thf Daily News i SO f' MIXCK nOl'KRT, RC, TUI'SIIAY, MARCH 19, 1918. illli PARIIAMEMT OPENS I OTTAW A .LLIES DECLINE TO RECOGNISE GERMAN PEACE WITH RUSSIA AND ROUMANIA IMINION PARLIAMENT ALLIES WON'T ACKNOWLEDGE GERMAN SPRING OFFENSIVE OPENED YESTERDAY AMID GERMANY'S PEACE TREATIES DOUBTED: RAIDS AND BIG VERY ANIMATED SCENES Hr u Tb. Dujjt , Hufsia or Itoutnania, cannot be GUNS MAINTAIN LIVELINESS London, March IV. The sup- considered a in any way perinan. remit War Council of the allies enl and the allies will yet have HUNDRED AND TWENTY FIVE NEW MEMBERS WERE have issued a statement in which something to say regarding the' BELGIUM ARMY TAKES OVER WHOLE COAST SECTOR AND IS ,r NOW IN GOOD SHAKE FRENCH AND BRITISH nAIDIilu ' HOUJE MET AT ELEVEN O'CLOCKMR. E. N. ' flA'OM IN . . 9 a"t...rM.HM -i I I.- f -- r 11.. j 1 : 1 1. ' PARTIES KEEP BOSCHES ON QUI VIVE wi uciumiy aenutir me iiuumau. resources ui wic cuuuirics mi iuc RHODES TM t r-u n m t n arutnin who n&-bkbbi lan and itussian INFLICT MANY CASUALTIES. ED TO THE SPEAKERS CHAIR. peoples. It also eaiL slates that the peace which the' No excuse can he found for the Germans have imposed upon berincorslon of armed German forces (fpcu: m Tb inuy lltlle loss to themselves' says to. of the House, to that office. matktmm nii?lihira m-itl .! f fhvliiifrh lit rnnntri.f .if 11ml- Washington, March 19. Ger- days official statement. Casual. la. Animated other nominations for speaker he. -00-ni...l IV ,(, iil. nn..i aftr th ien inanv's threat of a Kreal soring ties were inflicted on the enemy in 13, . (urinal open- ing received, the Clerk of House Th injeale, ti,al whatever an. Ingiof the peace terms at Brest- offensive m the Western front patrol encounters north east of i. ,.i morning for declared Mr. Ilhodes eleeted, and n-.a,inn- lfl ri.rmnn. ma.- mat i.niv.k nH Hi. irtn th al- no lonfter Impresses American Zennebek." r m j . t .f. uug a ijwifccr, ..r in iu u wrens 117 rre.-,, Ul, ljme al the expn8e of je, rffu,e to countenance as final, military men. In its weekly review "Hostile artillery was active . j arluuient were mier Horde n and the Hon. Mr.' 4.J. . :today. the war department re- during the night south of the j cords the conclusion that the Ilapaume-Cambrai road and in Tit : ? uuers, who num.' He made a brief address thank-'ALDERMAN CASEY IS NOTES FROM THE enemy in spile of his vast pre- the region of Lens, and there was 4 , 0 Hi tuj nere. in ing me iiuuse anu suiting mat ue PflllrJPIJ PHAMRFR Parations, will not lake the of- considerable activity against our WANTING REPORTS c z ..i bamber. W 1)M'would endeavor to discharge the lUUiUIL WWiriDtn,ensive unless forced into it. "forward area between Warneton .. . . a a a. a a aj i. i a s m I New Belgian Front. and Zennebek. ht I t-J i npr oiwcrri were. 'iiiu.Ha iiusiriiaiu- I 1 After the routine business of In the absence of Mayor Mc-j On the British front in Flanders ! French Front. . . . .... .. . . . . .a ( a a .i a a .a a a a .at .mi m a a a aa. r - a t Cj jas J swearing me. in me speeeu iroin me mrone, lue nao oeen aisposea 01 aiiL.iyii""" " uiu u " March 1. Tne important coasi ran. Aiarcn i. rrencn raio- aa-r taking the the war plans of the Dominion last nights meeting or the coun. council Held last evening. Aia. 8eclor of the Western front, which ers were very active last night oil. jwere indicated, and a strong pro- cil. Alderman Casey brought up a I)jlliavn occupied the