TKF. DAD.t HRWa HOW 10 GET RIO L Lotul New tolcs OF RHEUMATISm Trimmed and untrimined Pan aina hats. Wallace's. tf CAHAITA Knights of Pythias will hold-; "Fruit-Mires" Point the Way Social Dance on April 8. Invlta War Tax to Quick Relief lions only. tap! The Income Act Vboha, Osr. Your piano tuned right. Harry for the of income "I suffered for a number of years Evans does it. Leave orders with Forms giving particulars year 1917, in with tny Alexins Side and turn Buk,and xcvtrt caused rains by Mr. Teeliel, Second Avenue. must be filled in and filed on or before the 31st March, 1918 strains and heavy lifting. Plain and fancy stripe crepons When I had giTen up hope of eer for summer dresses. When ehoo Section 4 of the Act provides that alt persons resident.or'ordinarily resident In Canada, shall pay n tax upon being well again, a friend recom Ing the best, gel it at Wallace's. Income exceeding $1500 In the case of those single and widows and widowers withou : dependent children, and upon mended 'Fruit-a-tire to me and income exceeding $3000 in the case of all other persons. It also provides that all Corporations and Joint Stock after using the first bos I felt so Individual dress lengths in new. Companies, no matter how created, shall pay the normal tax upon income exceeding $3000. much better that I continued to est shades, llroad cloth, serges, The Forms provided by the Department of Finance to be filled in with particulars of the 117 income of all those tale them ; and now I am enjoying fancy stripe and plain lustres. whose Incomes are liable under the Act, and by Trustees, Corporations and Joint Stock Companisa, with inform, the best of health, thanks to your Wallace's. tf tion required of them, may be obtained from the District Inspectors of Taxation and from the Postmaster, at wonderful fruit medietac". all leading centres. V. M. LAMPSO.V. The Prince Rupert will sail for "Frulta tltes" are sold by U Vancouver and the south at nine dealers at COc. a bos, 0 for 12-0, o'clock on Wednesday morning, Forms to obtain and Special Features to observe trial site 25c. or sent postpaid by Frult-a-tiTe Limited, Ottawa. arriving in Vancovuer at 5 pjn 66 Individuals Oct Form T 1 to give particulars of their own incomes. In stating Dividends received, give the on Thursday afternoon. amount from each Company, listing Canadian and foreign Companies separately. Fill In pages 1, 2 and 3 only. The reoort from the Market Do not mark on page 4. G. M. Arnold Clerk for the month of February The following sample answers, (printed in Italics) to questions aiked on pages 1 and 3 of Form T 1, win help you was received at the Council meet to fill in correctly your copies of the Form. NOTARY PUBLIC ing last evening. It showed that PAGE 1. DESCRIPTION OF INCOME. EXEMPTIONS AND DpUCTWWt PAOC j the total turnover for the month GROSS INCOME DERIVED FROM was f 1.552.00. 1. Salaries and wsjes Hon AMOUNT CXAIMED FOR 1. Professions and vocation! Hon. . . 14. Depreciation. . .On Star BrUdht (MfsW), (aVitt) . We Sell Real Estate. The Board of Works Committee J. Commissions toll f Hoot sat tteoo On Mfmpmanl, utfd jm taaiii. write Fire and Marine reported to the Council last even, 4. Business,trade,commerce or saifs or deaiatts la property, JPllvW XaaaVaS r jVaaabaMaBast TasWII, , 1 1 the old whether real or personal. . yjoo 15. Dad debts, actually charged off withat trie year. 40 Insurance. ing against disposing qf other branches) J. Farming (Horticulture, dairyinc or 1C AQowanc for exhaustion of mints mk3 Sim We have .Apartments, Stores. wooden pipe that had been taken A'nse 17. Contributions actuaSy paid te the Patriotic and Houses, and Offices