The Daily News MAR 2 & lm iL V- ,N0. C8, I'RINCK RUPERT, OXL,' rllUtlRDAY. MAIICH 21, 1918. PRICE FIVE OEN? i ROGRAD AWAITS OCCUPATION BY V7 O IS OSCOW, THE ANCIENT CAPITAL, THREATENED - BRITISH FLIERS SET RECORD RIAL ACTIVITY ON WEST WHERE BIG INCOMES IwiLL TAKE THREE PETROGRAD AND MOSCOW PAY THE BIG TAXESi MONTHS TO SALYE FRONT BREAKS ALL RECORDS. lrial to TtM Dally Xtrnn "ADMIRAL EVANS" AWAITING OCCUPATION BY BRITISH ARE TIRELESS 3.000,000.000 New York, March which 21.the Federal Of the Victoria, March 20. That the THE TEUTON INVADERS Government expect to derive this . Salvor had made a good start' year from internal revenue sour n the saving of the s. Admiral! HUNDRED AND SEVEN GERMAN AEROPLANES BROUGHT ce, John D. Rockefeller will con ONLY A MATTER OF HOURS UNTIL GERMANS ENTER PETROGRAD IE Kvans, which was stranded on the : THIS MONTH ALREADY BY DAYLIGHT FIGHTING tribute about $38,100,000. Henry NO RESISTANCE EXPECTED ENVELOPING MOVEMENT DOWN . ... . . . niaai rtr .iiflata av pa i tnri a errs ALLIED HA1U3 tun i inuc suubusrub onu i. rncit win pay me next largest - AGAINST MOSCOW CAUSES SEAT OF GOVERNMENT BIG GUNS ROAR ALWAYS. income Ux. $11,600,000. The 29afd u,al lhe work ls expected to MOVE TO SARATOFF. wealthiest persons, after Mr. completed in ninety days, was lloekefeller. will pay a total In-j? intelligence received by wire Special lo Tb Dally Jfw) come lax of $86,100,000. W Mr- UT I,u,,n' managing- London, March 21 The occupation -I! HORSEMEAT WILL BE DEPiliT SPEAKER MAY -pi.- a .I., i 'director of the H.G. Salvage- Com- of Petrograd by the Germans a uo uuciaiiuii ui s.uc hiluiiiii i m m MtvttMMsvtAiil. . Kiahv f i!v Ast f fx r4 Ail ix'nr lr nn ' VV S n front it prov. DL IIK UrrUOUlUH wi. . wen as tiie excess. of the" . SOLD NOW IN OMAHA a off hu"-accord-. : Ho far. ..-Jfrtday on a survey damage; ing to the received it axing. to many, especially to the men done to the vessel and it is ex-! from Petrograd by the morning riu i ifcf ,emi.i will! !Special to Tlie 1)411; 5rw ; M iilj peeled that a definite report of the whose incomes were increased by papers here. The Russian, capl- i j 'l u d seven Ottawa, March 19. Dr. J, L, war activities last year. One of be available next week. j Toronto, March 21-A United u, g mM to be aumlnf a walu include some Chabot, M.P.. of Ottawa, has definitely the most notable examples was The stern of the Admiral Evans Slates Government market report ,ng allllude and l8 nol displaying ..n ui .. refused the offer of the discovered today, a case in which is In eleven fathoms of water, states that plans have been an- lhe 8jgnle9t gign of organized re-no(hlng " ipuly Speakership of the House but a few feet of her bow nounced for the opening of retail j sUlance last who made $100,000 Liter f ' se one hundred of,L Commons. a man and a portion of her smoke stack shops for the sale of horse meat The varioug rcporU received year bad to turn over to the Government 1 dured to kindling IS", The office goes to a French-Canadian, in taxes $63,000. In ..bowing above the water. She la in Omaha and some other cities, ffwm Uuggia aIgo jndcate that the i,;. earthward Sixty-five he.of and as Dr. Chabot Is ternal Itevenue Collector Edwards lying a few hundred yards from In that section by a recently or-;greategl anxiety is prevailing J the only supporter of the Govern-' ,.,,. lh. -iimai .i... 5oo. the P. O. B. Harris Cannery, ganised company with huar- lnire over what appears to be an and although she is a bad wreck, ters now at Grand Island. .Neb. The ,nenl ot Uial nallona,,tJr qualified noo.OOO will be collected from the emHopjng movenjenl vhich the f night Hying ui mi . she is not regarded as a total loss promoters of this enterprise have Auglro.German forces are carry-by '".wall street district alone. 14 rloping is un-re unbroken led that only him. A member of the upposi any means. young out mUmI Moscow. There is much mu-. tion may be named. Fifty four members of the crew stocn win be used. , considerable talk of movir tho Kg place in the LEGISLATION COVERS of the wrecked steamer reached) government to Saratoff, which is Mail :c Tt Ilritish botnb-. ?talllc .coming from the north on KICTU Uome four hundred and fifty miles sitively tireless. DUTCH SHIPS DRAFIEES AS WELL the Princes, Sophia. Captain t"i" oin. . i easv oj jioscu.