chair. Apart for a considerable time has been and brought back more than MO p a s. u 'ued the House gressive legislative programme matter to which he bad drawn at- from the regular routine business ,ei,i by the French, has been prisoners. V - ;y at eleven o'-jwas presented, introducing tba lention previously. He wants U there was little of interest to keep'j,, over by tne Belgians. That' In four raids according to offi- soon thronged 'bill for the estension of the fran- received monthly, from the heads the councillors talking, and the inlg Alberts new army has been rial statement. The largest raid Hi ere was much'ebise to women during the pre- of the various departments in the whole proceedings were over in able to assume this additional was made at Cheppy wood, north 1 -kery appear-'sent session. War pro Ms, day- Oily Hall, a balance sbeeL show- three-quarters of an hour. First burden speaks highly for the con- west of Verdun, where the Ger-aship prevailed.'light saving, and consolidation of'ing the eipenditures, and receipts of all, the Hoard of Works were, jjtion Qj tbi, comparatively man trenches were entered on f members to' the railway act were also men-'for the month. He said that these against laying a temporary water;mall fighting machine, which section of the front and where :..!. Sir llobcrt tloned ns coming in the forefront reports had been promised, but so main from Third Avenue down to,bas battled so valiantly from the the French captured eighty pri-i,fcb nominal-'of the activities ef Parliament, far. none had been received. "We FirsL whereupon Alderman Mc- beginning. soners. II; member for, The Hon. Mr. Fielding took his ea on. and we don't know what Meekin displayed some consiaer- British FronL I mer speaker eat with the opposition. our business is costing us from atle solicitude for the wholesale London. March 19. "English Wednesday morning Special, the end of one year to the other, houses there In the event of Ore.'jfoop, carried out a buccesstul nrowingjtirls' buttoned or laced 'I'ossiWy they think I-am a crank AMrroan Casey ei plained that nui north east of Acbieville and school bootr. Sizes 2H to 7. Ileg-on BATHE SAYS CITY SHOULD this thing, so I would like the there already was a six inch main captured several prisoners, with ular 1.50 values for $3.20. tf council to take the matter up, to on the waterfronL which would BEPROSECUIEOBY find out where the money Is go- serve mis purpose. iesiuc. " " Tr.TTriwr iiTrn If ADAD DADTVIC IW TAKESPLACE liiiuua i nui i m ui IlLiU.111 UrriLEJV ra$ede j would move lhal lbe be moving this summer to another LtlllUliAl 111 1 V ! POWER IN QUEENLAND City Treasurer be requested to site, when this temporary wora NEAR DUNKIRK That if the health officer were . . i i a S a .......1.4 nalAaa Alderman Mc- CHICKEN LOSS ,nig his duly, lie would prosec- ... n,lWll, -nrk ,,111111.,. and Meekin. however, was of the op in-, ule the City, was the remarkable h nb departments, giving in de- ion lhat In case of Are, and the a m lira nmtt11 Sydney. N. S. March 18. A I WIINlINilK hi The Queensland elections, held on niir Fight In the Air tail each month, particulars of re- euy gave no pruiccuuu, iu Utastn British Naval at the Council meeting last even- pt. anj expenditures. The City would be liable. He would sendj Saturday resulted in tba return nf Isrepttnts and Use. ing. Tins gelliug 01 me ueaim rAt,rk .....inUm.iwl .hat at the ore-. the