XUK DAILY KF.WB The Daily News SPUE MAIL' SCHCDULC; TIIC LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN MUTISM COLUMBIA ffit-Gl Publlahed Dally and Weekly For the East. Guaranteed Largest Cticulaticn Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturday at 9.30 a.m. HEAD OFFICE: From the East. Daily News Building, Third Avenue, Prince Rapcit, D.C. TeL 93. rmrj? LL rrrGuf&J.L. maun amjrhari-days Hundays. Tuesdays During convalescence TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 50 cents per inch.) at 3.30 p.m. Contract Rates on application. i.l! and when appetite lags a For Vancouver DAILY EDITION. Tuesday, March 19, 1918. Tuesday V.m. Thursdays 10 T P'" vVRiGLEYS Saturdays have ended. It modern wars FOOD CONTROL. the imposition of punishment has been the inundation of bar. At last, the Food Control under them are left to the mun Vancouver barism upon clvilixation of a From r - 'Ms to the hot. dry which will receive Board is to be vested with the iolpalities kind unheard since Oriental Sundays 10 p.m. authority to take steps to pre whatever fines are paid as the 10 M am WcdMMfeys and madieva! ineursions. It is under i iP'Tfft a freshness result of proceedings and of food vent waste hoarding !Saturdays P-" the deluge of a whole race, them. This probably that is, as far as this can be taken by drunk with the lust of blood rnJ u soothing balm is the most effective means by has the done. The Board now be and booty, "running amok" up. For Anyoit the which can power to seiie supplies of food enforced, for regulations the Food Control oa their peaceful neighbours. Sundays 10 PJ. '.it coaxes back the held by those dealing in them have raped io In this orgy they opt WedHAMteys p.. where the continued holding of Board has not the organixation every lw of morality defied enthusiasm of health. In fact to undertake the duty. them would result in their do decency of civil life, be every From, Anyoi: only through co-operation lerioratlon. They further give destroyed the sacred relies of Provincial and Muni Tuesdays .ajn. the Board the power to pres cipal tween authorities the and the Food past ages prostituted science Thursdays pjw.l Thousands of soldiers cribe the amount of food that to, become .the. tool of torture ! hoarding may be sold, consumed or used Control Board can food proclaimed terrorism to be, the in Europe have cause Rltsrl and waste be discovered and For Port Simpson and Naas at any one meal or at any one new code of nations. Every utterance dealt with. points: lime. adequately of to thank Wrteley:s for of Kaiser, your your The Food Controller has is Sundays 16 run. food boarding of In the case has been sued for the guidance of Canadian staff, of your press Keep your by individuals or by companies false slanderous treacherous (is tonic effect. which, in the opinion of the housewives, a rationing From Port Simpson and Naas flflfcfer braxen lies to conceal their own Board, is likely to lead to food list, showing the quantities of River Points: supplied disasters, to accuse their enetn waste, the Board itself will or. the different kinds of food Tuesdays a.m. der the commodities sold out which will be the most suitable ies of fictitious crimes. And right, and if the order be not to use, in the interests of the your people, to a man. woman Queen CharlotU Islands: Tne or child, with one voice applaud obeyed will seixe the food and country, at this