( . British FrooL ilasco:k, who was in command LULLCtl rlOn W A01C Fleet Captured. 1 Itaids were ViMm IIC. Mnrrh 91. It of the vessel. Chief Engineer Cod- I The crews of the Russian Bal- ?, iemy of lat night ARE TAKEN BY announced today that the govern- d""- h ccond ortlcer and the A new company has been farm- tic flset which was lying at Un h Facquis. ' tnent nroooses to introduce legis- boatswain are standing uy me' . , lake care of the wasle and gjngfors are reported l o nave essfully repul- lalion at this session, extending wreck. iofIal frrm lhe various fish plants melted away, and the vessels are $ e troops. With THE ALLIES the provisions of all war relief) .i Ti,n-ri .nil Ihn Rkna.lnnw in thft nossesaion of the Oer- artillery legislation HOCKEY CHAMPIONSHIP The company is the Fish Oil anduianTBey are now In control liendaelc. sec ' '..f MiaiMi4 sin t v In I Ha Products Limited, and takes over i of practically the whole of Fin- in in g runner u Great BrlUln and UnlUd " :;7,r ;,:,J rZ " 1 in SERIES IN lUKUfllU the licenses and boats belonging land. Two cruisers are lying miner's licenses, etc, and have not to Captain C. It. Betts and the fish the river Neva, demobolized, and Frsnch FronL Belonslng to Holland 'been given protection in regard to- nil unit fertilizer nlant of Mr. Rob- everything of a moveable nature During a rld In Thslr Ports. mortgages, and accounts, which ,pUl to TiM Pally S. ' . , has been taken away by the crews i in the neigh-Maiancourt 'so far only cover volunteers. Tomnto. March 21-The first, n.,t, bMn tPIn- before deserting their ship. wood, (Sprtial k Tb Pally game in the hockey championship gH oca peop,e Inleregted n V rdun, made on Washington, March 21. Sev- series oeiwprn ..uiuuu. this industry for over nine months xy nrh attacking enty seven Dutch ships. Kgregat-i"MflNaUluHtK NJK ronto teams w-as played here last but wtthoul guccess. until the pre-tughL LESS SHIPPING d the German'inn mIv ti n rial IrimiBftTlfl tltTia. hen the Toronlo Ilea ferUUier ,9 go gpnt Ume wnen f troops walt- '.which have been laid up In tho COMMANDER WYATCj won the first game, with a score much Jq demand "xtt- a nler attack. The Unlled SUtes ports for many of five to three. The home team fae company ba9 apPHed for IS AVAILABLE 1 L...S Ik mw h jklai - n t their occupants months past, have been taken over Halifax, March 21 The Grand ieu iurouuou. iuj wuu.o ,nml.phln in lhi Manufacturers !fe, " , bombs. A large second of the series loaay oy me uHiieueive uciu, Ju ha9 reiurnej a true bill a-ment. The game ...,,. nt r. heinir anolher li mortars and The Ilritish government at will be played on Saturday first, member froru Prlnce Rupert, NOWTHANTHEN were brought hhe same time, has taken possess- .h. . ,..mlnitlft officer at the and it will be under the Coast hefe ,t u the ntentlon of the M r h lines. Great ion of four hundred thousand tons jmj of the greal expi0sion here. rules. Arwiaiinn in form a branch un u ne among the w Allies Have Two and a half Mil- r lormeny oeionginj? r snipping , many p-ooje ost ihelr der a vice-president. VanrtpX- vet; ' who were quite Holland as well. i,.... ,,,, n Inrire nortioil of the Your piano tuned right. Uarry ver Province. tin Tons Leas now than In 1 and were In no The Dutch companies owning . 1i.mni,hd. He is charg- Evans does it. Leave orders with 1914, Despite all the u ? aamage to the these vessels would prefer that . (lh m-n.innffhiep Mr. Teetxel, Second Avenue. I When it is recollected that up Shipbuilding. helr vessels lie up In harbor rath- till the present, no use has been mrtcn FronL er than risk them to the submarine made commercially of all waste (Special to Tl Dally Sew. The artillery menace. Hut as the Allies are ; from the halibut and salmon fisheries London, March 21-The total the VOTES FOR WOMEN, & DAYLIGHT net losses of allied and neutral on right er short of shipping to carry in this district, some little . m Ixrralne, foodstuffs from American ports idea may be obtained of the pos countries in shipping, from the r-v ii(r, nd at to Europe, and as these vessels ' INTRODUCED sibilities before this new company beginning of the war till December A are. are not necessary for the trade of SAVING BILLS Every salmon and halibut arriv- 3ist, 1917, was only eight per 1 as n the Balkans. Holland In the meantime, the al-' ! ing here has to be beheaded, and cent of the total tonnage, which " 1 1. ..The official hies have found it uecessary mat 'the same thing happens al every was 33,000,000, according to the a On the Mace-i the ships bo utilised to their full-. Ihu1 to Jim Dally Sew effect immediately, and all women -. .. ... j-v Ika wU'abi In (ha rriAnn statement of Sir Eric Geddes, n prevails." .l anniioilr All tllM Vessel Will' Ottawa. March 20. When the affected will be enabled to vole In " ' made in the House of Commons I ,.M.