TUK DAILY XKWH The Daily News - MAIL SCHEDULE THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMDlA Published Dally and Weakly For the East. Guaranteed Largest Circulation I Mondays. Wednesdays and Saturday at 9.:" a.m. HEAD OFFICE: Daily News Building, Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, B.G. Tel. 98. From tht Cast. With the land force, Same women hold to Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays DISPLAY ADVERTISING - CO cents Inch. and with the TRANSIENT per the idea that bread-mak at 5.30 pan. j ji il fleet Contract Rates on application. ; ing is a long and difficult Tor Vancouver: operation, but this is a DAILY EDITION. e15&re Thursday, March 21, 1018. Tuesdays 3 p.m. W1RIGLIYS mistake, for vrilh Royal Thursdays 10 pun. Yeast Cakes, lifiht, sweet Saturdays ? " MIGHT IS RIGHT? outrage and murder. Having1 bread can be made in a A year ago Russia was one of conjured the spirit of might in' few hoars with but little From Vancouver I & one watch, it frh. the first powers in the world defiance of rightMt is in the1 trouble. w Sundays to PJ Today it is one of the most course of retributive Justice FRET Ow mEtti Y.ttt Bi B"sk ens and refreshens. tragic wrecks in history, and that the Bolshevikl leaders f.ia.fee f:U MM latfrttc.'fc-mmpam if far tmt mmkmg llr tve4 Wednesdays ,10.9i IA. - J steadies pJM. the enemy is salving from the find themselves victims of the! ad rat Mt k.-I T..M Uk. Se 4 Saturdays nerves hm&ml fctr, elaulr .mrw a4 ' ruins whatever may be of use same spirit, at the hands of an1 Bit eatable MtSe bek U U mail,4 a,,ays tn,rst helps to him in strengthing his pow organized and efficient enemy. For Anyoit frsJ) I appetite and er to hold the Russian people The unfortunate part is that E.W. G I LLETT CO.LTD. I Sundays 10 p.m. digestion. in serfdom and to carry on his the innocent suffer with the TORONTO,CAXAD4 Wednesdays IU p.m., WINNIPEG HOW TO CM. campaign for the destruction of Kuiltr. and that the Russian 1 tsn-sx Thp liberty throughout the world. people through the misleading fMrn A re a a Whatever may have been the of this faction, are now at the Tuesdars a.m.I . . a a i i motives of the Bolshevik! lead men. u " exercised, as the seals are wary Thursdays p.m. ers that is the result of their gium the synonym for unspeak-'d wi djve m lne waUfr , lhf work, and it is with the result able atrocities. The moral sure-1 .h-ki-.i oii.m I For Port Simpson and Naas River that the world has to do. The ly is that right is still a vital j yQ definite instructions have - points: account against Ciarism was principle in human affairs; thatjj, rtetixtd ttom Ottawa by Sundays 10 pM no doubt a heavy one, but un as between man and man and! Fisheries Inspector Cunningham der the Cxar. Russia was at class and I class there Is such a'yarding the request of fishermen From Port Simpson and Naas least a country, capable of pro thing; as justice and consideration, for an increase in the bounty paid River Points: tecting the lives and property and that these cannot be for seals. Tuesdays s.m of its people from foreign invaders, ignored without inviting pen. and offering an opportunity allies. A state is necessarily nanoue isianas: "ueen Bessie is a bright one. The for the evolution of a made up of many classes. Between other day her teacher set her and l or Massett, Port Clements and system of government democratic these classes there frequently her school males to drawing. leU Lpper Island points: j in its ideals and based is friction, and diversity ting them choose their own sub- February 27th 2 p.m upon principles of justice. The or antagonism of interest. Jects. After the teacher had ex- March I3lh and 27lh 2 p.m leaders in the original revolution The Russian disaster Is a pre- seem to have had in mind r. had drawn she took up Bessie's I PI" lnd Prl the hope that they could hasten I.: . ... ... "Z.? sheet. March itt, Sth and lh hour this process of evolution by up iue principle oi justice aim. Why, what is thisr she said. setting the established order of K a i . ... . I L".. n....... -.