for from Hay's cove. It may be re 6. Rents 7. Dividends (A). Canadian Cfprtient Canadian Red Crow Funds arafl ifcar jyml War rtenL and Want More. quired somewhere soon. Standard TrnnJprrlltim Cmfiny rands rmirtmu ams mu mm Oao jj0 We Deal in Mortgage Loans. Lid S 18. Interest pJ on monies harrowed and anas' ta the The new Ilylaw for the regula Zainbew Jlining Company Lid.,. tjo buBsneae Itartfta an Soma Profit, Si v We Sell Timber Limits. tion of Bicycles and other vehie. CD) Ftnirn Corporafivni 19. Federal. ProrlneUl and Maokips) Uxs en fvaperty We do Conveyancing. les was finally adopted, by the Arts- Trading Company iS used In the busmesa Albany 7W Ctiy. In Grnrrat Xluniitpai Ta la Council last evening, and tbe corporate bank and Interest a. on notes, morttaces, deposits 30. Interest from Damlasao of Canada aVi im4 seal affixed. This means securities other than reported in item 7 - from Income Tax a, H. C. HELGERSON, LTD. Intrust en JJortHtt eteaspt itn that anyone caught riding bicycles Bank Inltrtit tt 2U Other cUims for deaVctionstwttSf sisfl i UhsaVta.) - on the sidewalks, or being with, tioo Par Vain Bondt af Joiut Faint Co. Lid. .. . 7 Bmrintu Optrntttf Rxftnmi 4os out a light after one hour after 1000 Municipal Dtbentnrtt. Tew iiiitaU. ... S3 JUpaiti (javia( pttimn 15 sunset, is liable to appear in the B. Fiduciaries, (Incomer recrired from guardians, trus 31. Total Esemptkms and Prductioas J ., tees, executors, ncministrators. agents, reoarers or Police Court lo answer for such persons acting in a fiduciary opacity 3X Amount paid under Dusinets !aSas War Ta Act, Ivu. "Hie Daily News" delinquency. Incrm (nci capital) frtm jloU Anirrm D4 which accrued in the 1917 1 SBSfiiiitiag pal w P-piSt Trutl Company. Extent) JJ raaVaf Ptttmitr J, Iffl aMajfc CLASSIFIED ADS. A .resolution was brought in to 10. Royalties from mines, oil and cs wcUs, patents, I hereby certify that the foretsaag j Srw rnmaiis a trae and tbe Council meeting last evening franchises and other legalurd privSeges Stt eompteta statement of aat fneome f rceirtd by m dwitsig th year 11. Interest from Donunioo of Canada Hands, Issued for which the return t made. re the appointing of a Court of exempt from Income Tax fioo Jjo Revision tor this year's assess 12. Other sources not enumerated abort DaU tftk idank. tptt. WANTED. ment roll. The Court will con-sist W Initrta in Sfcnr Hardwatt Company Partntr. of his worship the mayor, to. ' TfO S2(natur,.....eaa Brm-. WA-tTED Kessenser boy. Apply GoTern-U 13. Total Income tl94t ant Ttlerrsphs. gelher with Alderman Dybbavn. Rochester. Kirkpatrick, and Smith. WASTED. Younc womtn for kJtcten They will sit on Friday the 26th Carporatlam and Jalnt Stack Companies. Use Form T3 hollars t(aiding in Canada during 1917 stating to whan paid, work. Apply Matron Prince Rupert giring particulars of income. Also attach a financial statement. and the amounts. Oenersl HofplUL tt of April to hear complaints arain- Under Deductions, show in detail amounts paid to Patriotic Ftr.altWt-Default In Mng retaras renders the -1 st the assessment. Fund and Canadian Red Cross or other War Funds. approved liable on summary can rktkw to a penalty of one jaaaian I t it FOR SALE. each day during wfcarn tSe default eontsaues. Ajr per Trustees, Cxecutars, Administrated af Estates and Assignees Mr. Gus Hanson, who has been false statement In any rettara or In ana liJasiiiilSSii taquu..! t , 1-4 use Form T3. Full parUculus of the distribution ot Income from all LALKCH FOR SALE Bid! In wrlttsr Minister of Finance shall be Isahte n esuisHi art in charge- of the Quarantine handled summary rn estates must be shown as wrtl as details of