- - . m. . , - he engaged in the transportation nouieoi wumuu. dumped thrown away back into here today. l- ami,- i hanlsr. I.n.Il.M. noon, sir nuwr " bill is passed. It is expected that Sir Eric's statement is a frant f foodstuffs to European porta, the sea where they came from r :a Kiti u a.- mllllou mier. Introduced a bill to give the both of these new measures will admission that, despite the ship This great addition of a Whole scow loads of fish offal are franchise to women ine oiu a. make quick progress through the building activities of the allies allied har . the mer- if.. tons of shipping to towed out of Prince Rupert . House, as they are both practically and the neutral couulrles, tney - -iWSS WWS1 IIU hant marine will help a great 'reau or u,. Vo bour regularly, and no attempt -""r or all deal in removing the congestion at j A I ayiigni av ng ..., u ... non contentious matters. has hitherto been made to utilise have eight per cent, of more than fran. to the is expected opposition and half million tons of r us. II... Atlantic norls. where ma m w this valuable matter. two a SI was chise being extended to the women, than had at , less now they shipping l.nrve. ar still nlled high with ;one presemeu So far as eating is concerned. s for the allied Introduced by Sir George Foster, and while there may be some epicures tell that of the halibut, the commencement of the war. Trade and Commerce. little objection to the daylight Europe, minister of there is no part equal to the cheek in Tf-LKWA C0AL1 countries It was also read for the first time. saving measure, everyone is much while salmon tips constitute the On and after April 1st the car It was stated by Sir Robert Hor-di'ii in accordance with the principle, tastiest bite. Meantime these penters scale of wages will be 75c v v " will use It; UNITED STATES MAKES this afternoon that the Wo-nians" that no serious objection Is anticipated. delicacies are thrown away per hour and Saturday half holiday. 1 bav. ' r .1 new? SECOND ARMY DRAFT Franchise Hill will go Into as useless by the people of Prince 1 ar for dlstrL nupert, and district, ns it does not ' 1 1 day tnd BaU pay in the meantime to make use Ladysmlth Wellington Coal re ile(UI to Tbs Dally . of them commercially. duces your fuel bill and gives (I ' bulk $9.00 Washington, March 20. Eight FIRE SALE If Captain Hetts can utilise what satisfaction. Phone 15, .P. R. '.il " bags 10.00 hundred thousand men are to be FIRE SALE has hitherto been waste, besides Coal Co. culled to the colors gradually dur "" doing a national service, he is al "CIHC . - i CARTAGE LTD. ing the present year, under ths - - so proving and pioneering In a rh no 03 second army draft, which begins Commencing Thursday, March 21st new field of industry in this part WESTHOLME on March 29. .! of the province. An announcement by Provosi TONIGHT ONLY Marshal.Oeneral Crodr of the BIG REDUCTIONS The Rev. Dr. Grant will address Bit Double Attraction, iiiinil.or to he called waa followed the St. Andrews Society on Friday EUmI Barrymort In closely by an order for the inobllL Goods will be sold Strictly Cash. & o'clock, taking as his THE AWAKENING OF HELENA latloit of 1)5,000 men uurmn " subject "gome Leaves from Scottish RICHIE" five-day period beginning March History." rrum Martartt PKlatufs 20, annul 15,000 of them t l -emhloil funu nortl. in the second draft. Grocery Coy., Lid. Mr. Harvey announces that, on rR QUALITY in..i, ii.,.uaii,t will be men of Mussallem medical advice, he will have to ruth rbapitr t Ills musio teaching BILLIE BURKE summoned In (Uneontlmie n flg?.ooo not vet FIFTH AVENUE, 417 B'sit AND SATISFACTION i I to service. for a while, but hopes to resume I pan. in the near future. H FOR HELP.) Aivprlu n lhe ,)all3f NeWB,