-... i iuu uaveu i urawii anjiuinic an"" --. . vuwm manuiiv things. Unfortunately they in the other elements in the nation all child." I CHy and Lower Island points turn were overthrown by the without inviting misfortune "Please teacher, yes I have." re- March Ith and 18th 2 pjn Bolshevik!, who sought to ap upon all. The idea that turns Bessie. "It's a war picture From Skidegale, Queen Charlotte ply to the domestic affairs of "might makes right" cannot long line of ammunition wag- C"? d Lower island points Russia the principal that Germany prctau, as urmrrn classes or ... , , ... . I f,r.K All. .o.l Mih is seeking to apply to the nation, for it is a challenge f -v " V y ' affairs of the world the principal to Ood and man. Bulletin. , t!l..c. n... lm.. rximonion iiuueiin. rui oWnn, cnnpxm .Main) that "might is right. In Bay and 8warap point: Russia, as elsewhere, the, people TO KILL HAIR SEALS 2&lh ' who work with their hands Counsel kii examining Plain-K'hruary v are in the majority. That, to tiff in a breach of promise case, Marh iuh and .i p.m WHOLESALE IN APRIL all-important fact. They call- and asked: the Bolshevik! leaders, was the j "Was defendant's air when he From Stewart, . Port Sinips-n ed upon those who worked with I New Westminster, March 20. promised to marry you perfectly Maple Bay ad Swamp pouit their hands to exert their power Ttie work of killing hair seals serious, or one of levity and Jocularity?" Jiarcn un ana iBUi p.m. UkfCNA LA'tO PtlTMiT l.HThl. T ) in their own supposed interests, 'whole sale in the Fraser river will . in defiance of every principle be resumed by the Dominion Fish-of Complaintant "If you please Alaska and YaltHt Territory TALK SOTICS UUI tMl L SailwrUaC TASK v V'll justice and fair play toward eries Department early in April, sir, it was all ruffled with him rroi xarsn zni n.ni. -a i members of other classes in the Fisbeies officers here are now running his hands through it." ifPT rr a Bcm u pofwt rr imI sa4 'tmpt Counsel "You misunderstood COAL NOTICES ivirowvm ett um I mm mi e.rra.i p.ir community. What horrors completing their preparations is Wi cm 1 1 f Morir H- KM am tmr Mr.i have occurred in the last twelve and only waiting for the tides to made in utter sincerity?' months in Russia there is no be favorable for the work, "No, sir, it was made in the SKIEA LA50 DISTRICT DISTRICT Ofi I mil r.ur frwa pmi tortird niu 1 . i. "earri ma ' last my meaning. Was the promise QIKEX CNAHLOTTC ISLANDS C Um (til M4m f Casm rM tl a i tte means of finding out, but it is The plan as adopted sea-improbable .. that the history of son consists in mining a sand, wash-house." replied the plain, axe 7 Ait aOTICC UUI t. Jaovs r. IWU. f ster trvca Btt rviat! (a sseta IS cm ijw i . the French revolution contains bar somewhere the mouth of the tiff, amid roars of laughter. rnnc MMfxrl, a. c, riv$ttor, ituM m tMMU; Uttm Mt SS elM(at Utrace it. . . rata. any chapters as bloody as those Fraser where the seals come out lr tut Urcoo to HrvOKt far tnI aarta se caata; Uwa tut it ttmu tm " that have been written in the in hundreds to sun themselves. Advertise in the Daily News. sod iwlrohBia otr Uw feUovtac UKrUl I P"' rtUflM a inM Uada oa Uw Writ Coat I of laUad. Mortiy annals of Russia during the When conditions are right the CMuneociec al pUaKd ataoal el By Chartea E. ntrrts, tfreL sir '-ear ual past year. To have not been a whole, bar