report back tor consiaerauon.i the Labor party to power with an u Machines. Officer in bad arose through the . lhe Tr,.iUrer- was very Alderman Casey was of the same 1 Food 8end commissioner increased majority. Complete ng of Alderman KlrkpaU and did not want to "rM w,,, l ir a eunoalty fu cn5aKed wiUl lhe auditor, opinion still, who Qlnt Enquiry Into ayaiiaDie rick, who wanted to know when d h d mile Ume foP furlber de- see any temporary work done that . Condition of Cold ;few da' bul U,e, lIJ the for ladles which be avoided. Alderman Mc- (Unions has again beef, clearly reading Hi . in room .. ,,, Tll- ., w., -bonded could ... straaaa. ..I , " .... .; . .peraling In the'" wa" lru,f'a 10 nmvc on,4"IB by Alderman Smllh. and carried. Hae. seconded me raouon vi--nlcltyof ;shown. ,,oor of lhe Clly UaI1, and wanted to know Uun- KrouHU Acting Mayor Dybhavn intimated McMeekin, (Sperm lo Tba Dklly 5c) 1 the coast near wu,d nulsbed, and what fur- lhal u,e UUUUeg Committee wouldjwhere the city stood. Then came Winnipeg. March 19 Com- KAISER WILHELM t ance and Hel-Wtt Proposed to put Into IHUue,lately be in a position to the City Market report, the ar--ful missioner Tuslin, who nas neenj T,, A,derman n1 in.'rant book from the Finance Com-i... IS STILL HOPEFUL L3 1; ;. in destroy-1- tndr a report themselves, sent here by the Canada IVod. F thiuk that things were at a sUnd- ,,Mn.n.,.nt r ih nitv Hall. Imittee. a resolution re the open- enquiry into the' lioard, began an c V lhe ln U,e 'll,ue- lingof the Court of Revision of the conditions existing in the store-1 tsperii! to Jbt naj k t . . . . 1 Alderman Casey said that the . . 1.,l, nf nrii!aiifoienl roll, supplies were William a urouBui uown. uinti P...v.. - houses belonging to the ! Amsterdam. March 19. "I have 1 - iMayor Ld aBrced lo Lad ign' rubbers. Wallace's. tf .c-uliuued on l'age rour.i which from uiy observers grade ' Davis Company, here, tronz hone that Fleb! Marshal ' inlaesl upon the windows to in- hundred of for eighty-five pounds on Hindenburg will soon win ur most specta. Iforin lhe public of the nature of chicken were carted lo the incin-'us complete victory on U e West-crator ' ' different mac. this room, and was inclined NECESSITY FOR JAPAN'S on the 7th of March. The ern front. reads a mc4awJ ent it o., .1 mat. Ilut not so Alder. ( ..-d at different manager of the Davis Co, Mere by Fjnneror William lo the Pom- ' e'it progresel. man Kirkualrick. "It will need a denied tuatlhere was any attempt erauian Provincial Council. ' y an hour, be. table and some chairs' she said.1 INTERVENTION IS URGENT at hoarding, as might have been . the lavatory?" and what about r 1 tny aeroplanes thought by such quantities of Wednesday morning special. Then the Cily Clerk told on the chicken having been kept for such the Germans jjj fiun xietal or Patent Lea-a tfisl wllh any Health Officer. It seems that mis m- ui i. tut oi: tw have been sent from Germany to length of time. He claimed that thep 1utlon iioots. Clolh Top, has uol been constructed proper- moooiue mcse iorr? n6u. " these particular lota of chicken ase Ihey struck Tokio. March !. Illustrating jugular 5-u values for 13.90. "d the Itrilish ly, although ils use is couuuueu. P against in form a considerable had been offered for sale at price "This is a.,' indictment against J J condition, menace lo llussia, if they are al- below coL 1. t.i return safe-f. .. away For New Wellington Coal and s in each case. either the Clly Solicitor, or the f?,a; J,1 for lne interventlon lowed to ac uucureu..1 tVIII... The enquiry i atlll In progress,1 Ir Lumber of all dimensions, Health onicer. 