time. Judging these treacheries, mendacities For Mastttt, Port Clements and I dispose of it, returning the pro. from the quantities which the Upuor Islaied points: Flavour and Infamies." ceeds to the owner, less the Board prescribes for the aver, These are not the words of February 27th 2 pun.I cost of the sale. Further, the age family of Ave persons, there March ISth aad 17th 2 p.m. Board is autborixed to define is little danger of Canadians firebrand or an inconsequential scribbler. Mr. Harrison Is From M assert, Port Clemofits and Lasts the amount of any kind of food going hungry. It is safe to Upper Island points: his own word, "an independent that may be purchased or held state that the majority of the soetal March 1st, (th and tlh (hour I student of a society, by any one person or company, people of Canada are not using detached from uHoertatn) MADE IN worker, wholly or may seiie all amounts purchased the minimum quantities right For Skidcgale, Queen Charlotte I politics, party, or govern army, or held in excess of the now prescribed by the Food ment" and "in extreme old City ami Urf TtVand poiBts: amounts as prescribed. (Penal, Board. K age. Ills position is recogni March ith and 18th S p m ties of fine or imprisonment, From SmMesate, 0so CiMrlotI xed, and his opinion is one that or both, are fixed by the regula. AFTER THE WAR. carries weight. City and Losrar Island potats: some tions. To those people who are under March Mil anni SsNIi As long as this generation pj the impression that after Cabinet approval of these re. gulations no doubt was forced the war is over and the terms lives, the name of Germany, or Mapfe! For Stewart. lmtL of anything German will at ewpaoH by the inquiry of the Winnipeg of peace are settled, when the Ksvy ami Swamp point: once be associated with the civic authorities regarding the now fighting nations turn their Hlk February ! Lasitanit. the horrors of Bel pjn. wastage of 8,500 pounds of chi. spears into pruning hooks, attending gium, and of Servta, and the full March lttb and 31st . . . . ie njn. cken which had become unfit once again to the business story of the war is not yet half for human consumption, by the of getting a living, Germany told. From Stewart, Port StmpseHu Winnipeg branch of The William will again be accepted in-to Maile liny and Swamp point: Davies Company .Limited, the family of nations, and Advertise in the DaHy News. Maren un a no iwin pjm. and the disclosure following the all horrible deeds will be overlooked, ft tea A LAXD WThl.r tISTklt T ui , aa t revelations of Mr. O'Connor, wiped out with the sign, giUS IHtMttiTlE ItLAtM the Cost of High Living Com. ing of the peace treaty, the LAND REGISTRY ACT Alaska and Yukon TwrHory: TAIE OTtCE tbal pull I 1 SGtbrr'.ai.l missioner. must have convinced open letter which Frederic (Seetlwia Jt aad ill.) From Maren 3nd ajst. ut Prmn Rfrt. B C. rt.fi mUfwat i i Sly tar nae sa for eaoi tad m Btwaprri the cabinet that the recom Harrison, the well known Bri Re Application Mu4. tsSt-L. . !! raetuwme deoerabed mendations of the Food Con tish writer, has addressed to TAKE SOT1CE Uut application baa be COAL NOTICES Wt CMM at nier la w V. trol Board were none too drastic. his former friend, the German made ta rrrteler frank w. Hart, or Prloce r at s 9"t sfand um There always will be a cer Professor Brentano. may give Rupert. I. C. u owner loSfe under fear SIEEXA LAXD DISTRICT DISTRICT Of I latta eaoatty mn a an! tanM aa Tat Sale Deeda frvea lb Collector of tbe OtU-t CHARLOTTE ISLANDS of lb etH (Me of ftm rs at a tain amount of food waste and cause for another thought upon city of prince Rcpert, tctKsr data l atwol I mite tarSaart aeonw all the regulations ever drafted this subject. Mr. Harrison fJta da of November. 