Um Urul by vlrtut CUTIFICATK Of latPROWISJCNTB la the matter ar Frederick Jam Colmaa, AKERBERO THOMSON and COMPAAY. rti. r. i iiulrMMBl, tod til Secenaed, and IJMITED. hereby tiva notice that I bey I tny laurctl la IN Um) NOTICE. "Aemlnlilratlen Act- matue af th la th deported NOTrCB -Elnr-ton." nave, under section or said act uiw it imiI rtfUUrtU -Simpson," "Rupert." "Plctou" l ft, -8oceeM Mineral with tba Minister or Public Work at ' iiOM or tut Act, tDtU M Molybdenum" tad "Cascade Fall No. 4" -and -Ctsctd Aollc 1 hereby liven that under n iiii.u. In tna offlro Of tb. DUtTtCt tltutta in lb Skeena Nlnlor Dlvl- Mineral sltutt In Um Mr. Justice i,. tun wiMnTM irvi Jaitae. rail Aa. 8" Claims, order trtnted by Um llooorabl or lb Land lurUtry Offlce. DU- TIMBER SALE X 979. tkan ar Cauiar DUtiicL PorUtad Canal Mlntor PlvUlon or Ctstitr Clement, dated tba 17U day or February. In-tutrtr 01 ine a oesenpuon Rupert, inrl of Prloc i-li toa iiw iwi Wbero lofttedi About smiles tieriy District. A.D. Ilia, L Um undersirned. of wharf and outer iii' f.n. t tlx ptrteo tauil4 un n..wrf i..i.r will be rereived By um rrotu the betd or Alice Arm. and tboul Wbero located.- On tb east ld or appolnled Administrator or tba EUte or til work tnd propotcd the plan to be built on Lot oae. i ;, ( n,r of t Itn4 Miautter of Land 00I Uler than noon 00 mMa from Um Deacn. Cascade Creek. It miles rrom Um head or tba abov named deceased. Wtlerrront Block F. ty of Friac nuperi. ' win ier ine pur- TAkE AUTICK h 11 w- Pof, Portland CtnaL havinf eUinis aitlnsl Um r.' u-u. . Um I tin day of Mtrrn. ISIS. All parUet Province or Britlsn Columbia, sad ttk. ii.- - 'fc.-i XI7I. to eul a.Tlo.oaa rra Miner" ecrtiflfau fo. Ittlt-C, st TAkE AOTICE Ibtl I, I. Tred Rllcble r.i.u mr iviiuested to forward parU- rhaa al Urence Ra- n..iin thu rir the eiDlralloa of OOO uj it,. ' TH'iU ul todcffitltU Till feel or tpruta. Cedar sod liemioea oo iienl or Um Molybdenum Mlnlnr tnd (Free Miner's Cerimcste Ao. im-C.) act-lor culart of mim lo roe 00 or before Um month from the data of the first publica ti rHi. ... . -in km wun aiwa tdjolnlnt L.UI. Salndle !!. ducilon Company. Umllcd. Aon rcrmmti tt ttenl for Otkley Braufort Butb. Fre sib day of April, A. D. is is. ana tion of tat nolle JAerccrf luuuuvn euu LuWHty) Fre Miners ceriincaie f. uin.,'i rjiriiBrale Aa. Slll-C. Intend. Indebted to UM Stia asiaie ere luura S. Outti DUtrieu person rmnnini Umiird wiJ under Sectton seven Uitend Uty day rrom lb data data hereof, to apply Indebtedness to dm from tba such ir i. laitt-C. tuty days required to pay Three (It yetrs will IM liiowea Recorder ut um said Act. tppty to Um Minister of apply to no tntnr Aecurder ror a Certificate 01 1 ,rlh llh to i0 ijja MiolDf Prior , dt iwreof. um Itm , movtl of timber. rubllc Works st his orace in ine uy o or Improvement, ror lb . the or obtalninc I .. . . -. .......... b.i.i.k r-ihimhii, this further ptrtlruttrs or Um cniet rorewr. lor S Certlllrtt jpruBunii, rr purpose t'aieu ai iiimi, .ihi" wi. - iiina rue ariDroval of the said site tnd Dtatrlct Fortier. Prlnc ote or obttlnlnt a Crown Grant ori( Crown ortat or the above claim. lib Pay of March. A.D. 191$. tb said construct, leave to Vletarlt. B. C or plau and for 7" . .k.,.. rUlmt. .... r.,.ih. i.k. nnilre that action. UD WM. MU.