amounts die tattled for ibe launch ftosebell alty not exceeding ten thousand daaUrt to six sawwhs II. sull-ihe or taapf ixm launch "Evelyn" at Digby Iiland. tributed. A separate Form must be filled in for each estate. tor salmon Ashlar, Atlas enrine. tnent. or to both fine and imprsssnsaent. Cut tt mate tela paxscarer beat lain accompanied by Mrs. Hansen. i Employers must used Form T4 to give names and amounts of In the cue at Tacxa Tl aa Tt. keep am mart at the "--1 Form and file the other two with the laatwctar at Taaa' lodua oBSct, prtac RnperL leaving for Victoria tomorrow salaries, bonuses, crmmisstans and other remunerauon paid to all C F. MORRJSO.1 and C C PERRY. your District. In the case of TJ. T4 asal TS, keep one o- . u-i morn big. whither his boat has employees during 1917 where such remuneration amounted in the Eirrotors or tbe estate of tbe 1st r. fJe the other two, with the Commiaaioner of Taxation, Drpt of Parker, deceased. been transferred. He will be at. aggregate to (1000 or over. Finance,Ottawa. (ached to the Quarantine station CwrporatWn Lkts of Shareholders On Form TS corporations Forms may be obtained from the District Inspectors of Taxatioa LOT FOR SALE Bids in wrltlnr are ta-Tiled at William Head, near Victoria. shall give a statement of all bonuses, and dividends paid to Share and from the Postmasters at all leading centres. Tor lot I. Block f4. Section 7. Ambrose Street, near Drydock. Lot He has great hopes, however, that est to Mr. Blytbe's Store, eta Are. whenever the reopening of the PsUi(t must la paid an all hUert Department of Finance side, no encumbrances. Address Indian station here is justified, which and daenmmtt ftrmeiitd by mait once. Canada may be in the near future, that ta lmpcter Taxation. Ottawa, C F. MORRISOX and C. C PERRY. Etecutors of tbe estate of tbe late f. he will be transferred back again Parker, deceased. to the Bkeena. - Every kind of rubber boot. Best A. Q. McCandlass, Molsons Bank .Building, Vancouver, B. 0. Inspector of Taxation for Prorlnceof British CoIumbU quality only. Wallace's. tf .t. PRIVATE DETECTIVE AQENCY Territory, 20 Uopollta BUI a, Vaacetitsr. Permission was asked at the Day Phone, Seymour Hit. "4)uncil meeting last evenins I AT THE WE8TH0LME I NOTES FROM THE JUctt Pbone, Fairmont Itll. Alderman McRae to bring in three COUNCIL CHAMBER bylaws for the borrowing of "the Tonight's sliow at the West- n Hm4 Vkterta,Olllca, B.12 C,Hlbbaa-Baa Phase MIL Bis 8. sum of f 30.000. The City Clerk holme Theatre Is one of the test) Continued From Pane One Royal Standard Mem explained that while this money ever. There U a treat play of tbe j was not immediately required, it civil war, and it is a story of U10 J volrl. the tiicyele bylaw was final-chivalrous was necessary that the Council south. The stars are passed, bylaws to consider the The Ideal Bread-maker. have the power to borrow, but before l'eggy llyland, and Antonio More. I borrowing of 30,000 were eon-no.and IN kiiMK Klouro quality Is relative the at-or this could be done, it was required this combination sure! "Wered for the first time, when worse. In "loyal Standard" quality - 1 - S3 Prince Rupert Feed Co. that the promissary note maakes some success of it. The M cwine to tenders. These had ejaet measure, regardless of verylM"" for the bank carry the signatures story of the play itself is one that h?n called for the printing of the "JIOYAL STANDARD" gives lint hnti--- PHONE 58 of the Mayor, the City Treasurer, will take with everyone who sees CoH-olors rolls. Homebody evld- wife uiillmiled eonikloHeo at uae from n the City Clerk, and all of the Fin. it. Then there is a specially fun- enlv nad had