1117. and ooe Tat TAIE .10TICE tbal t, Jame P. Reld. of Hmm rraea Bwek rwSMi Skfttr Sa 1. . Ifw CM cannot prevent it, but wastage rites in part: "I tell you that Sale Deed dated trod day of September. Print Rupert B. C ProDlor. Intend to tcaUU; Ibex al Sw oaaia ai .' ' la on such a scale as was discovered for years to come, the German ISIS, of ALL A.1D SI.10CLAR tbal certain apply far a tteeac t prwpect fr eoall' rtw,M M i aSM -ib - parte! or tract or laad tod premiaet alluat. T rTMnarriiat ;Met aad petroleum over ta fullowjir deacrlbed in and has been will shame to Winnipeg spell name every (jiar tod twiac la tbe air of Print Ra landa oa tb Weal Coaal or Moretby It land. DA.MEL L. MtimiOJiSm. reported upon by Mr. O'Connor true man and woman of British part, more par Ocularly known tad do GucametKtna' at poal planted about of By Cnarte E Bf ra. arewi- "- - from time to time can be prevented blood. . . . Henceforth in acrlbed at Lota seven (7) tad fifteen (II) mil aoulbraalerty (ma a poet loraled Lucated X31r IStb, 111. tle V Stock twelft tit). Lot twelv ID. Block om tb abor ( s amatt Bay opeaiar oi by prompt, firm atcion Europe, a German will be ta. forty elfbt !. tad Lou thirty-tare caao Pan belweea Mortby aad Cfcaatl kEft-HA LA.1D DtSTMCT MSTMCT OT Ut I AM on, the part of the authorities. boo qutside the pale of civil, dli aad thirty-four (ID. Block arty on Ulaada, about S milet northerly aloof tb QVfJBH OiAMOrri IBLAftO The enforcement of the regulations, ised man. (St), all la Section Eii-nt (It. Map SIJ. Mwriby lalaad aid or Cano rata from TAIE MTICt Ikat jsiMaSi Kaust, ml t tat v ti- 2 prosecutions and "This war will not end as all Ti are required to corneal tat claim of Bark iolnl. tarac south SS caalai: these I "rtoe Raoett. B. C eSstk. SMiadt k a I rift- r Sli Jm Ui purcbater within IS dart from lb weal IS ehaloa: ibrnra ixwih a rK.lna- 1 1 '7 lor Bl IMl, u m . date of tbt servlc of this oolite (bili tbenc eaal IS chains to tb point of com ltreieai over la rooawinr fj r,l ar4 . may L effected by publication la tbe mencement. laadt oa lb Wet batt W Martieiy lalaad: M-rttod la rrlnce Rupert Dally Newt), tad your at JAMES t. REID. AppUcaaL Uezuneacaac at t peat ptaaWd it at Vreb lilax teatlon U called to section It of Uvt Located November tth. I SIT. ajfl eaateely fraea t rl laoabrd on tM ploat ai- i i S. S. PRINCE RUPERT 'Land Re(Ulry Act" with amendment!, tad ibor Of la eaal ad f Caao MSS al Bua( (..'! t to ta foUowlnc extract tbertfrcm: polat about nttlra a at Until ttmt Sa ttmr ut " i SKEE.1A LA.1D DISTRICT DISTRICT Or aad in default of t taveal or certificate abor frvca Bsck Point; tbe nee sa Sw Rallr u . n. 3li QIXE.1 CHARLOTTE ISLANDS sailing of Ut pendens belni nied befcirt It resit tbatats Ibrac eaal SS elitsai; tMau I'UBI . !! i f I' (ratio aa owner of tbe per too entitled H ebalM; tnew weal te caatnt k ran I'-' Wednesday 9.00 sun.for Swanson Bay and nnder tucb las talc, all pertona a tened TAKE MOTICE tbal I. Joaeph Set too, of of ceeniaa nee meat. a ' ; n-Kill Vancouver. ilb notice, . . . tad tboa daimint Prtae