-ITUFII, Rupert. B.C. ZJtl eecn " : ... abtrf tnd work. TAt nmiu. -'-under mint bo commenced before in tnd ror Um AAD lURTIILR der sec I Ml SI. Official Administrator B. C. thi eeond Dated tl Prior Rupert, mull t rommeofed be- surb Cartinctta of Improvements. or Victoria. titii. . J "TICS lUtl tl Um MINERAL ACT Section It the issuance of Couuty day of January III. l,.-- li ellrcl HXiimiA. i IHFROWInllNTa rare tna lu or urn ir " -;"'i -r i " , m CXRTiriCATi OF Dated Ibis llth day of AOrutt. A. D. SkEEAA LAAD DISTRICT DISTRICT OF AkERBEItO THOMSON snd COMPAAY. LTD. ":;.: i. ., , "wmwa tna liiu t ptwvenirnii. Dtvtd Thomson, Secretary. HIT. COAST. RAAUE I, ""U l-l th. ... ' W M Mil notice: ' frank V 11.rl iinlu. LAND ACT UK ta in M I'lll. K ...... F...H...." and "DailT Hinvis. SkkFAA LAMD DISTRICT DISTRICT OF Ttk nolle thai lb Weawra Salmon Iikeaa LAAD DISTRICT DISTRICT OF '"fori prir pro- Minlni wt ..1. nauu. it any. ir.Claun. sltutt r .In tba Portland Ctntl . Ul'CE.1 CHARLOTTE. irklns Co.. Lid, or Vancouver. B. C. oo- 1 COAST, RAAOE FIVE. ' DISTRIOT OF amium salmon Can lie r. Intend to spply pi r;; ; or LAND DIITR1CT t 1 pro-rirv;::7v ,i .w. mtS d '& ni iba following COAST, RAICa I. Titr NOTir.K that I. K. II. Bisipson. or ror pemiiMlon to letta Take notice that 1 Intend to tpply to r omcr. Prince "'" " rnm-e Rupert. B.C., mariner. Intends to sprite icribed land: be Houcrtbl ComwlMioner of Lands tnd al a post pltated at hifb ror pertnUtlon lo purcbts th follow. Commenclns Work to lets. IM following- described AOTICE lbU water mtrk. learner Paattr. (on a small TAkE decrlbed land. lur bad. -- ' Mkcttop. (- MiMr;scritnc.t. ;0-'r" Comnieneifir at s pott punted tt nortn- biibt on lb laid patte about one mil r,,ni.iirlnr at n thMl clan led tl tba r 1, Rttotrtr a( Titles. aieoi for wetiw ""'- "V eait cwrnrr or tb. Leoirellow Mineral uorih of Qulnamtss Bty) ten (10) chains aorthwe! corner. bo hifb wkr nurk. 'ai.i.ii 1..1... luij,.., ruiinriu An. IIIT-C. wl or ld blsbtj thenc twenty (tO) nurieei. n r 1" - 1. tallow luf d.ba-V (a. llM culm. W. P. Artbett earner Ao. 1010; due 11 Barlletl Pwlot tba leu chaws au , " BuJi; Hi tys rim tba data neraer. w ' tbenro vest 19 chtlrJ; thenc north 10 rtatnt du north, inenc. twenty n ettl. then south l Um Shore Use. then ' '"' kdJa,4;, Rrrder for a "'""T Uu east, thence meaty (tO) ; tu tb. Mlnini romlwre o Hartley alni Ibenca rati to chtln; Ibeoc south chain rulkiwlne the contour Of UM SOOT LUM Ct?": lb. Prpoa or aWttalni thence back to poiat of com- 1 ror chain souUu .. 1 rvut. ."S ..Tibcoca let 'ns ra line roniatnlnf commeacameal, Ut 11 tltlm. Narrow. north t chain mora or la tb pltra ef .?, Ortnl or Um auova nwnccmeni. and cootaininf furly (401 tiTh a crown 40 t d ib.no. w sr cooUlnlnf nay, ibc. to paint stmunencement, twenty tcrat, ntora or ia. .I1 . V. Blrsul. ',h" UU ,,8lW MVft fir. inenee teres mora or lea. Ut. m to thai, geBfe. sarrt, mero er THE WESTER SALMON PACklNO COMPANY. JAMES DESBRISAY, mtiMr, ..aiB "7 or I.- P1TEP Ulb January, llll. Wales liltnd Cannery, " ' na 11. Mkk .. im lu li aura of aurb criino ruor II. SIMPSON, UMITEDi C C. Roberlson, Aft. E. hovember llth. HIT. Fl DATED December Sill. HIT. IHKHI.I . By Cbt. J. Benaoo, Airnl. .i. Ml I'U'ly New II9IT.Piled Uiii llth dsy or nrremner, PATCH Aovember tt.