is blown up by pressing WATER NOTICE s nil KMilbruwri ttxm a ptmt lorated i.utt 5taur teu is if. Lasl4 !inwatn member of the Bolshevik! a button half a mile or more away, DIVTHSIO.T ca um aaore or a amaU Bar ocxqjbc eel A.1D USE. f Caaue raaa titlta Moraby sad CaaaU lttA LAXtl WSTWCT mTSiCT tit uui 1 tan 1, seems, as far as can be learned, which sends an electric current l.uada. aiKMt 1 matt Bortari i, is- OUfEJI ClIiRLOTTE ISVAAM uiatt lM 1 to have been the only offence through the explosives planted TAIE 50TICR Uutl. T. Hfffemaa. boMlHrtbr laUad akte ct Cma r... tm. TAIE NOTICE UMI Sr KSoH. ef, mr ,,.. necessary to invite robbery, in the sand. Great care has to be addrtts ta c rauaorv ft miica. rrtncelsuck runt: Uwora aoaia aa rhaina-. uim I rnare Ssftrt. B. C, etrrk. kauod tm as at rriar Bi S M Raprrt. B. C . iu apply for Uctece Ulatal SS caalaa; uteeu eorUi It cbauu:1'' Utn4 tm pewpMI ssr M aM HI aei b a'i ui tod iu 1001 ruble fft tyr mtaoultaeace rail is cnaiai u iaa uoim at mm. rtriei wr um MSa-aMtf fur Ma saj i-1 - cf vttr Ml of trttX now taova ailewarnmat lUada tm tm Wt Caatl t MtMy laUad: Cats Cnk bict not eatbra.lrlr and! JAMES r. Run. nmv..i ltiwDtartof at e poal aiaaud tfeMi I . . . . . . .. .. . . .. flralfl. InlA ft.W n Int.. -a. ti.. Ii k I tnll u.ImI. t m Ml S. S. PRINCE RUPERT mra noieaaic, o. c. tm wiir wm mi won mi im eati ar caaos lit. al a . " iwm uwi tiL.i LA.10 DISTRICT DISTRICT Of I' - bwwtii m u, o( ( . I a- . sai' oor-uau hum 1 ran wmiib of ttnmm sad OCEEX CHARLOTTE isLaua r ratal: ttrofa Meta IS BllM ,...rt, sailing vtll be ead for powar perpM epo UM lebaiaat itaoca taal IS caaiaai uwf aorU , MBK mlM dcarlbdas tbm "Mooaa" Mineral " tUI" Wednesdajr 9.00 ajn.for 8wanson Bay and Cta Ira. TAIE MOTICE Ul L W Slloo. of !! U . Vancouver. TWi none. a po.d on tbo n:r"''.?'p'"- '" GERTRUDE kott. 7,7, S.S. PRINCE GEORGE bertw .ad to the -W.ur Act. IIIJ.- wtlll:.. Maraaby itUad. ' a.. m .a. ........ . I Viitajcuciaar ai nMI DUB1M arMil ski nf I Wednesday Midnight to Anyoz. Ltl I1- .. " ass tiv ikau sf.-.taa. 'f na7 a aa aarsuaB9B Thursday Midnight for Swanson Bay, Ocean Falls, Vancouver, i iia auiiaii na w Villi CMAtu "UA "?Mf"" r U BW f CaaTi;. 1,, r.'?, . TA". laai Ak.aada, U Setaar Victoria and Seattle. .... Hia iw ncorar or wiui uaa- rnta s uod, about l miu. ,Vi. 77VL" Kapart. S. C i. B , tan '- wwm S. S. PRINCE JOHN and PRINCE ALBERT. Bunaiori. vittoru, B. ...aw...c, wtuun railtfurni tuny SB rrt.,;s tbenc Biuey w ,-fT r&it from I. .t 'r . ' 7-...i iu umjj. far a 3S" Alternating Weekly to Queen Charlotte Islands. days after Uva oral appVaraara of una ,a h.i... .k so cban.w .. . lacruwd uada on laa Wrtl Caait mt Marrab .. . S,nSf aoiir in a local nrwtpaper. TRAIN SERVICE J. T. HErriR.iAn, Appiieaot. meaw tu ie cbaUu to It poloi of ruo IV"7 . jr.r;.:. " " r""T UUa4 c l H nracrnMDI. I " i, inw kni iscaMa a i riMercr u4 it tl:is a. ft by J. D. Lttdy. Afaat. ,lwr " Caaoe r.M tow yanl ... .fc 4r, wsisaf aury n. saiurt, Tat data of iOSEPH SIITO.I. a.i.. kmlnt ua iim U rrtac Oorr. Elmoetoe sad vnaoiptg, mtklar i-rci tntun fr ill n"ca ta rabrtiary the Oral lita.publication(Ill, of tola Located .lottmtxr Its, hit. ai Um a point aboet I taOtt ftertbrrty aHf t l'a, aaal a ' BM potats tut tad too lb. ibora frw Back Iatal; llxoca nrte II caalaat Utrace tail II rbalaa: tbaaa wiriaerii awo ISKEE5A l uii. irnr aw ii LA.1D DISTRICT DISTRICT 0fH'I (Ulnaj larace aeal II aUm le Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. Ol'EE.1 CHAHLOTTL- ISLANDS pMDt of tmmtonmetvMUt se cbaio.. ibeext aat Si raaiu t" i-ai DENTISTRY ALEXANDER U .