the temerity to ask ing. It has prov oh itself aUtotalair 4v ' an Fon ance Committee. These Bylaws ny comedy. It is one which will Vancouver to figure on thin work, cirruiiistaReos. received their first consideration bring the bouse down, and as a for there were two lenders from "IIOYAL 8TANDAIID" Is mtlled !lay In last evening and will come up a cure for the grouch, which the 1,int place. Meltao Ilros. Ltd. lime In whteh we lrv tbat means it Is a i-vatlun" BULBS gain for reconsideration a -week snowy weather and slushy streets wuld supply these big books for Flour. Ttie golden-rip wIhssU thai hence. invariably brings, it cannot be ,60; C A- Hnedde Ud. of Van. making is latssl with exacting cam and gi Tulips, Hyaoinths, Daffodlls-Easter (beat. In addition, the special eotiver figured at $57.50, which feet milling aondltlons. Novelty silk voiles and single 'I'athe War Uazette will be re. tne "Press charges would Lilies, Narcissus. dress lengths. Wallace's. probably be the ROYAL STANDARD RYE FLOUR. tf( pealed this evening by request, over I'rlnce Hu-..;and Toll tlt IiousMiWife who wiabM to pracl nfrl fluure, while the Vancouver it is a good ouo. It shows . servation In her bread maklagtlM a44itin SUII Orim Prsnptl) Allaae le. !how the German prisoners are "'"aery quoted the price of III. FOR YOUR NEW 8UIT8 "Iluyal Standard flye Flour" will prod", : taken care of. together with aomn U was decided that the Finance See H union,II.I ... ,1... 1 fVl III II I i I I M linn... I, ulll, wholesome loaf and rorifapondlogly rdu .I'itnum .icva ui iiio arcai urim .a,,. inu.tcr. P. O. B41 US. S3S Talrd Are. Steve King tish Navy. Nor is the fourth arm I A"r Alderman Casey said a few other Flour used. 111. , ... word about the Ask for noyal Standard" today uiimieu, iur mere are some re monthly Depart Prompt Cleaning A Pressing markable good views of aerop menial reports, which the council Phone Green 418. lanes battling in the aerie blue. was not gelling although he wanted there are also many other ofllciaj them a Mhllf, ago. and lhc E. H. SHOCKLEY war views, which are well worth reading morn for ladies was ventilated, STEEN & LONCWILL seeing. or at least the question A HOT BATH THE (Successor to ;, L. Illcxey). was, there wa nothing else to CONTRACTOR A BUILDER SALE OF LAUNCH.GOVERNMENT do but go home. MINUTE YOU WANT II SANITARY AND HEATIMO , .A ''it Tenders will be received at the Advertise You sr1 isl"'"'0 In the Store and Office Fixtures, ENGINEERS Dally News. olllce of the District linglneer. gslting Sash, Door, and Mouldings, I In k ,.f tbe Prince sUntly Ilupert, to and including up B'a Oak and Hardwoods of all Agents for i..ti hi March 31st, 1018, for the purchase iafaetioii kinds. I McCLARY FURNACES of the government Launch fheas. . 156 "hen Water III tl'1 .,.,1. " Ws Specialize In Hard, "Wakesla" complete, with atHindaii' .r.l engine uw wood Boat RltM, Sash, PLUMBINO and other equipment as it now JOS. P. flLION bow linn I, II I- t ell Doors, etc. and stands. Launch can bo seen at FOR INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR for WTMU""" Plata and Shoet Glass and SHEET METAL WORKS Swonson'n Host House, Government DECORATIONS HOT Qlaxlng. Phone S, 834 Second Avenue, Wharf. Prince Ilupert, Hanso" Corner Fraser and 6th Sta. Night phones 576 The successful tender must he Harry iPf and lllue 270 prepared to pay cash down and Acorn Sign Co. Hot Wal fi U'll'''61 PHONE OREEN 280 Ths right work, at tha right lake Immediate possession. you till" P. O. BOX 168 time, and at the right prle. Prov. Govt, Pub. Wks. Dept. FOR 5IQN8 I Baf ff PHONE 489 P- 0 B0XJ a w wwaw ewaoawaai,aai Prince Ilupert .w.w....,,twww, sswaa.n,