1 don I mow ..,mirv eanacllv. these trained forces against them, and may last for several days. hone 116. Tin Ada;,. I hnnl.. which" remarked Alderman Casey, .'....., Miniir aneak a well as the lied guard of the I n l 1.' r it ca Kail, m 1 wllh extreme gravity. Alderman House of Representatives Jiolshevlki, who are arming Halibut was selling around 15c , 1 " ' Klrkpalrlek would have preferred , e are no ,e, afcant the expected invasion of this morning at the Fish Ex- PEMBINA LUMP COAL. the reading room to nave neeu thousand Ger- Japanese troop, it is realised mai change. The Polaris with 50,000 iist shades. nii 11-11 liar IIIOIl II1IIC7 1 ouisiue me 1.117 ivv... originally taken by Japan will have something to cope lh. the Alaska with 33,000 lbs -'"r man prisoners, Guaranteed to be cKvin I'S'S. gifts, Wal ... ......... r 11. in.. .11.a in lnwn are when she does enter Siberia UB PUIIIQ Ul MJ v " , lussiaii troops in their drives with, Director 0.000 lbs; Atlantic 25,.' Lump Coal, we offer al tf . 1.11 .1... u. ,l.,ir (nli llm CitV l take control of the resources of Volun- u wii v-vj 9 ....w liirinsr the first years of the war.. 000 lbs; Kagle 12,000 lbs; $9.50 delivered loose, U..11 hv tha CllV - M r.1 1st the i.uii u V1llrl wl.r M tabllshed at centres that country leer 4,000 lbs; ltringoid o.uuu id; $10.50 delivered in bag r. car Hall should create shyness, ane, . . ,,.,..1 anj now be Adeline S.000 lbs; Nellie 4,000: J. did not stale. Upon the neUnit ra" . ., Wednesday morning special all sold for this fig. " a s n 1 r iinir iiiutii.n. II. D. 3,000; 1 tliy half holt Mayor promising to look Into the ona J 1 wer) uly thousand 15 per cent discount in all 'Leckie' ure. rwm.iue. II uaysporv 4 . a .'ft V. ' Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. 6ft mutter, il was dropped meantime. """"J oplnt .boots. Worth considering W a - 4,000 Ibt. and the Joe lJaker with 1 . . . I known lhal Oerman otllcers lace's. " 3,000 lbs. sold for to V and 10 H " u i , Iue .. von coal ra- I . S aaaaasaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaai I "LV W" a1 ' CARD OF THANKS . . . respectively. W a- ffiESTHOLME l he Womens" Auxiliary of the O.W.V.A. wish to thank all those A meeting of the Federated TONIGHT ONLY who hv contributing or assisting FIRE SALE Labor Party of Prince Rupert will helped them to make tueir saie be held In the Carpenters' Hall, Iu lUbbon roalura Vtrtr ll)Utki um ADlooio Myrruo night at 8 o'clock, to 11 Tuesday of work a success. morning. Wrch 20, wo will offer ouf la Wsdnssday The meet, REDUCTION OF FROM 20 TO SO complete organization. " ROSE OF THE SOUTH" The 1'rinces Kna has arrived GROCERY 8TOCK AT A ing Is open to everyone, and ladles Orral iflor Hi rrl pir with 125.000 feel of lumber on PER ENT. Don't Ml th' Opportunity. are Invited. 00 KOMEDY. larcwimil of Albert and McCaffery, Ksrnal Knurs $100 Bill, on QUALITY I for tho O.T.J', aud lhe 8" 'n,el & CO. Kaster Cards and novelties for, ir you don't waal lo liusb. dun'l . II I MUSSALLEM March 2V. at Mcllae HrosH Ltd. 7t uu rauMNly. War OastiM ra-walrtl no I I five hundred tons of coal ns well. br rqut Advertise in the Dally News. ' K i'm uixir The Princess lioyai arriveu from the south late last night.