Rupert, B. C, rroapeetor. Intend GERTRUOE KMOTT, ' tbrvufh or soder tbetn, anf atli person to apply fee a liecna to pro,pee i ror ul By liana K. Gnrjatenooa. area. B) 'latolns any lnrreal la la land Ay Irtn and pctroleBm over tb followlnr deacrlbed Located .tovemUr lh. IStT. t.urale.1 S.S. PRINCE GEORGE ft any unreruwred Itutromet aad' all land on lb Weal Coaii of Hornby lalaad. peton claiminr any latere! U. Cei&menclsc at t poal planted a boat of SKEE.1A LAAD DISTRICT DMTRtCT Of Wednesday Midnight to Any ox. SAKE A I l.Mli II- oy oeacenl wbot tltl It not ltutera mil soutbeaaurly from t poal located QVtm CIIARLOTTE ItUtM 5Zi Thursday Midnight for Swanson Bay. Ocean Falls, Vancouver, under tb provuion of tblt Ad, ball be oa the abor of a a mall Bay opening oat TAKE KOTtCX tbal Aletaader L. S40r Vl . S '' TAKE Tl. t a ' Victoria and Seattle. ror rer ettopped and debarred iruu uf canoe Paaa between Morteby tad Cbaatl land, of rnaj) Rkpett, B. C, atfae. la-lend a as . t rim K. .rl. Mttinr up toy claim to or la retpec v( lalanda, about S mllei .torlnerly tluor lb I I anrfv for a tlnim aa win m ta. .-rtB S. 8. PRINCE JOHN and PRINCE ALBERT. uw una ao oia ror uiea, ana in neat More at y lalaad aid of Cano Paaa fromleut and Minion ,h ,-at 124 trar aball rvtiiter lb perton enUUed a Buck Polnl; theac tonth 10 cbalnj: theae L,ni i I aad prtroio Alternating Weekly to Queen CharlotU Islands. " . . eaat IS cbaiaa: I i.i.T 77-ZZ' '. JTTZL 'bm c der torb Ut aale at onrr of tb toad tbeac north 10 rhaina: ( TRAIN SERVICE M told for la tea." tbenc weal SS Ctaina to tb point of com ,bo , , 'STL ZZZ ':ml... 3 IP AD WHtRCAS applicauvS baa teen Biencemen'. lb ahur of tb eaal aad of Oaa Paaa : , ruMtitf BUKai, Mr4a4y tad Saiertar tt tltl i. m. fr Smliber. JOSEPH lW mad for t Certiorate of ladefaulbl Till SEXTOM. AtvUcanL al s polal about I mMea nmtbttr aJaac : n Prince Georr Edmonton sad Wlnnijr. makiar Street cuectWna tor all Located to lb tbove-mentioned landa. In ta nam .lovember Ith. HIT. a M uw iuot i mm ihi roian WW aana potau tail tod aouin. tt.;r Umt1 or frank w. Hart. 10 t balsa: tbtii tail so - -.-. AD VMILRCAS on lnT(U(aUnf tb IIEOA LA.1D DISTRICT DISTRICT OrloUl IS caalna: ILenea wai aa ao i I'.mui lb,lu- o till it appetr tut prior to lb it tb au ran iaet day QUEEX CIIARLOTTE ISLANDS point of onoimearOMwi. All Ocean Lines. Agency Staarnshlp i real to i naiaa at Oetehtr. I0IS (lb dale on which tb ALEXAADtN L. VIHERUt.lR. For information and reservations apply to aald land wer told for OTerdu ttiet). TAKE NOTICE tbal L Cbarle E. Burreaa By cbarlea E. Bsrreaa. arret. Hy City Ticket Office, 528 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 era you at wer t la tb led recutertd below. tnd tiaeaaed own oi i-nnc Hoperi. . c, miner, latend lo Located ?lovAbr Utb HIT Lueotrd Jlui.ak" I aop'jr rr ucna to proapect for coal tad FL'nTlltR TAKE JtOTICK thai tl tb petroleum IKEE.1A LASD DISTRICT DtSTMCT Of tb over follow lor dr imbed I tarn tiro abatt affect rertatratloa In OLIO CHARLOTTE IBLAJUM WA I I ' 1.' itodi lb on Weal Coaal of Moreaby lalaad. purtuanc or tucb applleatloa tnd tttu RU ,MI ,lMrl- i aM Commeneinr at t poll pUaied about or L Ortlllctl of IndefeaaUd Tltl to tb tald mil C Mra. loleoda aoaibeaiierly from t poal located landa la tb nam or rrtnk W. Hart unlet oa lb bor of inuU Bar ooenlne out t licena to proapeet for Ml aad TAKE "ll'l " yuu take and proaecut tb proper