(AS. For information and reservations apply to SUTHEftLA.IO, i it TAKE NOTICE UUI I. Cbarl.a E. Bar.... Br CbarUa H litnu. m.i r.j II B ' It. City Ticket Office, 626 Third Avenus. PHONE 280 of rrtnee Ropcrt. B. C. ntoer Intend ta LeCAIfd KoiaoUwr I lib HIT. Leralrd Nutnabrr i Oft&WN KO BMIOf WORK pply for Uotnae to proabecl for nul tnA A SrSOtALTT pttroleun or.r ta folio lac decrUd I KEEN A LAND DISTAICT nilTHMTT ar 0UIBN CHARLOTTE I ' N w m wait coatt of MLANM I I on. j. s. hrown p Moraaby lalaod. CommeneiBr al poet planted about Tof L.J C T,LE tbx ,M,t f1tM (Mler.." sinner i mil eoutbraaiertr from a tai w.iU ."rU c- "'. toieBds to apply far iMna Sial, Tkire ( oo Um abort or a email Bit m,jb. , IO Proapect for roal aad petivleua TAKE Mill MS : CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY rMi as of canoe I an beteea Moreab ad cbaaii IZ". T arifcd laoda en Um Lasabrr on- rai. " 1 iiiandi, about BJka aoruterlr akin, h-I. W9",cr Ulead: CaoM. la 0I YuHTfe-iiirv H" IMore.br taland iida of tan,. ... .JT-I'" fuaied atwei ntw eatieeto fiT '!' ' ..,,-; a app Buck rolnl, uience .Z'ru? .'. ibore of Um 581 Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points I... .a .... Dorth is chain.,' p. im, m.w l... . . ...... . eaeac rx'i l r itu mw cuainii inenra aauih a I ai pwb. bimwi a L " ) rr. aa amiaJn. via Steamer to Vancouver and the tbence wetl II cbeini to doIhi t!Z' ? . the atwre tnu UaeA aad ilraiiM miiit iroal STEEN & LONGWILle Imenceroent iroini; wear n-rlh is r ha toe; tocaee west 'ii' ' ' terse n Canadian Pacific Railway " tm: Ibeac CHARLES E. BLROESB aii . MUlh chaHH; UMes uf I i , SI located November ltd, I"" naiaa m point of ewaiaafMcaieat. hit. " Meals and Berth included on Steamer BETTT KSOTT. Tb !' , l,f SANITARY AND HEATINO ttrvani ai i """ IKEENA LAND DISTRlCTM.Tn. l. . . "T HaiM. .K. CbHtlesjea. ateaL lBiUll ' m " I IUU I Bavil A. a- mx tl4 ENOINEEnS UUEEN CIIUlLOTTE ""nor IBIB, 1117. ISUNDS i ' tu 1 1' "r FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE aa i.i.i 1 1 1. Agents TAEE NOTICE thai I. liana r ri.... IKEENA LAND DISTMCT DISTRICT Of Tin. ii ii . ' ' SS. SOPHIA miu from rrtoce Ruparl March tad, I lib. April tad, I Ith, tire for aU'ii r.f beK.. a, . M VW CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Miy Srd, tttb and Judo tih. nuperi, U. tL, proabecbie iito, McCLARY FURNACES itnd to ipply for license to proawci p'IO,,c U'4, Tb"mt rr. of of liua iw.li.' t"'1 '", ' ..a. SS. ROYAL (alia frota Frloce Rupert I am. March II lb, ttrd. April lib, for coal in4 petroleuw p tlM folloaTn, r.2r.'w, " C B,iw"'a. (l-t le rviu an.i i " ' ' Irt' IIUl tad lllb, PLUMBINQ deacribed land on Um Weal u to pro! fe asal ami Mtrtl .11 I". ' ' " s itrr , ....uu. buuMucncior at I . iwwui oeaatwoi al I'rim Mm" i'i. rx' " BSVBMy tana rron Prince Rupert Mirth I lib and tlla. and rv.i ii. I III. The abovt lallima are aubjccl to rtama or eancallatloa wltbaal aatlae. SHEET METAL WORKS rrom po.l located oo toe abort ot iM'Mo' " ,,M nir.i Hi II . llll I i-n mail Bay ofninf out of canoe rata U M,w,' rwl Immtm aa tb. mi i as Phone 5, 831 Becond Avenue. aeen Moreab ami rni.ii i.i.n.. . l,Bur" oa the eaiiriv .ui. ..... IIM III Hi. ' u. a W, 0. ORCHARD, General Agent. Night phones 576 Mllei aoriberly .Ion, ,ha Mora.by laland .2.'. HWI aiMHJI T rtUI.. iu.IK.ri. I llll Ik ilii - i rr .1 and Illue Ida i of caarie I ... from Buck l-olnij ibenca LT.r '."7 ,nu " IVlBli ibeciee IMI. I i Cu Strut anj Third no wrm av cnaioai Ibcnre aeal 0 tbaina.KZ:" MJ ibeoee weal aa iii.in. TIM' i.ii. r IK- ner Fourth Avanuo, Pr'nco Rupert, D.C. The right work, at the BAeih a - . right II Ih llrt I y tlms, and at (balni to puiot of the right price. twiuoeoceiaeoL - w. .wivwfiieni. TMfc HANI K. CIIHISTENSEN. Applicant , THOMAS IKTEIIION. CI'"H 11 ar J S Located November lib, HIT- Locaud 'I " CHrlnsairn, iftoi ITT ra.i"!' " Nouoiber I0ib mr. By I A