pro-cecdlntt ver h foHawloi deacrlbed Unto of Cano Pata belaeen Moretby and Cbaatl aa kao I uaaber iri 1 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY to eatabllab your cUlm. If any. lalanda. about S mllea mwthriv .m.. Weil Coail of Moreaby lalaad la tOS T'.rabir- K lo tb tald landa, or to prevent tucb pro- Moreaby It land aid of Cano Paaa from i" " paM t mMs itiHsUr aply rt a II" ,. poaed action oa my part. Buck rolnli tbenc north SO rhalna, ik.. I fronj VM lb aase Of b lUblr ' Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points Dated at lb Land Retiatry pfflce. Prince eat I is cbatnii tbrnr aouib is cbaiaa MM " ' CBU tbaal S an oitii i 'M 1 " m via Steamer Vancouver nupert, P. C talt I lib day or rebruary. tbenc wen to cbaina to Dolni r ?" "Wlberly alor tb aatsw faam Bk and Uri u- ni v .; at-'KSll'1 to and the a. ii. int. mencemenL rmmu loor nrib II efealMj ard. ' ''ii',i.," Canadian Pacific II. F. MACLEOD, " '" lt" CHARLES Railway E. BtROESS. Acollr.nl. eurarr 'i . . fraS Dlitrlct Reaiitrar I of Tltlet. Ux-ated November Itb. isit 1"" m point f a.ii i Meals and Berth included on Steamer TO r. W. aaKjo. Print Rupert, B. C BKTTT k.lOTT, The al - pt.Mll aaaeiaea owner or Lola 1 and ti Block Mr.-em IKEC1A LAND DIITRICT-DISTWCT Lea N.vrLJeiSo; JV"' mile II; cnarlea I'lanlU. Edmonton, AlU. rer OP led aii-i OLCi.l cnaninTta- ui- iiterea ana tiaeaaed owner of Lot it. tw,i ajm i i". FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE 1 '.I 1 1 ' ilrai"' Block 41. and told ror ttaet on Utb day aa ' WSTRlCT-filiWCT of September. Mil; V. TAkE !nT.rr. , "D. Of Tin, " Hi" i sa. SOPHIA MtlU from ft lot Auperl M,arcb tnd, lltb. April tnd, nth. ftrd Powell It, Vancouver, V. Ilraute, tl? nfl ,f Ir4fw..-- t,....s a.sasa- bv. L.oriuffi." i I ill rr v' -..w..,.rium a-awt. tmmvm a mmm l ll. I I) ! " C ttaeaaed " BrwfBa SV, u,. DKlinailrit B a f a . . May Ird. 141b. tltb tod Juo lib. owner or utt T tnd II. Block It intend to at.olr foe a iiu .'. ;. " ! . tbal TbMntl oi tlx. i : ai ' - ""Jj sa. ROYAL Milt from Print Rupert t n. March nth. tlrd, April ta. for coal ui itrouum over bT oite.; ""Tr KMP ' mii i . iV ,,; tlth tnd tltb. deacrlbed landa on lb W..T rT.T 5 Vt'"r lk,flM M P-fi al tad III. '1 ' II . ci f ha r&lluau.l.t.. liuiri, s ' dentistryI i nana, ' at ituk- wwreauy sa. mav iiu from Print Rupert Mtrcb utb tnd Slih. - .." 7 ,,. I.-ni. 1 ..r CM f Han led about of I mil touihetiuriJ ArZ?. Hamby (Jad 'l.i Tt ebov aelllnrt are subject to ctnpf or cancellation without miih, frvm s p..! locsted on tb abo. I Pttod steal tot i l..I ih tai l 41 1 I. V ft CROWN UNO BftlOwS wruu mall Day opening out of Cano Paaa ha in.' i ii . ll a srcotat.Tr I era Morealiv and nhaatl lal.na .k... . I rut it I' .eJKt mites northerly tlonr tb Moreaby I aw'.1 bout 1 n noeUwrtr III. It .! . i. i aland .W. O. ORCHARD, General, Agent. OR. J. C. CROWN aid of Cano l-aai from Buck Point; then I ...1 'T Jtor ,rWB " i IW4DI, wear Illl. I. I a 1 CtWTIST norm SO cbaina: tbenc weal 10 li..KT:'" 4H,'! Ib wo I t rbiiaa M- .1,1 ' tbt Co ner Fourth Sttt rl Third Avnu. Prlnca Rupert, B.C. aafe ir ' Mil' iseur v i. i esii Smlu toruc aevio ao cbaina, tbenc. a.u . i '! i Biit, r!e At P4, V fbtlAt, to point of cocoiucnremenL I""! f atmiiiiaoiiirnt i hi ISM (PIIHTI IIAK! S. ClIRISTE.ISE.'v. ADDllrar.i THOMAS I fcTKrlSat, Xtftl . .. . It v . Located JHovember lib, IB IT. ! vnnaienaeo, areoi. Located November itth, HIT.